Playbill Shout Out Examples? The 48 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “playbill shout out examples“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What do you write in a shout-out?

“Thank YOU for always being so supportive not only of our many learners but always of me and my many questions and issues. You never say no, wait or I don’t have time! I’m not sure where I’d be without you on our team. Thanks for being you!”

How do you start a shout-out?

Here are some quick tips to give a shout-out that feels meaningful and not contrived…
  1. Don’t force it. No need to use shout-outs unless there is something you truly do want to recognize a team member for – or else, it’ll feel artificial.
  2. Be specific. …
  3. Share a customer review. …
  4. Remove buzzwords.

Is shoutout 1 or 2 words?

: Shoutout is one word as a noun. Shoutout to the woman reading the AP Stylebook.”

What should I write in a play program?

What to include:
  • Show title and graphic (for the cover)
  • Show dates and times.
  • Location of performance.
  • Production credits (playwright/book writer, lyricist, composer, and any other important credits that were indicated when you purchased the rights to the show – these credits cannot be omitted!)

How do you write a shout out post?

3. Start a conversation with a thoughtful message or email
  1. “Hi their name]. I’m [your name] from [your company]. …
  2. “I think my followers would really enjoy your page. Likewise, I think your followers would enjoy mine. …
  3. “If you’re interested, let me know which one you prefer. Then we can work out the details.
Whether you’re in fashion, home decor, sports gear, or something in between, chances are that Instagram will be one of the top social media sites for your business in 2021.

Statistics show that 50% of Instagram users follow at least one business, and the platform helps the majority of them decide whether to buy a product or service.

There are many options for a solid Instagram marketing plan such as: B. running an Instagram influencer campaign or using paid tactics like a story ad.

Today we look at the art and science of the Instagram shoutout. We’ll start by answering a frequently asked question – what is a shoutout on Instagram? – Check out some examples and learn how to get Instagram shoutouts for your own Page or brand.

Let us do this.

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What is a shoutout on Instagram?

An Instagram shoutout, also colloquially called an insta shoutout or IG shoutout, is essentially when a user promotes another user on their own Instagram account.

An Instagram shoutout usually takes the form of User A creating a post or story that includes a photo or @mention of User B.

If it’s a business shoutout, User A’s post may include a photo or video of a specific product or service that User B is selling.

In many cases, shoutouts fall under the influencer marketing umbrella — a massive trend that has more than doubled in recent years and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.


Note: If you are unfamiliar with influencer marketing or what a “social media influencer” is, read this comprehensive influencer marketing e-book.

An Instagram shoutout can be done in a number of ways:

Paid shoutouts: These shoutouts are a classic influencer marketing tactic. This is when you pay a user to promote your brand, usually in cash or through an exchange for a free product or access to your service.

S4S (Shoutout for Shoutout): S4S is a simple trade – they agree to give you a shoutout on their side if you give them a shoutout on your side.

Volunteer Shoutout: The holy grail of shoutouts. This is when someone is so damn happy with your product or customer service that they tout your brand without you having to ask or pay.

Aside from the type, your Instagram shoutout can vary depending on the goal you want to achieve.

Do you want more followers for your photo account?

In this case, you can ask your shoutout partner to post a photo of you and include a simple call-to-action (CTA) encouraging their followers to follow you.

Do you want more sales for the cat litter mat you sell in your dropshipping shop?

You can send your Shoutout partner a free mat and ask them to post a photo or video of their cat using it with a CTA encouraging their followers to visit your store to buy their own.

Examples of Instagram shoutouts

Let’s look at a few examples of successful Instagram shoutouts.

Shoutout post with product photo

In this Instagram shoutout example, Carl Thompson of menswear brand Hawkins and Shepherd (@hawkinsandshepherd) gives some love to the ECCO Shoes Chelsea boot.

We can see that the purpose of this blog is to sell some shoes as Carl’s CTA is to go to his blog to learn more about the company.

As you can tell from the #ad hashtag, it was a paid shoutout.

ECCO either paid him in cash, sent him a pair of free shoes, or both, depending on how much Carl charges for shoutouts and influencer campaigns.

Shoutout post with no product photo

Since Instagram is a visual platform, photos are recommended to give people a sense of your offerings in action. But you don’t have to have a photo-based post for your IG shoutouts to be successful.

In this shoutout, traveler Angela Liggs (@angelaliggs) used a photo of her trip through Patagonia as the backdrop for a captioned shoutout for a Safedome Bluetooth tracker.

She detailed her experience and how it benefited her journey, then dropped a CTA telling her followers to check out the company’s Instagram page.

Shoutout post for more followers

Aside from promoting a brand that sells products or services, another popular use for shoutouts is to get more Instagram followers.

This is especially popular for certain niches like photography.

Canon (@canonusa) is a great example of this. Photographers using a Canon camera can include the hashtag #MyCanonStory in the caption of their post.

Canon regularly publishes some of its most compelling shots, along with a photographer’s quote and shot details such as camera model, lens and exposure settings.

This brilliant marketing strategy is a win-win for Canon and its loyal users, greatly increasing their credibility and following.

How to scream on an Instagram story

The great thing about Instagram—especially Stories—is that you and your partners have a lot of leeway to get creative with your approach.

Choosing the best story style really comes down to knowing your audience and what interests them most.

If you’re unfamiliar with Instagram Stories, here’s a quick refresher:

These can be photos or videos with a maximum duration of 15 seconds

Users have the ability to overlay text and graphics, as well as clickable hashtags and @mentions for other accounts

They last 24 hours, then vanish into the ether forever

Jess Fay, the fashionista mom of @lipstickheelsandababy, gave The Pink Lily Boutique a shoutout by filming an Instagram Story video of herself in one of the company’s blouses.

In the video, she explains the blouse and how it feels and gives her followers some fashion tips, such as which types of jeans would go well with the outfit.

If you have a women’s clothing store, I strongly encourage you to send your partner free samples of the items you want to promote. Since Jess’ story video was tagged as #ad, we can assume The Pink Lily Boutique did so.

This is something of a status quo in the world of Instagram women’s fashion.

Jenni and Mimi from, a food and nutrition brand, praised Crock-Pot by sharing a video of a recipe they made with their Crockpot Express Crock.

The call is simple: no sound or narration, just a nice close-up of a pineapple jerk chicken.

If your business sells cooking equipment or ingredients, having your partner present a recipe is a tried-and-true Insta shoutout tactic.

Tips to Get Instagram Shoutouts

While there’s no one right way to get an Instagram shoutout, there are some guidelines and best practices that can increase your chances of getting something done.

And there are certainly some things you just shouldn’t do.

Let’s go through a few tips to get Instagram shoutouts that actually work.

1. Be selective about who you choose

A lot can go wrong if you don’t carefully evaluate your options.

For example, if you’re selling gardening tools, you probably won’t have much success trying to get a prolific greeting from a high-fashion Instagrammer.

To ensure your potential partners are compatible, carefully review their profile history, posts, and stories.

Consider things like:

How many followers they have. If you don’t already have a lot of influence, stick with “micro-influencers” or people with an audience of around 5,000 to 50,000. Remember that the more followers they have, the more it will cost you to buy Instagram shoutouts. If you choose the S4S route (shoutout for shoutout), look for users with similar numbers to your own so that both sides benefit.

The content, tone and feel of their profile. What type of content do they post? Would your followers also be interested in your brand? Also look at the general vibe they exude to see if it matches your own.

How many likes and comments their posts get on average. If they have 50,000 followers but only average 50 likes and one comment per post, those followers may be fake or bought.

The types of engagement their posts receive. Are their followers really engaged, or are the comments empty, generic, or spammy? This can be another sign of fake followers.

Taking a few extra minutes to do some detective work can make a big difference in the quality of the IG shoutouts you end up getting.

It can also save you valuable time and money in the long run.

And who doesn’t want more available time and money?

2. Build relationships before you start them

Before asking a stranger to vouch for your integrity, give them an authentic taste.

Once you’ve decided that a person or brand is a good candidate, follow their account. If they have other social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter, follow them too. Subscribe to their blog if they have one.

Then engage with their posts regularly by liking and commenting on them. (Just don’t overdo it…there’s a fine line between committed and desperate.)

Follow the rules of tip #1 above: leave comments that add real value.

Give them personalized compliments, bring up relevant topics of discussion, or ask meaningful questions that show you’re really paying attention.

That way, when you message them to ask for your shoutout, they’ll be familiar with your profile.

3. Start a conversation with a thoughtful text or email

When you start looking for great Instagram shoutout partners, you might come across posts littered with spam comments like “S4S?”.

Don’t be that person.

When it’s time to actually reach out to your prospects, do so via an Instagram direct message or email (if they include one in their profile information).

Your pitch will carry much more weight if it comes as a separate communication.

Be transparent in your message or email about what you’re looking for and how you generally want it.

Here’s a little Instagram shoutout template for your message:

Get personal: introduce yourself and mention something about their account. You can tell them how much you enjoy it or get as detailed as telling them their dog is cute.

“Hello [her name]. I am [your name] from [your company]. I follow your page and I love/appreciate/admire your [insert personal compliment or observation].”

State your offer: What is the purpose of your message and what value will it offer them? If you want to give them a freebie in exchange for a shoutout or a shoutout for a shoutout (S4S), get started now.

“I think my followers would really enjoy your page. Likewise, I think your followers would enjoy mine. Would you like to trade a shoutout for a shoutout post or story?”

Give them a next step: what do you want them to do after they read your message? Redirect them to your store or profile to learn more, or ask for their opinion.

“If you’re interested, let me know which one you prefer. Then we can work out the details. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!”

Here is an example of a freebie for shoutout message:

How to find Instagram shoutout pages

Your first step to finding relevant Instagram shoutout pages should be some good old-fashioned research.

I won’t sugarcoat it: if done right, this will take several hours (unless you have the budget for a specialized Instagram shoutout app, which we’ll discuss soon).

Start with industry-specific hashtags. You can find trendy hashtags on sites like Best Hashtags or TagsFinder.

For example, if you sell men’s clothing, some good hashtags to start your research might include:








#street style


You can also brainstorm on your own or get ideas from the search. I recommend keeping a list handy so you have a “database” to refer to.

Once you have a good list, type your hashtags into the Instagram search bar and browse through the profiles until you find some good candidates.

Clicking on the hashtag in the drop-down menu will bring you top posts from accounts that have recently used the hashtag. Put on your detective glasses and strip down.

For more juicy tips on how to find quality Instagram shoutout pages, check out this article on how to find influencers in your industry.

Instagram shoutout apps

If you have the budget, consider a specialized Instagram shoutout app designed to connect brands with the right Instagrammers.

An Instagram shoutout app like Shoutcart or NeoReach has its own database of pre-vetted influencers that you can sort by industry and keywords.

If you are interested, you can safely message them through the platform to arrange all the details.

Platforms like this can be a real lifesaver when you don’t have the resources or bandwidth to spend hours browsing profiles yourself.

Should You Buy Instagram Shoutouts?

In a world where social media is a marketing commodity, there are many ways you can buy Instagram shoutouts.

While some people have a knee-jerk reaction that any kind of paid advertising is worse than getting it organically, this isn’t always the case.

If you’re careful about who you’re working with and how you’re approaching the situation, paid Instagram shoutouts can be a great way to get exposure, build trust with your audience, and ultimately increase your sales.

And to be honest, it takes a lot more time and effort to get the same results organically as you could get from paid Instagram shoutouts like giving away freebies or paying cash.

Just make sure you keep it kosher and avoid the trap of shady or wrong opportunities – which we discussed in Tip #1, which is about being picky about who to pick for shoutouts.

Not only do you risk being financially ripped off, but you can also damage your brand’s reputation.

Final Thoughts

That’s it. Now you know everything you need to get started with Instagram shoutouts.

With the help of this Instagram tactic, you can quickly grow your followers with almost no investment.

It may take a while for things to get going, but once you’ve cracked the code on the type of outreach you should be doing and the type of accounts you should be reaching out, it starts to be fun , and your results should improve.

And remember, shoutouts are just one way to get followers on Instagram — there are several other tactics you can use to gain a foothold on this social network.

Have you used shoutouts in the past? What’s your go-to Instagram strategy? Let us know in the comments section below.

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What is a big shout out?

or shout·out

Informal. a quick public expression of thanks, admiration, etc.: I’d like to give a big shout-out to my mom who’s in the audience tonight.

What does exclaim mean?

A shout-out is a brief public acknowledgment of someone or something, especially by name. It’s usually to acknowledge someone in appreciation for them or something they’ve done.

Shout-outs are usually given in a public setting, e.g. B. on the radio, during a live performance or on social media.

Shout out is informal. It is often used to start a sentence announcing a shout-out, as in Shout-out to the people in the back!

Less commonly, shout-out is also used as a verb, as in Let me call some people quick.

It is very commonly written as a shoutout.

Example: Thanks to your shout-out in the last post, I gained a lot of followers.

Why is shout out important?

A simple gesture can brighten up someone’s day. Giving a shout-out is a great way to recognize your peers for their work, talent, and living our institutional values, and to contribute to a culture of appreciation, community, and kindness. Shout-outs will be updated regularly as they come in.

A simple gesture can make someone’s day. Giving praise is a great way to recognize your colleagues for their work, talent and living our institutional values, and to contribute to a culture of appreciation, community and kindness.

Shout-outs will be updated regularly as they come in. Send your own shout out!

July shout outs

Everyone at Physical Plant: A huge SHOUT OUT to everyone at Physical Plant (both staff and students) who work so hard (even in this grueling heat) to keep our campus looking beautiful for visitors and for us too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from visitors how beautiful the campus is and how good an impression it makes. We appreciate you!

A huge SHOUT OUT to everyone at Physical Plant (both staff and students) who work so hard (even in this grueling heat) to keep our campus looking beautiful for visitors and for us too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from visitors how beautiful the campus is and how good an impression it makes. We appreciate you! Caroline Toy: Your ability to turn an idea into something incredibly useful is amazing! They are efficient, always on point, and produce the best resources for our faculty. Just wow!

Your ability to take an idea and turn it into something incredibly useful is amazing! They are efficient, always on point, and produce the best resources for our faculty. Just wow! Joel Lenoir: Amazingly timely service for urgent needs in the new student self-service portal which has saved our department a ton of emails/calls!

Amazingly timely service for urgent needs in the new student self-service portal which has saved our department a ton of emails/calls! Marnie Behrendt: Marnie worked with me on a project I had reached out to her about – your willingness to step in and spend time with me was amazing. It made a big difference to have Marnie there to go to with questions and to check on where I was on the project. Marnie spent a lot of time helping me when she had many other things on her plate. Her Excel skills are also great. I am very happy to be working with Marnie and strive to support colleagues and peers as she does.

Marnie worked with me on a project I had contacted her about with questions – her willingness to step in and spend time with me was amazing. It made a big difference to have Marnie there to go to with questions and to check on where I was on the project. Marnie spent a lot of time helping me when she had many other things on her plate. Her Excel skills are also great. I am very happy to be working with Marnie and strive to support colleagues and peers as she does. Ryan Davis: Welcome to Champlain, Ryan! We are so excited to have you on campus as the newest member of the accessibility team!

Welcome to Champlain, Ryan! We are so excited to have you on campus as the newest member of the accessibility team! JJ Anderson: JJ is the best! Thank you for always being so kind and patient. When I was having (as you put it) “growing pains” with my new laptop, you answered every single call or email with patience and understanding… and NEVER made me feel stupid! Now .. take some well-deserved vacation time!!!

June shout outs

Shaylea Scribner: I just want to take a moment to thank Shaylea for all of her hard work as a staff council representative over the past four years. What four years! During her tenure, Shaylea has worked with five (5!) different college presidents and navigated a global pandemic. Yet she never wavered in her optimism, her practicality, her concern for the college, and for her peers. Thanks for your service Shaylea!

I just want to take a moment to thank Shaylea for all of her hard work as a staff council representative over the past four years. What four years! During her tenure, Shaylea has worked with five (5!) different college presidents and navigated a global pandemic. Yet she never wavered in her optimism, her practicality, her concern for the college, and for her peers. Thanks for your service Shaylea! People Center: HUGE compliments and thanks to the People Center for sponsoring the drinks and delicious, yummy pizza at this year’s Staff Council Year-End Celebration!

HUGE compliments and thanks to the People Center for sponsoring the drinks and delicious, yummy pizza at this year’s Staff Council Year-End Celebration! Tim Van Woert: When the end of the financial year is approaching and many projects have to be completed on time, of course something goes wrong at every opportunity. Despite this, Tim remains calm, imperturbable and keeps an eye on all the details. Thank you Tim!

When the end of the financial year approaches and many projects have to be completed on time, of course something goes wrong at every opportunity. Despite this, Tim remains calm, imperturbable and keeps an eye on all the details. Thank you Tim! Timothy Williams: Tim is a great, empathetic colleague! He brings expertise and circumspection to every situation and interaction. You rock Tim!!!

Tim is a great, empathetic colleague! He brings expertise and circumspection to every situation and interaction. You rock Tim!!! Danielle L’Esperance, Jean-Marie Severance, Leslie Van Wagner and Carrie Honeman: Thank you for all your hard work in organizing an amazing Staff Professional Development Day with wonderful speakers, fun prizes, great afternoon sessions and great networking opportunities!

Thank you for all your hard work in organizing an amazing Staff Professional Development Day with wonderful speakers, fun prizes, great afternoon sessions and great networking opportunities! Ali Hadi: Thank you for all your work and time dedicated to supporting the students at Leahy Center. Even when you are busy teaching, have your own projects, and attend training courses, you have always made time to mentor Leahy Center students on projects, meet with Leahy Center customers, and advise Leahy Center leadership . We appreciate everything you do for the Leahy Center and couldn’t accomplish many of our missions without you!

Thank you for all your work and time dedicated to supporting students at the Leahy Center. Even when you are busy teaching, have your own projects, and attend training courses, you have always made time to mentor Leahy Center students on projects, meet with Leahy Center customers, and advise Leahy Center leadership . We appreciate everything you do for the Leahy Center and couldn’t accomplish many of our missions without you! Liza Patient, Kellie Nadeau, Linda Goodrum and the Entire Rookie Team: Kudos to the entire Rookie Team, led by Liza, Kellie, and Linda! Your efforts in all of the behind-the-scenes planning have made the 2022 commencement ceremonies meaningful to all of our graduates and their families. The attention to detail was amazing and no challenge was insurmountable. Well done everyone!

