Serenity Angel Card Meaning? Best 51 Answer

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What is the purpose of angel cards?

Angel cards connect us to the energies of angelic beings that really just want to cuddle humanity into contentment. Decks vary in terms of words and imagery but readings have more to do with the interaction of energies (think ‘vibes’) than the overt symbolism of something like Tarot.

What Tarot card represents surrender?

The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

Healing with the Angels

The Hanged Man upright

The Hanged Man reminds you that sometimes you have to put everything on hold before you can take the next step, or the universe will do it for you (and it may not always be at the best time!). You may have heard the saying, “What got you here won’t get you there,” and indeed this card plays into that. The Hanged Man calls you to let go of the old mental models and behavioral patterns that no longer serve you, so you can see your world from a new perspective and embrace new opportunities that might otherwise have remained unavailable to you if you hadn’t put on the brakes .

Here’s the thing. These “pauses” can be voluntary or involuntary. When you’re in tune with your intuition, you’ll begin to sense when it’s time to hit the brakes and put things on hold—before things get out of control. But if you are not in tune and not perceiving these intuitive signs, the universe is likely to put things on hold for you in the form of ongoing obstacles, illness, and breakdowns. When you feel the “break” coming, pay attention; Otherwise, the universe will crank up the volume until you can’t ignore it anymore.

When The Hanged Man appears in a tarot reading, your projects and activities may come to an unexpected and abrupt halt. Don’t keep pushing forward hoping that more power will get you where you want to go. Instead, give yourself the opportunity to pause and see it as your chance to reassess and reassess where you are along the way. Something new is emerging and you won’t see it unless you give it the time and space.

The Hanged Man is your invitation to embrace these “pauses” and surrender to “what is” – even if it isn’t what you expected. Take time out of your routine to connect with a new way of thinking and seeing. Sure, you may have to put important projects on hold while you do this (and it could be very awkward), but trust me, it will be worth it. In this way, the universe helps you see new perspectives and prepares you for the next leveling that will take place in your life. If you push or resist, you will encounter more obstacles along the way; Instead, “allow” opportunities to flow to you smoothly and effortlessly.

The hanged man can sometimes reflect feeling stuck or restricted in your life. What keeps you in this “stuck” position? What’s stopping you from moving forward? On one level, The Hanged Man asks you to surrender and let go. Rather than investing in specific outcomes or resisting your current circumstances, accept them and allow yourself to flow with life. On another level, you are being urged to change your perspective and change your energy, and you may find it helpful to disconnect from your daily routine, whether it be a nature walk, retreat, or relocation to a new country. Change up your routine so you can start shifting your energy and flowing more freely again.

Can anyone use angel cards?

Anyone can talk to their angels; it isn’t some mystical power bestowed on a few special individuals, but it’s true certain people have a stronger ability to communicate with the divine than others.

Healing with the Angels

You may not have heard of angel cards, but they are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to tarot cards.

If there’s one question I have to brace myself for when I go to a party, it’s this: “What do you do for a living?” It’s not that I don’t like talking about being an angel card reader, the messages transmitted through my cards by clients’ guardian angels – actually I love to discuss how my clients have made changes in their lives by following the instructions I channeled. It’s just that raising this issue inevitably means grappling with a lot of misconceptions. I’m sometimes tempted to lie and claim “I sell photocopiers” to avoid further questions (of course, there’s nothing wrong with selling photocopiers). The angel cards I use in my work are similar to tarot cards but without the spooky connotations, like the infamous death card that has become popular on so many TV shows. Instead, the messages are encouraging and helpful. Crucially, angel cards don’t predict the future — that’s another misconception I often encounter (along with cliche lottery number draw jokes… yawn). And that is actually the reason why I work with angel cards. They accurately reflect – and sometimes insanely – what is going on in a client’s life, particularly the things that they themselves have not yet fully accepted, but still give people permission to make their own decisions. Nothing is set in stone and the future is something you create, which is very empowering.

