Our Roles In Promoting Safety In Our Community? Best 51 Answer

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How can we promote safety in our community?

Below are tips on how members of a community can promote peace and safety within their communities:
  1. Become an active participant in your community. …
  2. Promote peaceful conflict resolution. …
  3. Promote safety tips. …
  4. Get involved with a neighborhood watch program or any civic organization. …
  5. Educate members of the community.

What is safety in social studies jss1?

Safety is the state of being safe. It is the condition of being protected against physical, social, financial, political, emotional and occupational hazard. Safety in the environment involves taking every precaution to ensure that the environment is safe for us to live in. Reasons for Safety in the Environment.

What are the need for safety?

The need for safety was acknowledged as a basic human need by Abraham Maslow in his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. Safety needs represent the second tier in Maslow’s hierarchy and these needs include the security of body, of employment, of resources, of morality of family, and of health.

What is adaptability in social studies?

Adaptability refers to a social system’s ability to sense and understand its internal and external environments and to take action to achieve a fit or balance between the two.

What are 10 safety rules?

Top 10 General Safety Rules For Kids At School:
  1. Safety Rule #1 Know Your Name, Number And Address: …
  2. Safety Rule #2 Do Not Eat Anything Given By A Stranger: …
  3. Safety Rule #3 Do Not Climb The Fence: …
  4. Safety Rule #4 Do Not Walk Off The Yard Alone: …
  5. Safety Rule #5 Playing Or Experimenting With Fire Is Not Allowed:

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

You may be constantly concerned about your child’s safety whether they are playing outside or indoors. Keeping your child safe at all times requires continuous parental guidance. In such cases, it can be helpful to establish a few safety rules for children.

If you’re not sure how to set those rules, we’re here to help. Read on to learn about general home and school safety principles you can teach your child to help keep them safe.

Top 10 general safety rules for children at school:

As a parent, you may want to be close to your child at all times. But this is not possible. You have to let your child move out without you. There are places where your child meets with others in your absence, for example at school. Your child may also need to be in daycare or at home with a nanny. It’s also important to prepare your child for basic safety precautions in an emergency.

Here we list 10 safety rules for children to help keep them safe at school and at home:

1. Security Rule #1 Know Your Name, Number, and Address:

Your child may be small, but it’s important to provide basic contact information like your partner’s and partner’s name and phone number. Your child should be able to share your phone number with someone in an emergency. It is also important to know where the home is located and what attractions are nearby. Help your child memorize these through regular practice at home. Also, help your child remember a backup number to call, e.g. B. grandparents, uncle or aunt.

2. Safety Rule #2: Don’t eat what a stranger gave you:

You must teach your child the dangers of eating food given by a stranger. No matter how tempting the treat, if it came from a stranger, your child shouldn’t eat it. Teach your child that accepting food from anyone is dangerous. If someone offers food without your consent or in your absence, ask them to politely decline.

3. Safety Rule #3 Don’t climb over the fence:

Your child may be playing ball and suddenly jumps to a spot inside a fence. Teach your child never to try to retrieve anything by climbing through a fence. If something like this happens, your child should ask an adult for help, but never go near a fence.

4. Safety Rule #4: Do not leave the yard alone:

Similar to the point above, your child should know that they are not allowed to leave your yard alone. If your child needs to go out, you or a known adult should accompany your child at all times.

5. Safety Rule #5 Playing or experimenting with fire is not allowed:

Whether you are at home or not, your child should know that playing with fire is absolutely not allowed. Your child can only be near fire if you are nearby and have given your permission. Make sure all fire pits are out of your child’s reach.

6. Safety Rule #6 Never go anywhere with a stranger:

Your child should know that regardless of the reasoning, going anywhere with a stranger is not safe. Tell your child that if a stranger says something like, “Your mother asked you to come right away,” they should stay where they are and call for help. Make sure that in an emergency, you always send a family member, such as a grandparent or aunt, to your child and not a stranger.

7. Safety rule #7 No one should touch your child’s body:

This is a very important safety rule for children and you should start teaching it as soon as your child can grasp the basics. Teach about good touch and bad touch. Tell your child that no one is allowed to touch your child except mom and sometimes dad if necessary. If someone else has touched your child, your child should immediately yell for help and warn those nearby.

8. Safety Rule #8 If you get lost, stay where you are:

If your child gets lost, tell them that it’s important to stay right where they are. If they see another mother with children nearby, they can ask her for help. Your child should stay indoors and not go out, even with the other mother. The most common places where children get lost are the supermarkets. Tell your child to go to the counter and tell the person they are lost.

9. Safety rule #9 Do not give your address and phone number to anyone (except in emergency situations as in point 1):

Your child should know that it is unsafe to share personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, email IDs or pictures with strangers. Any information shared should only be done with your consent or in your presence.

10. Safety Rule #10 If I’m uncomfortable, I won’t:

No matter what your child is asked to do, if your child is uncomfortable, your child should NOT do it. This can be something as simple as stripping off your clothes in front of others and diving in a home pool. If your child isn’t comfortable doing it, no matter how many friends are doing it, then your child shouldn’t be doing it at all.

These general child safety rules need to be incorporated into the lessons you teach your children. These simple but important rules can help keep your child safe when you’re not around while keeping you relaxed. While it can be difficult to get them to understand the severity of these rules, it can be helpful to take them calmly and sketch out vivid scenarios. Despite these child safety rules, remember to be vigilant and always communicate openly so they can open up and reach out to you.

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How do you apply safety at home?

Guarding Against Intruders
  1. Install a home security system.
  2. Make sure locks are in place and are functioning correctly.
  3. Always check through a peephole or window before opening the door when somebody knocks.
  4. Keep your doors closed even when you’re home, including the garage doors.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Home Safety Tips A Comprehensive Resource As Yale Professor Henry H. Tweedy aptly put it, “Fear is the father of courage and the mother of safety.” Keep your home and family safe with these home safety tips.

Reducing risk in and around the home

In the kitchen, keep flammable objects (paper, curtains, plastics, etc.) away from each other.

Use harmful products (cleaning solutions, lighters) with caution (follow instructions!) and keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

Never leave sharp objects (knives) or similar tools and utensils mislaid or unattended.

Make sure the power cords are not routed over other appliances or the counter or hob.

Leave space around the equipment for adequate ventilation. Keep electrical appliances wrapped up and away from water in the bathroom.

Use non-slip strips or floor mats

Always keep the room clean and as dry as possible. Never smoke in the bedroom.

As always, make sure everything else is a safe distance from any source of fire or heat.

Opt for mattresses with protection against open flames.

You are most vulnerable when you sleep. Keep a phone, light (and a gun, if necessary) within reach, even while in bed. In the garage. This is probably where you store most of your tools and gadgets. Take precautions with flammable liquids, chemicals and anything that generates fumes.

Keep toxic substances (paint thinner, antifreeze, rat poison, etc.) locked away and out of the reach of children and pets.

Keep your workspace clean and organized, especially since many of your tools are sharp, heavy, or otherwise dangerous. Surround your plot in the garden with a sturdy fence (this is more to keep children and pets out, but can also be used to remind strangers to stay away).

If you have a pool, keep it locked or fenced off when not in use.

