Poke A Muscle Game? 126 Most Correct Answers

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What is poke a muscle?

POKE-A-MUSCLE (Updated for 2021)

Poke-A-Muscle is designed to help the learning of the major superficial muscles of the body. Hunt for muscles with an x-ray scanner and poke the right muscles with your finger. There are 10 stages in all that will challenge most students of anatomy.

What is an arcade anatomy?

The arterial arcades (intermesenteric arterial anastomoses or Riolan arcades) are a series of anastomosing arterial arches between the arterial branches of the jejunum and ileum.

How many muscles are in the body?

There are about 600 muscles in the human body. The three main types of muscle include skeletal, smooth and cardiac. The brain, nerves and skeletal muscles work together to cause movement – this is collectively known as the neuromuscular system.

Is poke good for bulking?

“A lot of the guys who work out here go to this place [Poke Poke].” Perhaps Poke Poke’s placement was more strategic than happenstance, then. Tuna, like a lot of fish, is low in saturated fats and high in protein. It’s the perfect food for body-builders.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Once we got our poke bowls, we grabbed chopsticks and headed into town. Bill commented, “This is like a rare steak. It’s easier though.” I asked him if that meant he liked it, “Oh yeah. Definitely.” I also enjoyed my sharp poke. The tuna cubes were the perfect size and I was surprised at how full I got from just one small bowl. Although Bill and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I could see how this type of meal is an acquired taste. We both commented on how fishy it tasted because duh. Many people can’t wrap their heads around the texture, knowing that it’s raw meat they’re eating no matter how much delicious mayo you squirt on it. However, we were very interested, and enough people in the area must be too. “I can see that this place is doing well,” he said.

Why does it hurt when I poke my legs?

All nerves work by transmitting any signal received along its length (how the brain tells your muscles to contract and relax), therefore, if a Trigger Point within the muscle compromises the surrounding fascia is has an impact on the nerves within. This is called referred pain.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Myofascial Trigger Points What is a myofascial trigger point? Myofascial = Myo + Fascia Myo = Muscle Fascia = the connective tissue that sits under the skin and connects organs, bones, tendons and of course muscles. Every structure of the human body is surrounded by a sheath of connecting fascia. trigger point = by Dr. Janet Travell and David Simons, who developed the treatment methods for myofascial trigger points. Putting all the terms listed above together, you can see that a myofascial trigger point is a tender and taut band of muscle that stretches to involve the fascia that surrounds it. But why are these painful? The connecting fascia that envelops the muscle contains a very fine network of peripheral nerves. All nerves function by transmitting any signal received along their length (like the brain tells your muscles to contract and relax). So when a trigger point within the muscle affects the surrounding fascia, it affects the nerves within it. This is called referred pain. Referred pain? The most well-known examples of referred pain are jaw and arm pain, which is described with a heart attack, or shoulder pain, which occurs with appendicitis. Referred pain from a myofascial trigger point is not as severe, but is generated in a similar way. Therefore, the nerve network within the fascia transmits myofascial trigger point pain to other areas of the body. Over years of research and treatment, this referred pain has been mapped and recorded so that chiropractors can now see the patterns and presentations of myofascial tripper point referred pain.

Why do trigger points form? There are many reasons why a trigger point can form, but the most common are caused by a muscle being in an impaired position for an extended period of time, for example: – Poor posture, such as Upper Crossed Syndrome (see previous blog) , rounded shoulders, slouching standing or sitting, etc. – Ergonomic or occupational stressors – Driving position – Scoliosis – Hypermobile joints – Poor form when lifting or carrying – Previous injuries – Chronic vitamin or mineral deficiency – Hypothyroidism – Response to medication How painful is a myofascial trigger Point? There are huge differences in how painful or debilitating a myofascial trigger point can be. In general, myofascial trigger points are considered either active or latent. Active myofascial trigger points cause pain in everyday activities when the affected muscle is engaged, or in more severe/chronic cases when the body is at rest. Latent myofascial trigger points cause pain when compressed or manipulated and are therefore generally less painful than active myofascial trigger points. Can they be treated? Yes. Both of our chiropractors at Ashwood are fully qualified in both diagnosing and treating active and latent myofascial trigger points and finding their causes. The theory behind treatment methods can be explained in more detail by your chiropractor, but treatment generally involves deep tissue massage, ischemic compression (applying pressure to the myofascial trigger point), passive and active stretches, and IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation). Foam Rollers, Trigger Point Balls and Rockblades, among others). For inquiries or bookings please contact the clinic either through this website or call us on 02921 990255.

How do you memorize muscles fast?

How to Memorize the Muscles of the Human Body
  1. Make Connections. Make a connection by trying to identify the same muscles in your body. …
  2. Use a Chart. Use a chart. …
  3. Sing a Song. Create a song. …
  4. Use Flash Cards. Make flash cards. …
  5. Write it Out. Write it down. …
  6. Get Active.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

If you are planning to enter the health field, you probably need to memorize the muscles of the human body. This can be quite a task considering there are around 640 named muscles, each with a different function. There are a variety of ways to do this, and since everyone learns differently, what works for one person may not work for another. It’s simply a matter of finding a method or combination of methods that will make the process easier for you.

make connections

Make a connection by trying to identify the same muscles in your body. Most of the muscles in the human body are named after their function. Therefore, as you study these muscles, contract them in your body. If you can make a connection between the image in the book and its position in your own body, you may find it easier to remember its name and purpose.

Use a chart

Use a chart. Charts or diagrams are generally color-coded for easy identification and show each muscle in detail. Using a colored chart not only breaks up the monotony of reading the same text, but is also a great method of memorization.

sing a song

Create a song. If you do this, you’ll enjoy memorizing muscle names, which in turn can make the task easier. “The triceps are connected to the biceps…” and so on. Imagine any tune and sing your way through your exam.

Use flash cards

make flashcards. While this may seem like a trip back to elementary school, it’s a method that actually works. On an index card, write the name of the muscle on one side and its location or function on the other side. Find a study partner and have her hold up the flashcards for you while you give the definitions. On the next round, have the definition shown so you can identify the muscle name.

write it out

Write it down. Some people remember best through simple repetition. If this applies to you, you may benefit from taking a few muscles at a time and writing down their names and positions repeatedly. The number depends on how quickly you can remember the information.

