Renewing Our Commitment To God? Quick Answer

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How can I renew my faith in God?

How to Revive Your Faith in Jesus
  1. Listen to Recorded Sermons or Bible Studies.
  2. Find Ways to Help Others.
  3. Try Another Church.
  4. Find an Understanding Social Circle.
  5. Don’t Expect Change Overnight.

What is commitment renewal?

1 to take up again. 2 also intr to begin (an activity) again; recommence. to renew an attempt. 3 to restate or reaffirm (a promise, etc.) 4 also intr to make (a lease, licence, or contract) valid or effective for a further period.

How do we show commitment to God?

Just keep talking to God whenever you think about it—with time, it will become more and more natural. The Bible describes this type of prayerful relationship in Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

What is the meaning of commitment to God?

It means that we now and always will love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It means our actions will reflect who we are and what we believe. It means that we are every day Christians, walking as Christ would have us walk. Living members are those who strive to have a total commitment. …

What renew means biblically?

2 : to make new spiritually : regenerate. 3a : to restore to existence : revive.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

If you haven’t heard this music since the 1960s, it’s time to renew your acquaintance with these songs.

They recently renewed their acquaintance after more than 10 years apart.

She renewed her promise to visit me.

At the beginning of each school year, we renew our commitment to helping students succeed.

This discussion has renewed my hope for a solution to the problem.

When you sleep, your body has a chance to renew itself.

Current examples on the web

However, South Korea had considered withdrawing from the pact with Japan in late 2019 at a time of strained relations, before a last-minute decision to renew it amid US pressure. — Reuters, CNN, June 16, 2022

After that, the next opportunity won’t come until 2025, when most of the key provisions in the Trump tax credits will expire and Congress will debate whether to extend them. – Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, June 15, 2022

The measure fell short of a first attempt to renew it this month after several coalition members voted against or abstained from voting on the measure. — Shira Rubin, Washington Post, June 12, 2022

The car insurance had expired and nobody had bothered to renew it. – Souvankham Thammavongsa, The New Yorker, June 6, 2022

According to the outlet, The Real was canceled after the show’s broadcasting group, Fox Stations, decided not to renew it for a new season. — Selena Barrientos, Good Housekeeping, June 3, 2022

Her exchange visitor visa (J-1) expired and with no option to extend it, she was forced to return to El Salvador. – Jessica Diaz-hurtado,, June 3, 2022

In 2018, the speed cameras briefly went black after the program became embroiled in partisan politics and the then-Republican-led state Senate refused to extend it. – New York Times, May 19, 2022

The Interior Gas Utility in Fairbanks buys a small amount of gas from Hilcorp under a contract that doesn’t expire for 10 years if the utility decides to renew it periodically, said Elena Sudduth, a spokeswoman for the utility. — Alex Demarban, Anchorage Daily News, May 17, 2022

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What is a renewal of faith?

By focusing on and renewing your faith, you are not suggesting to yourself, God, or anyone else that your faith hasn’t been authentic or valid in the past. Instead, it’s a way to re-center yourself on what’s most important in your life: Jesus and your relationship with him.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

Whether you are of the Christian faith or have been a follower of Christ for most of your life, sometimes it is important to spiritually renew your commitment to the Lord. Just as couples often recommit their marriage by renewing their vows, it is important to remember why you are a believer and why you are following Jesus at different times in your life.

By focusing on and renewing your faith, do not suggest to yourself, to God, or to others that your past faith was not authentic or valid. Instead, it’s a way to refocus on what matters most in your life: Jesus and your relationship with Him.

Here are five verses that will help you refocus on your faith, whether you’re in good times or bad:

Romans 10:9-13

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess your faith and are saved. As the Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord over all and richly blesses all who call upon Him, for “everyone who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Luke 9:23-26

Then he said to everyone: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What is the use of one gaining the whole world and losing or forfeiting oneself? Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.

1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that at the proper time He may lift you up. Cast all your fears on him because he cares about you.

Isaiah 26:3-4

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord Himself, is the everlasting Rock.

Romans 4:20-21

Yet he did not waver from unbelief in the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, fully convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised.

Matthew 5:3-11

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the mourners

for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart

because they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers

for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all sorts of evil things against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

What the Bible says about commitment to God?

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

The word “commit” occurs 164 times in the Bible. The infographic below identifies the points of each occurrence. This graphic representation begins with Genesis at the top left and ends with Revelation at the bottom right.

Here are the 40 most powerful Scriptures on engagement.

Luke 17:32

“Remember Lot’s wife.”

Psalm 37:5

Commit your way to the Lord; trust him and he will act.

Numbers 30:2

When a man makes a vow to the Lord, or takes an oath to be bound by a vow, let him not break his word. He should do whatever comes out of his mouth.

Proverbs 16:3

Surrender your work to the Lord and your plans will be accomplished.

