Report A Stray Pigeon? The 25 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “report a stray pigeon“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

You can now report a stray GB-rung racing pigeon by SMS text message. You just need to format your message as, for example: ‘GB22L12345 injured’ and text this to 07888 860186.Finding the bird’s owner. If the bird has a plastic or metal band or ring on its leg, the owner can be traced through one of the national pigeon organizations. If the bird you have saved is a fancy show pigeon, the owner is probably very near where you originally found the bird.what should I do? If you find a ‘lost’ fancy pigeon and it will not fly away, please give it some food and water. Wild bird seed or brown rice will be fine, along with an old margarine tub for water. Pigeons can be contained in a cat box or dog crate or even a cardboard box with holes in for ventilation.

How do I find the owner of a pigeon?

Finding the bird’s owner. If the bird has a plastic or metal band or ring on its leg, the owner can be traced through one of the national pigeon organizations. If the bird you have saved is a fancy show pigeon, the owner is probably very near where you originally found the bird.

What to do when you find a lost pigeon?

what should I do? If you find a ‘lost’ fancy pigeon and it will not fly away, please give it some food and water. Wild bird seed or brown rice will be fine, along with an old margarine tub for water. Pigeons can be contained in a cat box or dog crate or even a cardboard box with holes in for ventilation.

What to do when you find a lost racing pigeon uk?

Capture the bird by approaching slowly and throwing a large towel over it, and gently pick it up. (Racing pigeons are used to being handled, and the bird may let you pick it up with little fuss.) Check to see if the pigeon has a ring number on its leg and make a note of the ring number, e.g. GB19T12345.

Should you feed a racing pigeon?

It is perfectly OK to provide food for the racing pigeon but it must be appropriate food. Do not offer bread to racing pigeons! The best options are bird seed, uncooked rice or lentils. If you do feed the pigeon then make sure that you also give it some water.

National Pigeon Association

Reporting stray carrier pigeons – what to do

If you don’t race pigeons yourself, spotting one of these birds on your property can be a surprise. But this is not an unusual occurrence. Carrier pigeons sometimes stop somewhere to rest during training or a race, and this place could be your home. So what to do when a carrier pigeon comes to visit?

to eat and drink

Carrier pigeons have a ring on their leg. If your visitor doesn’t have a ring, it’s probably a wild bird.

It is perfectly fine to offer food to the carrier pigeon, but it must be appropriate food. Do not offer bread to carrier pigeons! The best options are birdseed, uncooked rice, or lentils. When you feed the pigeon, make sure you give it some water as well. If you’re not a pigeon fancier, you don’t have to be on hand, but it doesn’t matter. Just fill a deep bowl with tap water and place it next to the food. This will be a perfectly adequate pigeon drinker.


When the pigeon has eaten and drunk enough, it will probably decide to continue its journey home. If it hasn’t left your property after two days, remove the food and water as this could encourage it to get going. But what if the dove decides to stay longer?

longer visits

If your visitor shows no interest in leaving, take a closer look at the bird to see if it’s showing any signs of stress. If it is or is obviously injured, consider locking it in a safe place. A box or pet carrier is a perfect choice. The pigeon should be tame enough for you to pick it up. Gently grasp your back with both hands. If the pigeon won’t let you close enough to pick it up, you may need to throw a towel over it to restrain it. If this tactic doesn’t work, lure the bird into the box with food.

contact details

Whether the bird is injured or not, you should contact its owner to let them know of the bird’s whereabouts. The owner’s contact details should be printed on a ring. Otherwise they may be stamped on one or more wing feathers. Use these to get in touch with the owner so they can arrange for the bird to be picked up. If no contact details are visible, visit the Royal Pigeon Racing Association website where there is a handy wizard for reporting stray carrier pigeons.

You never know, meeting a carrier pigeon might inspire you to try the hobby yourself. It is a fascinating pastime that brings great joy to many people across the country. Next time a stray pigeon is found, it could be one of you!

What does it mean when a pigeon comes to you?

Pigeons are symbolic of fertility and prosperity, fortune, luck, and transformation. They’re said to be one of the first bird species to be domesticated by humans and have been friends to us since ancient times. These birds are also symbolic of persistence, harmony and well-being, mercy and forgiveness, and freedom.

National Pigeon Association

Those who have a strong spiritual interest or connection to the universe are known to see a lot of symbolism in everyday things. The dove has been with us since our ancient beginnings. They were a source of inspiration, information and even served as messengers from the gods.

Her presence seems to appear when we need her most, and her symbolism is profound. I’ve spent many hours researching the meaning behind this bird and I want to share with you what I’ve discovered so far…

What do doves symbolize? Doves are a symbol of fertility and prosperity, wealth, luck and transformation. They are considered one of the first species of birds domesticated by humans and have been friends with us since ancient times. These birds are also a symbol of perseverance, harmony and well-being, mercy and forgiveness, and freedom.

The dove is an important symbol in the traditions of many different cultures from around the world. In religious symbolism, the dove occurs in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. The dove has a long history of association with gods, goddesses, and spiritual teachers of many traditions.

Let’s explore the symbolism of doves in detail, learn about their dream interpretations and gain a deeper understanding of their superstitions, totems and power animals.

dove symbolism

It may come as a surprise to many, but pigeons, along with all other members of the Columbidae family, differ from other bird species in that in their family, both the male and female parent pigeons can produce crop milk for their young ones. Because of the pigeon’s ability to care for their babies, these birds represent nurturing and nurturing.

Have you ever heard of the old tradition of using pigeons as posts? Although it may sound strange today, it is an ancient practice, perhaps initiated by the Persians. After the Persians, this technique was used by the Romans, the Greeks, in Baghdad and later in many European countries.

It begs the question: why would people choose pigeons from all the birds they could have used for this purpose? Because they believed that these birds would deliver their letter to its rightful recipient and return home. This is proof that doves are a symbol of perception.

Doves are also a symbol of loyalty and devotion. That’s because they’re one of the few birds known to mate for life. If one of them dies, the others spend the rest of their lives in excruciating solitude. Their monogamous nature is mainly why pigeons and doves are considered sacred symbols in a wedding ceremony.

Pigeon Totem

The dove totem will come into your life when you have been good to others for too long and have only been hurt, betrayed and disappointed.

When you find yourself in such an unfortunate position, you begin to lose faith in goodness, in humanity. Every good deed you have done begins to haunt you, and you exhaust yourself trying to block out all those thoughts.

The dove totem will appear in your life to restore your belief in all the good in the world. Your soul may have been in a dark place for too long, but its totems will lead it back to the light.

