No Contact During Holidays? The 68 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “no contact during holidays“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Should I contact my ex during the holidays?

There’s nothing wrong with a genuine holiday check-in, but it’s also a good idea to consider what’s going on with your ex emotionally. If you know (or suspect) they’re still emotionally invested in you and you’ve moved on, Winter notes that any contact could be misconstrued as you showing interest.

How long to go no contact during a break?

No contact should last for a minimum of 60 days, and it includes no texting, no calling, and no interacting on social media. It can feel like an extreme move when you’re still working to get over a breakup, but the truth is that cutting off contact with an ex is the fastest, most effective way to truly move on.

Why do exes reach out on holidays?

If you parted on amicable terms, your ex reaching out to wish you a happy holiday likely means they are thinking of you. If you’re in a good emotional state and want to respond, that’s fine! It’s more than ok to say thank you and wish them a good holiday too.

Is it best to have no contact during a break?

“If you and your partner are taking a break from the relationship, it should be exactly that — a break,” she explains. Going no contact might sound vindictive or rude, but it’s really the best way to embrace your time apart, which is the whole purpose of the break.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Is there anything more confusing in a relationship than when you (or worse, your SO) decide it’s time to “take a break”? Not a breakup, just a break. As any Friends fan knows, the concept is notorious for being confusing. What does a relationship break actually mean? Does that mean you won’t speak for a while? do you meet others Is there a time limit? And can you and your partner have contact during a relationship break?

While the answers to the first four questions are hazy, Eric Resnick, dating expert and profile writer, offers a very definite solution to the last one. “In that situation, you definitely want to cut ties,” he tells Elite Daily. And with this opinion he is not alone. Trina Leckie, breakup coach and breakup BOOST podcast host, totally agrees. “When you and your partner take a break from a relationship, that’s what it should be — a break,” she explains.

Going no contact might sound vindictive or rude, but it really is the best way to spend time apart, which is the whole purpose of the break. “Separation can be very healing,” Ann Rosen Spector, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Philadelphia, told Women’s Health. “When a situation is complicated, it is important to have distance to get clarity.”

Experts say it’s important to keep communication to a minimum to take full advantage of this healing time. While it’s always nice to have a conclusive answer, especially in moments when everything seems up in the air, the question remains: why do the experts feel so strongly that you should cut off the text message? I asked her to break down all the reasons why you should resist the urge to contact your partner during a break, and her answers will have you putting your phone down (and possibly locking it in another room) as soon as possible.

01 You’re Taking a Break for a Reason Shutterstock Nobody takes a break without a good reason, and chances are you shouldn’t keep in touch for that reason. The point of a break is to take time and space away from each other to try harder as individuals. “You both need to do some work on yourself, and you need to come to terms with being alone before you can be a healthy partner,” explains Resnick. Texting constantly during the break means you are not devoting enough time to this self-growth, which leaves you right where you started before the break. “Make time for this work,” suggests Resnick. “Explore yourself. Reconnect with friends and interests that kept you drifting during your relationship.” That way, after your break, you’ll be better off as partners and individuals.

02 By not texting, you are sending a strong message. Most breakups aren’t mutual, and if your partner was the one who suggested pulling out of the relationship, that’s an even bigger reason to cut off communication. “They’ve said they’re not sure about you and the relationship, so you don’t want them to feel like you’re just waiting for them in the wings,” Leckie warns. By choosing to stop communicating during a relationship break, you’re sending your partner an important message about how you want your relationship to be (and how you deserve to be treated). Leckie continues: “You need to know that you’re not just settling for crumbs, you really feel what life is like without you. Essentially, if you are always in touch, you make it easier for them to fully move on.”

03 Texting You Can Make You Feel Even Worse Shutterstock This is the time to prioritize your emotional wellbeing and staying in touch makes that difficult. “Imagine taking a break from your partner but decide to text them. They don’t react at the same speed as before the break. Now you must be wondering why. Did you meet someone else? Do you want the break to be a breakup? Your stomach cramps for no reason,” explains Resnick. It’s impossible to read their minds, but it’s easy to jump to conclusions. Taking a break can be really hard, especially when you’re used to talking to your partner on a regular basis. And while there’s a strong temptation to just reach out to say hello, it’s best to resist the impulse. As Resnick explains, breaking the SMS embargo can potentially make you feel even worse. Keeping your distance will likely make you feel happier and healthier in the long run.

04 You owe it to yourself to respect the break You and your partner agreed to this break for a reason. Whatever that is, if you want the pause to be effective, you have to let it run its course. You owe it to yourself to respect the process and, as Leckie points out, you might be surprised at what you learn in the process. “It takes a complete break to get in touch with your emotions and to discover what life is like without the other person,” she explains. In her opinion, embracing the break is the only way you know how you want to move forward – together or separately. “Take the time to be completely honest with yourself about how you’re feeling, and notice the difference between missing them because of attachment or missing them because they’re the right person for you.” Ultimately find The relationship and communication break gives you clarity for the future of your relationship. You may realize that your SO is not the right person for you and that an official breakup would make sense. On the other hand, you might also learn how much you value each other and want to make it work. Despite their bad reputation, breaks can help you focus on the positives in the relationship and start fresh. So if either or both of you ask for a break, respect the process because one way or another, your relationship with your partner and with yourself will be better off in the end.


Eric Resnick, dating expert and profile author

Trina Leckie, Breakup Coach and Host of the Breakup BOOST Podcast

Ann Rosen Spector, Ph.D., clinical psychologist

Why do exes text Merry Christmas?

Nostalgia Seasons

When he texts you Merry Christmas, he might be feeling nostalgia seasons about the good times with you. Maybe you and him had the best Christmas seasons before and he missed it. Or you guys had plans on Christmas before you broke up, and he is just reminiscing about it now.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Why did my ex text me at Christmas? Out of the blue your ex slides into the DM or texts you a Merry Christmas and you wonder, “Why would an ex text you a Merry Christmas?”

Why would an ex text you Merry Christmas?

Hey, my ex texted me on vacation…

There are a few possible reasons why my ex texted me at Christmas, they are:

1. Your ex is just being polite

Don’t overdo it, maybe your ex is just being polite. He or she just wants to wish you a Merry Christmas like everyone else. There could be a true religious purpose of the Merry Christmas wishes your ex wants to share with you.

2. Your ex forwards the Merry Christmas text to all contacts

You know, a forwarding message that we send to all contact numbers because we’re too lazy to type in the original requests. Maybe your ex just does that, forwards the Merry Christmas wishes to someone without really meaning it, just for formality.

3. Nostalgia Seasons

If he texts you Merry Christmas, he might be feeling nostalgic about the good times with you. Maybe you and he had the best of Christmas times before and he missed it. Or maybe you had plans for Christmas before you broke up and he’s just remembering them.

Christmas reminds him of you? Who knows.

You can also read about 28 things to say to your ex boyfriend that you still love

4. Your ex is just lonely

Why would an ex text you Merry Christmas? He or she may just be feeling lonely.

Christmas, December, New Year, all holidays can be lonely days for your ex. Your ex doesn’t know what to do, all alone or drunk, and he only texts you when he’s feeling lonely. It’s a common reason he texted me at Christmas.

5. Your ex still thinks about you

The Christmas holidays are the best time for family, friends, couples and relatives to spend quality time together. And maybe your ex has no one to be with and your ex is thinking about you or has been thinking about you all along. Your ex only texts you because you are on his mind.

6. Your ex has been waiting for this

Your ex knows they can’t text you out of the blue or ask you any shitty questions. So if it’s holiday season, they think they can send you a topic first without being suspicious.

Later he wants to know how you are, your holiday plans and so on. You could see if your ex is showing signs of wanting you back.

You can also read what to say to your ex on new years eve?

What should I reply if your ex texts me while on vacation?

My ex called me at Christmas and what to do? Here are the tips on what to say when he texts you Merry Christmas:

1. You don’t have to react immediately

Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean you have time to reply to an ex right away. You are busy with something, finish everything first then you can reach your phone to answer your ex only if you want.

2. Just repeat with a simple answer

What to Expect Not much. If he texts you Merry Christmas, you could respond with “Thank you!” or “Happy Holidays too” or “Merry Christmas to you too!”

It’s simple and it’s powerful. You want to keep boundaries with your ex because you don’t want to fall for it again or you’re fine with your own business now.

3. Don’t really think about it

If your ex gets back at you after a while, just don’t really think about it. Never think that your ex might miss you or want you back. nope

Remember that your ex broke up with you for a reason and how painful it was. You don’t want to go back to the same old love, do you?

4. Or don’t answer

If he texted me at Christmas, I wouldn’t answer.

But it depends on you. If you’re in a good mood and think it’s okay to react to your ex, then react. But know the consequences.

5. Don’t fall in love with your ex again

If your ex catches up with you and you fall in love with him again, it could be something dangerous. You may feel the heartbreak twice, and that’s not a good idea.

I don’t think ex-boyfriends can be friends because it’s just hard. When you finally move on, it’s better to never have any type of relationship again. Unless you are absolutely certain that you never want your ex back.

6. Stand up for yourself

Don’t let your ex ruin your efforts to move on. Don’t let your ex come back into your life just to break you up again. Regain your power, don’t let a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday text make you want to get back with your ex. Unless you think you want to give him a second chance.

You can also read more about 31 Recovery After a Breakup (Do These Things!)

7. You might block your ex

If you feel that you are better off never seeing your ex again and never having any form of communication then you can block the numbers or their social media accounts.

8. Enjoy your Christmas without her

At the end of the day, just enjoy your vacation alone without your ex. You have your own business and life to live. Past is past. leave it all behind

Those are some reasons why Ex text at Christmas. If you think you can be friends with an ex without any personal romantic feelings, fine. If you think it’s better never to speak to them again, then never reply to their vacation message.

Should I text my ex happy Christmas?

But if you’re going to reach out to an ex, at least do it the right way, which means no more casual “Happy holidays,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy New Year” texts. Sure, sending a two-word text that you could send to anyone seems innocuous.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Let’s face it, text your ex “Happy Holidays!” is a whole lot of naughtiness disguised as something nice.

Photo: Byron Cohen/Universal Television

During the holiday season, there’s a temptation to turn to the ghosts of past ex-boyfriends — after all, it’s the time when nostalgia (and maybe eggnog) takes over. But if you’re reaching out to an ex, at least do it the right way, which means no more casual “Happy Holidays,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy New Year” texts.

Sure, sending a two-word text that you could send to anyone seems harmless. But let’s face it, messaging a former flame with a cheery greeting is just a sneaky way to spark a conversation that could lead to an intimate (and comfortable) connection. It’s a whole lot of naughtiness disguised as something nice.