Personally, I don’t want to know what my future looks like – I prefer to create it myself (modeled after my angels, of course) and the people who are normally drawn to my ministries feel the same way. When someone comes to me to read an angel card that I offer via Skype or email in half-hour or one-hour time slots, they are often at a crossroads in their life or trying to move forward in a particular area. The most requested area is relationships – specifically “How do I find my soulmate?”. or ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ – closely followed by career advice and general questions about finding meaning in life. To get the answers, I tune into the customers’ guardian angels (yes, everyone has them) and then shuffle the cards; The ones that pop out or are up when the angels are telling me to stop shuffling are the right messages for that client. Don’t ask me how this works – it just works. People are often curious about exactly how I attune to the angelic realm, and this is where things can get a little too modern for some (and before you ask: no, I can’t talk to the dead). Anyone can talk to their angels; It is not a mystical power bestowed on a few special individuals, but it is true that certain people have a greater ability to communicate with the divine than others. And in case you’re wondering if I read your mind, I don’t; I can’t tune in to your angels without your permission, and they’re just telling me the key messages for you, not the details of your sex dream last night or that pack of Tim Tams you secretly ate in your car earlier.

When I ask for angelic guidance, I receive it via intuitive feelings (often loosely referred to as gut feelings), voices, or images typically made up of symbols. For example, in a recent session I was shown a client being swept down a cliff by a landslide. This wasn’t a literal prediction of a natural disaster that will hit her neighborhood, but a symbol of getting carried away by what others are doing rather than taking the unique path that’s right for her. It took me practice to understand what these messages mean and to learn to trust them. is it accurate Sure, but that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes misunderstand the information presented to me – I’m human, after all, but with practice I’ve honed my craft better. Sometimes a client doesn’t quite tell me the full story (e.g., he doesn’t reveal that the “partner” he asked about is married to someone else), and this limits my ability to provide helpful advice . The biggest misconceptions I deal with are fueled by skepticism, and that’s okay – I never try to force my work on anyone. Experience has taught me that reading angel cards doesn’t resonate with certain people, particularly those who are unwilling to make changes in their lives (example: those who believe their life will only get better if when they enter into a relationship, they don’t understand that they need to improve their lives before they can attract a partner). Angel card readings aren’t for everyone – but for those with an open mind and a willingness to keep moving forward, they can be an extremely useful personal development tool.

What we thought when we tried angel cards

Kate, our lead designer, read an angel card to test. Here’s what she thought of it. “When I was asked if I was interested in an angel card reading, I was very skeptical at first. I went to see a psychic once and didn’t have a very good experience after hearing some things I wish I hadn’t known. But after reading Trudie’s website and seeing that she is not actually psychic and that your guardian angels can only give you positive advice for your life, I decided to give it a try. I chose to have the reading done through email and I needed to ask my angels three questions. After a few days, I got my reading back, which was a detailed five-page document. It was divided into three areas. The present, the near future (about three months) and the future beyond (six months). Five cards are drawn for each time frame. In the second paragraph of the reading, Trudie mentioned that she had seen a picture of me pulling weeds, which surprised me. My husband and I recently bought a section and I was just busy learning all about the weeds that grow on it and literally spending weekends uprooting hundreds of them! So this reading was spot on from the start. As I continued to read about all the different cards that came up, I realized that this is a pretty special gift that Trudie has. Some of the cards that were drawn targeted areas of my life that I was struggling with that no one else would have known about. The cards gave me gentle reminders of how to either stop worrying, be patient, sever connections, forgive, heal, or move on.

How do you prepare for an Angel Reading?

7 Tips to Enhance Your Insight for a Highly Accurate Angel Card…
  1. Clear Your Mind and Body. You must be in a clean state of mind and body when you start your angel card reading. …
  2. Clear Your Surroundings. …
  3. Take Your Own Time. …
  4. Less Is More. …
  5. Raise the Energy. …
  6. Invoke Protection. …
  7. Focus on Your Strengths.

Healing with the Angels

Angel Cards are an insightful and accurate tool to help you seek spiritual guidance in your life. Unlike tarot cards, angel cards are not definitive in terms of specific events, times, places, and dates. Instead, they are messages of comfort and guidance from your angels to help you with the issues you may be facing regarding your relationships, career, finances, or peace of mind.

