Nipple Piercings On Bigger Boobs? The 135 Top Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “nipple piercings on bigger boobs“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Does piercing nipples increase pleasure?

Nipple piercing – The sexual benefits

Some people say when their pierced nipples are flicked, licked, or massaged, it really adds to their arousal. In fact, nipple play alone can end in an intense orgasm (yes, nipple orgasms exist), and this is more likely to happen if you have them pierced.

How big do nipples have to be for piercing?

It can be anywhere from 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch long. The initial jewelry will need to be long enough to accommodate swelling. If your nipples swell enough to push on the ends of the jewelry, you will need to be fit with a larger piece, otherwise you risk jewelry rejection or embedding.

What piercing hurts the most?

Most Painful Piercings
  • Helix. The helix piercing is placed in the cartilage groove of the upper ear. …
  • Rook. While less common than other piercings on this list, the rook can look amazing if matched with the right jewelry. …
  • Conch. …
  • Industrial. …
  • Dermal Anchor. …
  • Nipple. …
  • Lip. …
  • Navel (Belly Button)

Nipple piercing pain and cost

Which piercings hurt the most and the least? (pain scale)

Have you ever wondered how much your most coveted piercing will hurt once you’ve done it? Piercings are now available in a variety of areas around the body, meaning some are inherently more painful than others. This depends on skin thickness, nerve endings, pain tolerance, and many other factors. This article will walk you through each of the most popular piercings, describing how much (or how little) each is most likely to hurt if you feel brave enough to take the plunge.

The most painful piercings

Remember that pain is relative. Therefore, getting any of the body parts listed below may or may not be painful for you, and it may hurt more or less than other procedures such as tattoos.

Nonetheless, these piercings have a reputation for being the most painful. So if you take a friend as a shoulder to cry on, no one will think of you less.

1. Day

A daith piercing is a puncture in the lump of cartilage in your inner ear, just above the ear canal. Due to the awkward position and toughness of the tissue, getting this area pierced can be painful. This is because it takes longer to perforate the dense cartilage and care must be taken to ensure the hole is positioned correctly.

However, don’t let that stop you from achieving your desired look. Daith piercing has its advantages too! If you suffer from migraines, the extra discomfort might be worth it.

The area where this piercing is performed is an acupuncture point, meaning it can help those with chronic headaches by relieving the pressure felt.

2. Helix

The helix piercing is placed in the cartilage groove of the upper ear. While some of the other piercings on this list are likely to have a bit more bite, this one can still pinch quite a bit due to the tough, stiff cartilage the needle has to go through. However, it will be over in no time and you will have forgotten everything when you leave the store.

3. Tower

While the rook is less common than other piercings on this list, it can look fantastic when paired with the right jewelry. However, due to the placement of the piercing and the thickness of the cartilage through which the needle must be passed, this can be quite painful.

4. Shell

This piercing requires the needle to be pushed through the outer covering of the ear cartilage, which means the pain can be quite sharp and intense. Always remember though – it’s only a few seconds of pain to a lifetime of piercings.

5. Industrial

The industrial piercing is unique in that it goes through two parts of the ear to form a very unique looking piercing. Unfortunately, this comes at a price, as two stabbing holes mean two short and sharp bouts of pain.

As with all other cartilage piercings, the needle has to go through tough tissue, which means the pressure of piercing the needle can be quite intense.

6. Skin anchor

A dermal anchor is a small piercing that sits on the flat surface of your skin. Since there are no entry and exit points, the piercer must remove a small piece of skin (usually with a skin punch instead of a needle) to embed the anchor in the body.

However, if you choose to get this piercing in an area where the skin is tight and doesn’t have a lot of nerve endings, the pain is sure to be minimized.

7. septum

While nostril piercings are relatively painless, you won’t have as much luck with a septum piercing. These piercings can look absolutely spectacular when paired with the right jewelry, but that comes at an unfortunate price; The piercing hurts. This is because of how delicate the soft and delicate tissue that lines the septum is.

It’s not all doom and gloom, however. Although many people find this piercing particularly painful, there are hundreds of others who say it was relatively painless. So don’t take my word for it. You may have to bite the bullet and see for yourself.

8. Nipples

It goes without saying that your nipples are one of the most sensitive parts of your body. They have many nerve endings, which is why it will hurt to have one or both pierced. Many people say that this is one of the most painful piercings they have had.

Least painful piercings

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t handle pain all that well, don’t be discouraged; You can also personalize your image by opting for one of these piercings without trembling with fear before your appointment!

1. Earlobe

Earlobe piercings are the most common type of piercing. Young and old people get their ears pierced every day. Earlobe piercings are relatively painless as they are performed on a fleshy, non-cartilaginous section of your skin.