1 Kings 8:61

Therefore keep your heart fully faithful to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments as you do today.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 3:11

Because that’s the message you’ve heard from the beginning, that we’re to love one another.

1 John 3:16

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we should lay down our lives for the brothers.

1 John 4:20

If a man says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love his brother, whom he sees, cannot love God, whom he does not see.

1 John 4:8

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 5:3

Because that is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not difficult.

1 Peter 2:11

Beloved, I bid you strangers and exiles abstain from the passions of the flesh that make war upon your soul.

1 Peter 2:24

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. You are healed by his wounds.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for your own possession, to proclaim the excellence of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of the Lord wander to and fro in all the earth to give strong support to those whose hearts are blameless toward him. You have done something stupid in that, because from now on you will have wars.

2 Corinthians 5:19

That is, in Christ, God reconciled the world to himself, not counting their transgressions against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

2 Timothy 1:12

That’s why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am confident that he can guard what is entrusted to me to that day.

2 Timothy 2:22

So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart.

2 Timothy 4:7

I fought the good fight, I finished the race, I kept the faith.

Acts 2:42

And they devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and the fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers.

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men.

Deuteronomy 27:10

Therefore you shall obey the voice of the Lord your God and keep his commandments and statutes which I command you today.

Deuteronomy 6:5

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Deuteronomy 7:9

Know, therefore, that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God, keeping covenant and abiding love with those who love him and keep his commandments for a thousand generations.

Ephesians 2:8

For by grace you were saved through faith. And this is not your own work; it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 4:1

I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, challenge you to walk in a way worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

Exodus 19:8

All the people answered together and said, “Whatever the Lord has said we will do.” And Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord.

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ. I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

Galatians 6:9

And let us not tire of doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not give up.

Genesis 2:24

Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they will be one flesh.

Hebrews 10:25

One does not fail to meet, as is customary for some, but encourage one another, and all the more so as the day approaches.

James 5:12

But above all, my brethren, do not swear by heaven or earth or any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, lest you fall under condemnation.

John 14:15

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

John 15:5

“I am the vine; They are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 8:12

Again Jesus spoke to them and said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Jude 1:3

Beloved, although I have been very anxious to write to you about our common salvation, I have found it necessary to write to you and call upon you to fight for the faith that has been committed once and for all to the saints.

Luke 16:13

“No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Luke 23:46

Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!” And having said this, he breathed his last.

Luke 9:62

Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Matthew 22:37

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

Matthew 6:33

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 31:5

Into your hands I commend my spirit; You have redeemed me, Lord, faithful God.

Revelation 1:1

The revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave Him to show His servants the things that must soon happen. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John.

Romans 12:2

Don’t conform to this world, but transform yourself by renewing your spirit so that through testing you can know what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 5:8

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 6:13

Do not present your members to sin as instruments of iniquity, but present yourselves to God as those raised from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.

Romans 6:17

But thank God that you who were once slaves to sin have become heartily obedient to the standard of teaching to which you are bound.

More Bible verses that will move you

50 Most Powerful Scriptures on Faith

60 Transcendent Verses on Faith

50 powerful writings about endurance

68 powerful verses about forgiveness

40 Uplifting Scriptures About Patience

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What does it mean to commit your life to God?

Truly committing our decisions—and lives—to God means taking a step back from what we think we want and honestly contemplating what God wants us to do. It means taking our successes, failures, plans, and questions to God in prayer every single day—not just “the big stuff”.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

More about this verse


Truly entrusting our decisions—and our lives—to God means stepping back from what we think we want and honestly thinking about what God wants from us. It means taking our successes, failures, plans and questions to God in prayer every day – not just “the big things”. It means seeking answers from God through the Bible and trusted divine counsel to help us make decisions based on what is consistent with God’s will. That is a surrender to God.

God is not asking for a weekend warrior. God promises to enforce our plans, to put the right plans in our hearts for us as we give our all – to commit to Him every day. Incidentally, commitment does not mean perfection; it just means doing your best every day, doing your best to do what is right and staying away from what is not right.

Many people may feel that this means they are losing control of a decision or situation, but it really puts all responsibility on God and frees us to simply follow His lead in the best plans for all of our lives.


The message version says it like this:

“Give God the responsibility of your work, and what you planned will happen.” (Proverbs 16:3, MSG).

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What does commitment mean spiritually?

One of the key pillars of the spiritual health of any congregation is the level of spiritual commitment among its members. Spiritual commitment reflects a personal depth of faith and is manifested in both attitudes and behaviors.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

One of the most important pillars of the spiritual health of any church is the level of spiritual commitment among its members. Spiritual engagement reflects a personal depth of faith and is manifested in both attitudes and behaviors. George Gallup Jr. began studying spiritual devotion a few years ago and published his findings in his 1992 book The Saints Among Us.

