Plus Size Image Consultant? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “plus size image consultant“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What is the difference between an image consultant and a stylist?

The biggest difference to note between image consulting and personal stylist is that image consultants can parcel out personal styling to a Stylist while they focus on other areas of the client’s life.

Who can be an image consultant?

There is no specific educational qualification or experience is necessary to enter into a career as an image consultant. However, one may find it useful to have experience in areas like public relations, fashion, hair and beauty therapy, consultancy, human resources management etc.

Should I get an image consultant?

It combines psychology, marketing, and fashion to improve and manage an individual’s appearance, behavior, communication, and digital footprint. In addition, image consultants help their clients build strong visual and personal brands through a customized impression management strategy.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

10 reasons why you need an image consultant to reach your next level of success

What you wear affects how others see, react and interact with you. It can also fundamentally change your mood, stimulate your spirit, increase your self-esteem, and make you feel more confident and empowered. The colors, patterns, textures and even the look of the garments you wear can serve to support and uplift you or stop you. Of course you know this intuitively, but you often dismiss it as irrelevant or trivial. Clothing is anything but trivial. Ninety-three (93%) of your communications are based on your looks. It’s what people perceive visually. If you get it wrong, it’s like an umbrella spreading between you and your intended audience. Your appearance is the filter through which everything you say or do is judged, and it can have a significant impact on your income. In fact, research has shown that those with an improved image saw up to a 30% increase in sales. So what would a 30% increase in income do for you? It’s a harsh truth, but what you wear and how you act makes a difference and whether you get the job, snag the promotion, rock the stage or win the client. So how would you classify your image? Is there a visual static, lack of authenticity, or misalignment with who you are and what you want?

With so many bloggers, in-store stylists, subscription box services and direct selling clothing lines, you’d think getting dressed or creating a strong image was easier than ever. But unfortunately, these services have made it harder than ever.

After all, how can any of these ministries know your vision, aspirations, goals, or future? Can they share the many ways you can wear your eye color, or the importance of your eye color in building a strong wardrobe? Can they take into account the nuances of your body and how do you find the perfect fit for you?

Click here to access your Personal Brand & Visual Image Guide!

What is image consulting?

Image consulting focuses on the personal and professional impact of a person. It combines psychology, marketing and fashion to improve and manage a person’s appearance, behavior, communication and digital footprint. In addition, image consultants help their clients to build strong visual and personal brands through a tailored impression management strategy.

What do image consultants do?

Image consultants perform various tasks ranging from style reviews, image coaching, shopping, wardrobe editing, color analysis, photo shoots, etiquette training, and digital branding.

While your appearance is fundamental, image consultants also work to improve and optimize your non-verbal behavior and interpersonal communication skills. It is what is often referred to as your leader or professional presence. Complex and comprehensive, your visual appearance is critical to your professional or business success.

How much does the image consultation cost?

The price of working with an image consultant can vary greatly depending on the scope of the work. If you want to focus on your looks with an evaluation, editing, and purchases, it can range from $750 to $2,500. If you want to build a professional brand and presence, you need to budget $4,000 to $7,500.

Who keeps image consultants?

It is common for professionals, executives and entrepreneurs who want to improve their appearance, brand, reputation, visibility and income to seek the services of an image consultant.

So if you’re trying to take your business or career to the next level and you don’t have an image consultant on your team, you’ve already limited your success.

How do I know it’s time to hire an image consultant?

If you’re feeling invisible, insecure, and wondering how the superstar you once were was lost, not feeling as confident as you could at work, networking, or making new connections, switch yours Outfits 3-4 times every morning before you finally find one that works, want to improve your look but have NO idea where to start, have no idea what looks good on your body, how it is today, got stuck, feel complacent or have lost your mojo. It may be time to add an image consultant to your professional coaching team.

In addition to my training as a lawyer, I am a certified management consultant, career strategist, personal brand strategist, career transition coach and image consultant.

I chose to undergo the rigor of this training and add this certification because I understand the psychological connection between our image and our confidence, courage, and career and business success. While using my PhD studies in Gender and Racial Identity Development and Social Psychology in my career and branding work, Image Consulting has served as a bridge to help my clients physically personify their professional brand, relevance and competency.

Read my book Your Clothes Speak and my signature course The Confident Image Solution to learn more on this topic.

It’s important to note that not all image consultants are created equal. Not every image consultant has the same experience or background that I bring with me. In addition, image consultants are NOT stylists. Stylists don’t have the same training, continuing education, and certification requirements. So be careful and very selective who you trust in building your visual image and brand.

Now that you understand the power of image consulting and what it can do for you and your career, let’s go through the 10 reasons why you need an image consultant in your life.

Your 10 most important reasons for bringing an image consultant into your team

1.They can help you master the art of fitting

Don’t you recognize your body anymore? Nothing seems to quite suit your body type? Image consultants are trained to understand your body shape and frame, and what lines and silhouettes best suit your frame. Most of the time, if you don’t understand your vertical and horizontal planes, you’re wrong. However, if you learn the science of style and understand your body’s variations, you will find the perfect fit every time. When you get it wrong, you can communicate a lack of confidence, competence, maturity, and skills that can cause you to struggle to advance in your career.

2. Need to maximize your wardrobe?

If you only use 20% of your wardrobe like most people in the United States, the answer should be YES! So why don’t we carry everything in our closets? Aside from the fit issues we discussed, your closet is probably filled with a few hits and a lot of misses. Because you’ve never really defined your brand or used it to build a brand image, your wardrobe will reflect your mood, your jobs, passing interests, gifts you’ve received, or items you’ve been pressured on a whim or by friends have to buy something they said you “had to get”. An image consultant can help you upgrade your closet by getting rid of the things that no longer suit you and filling it with the right things instead, saving you space, time, money and hours of searching for the “right thing”. to wear” saves. ”

3. Are you ready to change the way you shop?

A good image consultant can make you fall in love with shopping. Even if you’d rather stick needles under your nails than go shopping at the moment. When you know when and where to shop, everything becomes so much easier! You’ll learn what seasons to shop for, how to read color trends, so shop when your color is in season, and when to only shop for accessories and lingerie. Also, when you shop, you have a new vision of pieces that suit you perfectly and that you may have ignored in the past. You end up with a wardrobe that exceeds your expectations.

4. Do you know the formula for extended wearability?

Don’t worry; most people don’t. The formula for extended wearability is called Cost Per Wear (CPW). The cost per wear is the price of the item divided by the number of times you wear it. Ultimately, it lets you know the value of an item, which is directly related to how much you’re going to use it. For example, if you buy a pair of jeans worth $100 but wear them 100 times, your CPW is $1. If you wear them 50 times, your CPW is $2. you have the idea So if your closet is filled with items that you DO NOT wear, you are wasting a lot of money. However, your cost-per-wear for purchases can drop drastically when you learn new ways to reuse items in your wardrobe and wear them more than once. There is only one caveat. If you’re considering a new purchase, don’t overestimate how often you’ll wear something. Be smart and realistic.

5. Redefine and adapt workwear

Working from home or remotely has redefined workwear. Ever since Casual Friday was introduced and the tech industry revolutionized the idea of ​​“workwear,” we’ve seen a trend towards a more relaxed workplace. However, unless you’re in an industry that requires a specific style of dress, there are two things you need to consider when putting together a professional wardrobe: your company culture AND your personal brand. Remember that your brand image should come first, but you should align it with your work dress code or culture. An image consultant can help you create the right wardrobe fusion so you no longer feel the need to have two completely different styles of clothing in your closet.

6. Increase your self-confidence

It takes 1/10th of a second to make an impression, and once that first impression is made, it’s difficult to change someone’s impression of you. When you feel authentically confident, you’ll find it easier to appear powerful and confident. The 2012 study of clothed cognition found that our clothing affects our mental processes and how we think, feel, and function in areas such as attention, confidence, or abstract thinking. Working with a good image consultant creates trust. Your confidence and well-being are closely linked. When you feel good mentally and emotionally, when you dress powerfully and authentically, when you present yourself differently and increase your success. When you’re confident, you’ll get noticed by your ideal clients, leadership will be poised to advance your career, and your presentation will inspire audiences.

7. Ready for a raise?

Absolutely yes! If you’ve been worried about money, a brand image can translate into improved job performance, productivity and income. However, when your image is scattered, contradictory, and disconnected from your behavior or self-description, you lose credibility and trust in the eyes of your customers, colleagues, and potential employers. This leads to loss of income. And if you increase that over time, the loss can be staggering. An image consultant will help you put together the right pieces for your wardrobe and make sure they fit your goals and personal brand so you can secure your KLT (know, like, and trust) factor.