It’s easy, quick, and usually heals pretty well. In fact, if you follow your piercing professional’s aftercare instructions to the letter and clean your new jewelry twice a day with a saline solution, you could be completely healed in as little as 6 weeks. At this point you can hack and change your jewelry as much as you like!

2. lip

Many people are surprised to discover that lip piercings are actually not that painful. As with earlobe piercings, the area around your mouth is quite fleshy, making for a less painful experience.

Not to mention, the best thing about lip piercings is their increasing variety of styles including spider bites, labret, monroe and many more! So you can create your individual look on a rather low pain scale.

3. Navel (belly button)

Belly button piercings are still very popular, probably the second most popular after earlobe piercings. It’s understandable after all, navel piercings look cute and don’t cause too much pain, if at all. Past customers have mentioned that the procedure felt more like a stab than a puncture wound.

Just think ahead and wear loose, baggy clothing to the piercing studio. You don’t want to walk in and immediately regret wearing your favorite outfit only to accidentally snag your new piercing! Then a world of pain awaits you… and complications.

4. Nostril

Nostril piercings are in high demand. A simple external nose piercing for a stud or ring is easy to do and heals quickly. You will see a 6-8 week recovery period, similar to an earlobe piercing.

However, if you’ve recently caught a cold, it might be worth taking a break for a while. Having to constantly blow your nose while trying to keep your new piercing clean is a real nuisance and can increase the chances of infection.

5. Eyebrow

Because little skin needs to be punctured during the procedure, eyebrow piercing is fairly painless. However, this area of ​​skin is still entangled with sensitive nerve endings, so you’ll likely feel a brief, sharp pinch for a second or two.

6. Tongue

When people envision their tongue being pierced, they generally envision agony and tears. What’s funny is that while this seems to be the one piercing that makes every person wince at the thought of a needle going through that big fleshy muscle in their mouth, this is actually one of the least painful piercings around!

Do all piercings hurt?

This largely depends on each individual’s pain threshold. What may be painful for you may not be painful for someone else and vice versa. However, anyone who decides to customize their appearance through a piercing will feel different pressures.

Not only is your pain tolerance important, but the location of the piercing also has a significant impact on the amount of pain you may experience. For example, an earlobe piercing hurts far less than a tragus piercing because the needle has to be passed through the cartilage.

Also, it’s important to remember that the piercing itself is usually done in a flash before you’ve even had time to feel any pain, and you’re sitting there wondering what on earth you were even worrying about!

In general, you will experience more irritation in the form of pain, swelling, and tenderness after the piercing.

How long do piercings hurt?

The first piercing won’t hurt for long at all. You will likely feel immediate pressure and pain for a few minutes. Although of course this largely depends on the location of your piercing. For example, a tragus piercing will hurt more than an earlobe piercing because it has to go through thick cartilage and therefore takes longer to pierce and applies more pressure.

However, you can expect some pain after the piercing. This part can take much longer. However, the discomfort you encounter is not entirely in your hands. They play an important role in how quickly you heal. If you take care of your new piercing and follow your aftercare instructions to the max, you’re sure to end any affliction much faster.

According to most piercing professionals, a good guideline is that the pain should subside after about a week. Unless it’s in a spot where it’s constantly being irritated, like your lip or nose, or unless you’re tapping it constantly, e.g. B. in sports.

If you are concerned that your piercing will still be painful or if you are concerned about developing an infection, you should return to the piercing studio and ask the staff for their professional opinion.

If you notice some discharge from the piercing site, don’t panic! It doesn’t necessarily mean you have an infection. It is normal for some discharge to occur during the healing period. On the other hand, if you experience sharp pains or throbbing and the area feels hot, you could have an infection. If this is the case, seek medical advice. You may need antibiotics.

How to avoid hurting a piercing

Your first port of call might be to get some injections before getting a piercing to numb the pain, but that’s not a good idea! In fact, most professionals won’t pierce you if you appear to be under the influence. Instead of trying to numb the pain with alcohol or other substances, you can try these methods to make the piercing less painful both during and after the actual procedure:

Numbing Cream

There are topical sprays and creams that you can use to numb most areas before the piercing begins. If you are very sensitive to pain and are concerned about cracking or the piercing going wrong, share your concerns with your piercer. They may suggest numbing the area first. After all, safety comes first and your piercer doesn’t want “accidents” to happen in their chair.

One of the most effective piercing numbing products currently on the market is Zensa Numbing Cream, which contains the highest level of lidocaine approved by the FDA for over-the-counter use. The feedback on this product from thousands of customers is simply exceptional.

Simply follow the package directions, apply just before beginning your piercing procedure, and enjoy a less painful and more comfortable piercing experience.