Kudos to the whole beginner team led by Liza, Kellie and Linda! Your efforts in all of the behind-the-scenes planning have made the 2022 commencement ceremonies meaningful to all of our graduates and their families. The attention to detail was amazing and no challenge was insurmountable. Well done everyone! Kelsey O’Connor: Kelsey is a very special person! She works hard, never complains and is someone who is often behind the scenes of the good things happening around campus! Her help early on was vital, she was out all day pretty much 7pm to 4pm that day with over 88 degrees. This is Kelsey and how she tends to take care of things without any complaints! Thank you for making Champlain a great place for students, faculty, and staff.

Kelsey is a very special person! She works hard, never complains and is someone who is often behind the scenes of the good things happening around campus! Her help early on was vital, she was out all day pretty much 7pm to 4pm that day with over 88 degrees. This is Kelsey and how she tends to take care of things without any complaints! Thank you for making Champlain a great place for students, faculty, and staff. Lisa Martinez: Whether she’s delivering the mail when Steve is on vacation or coordinating the details of an installation project, Lisa is always calm and unflappable, and always has a kind word for a colleague, no matter how busy she is!

Whether she’s delivering the mail when Steve is on vacation or coordinating the details of an installation project, Lisa is always calm and unflappable, and always has a kind word for a colleague, no matter how busy she is! Diane Soboski: Congratulations to Diane on being elected the next PRESIDENT of the New England Association for College Admissions Counseling (NEACAC)! Champlain and institutions across New England are fortunate to have your experienced voice representing college admissions professionals, secondary school advisors, college organizations and educational advisors at the regional and national levels on enrollment and college admissions.

Congratulations to Diane on being elected the next PRESIDENT of the New England Association for College Admissions Counseling (NEACAC)! Champlain and institutions across New England are fortunate to have your experienced voice representing college admissions professionals, secondary school advisors, college organizations and educational advisors at the regional and national levels on enrollment and college admissions. Christian Konczal: Christian did a great job supporting the varsity teams that even made the playoffs for so many teams! He sets the tone for what college sports should be like and does a great job of supporting students academically, socially and naturally in the world of sport.

Christian did a great job supporting the varsity teams that even made the playoffs for so many teams! He sets the tone for what college sports should be like and does a great job of supporting students academically, socially and naturally in the world of sport. Diane Byrnes: I appreciate how beautiful our campus is, and I appreciate that people like Diane go out of their way to stop and pick up trash along the sidewalk and keep it that way.

May shout outs

Maddie Braz: Greetings to Maddie Braz from the Office of Accessibility, who dared to run the Vermont City Marathon with CCO Adjunct Neil Groberg’s relay team.

Thanks to Maddie Braz from the Office of Accessibility for daring to run with CCO Adjunct Neil Groberg’s relay team from the Vermont City Marathon. Sara Quintana: As head of human resources, Sara has to juggle more plates than I can imagine. However, when she meets with employees to help them deal with any concerns or challenges, she is so supportive and helpful. She genuinely cares about the Champlain staff and genuinely wants to help. Thanks for your support Sara!

As HR manager, Sara has to juggle more plates than I can imagine. However, when she meets with employees to help them deal with any concerns or challenges, she is so supportive and helpful. She genuinely cares about the Champlain staff and genuinely wants to help. Thanks for your support Sara! JJ Anderson: It was so wonderful to see JJ grow from a student collaborator to a professional collaborator and now to see him thrive and excel in his role as help desk leader where he is always so helpful, calm and friendly is. Also, a special thank you for the incredible job he did at this year’s graduation ceremony. What a rock star!

It was so wonderful to see JJ grow from a student worker to a professional worker and now to see him thrive and excel in his role as helpdesk manager where he is always so helpful, calm and friendly. Also, a special thank you for the incredible job he did at this year’s graduation ceremony. What a rock star! Lisa Mazzariello: To see how our students interact with Lisa at the end of the semester and at the beginning shows how connected she is to them. It’s clear that they appreciate everything she does for Champlain and the support she has given them during their time at Champlain. Thank you for being someone who has your finger on the pulse of what is going on for our students and always sticks up for them!

Seeing how our students interact with Lisa at the end of the semester and at the beginning shows how connected she is to them. It’s clear that they appreciate everything she does for Champlain and the support she has given them during their time at Champlain. Thank you for being someone who has your finger on the pulse of what is going on for our students and always sticks up for them! Jared Cadrette: Jared and the Student Engagement Team put together a fun week of events for our Seniors’ Week. The students are so lucky that Jared is planning their start (orientation) and finish of their college careers! He gets her to leave Champlain on the right foot and connect and reconnect with her peers and the college as a whole!

Jared and the Student Engagement Team put together a fun week of events for our Seniors’ Week. The students are so lucky that Jared is planning their start (orientation) and finish of their college careers! He gets her to leave Champlain on the right foot and connect and reconnect with her peers and the college as a whole! Eliana Fox: Eliana organized and led a perfectly timed group ride and route for the bike week on Wednesday!

Eliana organized and led a perfectly timed group ride and route for the bike week on Wednesday! Liza Patient: WHAT A BOSS!!!

WHAT A BOSS!!! Liz Allen-Pennebaker, Emily Crist, Christina Erickson, Becca Hopkins, and Faith Yacubian: Kudos to the Coordinating Committee for Organizing This Semester’s Anti-Racism Circles! It was a very meaningful experience.

Kudos to the coordinating committee for organizing this semester’s anti-racism circles! It was a very meaningful experience. Luke Lewis: Luke Lewis mentored hundreds of students during his time at Champlain. He has provided care and support with compassion, curiosity, insight, sincere intention, and great humility. The positive impact he had on the lives of our students spreads throughout the Champlain community and beyond. He will be missed!

Luke Lewis mentored hundreds of students while at Champlain. He has provided care and support with compassion, curiosity, insight, sincere intention, and great humility. The positive impact he had on the lives of our students spreads throughout the Champlain community and beyond. He will be missed! Luke Lewis: Many thanks to Luke Lewis for his years of hard work and dedicated service to the Champlain community, with an eye for detail, a creative approach, and a gift for making connections.

Many thanks to Luke Lewis for his years of hard work and dedicated service to the Champlain community, with an eye for detail, a creative approach, and a gift for making connections. Ian Fournier and Rian Rabideau: Ian and Rian have done a fantastic job supporting their faculty and Champlain students throughout the year! From student crises to classroom closures and COVID cases to supporting an almost entirely new department, these people have shown an endless amount of kindness, perseverance and humor! HRL and Champlain College are lucky to have these guys!

Ian and Rian have done an amazing job supporting their faculty and the Champlain students throughout the year! From student crises to classroom closures and COVID cases to supporting an almost entirely new department, these people have shown an endless amount of kindness, perseverance and humor! HRL and Champlain College are lucky to have these guys! Student Health Center Staff: We have had many COVID cases on campus over the past few weeks and the Health Center staff have done a phenomenal job monitoring their emails/phones, contacting positive students and working with them to move to isolation accommodation. Thank you for all your hard work over the past few weeks and throughout this year!

We have had many COVID cases on campus over the past few weeks and the health center staff have done a phenomenal job monitoring their emails/phones, contacting positive students and working with them to move to isolation accommodation. Thank you for all your hard work over the past few weeks and throughout this year! Jean-Marie Sevarance & Danielle Lesperance: Jean-Marie and Danielle do a great job and support their fellow employees. Thank you for always listening and helping where ever you can!

April shout outs

Christina Brooker and the Event Center Team, Lyle King and the Media Services Team, Linda Goodrum, Jonathan Mikulak, Julia Swift, Andrew Swift, John Rasmussen, Eric Sample, Nancy Kerr, Rich Dietrich, Sandi Earle, the Sodexo Team, Keith Oppenheim, Van Dora Williams, Alex Christian and all the students who helped out at the CCM Honors Night: A big thank you to everyone who helped out before, during and after our CCM Honors Night. I thought it was a great time and it was an absolute team effort.

A big thank you to everyone who helped before, during and after our CCM Honors Night. I thought it was a great time and it was an absolute team effort. Lyle King and the Media Services Team, Christina Brooker and the Event Center Team, Linda Goodrum, Kristy Burdo and the Sodexo Team, Marita Martin, Kim Moran, Silas Farrar, Sarah Jerger, Jen Adrian, Josie Bunnell, Chris Acosta, Susan Adkins, Van Dora Williams, Robin Perlah, JoAnn Patel, Amanda Crispel and Monique Taylor: Many people pulled together, showing flexibility, creativity, patience and a good dose of humor to offer our search candidates a wonderful experience – thank you all.

Many people have pulled together with a lot of flexibility, creativity, patience and a good dose of humor to give our search candidates a great experience – thank you very much. Tim White: Tim has successfully transitioned the Financial Aid Office to use the Image Now Document Workflow that has been planned for several years! Tim was attentive, proactive and always available to our team members to address our needs and iron out any disagreements in the process. Always supportive, available and patient, he brought his sense of humor to this project! No detail was too small! Thanks Tim from OFA!

Tim successfully transitioned the Financial Aid Office to use the Image Now Document Workflow which had been planned for several years! Tim was attentive, proactive and always available to our team members to address our needs and iron out any disagreements in the process. Always supportive, available and patient, he brought his sense of humor to this project! No detail was too small! Thanks Tim from OFA! Susan Adkins, Jessica Allard, Sarah Camille Wilson, Leslie Van Wagner, Lauren Bruneau, Erik Eskilsen, Liz Allen-Pennebaker, Faith Yacubian and Miriam Horne: This is the team that made Research & Write Night a huge success! Both events had large student participation, where they were greeted with food, treats and all the help and encouragement they could need as they completed their theses and research projects. Thanks everyone for your contributions!

This is the team that made Research & Write Night a huge success! Both events had large student participation, where they were greeted with food, treats and all the help and encouragement they could need as they completed their theses and research projects. Thanks everyone for your contributions! Silas Farrar: Silas is always responsive and patient with questions about payment transactions. He was particularly helpful with student travel grants and other financial issues related to the Freeman Foundation internship program that required quick processing.

Silas is always responsive and patient with questions about payment transactions. He was particularly helpful with student travel grants and other financial issues related to the Freeman Foundation internship program that required quick processing. All who attended the caste book club: This book club filled me with pride for this place and admiration for my colleagues. Caste is a powerful, well-written book that provided the basis for meaningful discussion. The organizers brought profound questions and led with kindness and curiosity. Conversations were sometimes not easy, but always important. Many members formed book groups within their own spheres or passed the book on to others who would benefit from it. This shows how Champlain is an absolute asset to the larger community. Thank you to ALL who have come for a long time – YOU make me love where I work.

This book club filled me with pride for this place and admiration for my colleagues. Caste is a powerful, well-written book that provided the basis for meaningful discussion. The organizers brought profound questions and led with kindness and curiosity. Conversations were sometimes not easy, but always important. Many members formed book groups within their own spheres or passed the book on to others who would benefit from it. This shows how Champlain is an absolute asset to the larger community. Thank you to ALL who have come for a long time – YOU make me love where I work. Ed Schlak: Ed is doing a great job of making sure everyone gets their mail, even in the very weird world of shipping right now. Thank you Ed!

Ed does a great job of making sure everyone gets their mail, even in the very weird world of shipping right now. Thank you Ed! Domenic Liberti and Gavin: For their prompt response to a broken copier.

For their prompt response to a defective copier. The Caste Reading Group Team: Veronica Lewis, Sarah Camille Wilson, Monica Fung-Janardhan, Marita Martin: Your amazing job of coordinating and facilitating the biweekly book club for the book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. The team asked persuasive and engaging questions and created a welcoming and safe environment for participants to share personal stories, thoughts and reflections. I am grateful to this team for providing a place to discuss this important book.

Her amazing job of coordinating and hosting the bi-weekly book club for Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents. The team asked persuasive and engaging questions and created a welcoming and safe environment for participants to share personal stories, thoughts and reflections. I am grateful to this team for providing a place to discuss this important book. Susan Adkins and Celia Russell: Susan and Celia have taken on additional work to cover two maternity leave at the library. If you haven’t noticed a change in library services, that’s because of their incredible work and dedication. Thank you Susan and Celia for helping our library continue to thrive with a reduced team!

Susan and Celia have taken on extra work to cover two maternity leave at the library. If you haven’t noticed a change in library services, that’s because of their incredible work and dedication. Thank you Susan and Celia for helping our library continue to thrive with a reduced team! Tara Arneson: Tara is an exceptional resource and teammate, and her recent (albeit consistent and ongoing) assistance to the CCO Academic Advising Team in particular warrants a huge THANK YOU!

Tara is an exceptional resource and teammate, and her recent (albeit consistent and ongoing) assistance to the CCO Academic Advising Team in particular warrants a huge THANK YOU! Leslie Averill: You should have seen how well Leslie Averill represented the college at the Friday night family reception at Admitted Students Day! She got people laughing, cheering and really getting involved in the decision making process to entrust their students to us. It was a real treat to be a part of this event and I’m sure many students went home feeling more comfortable hearing Champlain read by Dr. Averill had heard! Bravo!

You should have seen how well Leslie Averill represented the college at the Friday night family reception at Admitted Students Day! She got people laughing, cheering and really getting involved in the decision making process to entrust their students to us. It was a real treat to be a part of this event and I’m sure many students went home feeling more comfortable hearing Champlain read by Dr. Averill had heard! Bravo! Jenna Giguere and the Student Engagement Team: Did you know we have a dance team and coach who are loved by their students?! Well, this is what one of her students said about her after Jenna and the dance team knocked their Dance Showcase out of the park: “I love this ❤️ you are my biggest inspiration and guideline! Thank you for being the best coach for the dance team. You really are the heartbeat of the team and we couldn’t have put together this show without you.” See it for yourself at this link! Thank you Kelsey O’Connor (Jenna’s supervisor) and everyone on the Student Engagement team for enabling our students to truly thrive!

Did you know we have a dance team and a coach who is loved by her students?! Well, this is what one of her students said about her after Jenna and the dance team knocked their Dance Showcase out of the park: “I love this ❤️ you are my biggest inspiration and guideline! Thank you for being the best coach for the dance team. You really are the heartbeat of the team and we couldn’t have put together this show without you.” See it for yourself at this link! Thank you Kelsey O’Connor (Jenna’s supervisor) and everyone on the Student Engagement team for enabling our students to truly thrive! Nic Anderson: Nic juggles so many plates and yet is always so responsive and friendly! He is always striving to do what is right for the college, for his colleagues and our students, and for our planet at home!

Nic juggles so many plates and yet is always so responsive and friendly! He is always striving to do what is right for the college, for his colleagues and our students, and for our planet at home! Ciera Miller: As everyone pulls through the last full month of the semester, thank you to Ciera Miller for her continued dedication to the WGC and the DEI work she is doing! She has worked hard to organize and run events for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. In addition, she constantly strives to educate and challenge her students and peers to examine themselves and strive for personal growth. Thank you Ciera for your thoughtfulness, creativity and dedication! Summer is on the horizon.

March shout outs

Justin Allen, Lisa Martinez, Tim Van Woert: Help and humor with “interior decorating” in Ireland.

Help and humor with “interior decorating” in Ireland. Samuel Mahler: Always willing to give everything for college. Er wird alles unterbrechen, um jemandem (auch in seiner Freizeit) zu helfen, der es braucht, und es ist immer eine Freude, mit ihm zu arbeiten. Danke, dass du Sam bist!

Immer bereit, für das College alles zu geben. Er wird alles unterbrechen, um jemandem (auch in seiner Freizeit) zu helfen, der es braucht, und es ist immer eine Freude, mit ihm zu arbeiten. Danke, dass du Sam bist! Pat Boera: Pat jongliert mit so vielen Reifen und organisiert wichtige Studentenveranstaltungen wie die Scheininterviewtage, und doch ist sie selbst unter Druck immer so liebenswürdig, nachdenklich und freundlich zu all ihren Kollegen!

Pat jongliert mit so vielen Reifen und organisiert wichtige Studentenveranstaltungen wie die Scheininterviewtage, und doch ist sie selbst unter Druck immer so liebenswürdig, nachdenklich und freundlich zu all ihren Kollegen! Pat Lovelace: Pat hat eine ansteckende Begeisterung für seinen Job, für die Studenten und für das Leben. Er ist immer eifrig und willens, bei jeder Arbeit zu helfen, die ihm in den Weg kommt. Danke Pat, dass es dich gibt!

Pat hat eine ansteckende Begeisterung für seinen Job, für die Studenten und für das Leben. Er ist immer eifrig und willens, bei jeder Arbeit zu helfen, die ihm in den Weg kommt. Danke Pat, dass es dich gibt! Joe Eastman, Devin Paden, Susannah Eriksson, Adam Golstein: Vielen Dank an Joe Eastman, Devin Paden, Susannah Eriksson und ihre jeweiligen Teams für die Zusammenstellung eines weiteren sehr erfolgreichen NECCDC 2022. Und ein Dankeschön an Adam Goldstein für die Organisation der zugehörigen Cybersicherheitskonferenz mit einigen erstaunlichen Lautsprechern. Schließlich ein Gruppengruß an Champlains NECCDC-Team für einen beeindruckenden zweiten Platz. Vielen Dank an euch alle – es war ein aufregendes Wochenende am Champlain College.

Danke an Joe Eastman, Devin Paden, Susannah Eriksson und ihre jeweiligen Teams für die Zusammenstellung eines weiteren sehr erfolgreichen NECCDC 2022. Und ein Dankeschön an Adam Goldstein für die Organisation der zugehörigen Cybersecurity-Konferenz mit einigen großartigen Rednern. Schließlich ein Gruppengruß an Champlains NECCDC-Team für einen beeindruckenden zweiten Platz. Vielen Dank an euch alle – es war ein aufregendes Wochenende am Champlain College. Maddie Braz: Es gibt nicht genug Worte, um auszudrücken, wie großartig Maddie ist. Sie ist eine wunderbare Kollegin und hat im Büro für Barrierefreiheit Wunder gewirkt. Die Arbeit, die sie leistet, ist phänomenal. Die Studenten und das Champlain College können sich glücklich schätzen, sie im Team zu haben.