They will show you that being kind always pays off sooner or later. Under their influence, you will become smarter and more patient.

Superstitions related to pigeons

Most superstitions surrounding pigeons have their roots in Christianity. Many Christians believe that seeing a lone dove perched on a chimney is a bad omen. The lone dove you saw is a symbol of death.

Then there are those who practice the tradition of releasing doves during a loved one’s funeral, regarding them as the souls of the deceased who are now free to pass into the afterlife.

One of the hilarious superstitions associated with these birds is that when they poop on you it symbolizes good luck. While most people dismiss this superstition and find it ridiculous, some firmly believe it.

dove in dreams

Due to their wide population, pigeons can basically be found in all parts of the world. Seeing them is an everyday affair, and so is dreaming about them. But have you ever wondered if those dreams might have a deeper, hidden meaning for you?

While each and every dream has its own unique meaning, we’ve curated a list of the most common pigeon dreams that people seem to have, along with their interpretations. Just look:

A flying dove

If you see a dove flying in the sky in your dream, it indicates that very soon your children or younger siblings will ask you for something that you could not say yes to. If the dove seems to be flying away from you in your dream, it is a sign that the other person might not take your rejection well and take action in the future.

Feed a pigeon

The dream of feeding a pigeon is a warning. Such a dream is a sign that you may trust the wrong person. they could betray you in the worst possible way.

Scare away a pigeon

If in your dream you see yourself shooing away a dove, it is a symbol of your egocentricity. Your dream is a sign that you are constantly putting yourself in front of people who care about you and people around you are not happy about it. If you continue this behavior, you could end up losing some of these people.

Kill a pigeon

Dreaming of killing a pigeon does not bode well. Such a dream suggests that soon you will quarrel with a close friend who has always supported you in your difficult times. In the heat of the argument, you will say something hurtful that you cannot take back.

A dove falling from the sky

It is not common to see a dove fall from the sky in mid-flight. If you are dreaming about something like this, it indicates that you may receive bad news shortly; Something you’ve been preparing or waiting for a long time has been postponed or cancelled.

Catch a pigeon

Dreaming of catching a pigeon is a symbol of your incredibly shy nature. Such a dream shows that you are the type of person who is talented and still wants to stay in the shadows. Perhaps now is the right time for you to give others a chance to appreciate you for who you really are.

A dead pigeon

To dream of a dead pigeon has a bad interpretation. Such a dream indicates that very soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation and you would need the help of someone in your social circle and the person would leave you in your hour of need.

Dove tattoo symbolism

Doves have always had rich symbolism in different religions and civilizations, which is why their tattoos are very popular among people. Because these birds are considered sacred in Christianity, they are inked onto their bodies by a large population of devout Christians.

Another symbol commonly associated with most birds, including doves, is freedom; People who want to achieve ultimate freedom in life are more likely to get tattooed.

Pigeons also live in large communities and have great social skills. Their tattoos could therefore be symbolic of a community’s strength and values. The image of a white dove holding an olive branch from Noah’s story is a remarkable symbol of hope and hence can be seen on many people’s bodies.

The cultural significance of pigeons

For those of you who don’t know, both the pigeon and the dove are considered descendants of the rock dove and are therefore close relatives. In this context, one could say that these two birds share the same cultural significance. Below we will discuss how different cultures and civilizations around the world perceive them:

In Hinduism, doves are considered the embodiment of Yama, the god of death. But instead of fearing or loathing him, people worship him and associate him with salvation and transformation.

In Sumerian culture, Ishtar, the goddess of war and sexual relations, was often depicted with a dove or dove. A similar deity known by the name of Astarte is mentioned in West Semitic religion. Because of the dove’s association with these goddesses, they are often a symbol of passion.

The Egyptians held pigeons in high regard and associated them with good luck, fertility and longevity.

In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, doves were associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, pleasure, passion and beauty. Therefore, they represented the same symbols for the people of these civilizations.

In Christianity, the doves were considered faithful messengers for the people. Christians still consider it a good omen to see a dove.

dove spirit animal

If you are someone who can keep a positive attitude even in the darkest of times, the dove spirit could be your guide. Such people have hearts of gold and are very kind and supportive towards others. You have an innate urge to take care of others; If you are their friend, you can always count on them to have your back.

Ruled by the dove spirits, these people have an inability to say “no” to anything or anyone because they are either too polite or too intimidated by the idea of ​​rejection and rejection.

This tendency often puts them in difficult situations, more often at their workplace, where their colleagues and supervisors burden them with far more work than they should.

Another important quality of people guided by the dove spirit is their perseverance. These people have a stubborn personality and will not give up on anything no matter how many times they have failed.

Their commitment to things or people is much stronger than their fear of failure. They have an admirable willpower that drives them to withstand whatever challenges and adversities life throws at them.

Above all, the pigeon enthusiastic people have the potential to become excellent parents. They not only protect their children, but also want to be a part of their lives. They’re the kind of parents who will have long, meaningful conversations with their younger ones, sharing their experiences and earning their trust.

They forgive, understand and support their child and often raise them to be extraordinary people.

When should you invoke the dove spirit animal?

If you are going through any of the following circumstances, you can invoke the dove spirit to guide you on the right path:

When you have unconsciously evicted your loved ones and feel too bad to reconnect with them. While such things are not uncommon, the spirit of the deaf will tell you that a life of solitude is no life at all. We are what we are because of the people we love and care about. They will help you reconnect with everyone you care about and build your social circle stronger than ever.

When you are haunted by emotional trauma from your past. The spirits of the dove represent healing; They teach you that it’s only human to hurt. Under her influence, you learn to be kind to yourself and accept the bad along with the good as an inevitable part of life.

When you’ve held a grudge against someone for too long and you’ve decided that no matter how hard they try to forgive you, you won’t forgive them. The spirits of the dove are very forgiving. They firmly believe in giving people a chance at salvation. These spirits also understand that forgiveness is far more important to your own peace of mind than that of the guilty person.

Conclusion: dove symbolism and meaning

Pigeons are a common sight in cities and towns around the world. They have been domesticated as pets by many cultures throughout history, taken on warships and used for their meat and feathers.

Throughout human history, doves have symbolized love, peace, compassion, wisdom and power and have been revered as sacred messengers of the gods.

The most common dove symbols and spiritual meanings in the ancient cultures where doves were worshiped were good luck, divination, healing, peace and happiness.

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Are all pigeons tagged?