I get it. I was there, sent that – often. You don’t have to put yourself at risk for this type of text, nor will you really be rejected. If they don’t reply to your texts, they’re probably a monster (hello, who doesn’t say hello?!), but at least they’re not making it clear that they don’t want to see you again. Except here’s the thing. While you might think that a “Happy Holidays” message shows that you’re a sweet, caring adult mature enough to wish an ex best wishes for the holiday season, it’s actually painfully obvious what you * actually* do.

(Photo: GIPHY)

So my Christmas present to you this year is real talk. Forget the general holiday text. Just say what you want.

The last Christmas I spent alone, I found myself at a hangout I used to go to with one of my ex-boyfriends. He had first kissed me at midnight on New Year’s Eve the year before, and in my bourbon fog I thought it would be a great idea to DM him (I deleted his number from my phone to prevent those moments like this one at the beginning). I told him where I was, knowing it would invoke the same sense of nostalgia — and tbh, sexual tension — and then bluntly asked him to join me for a “nightcap.” He replied immediately and said he was out of town but he would be back in the new year and we could meet up then if I was still interested. I was proud of myself for being direct. And knowing right away that he wasn’t available meant I could be more present at the venue and end up having a great evening with the people I was there with instead of obsessing over my phone.

The lesson? Being explicit with your words and feelings and texting with a clear question can help you better determine if an ex is on the same page and potentially get what you’re really looking for out of the situation. If you send a greeting and expect your ex to read your mind and analyze your intentions, you’re likely to be more disappointed than if you hadn’t reached out at all.

So this holiday season, try to say what you mean. Instead of “Happy Holidays!” try “Hey – back in town for the holidays and thinking of you. If you have time, I’d love to meet up for a cocktail and catch up.” Before you slide into those DMs with a telltale wink (or eggplant or peach or or or), consider, “If you’re feeling down (and still single! ) Are I would like to meet / meet / make a choice of activity here.”

These simple switches can help you take control of the narrative by clearly articulating your expectations and taking the guesswork out of both parties. And if you ask directly, you might get what – or rather who – you *really* want this holiday season.

(Photo: GIPHY)


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How long does it take a stubborn man to miss you?

According to the experts, it will take between two to four months before he starts feeling lonely. What is this? He’ll be doing everything possible to block out his emotions during this time. But once he surrenders to them, he’ll start missing you.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Last updated on May 31, 2022 by Alexander Burgemeester

You just broke up with your boyfriend and want to know how long it takes for a guy to realize he misses you?

The answer depends on several factors, e.g. B. how dependent he was on you, how long you were together, and whether he was in love with you.

Every man is different, so there aren’t any specific time frames that suggest when a man will miss a woman after a breakup, but there are some estimates.

Read on to find out the answer to the question How long does it take for a man to realize he misses you?

It will be normal for the man when a couple breaks up for the first time. He goes out with his friends, meets lots of girls and posts pictures of him enjoying the single life on his social media accounts.

His behavior will make you feel even worse, but don’t let it get to you; his meltdown is on the way.

You know, it takes a few weeks for a guy to start missing the girl he broke up with. Women have an instant emotional response because they are more in tune with their emotions.

So while you’re sobbing over a cup of ice cream, it takes him a couple of weeks to process what happened. If you’re wondering when does a man start missing you after a breakup?

I’m sorry but I can’t answer this question for you as it depends on a number of factors such as:

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#1 How dependent he was on you

did you live together Were you the one who did the housework, cooked, cleaned and did the laundry? Were you better with the finances? What about healthcare?

Were you the one who made sure he had his annual health checks? Do you remember all the birthdays?

If he was heavily dependent on you, he would start missing you as the things you were responsible for surfaced. As he struggles to do these things, he will realize how much of an asset you have been in his life.

#2 How long have you been together?

What makes a man miss a woman after a breakup? The time you were together is one of them.

If you had a short-lived affair for a few months, he might not miss you at all because you didn’t get a chance to become an important part of his life.

But if you’ve been together for a few years, he’ll sense your absence as soon as you’re gone.

#3 Was he in love with you?

Couples choose to end their relationship even if they were in love because sometimes love is not enough. You can be in love with someone but not compatible with them.

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For example, the man wants children, but the woman does not. Or the woman wants to live in America and the man wants to move to the UK.

When a couple cannot find a healthy compromise that both sides are happy with, separation is the only option. If this is your story, he will miss you when you break up.

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#4 His emotional attachment to you

He might not have been in love with you, but he did have an emotional connection to you.

When a relationship reaches the emotional attachment stage, it’s a beautiful place to be. It’s when two people have developed a meaningful and deep bond where you can talk about anything.

Their conversations can oscillate between memories of your childhood dreams, your future goals, and a funny story in the mail.

Your conversations flow effortlessly and you can talk for hours. An emotional bond makes people feel loved, wanted, and valued. He felt comfortable enough to confide in you about his feelings and he would not discuss these things with anyone else.

But now that you’re gone, he doesn’t have anyone to talk to, so whenever he’s feeling down emotionally, he’ll start missing you.

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#5 When he realizes how good he had it

Most men move on pretty quickly after a breakup because that’s how they heal.

It may seem like he doesn’t care because your ex jumped right into another serious relationship, but that’s not the case. As mentioned earlier, men take longer to process their emotions, but it hits them like a ton of bricks when they do.

Most men don’t drown their sorrows in chocolate and ice cream while watching romantic movies. Instead, they put all their energy into another woman to forget the lovesickness.

But now that he’s in a new relationship, he realizes she can’t compare to you. She could be extremely attractive and that was what initially caught his attention. But as he gets to know her, he realizes there are things about her character that he just doesn’t feel.

At that point, he realizes how good he got on with you and starts to miss you.

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#6 He starts to feel lonely

After a night on the town with the boys, he returns to his apartment and thumbs through his phone, looking for someone to call.

At 4:00 a.m., no one is ready to listen to their drunk stupidity. He hovers over your number but decides against it; after all, he’s the one who left you.

Even after several one-night stands, he feels completely empty; He hates one night stands. He would rather be in the arms of someone he cares about.

If all of his friends are in loving relationships, he will feel even worse. According to experts, it will take him between two and four months to feel lonely.

He will do anything to hide his emotions during this time. But once he surrenders to them, he will start missing you.

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#7 When something bad happens

Life is full of ups and downs, and adversity can strike at any moment. So when problems come knocking on our door, we want to be with people who will put our minds at ease and make us feel better.

You were his safety blanket when you were together, he went through many challenging times but he felt he could take on the world because he had you by his side.

Now, as he faces difficult times, he longs for the support you once offered him. He wants to call you but he knows he can’t, now he’s really starting to miss you.

11 ways to make him miss you

So you broke up with your boyfriend and you want to make sure he misses you.

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The best way to do this is not to call or text him; Start working on your goals and leave some of you in his apartment.

Since you’ve broken up with your boyfriend or are no longer in touch, the only way to let him know you’re getting on with life is to be active on social media.

So make sure you post about your hobbies and dates, and most importantly, post pictures of you looking like an absolute bad guy! Read on to discover 11 ways you can make him miss you.

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#1 Don’t call or text him

Since women are so emotional, he will expect you to call or text him after the breakup. Your ex-boyfriend is probably used to women begging him.

But you won’t be that girl; What will make him miss you is when he doesn’t know how you feel.

By calling or texting you are giving away the game, so try as best as you can not to contact him at all.

#2 Don’t show your vulnerability

After a breakup, the first thing people do is take to social media and tell the world how hurt they are.

At this stage, people feel so vulnerable that they start posting heartbroken quotes or changing their status to reflect their depressing state of mind.

Basically, they make it really obvious that they’re sad. Don’t be that person! If you want your ex to miss you, this is not the way to go. He won’t pity you.

Instead, it will boost his ego and make him think he’s the best thing since sliced ​​bread. By posting things like this you let him know that without him in your life you are sad, lonely and unhappy.

#3 Delete his pictures from social media

Delete all his pictures from your social media accounts a few days after the breakup and change your status to single.

This is a strategic move because even if he’s not spying on you, your mutual friends will let him know that your pictures are no longer on their site.

This will infuriate him to no end because deleting his pictures is the same as burning them or throwing them in the trash.

It is an indication that you have made the decision to cut him out of your life and move on.

He’ll want to know why you moved on so quickly; it can even make him question himself. His thought process will be, “Why did she move on so quickly? Why isn’t she upset? Wasn’t I good enough for her?”

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#4 Don’t confide in your mutual friends

Mutual friends are carriers of information; Whatever you tell them, they will immediately go back and let him know how devastated you are about the breakup.

Instead, use your mutual friends to your advantage. Since you know they’ll get back to him, make sure everything you talk about indicates that you’re living your best life.

If they ask you how you feel about the breakup, tell them things didn’t work out and you’re okay. Tell them about all the great things you’re up to now that you have free time.

#5 Start working on your goals

What have you always wanted to do, but haven’t managed to do it yet? One of the most effective ways to make him miss you is to work on yourself.

And I don’t just mean your physical appearance; get a whole new life. Not only will it scare him to think that if you become the best version of yourself, you won’t come back to him.

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It will also distract you from the breakup because you will be so focused on what you are doing that you will not have time to miss him. So here are a few things to work on:

Start working on your passions

what are you burning for What are the things that make you alive and make you happy?

You may have stopped pursuing your hobbies to focus on your relationship, but now is the perfect time to get back into them.

Start exercising

Exercising will not only help you lose weight and look good, but it will also make you feel good.

According to research, exercise triggers the release of feel-good hormones, so going to the gym eliminates the temptation to sit on ice cream in front of the TV.

Going to the gym isn’t the only way to work out; There are many fun ways to get your body moving, including dancing, swimming, Pilates, yoga, and biking.

Reconnect with yourself

Women tend to give everything in a relationship and lose themselves in it. They forget who they are because they stop caring about what makes them who they are. You can reconnect with yourself through journaling, therapy, and reading self-help books. You may even discover parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed, or realize that you have some issues that you need to take care of.

Transform your look

Nothing calls for progress better than a new look. They’re basically saying, “Out with the old and in with the new.” Get your hair done, change your wardrobe and wear a different style of makeup.

When you look good you feel good, the new version of you will feel like you can take on the world.

#6 Leave some of you in his apartment

Whether it’s a piece of clothing, a necklace or a bottle of perfume, leave something of yours in his home. Regardless of what it is, it serves as a tangible reminder of you.

Every time he sees your articles, he will think of the good old days. Whatever you leave behind will evoke strong emotions in him that he cannot control.

He may physically cut you out of his life, but those memories will never go away.

#7 Keep moving

If you both have agreed not to have any contact for a few weeks or months, then that is exactly what you need to do.

So if you see him out shopping, don’t stop for an informal chat. Keep moving! Literally pretend you haven’t seen him. Since you still have feelings for him, this will hurt because you want to know how he is doing.

But for him to miss you, you have to be strong enough to pull the deal through. No contact means no contact!