Be careful when working in inclement weather. On ice and snow, use sand, salt, and shoes with good traction. On the stairs, keep the steps clean and dry.

Always install strong and stable railings on both sides of the stairs. Make sure that the distance between the rails is small enough that a child or toddler cannot fall through. Good rule of thumb: less than four inches!

Keep stairs well lit. Protect yourself from fires at home with these safety tips: install smoke detectors, check them regularly and replace the batteries at least once a year.

Avoid overloading outlets and extension cords.

Have fire extinguishers handy and know how to use them.

Set up a safety exit, make sure all family members know and understand it, practice with drills and make sure it’s never blocked.

Never block or stack items on radiators or near heat-emitting appliances; Give these a wide berth, give them plenty of room to breathe, and make sure they don’t get overheated.

Make sure all materials are fireproof when renovating or just repairing something around the house.

Never leave fire and hot appliances unattended.

Remove dry vegetation from around your home, especially during the dry season.

Cover the fireplace with a sturdy and large metal fire frame. Have easy access to important phone numbers in an emergency: police, fire, poison control, and trusted family, friends, and neighbors. Clearly mark your house number on the mailbox, fence, gate or wall so that you can be easily found in an emergency. Consider investing in home safety orientation training if you work in the home care industry.

85% of all fire deaths in the US in 2009 occurred in homes (4) A burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds. (5) Most burglars leave immediately if the break-in fails. Typically, burglars spend less than 60 seconds breaking into a home. The more difficult the access, the more likely a burglar will reconsider the attack. (6) Typically, burglars spend less than 60 seconds breaking into a home. The more difficult the access, the more likely a burglar will reconsider the attack. Make an evacuation plan and discuss it with the rest of the household.

Buy, replace, and inspect all smoke alarms in your home.

Buy a fire extinguisher and have it in a handy, easily accessible place.

Put a Save the Baby or Save Our Pet decal on a windshield to alert firefighters to family members who are unable to save themselves.

Keep indoor areas non-smoking; Put up signs and stickers as needed.

Never leave fires – no matter the room or purpose – unattended.

Protection from intruders

Install a home security system.

Make sure the locks are in place and working properly.

Always look through a peephole or window before opening the door if someone knocks.

Keep your doors closed even when you are home, including garage doors.

Keep blinds or curtains closed so you don’t advertise the content (especially in expensive rooms!).

Instead of leaving your valuables lying around, keep your valuables in a safe or some very clever hiding place.

Protect sliding doors from intrusion by inserting a metal rod or tube into the bottom track (make sure it’s the same length).

Request ID if a stranger claims to be a police officer or other government official.

Adopt a guard dog.

Report any suspicious activity around your home or neighborhood to local authorities immediately.

Don’t leave digital footprints for criminals. Social networks offer an easy, fun, and dangerous way to announce your exact whereabouts and all times. We often forget that our friends are not the only ones who are privy to all the information we post.

Never announce that you are leaving your home, especially if you are away for a long time.

Never publish your address or phone number.

Be careful of the information you include on your answering machine, voicemail, or email signatures.

households with children

Never leave children alone or unattended near water or fire.

When a child goes missing, always check the body of water (pool or bathtub) first – you can prevent a drowning in seconds.

Unload and lock firearms and all other weapons.

Store medicines and chemicals safely out of reach.

Keep choking hazards (small objects and small foods) safely out of reach.

Keep heavy or fragile items safely out of reach.

Use furniture with rounded ends and avoid sharp objects and accessories.

safe household items; Prevent tipping by securing bookshelves, shelving, and other items or equipment that could catastrophically fall.

Immediately replace any damaged, frayed, or defective materials or appliances that could pose a hazard to an unsuspecting child.

Cover outlets, floor equipment, and coiled extension cords when not in use; Although these are rules to follow anyway, they are especially important when there are children underfoot.

Avoid lead poisoning by checking your child’s toys and gear.

Opt only for cribs, high chairs, and other regularly used furniture that were painted after 1978.

Buy new furniture; Old parts may be worn out or have missing parts, which is dangerous.

The UL logo identifies products that have been expertly tested, verified and found to be safe.

Reduce the risk of choking.

Remove access to trunks, old refrigerators, car trunks and other areas where children could lock themselves.

Keep beds and cots as empty as possible – young children in particular are vulnerable to suffocation.

Block or bolt the windows, stairways and doors to prevent accidental falls or small children walking around.

Protect children from plants. Plants are beautiful, enrich the air with oxygen and decorate a room beautifully. But they can be toxic if eaten. Know what plants you have and opt for the safest ones.

households with elders

fall protection:

Install rails along the stairs in the bathroom.

Secure windows, block stairs and lock doors.

Replace unstable or slippery carpets and rugs.

Make sure the floor is always clean, clear and dry.

General information:

Provide good lighting in the rooms; Elders often have problems with their sight (or other senses, in which case it is even more important for them to see).

Use night lights or motion sensor lights for easy navigation.

Arrange furniture for easy navigation.

Rearrange furniture and items to make commonly used items more accessible.

Easy access to phone numbers in case of an emergency or to contact family/a trusted neighbor.

When you’re vacationing away from home

To lock. Make sure all your locks are working properly and that all doors and windows are locked.

Create the illusion that someone is home:

Turn on (and leave on) a TV or stereo.

Leave some interior lights on; Use a timer if you’re going to be away for more than a day.

Leave the outside lights on

Use outdoor lights that turn on via motion sensors

Never leave notes on the door when you leave the house (for a neighbor, handyman, family member or whoever) – this comes in handy as you yell that you left the building.

Lower your ringtone. If you’re going to be away for a while, set your phone so the volume is low and the continuous ringing doesn’t announce your absence.

Unplug certain devices. For example, you don’t have to turn on the toaster, the computer or the washing machine. You save energy, money and the risk of something breaking or catching fire due to power surges or other mishaps.

Have a trusted neighbor or friend pick up your mail regularly.

Never interrupt or cancel email delivery – you never know who might do it.

Never leave extra keys in expected places. Under the doormat and in the flowerpot by the door aren’t the smartest places to hide. Find a place that is as inconspicuous as possible or trust a good neighbor.

What is the importance of safety and security?

Safety and security represent many things, including a stable income, consistent housing, clothing, and food supplies as part of the predictability of daily life, protection from crime, and psychological security.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

priorities for citizens

A number of studies, notably the World Bank’s Voices of the Poor report (a year-long survey of poor people in 23 low- and middle-income countries; Narayan et al., 2000), show that safety, security and Justice is a major concern for citizens. Safety and security represent many things, including stable income, consistent housing, clothing, and food supplies as part of the predictability of daily life, protection from crime, and psychological security.

There is a feeling among poor people that insecurity and instability affect them more than the wealthy, whether through crime and violence, conflict, or unresponsive, corrupt and abusive security actors like the police. Poor people live in insecure areas, have the most insecure assets and rights, have fewer resources to protect themselves, and suffer most from crime (Narayan et al., 2000; Ismail & Hendrickson, 2009). The recent A Million Voices report on the outcome of the post-2015 development agenda consultation process highlights security and equity as key elements missing from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (UNDG, 2013).