Working with angel cards requires you to focus on reading while maintaining positive thoughts and an open heart. The right approach to reading the cards can have an immense impact on the outcome of your reading. Reading cards with angels can take you to the most delightful spaces of your mind, but it can also present certain challenges.

Reading angel cards is so much more than just picking out cards. You must remember that the angels are guiding you, not the cards. The cards are merely a bridge that allows you to connect your energies and consciousness to your angels.

Before you start reading the angel cards you need to realize that your energies are always in contact with your angels. Your consciousness prevents you from realizing this connection. The voice of your angels will be as strong as your willingness to hear them. You must align your spiritual awareness to feel the guiding power of the angels around you.

Here are 7 tips to help you get better enlightenment from your angels.

Purify your mind and body

You must be in a pure state of mind and body when you begin reading the angel chart. You can never get an accurate reading if you’re drunk or have eaten too much. Only a clear state of mind can allow you to tap into your inner guidance and channel your energies to receive the messages your angels intend to send you. Very often people read angel cards after having a few drinks at parties. While it may seem like fun, it is not healthy for a person’s spiritual growth. It is the same as going to a church service in an intoxicated state. And in such a condition, you can never get an accurate measurement.

Clean up your surroundings

Your surroundings while reading the maps are very important. When you have a clean space around you, you can easily attain a meditative state. A crowded environment not only dulls your intuition but can also affect your energies and those of your angels. Ensure odor-free room air. You can light some candles or burn incense sticks before you start reading.

Take your time.

Don’t rush through the session. If you feel that you are in a hurry or need to go somewhere soon, it is better to do the reading at a convenient time. The mental feeling of rushing through will not help you form a strong connection with your angels and you will end up missing out on crucial divine messages from your angels.

Less is more

Don’t try to complicate reading with complex card spreads. The easier the spread, the better your reading will be. Instead of spending time dealing with complex card deals, use this time to meditate on your cards so you can channel your inner spirits to make better contact with your angels. When you get enough experience with the cards, you can start trying new things.

Increase the energy

When reading the angel cards you need to be physically and mentally fit. If you are not quite yourself in body and mind, you may want to make some adjustments to help. Playing some music you love can do the trick.

invoke protection

If you have concerns while reading, you should always ask for spiritual support to enhance your connection and experience. If you feel more connected to one of the Archangels, say a little prayer on their behalf and ask for their presence and protection during your reading. After you finish reading, thank them for their support in your session.

Concentrate on your strengths

You may be attending an angel card reading session because of certain issues or stress you are facing in your life. Reading the Angel Cards will empower you to open your heart and bring your focus to the areas in your life where you feel safe and happy. You must trust the cards to illuminate the brightest parts of your life and remind you of the strengths in your life.

Remember that the real magic is actually within you. The angel cards just help you direct your mind to where your heart is already present.

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are a series of repeating digits, like 111, 222, 333, and so on. If you’re suddenly noticing the same series of numbers in different places, some people think this is a divine message coming to you from the universe, God, or whatever power you believe in.

Healing with the Angels

If you make a wish when the clock strikes 11:11, or you’ve noticed that your coffee order is always exactly $3.33, you might be interested in numerology. It’s the idea that numbers carry a certain energy or meaning in the universe. If you see the same set of repeating numbers in different places – e.g. B. on license plates, receipts, watches and in addresses – these could be what numerologists would call your “angel numbers”.

Angel numbers are a series of repeating digits like 111, 222, 333 and so on. When you suddenly notice the same series of numbers in different places, some people think that this is a divine message coming to you from the universe, God or some other power that you believe in. Each row of numbers has a different meaning. It could be the world’s way of getting in touch with your smarter side, or maybe it’s news of a big change coming your way. Other numbers indicate that hard work is paying off or a new chapter in your life is beginning.

Angel numbers are just a way to think about the world and gain clarity. People with an interest in numerology may also be interested in finding their life path number. Others find meaning by reflecting on specific Bible verses, meditating, or going for a walk. There are many ways to get in touch with your spirituality.

More from women’s day

If you are curious about how to find your angel numbers and what they mean, we have all the answers here.

What are numbers?