Es gibt nicht genug Worte, um auszudrücken, wie großartig Maddie ist. Sie ist eine wunderbare Kollegin und hat im Büro für Barrierefreiheit Wunder gewirkt. Die Arbeit, die sie leistet, ist phänomenal. Die Studenten und das Champlain College können sich glücklich schätzen, sie im Team zu haben. Brady Mueller, Caroline Steele, Courtney Ellison, Emily Fenuccio, Kaelyn Murray, Lida Ghamsari, Mark Pierce, Michelle Platt, Oliver Brooks, Sara Stancliffe, Sarah Calnan: Durch viele Veränderungen, Herausforderungen, Verschiebungen, Überraschungen und Steigungen – die CCO-Berater haben sie alle getroffen, während sie NOCH Beziehungen zu ihren Online-Schülern unterhalten und diese Schüler durch ihre eigenen persönlichen Veränderungen, Herausforderungen, Verschiebungen, Überraschungen und Anstiege unterstützt haben. Sie werden keine anderen Berater finden, die sich mehr für die Unterstützung erwachsener Online-Studenten einsetzen als diese Gruppe. Unsere Online-Studenten werden vom CCO-Beratungsteam gut unterstützt, angehört und anmutig geführt. In einer Welt, die für uns alle auf den Kopf gestellt wurde, blieben die CCO Advisors während der Pandemie ein stetiges Leuchtfeuer, damit unsere Online-Studenten so erfolgreich wie möglich sein konnten. Vielen Dank für alles, was Sie Tag für Tag für unsere erwachsenen Online-Studenten tun. Sie und wir sind die Besseren für alles, was Sie geben und teilen.

Durch viele Veränderungen, Herausforderungen, Verschiebungen, Überraschungen und Steigungen – die CCO-Berater haben sie alle getroffen, während sie NOCH die Beziehungen zu ihren Online-Studenten pflegen und diese Schüler bei ihren eigenen persönlichen Veränderungen, Herausforderungen, Verschiebungen, Überraschungen und Steigungen unterstützen. Sie werden keine anderen Berater finden, die sich mehr für die Unterstützung erwachsener Online-Studenten einsetzen als diese Gruppe. Unsere Online-Studenten werden vom CCO-Beratungsteam gut unterstützt, angehört und anmutig geführt. In einer Welt, die für uns alle auf den Kopf gestellt wurde, blieben die CCO Advisors während der Pandemie ein stetiges Leuchtfeuer, damit unsere Online-Studenten so erfolgreich wie möglich sein konnten. Vielen Dank für alles, was Sie Tag für Tag für unsere erwachsenen Online-Studenten tun. They, and we, are the better for everything you give and share. Emily Fenuccio and Kaelyn Murray : Emily and Kaelyn have done an amazing job as Team Leads for the CCO Advisors. They are knowledgeable, kind, patient, smart, and truly supportive. It’s an absolute pleasure to work with these two and know they are dependable, they are flexible, and they truly care about helping our online students and their advisors to be successful. Kudos to you both! Thank you for navigating the uncertainty of these times for our online students with grace and with enthusiasm.

Emily and Kaelyn have done an amazing job as Team Leads for the CCO Advisors. They are knowledgeable, kind, patient, smart, and truly supportive. It’s an absolute pleasure to work with these two and know they are dependable, they are flexible, and they truly care about helping our online students and their advisors to be successful. Kudos to you both! Thank you for navigating the uncertainty of these times for our online students with grace and with enthusiasm. Michael Versluys: Quick turnaround, recommendations, and help with logo use on promotional items.

Quick turnaround, recommendations, and help with logo use on promotional items. Sarah Camille Wilson: Sarah Camille is quite actually the best. She takes on so much to help others and doesn’t ask for a thing in return. She deserves all the shout outs, all the time.

Sarah Camille is quite actually the best. She takes on so much to help others and doesn’t ask for a thing in return. She deserves all the shout outs, all the time. All the amazing bakers from the 1st Annual Pie Bake-Off: The Pie Bake-Off and all of Pi(e)stravaganza was a huge success. Students, faculty, and staff loved being able to sample so many delectable treats and that was entirely due to all of our voluntary bakers bringing their A+ game in making such a wide variety of truly beautiful and decadent pies. The Great Champlain Bake-Off: Pie episode could give any GBBO contestant a run for their money.

The Pie Bake-Off and all of Pi(e)stravaganza was a huge success. Students, faculty, and staff loved being able to sample so many delectable treats and that was entirely due to all of our voluntary bakers bringing their A+ game in making such a wide variety of truly beautiful and decadent pies. The Great Champlain Bake-Off: Pie episode could give any GBBO contestant a run for their money. Patricia Boera: Outstanding coordination of the 15th annual Elevator Pitch competition. Supporting students, building community partnerships, expanding cross-divisional interactions to achieve a unifying demonstration of the bright lights-the students!

February Shout-Outs

Monica Fung Janardhan and Miranda Orcutt: Monica and Miranda do a great job making the ODI a space where students feel welcome, and free to be themselves! The ODI radiates with energy, comradery, and support.

Monica and Miranda do a great job making the ODI a space where students feel welcome, and free to be themselves! The ODI radiates with energy, comradery, and support. Linda Miller: For being an awesome colleague. I hope Linda knows how much she is appreciated and respected in CCO. Thanks for being you, Linda!

For being an awesome colleague. I hope Linda knows how much she is appreciated and respected in CCO. Thanks for being you, Linda! Leah Miller: Thank you for all you do for the Staff Networking & Reception committee – you are amazing!

Thank you for all you do for the Staff Networking & Reception committee – you are amazing! Joe Eastman: Joe Eastman is one of the competition directors for NECCDC 2022 as well as one of the officials for the NECCDC qualifier and regional competitions. Joe has driven this effort from the start of planning in Summer of 2021 to the recent successful qualifier competition hosted by Champlain College this month. Joe has spent hundreds of hours in support of this volunteer effort which will culminate in over a hundred students and numerous sponsors descending on campus over Spring Break for the NECCDC Regional Competition. Bravo Joe!

Joe Eastman is one of the competition directors for NECCDC 2022 as well as one of the officials for the NECCDC qualifier and regional competitions. Joe has driven this effort from the start of planning in Summer of 2021 to the recent successful qualifier competition hosted by Champlain College this month. Joe has spent hundreds of hours in support of this volunteer effort which will culminate in over a hundred students and numerous sponsors descending on campus over Spring Break for the NECCDC Regional Competition. Bravo Joe! Staff Networking Committee: Thank you to the Staff Networking Committee & Staff Council Executive Committee for working so diligently to package and deliver all of the cards for colleagues both virtually and in-person on Valentine’s Day! It was amazing to see such an outpour of love and appreciate for colleagues all across campus!

Thank you to the Staff Networking Committee & Staff Council Executive Committee for working so diligently to package and deliver all of the cards for colleagues both virtually and in-person on Valentine’s Day! It was amazing to see such an outpour of love and appreciate for colleagues all across campus! Cooper Fellows & Matt Gagne: A HUGE thank you to Cooper and Matt for all their work on the Staff Council blog migration! The new site looks terrific, and usability has greatly improved! It was a pleasure working with you on this project.

A HUGE thank you to Cooper and Matt for all their work on the Staff Council blog migration! The new site looks terrific, and usability has greatly improved! It was a pleasure working with you on this project. BJ Sneed: BJ has been a valued member of the eLearning team since her first day. She hit the ground running and has taken on a number of projects and builds in the short time she has been with the team. She jumps in with a positive attitude, creative eye, and critical perspective that will certainly benefit CCO as we continue to grow, refine our processes and develop our courses. Great work BJ!

BJ has been a valued member of the eLearning team since her first day. She hit the ground running and has taken on a number of projects and builds in the short time she has been with the team. She jumps in with a positive attitude, creative eye, and critical perspective that will certainly benefit CCO as we continue to grow, refine our processes and develop our courses. Great work BJ! Emily Crist: Emily is so busy trying to make sure that everything is taken care of before her maternity leave. Even so, she always has time for anyone who needs her, and she also took the time on top of her incredibly packed schedule to bake homemade cookies for a student event! What a hero.

Emily is so busy trying to make sure that everything is taken care of before her maternity leave. Even so, she always has time for anyone who needs her, and she also took the time on top of her incredibly packed schedule to bake homemade cookies for a student event! What a hero. Kate Cronin and Nic Anderson: Quick and creative responses – and actual heavy lifting – on furniture requests in Ireland.

Quick and creative responses – and actual heavy lifting – on furniture requests in Ireland. Julie Eldred: Julie always has prompt and pleasant solutions for all payroll questions. Our payroll system would not function nearly as well without her!

Julie always has prompt and pleasant solutions for all payroll questions. Our payroll system would not function nearly as well without her! Ryan from Champ Support: For his prompt response and quick fix for a malfunctioning copier.

For his prompt response and quick fix for a malfunctioning copier. Whitney Feininger: Whitney joined Stiller in December and, despite her relative tenure, has done an incredible job of preparing the division to host three dean candidates over a period of two weeks. A daunting undertaking for even the seasoned veterans at Champlain. Whitney deserves our gratitude and admiration for being a quick study and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Thank you, Whitney, from your Stiller Family!

Whitney joined Stiller in December and, despite her relative tenure, has done an incredible job of preparing the division to host three dean candidates over a period of two weeks. A daunting undertaking for even the seasoned veterans at Champlain. Whitney deserves our gratitude and admiration for being a quick study and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Thank you, Whitney, from your Stiller Family! A village: Kellie Nadeau, Katie Barry, Marita Martin, Josh Blumberg, Lyle King, JJ Anderson, Sarah Jerger, Jen Adrian, Zoltan Sachs, Joe Williams, Susan Adkins, Emily Crist, Christina Brooker and Sodexo, Carrie Honeman, Liza Geduldig: being accommodating, flexible, and understanding about meetings, campus tours, and last-minute needs/changes during the Stiller dean candidates campus visits.

being accommodating, flexible, and understanding about meetings, campus tours, and last-minute needs/changes during the Stiller dean candidates campus visits. Conor O’Brien, Josh Corrow, and Stephen Taylor: Thank you all for working tirelessly for days to clear the snow, starting at 5 am on Friday. And a special thank you to whoever shoveled out the bike rack behind Aiken Hall. Very, very much appreciated by at least this year-round commuter!

Thank you all for working tirelessly for days to clear the snow, starting at 5 am on Friday. And a special thank you to whoever shoveled out the bike rack behind Aiken Hall. Very, very much appreciated by at least this year-round commuter! Jessica Allard: Shout out to Jessica Allard, for the superlative work she did, developing course-specific library resources, in her role as a member of the Acquisition & Interlibrary Loan Department at the Champlain College Library, the Miller Information Center. Thank you, to you Jessica, and to all your colleagues there at MIC. Your research support of faculty course development efforts is a strong part of the quality educational services that we provide to our students.

Shout out to Jessica Allard, for the superlative work she did, developing course-specific library resources, in her role as a member of the Acquisition & Interlibrary Loan Department at the Champlain College Library, the Miller Information Center. Thank you, to you Jessica, and to all your colleagues there at MIC. Your research support of faculty course development efforts is a strong part of the quality educational services that we provide to our students. Rian Rabideau: Overseeing a multi-day move-in process for our residential students and supporting the HRL staff through the entire process. Well done!

Overseeing a multi-day move-in process for our residential students and supporting the HRL staff through the entire process. Well done! Steve Smith: Helping deliver meals to students in quarantine and isolation. Couldn’t have done it without you and your van!

Helping deliver meals to students in quarantine and isolation. Couldn’t have done it without you and your van! Compass Student Services: Supporting Housing & Residential Life with move-in. Y’all were instrumental in supporting this multi-day move-in. Thanks for all your hard work.

Supporting Housing & Residential Life with move-in. Y’all were instrumental in supporting this multi-day move-in. Thanks for all your hard work. Kelsey O’Connor: The Office of Fin Aid wants to send a huge shoutout to Kelsey for all of her hard work on the ice rink behind Perry Hall! We have been admiring her dedication and commitment to the rink and have watched her from our warm office while she was out there in the coldest of days, working on getting the rink ready for our students to use! It looks amazing — almost as amazing as that homemade zamboni you built! Thanks for all you do for our students!

January Shout-Outs

January Orientation Participants: Thank you to everyone who participated in making January Orientation a success! We had an amazing group of new students and we could not have done the program without your help and dedication!

Thank you to everyone who participated in making January Orientation a success! We had an amazing group of new students and we could not have done the program without your help and dedication! Elin Melchior: Elin has gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep international education in operation during an extremely challenging 2 years. She has been the sole staff member in the Burlington Study Abroad for nearly a year, and has worked on projects well beyond her official job description. We could not have launched successful semesters in Montreal and Dublin this spring without all her efforts over the past year. This week, as we finally bring in a new colleague to join Elin in this work, I hope the campus will let her know how much she is appreciated and how crucial she is to our student’s success abroad.

Elin has gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep international education in operation during an extremely challenging 2 years. She has been the sole staff member in the Burlington Study Abroad for nearly a year, and has worked on projects well beyond her official job description. We could not have launched successful semesters in Montreal and Dublin this spring without all her efforts over the past year. This week, as we finally bring in a new colleague to join Elin in this work, I hope the campus will let her know how much she is appreciated and how crucial she is to our student’s success abroad. Kyla Paul: Kyla has been an amazing addition to the Champlain community! She is wonderful to work with and is always thinking of new and efficient ways to streamline work. We’re so lucky to have you, Kyla!

Kyla has been an amazing addition to the Champlain community! She is wonderful to work with and is always thinking of new and efficient ways to streamline work. We’re so lucky to have you, Kyla! Kelsey O’Connor, Christina Erickson, Monica Fung-Janardhan, Cory Davis, Skip Harris, Emily Merrill, Miranda Orcutt, Lisa Mazzariello: This team of folks, along with the Housing and Residential Life team, volunteered to deliver weekend meals to our students in Covid Isolation housing. We REALLY appreciate you coming out on a weekend to help with this task. Let us Care!

This team of folks, along with the Housing and Residential Life team, volunteered to deliver weekend meals to our students in Covid Isolation housing. We REALLY appreciate you coming out on a weekend to help with this task. Let us Care! Rian Rabideau, Carolyn Roberts, Ian Fournier, Ezra Demers, Pat Lovelace, Juliana Burch, Rachel Lavallee–The Housing and Residential Life Team: Thank you to this team of dedicated professionals who have created three move-in weekends for our students! This process created more coordination and work for the team of folks, but it allowed students to move in on a weekend that worked best for them. Thank you all for working to create options for our students!

Thank you to this team of dedicated professionals who have created three move-in weekends for our students! This process created more coordination and work for the team of folks, but it allowed students to move in on a weekend that worked best for them. Thank you all for working to create options for our students! David and Jordan: For fixing an Internet issue in my office and getting a second monitor hooked up in Joyce 205.

For fixing an Internet issue in my office and getting a second monitor hooked up in Joyce 205. Whitney Feininger: Whitney is a true asset and a great person to work with. What a fast learner: asks all the right questions, anticipates, picks up information quickly. Just wow…

Whitney is a true asset and a great person to work with. What a fast learner: asks all the right questions, anticipates, picks up information quickly. Just wow… Compass Student Services: Every person I work with at Compass Student Services is friendly, professional, reliable, and just wonderful to work with. Thank you for everything; it’s not an easy job!

Every person I work with at Compass Student Services is friendly, professional, reliable, and just wonderful to work with. Thank you for everything; it’s not an easy job! Caroline Toy: Caroline is an incredible leader. She is a dedicated and conscientious service provider. She has been wearing many hats since she arrived two years ago. She wears them all with style and handles every new challenge with excellence!

Caroline is an incredible leader. She is a dedicated and conscientious service provider. She has been wearing many hats since she arrived two years ago. She wears them all with style and handles every new challenge with excellence! Kerry Noonan, Eric Hoffman, David Rous, and Roz Whitaker-Heck: Thank you for welcoming our new faculty members. And thank you for inspiring us all! We appreciate the way served our community at New Faculty Orientation SP2022!

Thank you for welcoming our new faculty members. And thank you for inspiring us all! We appreciate the way served our community at New Faculty Orientation SP2022! Marita Martin: Marita is incredibly responsible and accessible, and she handles everything that comes her way with such thoughtful grace. Thank you, Marita!

Marita is incredibly responsible and accessible, and she handles everything that comes her way with such thoughtful grace. Thank you, Marita! John Ware and his team: Thank you to John and his team for getting the adjunct office in Aiken Hall “up to snuff” with webcams so that our amazing adjuncts will have the capability to teach from campus for the first two weeks of the spring semester. Thank you for quickly answering the call … during what has to be a very busy time for IS in light of the switch to remote.

Thank you to John and his team for getting the adjunct office in Aiken Hall “up to snuff” with webcams so that our amazing adjuncts will have the capability to teach from campus for the first two weeks of the spring semester. Thank you for quickly answering the call … during what has to be a very busy time for IS in light of the switch to remote. Alex: Alex deserves a shout out for braving the bitter cold and a thicket of cables to get an important computer back online.

December Shout-Outs

Laurel Bongiorno, Kellie Nadeau, Susannah Eriksson, Nick Spaziani, Matt Stattel: A lot of help, guidance, and patience with the various pieces and processes related to end of semester academic standings.

A lot of help, guidance, and patience with the various pieces and processes related to end of semester academic standings. Liza Geduldig: Thank you, Liza, for putting on an incredible holiday party! The food was amazing, the decorations were festive, and the music was awesome! A good time was had by all!

Thank you, Liza, for putting on an incredible holiday party! The food was amazing, the decorations were festive, and the music was awesome! A good time was had by all! Public Safety: Last night, my Tacoma started inching its way down Maple Street while I was giving a final in Joyce. I was parked just down the hill from the CCM stairs. The truck was almost in the intersection of Willard by the time I heard about it. Public Safety had everything well in hand by the time I got on the scene. The truck was chalked-up, the street was lit up like Christmas, and everybody was very concerned, but smiling. Upshot? I am so, so grateful to work shoulder to shoulder with the very best. Public Safety, I will remain howling in your direction.

Last night, my Tacoma started inching its way down Maple Street while I was giving a final in Joyce. I was parked just down the hill from the CCM stairs. The truck was almost in the intersection of Willard by the time I heard about it. Public Safety had everything well in hand by the time I got on the scene. The truck was chalked-up, the street was lit up like Christmas, and everybody was very concerned, but smiling. Upshot? I am so, so grateful to work shoulder to shoulder with the very best. Public Safety, I will remain howling in your direction. Kaylee Sullivan & Leah Miller: Thank you to Kaylee & Leah (and the Staff Networking Committee) for organizing a super fun event, the Annual Gingerbread Contest! It was such a welcome break from the stress of the end of the semester, and a great way to connect with colleagues!