8. Stay updated, stay relevant, stay fabulous

Working with an image consultant should not be a one-off project. As you grow, change, and evolve in your life and career, you want your wardrobe to do the same.

It’s also important to keep it current and fresh. You don’t want to be trendy, but you want to stay on trend. While the goal is always to create a wardrobe that is tailored to who you are, your work place and goals, and your vision, there should always be an aspect of relevance to what you wear. When your clothes are outdated, you come across as untouched and irrelevant. Remember, your clothes speak. If it’s been a while since you’ve refreshed, work with an image consultant to update your wardrobe and spot those few essential missing pieces that can make all the difference.

9. Can we talk?

I’ve shared a lot about looks, but let’s devote a few moments to your behavioral and communication skills. Because the B & C of the ABCD of the picture stands for behavior and communication. Many successful people attribute their success to their ability to form and relate to people, their technical skills, or their business acumen. While your image is the first thing people notice, your demeanor and communication will either make or break your first impression. Your professional image projected through your oral, in-person or Zoom meetings, written communication, and non-verbal communication can lead to greater visibility that translates into greater opportunities. Have you received feedback that you need to speak more, improve your body language or facial expressions, work on your emotional intelligence, or learn to “read the room”? An image consultant can help you improve your communication skills, including working on your demeanor, tone, pitch, and volume to your advantage.

10. Reinforce the “it” factor

You know that feeling when you watch someone walk into a room, all eyes are on them and it just feels like they own the space and the world? It’s the way they carry themselves, the way they dress, how and when they choose to speak out and talk about their work or themselves, and the way they move… it’s captivating and feels feels like magic. This is the so-called it factor, the unique je nais quo, presence, as image consultants call it. Professional or executive presence is a skill (meaning it can be learned) that allows you to demonstrate an overall sense of leadership, poise, dignity, determination and confidence. These individuals inspire confidence in themselves and others, and can attract people by exuding confidence with ease and humility. The result is often a strong presence if you can master this list with an image consultant. You will finish your work claiming your own “it” factor.


Working with an image consultant can have a significant impact on you, your business or your career. Your image affects how you think about yourself and how others interact, trust, communicate, or relate to you. This is no small matter. However, before you work with an image consultant, you should be clear about who you are and what you want to achieve professionally.

When I started my business, I focused on image management with my clients. But soon after beginning the process, I found that my clients were dissatisfied with their careers, unsure of their next steps, and feeling stuck and trapped. While her instinct to seek out an image consultant was correct, that work often proved premature. At this point I was able to contribute my award-winning career and personal branding expertise, leveraging an extensive career in law, corporate governance and academic leadership. Additionally, my training in applied and social psychology, organizational systems and human development has enabled me to develop a tailored and holistic methodical approach to career development that helps my clients achieve greater confidence, clarity, happiness and success. This approach involves image work, but at the right time, when my clients need it most and when it can be most effective.

When you’re ready to recalibrate or enhance your visual brand and image, you can download my free brand guide. You can also step up, work directly with me at Career Rebel Academy and receive personalized, in-depth and practical support to take your life and career to the next level.

Click the link above to get the FREE guide or below to start building a compelling brand!

Don’t put yourself, your goals and your dreams on hold for another day. Instead, position yourself to greet each day and opportunity with clarity and confidence, and captivate everyone who has the joy and potential to cross your path.

Are you ready to create a strong, compelling and confident image and visual brand? Get my signature program The Confident Image Solution! Now available!

How do I market myself as a image consultant?

Place ads in local publications and offer coupons in direct-mail coupon books. Network in professional and civic organizations. Introduce yourself to wedding consultants, caterers and event planners, who can refer you to their clients. Give workshops and seminars for private and corporate clients.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

Starting Cost: Under $2,000

Home Based: Can be operated from home.

Part-time: Can be operated part-time.

franchise available? Yes

online operation? no


As an image consultant, you’ll give clients makeovers, coach them on the right wardrobe style for the image they want to project, and even rummage through wardrobes or go on shopping expeditions. They’ll also likely share hair and makeup tips, instructions on effective body language, and self-confidence tips. You can attract corporate clients by teaching tactics for better sales and customer relationships, or you can work with clients who are in the media spotlight to help them look and act their best. Some perks of this business: You can work from home, you can start part-time at low cost, and it’s often creative and rewarding — whether you’re helping someone advance their career or being comfortable in their personal life. In some states, you need a cosmetics license to work on clients’ skin. So if you’re planning on offering makeup services, be sure to contact your state cosmetics agency (and if you can’t do makeup on your clients yourself, you can). supervise while they do their own). As an image consultant, you need an innate sense of style and up-to-date knowledge of fashion, hair and make-up trends in private and professional environments. You will also want to know the latest conventions on the conduct of large and small companies. Your customers may feel vulnerable when they come to you, so you need to be able to suggest changes in a friendly and empathetic way. Finally, this is a practice-what-you-preach business – you must look groomed, professional, and dressed for success at all public occasions.


how much money can you make

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an image consultant nationwide is $42,431 per year.

What experience do you need?

“First and foremost you need to have a background in fashion or a related field, but more importantly you need to have experience dealing with people in retail. Image consultants need to understand fashion, trends and clothing, but the reality of business is about people – their fears, flaws and emotions. Some of the biggest fashion icons could never be an image consultant because they don’t have the ability to deal with people on a personal level. Image advice is direct and raw. Clients need to hear the hard truth about themselves in order to course correct. Aside from a relative degree, people skills are the most important experience anyone needs to break into the field.” -Amanda Sanders, image consultant and personal shopper

What is the most important thing to know about this business?

“Anytime I’m in trouble or need fresh perspectives or anything like that, styling is definitely one of my go-tos. I also ask myself, “What is the problem you are trying to solve?” When we think about creating solutions, we often think, “What do we have right now and how can we improve it? ‘ I think a better question is to just wipe the slate clean and say… ‘In an ideal world, if we could rewrite everything, what would we do?’” – Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix

The market

Your clients may be individuals who want to look good for a big social event, are looking for a new or better job, or have decided it’s time to turn over a whole new leaf. Your clients may also be companies, which you may hire to train groups of executives or employees, or to give corporate dress codes a makeover. Place ads in local publications and offer coupons in direct mail coupon booklets. Network in professional and civil society organizations. Imagine wedding consultants, caterers and event planners who can refer you to their clients. Provide workshops and seminars for private and corporate customers. You should also approach PR agents who may refer their clients to you. Send PR people your brochure and then call to cement your service in their minds.

Equipment needed

All you really need to get started is a mirror, makeup, color swatches, and fashion books and magazines. Either during the inception or after the start of your business, you may wish to purchase computer software that will give your clients a virtual beauty makeover before they take the actual plunge into haircuts. If you plan to go the corporate route, you may also want to invest in a video camera and VCR so clients can assess their speaking and body language performance before and after. In some states, you need a cosmetics license to work on clients’ skin. So if you plan to offer makeup services, be sure to check with your state cosmetics agency. If you can’t do your customers’ makeup yourself, you can supervise while they do their own makeup.

What do image consultants charge?

Many image consultants and personal stylists choose to work part-time and may decide to utilize a flat rate pay scale. Day rates for a stylist can range from USD $500 – $1000 for a half day to as much as USD $1,000 – $2000 for a full day.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

As more and more people are discovering the benefits of hiring an image consultant and personal stylist to help them maintain their image, more and more fashion oriented entrepreneurs are being drawn to the growing profession of image consulting and personal styling. However, many who are interested in the field often wonder… How much does an image consultant and personal stylist make?

Compensation for a personal stylist can vary widely by geographic location or from project to project. As a business owner, the price is up to you, and many stylists charge anywhere from $50 to $2,000 an hour, depending on their skills and the demand for their services.

Many image consultants and personal stylists choose to work part-time and may opt for a flat fee. Daily rates for a stylist can range from $500-$1000 for a half day and up to $1,000-$2000 for a full day. As they say, the sky is the limit.

For full-time entry-level employees and first-time interns, the salary can start as little as $30,000 per year while you work to build a strong client base. But while building your portfolio, nurturing relationships and professional networks, and honing your marketing and business acumen, mid-level image consultants and stylists can expect to earn an average salary of around $75,000 or more.

As you continue to educate yourself and stay current with the industry, you will build a solid client base with a trusted reputation and achieve professional status as the premier image consultant and personal stylist in the industry. You can earn over $130,000 a year doing this.