Women, men, girls and boys often have different security and legal perceptions, experiences and needs that require specific responses. For example, insecurity and injustice contribute to gender discrimination and social exclusion as a result of women’s inadequate property rights, unequal access to assets, and discriminatory social norms and power structures (Narayan et al., 2000; DFID, 2007).

Contributions to development results

There is growing evidence that deficiencies in security, protection and justice contribute to both poverty and underdevelopment (Ismail and Hendrickson, 2009). Conversely, the existence of security and equity can contribute to development outcomes, including virtuous cycles of security and development, “with high levels of security leading to development and development further promoting security” (Stewart, 2004, pp. 278-279). Although evidence suggests that security and equity are linked to development, establishing direct causality is complex (Cox, 2008; Roseveare, 2013).

Safety, security and justice are seen as moral rights and inherent in development (OECD-DAC, 2007a; AusAID, 2012). Amartya Sen’s theory of “development as freedom” includes protective security, political freedom, economic institutions, social opportunity, and guarantees of transparency as elements of freedom, each contributing to individual and collective agency (Roseveare, 2013). Reviews of the impact of access to justice or legal empowerment programs highlight that insecurity and injustice are part of poverty, increase community vulnerability and strengthen local power structures (Cox, 2008). Stewart (2004, p. 266) states that insecurity affects human well-being through ‘entitlement failures’: conflict affects an individual’s or household’s control over resources, and extreme human suffering occurs when this falls below what what is required for subsistence.

Preventing violent conflict and post-conflict reconstruction: 22 of the 34 countries furthest from achieving the MDGs are in conflict or in conflict, suggesting that conflict and instability are barriers to development (DFID , 2010a). The World Development Report 2011 highlights that strengthening legitimate institutions and governance to ensure security, justice and jobs is crucial to breaking spirals of violence (WB, 2011). Econometric evidence on violence and development suggests that “the correlations between insecurity and underdevelopment are much stronger than the correlations between peace and development” (Denney, 2013, p. 3) and “goods” perceived as peace anchors, such as good governance, accountability and strong state-society relations “are not associated with stronger development outcomes than the absence of violence” (p. 4).

Effective and accountable States: Accountability in the provision of security, security and justice is related to protection from human rights abuses, the ability of citizens to seek redress and hold providers to account, and the responsiveness and accessibility of the delivery itself (OECD -DAC, 2007a). . Security and judicial institutions can be abused by elites who protect their personal interests and prevent transparent and accountable governance. Democratically controlled security and judicial institutions, and an independent judiciary capable of controlling legislative and executive powers, including security institutions, help establish the rule of law. The equitable provision of safety, security and justice to all citizens is important to legitimacy and effectiveness (DFID, 2007). It helps build the trust needed to overcome societal distrust in countries affected by violence. Trust-building and service delivery in local communities contribute to “virtuous cycles” of institutional transformation and national development progress (WB, 2011).

Economic growth and private sector development: Much of the research on the link between security and justice and development has focused on the economic costs of crime and violence (Cox, 2008; Denney, 2013). According to Cox, the literature explains the causal links between crime and development and shows how crime drains financial, physical, social and human capital from households and businesses.

Violent conflict contributes to insecurity and can hamper economic growth. In an overview of the 25 countries most affected by conflict from 1960 to 1995, Stewart (2004, p. 264) finds that uncertainty represented by the presence of conflict influences economic behavior through:

Reduction in economic growth, with conflict-affected economies growing an average of 1-2 percent slower than peacetime economies.

Exports decline due to production declines and a shift to domestic markets.

Reduction of per capita consumption.

Increase the share of government spending on the military and decrease the share of social spending.

Violent conflict can also destroy infrastructure and assets, undermine investment and contribute to unemployment. It increases the cost of doing business and reduces incentives for international or local investment in physical or human capital (DFID, 2007; Garrasi et al., 2009).

propose that causal links between justice and economic growth are bidirectional, complex, and poorly understood – economic growth can drive the development of justice systems and not vice versa (Cox, 2008). Roseavare (2013) notes that studies on the relationship between the rule of law and economic growth show a positive correlation, but links between property rights protection and investment and growth are controversial: some studies claim that property rights incentivize investment and productivity, while others do suggest that a connection depends on the type of property and the available markets for land, credit and other outcomes.

Service delivery: A lack of safety, security and equity impedes the provision of or people’s access to other services such as education, health, water, sanitation and electricity (OECD-DAC, 2007a).

National interests of donor countries

National security and other foreign policy interests of donor countries affect the delivery of security and justice assistance. For example, the European Union’s engagement in dealing with regional conflicts, state failure and cross-border crime is motivated by self-defense (EU, 2003). The UK Government’s ‘Building Stability Overseas’ strategy emphasizes the importance of peaceful development, stability and security around the world to the UK’s prosperity and national security (HMG, 2011a, p. 2). Conflict and instability, unaccountable and inefficient governments, human rights abuses and poor socio-economic development elsewhere can affect the UK’s security through the spread of refugee flows, terrorist activities and organized crime (HMG, 2011a). Furthermore, it is in the UK’s national interest to support and promote British values, which include the rule of law, freedom of expression, tolerance and human rights (HMG, 2010).

Why is it important to manage safely?

In addition to legal obligations, health and safety training also helps business reduce costs, lower risk, lower employee absence and minimise accident frequency. It also can lessen the threat of legal action and improve the businesses standing and reputation among suppliers, partners, and stakeholders.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


LBV hub

health and well-being

Safe management – what is it and why is it important?


The trial and error of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in the workplace to protect employees, customers and the general public has resulted in companies adopting a multitude of protocols and procedures, all related to health and safety.

There is no doubt that this has been extremely important and necessary for the health and well-being of all of us, but while the pandemic has caught our attention and compelled companies and organizations to act, the same cannot always be said about the broader field of health and safety and risk assessment.

Managing Safely can solve this problem. Training enables leaders of a company or organization to meet their health and safety responsibilities by providing them with the knowledge and skills to protect their employees, customers and site visitors from risk.

The Employment Rights Act 1996 makes it a legal requirement for employers to “protect their workers from being harmed as a result of reasonable measures they take for health and safety reasons”. In addition to legal obligations, health and safety training also helps companies reduce costs, reduce risk, reduce employee absenteeism and minimize accident rates.

It can also reduce the risk of legal action and improve the company’s standing and reputation with suppliers, partners and stakeholders. As such, it is in the best interest of all businesses to utilize health and safety training such as the proven IOSH Manage Safely health and safety course, which is specifically designed for businesses and suitable for all industries.

IOSH recognized training providers such as Centaur Training Services deliver Managing Safely training in a practical, jargon-free format that engages and inspires managers. The course is filled with memorable and thought-provoking facts and case studies to help drive home the points throughout the course. Each module is supported by crystal clear examples and recognizable scenarios, and summaries reinforce key learning points. Attending the Managing Safely Centaur training has helped a variety of organizations achieve greater productivity, with fewer hours lost to illness and accidents, and the development of a company-wide culture of safety awareness, a greater appreciation for safety practices and an increase in the active involvement of employees to improve the workplace.

Participants leave the course with a checklist of actions and other materials to try and implement when they return to their own workplace. They also receive a nationally recognized and respected certification for managers and supervisors, the IOSH Managing Safely Award.