To become active

Bring it to life with software or games that move the human body and all its muscles. This method can eliminate the boredom of studying and rejuvenate your desire to learn.

What is the strongest muscle in the human body?

The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Question What is the strongest muscle in the human body?


There is no single answer to this question as there are different ways to measure force. There’s absolute strength (maximum strength), dynamic strength (repetitive movements), elastic strength (exerting force quickly), and muscular endurance (resisting fatigue).

muscles. In De humani corporis fabrica, Andreas Vesalius, 1543. National Library of Medicine Digital Collections.

There are three types of muscles in the human body: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.

The heart muscle forms the wall of the heart and is responsible for the heart’s powerful contraction. Smooth muscles make up the walls of the intestines, uterus, blood vessels, and the inner muscles of the eyes. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones and in some areas to the skin (muscles in our face). Skeletal muscle contraction supports movement of limbs and other body parts.

Most sources state that there are over 650 named skeletal muscles in the human body, although some numbers are as high as 840. The disagreement comes from those who count the muscles within a complex muscle. For example, the biceps brachii is a complex muscle that has two heads and two distinct origins, but they insert at the radial tuberosity. Do you count that as a muscle or two?

Although most people have the same general muscle set, there is some variability from one person to another. In general, smooth muscle is not included in this total since most of this muscle is at the cellular level and numbers in the billions. In terms of a heart muscle, we only have one of them – the heart.

Muscles are given Latin names based on location, relative size, shape, action, origin/use, and/or number of origins. For example, the flexor hallicis longus muscle is the long muscle that flexes the big toe:

Flexor = A muscle that flexes a joint

Hallicis = big toe

longus = long

The following muscles are considered the strongest based on different definitions of strength (listed in alphabetical order):

External Eye Muscles

The eye muscles are constantly moving to readjust the position of the eye. When the head is in motion, the external muscles constantly adjust the position of the eye to maintain a stable point of fixation. However, the extraocular muscles are subject to fatigue. In an hour of reading a book, the eyes make almost 10,000 coordinated movements.

Gluteus maximus

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body. It is large and powerful because its job is to keep the trunk of the body in an upright posture. It is the main antigravity muscle that helps climb stairs.


The hardest working muscle is the heart. It pumps out 2 ounces (71 grams) of blood with every heartbeat. The heart pumps at least 2,500 gallons (9,450 liters) of blood every day. The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s lifetime.


The heaviest muscle is the masseter. With all jaw muscles working together, he can close teeth with a force of up to 25 kg (55 pounds) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kg) on ​​the molars.

muscles of the uterus

The uterus sits in the lower pelvic area. Its muscles are considered strong because they contract to push a baby through the birth canal. The pituitary gland secretes the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates labor.


The muscle that can pull with the greatest force is the soleus. It is located below the gastrocnemius (calf muscle). The soleus is very important for walking, running and dancing. Along with the calf muscles, it is considered a very strong muscle because it pulls against gravity to keep the body upright.


The tongue is a hard worker. It is made up of muscle groups and works like the heart always does. It helps in mixing foods. It binds and twists into letters. The tongue contains lingual tonsils that filter out germs. Even when a person is sleeping, the tongue constantly pushes saliva down the throat.

The muscles. In Atlas of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Sir Wm. Turner and John Goodsir, Edinburgh, 1857. National Library of Medicine Digital Collections

Published: 19.11.2019. Author: Science Reference Section, Library of Congress

How can I memorize anatomy quickly?

To help you be successful in your classes, we’ve come up with 13 tips for studying anatomy more effectively:
  1. Schedule it in. …
  2. Start Early. …
  3. Repetition Repetition Repetition. …
  4. Switch it up. …
  5. Get Creative. …
  6. Take Clear Notes. …
  7. Understand Your Learning Style. …
  8. Use Memorization Tactics.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Anatomy is one of the most difficult subjects you will learn in vet school. Memorizing all the anatomical structures and their functions is hard enough, but you have a number of other courses to study for too! Talk about time management. To help you succeed in class, we’ve rounded up 13 tips for studying anatomy more effectively:

1. Plan it

This is the key to making your life easier right before exams. We all know how stressful it is to fit everything you’ve learned all semester into just a week before your exams. It’s very tiring, stressful and frankly ineffective. Most of the time, cramming all the material ends up storing the information in your short-term memory, so you do well on the exam, but forget most of it shortly thereafter.

The key here is making time to study, whether by actually building it into your weekly routine or just making sure you find time for it here and there. The way to avoid the cramming problem is to make studying a habit and to continually review the material – this means no procrastination!

2. Start early

This goes hand in hand with the division into the study period. If you start early and plan your studies in good time, you naturally prepare yourself for success. We were all there a week before the exams and panicked because there is so much to review and so little time – it makes you wish you had started sooner. That means you need to find the motivation to take the time to study and review your notes without hesitating until the last minute.

3. Repeat Repeat Repeat

Notice what we did there? This one is pretty obvious, the more you go through something the more likely you are to remember it. The only way to memorize all the different anatomical structures and their functions is to repeat, repeat, and you guessed it, repeat. Many students find it helpful to rewrite notes.

4. Turn it on

While it’s great to find your routine and figure out what works for you, it’s good to switch things up and use different study techniques to deepen your knowledge and avoid getting stuck in a rut. Reading the textbook, taking notes, using flashcards, and studying visual diagrams will help you remember and understand the material better than just using flashcards. We recommend drawing the anatomical structures! As mentioned in Tip #3, repetition in various forms of study techniques makes learning more effective.

5. Get creative

Use your artistic skills to help you learn. To fully understand diagrams, try to redraw them and annotate them with facts and features. When drawing bones, muscles, or tissues, use different colors for each to make them easier to see. Then hang the charts and diagrams around the room on the walls to visualize the big picture.