In numerology, angel numbers are a repeating sequence of three or four numbers that appear in seemingly random places in your life to convey a spiritual or divine message. For example, if you always see the clock at 5:55 p.m. or always seem to be behind a license plate that reads 222, that could be your angel number.

Paparaffia // Getty Images

How Can You Find Your Angel Numbers?

Pay attention to repeated sequences of numbers. Novalee Wilder, author of , explained in an interview with Parade that people can find their angel numbers anywhere common number sequences appear: license plates, addresses, phone numbers, store prices, digital clocks, and many other places.

What Should You Do When You See Your Angel Numbers?

Numbers can have different meanings. In an interview with Parade, Wilder suggested meditating or otherwise coming into a quiet headspace and contemplating what the numbers could mean for your life. The trick is to keep an open mind so you can understand and be receptive to what the world is trying to tell you.

tumsasedgars // Getty Images

What Do Your Angel Numbers Mean?

Although the angel numbers can have different meanings depending on the person, there are some common interpretations for specific sequences.

Jamie Ballard Jamie Ballard (she/she) is a freelance writer and editor covering news, lifestyle and entertainment topics including sex and relationships, television, film, books, health, pets, food and beverage, pop culture, shopping and more personal finance. She is a regular contributor to Cosmopolitan, Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping and YouGov, among others. When she’s not working, you can find her walking, traveling, or scrolling on TikTok. Follow her on Twitter.

Who invented angel cards?

Created by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake, the Angel Cards are an international best-seller–over 1.3 million sold in 6 languages.

Healing with the Angels

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What is the most powerful tarot card?

In almost all tarot games, the Fool is one of the most valuable cards.

Healing with the Angels

Major Arcanum

The Fool is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. When reading tarot cards, it is one of the 22 major arcana, sometimes numbered 0 (the first) or XXI (the last). However, in decks designed to play traditional tarot card decks, it is not usually numbered as it is not one of the 21 trump cards and instead serves a unique purpose.

Iconography[ edit ]

A medieval allegory of stupidity painted by Giotto from the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. This depiction is similar to the jester in the earliest surviving painted decks

The fool is titled Le Mat in the Marseille Tarot and Il Matto in most Italian language tarot decks. These archaic words mean “the madman” or “the beggar” and may be related to the word for “checkmate” in reference to the original use of tarot cards for gaming purposes.[1]

In the earliest tarot decks, the fool is usually depicted as a beggar or vagabond. In the Visconti Sforza tarot deck, the fool wears ragged clothing and stockings with no shoes and carries a cane on his back. He has what looks like feathers in his hair. His unruly beard and feathers may refer to the Woodwose or wild man tradition. Another early Italian image related to the tradition is the first (and lowest) of the series of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna. This series of prints depicting social roles, allegorical figures, and classical deities begins with Misero, a depiction of a beggar leaning on a staff.[2] A similar picture is contained in the German Court Office Game; there the fool is depicted as a barefoot man in robes, apparently with a bell on his hood, playing the bagpipes.[3]

The Marseille Tarot and related decks similarly depict a bearded person wearing a jester’s hat; He always carries a bundle of his belongings on a stick (called a bindle) that hangs over his back. He appears to be chased away by an animal, either a dog or a cat. The animal tore his pants.[4]

In the Rider-Waite deck and other esoteric decks made for cartomancy, the jester is shown as a young man unknowingly walking towards the edge of a chasm. In the Rider Waite tarot deck, he is also depicted as having a small dog with him. The fool holds in one hand a white rose (a symbol of freedom from base desires) and in the other a small bundle of possessions representing untapped collective knowledge.[5]

In French decks that do not use the traditional emblematic imagery of Italian decks for the trump suit, the jester is typically depicted as a jester or bard, reminiscent of the joker often found in the standard 52-card deck.

history [edit]

In decks before Waite-Smith, the Fool is almost always numberless. There are a few exceptions: some old decks (including the 15th-century Sola Busca) marked the card with a 0, and the 18th-century Belgian decks marked the Fool as XXII. The Fool is almost always completely independent of the trump sequence in historical decks. However, there is historical precedent for it being considered the lowest trump and the highest trump.

Traditionally, the major arcana in tarot cards are numbered with Roman numerals. The fool is numbered with the zero, one of the Arabic numerals.