Take a deep breath

Meditative breathing is a great way to focus your mind and reduce pain. If you don’t really know how to do meditative breathing, you can simply take 10 deep, slow breaths. This will encourage you to remain calm.

listen to music

Whether the sounds of the ocean relax you or you prefer to get the adrenaline flowing by listening to rock music, create a playlist that will make you feel comfortable and enjoy the experience. Put in some earplugs and listen while you get pierced. It will help take your mind off what is about to happen. Your piercer will not be offended or think you are rude. They would rather you do what you have to do to stay calm than spend that time chatting with an anxious and insecure customer.

Use a distraction

Bring a friend or family member to give you someone to talk to and to distract you during the piercing. However, it might be worth noting that this only works if your companion can remain calm while they watch you get pierced. If you bring a buddy who can’t stand the sight of blood or needles, they probably aren’t a good distraction and could end up causing all sorts of trouble!

After piercing

You just got your piercing done and you think it’s all over, but you couldn’t be more wrong! Now the real work begins. Aftercare for your piercing is really important. Make sure you understand any aftercare instructions your piercer will give you before you leave.

If you’ve already gone and have more questions, don’t hesitate to call and ask. They’re used to it and won’t think you’re bothering them. It’s better to call and ask than to do nothing and hope for the best.

Aftercare is usually fairly simple for most piercings. Clean the area twice a day and wash your hands before touching your new piece of jewelry. Remember, the less you touch it, the less chance there is of bacteria getting into the wound. Make sure you wear loose-fitting clothing if the piercing is in an area where clothing will cover it.

The best aftercare product I have personally used is the After Inked Piercing Aftercare Spray. It is not only vegan, but also completely free of alcohol and additives. The solution works well for all skin types, including sensitive skin, and comes in a generous spray bottle for easy application. When used from the beginning of the healing process, the spray helps reduce healing times and aims to eliminate any persistent aches or pains.

If you start to feel aches or pains in the first week or so, there are a few simple ways you can manage the discomfort:

ice it

Ice is a simple, free, and readily available pain reliever. Ice is known to reduce swelling, which you’re likely to encounter in the first few days after getting your new piercing.

No ice in your freezer? Don’t worry, you can use a frozen bag of veggies or an ice pack instead. However, it is not recommended to apply the ice directly to the area. Instead, cover whatever ice-based product you use with a clean rag or paper towels to prevent bacteria from coming into contact with your wound. Likewise, it is not advisable to apply creams and ointments to the area for exactly the same reason.

Chamomile Compress

Another insider tip to relieve pain after a piercing is to use a chamomile compress. Chamomile is a natural healing and sedative. It can help your piercing heal faster and with less scarring.

All you need to make a chamomile compress are some chamomile tea bags, which you can get at any grocery store. Make yourself a calming cup of tea. Next, take the used tea bag and either let it cool down or put it in the fridge.

Once cool enough to touch comfortably, hold the tea bag against your piercing for a few minutes. It relieves pain and promotes healing. You can do this multiple times a day if needed.

You can also save the brewed tea and use it with a cotton ball later in the day to soothe the area. Do not dip the cotton ball in the tea again or it will be contaminated – use a fresh cotton ball each time and the tea can last for a few treatments.

What should I know before getting my nipples pierced?

Nipple piercing could cause problems if you want to breastfeed. Scar tissue around the pierce or your nipple ring could block your milk ducts. Piercings that damage the nerves in your nipple may make it hard for milk to come out. Nipple jewelry can make it harder for your baby to latch on.

Nipple piercing pain and cost

Are you planning to get your nipple pierced? Make sure the procedure is done safely and that you know how to care for your nipple after the piercing.

health concerns

Nipple piercing has some health risks. If you have a medical condition or take medication that increases the risk of infection or bleeds profusely, a nipple piercing could be more risky for you.

Longer healing time. Nipple tissue takes longer to heal than most other pierced areas on your body. It can take up to 6 months for yours to heal.

lactation and breastfeeding. Nipple piercing can cause problems if you want to breastfeed. Scar tissue around the piercing or your nipple ring could be blocking your milk ducts. Piercings that damage the nerves in your nipple can make it harder for milk to come out. Nipple jewelry can make it difficult for your baby to latch on. Your baby could even swallow or choke on a loose nipple ring. Do not get your nipple pierced if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Wait a few months after you stop breastfeeding.

How does it feel to have nipples pierced?

The jolt of pain felt from the act of puncturing the nipple only lasts a second or two. According to people who’ve had it done, it feels like a quick bite or pinch. Beyond that, you can expect your nipples to be pretty tender for the first two or three days.