6. Take clear notes

Taking notes is crucial to helping you remember the material, whether you’re taking notes in class or while reading the text, the combination of seeing the material and writing it down increases your ability to retain the information . Be sure to write the notes in your own words to understand the content when reviewing; If the language used is too unclear to understand when reviewing, it reduces the effectiveness of the notes.

7. Understand your learning style

Find out what learning style you have. Do visuals work for you? Are you a language learner? Most people have a combination of different learning styles. So by finding what works for you, you can adjust your study habits accordingly and make them more effective. Stick to what works best to maximize your learning efforts. If flashcards don’t work, don’t use them – if paraphrasing notes helps you remember, then do it!

8. Use memorization tactics

Trying to memorize all the anatomical structures can be a daunting task. Use different memorization strategies like flashcards, rewrite your notes, use mnemonics, or even sing it out loud if that helps!

9. Work in groups

For some people, working in groups can be beneficial. Sometimes having someone to share ideas with or someone to ask questions with can help you retain information and identify pain points. Having a study group can also motivate you to study and hold you accountable. Peer teaching has been shown in studies to be very effective in helping retention of material.

10. Stay motivated

This is very important because if you don’t motivate yourself, you will hesitate. Find ways to motivate yourself to study. As mentioned in tip #9, try to work with people so you can motivate each other!

11. Question yourself

Test your knowledge and simulate what the exam questions will look like to ensure you’re prepared for the real deal. You can create the quiz questions with your friends and challenge each other, or use existing quiz material online or provided by your teacher.

12. Focus on your weak points

Instead of constantly reviewing all of the material, focus on the areas where you are weakest. When you know a particular section very well, manage your time and spend less time reviewing that area to maximize your learning efforts.

13. Use the resources at your disposal

Indeed, there are many resources available to you that will facilitate your study efforts. As mentioned in Tip #4, make sure you not only change the learning methods, but also the resources you use to maximize your learning effectiveness and really reinforce the concepts. Resources you can use include your textbook, class materials, and lab materials provided by your professor. Also, there are many online resources that students can access.

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What is a lower arcade?

Description. The mandibular dental arcade (lower dental arcade; inferior dental arch) is smaller than the maxillary dental arcade (upper dental arcade; superior dental arch), so that -in normal conditions- the teeth of the maxillae slightly overlap those of the mandible both in front and on the sides.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)


The dental arch of the lower jaw (lower dental arch; lower dental arch) is smaller than the dental arch of the upper jaw (upper dental arch; upper dental arch), so that – under normal conditions – the teeth of the upper jaw slightly overlap those of the lower jaw in front and on the sides.

Because the upper central incisors are wider than the lower ones, the other teeth in the upper arch are thrown somewhat distally, and the two sets are not entirely consistent when the mouth is closed: thus the upper canine rests partly on the lower canine and partly on the first premolar , and the cusps of the upper molars lie behind the corresponding cusps of the lower molars.

At the back, however, the two series end in almost the same place; This is mainly due to the fact that the molars in the upper jaw are smaller.

This definition incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray’s Anatomy (US 20th edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, published 1918 – from http://www.bartleby.com/107/).


Why does ileum have more arcades?

The existence of arterial arcades may be a device to maintain arterial perfusion of the gut if the mesentery is stretched or twisted, hence the need for more tiers of arcades in the ileum where the mesentery is longer.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

While the number of jejunal and ileal branches of SMA has been assessed by various cadaveric and in vivo techniques (Beaton and Anson 1942; Cokkinis 1930; Noer 1943; Michels 1955; Nebesar et al. 1969), anastomotic arches and recta arteries have rarely been analyzed quantitatively, and there appears to be no data on their relative muscularity or elastin content. Anatomical and surgical reference texts simply refer to the caliber of the ileal arteries as smaller than the jejunum (Chevrel 1995; Standring 2008) and the jejunum as one or two rows of anastomotic arches compared to three to five in the ileum. It is commonly said that the AR are shorter in the ileum (Chevrel 1995; McMinn 1998), but even this observation is variable, as one known text describes them as longer and smaller in the ileum (Standring 2008).

Our study suggests that jejunal arteries are slightly larger in diameter than ileal arteries in the analyzed mesenteric slices. There was no evidence of a graded decrease in arterial caliber from jejunum to ileum as suggested by Beaton and Anson (1942) from their detailed examination of a single cadaver. Parental ileal arteries were not shorter than jejunal arteries, as stated in a modern text (Floch 2005); although this would be expected given the greater number of arterial arcades in the ileum compared to the jejunum, this is compensated for by the longer ileal mesentery. Our study confirmed the greater number of arterial arcades in the ileum compared to the jejunum; Beaton and Anson (1942) previously noted that the arcades were smaller in the ileum. We also found a significantly greater number of ARs in an ileum of equal length compared to the jejunum, and these ARs were significantly shorter and narrower. The shorter AR length in the ileum has been previously reported (Dwight 1903; Cokkinis 1930; Noer 1943), but the marked progressive reduction reported by Cokkinis (1930) was not evident. Furthermore, we could find only one previous report comparing the number of AR in jejunum and ileum, and this was related to a single cadaver specimen (Beaton and Anson 1942); these authors also found greater AR density in the ileum than in the jejunum. Chiba and Boles (1984) counted total AR numbers throughout the small intestine and, interestingly, their number between 393 and 452 agrees remarkably with our data. Finally, our novel data on the relative muscularity and elastin content of the proximal jejunal arteries compared to the distal ileal arteries and the parent artery compared to the first arcade artery compared to the AR showed no significant differences in these mesenteric segments, with the exception of the possibility of higher elastin content in the AR im compared to their feeding vessels.

The lack of a difference in relative musculature between jejunal and ileal arteries and along their divisions is intriguing. Given the respective calibers of the parent artery and AR, this suggests that AR may play an important role in arterial blood distribution and that this is not necessarily dominantly regulated by the upstream parent and arcade arteries. Significant regulation of arterial perfusion at the level of the recta suggests that localized arterial flow adjustments in the jejunum and ileum are important. This is supported by ample evidence that localized hyperemic reactions occur in the small intestine in response to specific luminal contents (Granger et al. 1989). Our observations do not support the rather simplistic hypothesis that arterial elasticity is directly proportional to arterial proximity to the heart (Kumar 2001), a proposal derived from a study of cadaver thoracic arteries. In fact, our study suggests that AR may be more elastic than their feeding arteries, an unexpected finding that deserves further investigation.