Using the discoveries in The Saints Among Us as a starting point, the Gallup Organization recently researched the spiritual commitment of members of American faith communities of all types – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc. As a result of this research, Gallup identified nine elements that define individual spiritual commitment best to measure. These items include four attitudes and five behaviors:

Spiritually engaged attitudes

My faith is involved in every aspect of my life.

Because of my faith, I have meaning and purpose in my life.

My faith gives me inner peace.

I am a spiritually committed person.

Spiritually engaged behavior

I spend time each day in worship or prayer.

Because of my faith, I have forgiven people who have hurt me deeply.

My faith has called me to develop my given strengths.

I will take unpopular positions to defend my beliefs.

I speak kind words to those who need encouragement.

Copyright © 2001 The Gallup Organization, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved.

In a 2001 survey of US adults who are members of religious communities*, Gallup asked respondents to rate each of the above nine items on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly disagree”. I totally agree” means. The chart below shows the percentage of “5” (strongly agree) responses to each of the nine items. Interestingly, 66% of respondents totally agreed that their beliefs bring them inner peace (the highest ranked answer), while only 44% agreed that their beliefs affect every aspect of their lives (the lowest ranked answer ).

Beginning next week, I will look at each of the nine points of spiritual commitment – in terms of the role that point plays in the life of the church and how religious leaders can use an understanding of each to improve the dynamics of the church.

*Results are based on telephone interviews with 729 adult members of a church, synagogue, or other religious denomination, ages 18 and older, conducted October through November 2001. Sampling error range is ±3.6%.

What is the meaning of commitment biblically?

Commitment means that certain decisions are made in advance, irrespective of the circumstances: “I will honor Christ, whatever the pain and whatever the cost. I will obey God’s word, even when that is the hardest thing to do.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

Joshua made a covenant with the people…Joshua 24:25

We live in a society that sometimes discourages commitment. “We want to live together, but we don’t want to get married.” “We’ll be there if we can.” The pressures of this type of environment can start to shape who you become very quickly.

Imagine you are having breakfast with a college student and discussing his relationship with the Lord. At one point in the conversation, he tells you, “I take my commitment day by day. I see what the day brings and I go with what I feel.” What he’s actually saying is, “I have absolutely no commitment. I make decisions based on the current circumstances.”

Commitment means making certain decisions in advance, regardless of the circumstances: “I will honor Christ, whatever the cost or whatever. I will obey God’s Word even if that is the hardest part. I will do what God has called me to do, both when it’s hard and when it’s fulfilling.” There is no other way to follow Christ.

Businesses know the importance of making decisions up front. The vast majority of effective organizations have some kind of mission statement. A company can never be successful if it constantly shifts its goal. You can’t decide what to do from week to week. You must have an overarching goal that allows you to prioritize your activities.

The same is true on the level of your personal life. You need to know who you are, why you are here and what you should do.

What are five decisions you made (or need to make) ahead of time, no matter the circumstances?

What is an example of commitment?

An example of commitment is someone being sent to jail after being found guilty of a DUI. A promise, vow, or agreement to do something. An order, especially one from a court, directing that a person be taken to and placed in the care or custody of a hospital, mental health facility, prison, or similar institution.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

For the first time she thought about the fact that he hadn’t committed himself to her at all, but had risked his life for her anyway.

How do u get your faith back?

Engaging in genuine acts of kindness, like volunteer work or donations, may help put a little faith back into humanity. Acts of kindness are associated with life satisfaction. 6 With acts of kindness, people are able to get out of their own heads and be reminded that they are a part of a bigger picture.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

Experiencing a pandemic, natural disasters, racial discrimination, and the sporadic adversities of everyday life can often feel like losing faith. Not only could you lose faith in the higher power you worship, but you could also feel a loss of faith in humanity, your loved ones, or in yourself.

Many people experience such feelings, especially when it feels like you have no control over what is going on in your life and the world around you. When we are consumed by all of life’s uncertainties, faith is needed most, but also when it is most elusive. It’s definitely easier to have faith when things are going well, but it’s a lot harder when things aren’t.

That’s why it’s important that we recognize when we’re starting to have these feelings and work to restore or hold on to our faith, especially during difficult times.

This article provides insight into the practice of faith and what to do when you feel that faith is being lost.

what is belief

First, let’s look at what faith is, exactly. The term “belief” is defined as “a strong belief in something or someone” or a “belief in the existence of God; strong religious beliefs or feelings”.

According to the Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, belief is believing in something for no apparent reason.

The Christian Bible describes faith as “the substance of things hoped for, and the proof of things unseen.” (Hebrew 11:1 KJV).

Most people associate faith with trust in God, the universe, or a higher power. Faith is believing in the existence and presence of our higher powers in our lives, even when we cannot physically see them. Since a higher power is not something you see in a physical sense (like other sources we sometimes trust), you can start to lose faith in them when you stop feeling the effects of these things in your life.