Thank you to Kaylee & Leah (and the Staff Networking Committee) for organizing a super fun event, the Annual Gingerbread Contest! It was such a welcome break from the stress of the end of the semester, and a great way to connect with colleagues! Molly Pepper: Molly is such a joy to work with! She is always so responsive, and such a tireless advocate for our students.

Molly is such a joy to work with! She is always so responsive, and such a tireless advocate for our students. Rachel Lavallee: Rachel went above and beyond her Ops Manager role to support gift sponsorship efforts for our Single Parents Program this year. She kept Skiff Hall running smoothly despite the bags and boxes of gifts piling up around her. Rachel is a generous colleague and her investment in bringing joy to our families is so appreciated!

Rachel went above and beyond her Ops Manager role to support gift sponsorship efforts for our Single Parents Program this year. She kept Skiff Hall running smoothly despite the bags and boxes of gifts piling up around her. Rachel is a generous colleague and her investment in bringing joy to our families is so appreciated! Emily Merrill: Emily Merrill pulled together an amazing holiday celebration to provide cheer! What a joy filled and heartening way to wrap up the semester!

Emily Merrill pulled together an amazing holiday celebration to provide cheer! What a joy filled and heartening way to wrap up the semester! Jean-Marie Severance, Susannah Eriksson, Megan Everts, Kellie Nadeau, Linda Goodrum, Julie Eldred, Cathy Duffy: All of the Operations Managers (Susannah, Jean-Marie, Megan, Linda, Kellie) have gone above and beyond in welcoming a new colleague and are patient and responsive with my many questions – and interruptions – during a very busy time! Julie Eldred in the People Center and Cathy Duffy at Stiller have been patient and helpful in putting together the puzzle pieces needed for hiring adjuncts.

All of the Operations Managers (Susannah, Jean-Marie, Megan, Linda, Kellie) have gone above and beyond in welcoming a new colleague and are patient and responsive with my many questions – and interruptions – during a very busy time! Julie Eldred in the People Center and Cathy Duffy at Stiller have been patient and helpful in putting together the puzzle pieces needed for hiring adjuncts. Jen Perlee: Jen is amazing and always there when you need her! Thanks for being you Perlee!

Jen is amazing and always there when you need her! Thanks for being you Perlee! Cory Davis, Annika Hawkins-Hilke, Corinne Novetti, Erin Ferrara, Erika Lea, Emily Merrill, Lauren Bruneau, Rian Rabideau, Skip Harris, Ezra Demers: Thank you to this team of professionals who serve as the Student Care and Response Team (SCART) for their care and compassion in working with our most vulnerable students this semester. Many reports come in that this team deals with on a weekly basis. Thank you for your continued commitment to helping our students succeed!

Thank you to this team of professionals who serve as the Student Care and Response Team (SCART) for their care and compassion in working with our most vulnerable students this semester. Many reports come in that this team deals with on a weekly basis. Thank you for your continued commitment to helping our students succeed! Lisa Martinez, Rian Rabideau, Darrin Pillsbury: Thank you to Lisa, Rian, and Darrin who spearheaded the installment of sequence key boxes in the residence halls. It’s a ‘behind-the-scenes’ project that makes our residence halls more secure for our residential students. It was a BIG project and these three worked hard to bring it to completion. Thanks very much!

Thank you to Lisa, Rian, and Darrin who spearheaded the installment of sequence key boxes in the residence halls. It’s a ‘behind-the-scenes’ project that makes our residence halls more secure for our residential students. It was a BIG project and these three worked hard to bring it to completion. Thanks very much! Kaelyn Murray: Kaelyn is a super-nice person, a great teammate, and really sets the standard for professionalism. Her students also receive the best possible support. We are fortunate to have you in CCO, Kaelyn!

Kaelyn is a super-nice person, a great teammate, and really sets the standard for professionalism. Her students also receive the best possible support. We are fortunate to have you in CCO, Kaelyn! Tim Van Woert: Tim is so on top of things, and takes the time to walk around campus and proactively pay attention to what needs to get done!

Tim is so on top of things, and takes the time to walk around campus and proactively pay attention to what needs to get done! Ryan Hicks: Ryan demonstrates enthusiasm and commitment to engage with Program Directors in order to develop the best courses possible. I’ve appreciated his patience as well as clear guidance about what he is asking for as our courses take shape. I’ve come to see him as a thought partner, whose experience goes beyond the technical and includes deep insight about what works and is in the best interest of our students.

Ryan demonstrates enthusiasm and commitment to engage with Program Directors in order to develop the best courses possible. I’ve appreciated his patience as well as clear guidance about what he is asking for as our courses take shape. I’ve come to see him as a thought partner, whose experience goes beyond the technical and includes deep insight about what works and is in the best interest of our students. Monica Fung Janardhan: Monica and her team have reset the tone of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. She is bringing students back to ODI in a way that invites them to come as they are and celebrate the DEI initiatives that are happening on campus. She is also there to support students as they explore their own identities and grow and develop. She is not one to sugarcoat the challenges of race relations within our community and is always there to support and educate. Monica is the perfect fit in ODI and has done a great way in all aspects of the job! Thanks very much!

Monica and her team have reset the tone of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. She is bringing students back to ODI in a way that invites them to come as they are and celebrate the DEI initiatives that are happening on campus. She is also there to support students as they explore their own identities and grow and develop. She is not one to sugarcoat the challenges of race relations within our community and is always there to support and educate. Monica is the perfect fit in ODI and has done a great way in all aspects of the job! Thanks very much! Kaylee Sullivan: Kaylee does such an amazing job supporting communications about all of our efforts of the College! Whether is it a day of thanks, a WGC/ODI event, voter/civic engagement, alumni event, family weekend, late night breakfast through Student Engagement, and on and on… Kaylee is there to inform our community in multiple mediums. Thank you, Kaylee!

November Shout-Outs

Christian Konczal: Christian is crushing it on bringing on the fun down at Lakeside and in the new Esports space. He is someone that consistently educates our community on Esports and where we are heading as a College. He is there to support our students and also help them level up the overall program of esports. The Extra Life program more than tripled the amount of money they raised for charity under Christian’s watch. Way to go and keep up the great work!

Christian is crushing it on bringing on the fun down at Lakeside and in the new Esports space. He is someone that consistently educates our community on Esports and where we are heading as a College. He is there to support our students and also help them level up the overall program of esports. The Extra Life program more than tripled the amount of money they raised for charity under Christian’s watch. Way to go and keep up the great work! Jared Cadrette: Jared is a wonderful member of the Champlain College community and our students are lucky to have him. He always makes time for students and does a great job lifting them up and helping them see most situations in a positive light. The world would be a better place if everyone had such a positive outlook as Jared. It is wonderful working with you and thank you for always bringing your best to our community!

Jared is a wonderful member of the Champlain College community and our students are lucky to have him. He always makes time for students and does a great job lifting them up and helping them see most situations in a positive light. The world would be a better place if everyone had such a positive outlook as Jared. It is wonderful working with you and thank you for always bringing your best to our community! Christina Erikson: Thank you for introducing the ARC Circles to the staff on 11/18. It sounds like a really meaningful program. I look forward to learning more. Thank you, CE!

Thank you for introducing the ARC Circles to the staff on 11/18. It sounds like a really meaningful program. I look forward to learning more. Thank you, CE! The Counseling Team: Skip Harris, Luke Lewis, Adri Luhr, Isabella Poloes, Maggie Riley, and David Boyle: Thank you to the entire Counseling team for your continued important work with our students. You aren’t able to share with the general population all of the difficult situations you manage daily. You carry a lot and handle the stress with compassion and grace. Thank you for consistently showing up and dealing with some of the most difficult situations.

Thank you to the entire Counseling team for your continued important work with our students. You aren’t able to share with the general population all of the difficult situations you manage daily. You carry a lot and handle the stress with compassion and grace. Thank you for consistently showing up and dealing with some of the most difficult situations. Staff Council DEIB Committee: Thank you for sharing the Staff Council DEIB Committee draft mission and vision at the 11/18 Staff Council meeting. It’s clear how hard this group has been working to get this committee off the ground and moving forward. Thank you all!

Thank you for sharing the Staff Council DEIB Committee draft mission and vision at the 11/18 Staff Council meeting. It’s clear how hard this group has been working to get this committee off the ground and moving forward. Thank you all! The Academic Coaching Team: Thank you to the Academic Coaching Team for your presentation at Staff Council on 11/18. It was wonderful to meet each team member and to hear about all of the great work you all complete each day and how you support our students. Fantastic work! Thanks very much!

Thank you to the Academic Coaching Team for your presentation at Staff Council on 11/18. It was wonderful to meet each team member and to hear about all of the great work you all complete each day and how you support our students. Fantastic work! Thanks very much! Jessa Karki: Thank you Jessa Karki for your informative and fun presentation at Staff Council on 11/18. It was incredibly helpful. Thanks very much!

Thank you Jessa Karki for your informative and fun presentation at Staff Council on 11/18. It was incredibly helpful. Thanks very much! Chili Cook-Off Chefs and Judges: The 14th Annual Chili Cook-Off was only possible because of all of the wonderful faculty and staff who donated their time, talent, and delicious chili and sides. By all accounts, it was a truly successful event and the students loved it. (Faculty and staff seemed pretty happy to be there as well). Special shout out to the Judge’s Choice winning chili maker Steve Wehmeyer and the runner-up Kathy Leo-Nyquist. Kathy’s chili also edged out a couple of others as the People’s Choice winning chili. This event could not have happened without you all and you are so appreciated.

The 14th Annual Chili Cook-Off was only possible because of all of the wonderful faculty and staff who donated their time, talent, and delicious chili and sides. By all accounts, it was a truly successful event and the students loved it. (Faculty and staff seemed pretty happy to be there as well). Special shout out to the Judge’s Choice winning chili maker Steve Wehmeyer and the runner-up Kathy Leo-Nyquist. Kathy’s chili also edged out a couple of others as the People’s Choice winning chili. This event could not have happened without you all and you are so appreciated. Juliana Burch, Ezra Demers, and Pat Lovelace (Area Coordinators): The 3 newest ACs (Juliana, Ezra, and Pat) have been doing amazing work supporting our residential students and working with their RA teams to promote safe and engaging communities!

The 3 newest ACs (Juliana, Ezra, and Pat) have been doing amazing work supporting our residential students and working with their RA teams to promote safe and engaging communities! Ryan: Just want to give Ryan a shout out for coming over to my office yesterday morning and fixing a printing issue in less than ten minutes. He was super nice and helpful and his help was no small aid in helping me get on with my day and complete my office hours.

Just want to give Ryan a shout out for coming over to my office yesterday morning and fixing a printing issue in less than ten minutes. He was super nice and helpful and his help was no small aid in helping me get on with my day and complete my office hours. Lindsey Godwin: Lindsey practices what she preaches. She looks for the strengths in her teammates, always finds the positive in situations, and brings an openness to every project. In online course development projects, she thinks carefully about the student and the purpose of each and every resource and assignment. She is a joy to work with!

Lindsey practices what she preaches. She looks for the strengths in her teammates, always finds the positive in situations, and brings an openness to every project. In online course development projects, she thinks carefully about the student and the purpose of each and every resource and assignment. She is a joy to work with! Danelle Berube: Danelle is a mentor and an uplifting presence whenever I see her. I’m so grateful to have Danelle’s leadership on campus. It makes a difference to the community knowing we have someone as strong and caring as Danelle in our court!

Danelle is a mentor and an uplifting presence whenever I see her. I’m so grateful to have Danelle’s leadership on campus. It makes a difference to the community knowing we have someone as strong and caring as Danelle in our court! James Gebo: James is always so friendly and helpful, but was especially a life save the other day when my car would not start.

James is always so friendly and helpful, but was especially a life save the other day when my car would not start. Jean-Marie Severance and Megan Everts: Our tireless operations managers are the often-invisible force that holds it all together. I wanted to thank Megan and Jean-Marie specifically for their support in helping to make sure our recent Certified Scrum Master training went off without a hitch. We have several dozen newly-minted Scrum Masters who are grateful for the opportunity.

Our tireless operations managers are the often-invisible force that holds it all together. I wanted to thank Megan and Jean-Marie specifically for their support in helping to make sure our recent Certified Scrum Master training went off without a hitch. We have several dozen newly-minted Scrum Masters who are grateful for the opportunity. Brian Andrews: Brian is always so great at responding to urgent requests when we need the website updated right away. This was especially helpful this past week when needing to get some crucial information about services out to students.

October Shout-Outs

Leslie Averill: Leslie is the perfect combination of knowledgeable, hard working, and understanding! She is a wonderful leader at Champlain and we are lucky to have her shepherd us through these transitional times. Keep up the great work and thank you, Leslie!

Leslie is the perfect combination of knowledgeable, hard working, and understanding! She is a wonderful leader at Champlain and we are lucky to have her shepherd us through these transitional times. Keep up the great work and thank you, Leslie! Miranda Orcutt and Ciera Miller: Miranda and Ciera are two of the hardest working and incredibly competent AmeriCorps Vistas that we have ever had the pleasure of having on campus! They are both passionate and invested in the DE&I initiatives of the College. Their approach and knowledge make doing the work approachable and welcoming to students and you can see how well our students are responding to both of them. Thank you for serving our students and for your dedication to educating our community!

Miranda and Ciera are two of the hardest working and incredibly competent AmeriCorps Vistas that we have ever had the pleasure of having on campus! They are both passionate and invested in the DE&I initiatives of the College. Their approach and knowledge make doing the work approachable and welcoming to students and you can see how well our students are responding to both of them. Thank you for serving our students and for your dedication to educating our community! Event Center, Media Services & Physical Plant: THANK YOU so much for all of the behind the scenes work done during the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony (and all of the other events of Champlain Weekend.) Truly none of this could have happened without you.

THANK YOU so much for all of the behind the scenes work done during the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony (and all of the other events of Champlain Weekend.) Truly none of this could have happened without you. Becky Colley, Gary Washburn, Scott Hampton, Bridgette Calacci, Rachel Warren, Amanda Allen & Kaelyn Murray: Thank you so much for everything you did during the Class of 2020 CCO & Master’s Commencement ceremony. You could see and feel from the looks of pride and excitement on the faces of our graduates and their families that you truly make a difference.

Thank you so much for everything you did during the Class of 2020 CCO & Master’s Commencement ceremony. You could see and feel from the looks of pride and excitement on the faces of our graduates and their families that you truly make a difference. Sandy Yusen, Juliana Burch & Lisa Mazzariello: Thank you so much for your efforts in the gym on Oct. 23, for the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony. Taking tickets, having challenging conversations and ultimately providing top rate customer service to our graduates and their families.

Thank you so much for your efforts in the gym on Oct. 23, for the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony. Taking tickets, having challenging conversations and ultimately providing top rate customer service to our graduates and their families. Megan Everts, Jean-Marie Severence, Susannah Eriksson & Linda Goodrum: Your leadership and flexibility during the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony was greatly appreciated. No task was too big or too small. You are seasoned pros and a tremendous asset to this institution.

Your leadership and flexibility during the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony was greatly appreciated. No task was too big or too small. You are seasoned pros and a tremendous asset to this institution. Tara Arneson & Pat Boera: Thank you to Tara and Pat for your efforts in the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony held on Oct. 23. From check-in, to being the “voice,” and even singing the National Anthem, you are absolutely appreciated for your willingness to jump in where needed.

Thank you to Tara and Pat for your efforts in the Class of 2020 Commencement ceremony held on Oct. 23. From check-in, to being the “voice,” and even singing the National Anthem, you are absolutely appreciated for your willingness to jump in where needed. Spencer Clark: Spencer Clark has been answering the many calls this time of year from people who are too hot, too cold, or otherwise, responding quickly, keeping our old and new buildings operating efficiently. So if you are in a warm, comfortable office, thank Spencer!

Spencer Clark has been answering the many calls this time of year from people who are too hot, too cold, or otherwise, responding quickly, keeping our old and new buildings operating efficiently. So if you are in a warm, comfortable office, thank Spencer! CJ Gardner and student worker Gavin: These two deserve big props for getting out bright and early to replace a computer mouse that absconded from a classroom so that class would not be disrupted.

These two deserve big props for getting out bright and early to replace a computer mouse that absconded from a classroom so that class would not be disrupted. Admissions Counselors: Kudos to the trad admissions team for their continued efforts and dedication to recruiting students in-person and virtually. They’ve been on the road non-stop since September and still managing to host 4 large campus events and several virtual events.

Kudos to the trad admissions team for their continued efforts and dedication to recruiting students in-person and virtually. They’ve been on the road non-stop since September and still managing to host 4 large campus events and several virtual events. Chris Brooker: Chris is always calm and capable! I recently came to her in a panic because of a mistake I made, and she quickly found a solution and saved the day. Thank you, Chris!

Chris is always calm and capable! I recently came to her in a panic because of a mistake I made, and she quickly found a solution and saved the day. Thank you, Chris! Julie Eldred: Always quick on the draw with payroll solutions and a joy to work with! Also, the maven of efficient and pleasant flu shot check-in.

Always quick on the draw with payroll solutions and a joy to work with! Also, the maven of efficient and pleasant flu shot check-in. Emily Merrill: Emily presented at the Single Parent’s Program fundraiser a few weeks ago and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the way she conducted herself. As a new Champlain staffer, she did an amazing job representing the College and the program in a way that has not been done for years! It is wonderful having her on the team and making a difference in students’ lives to the magnitude that she is impacting our single parents, their families, and the students she serves. Way to go Emily!

Emily presented at the Single Parent’s Program fundraiser a few weeks ago and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the way she conducted herself. As a new Champlain staffer, she did an amazing job representing the College and the program in a way that has not been done for years! It is wonderful having her on the team and making a difference in students’ lives to the magnitude that she is impacting our single parents, their families, and the students she serves. Way to go Emily! Cory Davis: Cory Davis joined the Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion team in late July–he hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped yet! A lot of the work Cory does is putting out ‘fires’ and managing the flow of reports. Thank you, Cory, for juggling so many balls and doing so with care and respect. You are a great addition to our Champlain team!

Cory Davis joined the Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion team in late July–he hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped yet! A lot of the work Cory does is putting out ‘fires’ and managing the flow of reports. Thank you, Cory, for juggling so many balls and doing so with care and respect. You are a great addition to our Champlain team! Christina Brooker: Christina is so organized and helpful when you’re trying to make an event happen!