The course covers the fundamentals of health, safety and the environment with a focus on the following topics:

assess risks

control risks

understand responsibilities

understand dangers

investigation of incidents

performance measurement

protection of our environment

Health and safety training raises employees’ awareness of potential hazards, makes them feel valued, and gives them confidence and clarity about safety in the workplace.

To learn more about the IOSH Managing Safely course at Centaur Training, and for a wide range of other off and on site and e-training courses, visit the Centaur website.

Why is it important to adapt to change in the workplace?

The ability to embrace change will continually help businesses to find and nurture new business ideas and opportunities. Having stellar change strategies will help any business to move forward into new areas brought about by the new ways of working.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

It’s natural to think that changes in the workplace are a bad thing. Change can be daunting, change can be scary, it takes us out of our comfort zone. You know… that familiar zone we all want to live in forever! But change is good in the workplace. So in this article we will examine and explain why every change in your organization has positive results. We’ll also examine what kind of changes you’re likely to encounter and why those changes can be good for your business… and why being a disruptor is cool! Within the scope of what you would call “changes,” some are those that may occur more frequently — or even less frequently, and others that are due to organic growth. Both are equally important to staying relevant and building your customer base during these competitive times. So let’s take a look at the quick answer as to why it is imperative that businesses constantly grow and adapt to varying circumstances within the business and the marketplace. Why is change in the workplace good? Changes in an organization lead to many positive aspects – which lead to you retaining a competitive advantage and also staying relevant in your line of business. Change drives innovation, develops skills, develops people and leads to better business opportunities and improves employee morale. This is the short answer to why companies need to make change a central part of their strategy. So let’s examine a little more closely why it’s important to adapt to change.

Why It’s Important to Adapt to Changes in the Workplace Changes in the workplace can make us uncomfortable stepping out of what we normally do and trying new ways of working. Adapting to change in the workplace is often difficult because it’s too easy to get used to our habits, but… Change is essential to many aspects of business and our working lives. Companies that do not change can stagnate and not develop further. Our world today is constantly evolving in terms of technology and many other challenging but innovative ways. The ability to face these new challenges head-on will not only develop the company as a whole, but also those who work in it. “Change is imperative to many aspects of business and our working lives” So now we’ve looked at why adapting to changes in the workplace is important to keep ideas fresh and moving forward. Now let’s look at some of the key positive benefits of being flexible in a work environment and adapting more easily to change below.

What happens if companies don’t change? As we have already seen, while change can be difficult, it can be hugely beneficial for both the organization and the people within the organization. Organizations that are stuck or inflexible in their approach to business are opting for a legacy work environment. This environment lacks the ability to adapt to new opportunities, including creative ideas…ideas that can result in an overall improved operation or perhaps an entirely new product or service. “Stuck or inflexible companies…choose a stale work environment” It wasn’t long ago that Blockbuster Video was the “King” of video rentals. At the height of its success, Blockbuster had thousands of retail stores and millions of loyal customers. Unfortunately, CEO John Antioco lacked a vision for the future and he resisted the inevitable changes that lurked on the horizon. In 2000, Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix (then a struggling DVD mail-order startup), proposed a partnership with Blockbuster. Antioco laughed in his face and turned it down. He didn’t laugh for long, however. For much of the next decade, Blockbuster was in decline and filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010. Innovation and the ability to respond to changes in your business brings with it the possibility of great new business opportunities, while ignoring the need for change can bring great danger. Let’s take a look at the types of changes you may need to respond to in your organization.

What changes are there in the workplace? Today’s workplace is changing, and fast. There are many reasons why change occurs in the workplace—and often with seemingly inexorable frequency. Many of the changes we are seeing are the result of the pandemic, and what seemed like a temporary change may now last longer. In addition, some changes such as Changes in government, such as government changes, always have a certain durability, but today the changes come quickly and more frequently. Let’s look at what kind of changes you might need to respond to in your organization. Structural Change – Thinking of going back to work in 2019? You woke up early and drove to the office between 8 and 9 a.m.? Usually your work day ended around five, maybe six, unless you were working on a specific project or had a deadline, then you stayed a little longer.

Today this model seems to be obsolete; COVID changed everything. Most people work remotely and they like it. Many companies are proposing a hybrid workplace with employees coming and going. This hybrid model gives employees the flexibility they want. Big changes are coming as the hybrid model transforms company culture, engagement and the way work gets done.

Do you remember going back to work in 2019? You woke up early and drove to the office between 8 and 9 a.m.? Usually your work day ended around five, maybe six, unless you were working on a specific project or had a deadline, then you stayed a little longer. Today this model seems to be obsolete; COVID changed everything. Most people work remotely and they like it. Many companies are proposing a hybrid workplace with employees coming and going. This hybrid model gives employees the flexibility they want. Big changes are coming as the hybrid model transforms company culture, engagement and the way work gets done. Changing Demographics – For the first time in history, there are five different generations in the workplace. Different perspectives have changed the dynamics of the workplace. Understanding this cross-generational workforce and its impact will be critical to driving innovation, forming unified and productive teams, and adapting to the future workplace.

– For the first time in history, there are five different generations in the workplace. Different perspectives have changed the dynamics of the workplace. Understanding this cross-generational workforce and its impact will be critical to driving innovation, forming unified and productive teams, and adapting to the future workplace. Shifting focus on diversity, inclusion and equity – Another significant shift brought about by the 2020 protests is the increasing pressure to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. A comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy will help fight discrimination and cultural bias.

– Another significant shift brought about by the 2020 protests is the increasing pressure to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. A comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy will help fight discrimination and cultural bias. Technological Changes – For a number of years, organizations have been examining the relationship between their employees (people) and technology and how it affects trust, relationships and psychological well-being. Now let’s look at how technology and AI will impact the future.

– For a number of years, organizations have been studying the relationship between their employees (people) and technology and how it affects trust, relationships and psychological well-being. Now let’s look at how technology and AI will impact the future. Change of government – ​​A new government inevitably means a shift in the political agenda – which could affect how your business operates today.

– A new government inevitably means a change in the political agenda – which could affect how your business operates today. Product Changes – Something as simple as a product your company is selling is reaching the end of its life cycle, or when market demand for a particular product wanes, you may need to act quickly.

At this point, you may need to transfer your efforts to another service, which may require new creative thinking or just a transfer of manpower to the new product focus.

– Something as simple as a product your company is selling is reaching the end of its life cycle, or when market demand for a particular product is waning, you may need to act quickly. At this point, you may need to transfer your efforts to another service, which may require new creative thinking or just a transfer of manpower to the new product focus. Mergers and Acquisitions – It could be that your company is trying to cut expenses or maybe allocate some money or resources to something new. This could come in the form of mergers and acquisitions. At this point it may be important to downsize or change the way people work. It is easy to see that there are often many different types of change occurring organically that need to be acted upon. When you make change part of your ongoing strategy, you can stay competitive—and grow as a business, too. Those companies that can more easily adapt to these naturally occurring changes are likely to see the benefits of a “Positive Change Strategy” to reap the rewards. Some of these are outlined below.

Why is it important to be adaptable in the workplace?

The more adaptable you are, the better suited you’ll be for a leadership role. More adaptable leaders tend to show greater ability to motivate, inspire and lead teams, and more easily earn the respect of co-workers. They embrace change and encourage others to do the same.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Adaptation is something people are born with. In the wild, it can make the difference between life and death. While the stakes in the workplace may not be that high, or at least shouldn’t be that high, being adaptable in the workplace is an important part of being successful.