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I strongly advise against going on the rebound and getting into another relationship. However, there is nothing wrong with dating and testing the waters.

Let’s call it window shopping, shall we. Dating is a lot easier than it was before dating apps became so popular; You can literally create a profile today and be on a date within hours.

If your confidence has taken a hit after the breakup, dressing up and being treated like royalty will do wonders for your confidence.

#9 Meet new people

Whether you are no longer in contact or have broken up with your partner, it is so hard because they were a significant person in your life and now you have this emptiness.

Meeting new people can help you fill that space. If you’re the type that likes to go out and socialize, then get out there and do it.

Meeting new people can be invigorating, fun and give you a different perspective on life. It can help you unlock parts of your personality you didn’t know you had and give you a confidence boost.

#10 Take a vacation

When was the last time you were on vacation? There are many reasons people travel and a breakup is one of them.

It can be very therapeutic and give you time to relax and take your mind off things. Additionally, experts say travel can be good for your mental health, as it helps alleviate worry and anxiety and gives you time to figure out what’s important to you.

#11 Ignore him

If your ex calls or texts you after the breakup, ignore them. Don’t answer the phone, text or email him. When you ignore a guy, it’s a huge blow to his ego.

He’ll want to know why you’re ignoring him; he will have so many questions in his head that he cannot answer; it will drive him insane. Don’t be surprised if he starts begging to get back together after ignoring him for a while.

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How do you know when a man misses you?

You’ve been separated for a few months; you were good and didn’t turn to him.

But you haven’t stopped thinking about him and are just waiting for him to start showing signs of missing you.

If your ex-boyfriend misses you, you can expect him to try to get in touch, ask mutual friends about you, or show up where he knows you’ll be. Read on to find out some of the signs your man is missing you.

#1 He tries to get in touch with you

You’ll start getting texts and emails out of the blue, or he’ll shove in your DMs.

He won’t call because he’s trying to test the waters. But trust and believe that the only reason he is trying to get in touch with you is because he misses you.

#2 He starts asking mutual friends about you

He knows that your mutual friends will tell you that he was asking about you, so he will start looking for information. Her ex-boyfriend will ask questions like, “Is she dating anyone right now?” “Has she said anything about me since the breakup?”

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#3 He shows himself where he knows you will be

He tried to contact you but didn’t get a reply. He asked mutual friends about you; everyone is talking about how great you are at this. So his only hope of getting in touch with you is to show up where he knows you will be.

To avoid giving you stalker vibes, he won’t show up in front of your house. But he’ll show up at places like your local grocery store on Saturday afternoons when he knows you’ll be there.

Or he’ll walk by your gym at lunchtime because he knows you’ll be sitting on the treadmill looking out the window and you’ll see him.

Final Thoughts

let me ask you a question What are your intentions for your ex boyfriend?

There’s a reason you want to know how long it will be before he starts missing you, and before you move on, it’s important that you’re honest with yourself.

Why did you break up in the first place? Was the relationship healthy? Do you think you could solve your problems if you got back together?

I want you to think about it seriously because I don’t want you to waste your time and energy on a guy who’s really not good for you.

If you are a match made in heaven, then excellent; I wish you the best. But if not, you might want to consider moving on.

What no contact does to a man?

By using the no contact rule on your man, you take control for yourself and he takes on the feeling of loss. He will then seek to reclaim what he lost with you. Though nothing is one-hundred percent effective, this post explains why the no contact rule works on men and it works very well.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Watch the video above (and SUBSCRIBE Coach Lee’s channel) as Lee answers the question, “Does no contact work with men?”

I’m often asked if the no contact rule works with men and if the no contact rule works with male psychology.

Because I help thousands of women each year who are trying to get their boyfriends back using the no contact rule as a strong starting point, I can speak from real experience and not just some nice sounding theory.

To answer the question does no contact work for men, I must first explain some reasons why no contact works, and then I will explain why and how it works for men.

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Why the no contact rule works for men

There are many reasons that stopping contacting someone who broke up with you is very often effective in getting them to come back to you.

For starters, by leaving them completely alone, you allow them to really experience the breakup.

Before he broke up with you, your boyfriend just theorized that he wanted to be without you.

Your husband has not experienced a breakup with you since he has been in the relationship with you.

Even if he’s broken up with you before, relationships always adjust and so he hasn’t experienced being without you the same way — and the fact that he’s come back shows he’s having a hard time to stay away.

For most of you, this is the only time he broke up with you.

So now he’s moved from an idea he’s probably been considering for a while to reality.

It went from concept to implementation.

So many women (men do too) diminish their chances of getting him back because they keep the breakup as a concept.

In other words, by continuing to text, call, beg, plead, and communicate with him in any way, you allow him to continue to think and theorize that he is separate from you.

Get Your Ex Back With Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

You allow him to think that he would be better off without you.

So they keep the resolution in the realm of the theoretical and conceptual.

Which means you help him keep thinking he wants it but are prevented from getting it!

That way, you’re making the breakup like a prize that he’s working toward but can’t get.

You accidentally do the worst thing you can do, which is increase the value of the breakup in his mind!

The no contact rule works for men

While men and women are certainly different beings and we should value each individual’s different strengths, we can still want similar things even if we pursue them differently.

This is where the no contact rule shines and why it works for men.

Men have the same ability as women to miss someone.

Men feel connected both emotionally and physically.

They are filled with camaraderie and enjoy stimulating conversation.

Men want the woman they love to show interest in them and desire them.

Men want to feel like they are physically attractive to them.

Men want a fulfilling sexual connection with the one they love.

All of this sounds very similar if not identical to what women want in men, right?

No contact rule and male psychology

This article is about whether no contact works for men, so I’ll go into the details of why men and women often misunderstand each other in another article.

Get Your Ex Back With Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

With this post, I want to help you understand that the no-contact rule works just as well for men as it does for women because it creates or amplifies a sense of loss.

He needs to feel like he’s losing the things he wants in a relationship.

It’s this feeling that makes him question all the logical reasons for a breakup.

Although men are often portrayed as making every decision based on cold logic, in the vast majority of breakups, it’s emotion that makes the final difference.

The issues he might list as “reasons” for the breakup are only part of the equation because they affect him emotionally.

In other words, the problems caused a drop in emotional attraction.

He no longer feels the same emotional attraction that he once felt for you.

Even if physical attraction remains high, a man does not want a long-term, exclusive, and committed relationship unless there is an acceptable level of attraction of all kinds.

Attraction can be felt in three areas: physical, emotional, and intellectual.

When all three of these categories are at acceptable levels, a man will feel fulfilled in the relationship.

Declining emotional attraction is almost always the reason a man breaks up with a woman (and the same goes for a woman breaking up with a man).

The reason for this is that a woman first passes his “eye test” before moving on to determine if emotional attraction exists.

The same applies to women versus men.

Physical attraction has to be at an acceptable level for her to “get her foot in the door,” so to speak, and then a man will dip his toe in the water of emotional attraction.

Obviously there are both men and women who are superficial and don’t have their priorities in order.

That’s not what this article is about.

Emotional attraction is a person’s motivation to be in the relationship.

Without motivation, the desire to “work on the relationship” will not be present in sufficient quantity.

If attraction, that is, the desire to be physically and emotionally intimate with someone, is not there, there will be no desire for a relationship.

Without attraction, a man, like a woman, will see his life path without that other person in terms of a committed and romantic relationship.

The no contact rule can reignite attraction

The old adage rings true that we don’t know what we have until it’s gone.

We don’t appreciate air until we choke.

We only appreciate heat when we’re cold (and cold until we’re hot).

The same goes for so many things in life.

Emotional attraction is best described as emotional appreciation.

As is the case with so many other things, we don’t appreciate someone emotionally until we lose touch.

Being without anyone allows us to notice the role they played in our lives.

Put simply, it allows him to miss you.

By doing this, we are reviving the emotional attraction that will restore his motivation to work on any problems that the two of you might have.

Since this works for him, he also feels a shot in his ego since you are not chasing or chasing him.

In doing so, he learns that he took your desire and interest in him for granted.

By using the no contact rule, you will show your ex-husband how he really feels about you.

Also, allow all of what I have already said to be compounded by the next phase he will go through, which is his realization that he may lose you.

By seeing that you are not making contact, he concludes that you can go ahead and stay away.

That conclusion removes the sense of control he felt when he broke up with you.

So he feels like he’s lost control.

At this point, he feels the fear of losing you.

He might even feel like he lost you.

You felt that sense of loss when he broke up with you because you weren’t in control.

By applying the no contact rule to your husband, you take control for yourself and he takes on the sense of loss.

He will then try to reclaim what he lost with you.

While nothing is 100% effective, this post explains why the no contact rule works for men and works very well.

To get my help with your specific situation and a customized map to get your ex back, schedule a coaching call with me or get more information on my Emergency Breakup Kit.

– Coach Lee

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How long does it take for someone to miss you?

Today we’re going to talk about exactly how long it usually takes for an ex to miss you after a breakup. In fact, based on our research you can expect the average ex to begin missing you anywhere between 2.5 to 5.2 months after a breakup assuming you put forth signals that you are “moving on from them.”

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

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Today we are going to talk about how long it usually takes for an ex to miss you after a breakup.

Based on our research, you can expect the average ex to miss you anywhere from 2.5 to 5.2 months after a breakup, assuming you’re giving signals that you’re “walking away from them.”

We’ll show you how we came to this conclusion, drawing on our knowledge,

attachment styles

Real life success stories

customer interviews

The idea is to use all this knowledge to find a specific time frame that is based on research and psychology and is realistic.

Too often I see people claiming to expect an ex to miss you in about 30 days, when the reality is that’s not at all what we’ve seen in the field.

I want to put an end to all speculation and come up with something from research today.

First things first, when it comes to an ex missing you, what type of behavior are we looking at?

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz

Creating the missing frame

So when we talk about an ex missing you, what kind of behavior are we really looking at? Well, that’s not rocket science, so here’s what I think counts for an ex missing you:

An ex who admits he misses you

Asks you out

Bring up positive emotional memories from your past

Your reaction time to your texts is fast

The conversations you have are much longer than normal

They talk about “dreaming of you”.

They start texting you at odd times (usually when they are alone).

Social media stalking

But here’s the thing about exes missing you. At first, it will probably feel like the behaviors listed above will never happen. After all, most ex-boyfriends usually do whatever they can to avoid you after a breakup.

The Wheel of Death

In fact, I encourage you to look at the emotional experience of the typical “ex” that we study by paying attention to the relationship death wheel,

They start by wanting someone to love them. Then they find you and at first things are great. But something about your behavior triggers them (we’ll talk about what that is in a moment). you Then they actually decide to leave the relationship Then of course they celebrate and are glad they left the relationship But there is a loneliness in the silence and they get depressed They end up sitting there wondering why this always happens to them. Why can’t I ever find it?