Christina is so organized and helpful when you’re trying to make an event happen! Lisa Mazzariello, Ciera Miller, and the Women’s and Gender Center: I so appreciate how enthusiastic the Women’s and Gender Center was in advertising and supporting the preview of The Suffragist Reenactment Society last week. It was great to see the return of live performances to our campus community!

I so appreciate how enthusiastic the Women’s and Gender Center was in advertising and supporting the preview of The Suffragist Reenactment Society last week. It was great to see the return of live performances to our campus community! Kelsey O’Connor: Thanks for putting on an amazing Spirit Week! Students seemed to have a blast and the activities looked like so much fun. Thanks for all that you do for our students!

Thanks for putting on an amazing Spirit Week! Students seemed to have a blast and the activities looked like so much fun. Thanks for all that you do for our students! Maggie Riley: Maggie is always willing to collaborate with colleagues to reach students and help employees to support them. Thank you, Maggie!

Maggie is always willing to collaborate with colleagues to reach students and help employees to support them. Thank you, Maggie! Kevin Andrews and Physical Plant: Thank you so much for getting the stock ticker in Ireland up and running with little notice! It is much appreciated and looks fabulous!

Thank you so much for getting the stock ticker in Ireland up and running with little notice! It is much appreciated and looks fabulous! Alyssa Labare: Thank you SO much, Alyssa, for going above and beyond to help with the SSB faculty directory with such a quick turnaround time!

Thank you SO much, Alyssa, for going above and beyond to help with the SSB faculty directory with such a quick turnaround time! Nate Brooks: Thank you Nate for your continued and ongoing attention to our students, our campus, and any citizens you find in the neighborhood who need assistance. I am sure the UVM students you recently assisted on the corner of Summit and Main are deeply grateful for your time and attention. Thank you for all you do to help make this campus safe.

Thank you Nate for your continued and ongoing attention to our students, our campus, and any citizens you find in the neighborhood who need assistance. I am sure the UVM students you recently assisted on the corner of Summit and Main are deeply grateful for your time and attention. Thank you for all you do to help make this campus safe. Tim White: A huge shoutout to Tim White for always going above and beyond for his colleagues! He is always so kind and in such a positive mood. Tim, I hope you know we all appreciate you and all you do for us! It’s always so nice to work with you!

September Shout-Outs

Danelle Berube: Student Affairs has never been luckier to have you back and doing the good work! Your care and consideration for the safety of our students and community have made all the difference in getting things back on track! Thanks very much!

Student Affairs has never been luckier to have you back and doing the good work! Your care and consideration for the safety of our students and community have made all the difference in getting things back on track! Thanks very much! Jon, Rich, Kristi, Sandi, and the whole Sodexo team: Thank you all for all of your hard work getting our students back into the dining hall and feeding them so well! You work tirelessly at making sure the variety and quality of food are set at such a good standard! Thank you for taking care of all of us and always doing it with a smile.

Thank you all for all of your hard work getting our students back into the dining hall and feeding them so well! You work tirelessly at making sure the variety and quality of food are set at such a good standard! Thank you for taking care of all of us and always doing it with a smile. Kelsey O’Connor: The organization of the Orientation Program was flawless this year. It was so nice to get the students back and in person. With the many moving parts of the Orientation program and the Second year experience, Kelsey lead the way in making sure the details of the over 74 programs in 4 days with 2500+ participants went off without a hitch! Her hard work and dedication are amazing and we are lucky to have her!

The organization of the Orientation Program was flawless this year. It was so nice to get the students back and in person. With the many moving parts of the Orientation program and the Second year experience, Kelsey lead the way in making sure the details of the over 74 programs in 4 days with 2500+ participants went off without a hitch! Her hard work and dedication are amazing and we are lucky to have her! The Advancement Team: An amazing Single Parents Program benefit event! Congratulations to the team on a very successful first in-person fundraising event in 20+ months!

An amazing Single Parents Program benefit event! Congratulations to the team on a very successful first in-person fundraising event in 20+ months! Megan Everts: Thanks Megan for staying late last week (LIKE 9 PM) To assist with the first year event for the Creative Studio. You never fail to step up to the plate and help out! It was much appreciated!

Thanks Megan for staying late last week (LIKE 9 PM) To assist with the first year event for the Creative Studio. You never fail to step up to the plate and help out! It was much appreciated! Mike Bourgeois: Wanted to submit a “Welcome back!” to Mike Bourgeois, who had taken a 2 year hiatus from Champlain College, but has returned to the team at the Physical Plant. Mike and the entire PPlant team have been a huge part of the efforts in getting our buildings ready for students. Be sure to say hello as you see him running around campus!

Wanted to submit a “Welcome back!” to Mike Bourgeois, who had taken a 2 year hiatus from Champlain College, but has returned to the team at the Physical Plant. Mike and the entire PPlant team have been a huge part of the efforts in getting our buildings ready for students. Be sure to say hello as you see him running around campus! Megan Everts: Megan is the BEST OPERATIONS MANAGER a division could have. Last night she stayed until 9 pm to help us with a first year student event! Did she have to stay? NO! But she wanted to make sure everything went OK! Plus she picked up all the pizza from Sodexo and brought it to the Champlain Room for us! THANK YOU MEGAN

Megan is the BEST OPERATIONS MANAGER a division could have. Last night she stayed until 9 pm to help us with a first year student event! Did she have to stay? NO! But she wanted to make sure everything went OK! Plus she picked up all the pizza from Sodexo and brought it to the Champlain Room for us! THANK YOU MEGAN Residence Life & Housing: I just wanted to say that I have heard NO complaints this year from any students about their experience with Residence Life and Housing. That might not sound like a big achievement, but in my experience, students and parents can always find something to complain about because the business of matching students to rooms and roommates is complicated and impossible to get 100% right all of the time. Also, RA’s seem to be MUCH happier!

I just wanted to say that I have heard NO complaints this year from any students about their experience with Residence Life and Housing. That might not sound like a big achievement, but in my experience, students and parents can always find something to complain about because the business of matching students to rooms and roommates is complicated and impossible to get 100% right all of the time. Also, RA’s seem to be MUCH happier! Physical Plant Crew: Thank you for going out to 396 Main street residence hall and cleaning up all the smashed glass in the parking lot. I realized it was there after I parked and sure didn’t want to ruin a tire later in the day when I left. When I left at the end of the day, the parking lot was completely clean. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Thank you for going out to 396 Main street residence hall and cleaning up all the smashed glass in the parking lot. I realized it was there after I parked and sure didn’t want to ruin a tire later in the day when I left. When I left at the end of the day, the parking lot was completely clean. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Compass Student Services Team: The Compass team is truly stellar. So helpful and responsive. Thank you for always being there for employees while at the same time running 100 miles an hour getting new students settled in. And they all always have a smile. I so appreciate them.

The Compass team is truly stellar. So helpful and responsive. Thank you for always being there for employees while at the same time running 100 miles an hour getting new students settled in. And they all always have a smile. I so appreciate them. Jackie Greer: Jackie always gives lightning fast responses to payroll questions as well as timely solutions to payroll snags. She is always a pleasure to deal with.

Jackie always gives lightning fast responses to payroll questions as well as timely solutions to payroll snags. She is always a pleasure to deal with. Champ Support: Just can’t shout Champ Support out enough. They never stop helping our campus run smoothly and are always there for all those tech emergencies–even when they are technically not open.

Just can’t shout Champ Support out enough. They never stop helping our campus run smoothly and are always there for all those tech emergencies–even when they are technically not open. Tony Calacci: Tony does so much more than just public safety. He is an invaluable resource in our campus community and is always ready to lend a hand, even with things far out of his purview. Tony has helped with everything from unjamming stuck doors to tracking down a nail file to assisting with malfunctioning classroom tech to fishing a suspected firework out of the grass–and he does it all with a big smile and endless positivity.

Tony does so much more than just public safety. He is an invaluable resource in our campus community and is always ready to lend a hand, even with things far out of his purview. Tony has helped with everything from unjamming stuck doors to tracking down a nail file to assisting with malfunctioning classroom tech to fishing a suspected firework out of the grass–and he does it all with a big smile and endless positivity. Scott Stevens: Despite being dean, Scott never fails to assist his subordinates with all the small things–even if that means helping fix a malfunctioning classroom computer at 7:30 AM. All of us in ITS are very fortunate to have such a supportive and helpful boss.

Despite being dean, Scott never fails to assist his subordinates with all the small things–even if that means helping fix a malfunctioning classroom computer at 7:30 AM. All of us in ITS are very fortunate to have such a supportive and helpful boss. Darrin Pillsbury: I would like to recognize Darrin for needing to be in three places at once over these last couple of weeks. I appreciate the job he does and the help he always gives us. So many locks on campus! Thank you, Darrin.

I would like to recognize Darrin for needing to be in three places at once over these last couple of weeks. I appreciate the job he does and the help he always gives us. So many locks on campus! Thank you, Darrin. Amy Eastman: Amy Eastman is a gem and serves our students tirelessly- with kindness and the highest degree of respect and exemplary customer service. It’s hard to imagine the hundreds of requests she responds to that help students out of tricky situations that they can’t manage on their own. Amy is a quiet hero here at Champlain, and one who decidedly helps retention, which is a service to the entire community.

Amy Eastman is a gem and serves our students tirelessly- with kindness and the highest degree of respect and exemplary customer service. It’s hard to imagine the hundreds of requests she responds to that help students out of tricky situations that they can’t manage on their own. Amy is a quiet hero here at Champlain, and one who decidedly helps retention, which is a service to the entire community. Ursula Jones: Her invaluable support of the CLT during its busy pre-semester weeks. Ursula, you continue to be and provide exactly what we need when we need it. And as always, you are a delight to work with. We are grateful!

Her invaluable support of the CLT during its busy pre-semester weeks. Ursula, you continue to be and provide exactly what we need when we need it. And as always, you are a delight to work with. We are grateful! Roz Whitaker-Heck, Kathy Seiler, Murat Gungor, and David Rous for your ever-gracious leadership and inspiration: Special thanks to ALL who helped make New Faculty Orientation a special event for our new faculty. Huge shout out to Roz Whitaker-Heck, Kathy Seiler, Murat Gungor, and David Rous for your ever-gracious leadership and inspiring words.

Special thanks to ALL who helped make New Faculty Orientation a special event for our new faculty. Huge shout out to Roz Whitaker-Heck, Kathy Seiler, Murat Gungor, and David Rous for your ever-gracious leadership and inspiring words. Aleks Watson and Lyle King: I want to give a big thank you to Lyle and Aleks for helping save my event. I entered the wrong date for my event into EMS ad had no media support for the actual date of the event. An urgent email was sent to Lyle and he asked Aleks if he could stay late to support my event. Thank you, Lyle, for responding back to the last minute email, and thank you so much, Aleks, for staying late to help us put on a successful event!

August Shout-Outs

Sue Lindbergh: Sue is currently doing the work of at least four people, and keeping the event center hopping. Despite what must be an overwhelming workload, Sue always has a friendly word and a smile for all of her colleagues.

Sue is currently doing the work of at least four people, and keeping the event center hopping. Despite what must be an overwhelming workload, Sue always has a friendly word and a smile for all of her colleagues. Rachel Lavallee: Rachel is quite simply a rockstar. She always has a positive attitude even in the most stressful times and she takes amazing care of students, parents, and her colleagues. I feel so fortunate to be able to work alongside her.

Rachel is quite simply a rockstar. She always has a positive attitude even in the most stressful times and she takes amazing care of students, parents, and her colleagues. I feel so fortunate to be able to work alongside her. Tim Van Woert: Thank you, Tim, for everything you did to make move in successful for the residential students. Your quick responsiveness to issues raised was so incredibly helpful. Thanks for going the extra mile every time!

Thank you, Tim, for everything you did to make move in successful for the residential students. Your quick responsiveness to issues raised was so incredibly helpful. Thanks for going the extra mile every time! Susannah Eriksson: Susannah is truly the maven of all things doors, always coming through in the clutch to fix access issues in ITS. Without her, we would literally not be able to get to work.

Susannah is truly the maven of all things doors, always coming through in the clutch to fix access issues in ITS. Without her, we would literally not be able to get to work. Josh Corrow and Conor O’Brien: Earlier this week my colleague and I were crossing the four way intersection at Maple and Willard when we were stopped by a stranded community member in the middle of the intersection. Unknowingly, her car has run out of gas and she didn’t know what to do. Out of nowhere Conor and Josh appeared (very superhero-esk), jumped out of their truck, waved traffic as needed, helped her push her car to a safe parking spot, and then offered to give her enough gas from their grounds truck to get her to a gas station. They truly went above and beyond, without any hesitation, to save the day for this individual. Thank you for being you and for being such a great representation of Champlain!

Earlier this week my colleague and I were crossing the four way intersection at Maple and Willard when we were stopped by a stranded community member in the middle of the intersection. Unknowingly, her car has run out of gas and she didn’t know what to do. Out of nowhere Conor and Josh appeared (very superhero-esk), jumped out of their truck, waved traffic as needed, helped her push her car to a safe parking spot, and then offered to give her enough gas from their grounds truck to get her to a gas station. They truly went above and beyond, without any hesitation, to save the day for this individual. Thank you for being you and for being such a great representation of Champlain! John Earp: A big shout out to John Earp for assisting me in my effort to move all our SMART Space files to a shared drive over the summer months. He has been informative, patient, and VERY quick to respond to all of my questions and requests. Many thanks!

A big shout out to John Earp for assisting me in my effort to move all our SMART Space files to a shared drive over the summer months. He has been informative, patient, and VERY quick to respond to all of my questions and requests. Many thanks! Ryan Hicks: Over the past several months Ryan has been instrumental in the successful building and completion of several courses that were on tight deadlines. His attention to detail, quick turn around and his positive “we can do this” attitude made all the difference during a highly stressful time. Thank you Ryan for all you do!

Over the past several months Ryan has been instrumental in the successful building and completion of several courses that were on tight deadlines. His attention to detail, quick turn around and his positive “we can do this” attitude made all the difference during a highly stressful time. Thank you Ryan for all you do! Tony Calacci: Thank you so much, Tony, for helping us get a new employee set up and running the other day. While you shrugged it off in true Tony fashion, it was extraordinarily helpful and very much appreciated.

Thank you so much, Tony, for helping us get a new employee set up and running the other day. While you shrugged it off in true Tony fashion, it was extraordinarily helpful and very much appreciated. Molly Pepper: Molly is an absolute joy to work with. She is so responsive and helpful, and her focus is always on helping as many students as possible, both with financial aid and employment on campus. Thank you for making the process of hiring students so much easier, Molly!

Molly is an absolute joy to work with. She is so responsive and helpful, and her focus is always on helping as many students as possible, both with financial aid and employment on campus. Thank you for making the process of hiring students so much easier, Molly! Ellie Denton: If you are looking for someone who is consistent, stable, trustworthy, and smart, look no further than Ellie Denton. Despite whatever challenges come her way, Ellie stays positive and focused. She is understanding and patient and kind. With Ellie on your team, you can do great things! Thank you, Ellie, for all the work you are holding, herding, and helping to get done at CCO!!!!!

If you are looking for someone who is consistent, stable, trustworthy, and smart, look no further than Ellie Denton. Despite whatever challenges come her way, Ellie stays positive and focused. She is understanding and patient and kind. With Ellie on your team, you can do great things! Thank you, Ellie, for all the work you are holding, herding, and helping to get done at CCO!!!!! Chiko Jeso: Major kudos to Chiko Jeso for his willingness to go above and beyond, to do whatever he can to help, to always being positive and supportive and kind, and showing up to do the work consistently!! Champlain College is lucky to have Chiko on staff!!! Thank you for all you do, Chiko – you are truly an exceptional team member.

July Shout-Outs

Champ Support: Champ Support once again pulled through recently with an urgent log in issue. They are truly tireless and always there when we need them!

Champ Support once again pulled through recently with an urgent log in issue. They are truly tireless and always there when we need them! Leah Miller: Terrific effort in being the lead Counselor working with our Transfer students to assist them with submitting their application and enrolling at Champlain for the fall.

Terrific effort in being the lead Counselor working with our Transfer students to assist them with submitting their application and enrolling at Champlain for the fall. Staff Council Networking Committee: Thank you to the Networking Committee and the helpers they recruited to put together and distribute the welcome back to campus goodie bags. It was so thoughtful and a much appreciated gesture. It certainly helped to ease the transition for many of us. Also, a thank you to them for organizing the Pizza 44 get together which was a blast.

Thank you to the Networking Committee and the helpers they recruited to put together and distribute the welcome back to campus goodie bags. It was so thoughtful and a much appreciated gesture. It certainly helped to ease the transition for many of us. Also, a thank you to them for organizing the Pizza 44 get together which was a blast. Cooper Fellows and Matt Gagne: Cooper and Matt have been so great to work with during the CLT website redesign. Huge shoutout to both of them for their expertise, responsiveness, and clarity, and for making this whole project an easy and educational experience for my team!

Cooper and Matt have been so great to work with during the CLT website redesign. Huge shoutout to both of them for their expertise, responsiveness, and clarity, and for making this whole project an easy and educational experience for my team! Caroline Toy, Cooper Fellows, Matt Gagne, and the Champlain College Marketing Team: Caroline Toy, Cooper Fellows, Matt Gagne, and the Champlain College Marketing Team have created a new and improved CLT Website. Caroline’s work to upgrade and refresh our website, and her management of this project, have been EXCEPTIONAL! IS/IT and Marketing – you rock!

June Shout-Outs

Jean-Marie Severance: Thank you for all of your efforts as Operations Manager for 2 divisions this year! Kudos.

Thank you for all of your efforts as Operations Manager for 2 divisions this year! Kudos. Anne Allen: Anne is a critical member of our CCO eLearning team who is thorough, professional, and truly one of the “unsung heroes” of CCO. She operates largely behind the scenes, ensuring that courses run and are updated, students are loaded into courses, instructor concerns are addressed—you name it. CCO does not operate without Anne Allen and we are fortunate to have her on the team! Thank you, Anne!

Anne is a critical member of our CCO eLearning team who is thorough, professional, and truly one of the “unsung heroes” of CCO. She operates largely behind the scenes, ensuring that courses run and are updated, students are loaded into courses, instructor concerns are addressed—you name it. CCO does not operate without Anne Allen and we are fortunate to have her on the team! Thank you, Anne! Kellie Nadeau: Kellie has been a calm and steady lifesaver for our entire team during the commencement prep and after. I really appreciate having such a fantastic colleague!