When answering the question, “How much does an image consultant and personal stylist make?” it’s important to mention that geographic location can significantly affect a personal stylist’s compensation. In larger cities, a trained stylist can expect a daily rate of $1,500-$2,000 or a salary of $65,000-$125,000. Less metropolitan areas, on the other hand, may only support a daily rate of $500-$750 or a salary of $30,000-$45,000. Overall, New York and Los Angeles offer the highest compensation, while Miami, London and Dubai also support a growing industry of personal stylists and image consultants.

The amount you can top up also depends heavily on your skill level and experience. Offering additional services like wardrobe styling and personal shopping can also increase the amount you can charge. Another determining factor in a personal stylist’s salary is the industry you work in. You may provide personal styling and shopping services to individuals, become a retail fashion stylist or style for fashion shows, photo shoots, or work in styling for film and video.

How much money does an image consultant and personal stylist earn? As you can see, as a freelance stylist you are ultimately responsible for your own destiny and it is up to you to determine what you are worth based on the amount of time, travel and effort you put into each project. If you are interested in starting a career as a personal stylist, personal shopper, image consultant or just want to improve your skills, be sure to take a look at our upcoming course schedule to find the right program for your needs.

We offer 3 or 5 day Personal Stylist and Personal Shopper short courses in trendy cities like New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris or Milan as well as a 7 day Image Consultant training course in New York and Dubai. And we offer a 5 day short course to become an Image Stylist exclusively for training MEN, click here to learn more.

Follow us on Instagram to see what our graduates are up to today. #ProducingCelebrityGrads

About Sterling Style Academy

Sterling Style Academy trains and certifies aspiring and aspiring image consultants, personal stylists and personal shoppers to pursue the career of their dreams. With multiple training programs held on-site in New York, Miami, London, Paris, Milan and Dubai, as well as online image consultant training, online personal stylist training and eCertification program courses, Sterling Style Academy prepares you to do it to become a first class pioneer in the fields of image consulting, personal shopping and personal styling. Master the art of image, fashion and style to become a fashion styling expert. Contact Sterling Style Academy today to see how we can help you launch a career you’re passionate about – shopping and styling! Like us or become our BFF on Facebook.

What can an image consultant do?

Image consultants are specialists who improve the personal or professional image of a client. They evaluate, enhance and upgrade their client’s appearance, behavior, and communication skills to ensure that their image is consistent with their personal or professional goals.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

Image consultant job description template

We are seeking an Image Consultant who is confident, influential and able to inspire trust with a wide variety of clients. Image consultants are expected to be approachable, encouraging, tactful and have a flair for fashion and current trends.

To be successful, Image Consultants should be commercial, flexible and have a keen imagination with an eye for detail. Lead candidates demonstrate excellent communication skills and confident public speaking skills.

Image Consultant Responsibilities:

Plan comprehensive initial meetings with clients to determine their personal and professional goals.

Assess, improve and transform the client’s image, behavior and communication skills that set them apart from the crowd.

Working with corporate clients through professional brand coaching and projects.

Initiation and moderation of company seminars and workshops based on the professional goals of the organization.

Promoting the customer through articles and articles through newspapers, magazines, social media and other appropriate forums.

Active networking to build a solid customer base.

Advising and coaching clients with targeted advice that contributes to a positive change in their personal or professional image.

Methodically conveying image information through an environment that allows for the most efficient and effective learning.

The claim to create images that are authentic, appropriate, appealing and sustainable.

Image Advisor Requirements:

How do image consultants make money?

If you want to make money as an image consultant, there are many ways that you can do so. The three most common include selling products and services, starting a consulting business, and teaching classes on how someone can improve their appearance.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

How much do image consultants earn? If you ask Google, the national average is $75,000 per year, which works out to $6,250 per month. If you ask us, there’s a top tier of image consultants making more than $30,000 a month. If you don’t believe that number, maybe this article in the February 6, 2022 New York Post will convince you. Please note that these are image consultants who earn that much and not necessarily personal stylists. Find out here what the difference is between an image consultant and a personal stylist.

As the saying goes, do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life. That’s definitely the case for Joseph Rosenfeld, an image consultant and personal stylist who’s made over $30,000 a month for the last 20 years.

How much money can you make as an image consultant and personal stylist? Joseph Rosenfeld has been making over $30,000 a month as one for the last 20 years. He’s a prime example of how profitable this industry can be for those who are passionate about it. His work is not only lucrative, but also enjoyable and rewarding.

How much do image consultants earn? Here are three ways to generate $30,000 a month:

First way: sell services and PRODUCTS

As an image consultant, you have a lot to offer customers. You can give them personal styling services, makeup tips and advice on how to dress for their body type. But you can also sell them products that help them look good. This can include clothing, accessories, or even beauty products. So start with the online boutique on Instagram.

Second way: Start a consulting company

Another way to earn money as an image consultant is to start your own consulting company. You can work with clients on how to dress for their body type, how to apply makeup properly, and how to wear it when going out to public places like restaurants or social events.

Third way: teach workshops

Another way to make money as an image consultant is by teaching courses on how to improve someone’s appearance. You could teach them how to dress for their body type, how to wear makeup properly, and how to apply it properly when going out to public places like restaurants or social events.

If you want to make money as an image consultant, there are many ways you can do it. The three most common are selling products and services, starting a consulting business, and teaching courses on how someone can improve their appearance.

Why should you become an image consultant? There are three main reasons:

You are passionate about what you look like, what others look like, and how they can improve their looks.

You want to be your own boss.

You are ambitious and have a desire to increase your income.

Now that we’ve determined that the image consultant profession is the right choice for you, it’s time to talk about how you can make money as an image consultant.

How does one become a successful image consultant? There are three main ways to generate $30,000 a month:

Create your own image consultant business website

Offer coaching or consulting services online

Write a book about image consulting

Create your own image consultant business website

The first step in creating your own image consultant business website is to determine how you want to be perceived in the market. What makes you unique? Who do you want as a customer? Is there a niche that no one serves? Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to create your website.

Your website should be designed to reflect your brand and how you want customers to perceive you. Use high-quality images, professional design elements, and an easy-to-use navigation bar. To generate traffic, you also need to invest in digital marketing strategies.

You can learn how to use digital marketing strategies yourself or take a course to help you. The most important thing is to make sure your social media is regularly updated with fresh content.

Offer coaching or consulting services online

If you want to make $30,000 a month as an image consultant, offering coaching or consulting services online is the way to go. This option allows you to work with clients all over the world, which can be a great way to increase your income.

To offer coaching or consulting services online, you need to create an online course or workshop that includes styling tips on image consulting and personal styling. These can be topics such as how to dress successfully, how to choose the right colors for your skin tone, how to make a good first impression, and how to create a personal style.

Your course or workshop should be easy to understand and include video tutorials, worksheets, and quizzes. You can also offer one-on-one coaching or consulting services via Zoom or Google Hangouts.

Write a book about image consulting

If you want to become a well-known image consultant, writing a book on the subject is a great way to achieve that goal. A book will help establish you as an expert in the industry and give you credibility with customers.

As you write your book, make sure it is filled with valuable information that will help people improve their looks. Topics could include how to dress for different occasions, how to put together a capsule wardrobe, how to choose the right colors for your skin tone, and how to create a personal style.

Your book should also be visually appealing to stand out from the competition. You can hire a professional designer or use self-publishing services.

Once you’ve written and published your book, it’s time to promote it! This can be done through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. You might also consider doing interviews on podcasts or radio shows about how people can improve their looks.

As you can see, there are several ways to make $30,000 a month as an image consultant. It depends on what suits you and your business best. So if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, choose one of these methods and get started today!

Hopefully we were able to answer your questions about image consultant salaries. How Joseph Rosenfeld makes $30,000 a month. How to Make $30,000 a Month as an Image Consultant and Personal Stylist. How beautiful and enriching the work of Joseph Rosenfeld is. How to make money doing what you love. How Joseph Rosenfeld’s job is the kind of career that makes him feel like he’s never worked a day in his life.

Learn how to become an image consultant and personal stylist and make $30,000 a month at Sterling Style Academy.

How Much Do Image Consultants Earn: $30,000 a Month – Learn How!

5 reasons to attend Sterling Style Academy for Image Consultant TRAINING and Personal Stylist Training

Sterling Style Academy offers the very best in Personal Stylist Training and Image Consultant Training. If you are looking to start or grow a career in image consulting, then this is the perfect place for you! Here are some reasons why you should join our academy to make money as an image consultant and personal stylist.