Racing and other domestic pigeons never wear these bands; their owners use different bands usually registered with either the American Racing Pigeon Union or the International Federation of American Pigeon Fanciers.

National Pigeon Association

Sometimes carrier pigeons stop for a few days to refuel before continuing their journey home. Photo by Kevin Austin via Birdshare.

That sounds like a native carrier or carrier pigeon. Sometimes these birds are exhausted and only need a few hours or days to rest or feed before heading back home. Sometimes they are hurt or lost. In some cases, owners who want to maintain a competitive racing flock may not want their birds back, but more often it can be a genuine courtesy to track down the owners.

When scientists band wild birds, they use metal bands approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Carrier pigeons and other domestic pigeons never wear these bands; Their owners use different bands, usually registered with either the American Racing Pigeon Union or the International Federation of American Pigeon Fanciers. If you can read the leg band numbers you can contact these organizations to try to trace the pigeon owners.

Did you know that some of Charles Darwin’s revelations about evolution came from the many years he spent breeding pigeons? Read about it in Living Bird Magazine.

Would the Rspca save a pigeon?

We believe that in many cases rescued pigeons are killed if they turn out to be unbanded to economise on the cost of transporting them to a rescue centre. Use the RSPCA cruelty line ( 0300 – 1234 – 999 ) to report trapped pigeons.

National Pigeon Association

When calling them, choose the “pet or captive animal” option, as a captive pigeon is likely to be a carrier pigeon or a pet, or a domestic pigeon that was released. As such they are protected by the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

If you think the bird will require additional care once released, please make an effort to be there when the RSPCA is present and ask to place the bird in your care. We believe that in many cases rescued pigeons are killed if they are found not to be ringed to save the cost of transporting them to a sanctuary.

Use the RSPCA Cruelty Hotline (0300-1234-999) to report trapped pigeons. PLEASE CHOOSE option 3 followed by option 1.

You will likely be put through to a call center. Keep in mind that call center agents often don’t care about deaf people, don’t know much about deaf people, and their advice is often unhelpful. Provide as much information as possible and insist that an inspector visit the site. Ask for a reference number that will enable you to trace your call.

Some inspectors answer, others ignore the call. Track every call you make on an hourly basis and record your calls. If the RSPCA saves the pigeon, write a thank you letter. If it fails you and the bird, write a complaint letter detailing the outcome. That could help other pigeons. The address for praise and complaints is:







What does it mean when a pigeon hangs around your house?

Here, Pigeons are known to be the messengers of love, peace.

They also symbolize that luck is favoring you in terms of love. The reason being Pigeons have the ability to reproduce for their whole life and that’s why they are considered a good omen for love.

National Pigeon Association

Animals, especially birds, have been symbols and messengers of the spiritual world for thousands of years. Every animal in this world is connected to a certain type of planet and energy, and that is why they can give signs or warn you about what will happen in the future.

Some birds are considered omens of evil, and others – signs of luck and fortune. Today in this article we are going to talk about dove or kabootar in Hindi whether it indicates good luck and positivity or it represents bad luck.

When pigeons come to your home or near your home.

Doves are birds that represent the positive and negative aspects of the planet Mercury. In fact, as a bird, doves represent Mercury.

The energy of Mercury is created when Jupiter and the planet Rahu combine.

Here doves are known as messengers of love and peace. They also symbolize that luck favors you in terms of love. The reason for this is that pigeons have the ability to reproduce throughout their lives and that is why they are considered a good omen for love.

Pigeons are such wonderful birds that they have the ability and power to ward off negativity from your home and your body. They bring peace and harmony into the home and also attract the goddess Laxmi.

Taking the time to feed the doves and calling them into your home on your own will help strengthen your Jupiter Mercury. This is very auspicious and feeding critters, especially pigeons in our case, will bring good luck into your life.

However, if a lot of pigeons come to your house while you are feeding them, they can shit on your house, and if you don’t clean them, it can activate the negative effects of the planet Rahu. So it is important to keep it clean.

Pigeons coming to your home also mean that your home is very calm and peaceful and the vibrations in your home are going in the right direction.

When you start feeding the pigeons, they start creating positive vibes that radiate into the house they come into. Therefore, when feeding pigeons, be sure to also give them water with grain and corn. It is very good for you and your home too.

People who have problems with marriage or love relationships can also feed pigeons as it is good for them. It can remove obstacles and hurdles related to marriage and love, and when a couple is trying to get married, it can speed up the marriage process.

When pigeons come to your house and start building and breeding nests.

If pigeons come to your home, stay near your windows and roof, and if they specifically start breeding by laying eggs and building nests, this is seen as a negative.

Pigeons love living around people, but that doesn’t mean they like living in human homes. They live in run-down, broken-down neighborhoods and places that look very old and where no one lives. You may have seen many houses where no one lives, but you will also find many pigeons living there.

Now, if pigeons choose your house as a home base and start building nests, this is seen as a negative and does not bode well. It also means negative vibes are surrounding your home.

Keep this in mind when pigeons come on special occasions, e.g. if you feed them or if they come and perch on your roof or window but eventually walk away, this is an indication of a good omen.

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However, pigeons that actually try to breed in your house is a bad omen.

The best way to keep pigeons away from the brood is to make sure your home is set up to keep them away.

Also Read: Benefits of Feeding Dogs in Astrology: How They Help Remove Graha Dosh

Always feed pigeons in a specific area every day. Pigeons also represent the goddess Laxmi, so feeding pigeons is very auspicious.

Feed pigeons properly.

Yes, it is bad when pigeons start breeding, building nests and laying eggs in your home and for this reason most people would shy away from even going close to pigeons. However, this is an exceptional case, but if you actually feed pigeons, it is a good and very promising remedy that could bring a lot of joy and positive energy into your home. Here are some tips you can use to feed pigeons properly.

Always put some water near the feeding place

One of the tips you can do is put some water near the grains. Flocks of pigeons might come and start eating the wheat grains, but if you actually put some water near the feeding place, Vedic astrology sees this as a very promising remedy. This simple action strengthens the planet Moon in your natal chart and is very auspicious.

Feed the pigeons a little far from your home.

Feeding the pigeons right on your balcony is not a problem, but you may need to constantly clean their droppings because, as we know, pigeon droppings should not accumulate, otherwise negative energy could accumulate in your home. It’s best to feed the pigeons a few blocks from your home. Because here it is who feeds and not where the pigeons are fed that counts.