Many religious texts associate faith with belief and trust in God and seeking God in difficult times. The Book of Psalms of the Christian Holy Bible, as well as the Jewish sacred text, the Tanakh, the Book of Misheli says: “When I am afraid I will put my trust in you.” (Psalms 56:3, Misheli 56:3)

There may be times when you don’t feel the presence of God or your loved ones. When you feel disconnected from these things, the most you can draw on is your faith.

Most people express that they have faith, but when faith is tested, only words need bear fruit. When a person has no reason to believe in something, they can often practice the virtue of belief.

The Islamic Holy Quran says: “But those who believe and do good deeds – their Lord will guide them because of their faith.” (Quran, 10:10)

Believing that God will work a miracle in an insurmountable situation, trusting that the impossible is possible, or trusting that what is happening is part of a larger plan—these are examples of faith.

Reasons why you feel a loss of confidence

There are various reasons why one can start to lose faith, some examples are:










What to do when you feel like you are losing your faith

Faith is very important in spirituality, which is beneficial to both mental and physical well-being. A research study found that engaging in spiritual activities was beneficial for those who thought depression was caused by a loss of faith. Many often equate feelings of depression with a loss of faith.

If you ever feel like you are losing your faith, consider the following suggestions.

Recognize and accept what you are feeling

In these moments it is important not to judge yourself for these feelings at first. They are justified and you should not feel guilty or ashamed. Accept that these are your feelings and show yourself compassion.

It’s best to acknowledge your feelings, accept them for what they are, and then address them by exploring what might be causing them. Then you can seek help from others, such as a loved one or a counselor, if needed.

Try meditation or prayer

Take time for yourself to meditate and pray. This can help you get more in tune with your spirituality and can be really powerful when you feel like you are losing faith.

Meditation and prayer are excellent practices for connecting to a higher power and your faith as they can deepen presence, acceptance and peace.

you can be thankful

Gratitude goes far! Whenever you feel a little lost or unfulfilled, try to think of the people and things in your life that you are grateful for.

There’s always something to appreciate in life, sometimes you have to step back to appreciate what’s right in front of you.

Gratitude is an amazing trait and offers great well-being benefits. So try writing in a gratitude journal to list everything you are grateful for.

Speak it out

Consider turning to someone you trust for advice. Sometimes when you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed, speaking out and getting opinions from reliable sources really helps.

There are times in everyone’s life when they can use a listening ear and open arms from the people they care about. Sometimes people put on a tough exterior and don’t reach out to people who genuinely care about them because they don’t want to burden them or make them feel vulnerable.

It may be time to break down walls and open up about your feelings, you never know, this person could use this conversation as much as you do.

Spend time with your loved ones

During times when individuals aren’t doing so well, they shouldn’t rule out the option of just hanging out with people who just feel good to be with.

Social support is often a powerful aspect of a person’s spiritual being that offers great quality of life (QoL) benefits. A community of people who are there for one another, showing up when it matters most and striving to make a positive impact in one another’s lives, that is social support.

Especially in difficult times, support systems do justice to their role in a person’s life. A little social interaction with those you enjoy spending time with can help you feel more connected to spirituality and faith.

Consider advice

A faith-based therapist or spiritual counselor can help you identify why you feel you are losing your faith. In your sessions you will be able to safely sort your emotions and feel them without judgement.

Participating in counseling or therapy can help you deepen your understanding of your relationship to your faith. When your faith has been shaken or broken, it may take time for your faith to heal and be restored and you are encouraged to be patient with yourself and the process.

Participate in acts of kindness

Sometimes all of the troubling circumstances that are going on around someone begin to affect them more than they realize. When the world starts to look hopeless, it can be beneficial for a person to feel like they have some control over the good that is being contributed to the world.

Getting involved in genuine acts of kindness, like volunteering or giving donations, can help regain some faith in humanity. Kind actions are associated with life satisfaction. With acts of kindness, people can get out of their own minds and be reminded that they are part of a greater whole.

Visit a place of worship

Religious institutions—such as a church, temple, mosque, synagogue, or other place of worship—represent a community of people with a common belief who can come together in worship and the enrichment of faith.

Meeting with people who have beliefs similar to yours can help when you feel like you are losing your faith.

Research shows that people who go to church often feel a sense of encouragement, strength, and belonging. Moreover, even belief in their higher power could be restored.

Take a break

Sometimes people need a reset button to remind themselves of who they are and what they believe in. It is easy to become so absorbed in everyday life that a person begins to lose touch with themselves and their beliefs.

It is therefore important to switch off from everyday life and take a deep breath. Consider spending some time in nature, which is a great way to connect with your spirituality. This can instill a sense of serenity.

You might even want to consider a nature retreat or a little getaway to reconnect with yourself and what matters most to you.

Take time to think

Take the time to think about what exactly might be causing you to feel the way you do. It is possible that there are a variety of things in your life that are causing you to lose your faith. Whether it’s stress, trauma, grief, or simply feeling disconnected from God and the world around you, it’s important to assess these emotions. Talking to a therapist or loved one can also help you figure out why you’re feeling this way and gain a better understanding of why.