A constant change and transformation characterizes companies today. This has never been more evident than during the pandemic. Workers suddenly found themselves working from home, juggling multiple new programs and tools with little training. Workers who were able to adapt and thrive during this period made significant contributions to their organizations as innovators, leaders, and valuable assets.

Adaptability in the workplace goes beyond the ability to stand out from the crowd. It’s about reaching our full potential and not being limited by our routine. We are able to expand our skills and abilities and define our identities through change.

Adaptability in the workplace isn’t just a set of actions, it’s an attitude. The actions are made possible by the attitude you carry with you in every task and interaction you face throughout the day. Adaptive people feel free to seek solutions. They don’t cling to imperfections or wait for things to be just right before getting started.

What are the benefits of workplace adaptability?

The more adaptable you are, the better suited you are for a leadership role. More adaptable leaders tend to demonstrate a greater ability to motivate, inspire, and lead teams, and more easily earn the respect of their peers. You embrace change and encourage others to do the same. With adaptability, they can handle unexpected situations without extensive direction, allowing them to take charge.

Regardless of the industry you work in, it is common for the way your work is carried out and the atmosphere in the workplace to change. Because of this, employers want to hire employees who can adapt to these changes. Being an adaptable employee means you can easily deal with new changes and challenges.

Not everyone in the workplace is coping with the changes. So the more able you are to anticipate and adapt to change, the happier and more relaxed you will be. Being adaptable means believing in yourself and your ability to pivot as needed. Essentially, when you embrace change, you have found a reason to be happy no matter the situation.

The more adaptable you become, the better you can handle adversity. This will also lead to a mindset of resilience and perseverance for the trial and error required to arrive at better solutions.

As the world continues to change, there will be constant evolution of the workforce. This may require the implementation of new systems, tools or business strategies, or changes to your original job description. The more adaptable you become, the better you can adapt to new changes, making you more valuable.

How to improve your adaptability in the workplace

“When you’re done changing, you’re done.” -Benjamin Franklin

If you’ve been told you need to be more flexible, or simply have an inner desire to improve your or your team’s adaptability in the workplace, there’s good news. While some of us are more adaptable by nature, growth in this area is within everyone’s reach. It might take a little practice and intention if it’s not your natural inclination. But you can learn it and we can help.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your adaptability:

It’s hard to learn something new when we think we know everything. Not only is asking questions of peers, mentors, and managers a great way to learn more, but it will also help to understand how you are challenging the old patterns and systems within an organization that may be slowing down progress.

While making a mistake can be discouraging, it also offers you great opportunities. You might learn a valuable lesson, find an opportunity to share knowledge, or uncover a new solution. Change the way you think about your mistakes. The better you are at accepting your mistakes, the more adaptable you will be in dealing with the consequences.

Playfulness is one of the ways we build adaptability skills. Think of “play” as “trial and discovery.” It helps us to quickly work through scenarios with creative thinking to find the best solutions. A playful approach to our work encourages our adaptability by allowing us to seek new opportunities without undue pressure.

A good way to learn adaptability is to observe how your employees embrace change. Think about how they show their adaptability in certain situations and how you can apply the same concepts. It can also be beneficial to ask them for any tips they can offer in this area.

Adaptability in the workplace is a valuable soft skill that will benefit your individual career and organization while instilling renewed optimism. The only constant in life is change, so why not embrace it? You will find over time that the ability to embrace change will impact and benefit your personal and professional life. Strong adaptability skills make these changes less daunting and empower you and your team to overcome any obstacle.

What is abstinence for jss1?

Abstinence is a deliberate decision not to engage in any form of sexual intercourse.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Social Studies Topics JHS (Basic 7) – Class Note from Edudelight.com

Work Scheme Social Studies J.S.S. 1

Week One – Review of last semester’s work

Week Two – Our role in promoting safety in our community

need for security

Safety measures at home, at school and at work

Safety instructions for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and motorists.

Week three – safety club as a means of socialization, structure and process of forming road safety clubs in schools.

Fourth Week – Common Social Problems in Nigeria

Fifth Week – Ways to solve common social problems in Nigeria

Sixth week – abstinence I

Meaning of sexual abstinence

Week seven – abstinence II

Skills and behaviors that promote abstinence

benefits of abstinence

Facts about abstinence

Week Eight – Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture

Week Nine – Adaptability




Topic – Revision of the work of the last semester.



PERIOD I: Subtopic

Safety needs and measures in the home, school and work environment.

Safety is a situation that prevents any form of injury when performing activities.

Safety is a precaution against injury when performing activities.

A safe community takes responsibility for supporting its members, and every member is valued

Safety needs/reason in our community

To prevent fatalities To prevent avoidable accidents To prevent property damage To prevent temporary or permanent disabilities. It promotes youth employment

Safety measures at home, at school and at work.

At home:-

Gas bottle should be properly closed to prevent gas leakage Proper waste disposal Car keys should be kept away from children and young people All medicines should be kept out of the reach of children To avoid electric shock, the house should be properly wired by professionals.

School Environments:-

The school building should be properly constructed. Fire extinguishers should be provided in strategic places such as laboratories, offices, kitchen, healing room. etc. The school hall should be well ventilated. First aid kits should be provided in laboratories, school clinics, etc. School lunches should be prepared and served hygienically to avoid food poisoning.

Working environment:-

Original sockets, plugs and other electrical equipment should be used in offices. Proper wiring of the building should be established. Smoking should be banned in all offices and restricted to specific areas, e.g. As restaurants, be restricted. Regular training of staff to avoid accidents at work by the safety officer. Staff should remove all electrical equipment after office hours.

PERIOD II – Subtopic: – Safety guidelines for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and motorists.

A pedestrian:- This is a person who walks or travels (a walker).

A cyclist:- This is a person who rides a bicycle or travels etc.

A Motorcyclist:- This is a person who rides or operates a motorcycle.

Motorist: Someone who drives a car.

security policies


They should go against the traffic instead of supporting it while walking on the street. Pedestrians should wear light-colored clothing during night work. You should look left, right, and left again before crossing. You should use footbridges where available.


Drivers should never drink alcohol before or while driving. You shouldn’t drive too fast. You should never make or receive phone calls while driving. The seat belt should be fastened every time. You should strictly obey all traffic signs.

cyclists and motorcyclists.

You should wear a helmet You should not carry more than one passenger You should obey all traffic signs You should avoid abnormal horns Proper maintenance of motorcycles. Respect the speed limit


(1) Define the following:

(a) Security

(b) Motorists

(c) cyclists

(d) pedestrians

(e) Motorcyclists

(2) Provide 5 traffic guidelines

Task: – Is there a need for security in our community? Explain 3 security needs in your community.

Social Science Topics JHS


Topic:- Safety clubs as a means of socialization, structure and process of formation of road safety clubs in schools

Period I

Subtopic: Safety clubs as a means of socialization

Socialization is a process of learning acceptable behaviors of the society in which one lives.

agents of socialization

Family The school Peer groups The mass media Religious groups Volunteer organizations such as Boy Scouts, Red Cross, Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Rotary Clubs, Young Men Christian Association, Road Safety Club, etc.