Nipple piercing pain and cost

Share on Pinterest There’s no getting around it – nipple piercings generally hurt. Not exactly shocking considering literally poking a hole through a body part full of nerve endings. That said, it doesn’t hurt everyone, and there are certain things that can hurt it to a greater or lesser extent. If you are considering adding jewelry to your nips, we have the answers to all your questions.

how painful is it It mainly depends on how sensitive your nipples are, which can vary greatly from person to person. Some people can take a crimson nurple without even flinching. Some people can’t even handle a breeze without their buds standing to attention. And some are sensitive enough to climax through nipple stimulation alone. (Yes, nipple orgasms are a thing — and they’re awesome. You can read all about it here.) If you ask people with nipple piercings how much it hurts on a scale of 1 to 10, the answers are across the board. Compared to other piercings, you can expect it to hurt more than an ear piercing but less than a clitoral or penis piercing. Pain is subjective. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different and can vary from day to day depending on factors like your stress level, mood, and even your menstrual cycle.

How long does the pain last? The burst of pain felt when piercing the nipple lasts only a second or two. According to people who have done it, it feels like a quick bite or pinch. Additionally, you can expect your nipples to be quite tender for the first two or three days. How tender? Again, it depends on how sensitive you are. The pain is often compared to a bruise or sunburn. A throbbing feeling on the first day is not uncommon. As long as you practice proper aftercare and are careful with it, the pain should gradually improve over a few days.

Is there a way to minimize or prevent pain? Yes actually. First, do your homework and choose an experienced piercer. The skill and experience of the piercer and the type of equipment used can affect the pain of the procedure. Read reviews and get recommendations from others who have had their nips done. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, make an appointment to tour the store and speak to your potential piercer. Ask about the certification and their health and safety practices. Here are some other things you can do to help ease the pain: Reduce your stress levels. Being relaxed about your appointment is key. Easier said than done, we know, but stress lowers your pain tolerance. Before your appointment, do something relaxing, like yoga, which has been shown to reduce stress and increase pain tolerance.

Being relaxed about your appointment is key. Easier said than done, we know, but stress lowers your pain tolerance. Before your appointment, do something relaxing, like yoga, to reduce stress and increase pain tolerance. Use mental imagery. It sounds cheesy, but visualizing your happy place before and during your piercing can help you relax and manage the pain. Imagine lying on a beach or sitting surrounded by soft puppies – or whatever makes you feel good. Just try to be as detailed as possible when imagining it.

It sounds cheesy, but visualizing your happy place before and during your piercing can help you relax and manage the pain. Imagine lying on a beach or sitting surrounded by soft puppies – or whatever makes you feel good. Just try to be as detailed as possible when imagining it. get enough sleep There is research linking associated sleep deprivation to increased sensitivity to pain and lower pain tolerance and threshold. Try to get a good night’s sleep each night before your appointment.

There is an association of sleep deprivation with increased sensitivity to pain and lower pain tolerance and threshold. Try to get a good night’s sleep each night before your appointment. Do not drink. Drinking before a piercing is taboo. Not only is it not legal to pierce someone who is drunk, but drinking beforehand can make you more sensitive (physically and emotionally).

Drinking before a piercing is taboo. Not only is it not legal to pierce someone who is drunk, but drinking beforehand can make you more sensitive (physically and emotionally). Get pierced after your period (if you have one). Many people also have a feeling of tightness in their breasts just before their period starts. Scheduling your nipple piercing a few days after your period can make it less painful.

What are my pain relief options? Even if you take all the necessary precautions, there will be pain. An over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the way to go. Applying an ice pack or cold compress to the area can also be soothing. Just be careful not to press too hard or be too rough. Ouch! Using salt water to clean the piercing can also be soothing and help minimize pain and the risk of infection. To do this, dissolve ¼ teaspoon of sea salt in 8 ounces of warm water and soak the area.

Is it normal that my whole chest hurts? no Even if you have particularly sensitive breasts, the pain from your nipple piercing shouldn’t affect the rest of your breast. Pain beyond the nipple can indicate an infection, so it’s best to contact your doctor

How do I know if it’s infected? Pain is just one possible symptom of infection. Here are some symptoms and signs to look out for: Extreme pain or tenderness around the nipple or breast

swelling at the injection site

The piercing feels hot

skin redness or rash

green or brown discharge

putrid odor near the injection site


body aches

Could my body reject the jewelry? It is possible. Your body’s immune system could see the jewelry as a foreign object and reject it. This begins with a process called “migration” where your body begins to push the jewelry out of your body. Signs and symptoms appear gradually—usually a few days or weeks before the jewelry sheds. Here are signs that this might be happening: The jewelry is moving closer to the surface of your skin

the tissue becomes thinner

You notice a change in the position of the jewelry

the jewelry feels loose or the hole looks bigger

More jewelry is revealed under the skin

When should I go to the doctor? Your piercer should be able to give you some insight into any symptoms you may be experiencing, but it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor about anything unusual. According to the Association of Professional Piercers (APP), you should see a doctor right away if you notice any of the following symptoms: severe pain, swelling, or redness

lots of green, yellow, or gray discharge

thick or smelly discharge

red streaks coming from the puncture site



nausea or vomiting



Which vaginal piercing is the most pleasurable?