Which in turn causes them to start the cycle over and over again. They are trapped in a prison of their own construction and the crazy thing is that most of the time they are not even aware of it.

Well, I’m going to use this cycle a lot in this article to explain when to expect your ex to miss you, and I’ll back it up with real research.

So let’s start with a personal favorite topic of mine.

The nostalgic factor of avoidant attachment

Lately, I’ve spent most of my research time trying to better understand avoidant attachments, but without going too far into the weeds, everything I’m going to talk about in this section of the article can be found in this video.

Especially the part about the “nostalgia factor”.

But first things first, most ex-boyfriends we’ve researched tend to be avoidant,

This means that they fiercely defend their independence. In fact, I think it can be argued that they are usually happy in relationships until the person they are with threatens that independence.

For those who count, that would be this part of the death wheel

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz

At the first sign of trouble, they actually use it to sabotage the relationship themselves. In fact, to add aloud freely,

At this point, although avoiders ultimately want a connection and secure long-term commitment like the rest of us, they will begin to avoid self-sabotage and push away to protect themselves. Having learned not to expect reliable happiness around significant others—that love comes with a degree of neglect—they always expect something to go wrong, and their subconscious moves to recreate that outcome.

At the heart of every avoidance lies an interesting paradox.

They want love more than anything, but they don’t let anyone close enough to give them that love.

But something fascinating happens here on the wheel of death after they finally split from their partner.

A kind of nostalgia sets in. At this point, we’ve found that exes are the most likely victims of missing you.

What’s going on from a psychological point of view?

Well, many things.

That’s where the self-loathing aspect comes in, obviously. Feeling sorry for yourself

But it all culminates in that nostalgia phenomenon where they can finally feel “safe” about missing you. Pull from Free To Attach once again,

Without the danger of reciprocity (that is, especially after an ex has moved away), liberation from the fear of being devoured finally gives free rein to the latent romance of an avoider. An ex who is genuinely unavailable can even evoke perverse pleasure — they’re free to miss them utterly and think of them wistfully, while also reaffirming their confidence that people won’t stay with them (sometimes ask in relationships they imagine their partner with another to trigger this)

Because of this, it can often seem like it takes forever for an avoidant ex to miss you, and nicely brings me to the next research I want to do for you.

Learn from our success stories

One of the pages that is often overlooked on our site is our Success Stories page,

I’m proud of this because I feel like Ex Boyfriend Recovery is one of the few outfits that actually asks our customers at length about how they managed to bring an ex back.

But what’s particularly relevant about this page is that we’ve condensed all of our information into bite-sized snippets so you can see what real success looks like and how long it typically takes.

What you’ll probably notice immediately on this page is the time frame for success.

On average, it takes our clients around 5.2 months to see success in getting their ex back after starting working with us.

The most important part to remember is “after they start working with us”.

So, all those get your ex back programs that claim they can get your ex back in 30 days… well, let’s just put it that way. Based on everything we’ve actually experienced, they’re complete bullsh*t.

And science backs us up.

An avoidant, the average attachment style of our clients, won’t even consider missing you until they feel like you’ve walked away from them completely. Only then will they feel safe enough to miss you.

And do you know what it takes to make them “feel safe”?

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz


Of course, if you want to get really technical here, ex-boyfriends probably start missing you a little earlier than 5.2 months. In fact, we often notice the first signs that they’re missing you during the texting phase of the value ladder,

So, it’s usually around 2.5 months when the first signs of an ex’s missing fall through, but it’s a delicate balancing act to walk.

Any kind of overly anxious behavior can actually trigger avoidance again, and then it’s like the clock starts all over again.

So yes, you need to have emotional control before you even consider texting an ex. Because of this, we make it a point to focus our no-contact times on growing out of an ex.

We know that if you can get emotionally authentic to a point where you don’t get an ex back, you’re actually more likely to make them miss you.


Well, again, it goes back to that nostalgia factor. It signals to the avoider that you’ve “moved on,” and that’s where nostalgia sets in and they can start missing you.

One last point, that outgrowth mindset. It’s also not something to fake. You have to work really hard to grow out of your ex.

So what are you waiting for?

How should I respond to my ex?

Try these things on for size.
  1. Think about how it will affect you. …
  2. If you’re currently dating someone, you should consider their feelings. …
  3. Take your time responding. …
  4. Keep your response light. …
  5. Don’t rush into a response, friendship, or rebound. …
  6. Be open and honest with them.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Think about how it will affect you.

Think about why you want to talk to them. Leungchopan/Shutterstock

This can be a very painful experience, one that could offer closure, or one that starts a rekindled relationship. Before responding, think first about what you expect from the communication and how it will affect you.

“Know that you are under no obligation to respond,” Meg Josephson, LCSW, told INSIDER. “Old relationships often carry old wounds and unanswered questions. If you feel that reaching out could do this to you and jeopardize your hard-earned happiness, don’t! The amazing thing about being out of the relationship is that you are only responsible for doing things that work for YOU, regardless of how it makes you feel.”

What is he thinking after 2 weeks of no contact?

After two weeks of no contact, he will be able to know the value of your relationship. It is the beginning of reflection since it will continue for a few weeks until he reaches the final destination. That of deciding what he is going to do.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Exploring male psychology: 9 phases and 22 things that come to mind for a man during the no-contact rule

Men and women are just not made equal. You could go from Adam and Eve to Pam and Jim.

What I want to say is that the mind of a man and a woman works differently. Especially when it comes to including thoughts and feelings. Or maintaining/managing oneself during a breakup.

Which leads us to ask: What’s on a guy’s mind during No Contact?

Mind reading isn’t an option here, but you may be able to know some of the stages he’s going through and what he’s thinking during that time just by reading this article.

If you or your ex think there is a chance to restore your relationship, then the no contact rule will help bring him back to you one step at a time!

If you apply the no contact rule to a male dumper, these are the 9 stages one will go through!

1. At the beginning of the process he feels independent, free and undisturbed

When you start using the no contact rule with a dumper, he feels free and independent for the first few days.

He will enjoy his first week as a single. At this point, he thinks that he has taken the load off his shoulders and that not having you in his life won’t be such a big problem for him.

2. He’s curious and will wonder what you’re up to

After being “free” and feeling like himself, he now transforms into a curious cat. I mean, man, nosy man.

The no-rule contact helps you to see if the threads are hanging in your relationship.

If he doesn’t hear from you in two weeks, no calls or texts, he’ll be worried.

The information gap you created will prompt him to fill in the gaps.

Because from a male point of view, after a week you should crawl back to him and maybe even beg him to come back. Or even post a desperate status or story on your social media.

Having no information, he makes up his own stories. He begins to realize that something has happened!

3. After not getting any reply from you, he is confused

After two weeks he is now wondering if he should contact you indirectly or directly just to find out why you haven’t called or written yet.

Now he will feel that you cut him off and he will find a way to ask your friends like a picture of you or he might even text you.

The moment you don’t answer, his curiosity increases even more!

4. He’s scared and way too proud to face his mistakes

The moment you don’t reply or interact with him, he will wonder what’s going on.

At this point, he won’t bother to think about his behavior. What he can change or not be around you again. He’ll start to suspect that maybe it’s because of how he broke up with you, but he’ll also kind of blame you for that distance.

He’s still not ready to know and doesn’t want to know that his decision affected your distance!

5. He’s scared he lost you

He will stop and remember you and the whole relationship. A man has this kind of notion that if a person loves you, he or she will do something to fix things or fix the relationship.

But he does not include himself in this matter.

While enforcing the no contact rule, he expects that you should start doing something to try to reach him.

The moment he realizes that you don’t, he realizes that he may have lost you and thinks deeply about his decisions.

Note If he is interested in improving his relationship with you, he will break the no contact rule and try to talk to you. If not, then you will know if he is still undecided or has already moved on.

6. He thinks he’s out of control

Since he has no idea what’s going on and how to deal with this situation, he goes a little crazy.

He will feel this way by the end of the second or third week. Now that you are no longer a presence in his life, he will go insane. For a few reasons.

First, he’s used to a female presence and attention, and now that he doesn’t have your attention, he feels inferior. And inferiority leads him to anger.

Second, he is aware that he has strong feelings for you and he regrets his decision. Now he’s wondering if he can win you back.

His last words and behavior are haunting him now!

*Sidenote: When angry/confused and out of control, he says or writes things he doesn’t mean! Sometimes he says/writes negative things about you.

7. He starts interacting with other people for a short time

If your ex finds you as a potential partner or someone he sees a future with during this time, he will start a mini-project called Seeing Other People.

He will only do it to make sure of his feelings and if he sees you as a long-term partner and not just an affair. The moment he realizes that other women are not his girlfriend or wife, he will call or text you and tell you how he feels.

I’m not saying all men do this, some are shy or even way too proud to tell you that you’re the one. Some might just do it to make you jealous and to tell you that he will win this breakup.

But the guy who wants to be involved in your life again will let you know.

8. He will stop and think!

At this stage, he will stop and think about his choices, your behavior, and this relationship. He will seek the answer if there was some kind of balance in that relationship.

Now he will only check if you often had useless arguments, if you had fun and knew how to put your feelings above any stupid argument or argument.

All of this will go through his mind during the no contact rule as he decides whether or not to continue the relationship.

9. He faces the truth and accepts the fact

Not all men can reach the final stage. Some of them will stick to one or others will jump from one to another, but not in chronological order.

But as your ex reaches the final stages, they’re now clear about whether they want to be your friend, want to continue the relationship, or are now more than certain that they need to move on to another partner.

The final stage can be reached after three or more weeks. It depends on how long it takes your ex to think about your breakup, repair your relationship, and decide what his next move is with you.

For the first few days, No Contact can bring some kind of relief. He just doesn’t think about how this whole situation is going to feel inside him for the next few days.

1. “Well, now I’m free and ready to discover new things”

2. “Who said that ending things would make me sad and unhappy?” “I feel the opposite.”

When he hits days 7 and 9, when he has no connection with you, his mind gets triggered. He will worry if he has crossed your mind.

1. “Why hasn’t she called or texted me yet?”

2. “What has she been up to lately”?

3. “Did she think of me?”

4. “She hasn’t posted anything since we broke up”

After two weeks:

After two weeks without contact, he will be able to see the value of your relationship. It is the beginning of the reflection, since it will take a few weeks to reach the final goal. Deciding what to do.

1. “Were her feelings towards me genuine?”

2. “What on earth have I been doing since she didn’t even check on me?”

3. “Am I better with her or is she right for me?”

4. “Was I just playing games and now she doesn’t want me back?”

30 days of not hearing from you is a time that helps create the necessary distance that makes him think. He will either decide to move on or come back to you.

1. “I must have hurt her”

2. “Before I go crazy and make assumptions, I’m going to text her first.”

3. “I was a happier and better person in her presence”

4.” I realized I can move on without her, but I need her as my friend.” “I don’t want to lose her completely.”