It can be helpful to reflect on your relationship with God and your belief systems. It’s possible that others have had a greater impact on your beliefs than you realize or are comfortable with. It is common to have religious beliefs that were taught in childhood and throughout your life that may conflict with you or no longer resonate with you at this time.

Remember that your beliefs and beliefs may evolve or change as you grow, so try not to judge yourself as they develop. Take the time to think about what you believe is working, what isn’t working anymore, and what you think is the best way to proceed.

A word from Verywell

Feeling lost, uncomfortable, and withdrawn happens to the best of us, sometimes at the most unexpected of times. While you’re not always in control of what’s going on in the world around you, or even situations happening in your own life, you still have authority over how you perceive and respond to those experiences.

One should not judge or dismiss their feelings, but it is important that they do not dwell too long on thoughts that lead to the amplification of negative emotions, as they are easily overwhelmed by them.

When challenging moments arise, consider engaging in activities that help you reconnect with yourself, the people you care about, and your relationship with your ever-evolving spirituality and faith.

How do you renew your mind spiritually?

Five Steps to Renewing Your Mind
  1. Step 1: Ask the Lord to guard and direct your mind. …
  2. Step 2: Recognize the source of self-focused and self-defeating thoughts. …
  3. Step 3: Replace self-focused thinking with a God-focused mindset. …
  4. Step 4: Rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ. …
  5. Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 daily.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

How does your stream of consciousness sound?

Words keep running through my head; some are good and useful, others are not. My mental monologue generally contains too much self-centered and self-defeating babble.

“What stupidity to say that!” (Imaginary palm to forehead.) “Did she just ignore me?” (Anger followed by an anxious feeling that I’ll be easily forgotten.) “That’s a good idea for a blog post…or maybe it’s just plain stupid.” ‘ (Internal debate.) ‘I’d like to ________, but I don’t know if I can do it.’ (Who do I think I am?)

It goes on and on. It is exhausting.

My mind needs a refresher. Maybe you too can benefit from these steps.

Step 1: Ask the Lord to protect and direct your spirit.

My mind is the place of my intellect, my reasoning and my intentions; my behavior begins in my mind, and my mind is where spiritual transformation takes place (Romans 12:2). The object of my regular thinking will determine how my days, years and ultimately my life unfold. Everything starts in the mind.

Too often I just don’t bother asking the Lord for protection, guidance, and oversight of my thoughts. From now on, I will do my best to start my day with a simple prayer: Jesus, through your Holy Spirit, fix my thoughts on where you want them to be today.

Step 2: Recognize the source of self-centered and self-destructive thoughts.

Given that my behavior begins in my mind and my mind is where spiritual transformation takes place, is it any surprise that the adversary wants to mess with my thinking? It has to be his favorite first attempt to distract and disarm Christians, and it usually works.

I have experienced periods of mental suppression that seem almost physical. A feeling of heaviness accompanies my self-destructive thoughts. Most of the time I realize that I’m engaged in some spiritual struggle, but I can’t get rid of it right away. I pray. I admit. I read God’s word. I pray some more. (It should be noted that my case is not clinical depression and if it was, I would seek medical attention.)

Eventually my mind is free, but it’s not because I thought positively enough or talked myself out of it. This may work temporarily, but it won’t fix the problem. I know who the enemy is, and I also know the only one who can defeat him.

Recognize the enemy and fight them with God’s power and biblical truth.

Step 3: Replace self-centered thinking with God-centered thinking.

After praying for the Lord to protect my spirit and realizing the enemy, I have a choice. Will I train my brain to focus on the things of God, or will I let the things of this world consume it?

Focusing my thoughts on God takes some work. When I’m not taking purposeful action to keep my mind on Jesus Christ, I’m allowing my mind to go where it wants to go. I know where it’s going and it’s nowhere well.

I know myself. So even when I’m fully convinced of God’s love and care, I still have to decide what to think about and what not to think about.

The following verses help me to focus my thoughts on things on high and not on things on earth:

So if you’re risen with Christ, then look for the things that are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Focus your thoughts on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2) For those who live according to the flesh fix their thoughts on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit fix their thoughts on the things of the Spirit. (Romans 8:5) Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is righteous, whatever is pure, whatever is beautiful, whatever is praiseworthy, whether there is any excellence, if there is anything praiseworthy, ponder these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Step 4: Rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ.

I will pray that the Lord will protect my spirit, help me recognize my enemy, and work to keep my spirit focused on God. Sometimes I will be successful and sometimes not. Increasingly, over time, it will be the former.

There are days when I can only rest in the truth that I am at peace with God, that I am free from accusation and that I am God’s child.

By believing in Jesus Christ we have peace with God. “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

In Christ we are free from accusation. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

In Christ we are children of God and heirs together with Jesus. “The Spirit himself testifies to our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ…” (Romans 8:16-17).