The Fool could be the prequel to The Joker.[7]


In tarot card games [ edit ]

Skus (right) of The two most common fool cards in tarot decks, l’Excuse (left) of the Tarot Nouveau and the (right) of Industry and Luck

When reading tarot cards, the Fool is usually considered part of the Major Arcana. This does not apply to tarot card games; The role of the jester in most games is independent of both the plain suit and trump cards, and the card does not belong to either category. Therefore, most tarot decks originally made for playing games do not assign the Fool a number indicating his rank in the trump suit. it has none. Waite gives the Fool the number 0, but in his book he discusses the Fool between Judgment, no. 20 and Die Welt, no. 21. The only traditional deck featuring the Fool 0 is the Tarocco Piemontese. Since the 1930s, Tarot Nouveau decks have often used a black inverted mullet as the corner index for the fool. In almost all tarot games, the fool is one of the most valuable cards.

As an excuse[edit]

In most tarot decks originating in Italy and France, the fool plays a unique role. In these games, the fool is sometimes called “the excuse”. Tarot games are typically trick-taking games; Playing the Fool card excuses the player from either following suit or playing a trump. At the end of the trick, the player takes back the fool and adds it to their own trick deck, giving (in most games) the least valuable card from the same deck to the winner of the trick. If there are no cards to trade, the fool is worth one point less and the trick taker gets an extra point. Or at the end of the hand, it can be awarded to a player or team that has won all the tricks. Usually the fool cannot be caught, but in some games it can be won in the last trick, which can give a point bonus.

In a minor variant of the French Tarot, a player has dealt trump 1 but no other trumps, or the fool can make trump 1 behave the same as the fool (petit imprenable). However, under the official tournament rules, a player in this situation must bid their hand and force a re-deal (petit sec).

As lowest trump[ edit ]

The 18th-century Piedmontese game of sedici and its variants treated the fool as the lowest trump.[11] Unlike most games, The Fool is only worth one point. This is similar to the role of the miseria trump in Sicilian tarocchi.

As the highest trump[ edit ]

In most Central European Tarot games, the Fool or Skus is played simply as the 22nd trump, making it the highest trump in such games.[12] In Königrufen the Fool can be beaten, but only if played in the same trick with trump 21 and 1, in which case trump 1 wins; this is called the Emperor’s Trick or the Fairy Tale Trick.[13] In Hungarian tarock, the player who loses trump 21 to the fool is traditionally required to wear a silly hat.

As an apology and top trump card

In French tarot and droggn, the fool is an excuse, but on rare occasions it is the highest trump. If the player holding the fool has won all previous tricks, the fool becomes the highest trump in the last trick.[15]

In Troggu, the fool is the highest trump, but if it is the last trump in the player’s possession, the player can choose to throw in another card instead of following suit. Once this happens, the fool is no longer a trump but an excuse to be reserved for the final trick.[16]

As an excuse and placeholder[edit]

Before and after the trick game of Tarocchini, the fool and the magician are called contatori (counters), a limited form of wild cards.[17] They can be used individually or together to fill in missing gaps in combinations or to extend them, but they cannot fill in two consecutive gaps in consecutive combinations.[18] They cannot replace the highest trump or kings. Both cards can be used in any sequence, but since the Fool cannot be captured while the Mage is vulnerable, the player holding the Mage would want to use it judiciously.[19]

In Grosstarock games, of which the Danish Tarok is the last survivor, the fool can take the place of a missing card during pre-game explanations. However, a meld completed with the Fool is only worth half the points compared to a natural meld. Also, when leading a trick, the Fool can transform into the weakest card of any suit the player chooses, but it is placed on the player’s trick pile as an excuse. However, if the opponents lack the named color, they can get the right to set the color of the trick.


In many esoteric systems of tarot card reading, the fool is interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the major arcana is the path the fool walks through the great mysteries of life. This path is traditionally known in card reading as the “Fool’s Journey” and is often used to introduce beginners to the meaning of Major Arcana cards.[21][22]

According to the 1910 book Pictorial Key to the Tarot by AE Waite[23] the Fool card is associated with:

Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, treason. [If the card] is reversed: negligence, absence, distribution, negligence, apathy, nullity, vanity.