5. Maybe she doesn’t like/love me anymore.”

If more than 30 days have passed without contact, he will have this urge to know what happened to you. Have you moved on or do you still want to be with him? In that case, if you don’t hear from him, try reaching out to him and finding out where your relationship stands.

1. “By now she must have forgotten me and moved on”

2. “I should call her and apologize and see what she’s up to.”

3. “She found someone new” “Or maybe she got back with another ex”

4. “I’m over it, can’t take it anymore.”

5. “I should think about leaving this relationship and looking for something else.”

6. “I think I’m the winner of this breakup, I’ll get them to contact me first.”

7. “I’m better off without her anyway”

What I recommend you do during the no contact rule is to be strong and focus on yourself. Focus most closely on self-improvement and knowing what you expect and want from this relationship.

Stop thinking about what your ex is doing or thinking: if you focus on them, you will make unwanted mistakes that will make you look needy and clingy.

Don’t interact with him (no texting, calling, liking posts or anything). Even an indirect interaction with your ex will not help you at all. Because you will start to judge things by how he behaves or what he does.

Avoid fantasizing about things and be real. Instead of creating false scenarios or having false hopes with someone else, focus on yourself. Don’t immediately jump into another relationship just to make him jealous.

As you focus on yourself and let go of things you can’t control (e.g. thoughts), give him and you time to know how to move forward in this relationship.

Whether or not social distancing works for a man depends on the type of relationship you have or the reason you broke up.

It’s important to highlight whether or not he still has strong feelings for you and whether he still sees you as a long-term partner?

One of the signs that you know if the no-contact rule is working for a man is when you rekindle attraction.

Men react differently to the NC rule than women. But the distance will make him appreciate what he had!

Being mysterious and being apart from him for some time can help reignite things, but what matters is the way he broke up with you.

A mature guy and the one who has true feelings for you will ask you for some space, and if he really does feel for you, the no contact rule will easily work.

Therefore, keeping your distance from him and not interacting after a few days, thinking about his decisions and finally making a conclusion for your future relationship will make him happy, angry and confused.

Remember that women use no contact to see if a man is changing and if they have a chance to develop a good relationship with each other. Women don’t want to use it as a control tool. Some men may do this too, but most men use the woman’s no-social period as a self-centered way to see if she feels needy of him and get her back.

The answer is yes. If you keep your distance, your ex will miss you. Think of it this way: Radio Silence will make him think about your worth and presence. Whether he cares about you or not, it will make him want to find out what made him like you or fall in love with you!

A man likes to be needed even after the breakup, but when he doesn’t want to be chased or pursued all the time like women do. A man likes to do things he wants, when he wants, when he feels ready.

That way, you’ll keep his interest and make him miss you. Just by making them all mysterious and not clingy. But still give him enough space until you are self-nourished and feel ready to face his ultimate answer.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for the answer as to whether he’ll get back to you, it all depends on how things ended.

1. What is the worst thing about No Contact?

The worst part of the no contact rule is when you do it expecting instant results. The only important result to come out of No Contact should be to nurture yourself and focus more on how you can improve.

Then, when you’ve reached that point, you can tell if continuing this relationship is the right choice, and you’ll find it easier to face reality in the end.

2. How long does it take for non-contact to work for a man?

It depends on how bad the breakup was and how long you’ve been together. This includes your ex’s personality.

The male spirit after no contact is not the same as that of a woman. It will be up to two/or three weeks before you realize you are absent from his life.

The moment he feels the urge to text or call you or even interact with you, you know the NC Rule has started to work.

3. Will my ex forget me during the NC period?

The definitive answer is no, your ex will not forget you during this time. Being aloof for a while will increase his curiosity. What are you doing or who are you dating?

But if you keep a long period without contact, such as B. 40+ days or more, this will give mixed signals to your ex.

If you do not contact a man for more than 2 months, he will receive this as a sign that he will move on. The 30 day rule of psychology is the best one to follow. Because it gives you and your ex time to think and see if you still have feelings for each other.

A man’s mind isn’t easy to decipher, but what you can do to get a better idea of ​​how a man’s mind works during the NC rule is track the 30 days of no contact and see what happened!

Let me know your questions or stories in the comments section below.


What no contact does to a woman?

Going ‘no-contact’ with someone you spent a lot of time with and planned a future with can be painful. A woman experiencing the stages of no contact is likely to feel angry, sad, and lonely. While a woman is likely to feel sadness in the early stages of no contact, she will quickly get over her ex as time goes on.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

The no contact rule after a relationship states that two ex-boyfriends should stay away from each other after a breakup so that both can deal with the reality of the breakup. That means no texting, no phone calls, no social media interaction, and no face-to-face contact.

Men and women tend to deal with being disconnected differently after a breakup, and they may have different expectations based on how things ended. Here’s more about the female psychology of the no-contact rule and how to make the most of it.

Female psychology after a breakup says that a woman wants a man to pursue her, especially when you were both unsure whether to end things or take a break.

She will be heartbroken at the beginning of the no contact period, but she will be desperate for you to chase after her. She will constantly be hoping for a call or text message.

You may be wondering, “Will she miss me if I’m out of touch?” and the answer is that she probably will in the early stages. She may be confused because on the one hand she thinks the breakup was necessary, on the other hand she will wonder if it was the right thing to do.

Being “out of touch” with someone you’ve spent a lot of time with and planned a future with can be painful. A woman going through periods of non-contact is likely to feel angry, sad, and lonely.

While a woman is likely to feel sadness in the early stages of the lack of contact, she will quickly get over her ex over time. Which brings us to another frequently asked question about the female psychology of the no-contact rule: “Does no-contact work for women?”

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. If you want to end a relationship and convince your ex to move on, no contact will definitely work. Your ex girlfriend will quickly forget the relationship after getting over her initial sadness and anger, your ex girlfriend will quickly forget the relationship.

No contact can also be helpful if she needs some time away from you to get over the pain you’ve caused her. In this case, time apart can give her the rest she needs to work things out and get back together with you.

It is helpful to understand what happens in the female mind when there is no contact. Since no contact begins, chances are your ex is quite upset.

Female psychology after a breakup has shown that women tend to have a more intense emotional response than men after a breakup.

She is likely to experience significant grief during this out of touch period. She will also have countless thoughts running through her head. She will wonder if you’re thinking about her or if you’re taking the time to think about your role in the breakup.

She will also wonder if you ever really loved her or miss her. During this time, she will have a deep sense of confusion as she tries to decide if the breakup was right.

She will also remember the good times in the relationship and she will probably miss you as she is reminded of the time you spent together.

So what is she thinking while out of touch? To understand what she thinks, you need to know the stages of non-contact for a woman.

Right after the breakup, she’s probably thinking about why you’re not reaching out to her. She may think you’re avoiding contact to be angry or to have the “upper hand.” At some point she will worry about why you decided not to keep in touch.

She will also reflect on whether the split was the right choice. If she’s the one who initiated the breakup, chances are she’s incredibly angry and repeating everything you did wrong.

She cannot get over her resentment towards you because she is so hurt and her pain is so strong.

On the other hand, if you initiated the breakup, she will experience intense grief during the initial non-contact periods. She will blame herself for the breakup and wonder what was wrong with her.

She will reflect intensely on herself and think about what she could have done differently.

Over time, her emotions will become less intense and she will be able to see the situation more objectively.

If the two of you are not socializing, she will spend less time thinking about you and more time thinking about herself and her hopes and dreams.

When the focus shifts away from you, she will consider moving on with life. She will connect with friends and loved ones and focus on becoming the best version of herself.

She may occasionally think about missing you or wonder what could have been, but once she gets over her initial pain and starts moving on, she will realize that she can be happy without you.

That’s what’s so significant about the female psychology of the no-contact rule: women feel an initial period of grief and then move on. Men, on the other hand, begin the period of moving on immediately after the breakup.

They can hook up with other people right away, or they can put aside all thoughts of their ex, only to be hit like a brick wall by grief a few weeks later.

If you’re going through a breakup and have lost touch with your ex, you’re likely to have a lot of questions running through your mind, such as: B. “Does she miss me when we’re not in touch?” and “Does she think about me when we’re not in touch?”

You may also feel anxious, wondering if you will ever get back together or if this is the end.

The 16 truths about the female psychology of the social distancing rule may provide some answers to your questions.

Related reading: Getting Back With Your Ex Using The No Contact Rule

1. Your feelings are strong

While going through the stages of non-contact, a woman is likely to have strong emotions. If things went badly or you’ve hurt her deeply, her feelings are likely to cause her to form strong negative opinions of you.

2. She will hold a grudge

Women experience intense emotional pain after a breakup. Even if she misses you, she will have a hard time letting go of her sadness. If you had wronged her, she would probably be mad at you for quite a while.

3. She misses you

If you spend time with someone in a committed relationship, you will miss them after you cut ties with them. Finally, when you implement the no contact rule, if you talk to your significant other on a daily basis, assume that you are breaking up and having no communication.

Of course she will miss you, but being angry with you and working through her pain will likely override her feelings of missing you.

4. She doesn’t forget anything

Women tend to have strong emotional memories, which means they won’t forget things that happened during the relationship. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

During the non-contact periods, your ex will remember both the positive and negative aspects of the relationship. If there were more positives than negatives, this can help her forgive you and reconcile the relationship, which will be to your advantage if you decide to get back together.

On the other hand, if the relationship was filled with hurt and pain, she will remember the negative emotions associated with the relationship and will have a hard time forgiving you.

5. She may go through withdrawal

There is evidence that romantic relationships affect the brain in a similar way to drug addiction. That is, when a relationship ends, the brain goes through detox. No contact allows her to get through the withdrawal phase rather than remain hooked.

Not maintaining contact allows her to “get off the drug” that was your relationship. On the other hand, keeping in touch, whether it’s through a random text message or accidentally bumping into each other, makes her feel “high” again and makes it harder for her to move on.

Watch this video to learn more about how a breakup is similar to drug rehab:

6. If done right, it could help her stop getting angry at you

We’ve found that women experience emotional memories very intensely, which means she can hold on to negative things you’ve done because she’s in so much pain. While this is the case, being distant from you might help those negative memories fade over time.

It doesn’t necessarily mean the two of you will get back together, nor does it mean she’s forgotten, but having time away from you will relieve her of the intense pain you’ve caused, potentially allowing her to heal. so feelings of love can surface again.

7. She won’t wallow forever

If you’re the one who’s not sure what you want, remember that one of the effects of lack of contact on women is that it can allow them to move away from the relationship. Don’t expect her to wait forever for you to make up your mind.

Women are resilient, and if you go away from contact for more than a few weeks, she will realize that she needs to move on and she will turn her attention to becoming the best version of herself without you.