While female genitalia offer plenty of pierceable places, the vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercing is by far the most popular. This is for a number of reasons. When you place a piece of jewelry through the clitoral hood, especially if it has a bead, it can increase sexual pleasure for the wearer.

Nipple piercing pain and cost

The Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercing: Everything You Need to Know

While female genitals offer many pierceable sites, the vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercing is by far the most popular.

There are several reasons for this. Passing a piece of jewelry through the clitoral hood, especially if it has a pearl, can enhance the wearer’s sexual pleasure. Many who have had trouble climaxing in the past claim they have been able to climax (some for the first time ever) after the VCH piercing. This is because the VCH piercing takes place in the hood that covers the clitoris, allowing one end of the jewelry to touch the clitoris directly and increasing the sensation.

Additionally, many women receive vertical clitoral hood piercing for aesthetic and empowerment purposes. A pretty piece of sexy body jewelry in such a sensitive area allows them to claim their bodies and their sexuality as their own.

However, when having such an important area pierced, it is imperative that you do your research. While other types of piercings can be done on a whim (but it’s still wise to make sure you choose a reputable piercer), you’ll want to make sure you see a genital piercing specialist, and you’ll likely want to schedule a consultation beforehand the intervention. Finally, a badly pierced VCH can cause desensitization or hinder arousal, which is the opposite effect you’re looking for.

Aside from the risks associated with poorly placed piercings, you must ensure that your clitoral hood can accommodate such a piercing and you should consider your sensitivities. If you are more sensitive in this area, the VCH piercing can provide stimulation and arousal at times when you don’t really want it.

Here’s everything you need to know about vertical clitoral hood piercing (VCH).

How much does vertical clitoral hood piercing hurt?

Since you are piercing such a sensitive area, you will feel pain. However, many report that it’s not as painful as they expected, and some have even compared it to lobe piercing (although it still stings).

You’ll likely feel throbbing all day after you get pierced, so wear comfortable cotton underwear and sweatpants to the procedure. You should also bring a sanitary napkin to catch any bleeding. It’s important to note that bleeding may not start right away, so wear the pad even if there’s no sign of blood, just in case.

The level of pain depends largely on your personal pain threshold as well as the expertise of the piercer (although we say it again, when getting a genital piercing, always choose someone who specializes in this type of piercing).

VCH piercing healing process

Vertical clitoral hood piercing actually has a relatively simple healing process. You should expect to spend only 4 – 8 weeks for healing. Aftercare for the VCH piercing is similar to any other piercing; Make sure you clean it with saline solution 2-3 times a day and try to protect the jewelry from snagging.

VCH piercing aftercare

Aside from standard aftercare practices, there are a few things to keep in mind as your VCH piercing heals. Here are some tips for a happy healing.

Watch what you drink. You might be worried about your urine causing an infection in your healing VCH piercing, but your own urine is actually a pretty good disinfectant. In fact, it can also help get rid of scabs as the VCH piercing heals. However, acidic urine can cause the piercing to sting. Be sure to drink plenty of water to dilute urine and stay away from cranberry juice, orange juice, or other acidic liquids.

Wear tight, clean cotton underwear. Tighter underwear will keep the jewelry in place as you move and avoid snagging. Be careful when putting on the underwear; If you accidentally step on the center, it shouldn’t touch your VCH piercing as you’ve now exposed it to tons of bacteria.

Be careful when sitting or exercising. Curved barbells are common jewelry to start with as they fit your natural anatomy better and you should hardly feel them during daily activities. However, as you heal, you will feel particularly sensitive when you are horseback riding, cycling, or otherwise sitting on anything. It is a good idea to take a break from these types of activities for at least 1 – 2 weeks after getting the VCH piercing.

Wait until it’s fully healed. This can be frustrating, especially if you’ve only gotten the vertical clitoral hood piercing for sexual purposes. However, as with any new piercing, playing can encourage rejection and scarring, and your (and your partner’s) hands harbor tons of bacteria that you don’t want to introduce into your healing piercing. It’s best to wait for the piercing to heal before playing.