Possible limitations of our study should be recognized. First, our data is from older cadavers. Embalming may have affected arterial structure, although Nicholson et al. (2005) found that satisfactory histology was obtained from cadavers using the embalming devices and techniques used in our study. Second, aging itself (Sasajima et al. 1999) and systemic hypertension, which is common in the elderly, can lead to an increase in peripheral arterial media thickness in both experimental animals (Lee et al. 1983) and humans (Mulvany 1996). However, neither age nor embalming would affect the number of vessels, and our data were controlled as we compared standardized jejunal and ileal arteries within individual cadavers. By comparing the relative arterial musculature by measuring the CSA of the tunica media and expressing this as a proportion of the total arterial CSA, we avoided the problem of luminal distortion due to subintimal atheroma and did not require a circular vessel outline for our calculations. Accuracy was improved by measuring duplicate samples and checking for significant within- and between-observer variations. However, it should be noted that our findings relate to the proximal jejunum between 20 and 60 cm from the duodenojejunal flexure and to the distal ileum 20 to 60 cm proximal to the ileocaecal valve.

One of the aims of this study was to examine the relative musculature of jejunal and ileal arteries in the hope that this might shed light on why the pattern of arterial arcades and AR differs between the jejunum and ileum. In other mammals, including dogs, cats, and macaques, there is one or two rows of arcades but no regional differences between jejunal and ileal arteries (Sommerova 1980). In contrast, pigs have, instead of arterial arcades, a narrow line of anastomosing mesenteric arteries leading to bundles of smaller arteries and then AR (Spalding and Heath 1987). Few theories have been put forward to explain the arrangement of arterial arcades and AR in humans. Because ARs do not communicate within the mesentery (Cokkinis 1930), various authors have suggested that the terminal arterial arcade provides a mechanism for maintaining collateral arterial blood flow during peristaltic contraction of the intestine (McMurrich 1930; Ross 1952; Michels 1955). More commonly, the presence of numerous anastomotic arterial connections that protect the bowel under conditions of hypoxia and hypovolemia is commonly referred to (Hansen et al. 1998).

Other reasons may account for the arrangement of arterial arcades and AR in humans. The particularly close relationship between arteries and veins in the vasa recta may at least provide a countercurrent mechanism for local feedback mechanisms that control blood flow. Such a mechanism may exist in human intestinal villi (Jodal and Lundgren 1986; Gannon and Perry 1989) and has been suggested as a possibility in porcine mesenteric vessels (Spalding and Heath 1987). However, this is probably not true in the arterial arcades or proximal vessels where the arteries and veins are less closely connected. While this hypothesis could explain the arrangement of the vasa recta, it does not account for the arterial arcades. The presence of arterial arcades may be a means to maintain arterial perfusion of the bowel when the mesentery is stretched or twisted, hence the need for more rows of arcades in the ileum where the mesentery is longer. Stretching a straight artery would increase arterial resistance much more than stretching a series of graded arcades. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the sigmoid colon, a mobile part of the colon prone to stretching and twisting, has more arterial arcades than the rest of the colon (Ross 1952). Another possibility is that the arterial arcade system modulates pressure and flow in the arterial bed. When arteries branch, daughter vessels are created whose total cross-sectional area is larger than that of the parent vessel, resulting in a drop in pressure and blood flow velocity (Mabotuwana et al. 2006). There appears to be little data on pressure changes in the human mesenteric arterial bed (Christensen and Mulvany 2001). In vivo studies in pigs (which may not be a good model for humans for the above reasons) show a significant mean arterial pressure drop from the trunk of the mesenteric artery (about 70-80 mmHg) to the distal terminal mesenteric artery (about 40 mmHg ). ) (Reber and Nowicki 1998). A similar reduction in pressure may be important in humans. Finally, a greater number of arcades may simply allow for greater flexibility in the distribution of arterial blood flow to the gut, which may be more relevant in the ileum than the jejunum where most digestion occurs.

In summary, the quantitative data on jejunal and ileal arteries clarify previous conflicting statements on the anatomy of jejunal and ileal arteries. Jejunal arteries are usually slightly larger than ileum, but the number of arterial arcades in the ileum is greater. Ileal recta arteries are more numerous, shorter and narrower than in the jejunum. The different arterial pattern in the mesentery of the jejunum and ileum does not appear to be associated with differences in the musculature of these arteries.

Is the tongue a muscle?

The tongue is an extremely movable set of muscles, which is well-supplied with blood and has many nerves. The tongue muscles have an oblong shape and are covered with a dense layer of connective tissue. Above this layer, a special kind of mucous membrane makes up the surface of the tongue.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

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What are the weakest muscles in the body?

The Stapedius is thought to be the weakest muscle. It is also the smallest muscle in the human body.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

What is the weakest muscle in your body?

What is the weakest muscle in your body?

The stapedius is considered the weakest muscle. It is also the smallest muscle in the human body.

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How strong can a human get?

Extremely powerful male athletes may reach ~85 W∙kg-1 in CMJ (peak vertical power) and ~36 W∙kg-1 in sprint running (peak horizontal power), cycling (instantaneous power during force-velocity testing from a standing position) and rowing (instantaneous power).

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Faster, stronger, fitter: Where are the limits of human performance? And how powerful can humans become?

In a published January 2008 study, Berthelot et al. estimated that world records had reached 99% of their asymptotic values ​​and that the human peak performance limits in sport would be reached within one generation. Just months later, at the Summer Olympics in Beijing, Usain Bolt broke the 100-meter world record to 9.69 seconds. A year later, an even more amazing world record of 9.58 seconds followed, and let’s face it, he probably could have gone faster, even having time to look around before crossing the finish line. This is a world record improvement equal to that achieved from 1968 to 1999. Usain Bolt is undoubtedly unique, but this is just one of many examples in sports history of unexpected “quantum leaps” in performance due to physiological, biomechanical and technological advances.