For efficiency and cleanliness, use the Ararat® Poultry Pigeon Feeder Pan

Scattering grains of wheat all over the floor could make your space messy, especially if you feed them in an open area that isn’t yours. Your best bet is to get a pigeon house. It’s a small handy tool that can help you feed the pigeons in a more organized way. You can stock up on grains of wheat for up to 5 to 10 days, creating a place for the pigeons to all come for lunch or brunch. This will ensure that you don’t pollute the common areas and most importantly, don’t waste grain.

Will the Rspca come out for an injured pigeon?

Free them if they’re trapped, for example in your house or caught in a bird feeder, as the law still permits freeing the animal and releasing where found. For animals with only minor injuries, it’s best to leave them in the wild. Call the vet if you find an injured or sick squirrel.

National Pigeon Association

What to do with injured wild animals?

If you find an injured wild animal, first observe it to see how badly injured it is before deciding to take it to a local veterinarian or wildlife carer.

Please note that bird flu can be an issue during the winter months. So please read our bird flu advice before taking any action.

Read our guide on how to use it safely below.

How to deal with an injured animal

Weigh the risks: only lift a wild animal if you are sure it is safe to do so to yourself and others.

: Only lift a wild animal if you are sure it is safe to do so to yourself or others. Keep the animal away from your face as it may bite or scratch.

, as they can bite or scratch. Wear gloves when handling all wildlife, especially oily wildlife – pollutants like oil can be dangerous.

, especially oily wildlife – pollutants such as oil can be dangerous. Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling an animal.

after handling an animal. Be in dangerous places such as B. busy roads, carefully. First, watch from afar to see if the animal is still alive, and call for help if you can’t reach it safely.

, such as B. busy roads. First, watch from afar to see if the animal is still alive, and call for help if you can’t reach it safely. If you do have to handle a bat, you need to wear thick gloves and be aware of the risks of rabies transmission – always follow the advice of the Bat Conservation Trust.

If you see any of these animals injured, keep a safe distance, do not handle and transport:



wild boar





Birds of prey (including owls)





Catching and boxing injured wild animals

When it is safe to catch and handle the animal, put on appropriate gloves and quickly place it in a secure, vented box lined with a towel or newspaper.

Keep the animal calm and take it to a veterinarian (call first to make sure they can accommodate and treat the animal), one of our wildlife centers, or your local wildlife carer.

Who to call for specific animals

Found a dead bird?

If you see a dead bird please report it to the Garden Wildlife Health Project and take a look at factsheets on diseases affecting UK birds such as trichomoniasis, birdpox and salmonellosis.

Found a whale, dolphin or porpoise?

If you spot a whale, dolphin or porpoise on the beach, keep a safe distance and do not touch them. Call us or the BDMLR immediately.

If the animal is dead please report it to the Strandings Helpline on 0800 652 0333.

Found a sick or injured gray squirrel?

By law, we can no longer rehabilitate and release gray squirrels, even if they have been injured and treated. Therefore, unfortunately, in some cases, humane euthanasia is the best option to end the animal’s suffering.

However, you may be able to help:

Release them if they are trapped, for example, in your house or in a bird feeder, as the law still allows the animal to be freed and released where it was found. Animals with only minor injuries are best left in the wild.

for example, caught in your house or in a bird feeder, since the law still allows the animal to be freed and released where it is found. Animals with only minor injuries are best left in the wild. Call the vet if you find an injured or sick squirrel. This is usually the quickest way to get help as our officers may be on other calls. If they are not available please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Be careful around squirrels – they have sharp teeth and can be extremely fast, so be careful when trying to cage a sick or injured squirrel. Wearing thick gloves, quickly place the squirrel in a secure metal or plastic carrier with ventilation holes and lined with a towel or newspaper.

animals in traps

Never attempt to free an animal from a snare or trap – you risk injuring yourself and the animal, and it could be a criminal offense if the animal was caught legally. Stay back to avoid stressing the animal and call us to share the location.

Animals caught in a trap can also be more seriously injured than meets the eye, so it’s best to examine them to see if they need veterinary treatment before releasing them.

When to contact the veterinarian or a wildlife carer

Be careful when approaching wild animals as they may scratch and bite themselves out of fear – especially when injured. If, after observing from a safe distance, it is possible to take the injured animal to a nearby veterinarian or wildlife handler, call first to make sure the animal can be examined and treated.

If you are unable to transport the animal and cannot find a wildlife carer who can assist you, contact us online or call 0300 1234 999. Our telephone hours are 8am to 8pm so you will need to contact a veterinarian or wildlife carer from these times.

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Can a lost racing pigeon survive in the wild?

The interaction that you are seeing is perfectly normal and the result is the town pigeons seen in many city centres. Racing birds often either get lost or too tired to complete a race and seem to survive quite happily living out in the wild.

National Pigeon Association


I recently found this site while trying to research carrier pigeons. For the last week or so a carrier pigeon (it has a green tag and two white tags on its legs) came up to my living room window as it looks out onto a gutter from which it drinks its water. I read that he might be hungry and taking a break from running, so I gave him some berries and oat cubes to eat for two days. I noticed he was coming and was happily feeding with another bird that was untagged. My knowledge of pigeons comes entirely from simple google searches, so I’m calling this untagged bird a wild pigeon, sorry if that’s not detailed enough.

After putting this food out, I read that it was best to stop feeding it to encourage it to go home, so I did just that. The two pigeons are inseparable and a few days later they are still sitting at my window pecking at the glass for more food! Very cute I have to say.

This action has died down a bit as they must know there is no more food, but I noticed that the two birds are courting and doing what Google calls a “pigeon kiss”. Very adorable again!

After a few days of flying back and forth between my window/gutter area and I guess around town in general, they’ve started nesting together!

I see them hopping around picking up sticks and feathers and taking them to a hidden area and coming out again for more. I think that means they are building a nest for incoming babies!

All of this is very sweet to me, but I really just want to know if this is normal? Should a carrier pigeon mate with a wild pigeon and build a nest? Will the carrier pigeon ever go home now?

Thank you for reading!!

What do you feed a stray racing pigeon?

Go to a feed store to purchase pigeon feed. Pet stores usually do not carry pigeon feed. If you cannot go to a feed store, you can buy wild bird seed or dove and quail mix from the pet store. You can also give the pigeon uncooked popcorn, rice, split peas, barley, and buckwheat.

National Pigeon Association

This article. After 15-16 days it was perfectly fine and ready to fly. I dropped it and it flew. Now this pigeon comes to my house to meet me and every day I feed the pigeon with my hands. Thank you, wikiHow.”