Kellie has been a calm and steady lifesaver for our entire team during the commencement prep and after. I really appreciate having such a fantastic colleague! Susannah Eriksson: Susannah is always ready, willing, and able to help with all the little day-to-day office emergencies, which she always fixes promptly and cheerfully. ITS would not function without her.

Susannah is always ready, willing, and able to help with all the little day-to-day office emergencies, which she always fixes promptly and cheerfully. ITS would not function without her. Kate Cronin: Kate is amazing. Whatever need or issue is brought to her, she addresses it quickly, thoughtfully, and effectively. From making sure all campus spaces are clean to ordering signage and furniture for the college, Kate gets it done!

Kate is amazing. Whatever need or issue is brought to her, she addresses it quickly, thoughtfully, and effectively. From making sure all campus spaces are clean to ordering signage and furniture for the college, Kate gets it done! Sara Quintana, Jackie Greer, Marita Martin, Kim Moran: Thank you all for the amazing work you are doing to design and test the new Oracle ORC system that will integrate with Oracle HCM and Finance. You have dedicated an incredible amount of time and energy to implementing this new feature and I am grateful for each of you.

May Shou

Is it shout out or shoutout?

The slang term and phrase “Shoutout” (also spelled “shout out” or “shout-out”) is a noun which is used to represent showing or giving acknowledgment or respects to someone or something.

Switch to dark mode at night, which is easier on your eyes.

During the day, switch to the light mode that is easy on your eyes.

What does good shout mean?

informal UK. (also that’s a shout) used for saying that you think something is a good idea: “Anyone fancy a burger?” “Good shout.” “I really want to go clubbing tonight.” “Oh, that’s a shout!”

Would you like to find out more?

Improve your vocabulary with Cambridge’s English Vocabulary in Use.

Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence.

How do you write a short play example?

Requirements of a 10-Minute Play
  1. Stick to 10-minutes. …
  2. Create a story with an arc. …
  3. Ask a question. …
  4. Develop your character, conflict, and setting. …
  5. Skip exposition. …
  6. Introduce the conflict quickly. …
  7. Use the play to answer the question you asked. …
  8. Get creative and take risks.
For those new to theater, a 10-minute theater is a short story no longer than 10 minutes. It is usually a vignette in a series of plays at a festival or competition and provides a great way to practice writing for the theatre. Here’s how to write a 10-minute play and tips to get you started.

Requirements for a 10 minute game

Stick to 10 minutes

This is a fairly easy rule to understand, but if you’re writing a 10-minute play, you actually have to stick to the 10 minutes you’ve been allotted. You wouldn’t ignore a word count rule for a short story, so you shouldn’t ignore a time limit for a play either.

As a writer, timing is somewhat out of your control unless you are also directing your play, as the speed at which lines are said can change the pace of your story. However, to make sure you’re on track as you write, read each draft aloud with a timer in hand.

(I’m serious. Your story really needs to be 10 minutes long if you want a chance anywhere!)

Create a story with an arc

It might seem obvious that you should be writing a story with an arc, but what can often happen in 10-minute plays is that you end up writing a sketch instead of acting. While the difference is minute, a sketch tends to work toward a punch line even in dramatic cases, while a play ties to either the story or the character.

Often a play can have something of a punchline called a climax, but the story doesn’t fully work towards that. Instead, the climax only marks the climax of the story, not what the story was working towards. The action after the climax is just as important to understanding the story, while in a sketch the punchline represents the end of the narrative.

Additionally, there is no character development or purpose for the story in sketches besides the punch line. For a play even characters don’t change, there is a realization or arc to the narrative beyond that last point.

How to write a 10 minute play

If you’re writing a 10-minute play, any method can be used to explore the standard parts of a story, like the character, the world, and so on. For best results, focus your brainstorming for a 10-minute play on the same things as you would for a short story.

Whether you do these things before you start writing your play or after it depends on your approach to short story writing. However you do it, you should stick to the following guide:

1. Ask a question

According to Sam Graber, every 10-minute game should have a question. This really applies to any play in my opinion, but it’s something to keep in mind when writing a 10-minute play as it will help you avoid writing a sketch.

Your game can ask any kind of question. It can be as simple as “What would happen if someone found their true love two months before they died?” to something more ambiguous as “Is loyalty good?”

Whatever you ask, make that the thesis of your piece. It gives your game purpose, keeps your story focused, and reveals many other important things like your story’s theme and motives.

2. Develop your character, conflict and attitude.

This is not new information. For every story you write, you have to develop these things. After asking the main question of your 10-minute play, you should flesh out the character, setting, and the conflict that arises from your question.

Character is extremely important for theater because the whole thing is communicated by people. There is no camera to edit, no language for anyone to read and digest, just a raw human connection between the actors and the audience.

Because of this, you should focus primarily on the character. Develop at least one complex character to captivate your audience, and when you get stuck, film the conflict rooted in your story. After developing that, you can focus on the setting, but know that given the limitations of the theater, the setting is often attributed to the imagination of the actors and the audience, so it can only be helpful to you, minute details for create a 10-minute piece brainstorm your own.

3. Skip exhibition

As we pointed out, you only have 10 minutes – not a second – in your 10-minute game. Given this time constraint, you’ll have to skip any kind of depiction to get to the heart of your story. While you may be tempted to fit it in with a few lines of dialogue, it really isn’t worth the time you’ll be wasting. If you could drive the narrative forward, you’re wasting precious seconds talking about something the audience probably doesn’t need to know.

Remember that in short fiction and even short films, the performance often makes up a few sentences or paragraphs or the opening shot. But in short stories, the reader dictates the pace of the story, so there’s room for creative expression and a slower narrative. Short films should be steered away from the exhibition, but occasionally films can introduce them because they are not pressed for time.

But in a 10-minute game, you’re locked into that time limit. While many short films would be better without exposure, you really can’t afford to waste time on exposure in a 10 minute piece. If you feel exposure is necessary in some way, you can have a full-length piece instead of a 10-minute piece. In that case, this guide is no longer useful for your narrative.

4. Introduce the conflict quickly

Just because you skip the presentation doesn’t mean you should take the time to introduce the conflict. Introduce the conflict as quickly as possible so the audience immediately knows why they are following your story.

You don’t have to introduce it in the first line of dialogue, but ideally in the first minute of the page, no later than the second minute. Even if you have a more subtle conflict that viewers can’t immediately spot, it’s still important that you initiate the conflict as soon as possible. It’s part of answering the question you asked before you started writing that made me…

5. Use the game to answer the question you asked

Your entire play should work to answer the question you asked before you even started your script. This could mean a resounding climax for some stories, or it could mean something more subtle and haunting. Whatever it is, every page, every line, every sentence of your piece should try to somehow answer the question you asked at the beginning.

As you edit future drafts, look at each part and ask yourself how the piece answers the question. If it doesn’t answer the question, rewrite it to make it work, or cross everything out. In just 10 minutes, each and every part of your story must answer the question you asked at the beginning of this piece.

Tips for writing a 10 minute drama

Get creative and take risks

One of the most exciting parts of writing a 10-minute play is the experimentation, which you can easily incorporate into your story. It can be an outline or the piece itself, but with so little time you can really get creative and take risks without wasting a lot of time.

So if this is your first time writing a 10 minute play, don’t worry about getting things right, instead let your imagination run wild and do things you wouldn’t normally think of. The worst that can happen is that you have to rewrite the piece and that will only be 10-15 pages.

Cut out unnecessary details

It’s called a 10 minute game. Unlike a short story, this piece has an actual time limit, so cut out anything that isn’t relevant to your story. This can be a minor character, a scene, or a line of dialogue. Once you’ve written your script, look at it with a critical eye and treat every detail of your story as a decision. Ask yourself if it answers your main question that you asked at the beginning of this post and if not, cross it out.

Use action to add depth

Avoid telling the whole story with just dialogue. They have living, breathing people on stage who can use their bodies, their movements, their facial expressions to tell even more. Make your story more efficient and fill it with more information by adding actions that signal deeper meanings.

Make sure your idea is for a 10 minute game

This is a big problem that you will find in short stories of all kinds, be they movies, fiction or plays. You think you’ve got a great idea for a short story, and then suddenly you realize you’ve been trying to fit a three-act story into a short story.

It doesn’t work

If you’re consistently running into problems with your 10-minute piece, it may be worth checking whether your story is intended for a short piece or a full-length piece. If you’re not sure, check out what makes a short story (be it fiction, film, or whatever) different.

Can I have a shout-out meaning?

an occasion when someone mentions a person or thing in order to thank them or praise them: I want to give a shout-out to my dad, who helped me a lot.


Corporate sponsors kept a low profile, simply receiving a shout-out at the end of the festival for covering the cost of useful items: coffee; Beer; Bicycles for getting around. from the edge

Let’s all take a moment and praise lithium – lithium ion to be precise, lithium ion batteries in particular. From time

This method isn’t entirely reliable when it comes to actually getting him to honor a commitment, but it can earn a person a reputation. From the New Yorker

In particular, my senior yearbook, which included a section at the back for each graduate to write a greeting to all their friends. From Slate Magazine

The driver also addressed any families watching with special needs children. From the Washington Post

The occasion gives us a good excuse to highlight some of the finalists and winning entries that deal with issues of race and culture. From NPR

Midway through the third quarter, the announcer called out to the group, and the fans in the stadium applauded. From CNN

Nonetheless, the historic flight is a game changer for aviation and a call for solar energy. From CNN

Shout-outs introduce new accounts to the community and promote the new accounts of previously banned users. From CBS News

These examples come from corpora and from sources on the Internet. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinions of the publishers of the Cambridge Dictionary or Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Can I get a shoutout?

If you are looking for free shoutouts in exchange for shoutouts, you need to be fair and contact only those accounts that are similar in size as yours. If you have 500 followers and you ask a page with 100k followers to give a shoutout for a shoutout, it will not benefit them.

Instagram has grown into a mainstream marketing platform over the years, with over 1 billion average monthly users.

Any brand looking to increase their online presence cannot ignore Instagram in their digital marketing initiatives. Especially for a new brand trying to grab attention, it’s a platform that can help you reach a relevant audience without spending anything. Instagram shoutouts are one of the best ways to do this.

Shoutout Pages: How to Get Followers on Instagram Without Spending a Penny:

What is an Instagram shoutout?

A shoutout is when someone mentions you or your brand on their Instagram and urges their followers to visit your page. They usually do this by posting a picture of your Instagram profile page and tagging your brand.

You can also feature some of your products or one of your Instagram images and tag your brand. Check out this post where a shoutout page posted a picture of photographer Manan and tagged him in the description.

You can simply reach out to relevant accounts and ask them to give you a shoutout in exchange for a shoutout from you. It is a co-promotion technique that benefits both parties involved.

How to Find Relevant Shoutout Pages

Find Instagram Pages that post content similar to yours

When looking for pages to reach out to get a shoutout, always look for relevant pages in your niche. This is because they have an audience base that is relevant to you that you can target to your own page.

Getting a shoutout from random sites that aren’t even in your industry isn’t going to do you any good. For example, if you have a cosmetics business, you would benefit from receiving shoutouts from beauty bloggers and influencers. Getting a shoutout from a popular travel blogger might help you reach a wide audience, but those people might not be as interested in your brand.

Here are some ways you can find such sites in your niche:

Search with industry-specific hashtags

When searching for accounts in your niche, one of the best ways is to see who else is using hashtags similar to yours. A simple hashtag search on Instagram will give you a list of posts that use the same hashtag.

For example, if you have a food business in a specific area, you can search local food-related hashtags to find local food influencers or pages. Let’s say you own a restaurant in Manhattan and want to find relevant, local shoutout sites. When you start typing hashtags like #manhattanfood or #manhattanfoodie into the Instagram search box. Instagram will automatically show you the most popular hashtags as shown below.

Open these pages to find relevant Shoutout Pages for your business. For example, let’s say you selected #manhattanfoodie. Then you will get a list of posts that used that hashtag (as shown below).

Next, look through the top posts until you find something relevant, like in the example shown below. The @girlswhocrave page posts regular messages to local restaurants and is a relevant messaging site to reach out to.

Search for influencers in your niche using influencer tools

This is a slightly easier way to find influencers in your niche. All you have to do is use an influencer finding tool like BuzzStream or BuzzSumo. You need to enter some industry related keywords and add relevant filters and you will get a list of influencers.

Here is an example of the kind of result you can expect from such platforms.

Choose Pages with a similar number of followers as yours

If you’re looking for free shoutouts in exchange for shoutouts, you need to be fair and only contact accounts that are similar in size to you. If you have 500 followers and you ask a page with 100,000 followers to give a shoutout for a shoutout, it won’t do them any good.

So you need to treat it as a mutually beneficial arrangement and only approach accounts of similar size.

How to do your public relations

Start liking and commenting on their posts

Before approaching an Instagram page asking for a shoutout, it’s always better to get them to notice you first. You can start your outreach by following them and engaging with their content. You can like or comment on their posts and build a relationship with them. If they already know you when you reach out to them with a shoutout request, they will be more likely to respond to your request.

Then get in touch directly

The next step in your outreach process is to reach out to these sites either via direct message or email. Don’t just ask them to shout out in your first message. First, start a conversation with them and then share your suggestion.

You can do this by praising them for their recent posts or telling them how much you like their feed or content. Once they respond to your message, you can propose some kind of shoutout deal. Make sure the account you are reaching out to also benefits from a shoutout from you.

For example, consider the following hypothetical conversation between a brand trying to hit a shoutout page. You can follow a similar template to get in touch.

Brand: Hello, I really love your Instagram feed and I can see how much effort you put into your amazing posts. Keep it up!

Landing page: Hey, thanks for the appreciation.

Brand: I have a site similar to yours where I post about “SITE DESCRIPTION”. I was wondering if you might be interested in giving us a shoutout in exchange for a shoutout from us. Since we’re targeting the same type of audience, it will be beneficial for both of us.

Landing page: That sounds like a wonderful idea. Let’s get in touch to discuss this in more detail.

The same logic applies to email as well. You should warm them up by complimenting them on their work and then offer a win-win suggestion.

Here is an example of such an email template:

Hello [NAME],

I am [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I recently saw your post [LINK] and was really impressed by it.

I’m reaching out to you because I have a site your audience might love. It’s a [PAGE DESCRIPTION] page that’s pretty similar to the type of content you’re posting.

Would you be interested in getting a shoutout from us and giving us a shoutout in return?

I think this will be helpful for both of us and our audience will be able to engage with more content that they enjoy.

If this interests you, please reply with a suitable time for a short conversation.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks,


With this approach, you can effectively reach shoutout pages and get a free shoutout from relevant Instagram pages.

Different ways to get free shoutouts

While the concept of getting a shoutout is simple, getting free shoutouts isn’t always easy. But don’t fret, we’re here to help.

Here are some ways you can get a free shoutout for your Instagram page:

shouts for shouts

This is the most common method of getting a free shoutout, where two similar types of Instagram accounts shout out to each other.

Take this post from photographer Bejan Sergiu Vasile where he tagged the Holiday Leave shoutout page to get a shoutout from them.

Holiday Leave responded with a greeting to Bejan Sergiu Vasile. The post got more than 1000 likes.

Free shoutouts from brands for their users

Many brands use user-generated content for their Instagram feeds and tag the people whose content they share. This is also a great way to get a shoutout for free.

This can be useful for people/Pages who want to increase their follower count. For example, a food-themed page or an influencer receiving a shoutout from a restaurant’s Instagram page could help them gain more followers. Or a travel influencer receiving a shoutout from a hotel brand can help them reach a relevant audience.

Take the example of the camera brand Canon. The Canon USA Instagram page is full of pictures taken by people with Canon cameras. They ask people to share their posts using the hashtag #mycanonstory, and the best images are featured on Canon’s Instagram page.

The brand gives the photographer a shout-out while sharing her post on Instagram. This helps these photographers increase their reach and get more followers.

Free shoutouts by entering shoutout contests

Many Instagram pages and influencers run shoutout contests where they ask people to follow their page or follow some instructions to get a free shoutout. These are typically pages with a large following base that are trying to further expand their reach.

Smaller pages can enter such contests to get a free shoutout from a much larger Instagram page.

For example, check out the shoutout contest below. This site tries to get some active followers by giving free shoutouts.

Final Thoughts

Instagram shoutouts are a simple and effective way to grow your Instagram followers. They can help you reach a relevant audience and get more followers and engagement for your Instagram page.

And now you know exactly how to get Instagram shoutouts without spending any money.

Shout Out Example

Shout Out Example
Shout Out Example

See some more details on the topic playbill shout out examples here:

Sample Shout-Outs

Sample Shout-Outs. From The Butler D It, Again! Jane Doe – Way to go, Jane!! We always love to see you on stage and are so proud of you!

+ Read More


Date Published: 1/21/2021

View: 3374

A Shout Out is a way for you (or grandparents, aunts, uncles …

Shout Out info/examples: A Shout Out is a way for you (or grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc) to congratulate your cast member in the playbill.

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Date Published: 2/17/2022

View: 943

AD Examples in Playbill (Part1).pdf – Thryv

Boundless thanks and hours of laughter go out to. Victor – thank you for the shoulder to lean … Cast Shout-Outs. Reilley Lin -. Break a leg, Reilley! We.

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Date Published: 8/15/2021

View: 8019

Show your support for the cast and crew of the 2014 KHS …

Any questions, please contact Diane Eland at [email protected]. Page 2. TRIBUTE/SHOUT–OUT SAMPLES. Full Page Example – $80.00.

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Date Published: 5/23/2021

View: 97

Sample shout out.indd – South Meck Musicals

Kimberly! ……….What a purdy cowgirl you make! Congratulations on your fine performance tonight… you make us proud! We love you!

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Date Published: 6/19/2021

View: 3975

Cast Parents | Welcome to Geneva Theatre Boosters

A Shout Out is short message that is printed in the playbill. You can email them to: Here’s a sample page from a previous production. Click on the image to …

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Date Published: 8/30/2022

View: 3698

Student Shout Outs for Little Shop of Horrors Playbill

We will not be selling program ads. Instead, we are offering the opportunity for families to submit a “Student Shout Out’ to be included for …

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Date Published: 11/2/2021

View: 7218


*See reverse se of this flyer for shout-out examples! Clearly print out your message exactly as you would like it to appear in the playbill.