History of the Road Safety Association

FRSC was founded in 2007. RSC is an arm of the Federal Road Safety Commission. It was inaugurated in secondary schools in 2012. His goal is to train students in road safety rules

Founding of the Traffic Safety Association

The school writes a letter to the Federal Highway Safety Commission. A visit to the school by the Federal Traffic Safety Commission Provides the necessary instructions to the school board, who will assist in organizing the students Inauguration day is determined by the commission The election of key officers such as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. The road safety coordinator guides and directs the club’s activities in the school. Club members participate in programs organized by the Federal Highway Safety Corps for schools as part of their commands.

All of this offers club members from other schools the opportunity to freely interact and socialize.


Subtopic:- Role of road safety clubs in youth socialization.

Creating a conducive atmosphere for member interaction Instilling good morals and values ​​Providing students with an opportunity to learn road safety rules Helping members participate in paramilitary training Helping students become responsible leaders. It helps members to report any road accident to the nearest FRSC office or appropriate body for assistance


What is Socialization Highlight 5 Agents of Socialization How to start a road safety club in a school What role do road safety clubs play in youth socialization? Provide a brief history of RSC


How to start a road safety club in your school?

Social Science Topics JHS



Common social problems are recurring problematic behaviors in our society.

Common social problems in Nigeria are:-

Kidnapping Armed robbery Corruption Exam abuse Prostitution Drug addiction Internet woman Religious and ethnic conflicts Lack of cooperation Electoral fraud etc.

Exam Mistakes:- This is an illegal method for students to pass the exam and earn a certificate.


Laziness Incompetence of teachers Parental influence Greed for money Activities of corrupt school owners


Diligent and Diligent Students School owners who commit exam errors should be sentenced and blacklisted. Strict punishment of offenders Provide more facilities in schools to support learning.

Cultism: These are people with dangerous beliefs.

Its origin can be traced back to a pirate brotherhood founded in 1953 by Nobel laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka at University College Ibadan. Their goal is to end the tribalism and colonial mentality of most Nigerians. Now the opposite is true, they are known for violence, murder, assaulting non-members such as faculty and students who insult them.


Desire for power Seeking security Influence of friends Seeking love


Parents should train their children in the Lord’s way from an early age. Religious leaders should organize more transformational programs for youth. The government should do better to educate society about the dangers of cultism.

PERIOD II:- Causes of social issues and problems

Poor Economy: Many citizens face social problems due to job loss, low standard of living, low unemployment, poverty, etc. Prenatal Neglect: Many youngsters were neglected by their parents at a tender age due to political ambitions and rushing for wealth, such children move with corrupt friends, that affect them negatively. Peer Group Influence: Many youth are innocent but due to the influence of friends, they engage in cult activities, scammers, drug addicts, armed robbers, etc. Corruption: Many school owners, principals, teachers, government officials encourage all forms of exam failure by collecting bribes from parents and students. Influence of Internet and TV: These social media have exposed many youth to bad behaviors.


What are common social problems Highlight 5 common social problems in the state of Nigeria and explain 3 causes of social problems and problems in Nigeria.

Assignment:- What are the causes of exam mistakes as one of the social problems in the school setting?


Topic:- Ways to solve common social problems in Nigeria.

Parents should face up to their responsibility to properly raise their children in love. Good Leadership:- Political leaders should set a good example for the citizens, they must not be selfish and greedy in their political appointment. Diligent and patriotic youth should be rewarded. Religious leaders should inculcate proper religious knowledge that will lead them to avoid all evil and adhere to the will of God. Laws and regulations to contain social problems are strictly enforced.


Name 5 ways to solve common problems in Nigeria.

Task:- Give 5 ways to solve common social problems in a school environment

Social Science Topics JHS


Topic;- Abstinence I

Abstinence is a conscious decision to abstain from any form of sexual intercourse.

Abstinence is abstinence from all forms of sexual practice such as kissing, caressing, pecking, masturbating, writing love letters, unnecessary touching and feeling, etc.

It helps prevent HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy


To prevent unwanted pregnancy To maintain virginity during marriage To avoid sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS To avoid embarrassment and disgrace due to unwanted pregnancy To live up to parents’ expectations by making them proud to the end .


Define abstinence Gives reasons for abstinence from sexual intercourse.

Task:- Why do you have to abstain from sexual intercourse as a student?


TOPIC:- Abstinence II

PERIOD I:- Subtopic:- Skills and behaviors that promote abstinence

Decision Making:- A heart like Joseph that says, “God forbid that I do this and sin against God” should be the watchword of all youth and teens before marriage. Self-Control:- Self-discipline by admitting the Spirit of God must be possessed by all youth. Knowing about the dangers of premarital sex helps break away from it. Communication:- The individual must be able to counsel anyone whose heart is filled with immoral thoughts about the consequences and be able to walk away from that person.

PERIOD II:- Subtopic:- Facts and benefits of abstinence from sexual intercourse.

It is the best prevention against HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. It is good prevention against teenage pregnancy. It does not affect the reproductive organs when married. It helps boost self-esteem. It makes one highly respected and honored. It’s the best way to please God before marriage. It’s the glory of youth.

Benefits of abstinence from sexual intercourse

It preserves a person’s virginity It helps one focus on pursuing life goals It prevents HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections It prevents unwanted pregnancies It boosts self-esteem.

Rating: (i) List 3 skills and behaviors that promote abstinence

(ii) Highlight 5 facts about abstinence

(iii) What are the benefits of not having sex?

Task:- Write the full meaning of:

(a) HIV

(b) AIDS

(c) HRS


TOPIC: – Uniqueness of Nigerian culture

Subtopic: Importance, types and characteristics of culture

Culture can be defined as the overall way of life of a specific group of people in a society.


Material culture Non-material culture

Material Culture:- These are tangible materials that we can see physically produced by a society to meet people’s needs. This includes; Cloths, cooking utensils, houses, food, artworks and crafts, hoes, sabers, knives, spoons, etc.

Non-material culture: These are non-physical aspects of a society’s culture. They are immaterial things that cannot be seen but can be felt. Examples are; Beliefs, values, languages, music, religion etc.

characteristics of the culture

It is dynamic – Nigerian culture is never static, it changes as the people living in the society change. Our dress, music, religion, etc. are examples of a dynamic culture. Culture is common to all societies – There is no society without culture, this shows the uniqueness of culture. Culture is Learned – A child learns the culture of their society from birth, it could be through observation, imitation, participation etc. It is adoptive in nature – A Hausa man located in Edo can eat Igbo clothing and so on because he has a tendency to adapt and adopt the Igbo way of life. It differs from society to society: each tribe has its own culture that makes it unique and peculiar. Differences in dress, beliefs, food, language and so on.

PERIOD II – Subtopic: – Cultural similarities and differences in Nigeria.


Religion:- Nigerians practice and worship many gods like non-living things, animals, stones, iron etc. before the advent of missionaries and Islamic religion. Respect for the Elders: These are very common tribes in Nigeria. They teach their little ones how to greet and respect those around them. Marriage:- The payment of the bride price is common among all Nigerian tribes.