“I found a lost pigeon that had wounds on its wings. I think she was attacked. I did exactly what is written

What should you not feed pigeons?

What not to feed wild birds: Your complete guide
  • Avocado. This so-called superfood is not so super for our wild birds. …
  • Fruit pits or seeds. Most fruits are fine for birds to eat, but it’s important to avoid fruits that have seeds or pits in them. …
  • Chocolate. …
  • Milk. …
  • Fruits. …
  • Potatoes. …
  • Porridge oats.

National Pigeon Association

What Not to Feed Wild Birds: Your Complete Guide

If you love feeding the wild birds in your yard or park, chances are you’ve been feeding them scraps of food from time to time. Some foods in our kitchen are well suited to feeding birds, while others may actually do them more harm than good. In this guide, we’ll discuss what not to feed wild birds – and what to feed them instead! Just look.

Some foods are toxic to our wild birds

Always avoid feeding birds these foods from your kitchen.


This so-called superfood is not so great for our wild birds. Vegetables are usually healthy for birds, but avocados contain a fatty, acidic substance that can cause a variety of health problems in wild birds, including heart damage and even sudden death.

fruit pits or seeds

Most fruits are fine for birds to eat, but it’s important to avoid fruits with seeds or pits. If you feed the birds in your garden fruits such as apples, pears, apricots, or peaches, make sure you remove the pits or seeds completely beforehand.


Always avoid feeding birds chocolate. You’d be surprised how many people have tried feeding birds chocolate – and just like humans, they find it hard to resist! However, chocolate is actually toxic to birds as it contains theobromine and caffeine. Feeding chocolate to the birds in your yard can cause diarrhea, seizures, and possibly even death.


Birds’ guts aren’t designed to properly digest milk, which can lead to an upset stomach or much more serious health problems – so don’t be tempted to put a tray of milk on your feeder!

Can birds eat bread?

Although bread is not harmful to birds, it is best not to feed it in large quantities as it has very little nutritional value and birds require highly nutritious foods to sustain their busy lifestyles. Small amounts won’t hurt them, but there are more nutritional options that you’re likely to find in your kitchen.

What do you feed birds from the kitchen?

Now that you know what foods to avoid feeding the birds in your yard, here are some foods you can feed (as substitutes) straight from your kitchen cupboard or fridge.


Seedless fruits like berries, raisins, grapes and mashed bananas can all be offered to the birds at your feeding table – and they’ll love it!

Cooked rice

Make sure it’s cooked, but brown and white rice are healthy kitchen foods that the wild birds in your backyard will love! Some species, such as pigeons and pigeons, eat uncooked rice, but other species are unlikely to enjoy it.


That’s right, birds love potatoes! You can fry or puree them and they’re guaranteed to be a hit with your feathered friends! However, avoid processed potatoes such as crisps or crisps.


Oatmeal could also be a nutritious food source for the birds in your garden and chances are you have it readily available in your kitchen. Make sure the oats are uncooked, however, as cooked oats could become hard around a bird’s beak.

What is the best food for wild birds?

Most garden bird species (including robins, blackbirds and sparrows) will enjoy bird seed, nuts and live or dried mealworms – like our Mealworms for Birds. It’s always best to feed the birds in your yard a good quality food to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need to carry on their busy lives.

Can I keep racing pigeons in my garden?

Pigeons can be kept in a loft or in a purpose built coop in your shed, garden or backyard. Pigeons are quite tolerant of the cold so being in these environments is fine for them, however they do need to be kept dry so ensure their home is waterproof.

National Pigeon Association

The basics of pigeon keeping

Pigeons are a common form of pet today. They are not overly expensive to keep and can be kept for a variety of purposes such as racing, breeding and show. Pigeons can be kept in an attic or in a purpose built coop in your shed, garden or backyard.

Pigeons are fairly cold tolerant so they are fine being in these environments but they need to be kept dry for their home to be waterproof. Whitewash for lofts can be purchased, which will also protect your pigeons from moisture. Special bird wood chips should be used as a floor covering to ensure that the health of your pigeons is not affected.

If you are breeding carrier pigeons, it is recommended that when you first bring them home that you do not let them out of their coop for a month or two. This ensures that they are confident and familiar with their surroundings so that when they do eventually leave, they return home. They still need to fly, so make sure there is enough space in the attic or chicken coop to be used as a separate flying area. You should also have a run to move around. Pigeons have very strong wings and can fly long distances and periods of time. Most domestic pigeons only fly about 10-12 miles from their home, but they can be trained to fly hundreds of miles if necessary.

Pigeons will eat almost anything, but like all birds, they have fairly delicate digestive systems, so it’s best to feed them grain and corn-based pigeon feed.

Race feed and breeding feed differ in terms of which nutrients benefit that particular pigeon the most. Supplements are also available to improve performance and protect against disease.

Pigeons can make loyal and exciting pets that are easy to care for and can live 10-15 years with proper care.

How do I track a racing pigeon owner?

Should you find a stray racing pigeon you can enter the ring number in our Stray Reporting Wizard and receive the owner’s contact details. Alternatively, if you open the bird’s wing, you may find – stamped on one or more feathers – the name and address and/or telephone number of the owner.

National Pigeon Association

All carrier pigeons are ringed on one leg with lifebuoys, each bearing an individual number identifying the particular pigeon. The RPRA makes GB rings available to its members.

Stray pigeons

If you find a stray carrier pigeon, you can enter the ring number in our stray reporting assistant and you will receive the contact details of the owner. Alternatively, when you open the bird’s wing you will find the name and address and/or telephone number of the owner – stamped on one or more feathers.

ring price calculator

To calculate the cost of buying rings we have provided a ring price calculator below. This shows the prices for GB22 original and show racer rings. You can order GB22 rings using this form by posting a cheque/postal order or by calling 01452 713529. Paying RPRA members can also order GB22 rings through our online ordering system.

Rings come in multiples of 20.


What does a blue tag on a pigeon mean?

Palomacy has commissioned these light blue split aluminum leg bands engraved with PIGEONRESCUE.ORG as an affordable way to help improve a lost pet pigeon or dove’s likelihood of being helped & getting home. If someone finds your bird, the band directs them to our Palomacy website.

National Pigeon Association

What do leg bands mean?

The vast majority of leg-banding pigeons are domestic birds, unable to survive on their own, that are bred, sold, exploited and endangered for ‘sports’ such as racing and roller-flying and businesses such as ‘pigeon release’. If a ringed pigeon is hanging around or is catchable, it must be rescued.