Research from the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance in their article “New Records in Human Power” defines the current “world records” in physiological performance: human upper limits of aerobic and anaerobic power.

Maximum aerobic performance

Maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) has been established as a valid and reliable measure of maximal aerobic metabolic capacity. While V̇O2max integrates cardiac output, total body hemoglobin, muscle blood flow, and muscle oxygen extraction, the primary limiting factor of V̇O2max in athletes is the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to exercising muscles.

V̇O2max correlates strongly with endurance performance in heterogeneous performance groups. However, the strength of this relationship generally deteriorates in homogeneous subgroups of elite endurance athletes, consistent with the contributing role of other factors such as partial utilization of V̇O2max and work economy/efficiency. A high V̇O2max is necessary, but not sufficient for peak endurance performance.

Today’s best endurance athletes have body sizes and compositions that precisely match the specific limitations of their disciplines. Based on the publicly available biographical information, the three male and three female medalists at the 2014 World Rowing Championships rowing event in single rowing were, on average, 198 cm/98 kg and 185 cm/77 kg, respectively. In contrast, the 5000m medalists at the London 2012 Olympic Games averaged 170cm/57kg and 160cm/43kg, respectively. Elite cross-country skiers fall squarely between these extremes, with men’s and women’s gold medalists averaging 182cm/75kg and 170cm/60kg, respectively. This also means that the most powerful athletes in these sports achieve different absolute versus body mass-normalized (relative) V̇O2max values. It is well known that successful athletes in weight-based events such as rowing and track cycling tend to be taller and have high V̇O2max, expressed in absolute units (L.min-1). However, for most endurance disciplines, maximum oxygen uptake relative to body mass (ml.kg-1.min-1) is a stronger predictor of performance in “gravity-resistant” conditions where relatively low body mass is an advantage. These sport-to-sport differences are mainly due to different biomechanical constraints, which explains why different body mass scaling components are used when expressing V̇O2max in different sport contexts.

upper limits

In the 1920s, 6 L.min-1 was the high end for an upper range for V̇O2max. They assumed that the limits of pulmonary diffusion capacity and cardiac output would be exceeded. In 1979 Hagerman et al. however, with two elite rowers from an absolute V̇O2max approaching 7 L.min-1. Then, 8 years later, in 1987, Berg reported data from a 96 kg skier with a V̇O2max of 7.2 l.min-1. Saltin later reported an absolute V̇O2max of 7.48 L.min-1 in a Swedish cross-country skier. Among Norwegian cross-country skiers, five male athletes have exceeded 6.95 L.min-1 V̇O2max, four of whom were gold medalists at World Championships or Olympic Games. Recently, Miculic & Bralic reported that two Olympic rowing champions achieved an average of 7.1 L .min-1 V̇O2max.

To put these extraordinarily high V̇O2max values ​​in a physiological context. A tall male endurance athlete (approx. 100 kg) achieving the unlikely combination of a heart rate of 200 b.min-1, 200 mlO2. dl-1 a-v O2 difference and 200 ml.beat-1 maximum stroke volume would achieve an absolute V̇O2max of 8.0 L.min-1 (but a relative V̇O2max of “only” 80 ml min-1 kg-1) . Each of these components of the Fick equation represent extremes that are rarely observed, or essentially theoretical maxima, in highly trained athletes. For example, the a-vO2 difference of 200 mLO2.dl-1 would require a blood hemoglobin concentration of 17.0 g. dl-1 combined with venous blood oxygen concentrations as low as in high mountain expeditions. Research has shown that elite long-distance runners, skiers, and cyclists have the highest relative V̇O2max.

Among world-class long-distance runners, V̇O2max 80 ml min-1 kg-1 represents a reasonable average based on observations from both European and Kenyan runners. However, testing by gold medalists from both Kenya and European countries shows that some of the best runners achieve relative V̇O2max values ​​of 85 ml min-1 kg-1. Kenya was included in the test because it is the dominant force in long-distance running, as explained in our previous article Why do Kenyans dominate in long-distance running. Somewhat surprisingly, the authors of the study are not aware of any valid reports of ≥ 90 ml min1 kg-1 V̇O2max in elite male long-distance runners.

In women, the highest absolute V̇O2max values ​​observed in cross-country skiers are just under 5.0 L.min-1. 7,24 Personal communication with other laboratories testing elite rowers and cross-country skiers also suggests that 5.0 L.min-1 is about the upper limit of what contemporary world-class competitive female cross-country skiers (60-72 kg body mass) reach. and rowing (70-85 kg body mass).

Gender differences in aerobic performance

Cultural factors played a large role in the rapid increase in performance in women compared to men up until the 1990s. However, the gender differences in standard distance performance time among the world’s best endurance athletes have remained relatively stable at around 8-12% at most events thereafter. In this context, V̇O2max is considered to be the primary factor explaining the gender difference in endurance performance.

Compared to Saltin & Åstrand’s assessment of V̇O2max in athletes of both sexes across multiple disciplines in the 1960s, the gap between males and females has narrowed significantly, consistent with larger performance improvements in females over the same period.

Considering the equivalent training loads of male and female cross-country skiers and the fact that the gender gap has not changed over the past two decades, a 15-20% difference in relative V̇O2max in equally talented and well-trained athletes appears to be physiological. educated men and women.

In elite distance runners and cyclists, male V̇O2max values ​​are typically ∼15% higher than females. Height differences contribute strongly to gender differences in absolute V̇O2max, while gender differences in relative V̇O2max are attributed to higher body fat percentage and lower hemoglobin concentration in females.

Maximum anaerobic performance

From a practical point of view, anaerobic peak power denotes the greatest instantaneous power during a single movement with the goal of generating maximum velocity at lift, dump or impact. Anaerobic power is typically expressed as absolute (W) or relative (W·kg-1) external power output, since the upper limit of metabolic power is difficult to measure non-invasively with current methods.