The vertical clitoral hood piercing accepts straight barbells, curved barbells, and hoop styles (rings with captive pearls are common for the added feel of the pearl). The one you choose will be largely determined by the joy it brings you.

Don’t be afraid to try different styles. You can choose longer or shorter barbells, choose between straight barbells, curved barbells and hoops and decide which one you like best. You can also talk to your piercer about your preferences, and he or she can guide you through the styles you might like.

Don’t be afraid to show off your jewelry. A smooth ball at one end with a bezel-set gemstone at the other will add some sparkle to your ladies’ parties. Or you can go classy with pearls or faux turquoise beads.

Why shouldn’t I get a VCH piercing?

Your clitoral hood must be deep enough to accommodate this piercing. You can do a home test before you get a piercer to look at you. Just take a lubricated cotton swab and insert it into your clitoral hood. To get this piercing, most of the tip should fit inside.

If you are uncomfortable speaking openly with your piercer about your sexual preferences and/or having them do a thorough examination of the piercing area, then you should not get this piercing. The VCH piercing requires a consultation, and placement will depend equally on your anatomy and how you want the piercing to feel. If you can’t have those discussions or don’t get your piercer to get a good look at the piercing area, then this piercing is not for you.

If you are already hypersensitive then you should not get this piercing. The VCH piercing is said to increase the sensitivity of the wearer. If you are already very sensitive, this piercing might be overkill. However, you can talk to your piercer about other female genital piercings you can wear for aesthetic reasons.

How much will it cost?

You should budget around 100 euros for the piercing alone.

For genital piercings, it is imperative that you find a piercer who is an expert. While genital piercings are becoming increasingly popular, many piercers have only done them once or twice in their careers. As such, they do not have the experience to properly discuss and understand genital piercing placement. It’s also incredibly easy to misplace a genital piercing, so you’ll want to make sure you hire someone who knows what they’re doing. If that means taking a road trip to another city or state, so be it.

If your piercer comes at you with tweezers, run away. Aside from being incredibly uncomfortable, it is difficult to place the VCH piercing properly with this tool. If they use tweezers, that’s a sign they’re inexperienced with genital piercing.

Plus Size Nipple Piercing Tips + Q\u0026A

Plus Size Nipple Piercing Tips + Q\u0026A
Plus Size Nipple Piercing Tips + Q\u0026A

See some more details on the topic nipple piercings on bigger boobs here:

Everything You Need to Know about Plus Size Nipple Piercings

Looking for advice on plus size nipple piercings? Check out my quick tips and Q&A all about nipple piercings from the plus size perspective.

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Everything You Need to Know about Plus Size Nipple Piercings

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Have you thought about nipple piercings but worried about a bigger chest? I put off getting my nipples pierced for over 10 years before one day I popped into my local piercing and tattoo shop on a whim and have never looked back. I had a great experience with the piercing process, healing and positive effects! But before that, there was absolutely NO means to get piercings as a plus-size person. From pain to healing to pleasure, here’s everything you need to know about plus size nipple piercings!

Quick tips

Get pierced in spring/summer. You don’t want to have your most intense healing done during the cold, dry winter months. Hello dry and painful cracked nips. Late summer is a great time to get your nipples pierced so they have time to heal while it’s still warm and humid.

Use a piercer that is fat or fat-friendly. Having a piercer who understands your body is key! They will know where to place your piercing based on the size/shape of your breast and the direction of your nipple.

Do not wear a bra that is too tight during the healing. That comes from experience! I wore a sports bra while healed and eventually embedded my piercings which were already too tight. Wear a supportive non-compression bra.

Have access to your piercer while healing. You never know when your bar will get too small, if there will be an infection, etc. And you don’t want to mess with that stuff! So make sure you’re with your piercer for any necessary follow-up appointments.

Listen to the healing instructions! This one is hard. You feel sexy in your nips and you want someone to enjoy them. Well, stop right there. Not sensitive until at least 6-9 months into your healing process. You don’t want germs getting into your piercings.

Use a gentle saline solution. I learned this the hard way! Remember what I said about try and crack nips? Strong saline makes this 1000% worse. I like the NeilMed Wound Wash or the CVS Wound Wash.

Stick to barbells – no matter how tempting rings may look. After I was fully healed, I visited a piercing parlor and asked to exchange my (very long) barbells for rings. My piercer put a ring in as requested, but when I say this ring was LARGE, I mean LARGE. Like I look like a farm animal. Not good. My piercer offered an alternative: horseshoe rings that were curved to accommodate my flat nips. They looked smaller but ended up moving too much and were so uncomfortable. I ended up going back to buy barbells (with really nice end caps) and learned that most people ALWAYS stick with barbells anyway. So learn from the $100 I lost and stick to barbells.