The information on most ringed pigeons is encrypted and is only used to record “winners”, not to recover “losers” which are considered to be the lost, starving, injured pigeons with leg bands. When returned to those who endanger them, they are most often culled because they are both a failure and a threat to the health and bloodlines of the other pigeons. Pigeons used for sport and business are treated as disposable. Once lost, injured, thrown off course, hit by hawks, etc., they are worthless and unwanted. Pigeon fanciers pride themselves on their harsh culling (killing, selling, rejecting) of “inferior” birds. You will kill a weak or wrinkled baby pigeon in the nest. They expect to lose many youngsters in their training flights and many more in the competitions (“let the basket cull for you”). Many kill the pigeons themselves and/or sell “surplus” pigeons to use for “dog training, falconry, target practice, meat, whatever,” as they say in their online ads.

Pet pigeons are sometimes just tagged with a phone number or, like Palomacy’s bands, “PIGEONRESCUE.ORG” to really help the lost bird get home. You can order our ribbons here or find vendors to customize ribbons for you. Some bands are simply untraceable plastic clips of different colors or with a two-digit number and are only used to distinguish birds within an owner’s flock.

Should I return a ringed pigeon?

It depends. Pigeon rescuers have learned the hard way that providing rescued sport/business pigeons with a safe, non-exploitative home is better than giving them back to their exploiters. If you find a pigeon that has “pet” or “rescue” written on its ribbon, or has a name or phone number written on it, there’s a better chance the bird can be returned safely, but not always. White Homers bred, used and lost to the “pigeon release” business sometimes have telephone number bands and it does the bird no favors to return them. You don’t have to find out on your own. If you find a ringed pigeon please join our Palomacy help group and post a photo for quick help. We can help you care for the rescued bird and/or find help. Usually when a pet pigeon is lost their person will search for them, post them on Craigslist, Nextdoor, social media, lost and found sites, contact local emergency services, etc. and when we are asked to help with a lost pigeon, we do ours the best way is to help them get home. (Learn how to find your lost pigeon here.) People who use their pigeons for sport and business never contact us to look for lost birds. They don’t want lost birds.

Sports bands are encoded with the club name, the bird’s breeding year and the bird ID number. They are designed to record who is winning and not those who have lost.

Some pigeons come with clip-ons that are blank or only have a two-digit number. These bands are more likely to be used by “meat pigeons” like Kings (who only leave their breeding pens to go to the butcher) or by hobbyists. They don’t make sense at all.

Racers are likely to be singled out because they are “losers” who didn’t make it home quickly. Look closely at this tape – it reads “No Mercy”. This was Anna, a lost racer who arrived with shortness of breath, was treated and put on O2 and unfortunately was unable to beat her infection. This is the sort of thing (along with injury and starvation) that I see frequently in these birds. I’ve been criticized for not taking the time to track down people and ask if they want their bird. Anyone who thinks they deserve to go back to where they came from, please feel free to look up all the tapes I’ve rescued and tell the owners how their birds have suffered and died – and see if they do theirs Want to pay vet bills. I’m too busy cleaning, feeding, treating and trying to save her life. – Pigeon and pigeon rescuer

If you feel you need to contact the person who flew or rented the bird you rescued, please remember that the hawks, cats, raccoons, dogs, cars, starvation, etc. that kill these birds, don’t notify anyone. They just kill the birds, something that pigeon racers and business people are comfortable with. It is expected. These birds are available for them. If a lost, starving and/or injured carrier pigeon or “Dove Release” Homer or Roller is lucky enough to be rescued alive (most who get lost or injured die alone, unaided), they should be lucky , a good to get none – exploitative home. Also, the banded birds are mostly unclaimed (because they are not wanted). Some racers will call back and tell you to give the pigeon food and water for a few days and then let it go as “she will continue the journey home” but chances are the lost, weakened pigeon will actually make it home on its own creates are low . It’s just something racers tell people to get the “problem” solved.

Banding of domestic pigeons (and pigeons)

Show pigeons should not be allowed to fly around freely. Domestic pigeons and pigeons are easy targets for all manner of predators, and most who are allowed to fly free are eventually killed or lost as a result. Even a feral pigeon kept as a pet should not roam free, for without the security and wisdom of a wild flock they too are at high risk of being killed. After 12 years of full-time pigeon rescue, I can’t tell you how many sad stories I’ve heard that start with “I used to have a pigeon…”. You can give your pet pigeons a better chance of getting help and a home. If they ever get out or lost by tying them up with a rescue/pet lanyard. Palomacy now tied all of our rescued birds together with light blue aluminum split ribbons that said PIGEONRESCUE.ORG to do just that. You can order our bands for your birds right here or you can order your own custom bands. We get ours from

Palomacy commissioned these light blue split aluminum leg bands engraved with PIGEONRESCUE.ORG to increase the likelihood that a lost pet pigeon or pigeon will be helped and brought home. If someone finds your bird, the band will direct them to our Palomacy website.

The light blue aluminum shows up well on their pink legs, making them more recognizable as pets than wild birds (so they’re more likely to get help) and if found improves their chances of getting home safely. If your Palomacy banded bird is ever lost, notify us immediately for help. If we ever learn of a Palomacy banded bird being found, we will look for its person.

Remove ribbons

Many bands are clip-on and can be opened and removed. “Closed” bands which are placed over the paws during pigeon sports such as racing, rollers etc., and which are placed over the bird’s paws when they are a baby and once adult, can only be removed by cutting them off. Closed bands can be carefully severed with strong cuticle nippers. They have narrow, single-sided blades that are slim and secure enough to slip between the strap and leg, and also strong enough to slice/crunch through most metal and plastic straps with a few snips.

Some bands are brass and too difficult to cut, or a band may be too tight and require the help of an avian veterinarian to remove. You use Dremel (carefully!) or specially designed bird tape cutters. If a bird injures its leg, the swelling can cause the band to cut off circulation and require it to be professionally removed as soon as possible, or it can lose its foot.

Stranded banded pigeons need help

And Palomacy is here to help you, help them. Please join our Palomacy Help Group for quick help anytime, or email us. Rescued Scandaroon pigeon Shakespeare, found stray and too weak to fly and now happy, safe and loved, says: ‘So glad I got help, thank you!

Appreciate the work Palomacy is doing for pigeons and pigeons? Please support us with a donation if you can.

Donate online to Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

Support Palomacy as a monthly donor (receive a full color Palomacy wall calendar as a thank you every year!)

Mail a check made out to “CI – Palomacy” to Palomacy’s new address

PO Box 24585, SF, CA 94124

How do you identify a pigeon band?