Anaerobic power can only validly be expressed in terms of external power output, which is in contrast to aerobic power where oxygen uptake can be used as a highly reliable proxy for aerobic metabolic power. The mechanical efficiency of anaerobic power conversion cannot be accurately assessed at this time, making it difficult to interpret whether power changes or differences between athletes are due to higher muscle metabolism or better mechanical efficiency. Also, assuming the muscles are pulling in the same direction, the amount of muscle mass activated at one time is almost linearly related to peak/maximum anaerobic power.

It has therefore been shown at the inter-individual level that anaerobic performance is almost directly proportional to the muscle mass involved. For example, the peak power measured in unilateral movements (running and cycling) is about half that of bilateral movements such as a vertical jump. Finally, the time-power curve is hyperbolic. The steep left part of the curve shows that peak power falls off significantly with only small increases over time. In fact, a tenth of a second has a significant impact on performance calculations, and therefore the time for anaerobic performance evaluation must be strictly predicted and carefully measured. Based on these considerations, it is not possible to estimate a generic anaerobic peak performance. Comparisons of performance values ​​between modalities (e.g. cycling, jumping and running) are meaningless and each anaerobic performance test must be treated separately.

The article details insights into cycling, sprinting, running, jumping, and “other modalities.” It shows how athletes have become more efficient by becoming stronger, fitter and technically better.

Gender differences in anaerobic performance

More contractile tissue can produce greater amounts of metabolic output anaerobically, and men’s greater muscle mass explains their advantage in this regard. However, since it is more difficult to validly and reliably assess anaerobic than aerobic energy production, only a few studies on the gender difference in anaerobic performance have appeared. The gender difference for peak acceleration performance normalized for body mass appears to be 16-17% in world-class sprinters, with similar gender differences typically seen in countermovement tests. The corresponding gender difference (W∙kg-1) in cycling is ~25%. This difference, which remains after normalizing body mass, can be explained by the fact that muscle mass is a higher percentage of total body mass in men.

Methodological considerations

Several methodological considerations must be taken into account when interpreting the results presented in this study. The full study goes into detail, but the authors emphasized that with respect to V̇O2max measurements, it is critical that the O2 analyzers are specifically validated and calibrated to measure the extremely high minute ventilations achieved by elite endurance athletes. It was also found that different training modalities (running vs. cycling or rowing) can also affect measurements due to variations in total muscle mass used for each exercise. They highlight the rigorous procedures required for the tests to be valid, such as: B. the positioning of the devices and the frequency of sampling.


Historically, doping has been an important confounder in the interpretation of human ceilings and gender differences. Various types of doping improve performance, with androgens/testosterone significantly increasing anaerobic power. On the aerobic side, EPO, or traditional blood doping, increases total red blood cell mass and therefore aerobic power by widening a VO2 differential. The researchers acknowledged that individual or mean measurements reported in this review could have been influenced by doping. Measurements contaminated by doping would tend to limit the gender difference reported here due to the greater scope for doping improvement in women, particularly in measurements related to strength and power performance. Anabolic androgenic steroid abuse was rampant in the 1980s and is credited with explaining many of the women’s world records set at the time, which have remained unchallenged. Whether there are gender differences in the effects of the increase in red blood cells is not yet known, but the lower hemoglobin concentration in women suggests they may have greater potential for improvement.

How powerful are we?

Currently, V̇O2max values ​​of ~7.5 and ~7.0 L.min-1 in cross-country skiers and rowers, respectively, and/or ~90 ml. kg-1.min-1 in male cross-country skiers, cyclists, and runners can be considered upper human Limits of aerobic performance are identified. Corresponding values ​​for women are slightly below 5.0 L.min-1 for rowers and cross-country skiers and ~80 ml.kg.min-1 for cross-country skiers and runners.

Extremely strong male athletes can achieve ~85 W∙kg-1 in CMJ (vertical peak power) and ~36 W∙kg-1 in sprint running (horizontal peak power) and cycling (instantaneous power during the force-velocity test from a standing position) and rowing (instantaneous power). Similarly, their female counterparts can achieve ~70 W∙kg-1 in CMJ and ~30 W∙kg-1 in sprinting, running, cycling, and rowing. The values ​​shown can serve as reference values ​​for practitioners and scientists who work with top athletes. Compared to the extensive published data on aerobic and anaerobic performance for the world’s leading male athletes, there is a lack of corresponding data for women. Future studies should aim to fill this gap and to outline and establish common procedures for performance assessment in typical anaerobic sports.

Conclude; who knows how powerful we can become, but if we continue to break barriers, which we undoubtedly will, the future looks exciting.

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How do you study anatomy?

How to study anatomy?
  1. Create an anatomy glossary. Studying anatomy at medical school is like learning a whole new language. …
  2. Repetition is key. …
  3. Study early and often. …
  4. Join or create a study group. …
  5. Test yourself. …
  6. Make the most of dissection and anatomy tutorials. …
  7. Learn in sections. …
  8. Link structure and function.

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Anatomy is an integral part of medical school education and requires a good working knowledge of physicians and everyone else in the medical and healthcare fields. Anatomy is a broad subject. There is much to learn for medical students, and much time is spent dissecting cadavers and mastering the anatomy of the human body.

Anatomy is a subject that many medical students enjoy studying, but it can also be exceptionally challenging. If you find anatomy a challenging subject or want to improve your approach to studying, we have put together some anatomy study tips to help you.

What is anatomy?

Anatomy is a branch of biology that studies the structures of the human body. Anatomy looks at the structure and position of organs in the body, such as bones, glands, and muscles. An anatomist is a person who studies anatomy.

The study of anatomy traditionally involved the dissection of organisms. However, many schools have replaced this with imaging techniques that show how the inside of a body works. An understanding of human anatomy is key to practicing medicine and other areas of health.

What are the branches of anatomy?