Our instructors are highly experienced professionals who will teach you everything you need to know about styling. You will learn from the best and have the opportunity to work with real customers during your training. Our curriculum is based on current industry trends, so you can be confident in your skills once you graduate. We offer a variety of courses to help you find the perfect match for your career goals. Sterling Style Academy offers an intimate learning environment where you will receive individual attention from our staff.

If you are looking for an exciting and challenging career in personal styling, Sterling Style Academy is the perfect place for you! We offer a variety of courses designed to give you the skills you need to succeed. Click here to learn more about our academy and how we can help you achieve your dreams!

Would you like to start a career in the fashion industry? Then you should visit the Sterling Style Academy! We offer world-class training for image consultants and personal stylists. Here are 5 reasons why you should join our academy and start earning top bucks:

Reason #1: Sterling Style Academy is the only image consultant training school focused on image consulting, personal styling, fashion styling, celebrity style consulting and social media branding courses online with live video conferencing classes from top industry leaders, the established stylists are New York City and Hollywood. Other institutions offer general business or photography courses but don’t specialize in a niche market within those industries. You’ll gain first-hand experience learning about luxury fashion brands and how to work with prestigious clients such as celebrities, CEOs and high-profile professionals.

Reason #2: Sterling Style Academy offers a personal styling certification that is recognized as a seal of approval worldwide. Upon graduation you will be able to work with clients anywhere and have the skills to start your own successful business. Other schools do not offer this specialization or certification.

Reason #3: Sterling Style Academy offers an intimate learning environment with only 2-5 students per class. You’ll receive personalized attention from our experienced instructors, who are established stylists working in New York City and Hollywood. This ensures you get the most out of your education and graduate with the skills needed to launch your own successful personal styling business. Other institutions often have classes of 20-100 students, which can be overwhelming and doesn’t offer the same level of personal attention.

Reason #4: Sterling Style Academy offers a money-back guarantee on face-to-face classes. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your experience, we will refund your tuition in full as part of our training agreement. We want you to feel confident that you are making the best career decision and we offer that reassurance so you can be confident that our program is right for you. Other schools do not offer a money-back guarantee or have very restrictive policies.

Reason #5: Sterling Style Academy has been featured by Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, InStyle and more as the industry expert in personal styling. Our school is the only one recognized as a leader in the personal styling industry. You’ll learn from the best and gain access to our network of top professionals in the field. Other schools don’t have the same level of media exposure or notoriety.

Sterling Style Academy is the perfect place to receive professional training in image consulting and personal styling.

With experienced trainers, a variety of courses to choose from and an impressive certification at the end, we can assure you that you are well prepared to start your own successful business as an image consultant or personal stylist. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Sterling Style Academy offers a variety of courses to suit your needs and interests

You’ll gain access to exclusive industry tips and tricks that only an experienced consultant would know

Our trainers are seasoned professionals who will teach you everything you need to know about the fashion industry

You will receive Sterling Style Academy certification, proving you have the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful image consultant or personal stylist

And finally, with our world-class training and support, you’re ready to start your own successful business as an image consultant or personal stylist! Sign up today for $2497!

We hope this has been helpful in providing you with some valuable information on how much image consultants make and how to attend Sterling Style Academy for image consultant training and personal stylist training. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sterling Style Academy looks forward to working with you.

Please register for our face-to-face courses. As soon as we have checked your application, we will send you an admission letter by e-mail in which you are officially invited to enrol. This is a very exciting time and means you can start your career path as soon as possible. We offer courses both in person and online with live video conferencing classes from top industry leaders who are established stylists working in New York City, LA, Paris and Dubai.

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our gallery of graduates who have successfully completed our apprenticeship program. We hope to see you at Sterling Style Academy soon!

How long does it take to become an image consultant?

Training as an Image Consultant. Attend a workshop or course. While most colleges and universities don’t offer a degree program to become an image consultant, there are often weekend workshops and short-term courses that last anywhere from four to 12 weeks to help prepare you for the career.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

This article was co-authored by Shelley Golden. Shelley Golden is the founder of Shelley Golden Style, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 20 years of experience in fashion and fine art, Shelley has worked for the International Academy of Merchandise and Design in Chicago, the Wellesley Historical Society and formerly at Bloom: Image For Success. Shelley is a Certified Color Consultant with Image and Color Institute International and a Color Specialist with Color Designers International (CDI). Shelley has a BS in Textiles and Business from Arizona State University and was rated a Top Pro 2018 by Thumbtack. This article has been viewed 140,854 times.

Article overview


If you’re outgoing and have an eye for style, image consulting could be a great job for you. Look for image consultation workshops or classes in your area that you can attend. Although these courses aren’t necessary to become an image consultant, they can help you stand out on your resume. It is also helpful to gain work experience in a related field. For example, you could apply to be a personal shopper or beauty consultant at a department store. When you feel ready to start your own business, you want to decide what specific services you want to offer your clients. For example, you might want to help job seekers polish their looks, give advice on employee uniforms, or help beauty pageant contestants. Once you’ve found a niche, create a portfolio to show potential clients. If you don’t have much experience to show for it, offer free makeovers to friends and family to fill up your portfolio. To learn how to create a website for your image consultation, read on!

What education does an image consultant need?

Career Requirements
Degree Level None; training programs and degrees available
Degree Fields Image consulting, marketing, mass communications, or public relations
Experience Experience varies by position; some jobs may be entry-level
Key Skills Ability to understand clients’ needs
20 thg 10, 2021

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

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What is professional image consultant?

Image Consulting is the profession of guiding, mentoring, educating and training people on managing their appearance-clothing, grooming and body language including etiquette to create positive and powerful first impressions to get more opportunities in life.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

People with good communication skills, a sense of style, aesthetics and creativity, a passion for making a difference in the lives of others and a strong desire to start and build something of their own can make excellent image consultants. ICBI has students ranging in age from 17 to 74, with no work experience to over 50 years of experience and from 12th pass to PhD. No matter where you’re from, there’s a target market for you and we’ll help you identify it.

This opportunity is ideal for:

How do I pitch myself as a consultant?

Specific steps must be taken to successfully market yourself as a consultant.
  1. Create a marketing message based on what you have to offer. …
  2. Target those that can benefit from your help. …
  3. Organize a local event based on your specialty. …
  4. Offer your services as an expert to a local newspaper or radio station.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

1. Create a marketing message based on your offer. Consulting can be a nebulous field, and your prospective clients need to know how you’re going to help them. Just like promoting a product, you must have the problem-solving dynamic to market your consulting service. Your customers have a problem; They have the solution that will help them.

2. Reach out to those who can benefit from your help. If you are a business consultant, reaching out to local businesses, especially larger ones, should be your first step. If you are a personal life coach, you need to find a way to reach your target audience. Attending self-improvement workshops or organizing these workshops is one way to reach out to those in need of life coaching. Targeting your marketing message to those who will benefit most from your support is critical to your success.

3. Organize a local event based on your area of ​​expertise. While direct mail and cold calling are still good ways to market yourself as a consultant, an event that gets you noticed can quickly make a name for itself. The key is making sure the name is good. Plan a small event that is easy to manage and that briefly summarizes what you have to offer. You can use other marketing materials like brochures or books to further educate your audience about your skills.

4. Offer your services as an expert for a local newspaper or radio station. Consultants can provide an expert source to the media and you will receive the associated free publicity. Send press releases to your local media and let them know you’re available. They will likely file your information and contact you if your help is needed. This has the added benefit of establishing yourself as an authority in your field in the eyes of the public.

How do I offer my services as a consultant?

Let’s dive into 12 expert methods you can start using today to boost your consulting sales:
  1. Use the skills you already have to sell consulting services. …
  2. Set up a clear sales process. …
  3. Prioritize leads that fit the right profile. …
  4. Be prepared to turn down work that doesn’t fit. …
  5. Learn how to find the decision-maker.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

When you first started selling consulting services, you probably had high expectations. After all, you already had industry knowledge, technical skills and valuable contacts.

And with the US consulting market approaching $70 billion in 2019, it should be easy to get a small piece of that lucrative pie, right?

But there was one variable you didn’t anticipate: actually selling yourself as a consultant.

Selling doesn’t come naturally to most people, and being a “salesman” for your consulting firm might have been an unexpected addition to your job description.

Also, as the consulting industry continues to grow, competition is becoming increasingly fierce: in a Deltek survey, 55% of consulting firms identified “managing increasing competition” as a key business priority.

You may be wondering: how can I sell myself as a consultant? How can I stand out with so much competition?