My identity in Jesus Christ is the central fact that affects my present circumstances and determines my eternal future, and it is available by faith alone. Do not doubt; do not be surprised; don’t question it.

Accept God’s gracious gift and rest in it.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 daily.

By using these five techniques, I hope that the next time I feel stupid, ignored, or question my abilities, I’ll learn to test my thinking. God doesn’t judge me, so I know thoughts of self-judgment aren’t coming from Him. There is no fear in God’s love, so I can safely ignore these thoughts when I’m feeling anxious or down.

Ultimately, God wants me to be changed to be like his son Jesus. Jesus did not engage in the kind of mental machinations I have described – He was totally focused on the Father’s will. Because that was true of him, it will increasingly be true of me… and one day that work will be completed within me.

How do you keep your mind from entertaining unhealthy, untrue, or distracting thoughts?


Watch as Pastor Colin Smith explains why the Bible is more than just information.

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What does the Bible say about restoring faith?

1 Peter 5:10. 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith

42:1 Behold, my servant whom I support,

my chosen one, in whom my soul delights;

I have laid my spirit upon him;

he will bring justice to the nations.

2 He will not cry out or raise his voice,

or let it be heard in the street;

3 he will not break a bruised reed,

and a weakly burning wick he will not quench;

he will faithfully bring forth righteousness.

4 He does not become weak or discouraged

until he establishes justice on earth;

and the coastal lands await his law.

5 Thus saith the Lord GOD,

who created the heavens and expanded them,

that spread the earth and what becomes of it,

who gives people breath

and Spirit to those who walk in it:

6 “I am the LORD; I called you in righteousness;

I take you by the hand and protect you;

I give you as a covenant for the people

a light to the nations

7 to open the blind eyes,

to get the prisoners out of the dungeon,

from prison sitting in the dark.

8 I am the LORD; that’s my name;

I give my glory to no one else

nor my praise for carved idols.

9 Behold, the first has come

and new things I explain now;

before they pop out

I’ll tell you about them.”

10 Sing a new song to the LORD,

his praise from the ends of the earth,

you who descend to the sea and all that fills it,

The coasts and their inhabitants.

11 Let the desert and its cities raise their voice,

the villages inhabited by Kedar;

Let the inhabitants of Sela sing for joy,

let them cry from the tops of the mountains.

12 They shall give glory to the LORD,

and proclaim his praise in the coastal lands.

13 The LORD goes forth like a strong man,

like a warrior he stirs up his zeal;

he screams, he screams loud,

he shows himself mighty against his enemies.

14 Long have I been silent;

I kept still and restrained myself;

now I will cry like a woman in labor;

I will gasp and gasp.

15 I will lay waste mountains and hills,

and dry up all their vegetation;

I will turn the rivers into islands

and the ponds dry up.

16 And I will lead the blind

in a way they don’t know

on paths they don’t know

I will lead her.

I will turn the darkness in front of them into light,

the rough spots in level ground.

These are the things that I do

and I won’t leave her.

17 They will be rejected and utterly ashamed,

who trust in carved idols,

who say to metal paintings,

“You are our gods.”

18 Listen, thou deaf,

and look, you blind man, that you see!

19 Who is blind but my servant,

or deaf like my messenger that I send?

Who is blind like my devotee,

or blind like the servant of the LORD?

20 He sees many things but pays no attention;

his ears are open, but he does not hear.

21 Because of his righteousness, it pleased the LORD

to glorify and glorify his law.

22 But this is a people plundered and plundered;

They are all trapped in holes

and hidden in prisons;

They have become plunder that no one can save,

corrupt without saying, “Restore!”

23 Which of you will listen to

will participate and listen for the time to come?

24 who gave up Jacob to the plunderer,

and Israel to the plunderers?

Was it not the LORD against whom we sinned,

on whose paths they would not go,

and whose law would they not obey?

25 Then he poured out the heat of his anger on him

and the power of battle;

it inflamed him all around, but he did not understand;

it burned him, but he didn’t take it to heart.

All Things New // Renewing Our Commitment to God

All Things New // Renewing Our Commitment to God
All Things New // Renewing Our Commitment to God

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Isaiah 38-39, Renewing Our Commitment

Renew your commitment to the Lord. First, recognize that you have no control over today, tomorrow, or next year. Take your life to the Lord who …

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Renew Your Commitment to God

Renewing our commitment to God by refreshing our minds through the reading of His word is a healthy spiritual thing to do.

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5 Verses to Help Renew Your Walk With God – Faith – GEB TV

By focusing on and renewing your faith, you are not suggesting to yourself, God, or anyone else that your faith hasn’t been authentic or val in the past.