These are occasionally found in the U.S. or Canada. Pigeon bands are plastic covered aluminum, usually colored plastic. Characters on pigeon bands include an organization code (AU, CU, IF, IPB, and NPA often), a recent year (2001or 01, etc.), a club code of 2 to 4 letters, and a 4-5 digit number.

National Pigeon Association

En francais en espanol

foreign bands

Many foreign countries also have bird banding programs. Foreign countries often use both letters and numbers in their bands. The bands usually have a foreign address on it. Report this to the issuing country or just as a color code to and describe the foreign band there. Be sure to state that the tape has the address of a foreign gang program and provide the address or name of the system as it appears on the tape. Every year bands from Russia and Japan can be found in western North America. Banded peregrine falcons and Greenlandic Canada geese with Danish bands are found in eastern North America. Bands from Brazil are reported from eastern North America in terns and shorebirds. Some tropical countries allow banders to use their own bands on birds, which in the United States and Canada fall under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. These are occasionally found in the US or Canada.

dove ribbons

Pigeon straps are aluminum covered in plastic, usually colored plastic. Characters on pigeon ribbons include an organization code (often AU, CU, IF, IPB, and NPA), a final year (2001 or 01, etc.), a 2-4 letter club code, and a 4-5 digit number. No other bands are plastic covered metal. Pigeon bands should not be reported to the Bird Banding Laboratory, but may be reported to the American Racing Pigeon Union or the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union.

falconry bands

Two types of bands are used on falcons kept legally for falconry. Flexible plastic ties similar to cable ties are used for wild-caught birds. Birds of prey bred in captivity wear a tight seamless band with codes similar to the zip-tie bands. Report these bands to your State Department of Natural Resources Permits Section in the US or the Provincial Permit Office in Canada, not the Bird Banding Laboratory or Bird Banding Office.

State and provincial bands

For gallinaceous (chicken-like) birds such as quail, grouse, pheasant, and turkey, state and provincial authorities may use their own bands. Gallinaceous birds are not covered by the Migratory Bird Contract Act and are not typically banded with federal ribbons. You will occasionally find a federal band on one of these birds, but this is not common practice. All gallinaceous birds with a federal band can be reported to the Bird Banding Laboratory.

State and provincial bands usually have the agency’s name stamped on them. The codes usually consist of a single letter followed by 5-6 numbers or all numbers. These tapes should be reported to the issuing body. You may need to ask the upland wildlife biologist at your federal or provincial natural resources office to report the gang. Employees who answer the general telephone numbers are usually unaware of the differences between federal and state bands and attempt to route all calls to the Bird Banding Laboratory, which is inappropriate in this case.

private bands

Private bands often have an address to report the band. The Bird Banding Laboratory or Bird Banding Office will not take reports of these bands unless the bird is also wearing a federal band. Any tape attached to a wild or captive bred bird intentionally released in the United States is illegal. For birds covered by the Migratory Bird Contract Act, only federal bands (and state or provincial bands for gallinaceous birds) may be used. Jack miner bands are private bands used on Canada geese in Ontario. They contain a Bible quote and a number. Jack Miner bands, like all private bands, should be reported to the address on the band.

cage bird bands

Cage birds (parakeets, cockatiels, finches, etc.) often wear bands. If these bands are solid, seamless bands, they indicate the bird was bred in captivity. Parrots going through US quarantine wear a heavy gauge wire metal import strap.

Each cage bird species has at least one group that issues ribbons to members for their use. Some regional bird clubs also issue bands to their members. These bands are metal with the initials of the organization or breeder, a two digit year and a number. Consult local bird breeders or pet stores for information on caged bird ties. The Bird Banding Laboratory does not take reports of these bands.

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Things you need to know about FERAL PIGEONS!

Things you need to know about FERAL PIGEONS!
Things you need to know about FERAL PIGEONS!

See some more details on the topic report a stray pigeon here:

Stray Reporting – The Royal Pigeon Racing Association

Reporting the bird as a stray · by completing the online form below, or · by texting the full ring number and condition, e.g. ‘GB22L12345 injured’, to 07888 …

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Date Published: 7/15/2021

View: 8235

Stray Racing Pigeon Reporting What To Do – Little Peckers

If there are no contact details visible then go the Royal Pigeon Racing Association website where there is a handy wizard for reporting stray racing pigeons.

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Date Published: 11/20/2021

View: 7386

NEHU Report Stray

The site for north of england pigeon racing. … Please report a stray pigeon you have found here. (There is a daily update routine every evening so you may …

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Date Published: 11/20/2021

View: 6235

Lost Pigeons – What to do

If you have the bird contained and it has a closed ring with the prefix NPA on the ring, report it to the NPA who will trace the owner. The NPA only has records …

+ Read More Here


Date Published: 2/2/2021

View: 8045

Lost Found Bird Information American Racing Pigeon Union

Thank you for taking time to care for found pigeons. … Need To Report A Found Bird? … Make sure to visit our page on How to Care for a Found Pigeon.

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Date Published: 9/18/2021

View: 9566

If you have found a… – Royal Pigeon Racing Association

Stray Reporting Racing pigeons sometimes come down to the ground for a rest while racing or training. They can be entified by numbered rings on their legs …

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Date Published: 8/24/2022

View: 8513

Report Stray – Irish Homing Union

Racing pigeons sometimes come down to the ground for a rest while racing or training. These pigeons carry rings on their leg which allow their ownership to …

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Date Published: 3/5/2022

View: 695

Stray Racing Pigeons – Scottish Homing Union

If it does not leave within a day or so, catch the pigeon and contact the appropriate Pigeon Union in order that the owner can be notified and arrange to …

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Date Published: 1/3/2022

View: 5061

New text-based stray reporting facilityThe Royal Pigeon Racing Association

You can now report a lost GB jumping carrier pigeon via SMS.

Simply format your message as follows: “GB22L12345 violated” and text it to 07888 860186.

Within a few seconds you will receive an SMS confirming the reported ring number and the owner’s phone/email contact details.

Make sure you include the full ring number and a condition – alive, injured or dead. Please note this facility can only be used for GB rings.

Just as you, the owner, can opt-in to receiving stray alerts via email, you can also opt-in to receive them via SMS. Send your loft number, name and mobile number to [email protected] to sign up for this service.

The Royal Pigeon Racing Association

Homing pigeons sometimes come down to rest during racing or training. They can be identified by numbered rings on their legs.

First aid for the pigeon

If you want to provide food and water for the bird, please use bird seed or crushed corn flakes and some water in a deep bowl. Please DO NOT give a carrier pigeon BREAD.