+ View Here


Date Published: 7/8/2021

View: 8858

Shout-Out Samples – Mill Creek Theatre

Shout-Out Samples · mctheatre February 26, 2019. Troupe #6855 Goes to Thescon Full Page Shout Out Sample …

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Date Published: 6/16/2021

View: 7181


Stay connected, stay strong, stay positive! shortcut

At this challenging time, let’s share our words of appreciation and gratitude. A SHOUT OUT is meant to identify and recognize individuals or groups for a notable act or effort.

Examples of what might justify a SHOUT OUT are:

Collaborate in new and unique ways

exceed expectations

Demonstrating the values ​​of the unit, college, or school

Being a positive influence during this uncertain time

We’ll email the recipient and their manager to let them know that you’ve complimented them on a great job!


Read the SHOUT OUTS! shortcut

A CALL to Sarah Allis, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“Huge thanks to Sarah Allis for her amazing work supporting our team (and the library) in sharing the impact of the Learning Commons through data! Thank you Sarah!!”

A CALL to Karen Carnessali, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“Huge thanks to Karen Carnessali for developing and leading a new team to learn more about the impact of the Learning Commons through data analytics! Thank you Karen!!”

A CALL to Keenan LeBlanc, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“Thank you to Keenan LeBlanc for helping develop new ways to improve our department and for working to develop a community recreation resource during the pandemic! Thank you Keenan!!”

A CALL to Patty Giles, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“I want to thank Patty Giles for her dedication to continued support of our community during the pandemic through wonderful virtual patronage service and outstanding creative problem solving – all while she is pursuing her PhD! Thank you Patty!!”

A CALL to Caitlin Brandle, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“Thank you to Caitlin Brandle for her unwavering support of both the SU community and our student staff during our transition to remote sponsorship! Thank you Caitlin!!”

A CALL to David Peterson, Library Technician IV in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“We commend David Peterson for his continued commitment to supporting the SU community through his virtual reference service! Thank you David!!”

A SHOUT OUT to all our student staff, Student Assistant in Learning Commons by Bridget Sheridan

“A big THANK YOU to all of our student staff at Learning Commons! They were resilient, dependable, encouraging and supportive during a very difficult and stressful time. Our community depends on you to be there to support its success, and we know you will always rise to the challenge. We recognize and appreciate your hard work! Thanks: Aditya V Austin W Breeann A Conor D Gigi S Greg D Ivy Y Jenny C Jonah C Lauren E Lucas P Mark D Meredith G Olivia S Ted G”

A SHOUT OUT to Jackie Lewis-Frenay, Asst Dir Curric&Academic Srvs in Syracuse Abroad by Nancy Hard

“My husband has COVID-19 and was seriously ill in May. He’s still recovering. While he was in the hospital, Jackie decided to accept my responsibility for course fees for the Fall 2020 semester. She made my life better without being asked and I am so grateful for a thoughtful, wise and valued colleague.”

A SHOUT OUT to Margaret Cortese, Asst Registrar Academic Scheduling in Registrar of Elizabeth

“I wanted to give a big shout out to Meg Cortese for being so accommodating with all of the recent changes to AMH’s courses being offered this fall. Thank you MEG… you are the best!”

A SHOUT OUT to Stefan Mazuroski, computer consultant at IVMF / OVMA by Gilly Cantor

“While Stefan’s exceptional customer service is his status quo, his commitment to continuing to provide responsive and helpful support to IVMF and OVMA has continued impeccably during this stressful time. Being 100% virtual just got more seamless. Working with him always brightens my day! Thank you Stephen!”

A CALL to Allison Roth, Consultant at Onward2Opportunity by Paulina Thompson

“Thank you for always supporting not only our many learners, but also me and my many questions and problems. You never say no, wait or I don’t have time! I’m not sure where I would be on our team without you. Thank you for existing!”

A CALL to Paulina Thompson, Program Coordinator/Hampton Roads in O2O/IVMF by Karen

“For always being there to help with questions, or support – listening to ideas and helping me refine them. She was my trainer and stayed with me as a mentor. I can’t imagine doing the job without her.”

A SHOUT OUT to Rahmin Azria, Assistant Director of Parks and Transit Services at Bridget Yule

“Special thanks to Rahmin Azria for replying to my SOS email regarding a student’s lost phone on one of our Centro buses. As centro does not answer the customer service phone line as I was on the line for over 15 minutes with some pretty awful elevator music, Rahmin replied to my SOS email and then gave me his mobile number. I called, he answered and then tried to get in touch with his contacts at Centro. At a time when students, faculty, and staff need lifelines, I am so grateful for the lifeline he gave me! Well done! Thank you Brigitte”

A SHOUT OUT to Kelly Miller, Safety Manager in Facility Services by Erin Schaal

“Kudos to Kelly Miller, Security Manager for Facility Services. She does an excellent job ensuring ALL staff are safe and trained in all safety procedures. She has been working day and night to ensure everyone is properly trained on COVID-19 procedures. Kelly is a GREAT asset not only to Facilities Services but also to Syracuse University. THANKS!!”

A SHOUT OUT to Joe Hernon, Bridget Yule’s Director of Emergency Management

“Thanks Joe for taking the trouble today to retrieve the information I needed to submit the BCP survey. I forgot to copy the survey to send to our area manager and Joe responded immediately and sent me the PDF. I really appreciate the support in times of need! Thanks very much! Bridget”

A SHOUT OUT to Isabel Jimenez, Director, Graduate Enrollment Processing in Enrollment Management by Shannon Nanda

“I would like to say a big thank you to Isabel and her Graduate Processing Center team (Pat, Kristin, Marlene, Dave and Rita) for their continued support and ability to adapt and be flexible during this challenging time. This allowed the Whitman graduate admissions process to continue with minimal disruption!”

A CALL to DPS Officers/CSOs/RCSOs/Dispatcher Public Safety, Officers in Public Safety by Mike Toia

“Thank you all in public safety for your sacrifice and dedication during these difficult times. Stay safe and you’re fine.”

A CALL to Sarah McAndrew, Executive Assistant in the Office of the Provost of Laurie Maddaloni

“Thank you Sarah for coordinating twice-weekly Microsoft Teams meetings for our admin assistant group. The regular communication and problem solving with our colleagues that we rely on has helped me feel connected to the campus even from home. Thank you Sarah!”

A CALL to the payouts team, payouts in payouts from Christopher

“Resilient and attentive, this team has developed quickly in times of crisis. The level of university support they provide is generally impressive. Doing it remotely is impressive. Thank you for everything you do!”

A SHOUT OUT to Ryan Bentz, Design & Delivery Specialist; Technology Systems & Services in Advancement & External Relations by colleen bench

“Ryan has been our hero during this challenging time – where we are all trying to work and function remotely while still trying to do our jobs and serve our constituents well. Not only was Ryan our technical genius in getting a virtual board meeting up and running for 50+ attendees, he also provided almost daily training for 170+ employees across our division. Thank you Ryan for your dedication and effort which was really over the top!”

A SHOUT OUT to Becca LeMunyon, Senior Supervisor, Event & Technical Services in Student Centers & Programming Services by Bridget Yule

“Thank you Becca for taking the time to put together remote workshops, seminars and webinars for our student staff. The amount of research you have put into the list provides our students with important student development that is so relevant to their positions here on campus. It will also be very helpful for our seniors who are leaving us this May. Also help with the online workshops for health and wellness. I appreciate your commitment to our students.”

A SHOUT OUT to Becki Bruzdzinski, Reservations & Events Manager in Student Centers & Programming Services by Bridget Yule

“Special “thanks” to Becki for bringing us cloth masks last week! A neighbor makes them and donates them to the community. Her daughter Lottie cut out over 300 squares of fabric to help with the work. I appreciate that Becki is always thinking of our team and students, especially during this difficult time. Thank you Brigitte”

A SHOUT OUT to the Whitman IT team, All in Information Technology, by Sara Garvey

“Thank you to Whitman’s IT team for quickly jumping in in response to the current pandemic and beginning training with all Whitman faculty and staff before we were sent home. They did a great job making sure we had all the hardware and software we needed loaded onto our computers before we left the building. They have responded very quickly to any technical issues that have arisen since they have been home and are working tirelessly to resolve them. Great work team!”

A SHOUT OUT to Tony Pagano, Manager, Facilities & Distribution Services at Terra Peckskamp’s Facility Services division

“Tony Pagano and the Move crew are just outstanding. Not only have they moved hundreds of students from north to south campuses over the past week, they have done so with great care and concern for our students. Tony always goes the extra mile for anyone who needs help and he (and the Move crew!) are greatly appreciated.”

A SHOUT OUT to Haley Matlock, RD in the dorm from anonymous

“Thank you for helping with everything from excel spreadsheets to moving students to south campus. Your willingness to invest 110% is greatly appreciated (and noticed).”

A CALL to Stacey Royer, Administrative Assistant at Tracy’s Graduate School

“Thanks Stacey! They always start our day with a positive “Team” message! Your happiness and positivity at a time like this is comforting and necessary! Thank you for everything you do!”

A SHOUT OUT to Michele Frontale, Pharmacy Manager at Barnes Center, Pharmacy by Anonymous

“Thank you for being the Tiger Queen of pharmacy. Her dedication and kindness to the students and staff during this stressful time was paramount. Thank you for keeping the Barnes Center open and operational.”

A SHOUT OUT to Gaby Garcia, Talent Acquisition Manager in Lindsay’s HR department

“Thank you for everything you do to keep the Talent Team organized! Spreadsheets and Google Docs and Reminders – oh my god! All your hard work has not gone unnoticed! We value you and are glad to have you on our team.”

A CALL to Jim Mennig, Dir HR Shared Services in Human Resources by Mary Ann Kiernan

“The SCREAM! is for Jim and everyone else in HR who is diligently navigating this crisis. Sitting in a meeting with Jim yesterday, I was so pleased to hear how HR has been moving ahead of and through this unique, epic time that we are all going through. What struck me the most is how thoughtful the decision-making approaches are when considering the impact to all of our orange families.”

A SHOUT OUT to ICT Dept. Vega, IT in ICT by Kristi Vega

“The entire ICT team has always done a great job, but especially in this time of upheaval they have proven how outstanding they really are. I would like to give special thanks and appreciation to Tom Fazzio, Matt Coulter and Brian at Knoblauch for their patience, speed and customer service. THANKS!!!!”

A SHOUT OUT to O2O Teams, Senior Director, Education & Training in IVMF by Joe V. Aldaz

“Thank you to the Onward to Opportunity teams in our great nation! Through their efforts and ability to change seamlessly, they have been able to continue to offer a world-class professional skills training program in a virtual mode. The Onward-to-Opportunity program continues to function and operate with high fidelity, providing direction and training for the nation’s transitional service members, veterans and military spouses so they can continue to pursue industry-recognized certifications during a turbulent time, despite our current “new normal.” A job well done by our O2O teams across the country!!”

AN EXCLUSION to Jeff Neal, Executive Director, Direct Response Programs in Philanthropic Engagement, AEA by Jessica Puccia

“I would like to give Jeff Neal a special shout out! It takes an exceptional leader to connect with a team to move forward and get projects done under these unprecedented circumstances. Jeff insists he has a remarkable ability to connect emotionally with the team to make sure we’re all okay. He makes sure our families are safe. It’s not just now though, it’s something he’s always done, but I’ve spoken to another teammate and they agree it’s appreciated now more than ever. His kids even sent cards to my kids! Thank you Jeff – our team and family are grateful to you.”

A SHOUT OUT to Elena Williams, Assistant Director of Advising at Nadine Austin’s College of Arts & Sciences

“Elena, I am impressed by the care and commitment you show to and for your students. In my eyes you are a ROCKSTAR!”

A SHOUT OUT to the College of Law CPOG, College of Law by Craig Boise

“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the members of the College of Law Coronavirus Planning and Operations Group (CPOG!) for their hard work, creativity and focus on our mission while we established a course for the College of Law in the wake of the by Disruption caused by COVID-19. Thanks to the dedication of each of you – Sarah Collins, Sarah Valenti, Zack Kelley, Keith Bybee, Heidi Hart-Gorman, Sophie Dagenais, Joel Whitney, Jan Fleckenstein, Rob Conrad, Andrew Horsfall, K.C. O’Connor, Denée Page and Ginny Ottman – we continue to provide the education our students came to us for and protect their well-being during this extremely stressful time.”

A SHOUT OUT to Camille Donabella, Carrie Abbott’s Director in Student Employment

“Thank you to Camille, Haley Matock, George Athanas and Janet Hyde (Student Living), Sue Bracy (Food Services) and Brian Pendergast (Office of the Comptroller) who worked so hard to support students while moving out and making work opportunities to bid sure they were paid appropriately. It took a lot of collaboration and teamwork to make this happen and it made a huge difference to our students! Many Thanks!”

A SHOUT OUT to Tina Kelly, Supervisor in Cash Operations from Anna

“A HUGE OUT to an amazing lady! Tina has been pulled in so many different directions during this crisis. She remains helpful and knowledgeable while continuing to answer questions and provide advice not only to me but to several departments at the university. There would be a campus of utter confusion if it wasn’t for their leadership. Tina, you are very much appreciated!”

A CALL to Katrina Lusk, Program Coordinator at Joe V. Aldaz’s IVMF

“Greetings to my program coordinator for onward travel to Opportunity Colorado. She seamlessly transitioned our program to a virtual delivery model. She has been instrumental in mentoring other program coordinators across the Onward to Opportunity organization to understand and leverage Syracuse University’s Blackboard collaboration to enable our teams to provide online instruction and training for our transition service members, veterans, and military partners across the country. Your selfless efforts have enabled our program to continue to reach our military-connected families despite our current turbulent time and provide world-class professional skills training. Well done!”

A SHOUT OUT to Amie Redmond, Senior Assistant Dean in SOE Academic and Student Services by Carol

“A big thank you to Amie Redmond for always putting our School of Education students first, especially with the challenges they are currently facing. She has also kept her team together and grounded while we work remotely. Dedicated to our students and their staff, Amie always goes above and beyond.”

A CALL to Whitman Career Center Careers Advisors, Whitman Career Center Careers Advisors by Sue Clayton

“The Whitman Career Center Career Advisors have been amazing in continuing their availability to Whitman’s students. To keep things as normal as possible in these changing times, they still meet up with students for appointments and visits. This is done via Zoom, Microsoft Teams and phone calls. They have developed a way to continue offering drop-ins on the same days and times as always. The process runs pretty smoothly. Contacts will also be made with their Employer Partners to keep everyone updated on adjustments in the 2020 summer internships and full-time opportunities. I just wanted them to get a SHOUT OUT! for all the hard work they do to continue to support students in their career aspirations.”

A SHOUT OUT to Diane Wiener, Research Professor at Ian Gallacher’s College of Law

“Thanks to Diane for spreading the word about websites that offer cultural and fun distractions. She has helped keep our morale up during these trying times.”

A CALL to Celia DiRenzo, Administration Specialist at Sue Clayton’s Whitman Career Center

“I want a SHOUT OUT! to Celia DiRenzo. She is the glue that holds the Whitman Career Center together. During this time when we are all apart, she has been instrumental in keeping us together by keeping everyone happy. Whether it’s sharing good mental health tips from webinars she attends or starting a trivia game in between visits to Microsoft Teams. She’s such a social person so I know this social distancing is hard for her but she’s always there to lift us up or share a smile to keep everyone on track! The Whitman Career Center is fortunate to have such a happy, upbeat team member!”

A CALL to Maxwell ICT, the entire team at ICT Maxwell by Heather Macknik

“Our ENTIRE ICT department was AWESOME! We’ve had almost immediate 24/7 email responses to any of our questions or issues since this all began! They were cool, calm and collected, which also gave us a sense of calm. We have felt very supported throughout the transition to a remote platform. WE APPRECIATE YOU, MAXWELL ICT! Keep it up!”

A SHOUT OUT to Chuck Merrihew, Vice President of Administration at AEA by Matt Ter Molen

“Thank you to Chuck and his team for preparing this department so well not only to work remotely but also to complete all work functions and be successful. ”

A SHOUT OUT to Devlin Daley, Facility & Operations Manager in Student Centers & Programming Services by Bridget Yule

“Thank you to Devlin for making himself available to support our student staff still working with us and those working remotely with us. For the past two weeks, Devlin has been putting together the Goldstein Student Center schedule and has helped me and others whenever we needed to refocus our efforts at the center. As a new member of our department, Devlin has shown commitment to our students and our SCPS team.! She is always willing to help and answers my calls every time I call. Many Thanks!”

A SHOUT OUT to Rob Pusch, Senior Associate Director in Project Advance by Melanie Nappa-Carroll

“Dear Rob, Thank you for offering your time and assistance to me and our student in writing the thesis “Teaching Forensic Science in Simultaneous Enrollment Programs”. This is the first thesis I recommended and I really appreciate your help with the IRB in designing survey and interview questions. You always go above and beyond and I am very grateful to work with you! melanie”

A SHOUT OUT to Paul Smyth, EMS Manager at ESE – Health by Michele Frontale

“Thank you for everything you do and for being here every day to take care of the students who are still on campus. Thank you for helping me deliver medicine and supplies to students who cannot come to us!”

A CALL to George Athanas, Director of Housing at Anonymous’ Student Housing Office

“For doing a lot of amazing work behind the scenes to make the student moves go as smoothly as possible!”

A SHOUT OUT to Eileen Simmons, Director of Terra Peckskamp’s Office of Housing, Meal Plan and ID Card Services

“Thank you Eileen for all the work you do in not only making sure our students transition smoothly to South Campus, but for all the work on the reimbursement process and for maintaining your amazing sense of humor!”

A SHOUT OUT to Dave Pennock, Associate Director in Student Centers & Programming Services at Bridget Yule

“Thanks to Dave for taking all my calls today which were many. There is so much going on here at the Goldstein Student Center! Thanks for always taking my calls and helping me navigate to where I need to know. Thank you for the Sunday and all the cattle track we moved from Schine to the Goldstein Student Center. Always ready to help and lend a hand.”

A CALL to Onsite Staff at Barnes Center at the Arch, Health Workers, Nardella, Medical Director at Barnes Health and Wellness Center at the Arch by Anonymous

“To the dedicated and caring staff at Barnes Center Health. This small but excellent group also takes care of the students who are on or near the campus during the current corona pandemic. Thank you for your service. Anonymous ”

A SHOUT OUT to Thai Le, Resident Director at Quincy Bufkin’s Office of Student Living

“Call out that you are always a brother that I can come to and vent about anything work or personal. Also, shout out loud that you are ready to help where it is needed. peace brother!”