[RELATED POST: 6 Brands to Shop for the Best Plus Size Bralettes]

questions and answers

Do your nipples need to be a certain shape? No, every nipple can be pierced! Even flat.

How long did the pain last? The immediate pain lasted for a few days. I have had some aches and pains from saline dryness and the dry cold winter.

Does it hurt to sleep on your stomach? Yes, for a long time. I usually sleep on my back and sometimes on my side, but I had to wait a while before I could sleep on my side.

How uncomfortable were the piercings while healing? I didn’t feel uncomfortable, but I became very aware of her. Sometimes I accidentally brushed my nipples, which was very painful, but I have south-facing nipples, so it didn’t happen too often.

Can you wear bras/bralettes after the piercing? Yes and you should! And here are 6 brands to shop for plus size bralettes that I’ve found most comfortable during the healing process.

How long does the healing take? 6-12 months is the general timeline for the healing process. It’s usually on the longer side for people with larger breasts.

Does free chest sagging cause discomfort? No, but you must be aware of your piercing migration. My piercer told me that larger breasts with downward-facing nipples can cause the piercing to migrate downward out of the nipple due to gravity! It doesn’t always happen, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Does it change sensitivity? It can, but it’s not guaranteed. It worked for me, which was great because that’s why I did it!

pain level? Definitely an 8. The most painful piercing I’ve had without a doubt.

Are your nipples always hard? They’re not always hard, but they get harder and harder more easily.

Are they difficult to clean? nope! Just spray them with saline, let them sit, and use a cotton swab to remove those crusts.

Do they hide under clothing or do they stand out? Mine usually hide because my nips are so low. Depends on your clothes and bra thickness!

Does going braless mean piercings will stick to my stomach? Not for me! I mostly get attached to my partner when we’re cuddling naked.

Are nipple piercings cute on saggy breasts? YES YES YES. Very cute and very sexy. I immediately felt a boost in confidence.

How do piercings work on people with large areolas? Just like people with small areolas! Your piercer will still only pierce your nipple, not your areola.

I hope this helps you decide if nipple piercings are right for you! Getting plus size nipple piercings has been one of the best things I’ve done to boost my confidence and I recommend them to anyone who’s interested. If you have any questions about plus size nipple piercings, you can always reach out to Instagram @maggiemcgill!

This post was all about plus size nipple piercings

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Nipple Piercings on Large-Breasted Women (With Photos)

I received a message from a large breasted woman who had some questions and concerns about nipple piercing:

I was wondering if you could give me some advice on nipple piercings. I am a woman of larger build and therefore have fairly large breasts. My nipples are probably not as perky as they should be and are quite low on my chest. Would it be okay for me to get nipple piercings? I currently have several other piercings and a few retired ones too so I’m of legal age and not worried about aftercare and such. Would it be better to go to a piercer and ask them face to face if they think my anatomy is suitable for it? Also does it make a difference at what angle the nipple is pierced? I’ve seen a few pics of people with diagonal or vertical nipple piercings and I really like the look. Are they harder to heal or something? Thank you in advance for your help, people like you make me want to find an apprenticeship myself!

My answer:

There are many women with large breasts who successfully heal nipple piercings. One consideration is how much pressure is put on the area of ​​the piercing in your bra on a daily basis.

Excessive pressure can make healing difficult. One possible option is to start the piercings with PTFE or Bioplast, which is an inert flexible material. These flexible materials could make healing more comfortable and easier on your body since the part of the jewelry that is in the body during healing is malleable.

I suggest barbell style jewelry (whether inert plastic or metal), and probably 12 gauge if you have enough weave.

The angle shouldn’t cause additional problems with healing. If you have an elliptical areola (rather than round), there is often an alternative angle suggested by anatomy. See photos above and below.

Another consideration is the way the fabric rests in your bra. If there is a lot of pressure, you can add nursing pads or panty liners (you can cut them to fit and stick them on the inside of your bra). They help provide a little extra cushioning and they are absorbent too.

I also suggest salt baths to help with healing. I have detailed information on this on my website here.

If you need a referral to a qualified piercer you can check my referral page here.

I live in Yucatan, Mexico and travel to the US to pierce at my colleagues’ studios. In case you would like to be pierced by me personally, please sign up for my free newsletter. Just enter your name and email address in the right sidebar at the top of any page on this site and you’ll be automatically notified when I make new travel plans.

Nipple piercing pain and cost

We’re not 100% sure why, but nipple piercings didn’t have a big reputation back in the day. Not in a bad boy/girl/she kind of way, but because they were considered painful as hell… and probably quite “sticky”. But these days most people are pretty idgaf about that last point (what does sticky really even mean?!). More and more people are using nipple piercings these days: they look hot, make your breasts feel great and enhance the sensation when touched. They also give you an ever-present nip erection that we call hot.