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Chapter 19: Our Commitment to God – Church of Jesus Christ

Spiritual renewal is not sacrificed for physical gratification. Living members put Christ first in their lives, knowing from what source their lives and …

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Renew Commitments to God – The Wesleyan Church

The Lord never has to renew His covenant with us—He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thankfully He seeks to bring us back to himself …

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New Beginnings | Renewing a Commitment

17:9, “Then God sa to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come.” The Story of Abram The …

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Renewing Your Commitment to Christ’s Call (HTML)

And renew our commitment to Your call. Reshape us so that Your passion for Your ministry of redemption of men and women and boys and girls, of the nations of …

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Renewing Our Commitments – Reformed Worship

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Renewing Your Commitment to Christ’s Call –

He is a good chaplain, but he is wondering about God’s call on his life. “What is God doing in my life, in my ministry? I just don’t know.” This question …

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Date Published: 3/4/2021

View: 7310

Isaiah 38-39, Renewing Our Commitment – West Palm Beach church of Christ

Hezekiah’s sickness (38:1-3)

Imagine if you knew when you were going to die. What would you do? If the doctors came to you and told you to get your affairs in order as you were about to die, what would you do? This is exactly what happened to the king of Judah, Hezekiah. Isaiah comes to Hezekiah and tells him to prepare for his death. Hezekiah does not fall into depression. Hezekiah does not complain. Hezekiah does not lock himself in his room. Hezekiah does not do the things we normally do when we receive bad news. Isaiah 38:2 tells us that Hezekiah prayed to the Lord. Also notice that his prayer is not yet really related to his physical life. He asks the Lord to remember how he has served the Lord. I lived for you, I walked before you faithfully and with all my heart. i did what you said Lord, remember that I gave you all my heart and stayed true to you.

God’s Answer (38:4-8)

God generously answers Hezekiah’s prayer and heart. Hezekiah is told that his life will be extended by 15 years. In addition, the city of Jerusalem is freed from the Assyrian attack. Also, God will give a sign to show that he will do this by casting a shadow ten paces back on the dial.

Hezekiah’s response (38:9-22)

Now we receive information that we do not normally find in the scriptures. Instead of the narrator writing about the events, verse 9 tells us that this is the writing of Hezekiah king of Judah after he became ill and then healed. We can delve into the mind of Hezekiah and learn what he experienced during this difficult time.

Verses 10-14 describe the weight of this message for Hezekiah. Hezekiah begins by realizing that he is in the prime of his life. He will no longer see the people and his Lord because he is going into the grave. As we read this event, we see that Hezekiah did not receive the answer to his prayer immediately. It is tempting to read the account and think that after hearing this news of his death, Hezekiah prayed and God answered him suddenly and immediately. That’s not the case. We see the pain in Hezekiah’s heart. Note the pain of this information for him. “Like a lion, he breaks all my bones.” He’s just in pain. It’s hard to get the message that your day is over. He is saddened by the loss of his life and his eyes have been fixed on the Lord in repeated prayers throughout his life. At such times we must immediately turn to prayer. When your life is destroyed and you receive terrible news, you must turn to the Lord. We can ask God for more life. We don’t have to accept that this is the end. Pray to God for healing. Pray to God for more life. May the basis of our prayer not be a selfish attachment to this world, but that we may continue to faithfully serve and worship the Lord. We love being faithful to God and want to show more people that we are faithful because God is good and faithful.

Now Hezekiah specifies his wish. “Oh, restore me to health and let me live!” (38:16). Then God answered his prayer. This time was a time of learning for him. This was a good lesson for Hezekiah. He was reminded of three things we all need to be reminded of on a regular basis. First, we have no control over the days of our lives on this earth. We must accept this reality just as much as we try to deny or ignore this truth. We need to use what we have today and enjoy what God has blessed us with today. We cannot assume that we will have these blessings tomorrow or next year. God is in control. We have no control. This must force us into a greater commitment, because you are not in control today. You have no control over tomorrow. We have no control over what will happen in 2014. It could be a great year of blessings and comfort. It can be a miserable year of pain and agony. So we commit ourselves to God who is in charge of these things. You have something special today. Appreciate what you have.

Second, Hezekiah learned to appreciate God’s forgiveness of sins. “For you have thrown all my sins behind your back.” What a beautiful hope! God cannot see your sins if he puts them behind his back. He’s progressed. We must walk with Christ. Will you meditate on this hope? Will you consider the amazing blessing that your sin is behind God today? Your yesterday’s sin is behind God. Your sin last week is behind God. Your sin last year is behind God. We serve a gracious God. These things help us renew our commitment to the Lord.

Third, Hezekiah learns that he must praise God today and all his days (38:18-20). The living must use the time to praise and thank the Lord. I hope we make it this week. I hope you will see the blessings and joy that God has given you in 2013. I hope you can reflect on your life and see that no matter how difficult things have been for you, God has been good to you. This has been a tough year for me and my family. But God has been faithful and good to us. No matter what happens, God has been faithful and good to us. Therefore we will live life knowing that we have no control, that God has forgiven my sins and we will praise him every day for giving us breath.