8. Begging and pleading don’t work

If she hasn’t initiated contact, begging and asking her to reconsider or take you back probably won’t work. At this point, she’s probably given you so many chances to change your behavior, and she’s ready to step on the gas.

The best thing you can do if you want a chance at reconciliation is to respect her wishes and give her some space. She probably won’t reach out to you because she wants you to charge, so you should ask her if she’s ready to talk again after you’ve given her some time.

9. She’ll probably question herself

Even if she wanted the breakup, she’ll likely doubt herself. She can use the phases of non-contact as an opportunity for self-reflection.

During this time she was able to realize that there were some things she could have done differently. She may feel guilty and may just be making a subtle attempt to contact you at this point. It can be as simple as “liking” a photo on your Instagram or asking a friend about you.

10. She will work hard to convince herself that she made the right choice

A woman may guess herself, but she will likely deal with those feelings by convincing herself that she did the right thing. She can tell friends and family that she made the right choice, and she will try to work toward moving on, even if she’s a little insecure inside.

Despite her efforts to move on, she’ll likely still feel torn. She will vacillate between feeling good about her decision not to initiate contact and feeling sad about leaving the relationship because she isn’t sure she can live without you.

Also try: Was Separation the Right Choice Quiz?

11. She finally accepts it

The key to social distancing for women is that they eventually come to a state of acceptance, even if they didn’t want the breakup. This means that if you choose to remain contactless forever, you’d better be sure that’s what you want.

You can’t wait to move on and live your life only to decide a year later that you do want to be with her after all. It’s probably too late and she’ll probably thrive without you.

Related Reading: Developing Acceptance Skills in a Relationship

12. There is no magic solution to get them back

If no contact wasn’t what you wanted, maybe you’re looking for a magic solution to get them back. Unfortunately, nothing can be said or done.

The best you can hope for is that by giving her space and time, she will eventually move to a place where she can forgive your mistakes.

13. Remember that it is a healing process before anything else

Regardless of whether the two of you get back together, no contact rule in female psychology says the primary purpose of this stage is healing. This could mean healing from pain so the two of you can reconcile, or healing to the point where you can leave the relationship and find happiness without each other.

That said, the best thing you can do is work on yourself. Try setting new goals, exploring your hobbies and interests, taking care of yourself, and working on some of your shortcomings. Whether you get back together or not, you’ll be better off after this healing process.

14. No contact means no contact

If you want non-contact to be successful, whether it’s helping you move on permanently or giving you time to work on yourself so you can eventually make up, you need to commit to absolutely no contact.

That means you have to refrain, even if you’re tempted to text, search her social media, or show up at a place she goes frequently. Even if it’s just for a week or two, no contact really has to mean absolutely no contact if you want it to be effective.

15. Chasing you isn’t the answer

While she may want you to be the one who doesn’t reach out after no contact, pursuing her further when she’s actively asking for distance isn’t the answer. If she has indicated that she wishes to take a break or go through a no-contact period, you must comply.

You may be tempted to chase her even harder if she doesn’t want contact, but this will have the opposite effect as it will push her farther away.

If you decide to reach out down the road (which may be exactly what she wants), you’ll have to wait until you’ve gone through at least a short period of no contact.

Also try: Are you a Persecutor or a Persecuted?

16. When she’s done, she’s done

While a woman is likely to feel some uncertainty about a breakup, once she’s decided that she’s 100% done and has made that clear, she means it. There are some instances where no contact is short-lived, but if she tells you she never wants to hear from you again, you can be pretty sure she’s done.

If you’ve hurt a woman so badly that she decides to move on once and for all, it’s not a decision she made lightly. She probably gave too many second chances, and she decided she deserved better.

A strong woman who has decided to keep going permanently is unlikely to change her mind.

When you reach this level of no-contact female psychology, you’ll know because she won’t sugarcoat anything: she’s done!

Women experience intense emotions when they are hurt, and they may take longer than men to move on when they have been wronged. Your ex probably won’t forget your mistakes during dating, but the time between them might give her time to forgive you, meaning reconciliation is possible.

Female dumper psychology says that if she wasn’t sure if breaking up was the right choice, she’s more likely to forgive you and give you a second chance.

For example, if you made mistakes but there were many good aspects to your relationship, she may not have been sure about breaking up with you.

In this case, she’s rather confused about the breakup, which means she might be persuaded to reconsider and get back together. Research has shown that couples who are ambivalent about the decision to separate are more likely to reconcile.

If she was unsure about forgiving you for your mistakes, staying away can give her the space to process her feelings and realize that forgiving you and making up is the best choice.

That doesn’t mean she will forget your mistakes, and if you want the relationship to last this time, you have to show that you’ve changed.

How to properly apply the no-contact rule for women depends on your goals. If you have initiated the breakup and want her to heal and move on with life, you should not keep in touch.

Don’t try to offer friendship or suggest that the two of you talk; this will only make things more confusing and painful for them.

On the other hand, if the goal of no contact was to give you both a break to process your feelings and figure out how to make up, you can use the no contact rule to your advantage by giving her time to cool down and then apologize after she has had some time to process her feelings.

Similarly, if she initiated the breakup but you feel like you can make things work, you need to take the pursuit and convince her to give you a second chance.

Keep in mind that many women want to be followed even if they initiated the breakup. If she’s banning you because she’s angry or hurt by something you did, give her a few weeks and then reach out.

Offer to meet and talk and apologize. When you reach out to her to tell her how much you’ve missed her and to reignite the relationship, her anger and pain can gradually fade away.

take that away

Breakups are challenging, and one way to deal with them is with the no-contact rule. The Female Psychology of the No Contact Rule says that cutting off all contact after a breakup is the best decision.

So you can both clear your mind and either end the relationship or decide to work things out and get back together.

If no contact persists and you don’t chase after her, a woman is likely to drop out of the relationship. She will be able to turn her attention to herself as she will learn that she can be happy without you.

On the other hand, the contact ban for women is not always permanent. If your relationship has had more good than bad, she may not want the breakup to be permanent.

Unfortunately, what happens during lockdown isn’t always to your advantage. Maybe you’re dying to get back together, but she just doesn’t see a future with you. In this case, you may need to keep going, even if it’s very painful.

If you’re struggling to deal with the grief that occurs after a breakup, you may benefit from seeking therapy. A therapist can help you process your emotions and develop coping strategies to keep sadness from taking over everything.

Will no contact work if he lost feelings?

If you wonder if he will move on during no contact, chances of this are high if he no longer loves you or if you are dealing with a case of unrequited feelings. A simple answer to the central question guiding this section of the article is “no.” No contact will not work if he has lost feelings for you.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

You’ve probably heard of the “no contact” rule and how it’s the most powerful strategy to pull yourself together and reignite the embers of your love life when you feel like your relationship is losing a little steam.

While that may be true, a lot of people are quick to ask themselves, “Will no contact work if he’s lost feelings for me?”

It’s one thing to set the no-contact rule and step back in style and wait for him to run back into your arms. However, what if you question your actions and ask yourself the million dollar question, “Will my ex go on without contact?”

How do you use the no contact rule to get him back after a break? Devil. Will the no-contact rule really bring him back?

So many questions. But so few answers!

We’ll help you find answers to your most pressing questions. If he lost feelings for me and broke up afterwards, this article will show me how to properly apply the no contact rule.

The no contact rule is based on the popular saying that absence makes the heart beat faster. It is based on the principle that when lovers and soulmates spend time apart, their love grows stronger.

Hence, they can feed on their desperate longing to be back in their lover’s arms to do whatever it takes to get their relationship back on track.

Under normal circumstances, the no-contact rule has proven to be an effective tool for healing and strengthening relationships, as it gives all parties the time they need to sort their minds and band together.

One of the main reasons this works is because of the popular quote from D. Kahneman; “The fear of loss is an excellent motivation for human action, since we are afraid of loss.”

When a person loves another, they will do whatever it takes to keep them in their life, even during the no-contact period. However, if you don’t use contact to get him back, you need to be sure that he hasn’t fallen in love with you.

If you’re wondering if he’ll move on without contact, chances are if he doesn’t love you anymore or if you’re dealing with unrequited feelings.

A simple answer to the central question guiding this section of the article is no. No contact will not work if he has lost feelings for you.

Related Reading: 15 Signs He Misses You When No Contact

Now that we’ve established that no contact is almost useless when a man has lost his feelings for you, the next question you might be asking is, “What if…”

What if there’s a chance that no contact will rekindle a man’s feelings for you?

There are no blanket answers to this question because the rekindling of romantic feelings depends on many factors, including the other person’s willingness to reignite the relationship. However, the no contact rule can come in handy to help your ex reconsider their feelings and opinions about you.

If you play the role of the clingy kid who refuses to let their ex go even when they’ve asked for a no-contact period, they may see you as something to play with, which reflects the respect they have for you has, can reduce.

However, when they see that you’re willing to step back and give yourself the break you deserve, their respect for you will increase, which in turn can reignite the feelings they once had for you.

Will no contact let him move on? Will it make him more likely to fall dangerously in love with you again? Well, there is no guarantee of that!

Related Reading: How to Rekindle Love in Your Relationship

An emotionally unavailable man may seem aloof, distant from those around him and unable to process and show his feelings. In most cases, he is perceived as callous, callous and incapable of love.

One of the things you would easily notice about the emotionally unavailable man is that he spends most of his time worrying about his next big goal, project, or idea. He will have sex with you. He might even agree to stay a few hours afterward.

However, the emotionally unavailable man is afraid to commit to a relationship.

Studies show that emotionally unavailable people often find it difficult to have meaningful romantic relationships with others. You wouldn’t be against casual dates and affairs. However, they would run for the mountains if they heard anything that even remotely resembled an obligation.

Does no contact work for men who are emotionally unavailable?

The chances are slim; too thin for comfort. If there’s one thing you should take away from this conversation, emotionally unavailable men have a problem with attachment. That means they would do anything to be unreserved for everyone.

If you’re wondering “will he forget me without contact,” chances are very high for emotionally unavailable men.

Related Reading: 12 Ways to Get an Emotionally Unavailable Man to Pursue You

Learn how to help an emotionally unavailable man share his feelings with the help of this video:

You may have spent time understanding when the right time is not to contact.

There is no perfect time to start the no-contact phase for your relationship (if you want to save the relationship by going down this route). This is because people are different and everyone has a pain threshold they can handle.

What is unbearable for you can be laughed at by someone else and vice versa. There is no “perfect time to start lockdown”.

However, to get the most out of your no-contact period, you need to understand your temperament and the type of person you are in a relationship with. Take a break from the relationship when it starts to get toxic.

This will ensure there isn’t a lot of bad blood between you if you decide to try again.

You are the ones who determine the best time to start the contactless phase in your relationship because you understand your unique situation, your needs, and the goals you want to achieve without contact.

How to get your ex to fall in love with you again

The loss of feelings is not the end of a relationship. You can follow the steps mentioned here to learn how to win back someone who has lost feelings for you.