See also[edit]



This article incorporates text from the 1910 public domain book Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite. Please feel free to update the text.

How can I clean my tarot cards without sage?

Different ways to cleanse your tarot deck
  1. Use sacred smoke. …
  2. Place a selenite stone (or black tourmaline or clear quartz) on the deck. …
  3. Put them out on under a New Moon. …
  4. Stick the cards in a bowl of salt. …
  5. Chaotic shuffle. …
  6. The sort and shuffle. …
  7. You can also book a tarot reading or tarot tutoring session with me.

Healing with the Angels

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Tips on why and how to clean tarot cards.

While shuffling the tarot deck is a way to cleanse and clear the energy of the cards, there are times when you might want to do something more specific and ritualized. Maybe you’re just starting out in learning tarot, and cleaning up your deck seems like a good place to start.

There are many reasons you might want to clean up your tarot deck, including:

Start with a new deck

do readings for others

You feel like you need a refresher

Your card readings feel “off” or a little disconnected

You haven’t used your deck for a while

Others have handled your deck

You feel like you’ve used your deck A LOT – especially for emotionally heavy readings

Why should you clean or tidy up your tarot deck?

Clearing your tarot deck can allow the energy to flow between you and your deck. Think of it as a little spiritual hygiene to keep the connection clear and well-tuned. It’s nothing you have to do, but if you’re feeling any of the above feelings, explore a few different ways to energetically clear your deck (see below) and note which ones work best for you.

How often should you clean your tarot deck?

There are no hard and fast rules here, which is another way of saying USE YOUR INTUITION. If you feel like your deck doesn’t need it, don’t worry. Or if you want to clean them once a week or once a month, great. You can even put your favorite crystal on the terrace every evening if you see fit.

If you regularly add crystals to your deck and place your deck on an altar when you’re not using it, you might not feel the need to clean it often, as this little ritual can be enough to keep your deck feeling good.

Just as there are many reasons you might want to clean up your cards, there are many ways to do it.

Different ways to cleanse your tarot deck

Use holy smoke. Light a smoke purification stick made from dried rosemary, lavender, cedar, sage, or palo santo until it smokes. With the burning herbs in one hand and the deck in the other, hold the smoke a safe distance below the deck so the smoke billows up toward the cards. Turn the deck so all sides are enveloped in smoke. Then lay down your deck and safely stop the smoke.

Place a selenite stone (or black tourmaline or clear quartz) on the deck. I like to leave it overnight, but an hour is fine.

Put them on at new moon. The new moon is bare slate energy, you can clean the deck under the new moon by placing it on a windowsill on a new moon night. You can also set a new intent for your deck at this point.

Put the cards in a bowl of salt. Salt is a powerful and grounding cleanser. This is my go-to option for a serious clean. Leave it in a dry place for 1-8 hours (watch out for moisture!)

Chaotic mixing. Put the cards on the ground and shuffle them like a kid playing in the mud. The randomness and freedom of this method is a great reset.

The sorting and shuffling. Lay the deck out in rows of 7 cards starting with Major Arcana numbers 0-22 (see photo above). Then lay out the cards from ace to king for each suit in this order: Wands, Cups, Swords, Coins. View the deck in this form, then shuffle everything (like the chaos!) and shuffle well.

Read More: How to Shuffle Tarot Cards (Plus Jumper Cards).

How to clean tarot cards

There is no right or wrong way to clean your deck. Experiment and find what works for you. Some cleaning methods may work better for different situations. If you are interested in learning more about reading tarot intuitively, sign up to waitlist for my Tarot Foundations course.

You can also book a tarot reading or tarot tutoring with me.

How do you use Angel Cards Doreen Virtue?

How To Use Oracle Cards In 6 Easy Steps
  1. Clear Your Card Deck. Your cards are sensitive, and they absorb energy from everyone who touches them. …
  2. Prepare the Cards. Briefly touch all the cards to introduce your own energy to them. …
  3. Shuffle the Cards. …
  4. Choose a Card. …
  5. Read the Guidebook Message.