Anatomy is divided into several branches of study, including:

Cardiovascular Physiology: The Functions of the Blood Vessels and the Heart

Cardiovascular Physiology Cell Biology: Cellular Structure and Functions

Cell Biology Developmental Anatomy: The complete development of a human being from conception to death

Developmental anatomy Embryology: The first eight weeks of development after fertilization of a human egg

Embryology Endocrinology: The study of hormones and how they control body functions

Endocrinology Exercise Physiology: Changes in organ and cell function due to muscle activity

Movement physiology Gross anatomy: structure of the human body and organs as a whole

Gross Anatomy Histology: Microscopic structure of cells, organs and tissues

Histology Imaging Anatomy: Body structures seen with CT scans, MRI, and X-rays

Imaging Anatomy Immunology: Study of the body’s defenses against disease

Immunology Neurophysiology : Functional properties of nerve cells

Neurophysiology Pathologic Anatomy: Structural Changes Associated with Disease

Pathological Anatomy Phytotomy: Anatomical Study of Plants

Phytotomy Regional Anatomy: Specific body regions such as the chest or head

Regional Anatomy Renal Physiology : Renal Functions

Kidney Physiology Respiratory Physiology : Functions of the lungs and airways

Respiratory Physiology Surface Anatomy: Surface markings of the body to understand internal anatomy through sight and touch

Surface anatomy Systemic anatomy : Structure of specific systems of the human body such as the respiratory or nervous systems

Systemic Anatomy Zootomy: Anatomical Study of Animals

Difference between anatomy and physiology

While medical schools often teach them together, physiology is separate from the study of anatomy. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the parts of an organism, such as B. the human body. Meanwhile, physiology focuses on the way these parts work together and function.

For example, the anatomy of the heart means the structure of the heart, such as its valves, veins, chambers, and arteries. The physiology of the heart means how the heart pumps blood.

Although anatomy and physiology are both fundamental areas of biology and relate to the body parts of living things, there are many differences between the two.

Anatomy vs Physiology

Anatomy Physiology Study of different structures of the body. Examination of various bodily functions, such as urinary and respiratory functions. Study the dead and the living. Study only the living. Allows humans to understand the different parts of the body of a living being, human or not. Allows people to understand how these body parts work.

Why do medical students need to study anatomy?

So why should a doctor study anatomy today? The study of anatomy is important for any medical student who intends to perform physical examinations on patients, perform invasive procedures, examine radiological imaging, refer a patient to another doctor, or explain a procedure to a patient. Knowledge of the human body structure and how the systems work together allows physicians to determine the right treatment for each patient and their specific symptoms. A good anatomical foundation gives physicians the building blocks they need to make the right decisions for their patients and ensure accurate and quality care.

How do you learn anatomy?

Anatomy is one of the most content-rich subjects you will study in medical school. There is a huge range of elements to learn and memorize, making it a daunting subject to study unless you have a good study plan. But with hard work, time, and effective study and memorization tips, it’s possible to make anatomy an interesting and fun subject to study. Here is our study guide for human anatomy and physiology.

Create an anatomy glossary

Studying anatomy in medical school is like learning a whole new language. Create an anatomy glossary to keep with you to help you learn and memorize important anatomy terminology. Learning the common terms can be very helpful in improving your anatomy knowledge and boosting your confidence.

Repetition is key

Given the amount of anatomy definitions and complicated terms you will need to learn, reread your notes and coursework daily to keep all the material fresh in your head. But to avoid getting monotonous, change your learning style from simply reciting to creating flashcards, mnemonics, drawing diagrams, or watching video tutorials.

Learn early and often

Plan your study time instead of cramming the night before. It’s a good idea to spend 90-2 hours learning outside for every hour you spend in the classroom. When you’re learning a new and complex subject like anatomy, you need to keep up with all of the course material and make a habit of reviewing your coursework on a regular basis, ideally daily.

Join or start a study group

Form a group with other anatomy students who you can work well with to make your study sessions more effective. Try to meet regularly with your study group to go through the lecture notes and recap what was taught in each session. You can then quiz each other or go through anatomy concepts you’ve been struggling with. A study group can also help you with your studies and hold you accountable.

Test yourself

Testing yourself regularly, especially at the end of a topic, can help you identify which areas of your learning need more focus. Use old exam papers or create test questions with your group members to quiz each other to improve your exam performance and see which areas you need improvement.

Make the most of dissection and anatomy tutorials

If your medical school offers cadaver sections or anatomy tutorials, it can be of great benefit if you prepare for them beforehand. Learn the names of the structures within the body section you will learn about in the session. Preparing for each session will help you get the most out of your anatomy class and allow you to test your understanding and ask any questions you have.

Learn in sections

It is extremely difficult to learn the entire anatomy of the body at once. Therefore, dissect the human body into sections and later connect the sections together. This will help you learn the specific sections in detail and avoid the anatomy becoming overwhelming.

Link structure and function

It is common to know the function of an organ before learning about anatomy. To support your learning, try to link the structures in the body to their function. Linking concepts in this way can help you retain new information.

Take detailed notes

When taking notes in anatomy lessons, only write down the important points or shortened sentences. Immediately after the session, create questions based on the lecture materials to improve your information retention and provide you with good questions for upcoming tests and exams.

If you are interested in a career in medicine, apply to our MD program today. You can also contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how to apply to our degree program.

Poke-a-Muscle Level 1.mp4

Poke-a-Muscle Level 1.mp4
Poke-a-Muscle Level 1.mp4

See some more details on the topic poke a muscle game here:

Poke-A-Muscle – Anatomy Arcade

Poke-A-Muscle is designed to help the learning of the major superficial muscles of the body. Hunt for muscles with an x-ray scanner and poke the right muscles …

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Source: www.anatomyarcade.com

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Poke-a-Muscle – Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit …

Designed to help the learning of the major superficial muscles of the body. Hunt for muscles with an x-ray scanner and poke the right muscles …

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Source: esu.queensu.ca

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Poke-A-Muscle Game – Anatomy – Find-A-Code

Play this fun anatomy game: Poke-A-Muscle. Strengthen your Anatomy and Physiology knowledge with our fun and engaging tools, resources, and games.

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Source: www.findacode.com

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Game Poke a muscle

Poke a muscle , Game Poke a muscle Free, If you like to learn and fun this is your game, here you learn the names of all the muscles in your body.