Luckily, many professional selling techniques add to the skills you’ve already developed as a consultant. In addition, you can stay one step ahead of your competitors with new methods for the digital age.

Let’s dive into 12 expert ways you can start growing your consulting revenue today:

1. Use the skills you already have to sell consulting services

With your experience as a consultant, you already have valuable skills that you can apply in sales.

For example, they learned to ask the right questions to uncover their business needs.

Asking questions is a valuable skill that will help you sell professional services. Selling any type of service is based on a clear understanding of your prospect’s needs, and you can use questions to achieve that.

In fact, a study by Gong found that salespeople who ask between 11 and 14 questions during a conversation with prospects have an average 74% success rate.

The same study found that the type of questions also matters: top sellers focus on questions about the prospect’s business problems, goals, challenges, and concerns.

Here are some examples of questions you might ask when selling consulting services:

What are the biggest challenges your company is currently facing?

What problems would you like to solve and what do you think caused these problems?

What results do you want to achieve and why?

When do you want to achieve these results?

What motivated you to look for a solution now?

What happens if you don’t address these issues now?

Who else is involved in the decision-making process?

Pro Tip: Want to ask better questions? Download our free resource. Want to ask better questions? Download our free resource 42 B2B Sales Questions and learn the top questions to ask your prospects.

Also, use open-ended questions to get your prospects to better explain their current situation. For example, start your questions with sentences like:

Can you help me understand…

can you walk me through

Talk to me about…

Questions like these encourage your prospect to answer thoroughly and give you a better idea of ​​what’s really going on.

Another skill you’ll learn as a consultant is to keep the client’s best interests in mind. By focusing on helping, not selling, you naturally avoid shady or pushy sales tactics when selling your consulting services.

This contributes to a better reputation of your consulting company and builds trust with your customers.

2. Set up a clear sales process

Regardless of whether you are a sole proprietorship consultant or part of a consulting firm, you must have a clearly defined sales process.

This is the process you use to sell your consulting services and should take you step-by-step from the moment you discover new prospects to the moment you get paid and start delivering your services.

It’s easy to get bogged down in executing the services you were hired to do, but a clear sales process will remind you to keep selling.

To be successful as a consultant, you must devote as much time to acquiring new business as you do to fulfilling assigned tasks. I’ve found that the average time from first contact to engagement can range from six to 36 weeks, and completion rates range from 10 to 20 percent. Downtime should be reinvested in business development.

— Scott Steinberg, CEO of Techsavvy Global

So how can you set up a sales process for your consulting firm?

First, start by writing down everything you do to get a sale. Where do you find new prospects, for example? How does your consulting business get noticed? What steps do you take from initial contact to sale? On average, how many meetings or calls does it take to close a deal?

Once you understand your current process, look for ways to improve your sales metrics. Can you reduce the number of meetings required to close the deal? Can you overcome common objections earlier in the process? Can you simplify the negotiation phase?

Finally, optimize your sales process by defining your targets and goals. Start with your sales goal per month and work backwards: How many sales do you need to reach that goal? How many prospects do you need to make that many sales?

By organizing the numbers in advance, you can set specific goals for your sales tasks per week or month. By prioritizing these tasks, you work smarter to meet your revenue goals.

3. Prioritize leads that fit the right profile

An essential part of any sales process is knowing who you are selling to.

So who are you trying to sell your consulting services to?

To define your ideal customer profile, start by looking at your most successful customers. Take the top 10 clients you’ve successfully worked with and try to understand what they all have in common.

Ask questions like:

Are they all in a specific industry?

Did you solve a common problem for everyone?

Are they all similarly sized companies?

What convinced her to work with you?

Do they have a common goal?

Have they all gone through similar events or changes in their business, such as B. Restructuring, hiring or acquiring another company?

Your ideal client profile also depends on the nature of your consulting services. For example, if you specialize in leadership coaching for newly appointed directors, your ideal client may be a young company with executives who lack experience and need the training to be successful.

Once you have a clear picture of who your ideal customers are, you can set up lead scoring. This assigns each new lead a specific score based on how well they fit the profile you’re creating. Lead scoring helps you prioritize your efforts by focusing on the leads that best fit your advice.

4. Be willing to turn down work that doesn’t fit

It’s exciting when people come to you looking for help. But sometimes while talking to a potential client, you realize that they are not a good match for your business. Maybe they’re not your ideal customer, maybe they’re showing signs of being a bad customer, or maybe they’re just not ready to buy right now.

Don’t waste your valuable time selling to a prospect who won’t buy or doesn’t match what you’re offering.

Selling behaviorist and business coach Liston Witherill says:

For example, I do sales training and coaching for consultants and one of the problems that people come to me with that I could solve, but it’s not at the core of my business, is lead generation and marketing. For those cases, I have people to refer my clients to. The same goes for other areas because there are many other people who could work with my clients who solve problems that I don’t solve and these are the kind of referral partners that I want. If they have a problem you can’t solve, just refer them to someone else.

By setting up a few referral partners, you can direct those leads to the people who can actually solve their problems. This is another way to focus on helping your customers: even if it doesn’t bring you any revenue right now, your helpful attitude could win a sale down the road.

At Close, when we talk to a prospect and determine that our CRM isn’t the right solution for their needs, we recommend alternative solutions to them – essentially we send orders to our competitors. This may seem silly, but it’s the right thing to do in the long run. We want to help everyone we work with, even if they’re not a good fit. Often this leaves such an impression on people that they later recommend us to others who are a good match for us, or they become a good partner a few years later and then a happy, successful Close customer.

5. Learn how to find the decision maker

When you find a lead that’s a perfect match for your company, it’s not enough to reach out to “someone” in the company: you need to know how to find the person making the decisions.

First, look at the buying process of your current customers. Who was the person who advocated for your services in the company? Who else had to sign the purchase? Who has benefited the most from your services?

By taking a historical look at the decision makers you’ve dealt with before, you can get a better understanding of who the decision maker is in your new lead’s company.

For example, does the decision maker typically have a specific role in the organization? Are you the director of a specific team?

If you know who you are looking for, you can advertise more effectively. For example, you can use LinkedIn in your sales process to search for people with a specific job title in a specific industry and add those people to your lead list.

6. Add a digital touch to your sales path

Even if you sell your consulting services locally, adding a digital touch can boost your sales process and make it even easier for customers to contact or purchase your consulting services.

Just as someone selling a product over the Internet needs to make a seamless transition between their sales text and their order form, you need to make a seamless transition between your sales text and the point of contact.

— Derek Gehl, entrepreneur

For example, you can use a tool like Calendly to make it easier for others to schedule a meeting with you. Add your Calendly link to your website or even include it in your cold emails to prospects:

Instead of emailing back and forth to set up an appointment, your new leads can then simply pick the time in your schedule that works best for them.

You can even integrate Calendly with your CRM, so new leads can be added to your CRM when someone schedules a meeting.

Another way to add a digital touch to your sales journey is to use video sales pitches. This can open up new opportunities for you in this time of crisis, but it also broadens your horizons beyond the customers close to your physical location.

Pro Tip: Did you know that Close CRM integrates natively with Zoom? This means that you can conduct your video conferences directly from your CRM and save these video recordings directly in the lead. Try your free 14-day trial of Close to see how this dynamic integration can improve your sales process.

Why do you limit yourself to your immediate surroundings? With the right solution, you can host online conferences and pitches to expand your client base across the country. Video tools enable direct and personal contact without having to drive to prospects and customers. You can even let your customers and prospects know that this is a way to reduce service costs.

— Tim Myers, product manager

Want to master video sales pitches? Download our free resource and get our best tips for selling by video.


7. Base your pricing on the value they receive

Your consulting services will cost your customers real money. If they are not convinced of the value of your consulting service before discussing the price, you are at a serious disadvantage in closing the deal.

So when you discuss the problems they are having and the challenges they want to solve, you help them see the value of working with you. For example, ask questions like:

What would be the consequences of not dealing with these issues?

How much would it cost you NOT to fix these issues?

Once you understand the project at hand, what type of consulting services you offer, and how much real ROI your prospects will get from working with you, you can base your price on value rather than on an hourly basis.

Price per hour and you are considered a commodity. Instead, with lasers, focus on the lasting value you create and charge based on scope of work and end results. Never discuss whether your company will be used, but how, and provide a range of possible cost scenarios and added values ​​based on your basic requirements.