Healing with the Angels

Sometimes you need a simple and straight-to-the-point answer to your most pressing questions. Students often ask us, “How do I get a simple yes or no?” “When will I get this job, meet my soulmate, move to a better place?” “I want to talk to my angels, but I don’t know how to use oracle cards used. How can I get answers if you need a quick and easy to understand answer that addresses your concern.

Learn how to read a 1 card

You may want to quickly draw a card of support and trust. Or maybe you’re trying to choose between multiple options and you need a crystal clear sign of what choice to make. Whether it’s romance, career, health, or just everyday decisions, these cards will make it easy to find answers. As you navigate a confusing situation, these cards offer direct and loving messages from your guardian angels.

Oracle cards are an ancient and time-honored way to connect with heaven and your angels. They are based on Pythagorean numerology, which teaches that numbers and images all vibrate in very precise, mathematical ways. It’s impossible to go wrong when using oracle cards as they work on the infallible Law of Attraction. That means your queries (or those of the person you’re doing the reading for) will always attract the perfect cards as answers. Each one you drag corresponds exactly to the vibration of the question.

Here are 6 steps to using Oracle cards

Step 1. Clear your deck of cards

Your cards are delicate and absorb energy from anyone who touches them. So they need to be purged of any energy they may have absorbed from the manufacturing and shipping process. Steps one and two only need to be repeated if another person is touching your cards or if your readings are fuzzy because the cards are clogged with too much energy. To clear your deck, hold the cards in one hand and swipe across them with the other hand. Then consider the thought that you would like the cards erased and say a prayer about it, such as, “Dear God, thank you for removing everything that is not of divine love from these cards. This clears the old energy and makes it ready to receive your special energy.

Step 2. Prepare the cards

Briefly touch all cards to infuse them with your own energy. To do this, you can simply touch one of the corners. Then fan the cards so the picture is facing you. Hold the fanned cards to your heart and think of any prayers or intentions you would like to give them. Your cards are sensitive to your desires. They now carry your personal vibration and desires.

Step 3. Ask a question

Think of a question you would like answered. If you’re drawing cards for someone else, ask him or her to think of a question or ask one. Heaven hears your thoughts, so you don’t have to say your question out loud.

Step 4. Shuffle the cards

Keep the question in mind as you shuffle the cards, and ask Heaven to help you with answers and guidance. We often say this prayer while shuffling: “Dear God, I ask that only your pure and trustworthy messages come through these cards. I ask that the answers I receive be clear and easy to understand. Please help me to see, hear, feel and know your messages for us. I ask that this card reading will bring blessings to all involved.” If one or more cards “pop” out of the deck as you shuffle, set them aside. They will be part of your reading. As you shuffle, you will likely notice thoughts, words, visions, or feelings. These inner messages help you understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to everything you think, hear, feel, and see. You may also get the feeling or “knowing” to stop shuffling the cards, or you may even hear the words stop shuffling now. These intuitive messages will help you read. You can’t make a mistake and stop shuffling too soon as the Divine Law of Attraction ensures you always pick the right cards.

Step 5. Choose a card

Once you stop shuffling, draw any card from the deck. The card drawn is always the right one. Every card is positive, so don’t worry about making a wrong choice. You can draw a card from the top of the deck or choose one from the deck that you feel called to. The card you draw is the answer to your question. As you read the words, notice any additional words, thoughts, feelings, or visions that come to you, as these are also messages from Heaven to you. The image on the card is also important. Pay attention to where your eyes go when you look at the map and pay attention to how you are feeling. Everything you see and feel is part of the answer to your question. If you set aside a card or cards that “popped” out of the deck when shuffled, take a look at that too. The bouncing card also gives you a message.

We designed the Angel Answers Oracle Cards to give you the perfect answer for every question you ask, using just one card. In a situation where you are comparing options, you would draw a card for each option. If, after drawing a single card, you decide that you want additional information, you can ask your angels for more details, shuffle, and draw another.

Step 6. Read the Guidebook message

The guide that comes with your Oracle deck contains a detailed explanation of the meaning of each card. As you read the words, remember to notice any thoughts or feelings that come to your mind as they are also part of the answer. Heaven will give you answers and help regarding every part of your life.