1. Take a break

When you have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that your ex is losing the feelings he once had for you, the knee-jerk reaction would be to do whatever you can to make him swoon over you again. However, throwing yourself at them might not be the best option.

This is where the touchless option comes into play.

Lost feelings can come back, but you have to prove you’re worth being in a relationship, and you don’t do that by being clingy and needy. So start with a break.

2. Define the limits of the break

An easy way to lose your ex forever is to embark on a no-contact journey without defining exactly what you’re getting into. If you’re not having a deep conversation about it, go into a non-contact phase while you keep in touch in some form.

Conversely, you may drift apart forever because you never defined the start and end dates for the no-contact times.

Can lost feelings come back during the no-contact period? Yes, you can. However, you must be careful not to prolong the contactless phase or lose love.

Related Reading: 15 Signs of Unhealthy Boundaries in Relationships

3. Find out why

Figuring out the cause of the problem might be challenging, but there’s no hope of fixing what you don’t know. If you want him to fall in love with you again, you must first ask him what went wrong.

Try to have a heart to heart conversation. If you’re dealing with an emotionally healthy ex, chances are he’ll open up to you. You can say things you wouldn’t like.

However, if you want the relationship to thrive, you should focus on evaluating what they said and do your best to adjust and accommodate them. Effective communication is an essential part of successful marriages and relationships.

You can have this conversation before or after the no-contact phase for best results. Not during!

4. Communicate that you are committed to working with them

In order to get your ex who fell out of love to develop strong feelings for you again, you need to let them know that you’re committed to repairing the relationship and doing the right thing.

If you’re wondering, “No contact will work if he’s lost his feelings,” you need to understand that it’s not a you versus your ex situation. Instead, the two of you must work together as a team to make the dream work.

Bring away

The no-contact period has proven over the years to be a very reasonable period for couples to get their emotions under control and figure out how best to proceed with their relationship.

Does no contact work if he loses his feelings?

There’s no guarantee of that, and that makes it a part of life. It’s up to you to do your best to keep him (if you want him to stay). However, it would be helpful if you remembered that whoever chooses to stay will stay.

If he doesn’t want to stay with you, there is almost nothing you would do to keep him. This should be in the back of your mind even as you try to figure things out.

Is it a good idea to go on holiday with your ex?

She says that holidaying together can allow us to consider what the new relationship might look like, away from the pressures and stresses of everyday life. I found during my jaunt with my ex that investing quality time in a healthy relationship post-split helps put a positive spin on a parting.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Would you take a separation leave? (Image: Erin Aniker/

I just got back from Lanzarote where I was staying with my ex for a week.

No, it wasn’t a romantic getaway, it was a breakup holiday – to celebrate the end of our six years as a couple.

After breaking up a month before our vacation, we decided to keep things friendly.

We wanted to honor the time we spent together and memories by taking time out to do something nice as friends – a holiday in Lanzarote, with its sweeping coastlines, sea breeze and rugged landscape, was the perfect place.

Relationship expert Shomit Mitter says taking separation leave might actually be a good idea.

“When a relationship breaks down beyond repair, you often have to be strong enough to emotionally detach and break up,” says Shomit. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t be even stronger and have compassion for your ex even if you move on.

“Far too often we tend to see the world in black and white: I’m either with that person or I’m not. We do this because it gives us clarity in a time of turmoil. And clarity, in turn, gives us momentum: it gives us the courage to walk the path that we may find frightening.

“But we can be stronger. We can love and let go at the same time. You don’t have to hate someone forever just because you broke up with them once.”

The holiday with my ex was a pleasure for me. We both knew where we stood – just friends – and could both move forward. Long days at the beach and seafood dinners weren’t awkward at all. We had gone through such a difficult year together before we left that much of the love and trust was gone anyway – so neither of us longed for the other.

(Image: Erin Aniker for

I think anyone going through a breakup should cushion the crushing blow to their hearts with sun, sand, and sangria.

Confidence expert and relationship coach Ben Edwards says he’s spent more than one vacation with an ex and massively agrees it can help you find closure.

He tells us, “Once a couple has agreed to separate, there’s no more pressure to meet each other’s needs — all that pressure is gone.

“Once you realize the relationship is over and the initial pain is gone, it’s acceptable to still find qualities that you find attractive in that person that can help build a friendship that has a good, fun one.” holiday can make possible.”

Just make sure you choose your destination wisely. Staying at Lanzarote Retreats was perfect for me and my ex as there was plenty of space to spend time both alone and together. The queen bed in our apartment fit three (perfect for separate nights) and the pool and garden area was just the right size to relax apart.

Remember, says relationship counselor Nicola Perry, just because the relationship ended doesn’t mean your ex can’t still be friends. Nicola says, “It’s about nurturing and enjoying the good things you’ve enjoyed about each other and redefining the relationship you’ll have together going forward.”

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Integrative therapist Karen Pollock agrees that it’s healthier to be able to accept that while being together isn’t right for us, we don’t have to erase every happy moment and memory. She says that vacationing together can allow us to consider what the new relationship could be like, away from the pressures and stresses of everyday life.

I found during my trip with my ex that investing quality time in a healthy post-breakup relationship helps put a positive spin on the goodbye. It no longer feels like a pathetic breakup, but rather a amicable redefinition of our relationship.

Shomit adds: “A holiday is time-bound (therefore there is less room for confusion); and it’s always a break from the boredom and stress of everyday life (so it’s better than not).

“If you really want to move on, you have to make peace with the partner you once loved. If it used to be a good way to start a romantic relationship, why not do the same as a post-romantic one?”

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Is it OK to go on a trip with ex?

Beck explained, “Sometimes in relationships we have to confront the jealousy we feel.” Going on a group trip with an ex may spark some envy, but it’s OK to “let them deal with it in a healthy way.” Especially if you assured them there was nothing to worry about.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Southern Charm’s Naomie Olindo decided to take a group trip to Colorado because her ex was planning on leaving and her new flame wasn’t… but is having fun really the best way to deal with this situation?

It can be great to share a group of friends with a partner – until the breakup. Then it gets complicated! Southern Charm’s Naomie Olindo and Craig Conover found out the hard way when their dating history disrupted a group trip to Colorado. Naomie refused to go because her new boyfriend Metul wouldn’t be there and her ex would be. (Hear more about it in the After Show clip above.)

The Charleston friends aren’t the only ones who have been in this situation: The Vanderpump Rules crew has endured the same predicament over the years, with many of the SURvers also dating other SURvers. It’s important to figure out a work dynamic when your exes are in your own social circle — especially when traveling in groups.

Personal Space spoke to dating and relationship coach Crista Beck to learn how to overcome this challenge and join friends if you wish. Here are some ways you can meet the challenge of going on a group trip with an ex.

Honest Communication

Going on a group trip shouldn’t be an automatic deal-breaker if your new partner can’t go, even if your ex is with you, because “as long as he’s part of the friend group, that’s fine.” Beck suggested speaking to your new partner as soon as it comes up – “I really want to take this journey with my friends, what can I do to make you feel comfortable about it?”

This strategy is effective because it lets your partner know what you want and also gives them an opportunity to tell you what would make them agree with the plan. Transparency is key because “spending time with an ex can be a trigger,” even in a committed relationship.

Beck also suggested “reaffirming how badly you want them to be there. Make sure you tell them how you would like them to come.” Also, be sure to explain that you want these experiences because your “friendships are really important to you, too.”

set limits

Letting your partner set some relationship boundaries can help them process your journey with your ex, such as agreeing to only hang out in a group with your ex. Beck explains it’s a good idea “not to do anything alone with them as a form of respect for your partner.”

Vanderpump Rule’s ex-partners Kristen Doute and James Kennedy learned that lesson while spending time alone on a group tour and rumors of infidelity swept back to their two new partners who weren’t there. Avoiding situations that look shady is the best way to be respectful of your new partner so they don’t feel uncomfortable. Setting talk times while traveling or tracking conversations also helps them feel a part of the experience.

Talk to your ex

Beck suggested also taking some time to talk to your ex before the trip to set clear expectations of what your new partner thinks are reasonable preparations for the trip. It’s okay to say, “I ask that we are not alone on this journey together” so they know where you stand.

In Naomie’s situation, her ex had spoken ill of her new partner, fueling her desire to skip the trip. Beck explained, “It’s disrespectful when someone speaks ill of the person you’re dating. It’s okay to confront your ex about a good relationship, can you please stop that?”

If the conversation is going well, it’s a good sign that a group trip isn’t turning into unnecessary drama. (Note: Naomie spoke to Craig before the trip, which gave Craig some much-needed closure, but it still wasn’t enough to get Naomie to go on the trip.)

Trust your gut feeling

At the end of the day, trusting your intuition is important. Naomie firmly believed that the best thing for their relationship would be not to leave, but she would have left if she had been single. She explained, “It doesn’t matter to me enough to make Metul uncomfortable, and I know it makes him uncomfortable.” However, she insisted that Metul wasn’t the one telling her not to go.

Naomie said Metul told her “you have to do what you want,” but she didn’t feel it necessary to leave. Beck explains that if you’re dying to do the group trip and it’s important to you, there’s no reason to turn it down just because of an ex. When a new partner says no, “that’s a big deal to say if you’re just dating.”

Even if the situation is a bit uncomfortable, it doesn’t necessarily have to lead to a negative outcome. Beck explained, “Sometimes in relationships we have to face the jealousy that we feel.” Going on a group trip with an ex might inspire envy, but it’s okay to “let them deal with it in a healthy way.” Especially when you’ve reassured them that you don’t have to worry.

She added, “When you’re in an open and honest relationship, there has to be trust” — especially when you haven’t given them a reason not to.

“If your partner can’t trust you to take a group tour with friends, you might want to reconsider your relationship with that person,” she concluded.

No Contact During The Holidays

No Contact During The Holidays
No Contact During The Holidays

See some more details on the topic no contact during holidays here:

no contact rule holidays — Advice – Ask Craig

Do you think someone should break no contact and reach out to their … Right now, some of you guys will hear from your ex on the holays.

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No Contact During Holidays – Relationship Coaching

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This Holiday Seasons Guide To Breaking No Contact With An …

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Is it ok to contact an ex for the holidays? – Quora

No. You’re not together anymore. It’s an act of desperation and a waste of time. You had your holays together. Time to move on.

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No Contact For The Holidays!!! – Getting Back Together

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Should You Send Your Ex Holiday Greetings?

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no contact rule holidays — Advice — Ask Craig

Craig (00:00):

Today. We’re going to talk about should I approach my ex for Christmas? OK. So, many of you are really struggling right now about what to do. The holidays are really important. And I know many of you are thinking, “This is going to be the worst vacation I’ve ever had in my life.” And it feels like that because I know I went through a breakup over the holidays and it’s awful, but we’re going to talk about it today because we have some opinions on it. Do you think someone should cut ties and reach out to their ex for Christmas?