A SHOUT OUT to Courtney Albiker, Assistant Director in Quincy Bufkin’s Office of Student Living

“Congratulations on always keeping us informed of the protocol and work items we are working on or need to think about. Phone that you always stop by the staff and give you support and help.”

A SHOUT OUT to the Housing Team, Rockstars in Housing, Meal Plan and ID Card Services by Eileen Simmons

“Come on housing, meal plan & ID team! Evelyn Burke, Jacqueline Spears, Maryanne Ross, Kim Mura, Ryan Troup, Joe Plishka, Sheila Fountain, Gill Kanter, Kris Millett, you rock it with everything you do! Allocations from North to South, implementing the room and meal credit process, continuing to issue badges, answering phones and emails and room selection will be coming soon! Nothing stops this team from doing everything we do! I’m so proud of each of you! Your commitment to SU is greatly appreciated!”

A CALL to Terra Peckskamp, ​​Senior Director in Quincy Bufkin’s Office of Student Living

“Thank you so much to Terra for being a great leader for our department. They could communicate with any employee, regardless of their professional level. You have been able to go above and beyond your call of duty by constantly answering our various and sometimes frustrating questions. You always have our back and do whatever is necessary to keep us informed and mentoring us on the job.”

A SHOUT OUT to Tony Pagano, Bridget Yule’s Manager in Facilities & Operations

Tony Pagano is bleeding orange! I thank him and all the staff involved in moving our students to the south campus. Not only did these staff work day and night to support our students, but every time I called him for help, he was there. Whether it was a last-minute request to bring furniture to the bird library in early fall, have grocery donations delivered from Hawkins to the pantry, have leftover groceries taken from BBB to the Goldstein, and then have them delivered to the pantry. Thanks very much! We value you and your employees.”

A SHOUT OUT to Mark Tewksbury, Director in Food Services at Anonymous

“Reputation to the hardest working guys on campus. Not only does he attend to the needs of his own department and take care of his employees, he also attends to other departments that need his help. He has been on campus every day for three weeks, taking care of isolated students, moving students and even monitoring dormitories and locking doors today after moving out. Meanwhile, they attempted to coordinate the on-campus C-stores, staff the key grocery services, and operate the dining centers open to the students left behind on campus. This guy never stops and deserves to be recognized. Thank you Mark for always being there when needed. ”

A SHOUT OUT to the Student Housing Office, staff at the Student Housing Office of Anonymous

“Thank you to all members of the Student Housing Office, student staff and professional staff who have transferred hundreds of students from the dormitories and continue to work with students transferring to the south campus! You all keep coming back to work and keep things moving! Many Thanks!”

A SHOUT OUT to Sue Bracy, Director – Food Services in Food Services by Anonymous

“Thank you Food Services! Your hard work and dedication is reflected every day in the excellent service you provide to students, faculty and staff across campus. Thank you for caring about Syracuse University!”

A SHOUT OUT to Missy Yandon, Supervising Stock Clerk in Material Distribution by Jen Smith

“A big thank you to Missy for helping to get the library packs (UV sanitizer) quickly and on time when they are needed most! Thanks also to everyone else at Materials Distribution for all they are doing and continue to do during this difficult time.”

A SHOUT OUT to Roger Hailstork, Bookstore Manager at Anonymous’ Syracuse University Bookstore

“Thank you to the bookstore staff who continue to process online orders for students and other customers. They provide excellent service to our remaining students on campus by offering online ordering of supplies with free shipping. Keep it going!”

A SHOUT OUT to Erin Schaal, Facility Services Associate Manager at Maryann Evans

“A HUGE shout out to Erin Schaal!! For their hard work and dedication to keeping our department running. For always supporting and expressing gratitude to your employees and genuinely caring about how our work impacts others. I am fortunate to work under your direction.”

A SHOUT OUT to Paula Maxwell, Director of Information Technology in the IT Department at Joanna Masingila’s School of Education

„Ich möchte Paula Maxwell ein riesiges SHOUT OUT für die Leitung des IT-Teams der School of Education aussprechen, das (a) Fakultätsmitglieder bei der Vorbereitung und Umsetzung des Online-Unterrichts und (b) Mitarbeiter bei der Vorbereitung und Fortsetzung der Remote-Arbeit hervorragend unterstützt. ”

A SHOUT OUT an Dane Faes, Programmkoordinator für Studentenarbeit von Camille Donabella

„Danke für alles, was du diese Woche getan hast. Mit E-Mails und Appellen warst du unglaublich! Ich freue mich, Sie in unserem Team zu haben!“

A SHOUT OUT an Eileen Simmons, Direktorin für Wohnungs-, Speiseplan- und ID-Kartendienste im Housing Office von Anonymous

„Vielen Dank an das Housing Office für die Verwaltung des Umzugs auf den Südcampus, die Rückerstattung von Unterkunft und Verpflegung und viele Anfragen von Studenten und Familien. Ihr seid ein tolles Team!“

EIN AUFRUF an Teagan Peacock, Kommunikationsspezialistin in der Abteilung für Einschreibung und Studentenerfahrung von Joyce LaLonde

„Teagan hat immer eine unglaubliche Arbeit geleistet, um mit unseren Schülern zu kommunizieren, insbesondere mit Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Da alles digitalisiert wurde, erhält Teagan mehr Inhalte als je zuvor und verbreitet diese Informationen taktvoll, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Studenten auch außerhalb des Campus gut bleiben. Vielen Dank an Teagan, dass Sie unsere Studenten priorisiert und darüber nachgedacht haben, wie Sie unsere Studenten in dieser Zeit auf vielfältige Weise einbeziehen können!“

A SHOUT OUT an Nick Nosco, Information Technology Analyst in Libraries IT Services von Steph

„Vielen Dank an das gesamte IT-Team der Bibliotheken, das uns allen geholfen hat, die Online-Arbeit so kurzfristig einzurichten! Vielen Dank insbesondere an Nick für die Unterstützung und Anleitung bei scheinbar kleinen Problemen (im Großen und Ganzen), die meine neue Arbeit von zu Hause aus jedoch erheblich verbessert haben.“

A SHOUT OUT an Nate Birnbaum, Research Analyst bei IVMF von Joyce

„Ich habe beobachtet, wie Nate unzählige Meetings unter einen Hut brachte, Studenten verantwortungsbewusst und effektiv leitete, wichtige Zeitpläne für riesige universitäts-/landesweite Initiativen neu ordnete und Kollegen dabei half, sich an die „neue Normalität“ anzupassen. Er hat all dies mit einer großartigen Einstellung, einer entspannten Art und intensiver Präzision getan. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass er auch ein Teilzeitstudent ist, der mit dieser verlagerten Arbeitsbelastung zurechtkommt. Juhu, Nate!“

A SHOUT OUT an Suzanne Florczyk, Leiterin der Vorschule in der Kindertagesstätte von Laura Benjamin

„Suzanne hat großartige Arbeit geleistet, um in Verbindung zu bleiben, während wir alle zu Hause waren. Sie schaut regelmäßig bei uns vorbei, um zu sehen, wie es den Kindern (und ihren Eltern) zu Hause geht. Sie hat alles getan, indem sie tägliche Fotozusammenstellungen der Aktivitäten der Kinder zu Hause zusammengestellt und per E-Mail verschickt hat. Darüber hinaus hat sie ein tägliches Zoom-Meeting für alle Kinder organisiert, um ihre Freunde und Lehrer zu sehen. Unsere Kinder lieben ihre Lehrer, Freunde und die Schule so sehr und das war ein so wichtiger Teil unseres Tages. Many Thanks!”

EIN AUFRUF an Laura Benjamin, Access Services Librarian in den Bibliotheken der Syracuse University von Emily Hart

„Vielen Dank, Laura, dass Sie eine großartige Kollegin sind und bei der Einführung der StackMap-Software alles getan haben! Ohne dich wäre es nicht gegangen. ”

und von Sarah Petrokonis

„Seitdem sie aus der Ferne arbeitet, hat Laura großartige Arbeit geleistet, indem sie sich ihren Mitarbeitern zur Verfügung gestellt hat, wenn wir während dieses Übergangs Fragen haben und Unterstützung benötigen. Darüber hinaus war sie sehr umsichtig und bemüht, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, Teamarbeit zwischen ihren Berichten aufzubauen und uns sowohl persönlich als auch beruflich zu unterstützen. Es hat diese schwierige Zeit ein wenig heller gemacht!“

A SHOUT OUT an Casey Green, HR Representative in Human Resources von Wendy Lockwood

„Herzlichen Dank an Casey Green für all die zusätzliche Arbeit, die sie für die Krankentage, bezahlten Familienurlaube, Familienurlaube aus medizinischen Gründen und einfach nur Abwesenheitsurlaub im Allgemeinen leistet. Sie machen einen tollen Job und ich schätze Sie!!”

A SHOUT OUT an Food Services und Einrichtungen von anonym

“Huuuuuge shout out to all the bargaining unit employees in food services and facilities for coming in to work and continuing to take care of us in these scary times. We see you and we appreciate you. Praying for your continued safety.”

A SHOUT OUT to Emily Zipprich, Assistant Director in Student Employment from Camille Donabella

“Emily – Thanks for all your hard work this week! The emails, off-campus employment, job postings, appeals – you have been a rock star! ”

A SHOUT OUT to Ryan Bentz, Assistant Director, Technical Instruction and Support in AEA from Mary Anagnost

“Shout out to Ryan Bentz. I’ve appreciated his training sessions on Microsoft Teams. He’s a tremendous trainer – patient and thoughtful, reliable and efficient. One of our heroes during this time of working at home. Thank you, Ryan!”

and from Pauline Saraceni

“Shout Out to Ryan for taking this opportunity to bring us great training and useful tools for us to increase our knowledge in Citrus! We appreciate both the new training and the chance to refresh our skills.”

A SHOUT OUT to Russ Tomsa, Computer Consultant in ITS from Jenn Schultz

“Thank you Russ for taking care of us so quickly and efficiently at Facilities Services during this crazy time of trying to work from home!”

A SHOUT OUT to Heather Ketcham, Operations Specialist in Physics from Juliette Rawda

“A huge thank you to Heather Ketcham for leading the Physics department into an innovative and efficient era. With the kickoff of electronic forms and Microsoft Teams, myself and my colleague have found it easier to manage full days of work. With her constant revamping of outdated processes, transitioning to working remotely for the semester was seamless and stress free. I feel supported and appreciated everyday, and am tremendously grateful for that. Thank you, Heather!”


from Yudaisy Salomon Sargenton

“A big SHOUT OUT! to Heather Ketcham for leading us in her initiative to implement a paperless office environment. This certainly makes our work more efficient and even possible during this unprecedented circumstances where we have to work remotely. Bonus point: Our office is environmentally friendly!!!”

A SHOUT OUT to Lynn Fall, Graduate Program Administrator in Biology from Billie Trapani

“Thanks comrade for helping me hold the Biotechnology battle lines. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my fight for consistency, uniformity, and organization!”

A SHOUT OUT to Pamela Thomas, Accessibility Analyst in AASC from Chris Massey

“Pamela is an amazing asset. She is responsive and informative. She is dedicated to the mission of accessibility and brings to the table experience, knowledge, and the perseverance needed to help others recognize the need for accessibility policy and goals. She has helped me on more than one occasion to understand where I need to improve documents and my own understanding with regard to the need for accessibility.”

A SHOUT OUT to Mary Pat Grzymala, Senior Associate Director Facilities

“A great thank you to you and your team for coming to work everyday to take care of the University.”

A SHOUT OUT to Melissa Stocking, Scheduler of Facilities from Louise Ciaramella

“This is a SHOUT OUT to Melissa Stocking for going the extra mile, doing whatever it takes, to keep the Syracuse University Housing South Camus Maintenance program running smoothly during this difficult time. Her dedication and commitment to students, staff and, the overall campus community is greatly appreciated!”

A SHOUT OUT to Food Services employees from Keone Weigl

“Shout out to all the Food Services employees that are on the front lines feeding students, delivering and procuring the food, and making the food. A special shout out to our directors who are working tirelessly on solutions as things are rapidly changing. Many Thanks!”

A SHOUT OUT to John Beecher, Budget Director of the School of Education Business Office from Chris Massey

“Despite being disconnected physically with his team he remains connected with them personally and professionally. He checks in to ensure they are well and can work smoothly. He is open to new ideas, methods of communication, and collaboration. He is responsive and insightful and a pillar in this period of uncertainty.”

A SHOUT OUT to Stacy Sorbello, Admin Specialist I in the School of Education Business Office from Chris Massey

“Shout out to Stacy for always being ready with a good emoticon and gif to brighten your day as we struggle through the adversities of working remotely!”

A SHOUT OUT to Camille Donabella, Director in Student Employment from Nadine Austin

“Thank you Camille, for patiently walking me through the changes to student payroll. You’re doing a great job assisting all of us at this time of rapid change and uncertainty. I truly value you as a member of my “orange” family. ”

A SHOUT OUT to Jen Maser, Sr. Internal Communications Specialist in Marketing and Communications from Gail Grozalis

“Jen Maser’s positive attitude and creativity is such an asset to the Wellness Team! Working with you on our monthly emails is an organized and FUN process. Your communication skills–make what we do, that much better! Thanks for being a great partner!”

A SHOUT OUT to Peter Skomsky, HR Representative II in Human Resources from Kim DeStefano

“Sending the biggest thank you to Peter for taking the lead on keeping the HR website up to date when I was out on maternity leave. And for continuing to jump in whenever needed without any hesitation! I appreciate all your time and hard work, you’re the best!!!”

A SHOUT OUT to Liz Costa, Office Assistant in Facilities from Mary Pat Grzymala

“A HUGE thank you to Liz Costa for assisting in the management of our sudden student move out and maintenance tracking on all housing facilities. We couldn’t survive without your dedication and hard work. You are the best!”

and an anonymous SHOUT OUT

“SHOUT OUT to Liz for going above and beyond as usual!!! And of coarse always with a smile and a joke!!! You’re the best!”

A SHOUT OUT to David Knapp, Assistant Professor of Music Education from John Coggiola

“See Post Standard article“

A SHOUT OUT to Christina Eiffe, Director of Budget and Operations in VPA from Melissa Chirico Brown

“Just want to let you know you are doing a wonderful job.”

A SHOUT OUT to Food Service workers who keep showing up, Director in Food Service workers from Sue Bracy

“Many thanks to the all Food Services workers who keep showing up everyday to work despite the fact they are afraid too. They answer our phone calls and show up to help. Some are servings food, driving trucks, cashing at C-Stores, filling orders, and doing whatever work we have for them. They are assisting with student move out and filling the need. Thanks for being brave and showing up when we need you the most. Proud to be part of your team.”

A SHOUT OUT to Stacey Royer, Administrative Assistant of the Graduate School from Tracy Bauer

“A HUGE thank you to Stacey for setting up Microsoft Teams for the Graduate School, for sharing helpful tips all the time, and for offering help as we transition to working from home. She’s kept in touch and kept our spirits up!”

A SHOUT OUT to Kim DeStefano, Program Coordinator of the Wellness Initiative from Gail Grozalis

“A big SHOUT OUT to Kim DeStefano for her easy going, taking things in stride spirit, being able to change course at a moments notice, and always lifting everyone up with her never-ending positive attitude!”

A SHOUT OUT to Christopher Juiliani, Budget Analyst of School of Education Business Office from Christopher Massey

“Dedicated and Determined, Chris has not lost site of the details since the transition to working remotely. He continues to reach out to the team to ensure all the ducks are in a row, people are being paid correctly, and from the right place.”

A SHOUT OUT to Maryann Evans, Office Coordinator of Facilities from Erin Schaal

“Thank You for ALWAYS going above and beyond!”

A SHOUT OUT to Gabriela Jakubowska, Pre-health advisor for Arts and Sciences from Billie Trapani

“Great job handling my email concerns!”

Introducing Shout-outs 📣: The easiest way to give positive recognition in the workplace.

Positive recognition in the workplace doesn’t have to be sterile or artificial. We made it easy to perform well (especially remotely).

According to a 2015 Interact/Harris survey of 1,000 employees, 63% of employees believe their managers don’t give positive recognition in the workplace.

Ouch. Could you accidentally be one of those managers?

It’s all good 🙂 That’s why we created “Shout-outs 📣” – a brand new feature in Know Your Team to promote cohesion by sharing meaningful positive recognition in your team.

It’s so easy to forget positive feedback when we’re in the middle of our day-to-day work. Sure, we could occasionally leave a quick “thank you” in Slack… But it’s not specific, nor is it shared with others on the team.

Shout-outs therefore make it easy and regular for you to give your teammates positive recognition in the workplace – without it coming across as cheesy or stuffy.

Here’s a quick screenshot of what it looks like when your team has been shouting out to each other…

What I personally love about shoutouts is that it allows all of your team members to praise each other – this is how you foster a culture of trust by allowing everyone to positively acknowledge each other, peer-to-peer.

It also integrates directly with Slack, just use the “/shout-out” command and that’s it 😄 If your team doesn’t use Slack – fine! From time to time they receive gentle, casual nudges via email to comment on a colleague whose work has gone unnoticed.

Not really a “shout outs guy”? I totally get it. For some of us, giving positive recognition in the workplace can feel more unnatural than it does for others.

Here are some quick tips for giving a greeting that feels meaningful and not contrived…

Don’t force it. You don’t have to use shout-outs unless you really want to acknowledge a team member for something – otherwise it feels artificial.

You don’t have to use shout-outs unless you really want to acknowledge a team member for something – otherwise it feels artificial. Be precise. Bringing up a specific event or instance makes your feedback feel more meaningful.

Bringing up a specific event or instance makes your feedback feel more meaningful. Share a customer review. One of the best ways to give someone positive recognition is to share what a customer or client has to say about the work they have done.

remove tags. “You’re a rock star killing it.” Yuck. Every time you use a hackneyed phrase, you undermine the sincerity of your comment. Don’t rely on exaggeration to communicate your praise. Take a moment to be authentic. say what you mean

You can use shoutouts in KYT to do all of that – even if shouting out isn’t usually 100% your style 😊

I hope this is useful, especially if you’re working remotely. I look forward to you and your team benefiting from shout-outs!

Know of other managers who could benefit from Know Your Team, especially now that they’re working remotely? Feel free to forward this post to them so they can try KYT + shout-outs.

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