After the carrier pigeon is fed and watered, a bit like a ‘pit stop’, it usually continues on its journey home. Please remove the food source after maximum 48 hours or when it starts to fly, after that it can find its own food and water. A carrier pigeon can stay in the same place for 7-10 days, roosting on roofs or trees.

A pigeon will not complete the last part of its journey home if food is available from bird feeders and bird feeders – so best clear the decks!

After two days (or if the pigeon is injured or showing signs of distress) it may be necessary to enclose the bird in a carton or crate to protect it from other predators. This will prevent further injury to the bird and prevent it from flying away.

How to find the contact details of the owner

• Catch the bird by slowly approaching it, throwing a large towel over it and gently lifting it. (Carrier pigeons are used to being handled, and the bird may let you pick them up with little fuss.)

• Check if the pigeon has a ring number on its leg and make a note of the ring number, e.g. GB19T12345. If there are no leg rings, it is likely a feral or wild pigeon.

• It is important to write down ALL ring numbers and digits. Each ring is unique and gives specific information: in the example below, GB indicates that it is an RPRA ring; 19 denotes the breeding year (2019); and the T12345 identifies the specific individual bird for that year.

• NB – Due to a manufacturing defect, GB17N and GB17Z rings have six consecutive numbers instead of the usual five. For reporting purposes, please ignore the first 0, e.g. GB17Z012345 should read GB17Z12345.

• Find the owner’s contact details – gently open each wing and look for an ink stamp on the top of the wing or a phone number on a separate leg ring. Place the homing pigeon in a suitable container or box. Please contact the owner who will work with you to make arrangements regarding the bird and its return home.

Report the bird as a stray

If there is no wing stamp or phone bell, you can report the stray bird to us in three ways:

by completing the online form below, or

by texting the full ring number and status, e.g. ‘GB22L12345 violated’, to 07888 860186, or

Ring number and condition e.g. ‘GB22L12345 injured’, on 07888 860186 or by telephone on 01452 713529.

If you fill out the form below and provide an email address, you will receive an automatic email reply with the contact details of the owner. If you send the stray report by SMS, you will also immediately receive an SMS with the contact details.

Please note: This service applies to GB RINGS ONLY. See this guide for a list of rings contacts from other organizations/countries.

Data Protection – Details of reporting a stray will only be used for this purpose. If necessary, your e-mail address and/or telephone number will be passed on to the owner of the pigeon so that they can arrange for the pigeon to be picked up. If you are not a member of the RPRA, we store your data for up to three months before deleting it. The data given will not be passed on to third parties.

On behalf of the RPRA, thank you for your concern and care for the bird.



National Pigeon Association

pigeons found

Domestic pigeons with individually identifiable leg bands are registered with one of several national pigeon organizations. Below are some email or website contacts for nationally recognized pigeon organizations.

If there is no band on its leg, it is a wild pigeon and does not belong to any pigeon fancier or club. If you find an injured pigeon without a leg band and it cannot be released, contact your local Humane Society.

If you wish to contact the National Pigeon Federation about a lost pigeon, please be sure to include the full volume number of the pigeon found. This is important in locating the pigeon’s owner. The National Pigeon Association cannot locate an owner without them.

What to do if you find a lost pigeon:


Most lost birds are hungry and thirsty. Water is extremely important for all pigeons/pigeons. Since pigeons drink by sucking, any water container you provide should be at least 1 inch deep. Shallow cups or bowls with some weight work best, but any open container, e.g. B. a bowl, an old margarine container tub, etc. will work. The less stable or secure the container, the greater the chance of a spill. A thirsty bird may or may not drink immediately. Unfamiliar surroundings, fear, injury, or other household animals can intimidate the bird or distract it from drinking. Dehydration is the greatest danger for a lost pigeon/pigeon and just like for humans; This condition can make the bird a bit smaller than itself. Lost domesticated birds can be so exhausted that they don’t even realize there is water in front of them, especially since the water container you provide is different from the one they’ve had all their lives have used for a long time. A good trick to get the bird’s attention to the water being presented is to make a gentle smack with your finger. Birds are very familiar with the sound of water and this is one of the best ways for you to identify your gift. If a bird looks really exhausted, Gatorade or another commercial sports drink can be added to the water. A teaspoon or two per cup (250 mL) of water will help replenish electrolytes.


Pigeons are grain eaters. While feral city or park pigeons will eat bread, french fries, or other discarded foods, domestic pigeons have been raised on a multi-grain-grain diet, often mixed with special pigeon pellets. If domesticated show pigeons or performance pigeons are presented with bread and milk, they will not recognize this as a food source. Instead of bread, the most readily available food source is a commercial mix of wild birdseed mixed with popcorn. In addition, raw dried grains such as rice, pearl barley, peas or canary seed are good additions to the above mix or can be fed separately depending on availability. THESE GRAINS SHOULD NOT BE COOKED OR POPED BUT FEED RAW. Water should be provided as pigeons usually drink immediately after eating.

What should I store in it?

Almost any dry container that provides both security and ventilation will do as a temporary home. An old birdcage will easily house a pigeon for a few days. Probably the most readily available temporary accommodation is a cardboard box. An old screen or grate placed over the top of the box provides good protection, airflow, and adequate lighting for the bird to eat and drink.

Find the bird’s owner.

If the bird has a plastic or metal band or ring on its leg, the owner can be traced through one of the national pigeon organizations. If the bird you rescued is a fancy show pigeon, chances are the owner is very close to where you originally found the bird. If the bird is a racing homer, the owner could live hundreds of miles from you and this step may not be necessary. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours of rest on food and water, most uninjured carrier pigeons are able to continue their journey home. Just release the bird in an area free of wires or other nearby obstacles and it will gratefully fly home. Please NEVER attach a note to the bird’s leg with a rubber band or string. This procedure has led to numerous cases of broken legs, gangrene and amputations.


The letters on the band tell you the origin of the bird. (SAMPLE VOLUME BELOW)

Suppose the volume number is NPA 7 07 AT 1089

The (NPA) means it comes from the National Pigeon Association.

The (7) is the band size.

The (07) is the birth year of the pigeon.

The (AT) is the alphabetical sequence of the tape.

The (1089) is a unique serial number identifying this individual bird

Here are the contact information for various organizations that offer pigeon leg bands

NPA = NATIONAL PIGEON ASSOCIATION. Contact the NPA Secretary. Please be sure to email us the volume number so we can trace the original owner for you.






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