Language:- Each Nigerian tribe differs in language and dialect Dress:- There are differences in the style of dress among all tribes in Nigeria. Yoruba men wear Buba, Agbada, Dansiki, File Abetiaja while Ibo men wear Buba and Iro with stick and hat. Marriage:- Different tribes have different ways of conducting their marriage ceremonies and dowry payment. Food: There are differences in the type of food eaten among the Te Ibos with pounded yam and egusi soup, akpu with ogbona and okporoko soup, while among the Hausa tuwo is very common. Jewelry: – Each tribe has different tribal marks that help identify its people.


Defining culture List the two types of culture Name 3 characteristics of culture Highlight 3 similarities and differences in Nigerian culture.

Task:- Nigerian culture is unique. Using typical examples, explain two things that make Nigerian culture unique



Adaptability can be defined as the ability to adapt to different conditions in the environment.

It is an individual’s ability to respond to changes in their environment

An example of adaptability is a student from Citadel Secondary School, Oke-Ibadan, Oyo State, being reinstated for the second semester at Elias Secondary School, Ile-Epo, Lagos State. To be academically successful, she needs to be flexible and adapt to changes like new teachers, new friends, new environment, etc.

types of adaptability

Cognitive adaptability Emotional adaptability Dispositional adaptability

Cognitive Adaptability: This is the ability to use different thinking strategies and be mentally alert/healthy.

Emotional Adaptability: Some students face challenges in their families that, in one way or another, affect their emotions in the classroom or in a particular environment. The ability to adapt to such conditions and never allow them to jeopardize your future is emotional adaptability.

Dispositional Adaptability:- Ability to achieve higher goals while having a tendency to succeed. Some students tend to be academically successful because of their character. Such a learner’s ability to adapt to the teachings, apply them, and succeed academically is a dispositional adaptability.

Importance of adaptability

It allows individuals to quickly and easily adapt to changes and new ways of doing things. It helps students maintain a positive attitude towards work. In a competitive and changing learning environment, it helps students focus and strive to achieve good results helps students be a problem solver


Defining Adaptability List three types of adaptability. Explain the types of adaptability. Highlight three meanings of adaptability

Task:- Is there a need for adaptability in a learning environment? Explain in detail.

What is adornment in social studies?

An adornment is generally an accessory or ornament worn to enhance the beauty or status of the wearer. They are often worn to embellish, enhance, or distinguish the wearer, and to define cultural, social, or religious status within a specific community.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Accessory or piece of jewelery worn to emphasize the wearer’s beauty or status

The main adornment of these girls from the Bundu tribe in Sierra Leone is the adornment of bodies and faces with marks made by applying with the fingers a substance called “wojeh” made of white clay and animal fat.

A jewelry is generally an accessory or adornment worn to enhance the wearer’s beauty or status. They are often worn to embellish, enhance, or distinguish the wearer and to define cultural, social, or religious status within a particular community. When worn to show economic status, the items are often either rare or prohibitively expensive for others. Adornments are usually colorful and worn to attract attention.

They have a long history around the world, from feathers or bones to modern day accessories like jewelry.[1] Ornaments are also used by warriors and other members of the military to show rank or achievement.[2]

Jewels [ edit ]

These include cosmetics, jewelry, clothing accessories, facial hair, fingernail modification, piercing, lip plates, tattoos, braiding, and headwear.

Cultures, subcultures and institutions[ edit ]

Groups that practice jewelry include the yakuza, the military, religious institutions, tribal groups, and punk culture.[3] Jewelry can tell us about a person’s rank, social status, gender role, region of origin, and so on. An example would be the beaded jewelry worn by the Maasai tribe which is very specific to them and some related tribes.

Edit pictures]

See also[edit]


What is road safety club?

The Federal Road Safety Club is a body that seeks to educate students on general safety measures to protect themselves from danger and to avoid hazardous places and circumstances, especially when plying the roads.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


The Federal Road Safety Club is an entity that seeks to educate students about general safety measures to protect themselves from hazards and avoid dangerous places and circumstances, especially when driving on the roads.

The club inculcates in students the discipline of refraining from rough and dangerous games both inside and outside of school.

Among other things, the association helps students with this

What are the roles of road safety club in socialization?

Road safety club inculcates in the youth road safety culture as contained in the Highway Code and other relevant road safety books and journals, films, etc. They assist in propagating road safety ideals and ethics to compliment the effects of Regular and Special Marshals.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Social Studies. Our Role in Promoting Safety in our society (Community)

Social Studies. Our Role in Promoting Safety in our society (Community)
Social Studies. Our Role in Promoting Safety in our society (Community)

See some more details on the topic our roles in promoting safety in our community here:

Our Roles in Promoting Safety in Our Community Basic 7 (JSS …

1. To create awareness about our environment. · 2. To reduce or avo stress or injuries. · 3. To use appropriate tools or equipments. · 4. To prevent crisis. · 5.

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Source: classbasic.com

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Our Roles In Promoting Safety In Our Environment | Week 7

Our Roles in Promoting Safety in Our Environment | Week 7. Lesson Content.

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Source: www.kofastudy.com

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JSS1 Second Term Social Studies Lesson Note – Our Roles …

OUR ROLES IN PROMOTING SAFETY IN OUR COMMUNITY. PERIOD I: Subtopic. Safety needs and measures in home, school and work environment.

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Source: erudites.ng

Date Published: 7/3/2021

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40 Ways to Promote Safety | havensociety

7 Actions to Promote Safety in Your Community · Repost information from Haven or other organizations on social media. · Have Haven’s crisis line number handy in …

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Social Studies Lesson Note JSS1(Basic 7) Second Term

Social Studies Topics JHS (Basic 7) – Edudelight.com. Our roles in promoting safety in our community, Common social problems , Abstinence ,

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Source: edudelight.com

Date Published: 6/6/2022

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Promoting Safety in Our Schools

Lead by Example. Every adult is seen as a role model in the school environment, whether they choose to be or not. · Create an Inclusive …

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Source: cisjax.org

Date Published: 11/13/2022

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Our Roles in Promoting Safety in Our Community Basic 7 (JSS 1)

About the author

Alabi MS

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Ways to Promote a Peaceful and Safe Community

Every community has its problems, and some communities have more of these problems than others. In recent years, crime rates have risen across the country, and many people are wondering what they can do to foster peaceful and safe communities.

Living in a peaceful community has many benefits such as: B. reducing stress levels and improving the mental health of all community members. However, all members of the community must work to achieve a peaceful and safe community. Therefore, each person is expected to contribute something to their community.

Building a safe and peaceful community

Many community members want to improve their community but don’t know where to start or what to do. You may also be unsure if the changes actually help make things better for everyone involved.

But even the small things that community members contribute to their communities can help. For example, families who own dogs can invest in dog training and boarding services to ensure their dogs are not harming others in the community. Families with children can teach their children to care more about the community so they can grow up serving their communities.

These simple acts can have a major impact on the peacefulness and safety of communities, so community members should try to do whatever they can. One person’s contribution may not seem like much, but combined with other people’s contributions, it could be enough to make things better in their community.

Below are tips on how members of a community can promote peace and security in their community:

1. Become an active participant in your community

You should strive to become an active participant in the community by getting involved in local clubs or volunteer services. This is a way of showing other residents that they are essential to the community. This way you can also encourage them to be more active in the community.