— Scott Steinberg, CEO of Techsavvy Global

If you don’t bill by the hour, consider value-based pricing — where you set your total price, including what you think your services are worth and how they compete with others. Many advisors offer three price ranges to give the client more control over what works for them. Plus, it’s good marketing – a low, mid, and higher price option allows you to choose.

— Tim Myers, product manager

8. Use cold email templates to maximize the time you spend selling consulting services

When you reach new leads with cold emails, it can take a lot of time and energy to write every single email.

If you want to increase productivity, try using cold email templates that you can personalize and send to every lead you find.

In Close, it’s easy to set up new templates and add personalization features that automatically introduce details like the lead’s name, company, industry, and more.

When using your cold email templates, go through each one and add a few details that show you’ve done your homework. Explain why you think they are a good fit for your counseling services and briefly describe how they could benefit you.

Want more tips on how to cold email effectively? Download our free Cold Email Hacks 2.0 resource.


9. Increase your consulting revenue with social proof

The sale of consulting services is based on trust. There is nothing tangible to show your prospects. So how can they trust you to deliver what you promise?

Two words: social proof.

When prospects can hear or read about other companies that have had success with your consulting services, they will be more willing to trust you.

How do you get this social proof for your consulting business?

For example, if you’re an Individual Consultant, you can ask satisfied clients to add a recommendation to your LinkedIn profile. These recommendations strengthen your claims and strengthen your professional profile.

For both individual consultants and consulting agencies, case studies are a great way to add social proof to your website. This brings the power of storytelling to your sales process and lets you dive deeper into the results your customers have seen.

Reviews and testimonials are another powerful tool for your advice. For example, why not ask happy customers to add a review to your Google My Business profile? Or ask for a quick testimonial from your happy customers and add them to your website, include them in cold emails, and mention them in your sales pitches.

Since we don’t sell actual products, we have to work hard to reassure our customers. On our website we have testimonials from previous clients who have used our services. This shows our prospects that we can keep our promises.

– Tony Pour, Founder of SellMax

10. Have a great sales script

When you have a powerful sales script that captures the interest of your prospects, you can immediately pick up the phone and start closing deals.

I know this works because I’ve done it before.

Before launching Close, we founded ElasticSales, an on-demand sales company. We picked up the phone before we even had a brand or reputation and started cold calling startups in the area.

Using an effective cold calling script, we got 7 paying customers in just 14 days.

How can you implement this for your advice?

Add these essential elements of a sales pitch script:

Spark curiosity: tell them who you are, who you’re helping, and give them a reason to care with your opening lines.

Tell them who you are, who you’re helping, and give them a reason to care with your opening lines. Provide context: Include an elevator pitch from a sentence that is clear and short.

Add one sentence elevator pitch that is clear and short. Ask permission to continue: Giving your prospect the opportunity to say no can actually help engage them and pave the way for the conversation to continue.

Giving your prospect the opportunity to say no can actually help keep them engaged and pave the way for the conversation to continue. Qualify: Ask questions to learn more about their needs and determine if they qualify for your counseling.

Ask questions to learn more about their needs and determine if they are appropriate for your counseling. Trial Completion: Discover their decision timeline, general buying process and any price sensitivity.

Discover their decision timeline, general buying process and any price sensitivity. Plan next steps: Know ahead of time how you will continue the process and set a specific time for follow-up before you end the conversation.

Also, make sure your sales script includes ways to handle common objections in your sales pitches.

With a powerful script, you can call prospects with confidence and close more deals.

Want a head start on creating your own script? Download your free sales script template.

11. Build relationships now to sell consulting services later

While it’s important to prioritize sales tasks that bring you new consulting clients now, don’t forget to lay the foundation for future sales.

Because consulting is such a trust-based business, the relationships you build now will be critical to your future success. It’s especially important for a new consulting firm to network with companies that might become customers in the future, even if they’re not ready to buy yet.

For example, you can keep your advice memorable by attending meetups and networking events (whether in-person or virtual) and sharing your expertise with the people you meet.

By intentionally not selling, you build a more stable network of potential customers who are no longer cold leads when you reach out to them in the future.

If you intend to be a consultant forever, the only meaningful implication is to play a long-term game, knowing that even if someone doesn’t buy from you now, they might do so in the future.

— Liston Witherill, sales behaviorist

12. Always, always ask for referrals

Leads that come to you on the recommendation of a trusted friend are much more valuable to you than cold leads that you found yourself.


For two reasons:

Referrals already start with a higher level of trust in you because someone they trust recommended you. Referrals are more likely to fit your ideal customer profile because the person who recommended them knows both their situation and your offering

But to get referral sales, you must first be willing to ask for referrals.

After all, your happy customers are probably willing to refer new customers to you, but they probably won’t do so unless you ask them.

So if you do close a deal, be sure to ask for a referral.

How to ask:

“I’m so happy we were able to make XYZ a reality together. Do you know anyone else who is facing [issue] who could benefit from working with our consultancy?”

Try to get at least one name from each client and you will see a significant increase in your consulting sales.

Keep selling consulting services with these proven methods

While it may be a little harder to get a piece of the pie than you originally thought, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

In order to continue to sell your consulting services successfully in the end, you have to put sales tasks in the right place.

The methods discussed above have proven themselves for consultants like you. In addition, improving your sales skills can help you stand out from the growing competition.

So keep selling. Build a working process and keep refining it until your advice becomes a sales machine.

Have a tip or question about selling consulting services? Let me know on LinkedIn, I’d love to hear from you!

Need help organizing your sales efforts? Do you want to be one step ahead of the competition? Start your free 14-day trial of Close today and see how a CRM can simplify your process, save time and maximize your consulting revenue.

Switching our CRM to Close was one of the best decisions we made. The platform keeps getting new updates and really shines compared to any other CRM.

— Mike Corradini, CEO and co-founder of IdeaPros

How can a consultant stand out?

7 Ways to Stand Out as an Independent Consultant
  1. Focus on a specialization. …
  2. Build your image. …
  3. Network effectively. …
  4. Always be prepared. …
  5. Stay up to date. …
  6. Keep it professional. …
  7. Use Lyghtning.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

1. Focus on one specialization.

We’ve all heard the saying, “jack of all trades, master of nothing.” Some Independent Consultants instinctively tend to take on any projects that fall within their skill set; It seems intuitive to keep things as broad as possible to get more deals. However, those who specialize in a certain area can charge higher prices, generate more demand and differentiate themselves more easily from the competition. Try choosing subject matter expertise within a specific technology like SAP or Workday, or focus on a functional role like project or program management.

2. Build your image.

Once you become an Independent Consultant, you are your own brand. Social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter are excellent tools for creating a positive image. However, to really stand out, try to find ways to highlight your unique skills and experiences on your online profiles. Your career is your greatest bragging rights and the best way to demonstrate your skills to potential clients. Make sure it gets the spotlight it deserves.

Remember that in the digital age, your social media presence is often your first impression to potential employers and clients. The image you project online should be polished and organized, just like your work.

3. Network effectively.

In an age where referrals rule everything, effective networking determines an independent consultant’s ability to stand out from the crowd. Working alone can become isolating very quickly, so make an effort to engage with the industry at least once a week, even if it’s as simple as grabbing coffee with a former colleague or requesting an interview with someone. Never underestimate the value of preparation; Before each networking meeting, take some time to prepare a list of talking points to keep the conversation going. By keeping relationships current, you increase your chances of getting a call the next time you need something in your area.

4. Always be prepared.

As an independent consultant, you are responsible for your own sales. Do your homework before you meet to discuss a potential project. Take some time to research the company and gain a thorough understanding of its history, strategy, and goals. When you go into those early discussions with a solid understanding of the client’s needs, before they’ve even been explained, you will truly differentiate yourself as an independent consultant.

5. Stay up to date.

Staying up to date with industry trends is essential for any independent consultant who wants to differentiate themselves. Take a few minutes each day to read publications like CIO or Business Insider, and consider joining a professional group like ASUG for access to training materials and events. Your superior knowledge of current information and best practices gives you a competitive advantage over others in your field.

6. Keep it professional.

Not every project ends well. Poor communication, difficult customers, and conflicting personalities can create situations that are beyond your control. Make sure you never burn bridges, no matter how negative the outcome of a project. You will excel in your ability to remain professionally competent despite the circumstances.

7. Use Lightning.

We’ve given you a list of great ways to make yourself stand out as an Independent Consultant, but the best way to attract new clients is by joining Lyghtning, the platform that connects Independent Consultants to available projects. Our consultant success managers are available to help you create a profile that highlights your unique skills and experience to ensure you are selected for the projects that fall within your area of ​​expertise. We are happy to help you create and project a positive image that will attract potential customers.