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Poke a Muscle Game – OgiGames.com

Poke a Muscle game or play Educational games at OgiGames. … Poke-A-Muscle is designed to help the learning of the major superficial muscles of the body.

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Source: www.ogigames.com

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Poke A Muscle Game [Online] – TheGamerStop

Learn the major muscles with a fun and exciting game. When you’re ready hit ‘scan’ on level one. The objective is to get 80% of the muscles correct the first …

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Arterial arcades

The arterial arcades (intermesenteric arterial anastomoses or Riolan arcades [1]) are a series of anastomosing arterial arches between the arterial branches of the jejunum and ileum.

Closest to the duodenum, the mesenteric loops are primary, the vasa recta are long and regularly spaced, and the translucent spaces (lunettes) are extensive.

In the direction of the ileocolic junction, secondary and tertiary loops are observed, the vessels are smaller and are obscured by numerous fat lobes.

The following diagrams show the arrangement and variations of the loops of the mesenteric vessels for different sections of the medium-length small intestine:

More pictures[edit]

See also[edit]


This article incorporates public domain text from page 1175 of Gray’s Anatomy, 20th edition (1918)

Anatomy photo: 39:04-0102 at SUNY Downstate Medical Center – “Intestines and Pancreas: Branches of Superior Mesenteric Artery”

Anatomy Image: 7916 at SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Better Health Channel

Different muscle types

Skeletal muscle – the specialized tissue that attaches to bones and allows movement. Skeletal muscles and bones together are called the musculoskeletal system (also called the musculoskeletal system). In general, skeletal muscles are grouped into opposing pairs such as biceps and triceps on the front and back of the upper arm. Skeletal muscles are under our conscious control, which is why they are also called voluntary muscles. Another term is striated muscle because the tissue appears striated under a microscope.

– the specialized tissue that attaches to the bones and allows movement. Skeletal muscles and bones together are called the musculoskeletal system (also called the musculoskeletal system). In general, skeletal muscles are grouped into opposing pairs such as biceps and triceps on the front and back of the upper arm. Skeletal muscles are under our conscious control, which is why they are also called voluntary muscles. Another term is striated muscle because the tissue appears striated under a microscope. Smooth Muscle – Located in various internal structures including the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels such as arteries. Smooth muscle is arranged in stratified layers that contract in an undulating manner along the length of the structure. Another common term is involuntary muscle because smooth muscle movement occurs without our conscious awareness.

– are found in various internal structures including the digestive tract, uterus and blood vessels such as arteries. Smooth muscle is arranged in stratified layers that contract in an undulating manner along the length of the structure. Another common term is involuntary muscle because smooth muscle movement occurs without our conscious awareness. Cardiac muscle – the heart muscle. The heart contracts and relaxes without our awareness.

muscle building

The neuromuscular system

The brain sends a message to the motor neurons.

This triggers the release of the chemical acetylcholine from the presynaptic endings.

The muscle responds to acetylcholine by contracting.

forms of skeletal muscle

Spindle – broad in the middle and tapering at both ends, like the biceps on the front of the upper arm.

– Broad in the middle and tapering at both ends, like the biceps on the front of the upper arm. Flat – like a sheet, like the diaphragm that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.

– like a leaf, like the diaphragm that separates the chest from the abdomen. Triangular – wider at the bottom, tapering at the top, like the deltoids of the shoulder.

– Broader below, tapering above, like the deltoids of the shoulder. Circular – a donut-like ring shape, like the muscles that surround the mouth, pupils, and anus. These are also known as sphincters.

muscle diseases

Injuries or strains, including sprains or strains, spasms, tendinitis and bruises

Genetic problems such as muscular dystrophy

Inflammation such as myositis

Diseases of the nerves that affect the muscles, such as B. Multiple sclerosis

conditions causing muscle weakness such as metabolic, endocrine or toxic disorders; for example, thyroid and adrenal disorders, alcoholism, pesticide poisoning, medications (steroids, statins), and myasthenia gravis

cancers, such as B. Soft tissue sarcomas.

Where to get help

your doctor


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Things to remember

There are about 600 muscles in the human body.

The three main types of muscle include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.

The brain, nerves and skeletal muscles work together to bring about movement – this is collectively referred to as the neuromuscular system.

There are about 600 muscles in the human body. Muscles have a number of functions, from pumping blood and aiding movement to lifting heavy weights or giving birth. Muscles work by either contracting or relaxing to create movement. This movement can be voluntary (i.e. the movement is performed consciously) or without our conscious awareness (involuntary). Glucose from carbohydrates in our diet fuels our muscles. In order to function properly, muscle tissue also needs certain minerals, electrolytes and other nutritional substances such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. A number of problems can affect the muscles – these are collectively known as myopathy. Muscle disorders can cause weakness, pain, or even paralysis. The three major muscle types are: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac have very different functions, but they share the same basic composition. A muscle is made up of thousands of elastic fibers tightly bundled together. Each bundle is wrapped in a thin transparent membrane called the perimysium. A single muscle fiber is made up of blocks of proteins called myofibrils, which contain a special protein (myoglobin) and molecules to provide the oxygen and energy needed for muscle contraction. Each myofibril contains filaments that fold when signaled to contract. This shortens the length of the muscle fiber, which in turn shortens the entire muscle if enough fibers are stimulated at once. The brain, nerves, and skeletal muscles work together to bring about movement. This is collectively referred to as the neuromuscular system. A typical muscle is fed by anywhere from 50 to 200 (or more) branches of specialized nerve cells called motor neurons. These plug directly into the skeletal muscle. The tip of each branch is called the presynaptic terminal. The point of contact between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle is called the neuromuscular junction. To move a specific body part: In general, there are four main forms of skeletal muscle, including: Muscle disorders can cause weakness, pain, loss of motion, and even paralysis. The set of problems affecting the muscles are collectively referred to as myopathy. Common muscle problems are:

Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit (Queen’s ESU)

Poke a muscle flex

Designed to aid in the learning of the body’s major superficial muscles. Look for muscles with an x-ray scanner and poke at the right muscles with your finger. There are 10 levels in total that will challenge most anatomy students.

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