Hezekiah’s error (39:1-8)

After reading about Hezekiah’s great faith and hope, we will now read about a great fall. The king of Babylon sent envoys to Hezekiah with letters and gifts because Hezekiah had recovered from his illness. But verse 2 tells us of a serious sin. Hezekiah states. He shows the Babylonians how great he is. He shows them his power, his wealth, the prosperity of his nation, and the strength of his nation. Hezekiah succumbs to pride. He succumbs to flattery. He falls for attention. He enjoys the recognition he receives and likes to think that he is someone important. It’s hard to believe. He goes from his deathbed to a “look at me” attitude. His self-esteem makes him forget the importance of God. He willingly draws attention to himself and away from God.

The problem of selfishness is not just a problem, but the bigger problem is that the glory of the Lord has been undermined. What a great opportunity for Hezekiah to send a message to Babylon about his illness, his prayer to the true and living God, and his healing by God’s hand. What a missed opportunity to point God to this great healing that God had accomplished! That is the problem of selfishness. We take the glory that God deserves and try to apply it to ourselves.

The record at 2 Chronicles 32:31 tells us that God did this to test Hezekiah. God had shown great mercy to Hezekiah. What are you going to do with it now? Will you return to the selfish life? Will you turn to pride? Will you return to your former life, forgetting God and taking His blessings for granted? After grace we must not fall back into arrogance and selfishness. What are we going to do with our new life? We cannot live short-sightedly. We can’t survive life’s difficulties and then think we’re on our own. We cannot forget the grace and mercy of God and disregard the Lord who saved us. This is also a great test for each of us. Will we lose our commitment or renew our commitment? Every day is a new day to renew our commitment to the Lord.


Renew your commitment to the Lord. First, realize that you have no control over today, tomorrow, or next year. Bring your life to the Lord who rules over all things. Second, renew your commitment by valuing the forgiveness of sins. See your guilt, but know that God put those sins behind his back. This gives us new hope and fresh life for the future. Third, renew yourself each day to praise the Lord. Tell people about how God has worked in your life. After all, we don’t call attention to ourselves. Put our hearts and our attention on the Lord. Let him be the guide for your life.

How to Revive Your Faith in Jesus

Christians, like all others, can go through periods of weak or almost non-existent faith. This can come from the loss of a loved one, experiencing a deeply traumatic event, or simply being bored with the Christian faith. Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that God never gives up on us. It is always possible to return to Him.

Reviving your faith can mean making fundamental changes in your life and ways of worship. The process may not be easy. But if you really want to renew your faith in God, a combination of reaching out and trusting in Him will eventually restore you.

Do you doubt your Christian faith? Check out these tips to ignite your faith! Click here to tweet

Listen to recorded sermons or Bible studies

Controversial as it may sound, nowhere is it written that you have to go to church every week. You may not have made the habit or lack the motivation to show up physically every Sunday morning. However, that does not mean that your only path to Bible study is cut off. Recorded or live streamed sermons are often available online for you to listen to at your leisure. Get involved and interested in the Word of God through quality instruction. Who knows? This could motivate you to attend a church service.

Find ways to help others

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is focus on someone else for a while. Find a volunteer opportunity at your church, local board, or even an animal shelter. Find ways to dedicate your time to helping others. Studies show that getting away from home and working regularly improves your mental health, and a better mental state can make you more receptive to what God might be telling you.

Try another church

Sometimes your struggle may not be with God but with your church. Attend a few services in a different location, maybe even a different denomination, and see how it affects your relationship with Christ. Are your questions answered? How does a different style affect your experiences and thoughts?

This can be difficult for those of us who grew up believing that our denomination, or our church specifically, was the only source of truth. In reality, God speaks to everyone in different ways, and any church that follows the Bible is ultimately following God. Don’t be afraid to keep looking for a church that loves the Lord and will help you renew your faith.

Find an understanding social circle

Whether online or at a physical meeting place, find other Christians to study the Bible together or just hang out. Develop meaningful relationships with other believers and share your thoughts on wanting to renew your faith when you feel safe. A truly supportive group will be by your side and support you during this time of soul searching and contemplation.

Don’t expect overnight change

Very few of us will have a moment on the street in Damascus and get to Jesus in a heartbeat. The process can take a long time and be less pleasant. But the peace of renewed faith is more than worth the difficulties you will encounter along the way. Be patient and trust that God will make things right in His time.

Connect with us to meet other believers and learn more about renewing your faith.

3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Christian Faith


What about Leviticus 19:28 if it is not wrong to get a tattoo?

Community Response

God’s word is often veiled and said in secret, but sometimes it is very clear, as in Lev 19:28; Before you doubt, you should understand WHY God forbids tattoos: A tattoo is an eternal writing that you inscribe on your body and serves as a way to show your devotion to something. God has stated many times that he doesn’t want us to be attached to the world and material things, so he doesn’t want us to keep them on our skin.

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