What are you waiting for? Sign up now and complete your Lyghtning profile to start hiring.

(This article originally appeared on the blog)

What is the difference between a fashion stylist and a fashion consultant?

There is no distinct difference between a fashion consultant and a personal stylist. It all just depends on what the stylist wants to call herself, a fashion consultant or a personal stylist. A personal stylist can also be called a stylist, style consultant, or style coach.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

There is no distinct difference between a fashion consultant and a personal stylist. It all depends on what the stylist wants to call herself, fashion consultant or personal stylist.

A personal stylist can also be referred to as a stylist, style consultant, or style coach. All of these titles offer essentially the same services, namely wardrobe processing and cleaning, as well as personal shopping. Highly qualified personal stylists and style consultants provide appropriate personal style advice. Some personal stylists and style coaches offer coaching in their packages when it comes to style and confidence building – so their packages may be more creative than other stylists. In summary, however, a personal stylist, style consultant, style coach, and fashion consultant are all clients of clothing and style.

Photo by Ron Lach on

Fashion consultant versus image consultant

Some image consultants called themselves fashion consultants because they noticed that many image consultants were more mature, maybe a bit frumpy. They specialized in color advice and donning modular outfits rather than fashion-forward looks. It was the fashion image consultants who started calling themselves fashion consultants because they had an eye for fashion and a taste for style.

So why call yourself a fashion consultant?

A person calling themselves a fashion consultant should be able to:

Identify the seasonal and yearly fashion trends

Know the different names for styles, textures, and silhouettes

Having an eye for fashion – what looks good

Having fashion sense – how to put together fashionable looks

Understand that it’s not just about choosing the right brand

It is to understand whether the item looks good at any price or not

Fashion consultants are not fashion stylists. This is also another misconception.

A fashion stylist is a person who works with models, magazines, photo shoots and looks based on designer fashion trends. Fashion stylists don’t usually consult people unless they are celebrity stylists. Celebrity stylists become celebrity stylists because they first worked with fashion magazines and through this connection they started working with celebrities. However, aside from working with celebrities and styling photo shoots, fashion stylists are not really geared towards working with people. Fashion stylists don’t usually dress the person in their optimal colors. Most of the time they have no idea. They also do not pay attention to a person’s body proportions or body silhouette. They focus on creating creative outfits that look fashionable and stylish for a photo shoot or tell a story – much like some fashion bloggers do.

When you work with people, you must consider their likes, likes, needs, and goals, and then dress the client accordingly. You don’t dress the customer according to your own creative and visual tastes. They dress the customer according to their own style preferences and hopefully advise and advise the customer on adding new items to their wardrobe with some taste that look fashionable yet appeal to their style. That’s what a fashion consultant and personal stylist does.

However, some people in the US call themselves fashion stylists who style their clients for their photo shoots. These fashion stylists don’t necessarily work with celebrities or photo shoots for fashion magazines. However, they could work with an entrepreneur and photographer to develop their personal brand image. Some image consultants develop personal brand images. However, they do not style their clients’ photo shoots. That’s all semantics.

When you see people on Google calling themselves fashion stylists when they work with people to search your closet and personal store for them, they’re just saying they’re fashion stylists to attract people who want a stylist to be them dresses fashionably. This misinterpretation of the term happens mainly in the Middle East and not elsewhere.

If you are interested in fashion and styling, try our Introduction to Fashion Consulting and Styling online course for $97.

They say that clothing is an expression of you. If you are attracted to fashion and clothing, we encourage you to become a Certified Fashion Consultant and Stylist through our award-winning $997 eCertification program.

If you want to learn how to develop your own style

You have unlimited and lifetime access to the online course.

Or you can try our online personal shopping services for an initial investment of $197 with an ongoing investment of $97 per online personal shopping session to create cute, effortless style.

What is a style consultant?

Style consultants typically have extensive training in fashion and style and are knowledgeable about designers, styles, and trends. Many style consultants go shopping with their clients, helping them pick out clothing and accessories which will be appropriate.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

Every major social event seems to bring forth a stream of men and women, impeccably dressed and stylishly coiffed, arousing envy and interest in magazines and news. Ordinary people might look at red carpet photos and marvel at how the stars keep putting on impeccable outfits. The secret is a style consultant, a professional who specializes in personal image, and the use of a style consultant is not limited to the rich and famous. Many style consultants are available to consult with all manner of clients, from high-profile movie stars who need help dressing for the Oscars, to aspiring executives looking to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Style consultants typically have extensive training in fashion and style and are knowledgeable about designers, styles and trends. They may also study some psychology and excel at creating a polished, professional personal image that manages to capture the unique traits of the individual. Style consultants offer advice on what to wear, what hairstyle would be most flattering and how to apply makeup. They can also share more general tips aimed at promoting a positive personal image, from driving the right car to entertaining at a cocktail party.

Working with a style consultant usually starts with a meeting where the consultant and client get to know each other. The client can talk about the topics they want to address, while the consultant can take notes on the client’s figure, personality and occupation, and use this information to make suggestions that could improve the client’s personal image.

Many style consultants go shopping with their clients and help them select appropriate clothing and accessories. They usually try to help their customers build large and varied wardrobes by teaching their customers what to wear in which situations and giving advice on colors, coordination, cuts, etc. so that customers can choose appropriate clothes and accessories.

Sometimes a style consultant fails, as evidenced by the “best and worst” coverage in popular magazines after major events. A dress that seems like a good idea in store may not work on the red carpet, or an elegant dress may be worn with a conflicting hairstyle or poorly chosen accessories. Style consultants can also argue with their clients about the image the client is trying to project, and occasionally the client’s rebellion leads to a fashion disaster.

What does a style consultant do?

A style consultant helps people determine the type of clothing that suits them best and which pieces best suit their lifestyle. If you are starting a new career, entering a new phase of life, or are curious about what type of clothing would suit you best, a style consultant can help. If you are going to a special event, a counselor can also help you figure out what to wear.

A style consultant can either come to your home or help you online via video chat or email. At the beginning, the customer fills out a questionnaire. It helps the consultant get a sense of what their clients’ style issues are and what they expect from the consultant. A consultant considers:


use clothes

personal style

body type

body shape

Sometimes a consultant can also take on the role of a personal shopper. You will consult with them and determine what look you want. Next, they shop for you either online or in person. When you decide to buy your clothes, they can offer suggestions on your best clothing choices.

If you work for a company, you can choose clothes based on a profile created by the customer. After determining what clothes best suit their style, they send the clothes to the customer. Some customers may choose to come to the store where you work. In these cases you select the clothes for the person concerned during a styling session.

This is how you become a style consultant

There are several ways to become a style consultant. No formal training is required, but some may choose to receive certification from a recognized group. There are also certificates from colleges that you can complete. In class you will learn colors, types of fabric, body types and how to create an outfit. If you want to get a four-year degree, many stylists study fashion. Many of these certificates and degrees are available online, so you don’t have to worry about tuition fitting into your schedule.

Certification is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and make your customers feel more comfortable with you. However, this is not the only way to show your knowledge. If you have an eye for style, you can start styling yourself, your friends, and family to get an idea of ​​what it’s like to choose clothes for others. While a solid understanding of your style is essential, styling others is different.

You can choose to create a website and attract your customers. Blogging about fashion is a popular way to gain customers and connect with others. It’s also a great way to practice and show off your everyday outfits. They can also offer tips, guides, and tricks to do your best. If your blog is valuable to a client, they will be more inclined to purchase your services when they need them.

You may want to showcase previous outfits that you have created for different people. A social media account that you use regularly is required. It can be a great way to engage with clients and show off happy clients that you’ve styled.

No matter how you decide to become a style consultant, there are some basics you need to know. These include:

color theory

How to style accessories

How to layer clothes

What clothes look best on different body types?

Garments for every season

Basics you need every day

These are just a few things you need to know to become a comprehensive consultant.

How much does a style consultant cost?

The cost of a style consultant varies. Expertise and popularity sometimes dictate how much a stylist will cost you. The better known they are, the more their services will be. Some style consultants charge on a per-package basis, while others charge on an hourly basis. The average style consultant costs $50 to $500 an hour. Packages can range from $500 to $1000 depending on the services you get. If you choose to use a celebrity independent stylist, the cost may be higher.

The price of an advisor also depends on why you want to use them. When they need to choose an outfit for an event or meeting, it usually doesn’t cost as much as a complete wardrobe overhaul. If you decide to get styling services from a larger company like a department store, their services are sometimes free depending on what you’re buying. However, an independent style consultant has more time to get to know you, your style and what you want to achieve with your new wardrobe.