2. Promotion of peaceful conflict resolution

If there is a group of people who are arguing with each other, you should try to help them resolve their issues peacefully by encouraging both sides to share their feelings and find peaceful solutions that would benefit everyone involved. You can also host workshops or have discussions on how to deal with conflict peacefully. In this way, you can promote peaceful conflict resolution at the community level.

3. Promote safety tips

It is common within communities to have incidents such as car accidents or crimes such as burglaries and robberies that cause significant harm to people. You can promote safe community ideas by posting them on social media sites like Facebook to educate your neighbors on what to do in certain situations. This way you can help the other members of your community stay safe at all times.

You should also make sure to post safety tip signs in your community, such as: B. “If you see something, say something” or “Lock your doors at night”. This is an effective way to get your community members to follow security protocols.

People can also contact their local government and ask for more safety measures, such as: B. the installation of surveillance cameras in busy streets. This way you can ensure that the people living in your community are safe at all times.

4. Get involved in a neighborhood watch program or other community organization

This ensures that everyone stays connected and informed of what’s happening around them, while also staying alert to crime in their own neighborhood. Community members should take an active role in building a safe community.

For example, if you find that some neighborhood areas are dimly lit and have a high crime rate, it is best to contact your local government or civic organization so they can investigate measures to light up those dimly lit streets. In this way, people in the community feel safer.

5. Educate members of the community

Every member of the community should strive to educate each other, especially when it comes to matters that threaten the safety and peace of the community. Community members can do this by holding regular meetings or forming online communities where they can discuss peace and security strategies that will benefit all members of the community.

Why Peaceful Communities Matter

Members of peaceful communities can enjoy peace and security knowing they are safe from harm and danger. Members of peaceful communities know how to find peaceful ways out of conflict, which is better than resorting to violence, which can result in unnecessary injury or even death. To build peaceful and safe communities, all community members must do their part to ensure peaceful and safe living.

Safety: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Safety is one of our basic evolutionary needs. Most of our decisions and actions are based on preserving or improving our circumstances. While we may not be in constant danger like early humans, the need to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe drives us no less. This drive is transferred to user and consumer behavior. Because of this, products must not only be sold with strong claims that they protect us from potential threats, but they must back up those claims with clear evidence that they do in fact provide some protection and/or “protection”. , to. Let’s see how it works and how we can use it in our own designs.

The image above shows Google’s implementation of emergency information about a mobile phone user, which can be accessed directly by paramedics or bystanders in an emergency, bypassing a device’s lock screen. When we use products, we want to feel safe and secure, and the example above is a useful addition to the functionality of mobile devices that caters precisely to this human need. Accessing this information from the lock screen requires five steps (clicks) so someone really needs to take the time to do it, minimizing the chances that this personal information can be seen by a curious third party with a quick glance. If we fear that our data might be exchanged between different groups like in a packet-sharing game, we will feel nervous and uncomfortable using the service or product. For example, consider the checkout process on a trusted e-commerce site. If the user were told that their data would automatically be placed in the hands of an unknown third party, alarm bells would start ringing in our heads. Designers must ensure that users feel comfortable, safe, and trust that no physical, psychological, or financial harm will be caused to them by interacting with the products.

The need for security was recognized as a basic human need by Abraham Maslow in his Hierarchy of Needs. Security needs represent the second level in Maslow’s hierarchy and these needs include security of body, employment, resources, family morals, and health. The need for security is present in all animals, but unlike other animals and early humans, we no longer seek shelter from predators that hunt us for food; However, safety is still essential and our actions are no less focused on ensuring our survival. For example, when we buy a car, if we read reviews that say the airbag won’t deploy in an accident, or that the seat belts are broken, we’ll steer clear (pardon the pun).

Security: An Evolutionary Carryover

Safety is an evolutionary need that often manifests itself in what we call the “fight or flight” response. Environmental information is used to determine whether we are safe – in which case we will usually stay – or unsafe – which usually prompts us to leave (i.e. flee) or attempt to change our current circumstances (i.e. fight) . When environmental information suggests there is a potential threat to us, our family, loved ones, property, or anything else we hold dear, we experience an emotional response that sensitizes us so we are ready to respond. While the stakes may not be that high, we are no different from early humans in this regard.

On an average day, we have to make many decisions: what to wear (according to the weather), what to eat (according to our health), where to go (according to our personal and physical interests), and who to visit (family, friends, co-workers, etc .). All of these decisions are based on maintaining or improving our physical and psychological well-being. Even when we’re doing things for other people, we’re attending to a personal need, either to keep others safe around us or to feel safe around us (we generally avoid confrontations, even with people who drive us crazy ). .

Exploiting security needs

Products don’t necessarily have to meet this need directly to affect our quest for security. Countless products are advertised with images that play with our security needs. For example, we are often sold financial products with images and scenes depicting a safe, secure and happy family settling into their new home after taking out a mortgage or investing their life savings. These images capture the lifestyle we most certainly associate: clean, stylish homes, 2.4 kids, well-dressed and happy parents, and a cat/dog in tow. The connections you make between the products you design/sell and the safety-enhancing qualities they may or may not have help capture the consumer’s attention. By proposing that your products meet one or more of the safety needs (e.g., make users happy, bring comfort to them and their friends/family members, and/or keep them safe – personal, financial, or otherwise), you allay their fears and one step closer to gaining their trust. Trust is one of the most important aspects of e-commerce, specifically; Without trust, users are unwilling to enter their details, let alone make a purchase. Therefore, images or text, and any other element that suggests or guarantees security, encourage users to trust you and, as a direct result, complete purchases.

Author/copyright holder: the author. Copyright Terms and License: Public Domain.

Examples of text messages during online shopping aimed at instilling confidence and trust in the shopper.

Also, when designing your products, make sure to protect users from unintentional actions that may have irreversible (or unpleasant) consequences for them. A prime example of digital products is designing appropriate warnings before an irreversible action (e.g. deleting a file or factory resetting a phone). In the screenshot below, security can be improved because, as you can see, the button leading to the irreversible action is preselected at the time the dialog is issued; So if a user accidentally presses “Return”, the recycle bin will be emptied and data will be lost. Also, since it’s highlighted, attention is drawn to that button rather than the Cancel button, which is a safer outcome. For physical products, safety features can be built into parts of the product to prevent unwanted effects (e.g. hoodie cords that come with pre-tied knots or cord locks to prevent the cord from slipping into the holes when pulled – is it isn’t that a nice touch?).

Author/copyright holder: the author. Copyright Terms and License: Public Domain.

The OSX Empty Recycle Bin warning dialog protects the user from an irreversible action. Copyright: the author.

take that away

Safety is one of our basic evolutionary needs. Most of our decisions and actions are based on preserving or improving our circumstances. While we may not be in constant danger like early humans, the need to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe drives us no less. This drive is transferred to user and consumer behavior. Because of this, products must not only be sold with clear claims that they protect us from potential threats, but they must also back up those claims with clear evidence that they do in fact provide some protection and/or ‘protection’. So what we as designers do in this regard is crucial.

References and where to learn more

Hero Image: Copyright Owner: the Author, Copyright License and Terms: Public Domain

McKay, E. (2010). Are you sure? How to write effective affirmations

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