Now we’ve established that there are a whole host of reasons why you might want to go under the needle. An expert will advise you on everything you need to know about nipple piercing, from the pain and whether it hurts when your nipples are pierced to the jewelry to choose.

Instructions for nipple piercing

Nipple stinging pain

Obviously everyone is different and although many people say the piercing is painless, others have said it hurts like hell. How sensitive your nipples are will determine how painful the piercing will be to you. Remember that it will be over quickly.

“You’re starting to realize how often your nipples are touching things”

“Mine weren’t painful (I’d say 6 out of 10 but very short lived) but took forever to fully heal. After about 1.5 years I finally removed them both because one was migrating and constantly crusted over, although I took good care of them. They looked really good though and I loved showing them off to my SO,” says ThatAintBrutal.

AnxiousAssured says: “They could be painful if accidentally snagged or scraped. You’re starting to realize how often your nipples are touching things.”

“Pain is subjective. It was the most intense pain for a second. The first few days and nights were tough. I have a large torso and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it,” says Lilyleespoos.

Victoria Sim Getty Images

Palimpsestnine says, “Worse than other piercings, but manageable. I really thought it was a lot worse, but it really was only uncomfortable for a very short time. The first one wasn’t a big deal, the second I cursed out loud and the piercer was like, ‘I know, I’m sorry, I’m almost done!’ and that was it.”

“The pain was probably about 4 or 5 out of 10 but I passed out. I didn’t eat anything beforehand and got groggy. I passed out for about a minute and stood up in confusion. Mine were pretty much healed after six months,” says Alycatsvanity.

Nipple Piercing – The Sexual Benefits

Good news, there are both visual and sexual benefits that come with a nipple piercing. Experts say the psychological benefits of a genital piercing can be the key to an enjoyable sex life.

For those whose nipples aren’t particularly sensitive, a piercing can really improve sensitivity, meaning they feel incredible when touched. Some people say that having their pierced nipples flicked, licked, or massaged really adds to their arousal. In fact, nipple play alone can result in an intense orgasm (yes, nipple orgasms exist), and this is more likely if you get them pierced.

Siro Rodenas Cortes Getty Images

cost of nipple piercing

Obviously, the cost of a nipple piercing varies depending on where you go. Prices also depend on whether you get both nipples pierced or just one. You can also likely choose the jewelry you have them made with, so prices will vary if you go for a gold option instead of titanium, for example. Most stores offer a slightly cheaper option to have both done (i.e. cheaper than getting two separate nipple piercings). A nipple piercing can cost between 25 and 50 euros on average.

Veteran piercer Clem, who works for piercing shop Metal Morphosis, says these are the things you need to consider.

Nipple piercing: Get a nipple piercing

Style: Nipples can be pierced in many different ways, but horizontal is the most popular. However, they can also be done vertically and diagonally and look just as great. And if you’re into a more “extreme” look, you can have multiple piercings through the same nipple.

Price: Prices vary depending on where you’re going but should start at around £40. If you decide to go for fancy jewelry, it can get a lot more expensive.

Suitability: Not everyone can get nipple piercings. Some clients anatomy is just not suitable so you need to get advice before a piercer performs the piercing.

Jewelry: Your nipples can be pierced with rings or straight bars or barbells (bars with detachable balls at each end).

Risk: There is always a small risk of infection, but it is highly unlikely as long as you follow the aftercare instructions.

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Procedure: Intimate piercings are normally carried out by appointment. Your piercer (you should be able to indicate if you have a gender preference) will have a consultation with you to find out exactly what you want and what you expect from it. They will then advise you on the right jewelry and then either perform the piercing or arrange another appointment for it.

Aftercare: Your piercer will provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions.

Healing: It should take approximately 12-16 weeks for your piercings to heal. Unfortunately, you must not have oral contact with your nipples for at least two weeks (and you must also avoid swimming and sauna for two weeks).

Nipple Piercing – The Health Concerns

The medical expert, obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Doctify’s Anne Henderson says there are a few health concerns to consider before getting a nipple piercing.

“[Nipple] and genital piercings are becoming increasingly popular both from an aesthetic point of view and the possibility of increasing sexual pleasure for both partners. [People with breasts] should not forget, however, that it is an invasive procedure that may well pose some health risks and should always be performed by an experienced and qualified physician after informed discussion.

“[You] need to have a good understanding of your genital anatomy to be able to decide which sites would benefit most from a piercing. Any pain or significant discomfort should be reported immediately to either the practitioner or a GP for advice.”

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