What is the difference between a fashion stylist and a personal stylist?

A personal stylist addresses an individual’s image through the lens of fashion and helps them identify their unique style. They assist them regularly by cultivating their styling needs. A fashion stylist, on the other hand, works on projects and cultivates upon a pre-established setup.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

When you think of a personal stylist and a fashion stylist as synonymous with a job, you couldn’t be more wrong! Although they sound similar, personal styling and fashion styling are two completely different fields. A personal stylist is someone who offers their services to individuals by putting together looks and assisting them with their other styling needs. At the same time, a fashion stylist works with directors, artists or models to curate looks based on multiple themes.

A personal stylist looks at a person’s image through the lens of fashion and helps them identify their unique style. They regularly support her by cultivating her styling needs. A fashion stylist, on the other hand, works on projects and cultivates a ready-made setup. They deal with a more ‘glamorous’ side of the styling world and mostly work on sets. The background and aesthetic for both roles remain the same in part, as a personal stylist would need to complete training to become a fashion stylist, while a fashion stylist can be a personal stylist. These two domains serve very different target customers with very different parameters.

A fashion stylist and a personal stylist can provide some consistent benefits, even in wildly different roles. let us know something-

No more impulse buys

If you’re the type of person who likes to indulge in big shopping sprees and end up with tons of impulse buys drying up in your closet, you need a personal stylist. You will work on your styling goals and curate looks based on them. This way you only invest in clothes that you wear.

A fashion stylist, on the other hand, can save their project managers a lot of money by strategically planning the wardrobe and reducing the costs of impulse buying. Projects can sometimes be difficult to manage and leave the directors or artists stuck with lots of clothing items or accessories that may not be used. A fashion stylist can help them align their goals and tailor their outfits to them.

Everything is coordinated and organized

A coordinated and organized wardrobe is one of the many benefits of hiring a personal stylist. They not only organize and declutter your existing wardrobe, but also create new looks in line with it. You align your personal attributes with your styling goals and change your perception of fashion and styling.

A fashion stylist is a necessity for directors or artists as they can easily coordinate outfits according to theme and organize a wardrobe according to the goals of their project leaders. They use their expertise to help their clients better organize their approach to their styling needs.

New looks at no extra cost

A personal stylist is not only your shopper, but also curates looks from your existing wardrobe. Most of the time, we’re unaware of the potential of our current wardrobe, and all we need to jumpstart our style game is someone to recognize that potential. A personal stylist will help you organize your wardrobe and create a style book to organize the new looks to try on.

While a fashion stylist may use their retail connections or public relations to source outfits from designers for free. They can easily borrow exclusive outfits for their projects and support the project leaders to invest their finances in core activities.

Why hire Kajal?

Kajal is an exceptional personal and fashion stylist who may very well be known as a personal fashion stylist. In her experience working with mega-retailers and high-end clients, she has discovered the complementary aspects of these two roles and can help her clients achieve exclusive looks for special occasions or events. And as far as working as a fashion consultant goes, styling different people gives a certain edge. As the fashion world becomes more inclusive of all shapes and sizes, individuals like Kajal can come in handy as she is well versed in the styling requirements for every body type and height. In addition to her many years of experience, she is also a seasoned color analyst and can add that oomph to your styling needs.

Book a session now to learn more!

What is the difference between a personal shopper and stylist?

Personal shoppers and stylists aren’t just for celebrities; they can help you enhance your sense of style and trim and refine your wardrobe. While a stylist has an idea of your style and what look you’re going for and shops based on that knowledge, a personal shopper essentially does your shopping.

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

You might want to hire a stylist or personal shopper if you want to up your game and do a complete wardrobe makeover. Personal shoppers and stylists aren’t just for celebrities; They can help you improve your sense of style and trim and refine your wardrobe. While a stylist has an idea of ​​your style and desired look and shops based on that knowledge, a personal shopper essentially does your shopping.

Table summary

Personal Shopper Stylist always does your shopping for you. Stylists consider the attire, personality, overall look, etc. They may or may not be paid. Stylists are always paid. The focus for personal shoppers is on the clothing/outfit. Has knowledge of client needs and desired look


Personal Shoppers act as professional buyers for private customers and advisors in high-end stores, providing styling services and wardrobe advice. In addition, as a buyer, they offer a wide range of services. Buyers share helpful information about the customer’s preferences and go through the whole process of finding clothes, putting together a large selection and then showing them to the buyer.

You need a stylist if you’re the type of person who likes to go on massive shopping sprees and end up with a lot of impulse buys that dry up in your closet. They will work with you to determine your stylistic goals and to curate outfits around them. This way you only spend money on clothes that you will wear. A stylist specializes in putting together looks for individuals and assisting them with other style needs.

Personal Shopper VS Stylist

Although personal shoppers can sometimes act as personal stylists for their customers, these two professions are distinct. A personal shopper helps customers choose clothing, jewelry, and designer goods in clothing stores or with private customers. Personal shoppers may not be familiar with your unique style or requirements. Stylists are personal shoppers, but with an added layer of responsibility. Stylists know your style, preferences and personality and will dress you to best reflect you.

Image Consultant Tips – 4 Secrets Stores Don’t Tell You About Sizes – Michelle Gallant

Image Consultant Tips – 4 Secrets Stores Don’t Tell You About Sizes – Michelle Gallant
Image Consultant Tips – 4 Secrets Stores Don’t Tell You About Sizes – Michelle Gallant

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100 Plus size Image consulting ideas – Pinterest

Mar 27, 2019 – Explore Aria C’s board “Plus size Image consulting”, followed by 119 people … See more eas about plus size, plus size fashion, curvy fashion.

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Plus Size Styling & Image Consulting

During this two-hour session, we’ll go through your closet piece-by-piece to figure out what to keep or donate.

You try on garments for fit advice, we identify the gaps in your closet and organize so everything is wearable.

100 Plus size Image consulting ideas

Blueberry Lime Cheesecake that’s not only pretty, but GOOD for you too! Made only from whole foods like nuts and dates. #raw #vegan #paleo Pretty Pies

Personal Styling vs Image Consulting: What’s the difference?

I’m often asked what we do exactly, and explaining personal styling and image advice on its own is pretty easy, but telling the differences between them can be a bit tricky. At TRUE we do both + the added benefit of personal coaching.

personal styling

Both image advice and personal styling work outwardly, but personal styling typically ends there. A good stylist will always consider your shape and style preferences, but they probably won’t delve too deeply into your life. You’ll get amazing outfits chosen by someone who knows style, but you won’t change anything but your clothes.

Popular subscription boxes have created quizzes and algorithms to do this work for them. They fill in what you like and don’t like, and then they compare those answers to the thousands of other answers from other customers. A backend system then makes suggestions to your stylist based on what others who gave you similar answers saved when they received them. It’s really not that different than most companies that offer their own products or advertising, but it really isn’t about you – it’s about generalizations.

image consulting

Image consultants are like marketing teams for your overall image. They’re often reserved for people with a public presence or those who need help wrapping themselves for an audience.

Image consulting can include tips and tricks on speaking, engagement and presenting, as well as research and comparisons with others in similar positions to gain a competitive edge.

The biggest difference between image consulting and personal stylist is that image consultants can delegate personal styling to a stylist while focusing on other areas of the client’s life.

By the time you’re done with your Image Consultant, not only will you be wearing great outfits, you’ll have adjusted other important aspects of your life as well.

+personal coaching

Life coaching has become a huge topic online, and while I’m a certified life coach, I want to be clear about where the boundaries are. Life coaches are not therapists or mental health professionals.

A life coach will work with you to set and achieve goals. You may well encounter a clearing of blocks or work through some emotional moments, but life coaching is not intended to heal past trauma. A great life coach can provide you with opportunities for breakthroughs, but will direct you to a mental health professional when the time comes. A quick tip is that life coaching looks at your present and future and only acknowledges the past, while therapy delves deep into your past and explores treatment.

like TRUE combined them

As Veronica and I built this new model of image consulting, we wanted to make sure we were working to create lasting change for the clients we work with. You get your personal styling – we make you look great! We will also look at all aspects of your life as Image Consultants and while we are there; but think of these aspects as the pretty bow on a sturdier personal alteration. As we implement the personal growth strategies that emerge from life coaching, not only will you look a little different, you’ve done the work to feel different in order for the changes to continue.

TRUE is truly all about you, every aspect of you, and we are so excited to be on this journey with you.

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