New speaker (01:22):


Craig (01:25):

no When someone has decided to end their relationship with you, we all believe that it’s their job to reach out to you and try to fix things. Right? Margaret.

Margaret (01:36):

Exactly. Yes. The ball is in their court, as we say.

Craig (01:39):

Yes. Because you know, when you think about it, the holidays are actually an even stronger time not to reach out to anyone. Right. Because it is that on the days when they do not hear from you, they will be even more affected because it is a special day. Right.

Margaret (02:04):

And you want to be with your loved ones, and if you watch TV for even five minutes, you see a happy couple and a happy family back to back. And when you’re not in that situation, it’s just awful and you may even feel guilty for not doing it, but remember they broke up with you.

Craig (02:24):

Yes. And for many of you, not hearing from you will come as a shock to your ex. Right. You don’t realize it, but they’re on the other side of it too. And you know, despite how they act and show themselves and often act like they don’t care if you’re alive or dead, it doesn’t mean they feel that way inside. And so it will hit them hard if you don’t reach out to them and genuinely want to give them the gift of missing you. Right. So yes, they will think of you.

Margaret (03:02):

You are, even if you don’t believe it. And so many people say, I know, they don’t think about me, they said it’s over and it’s over. Probably not. And nobody breaks off that they don’t think about it afterwards and say, oh my, did I make the right decision? If they were with you last year? Of course, they will think about it this year. Right. and wonder if they did the right thing and probably miss you, no matter what they said when you broke up, okay,

Craig (03:30):

They will also compare their lives to how they have been over the last year and where you have been. Exactly. And now how to proceed. Right. And that’s why they need time to see what life is like without you. And if you just keep pushing forward and reaching out to them, I don’t think it gives them a chance to really feel that.

Margaret (03:52):

No it does not. And you want them, that sounds kind of mean I know, but you want them to face the consequences of their decision not to have you in their life anymore. And you’re honoring what they asked you to do, which was obviously space, right?

Victoria (04:09):

And it’s going to feel weird, because especially if you’re used to spending that time with them or their family every year, being alone for the first time is going to make a big difference, right. During the first vacation. Always, that first year is always going to be the hardest because of all those very special sentimental moments that come up.

Margaret (04:28):

And if you contact them, it will help their anxiety and don’t think for a minute they don’t have it. Separation, fear works both ways, but you don’t want to save it. You want them to sit with that fear and that excitement and their sadness and reconsider their decision.

Craig (04:46):

And the other thing that will be a struggle for them is that they will have a lot of curious relatives.

Margaret (04:52):

Curious relatives are always at family dinners, right? And there’s always so and so and uncle, blah, blah, blah who’s going to say to you. “So where’s Linda? She was here last year. If it hurts you now, that’s the last thing you need to hear. And it’s very difficult to be polite but refuse to answer the question which is the goal “she couldn’t come or things didn’t go as we hoped” or whatever you say , but don’t get into a long discussion, just pass the information along.

Craig (05:32):

But your ex is bombarded with questions from his relatives asking where you are.

Margaret (05:39):

And everyone wants to know when you’re getting married and why you haven’t, there’s not a family member who doesn’t want to know. Right.

Victoria (05:46):

And they want to know what happened. So having to rehash that story for every family member, no, it’s overwhelming. It did not work. Yes.

Craig (05:58):

Your ex will need to rehash the story of your breakup.

Margaret (06:02):

It’s a good point. Because they’re going to get the same questions from Uncle So-and-So.

Craig (06:06):

It will sort of force them to think about you even if they didn’t, even if they tried not to. Right now, some of you will be hearing from your ex over the holidays. Sometimes when your ex has been thinking about things for a while and has been on the fence, he will use the holidays as an excuse and you will get a happy holiday message, a happy christmas message or something. Sometimes you hear that, but for them you have to realize that it’s actually scary to do that because they’re putting themselves at risk. We don’t feel like them because we made our feelings so clear to them during the breakup. But actually, after some time has passed, they start to wonder and feel like “If I approach you, will you reject me?”

Margaret (06:54):

Which you have every right and every reason to. Right.

Craig (06:57):

But when they reach out and wish you a Merry Christmas or something, it’s really important that you don’t come across as too strong. Right? Because it might be something where they only care about you as a person and they really miss you. They don’t necessarily see you getting back together, but you know, they miss you

Margaret (07:20):

And they were your friend as well as your lover

Victoria (07:23):

Especially if they were connected to your family and culturally, they might think it’s rude not to share the Christmas greetings with your ex and their family. That’s a big point. Yes.

Craig (07:35):

So the key is not to respond immediately when they approach you to avoid getting too strong. I would suggest waiting until later in the day and having quality time with your family, even if that’s difficult, but putting the phone down and letting them ask how you’re feeling or if you’re going to answer. And the other thing is, many of you aren’t necessarily in a situation where you’re completely out of touch. Maybe you and your ex talk here and there, maybe you still see each other sometimes. And it’s, you know, kind of, one of those things is on the fence. Reporting is a risk, isn’t it? We don’t suggest you do that. We understand that some of you will do this regardless of what we suggest, which is fine, but you have to keep in mind that they may not respond when you reach out. Right. OK.

Margaret (08:26):

So you have to be prepared for that. That’s correct.

Craig (08:28):

They may not respond with something you expect, or they may respond and it just may go nowhere. Like they could just be polite and say, “Merry Christmas to you,” and afterwards you’re like, “Why did I send that? Right. And then you’re, then you feel kind of frustrated.

Margaret (08:47):

Don’t just do it impulsively, we say. Because you can’t get hurt if you’re not ready.

Craig (08:52):

Yes. But we understand how difficult it is at this time of year and that it feels even worse these days.

Margaret (09:02):

Oh, Christmas is brutal. As I said, I learned this from children in foster care who were away from their families. And they would say if I see another empty and happy family there I will cry or throw something on the TV. OK. So they let you know how painful and hard it was for them to be separated from their families and loved ones. Yes.

Craig (09:26):

So your ex will go through a lot too no matter what he shows you because often your ex has the walls up especially if you have been pushy and disrespected his decision and pushed your own agenda. Right. So that’s what you can expect. It’s not like they’re dying to reach out to you after all of those, you know, dramatic moments and fights and fights and all those things have happened. But that’s what we wanted to talk about today. Because I know that many of you will interpret it as not caring about me. They don’t think of me and we’ll never get back together if it doesn’t happen by Christmas, that’s just not true.

Margaret (10:11):

It is not true. Yes. Right right. Yes. It’s just not true. It’s never all or nothing. Yes. You know? Yes.

Craig (10:20):

Many people who don’t get back together over the holidays or hear from their ex over the holidays end up getting back together with their ex in the future.

Margaret (10:29):

And then you find out later, Oh, I’ve been thinking about you all Christmas time. I was thinking of you on New Year’s Eve. Do you remember the beautiful New Year’s Eve we had last year? Then you will start hearing these messages. Yes.

Craig (10:40):

Right. Absolutely. But right now we know how difficult it is. So we just wanted to help you prepare. We have several other Christmas videos out there.

Margaret (10:48):

And I’ve heard a few people ask me just in the last two weeks should I call in for Christmas? Who broke up with whom? Remind me oh yeah You broke up with me. You know? What if I don’t hear anything, she’ll think I don’t care about them. Well, you know, they took that risk when they broke up, you know.

Craig (11:10):

OK. Hope you found this video helpful.

Experts Say It May Be OK To Text Your Ex Happy Holidays, & Here’s Why

Aside from all the undeniably lit things about the holiday season, you might find yourself in a confusing predicament — whether to text your ex or not. First of all, don’t worry – it’s perfectly normal for your thoughts to wander to past lovers during the holiday season, especially if you have fond memories of them associated with that time of year. So if you’ve been wondering if spreading the Christmas cheer towards your ex is really a good idea, you’re certainly not alone. Whether you should text your ex Happy Holidays or whether it’s better to remain silent can depend on a few factors. I spoke to NYC relationship expert Susan Winter to find out when it’s okay and when it’s not okay to slip into your ex’s inbox with an “innocent” holiday greeting.

It turns out that texting your old baby is perfectly fine as long as you both finished the chapter on romantic feelings. “Texting an ex over the holidays is fine if you’re both fine after the breakup,” Winter tells Elite Daily. “If neither of you has romantic feelings for the other, nothing but warm memories will stir up.”

However, I’m sure we can all remember a situation where almost every day (holiday or otherwise) we would have used as an excuse to get in touch with an ex we still had feelings for. According to Winter, it’s important to tread carefully if you’re hoping it could lead to more.

“If you’re still pining for your ex, reaching out can be tricky,” says Winter. “Right – it’s an excuse to connect. But you might end up with a perfunctory ‘Best wishes to you too’ response. This blow-off could send you into a downward spiral. So think carefully about ‘why’ you’ want to send those holiday text messages.”

There’s nothing wrong with a real vacation check-in, but it’s also a good idea to think about what’s going on emotionally with your ex. If you know (or suspect) they’re still emotionally invested in you and you’ve moved on, Winter notes that any contact could be misconstrued as an interest. On the other hand, Winter agrees that the holidays aren’t a bad time to try to reignite an old romance, but before making contact, it’s important to fully analyze the situation and possible outcomes.

“Ask yourself if you are ready for what you are initiating,” Winter recommends. “Check your relationship history. Consider if this person is someone who deserves another chapter in your life. Is this how you want to start a new year? Are you dragging the shattered remnants of your past into the fresh future, or are you? Did you reconfigure which was good but [didn’t work the first time]?”

Ultimately, once you’ve taken some time to understand your deeper motives for reaching out, the ball is yours to play the way you want. There’s nothing wrong with giving a past romance another chance, but being honest with yourself might just make things clearer. If you know you’re still emotionally involved with them and they just aren’t a good fit for you, this could be a good opportunity to decide that you’re done with them for good. Anyway, if they don’t end up responding the way you would have liked, just remember that there are so many wonderful and unique fish in the sea.

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex

Some people try to use the no contact rule as a form of manipulation (i.e., to get your ex to miss you so much that they want you back). But despite what some people on the internet will tell you, no contact isn’t particularly effective in getting an ex back. Just because some people have ex-boyfriends who have reached out to them after a period of no contact doesn’t mean that this will be the case for everyone. Additionally, trying to reduce your ex-partner to a formula or controlling their behavior to meet your own needs is not very empathetic. Trying to use the no contact rule in this way can be a sign that you have your own inner work to do that is an impediment to your relationship working. This strategy can also be unhealthy for you because it ties you psychologically to a past relationship and slows down your healing process.

Instead, the no contact rule should be about you and helping you walk away from your ex. It is an integral tool of self-empowerment. You want to get to the point where you can say, “With or without you, my life is going to be great.”

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