Who invented angel cards?

Created by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake, the Angel Cards are an international best-seller–over 1.3 million sold in 6 languages.

Healing with the Angels

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Who made angel cards?

Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy!

Healing with the Angels

This is a beautiful tarot set with fantasy images depicting the major and minor Aracana cards. With the helpful little guide to interpreting the meaning and additional meaning of each card.

There are brief instructions on how to make a simple 3 card spread or the elaborate (for advanced readers) Celtic Cross. However, you do not have to do such spreads as there are many other types of spreads to suit you that can be found on the internet.

Viewing each card description was easy and I do

This is a beautiful tarot set with fantasy images depicting the major and minor Aracana cards. With the helpful little guide to interpreting the meaning and additional meaning of each card.

There are brief instructions on how to make a simple 3 card spread or the elaborate (for advanced readers) Celtic Cross. However, you do not have to do such spreads as there are many other types of spreads to suit you that can be found on the internet.

It was easy to look at each card description and I checked the meaning with Eden Gray’s own tarot interpretation book and both Virtue and Gray’s were similar.

However, I couldn’t find what each Minor Aracana suit represents for the traditional Minor Aracana (it most likely says it on one of the sites) and I looked it up online.

Here it is as follows:

Earth – Pentacles

Fire – Wands

Air – Swords

water – cups

It’s very beautiful and cheap. Unlike some of Doreen Virtue’s cards which have plastic covered on each card, this pack was made of good cardboard. Made in China and is mass-produced, but this does not affect the reading and interpretation spreads.

I was able to put my energy into the cards after a moonlight cleanse.

What are Angel Cards? And How Do They Work? | Kyle Gray

What are Angel Cards? And How Do They Work? | Kyle Gray
What are Angel Cards? And How Do They Work? | Kyle Gray

See some more details on the topic serenity angel card meaning here:

Daily Angel Card Reading: Serenity

Card Meaning: You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility. Peace of mind means feeling secure, and knowing that you’re …

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Date Published: 7/8/2022

View: 6392

03 The Angel Of Serenity – Upright – Free Readings 4U

The Angel of Serenity is carrying the dove that symbolizes the serenity of life. The calm stance evokes the tranquillity and peace that are this angel’s gift to …

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Date Published: 12/15/2021

View: 6785

Healing with the Angels – SERENITY – Tarot Forum

This card means a time of inner peace and calmness. This may be the time to relax, enjoy the joy and happiness. Have faith that what ever comes …

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Date Published: 7/10/2022

View: 9485

Daily Angel Card Reading: Serenity by… – Love & Light Shop

Daily Angel Card Reading: Serenity by DOREEN VIRTUE Card Meaning: You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility. Peace of mind…

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Date Published: 10/14/2022

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Tag: serenity – Archangel Oracle

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card deck, by John Holland: Heal Heal ~ Key Words: “Forgive, offer, receive, serenity, hope …

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Date Published: 5/17/2022

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Serenity Angel – Thoughtful Little Angels

This Thoughtful Little Angel asks God to grant the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to …

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Date Published: 2/25/2022

View: 7839

Angel Card Reading Oct 15, 2010

SERENITY (Card Meaning): You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility. Peace of mind means feeling secure, …

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Date Published: 6/16/2021

View: 3529

Daily Angel Card Reading: Serenity

Daily Fishing Chart Reading: Serenity

Card Meaning: You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and calm.

Peace of mind is feeling safe and knowing that you are always taken care of. Even when your logical mind can’t fathom how a challenge might be solved, peace of mind means you have faith that God will create a miraculous solution. This type of belief is always warranted because belief is a key component in experiencing such miracles.

By drawing this card, the angels are assuring you that there is peace of mind within you. You can feel calm even in the midst of great turbulence. It is a mistake to think that you have to wait until your life is problem free before you can be happy and peaceful. The opposite is actually the case. First you work towards serenity, and then your life challenges ease and disappear. Serenity is your natural state of mind and the angels are now working with you to bring this about.

This card was drawn by Doreen Virtue from the Oracle Cards in Healing With The Angels.

Free Angel Reading with The Angel of Serenity

What does reversed cards/card strength mean?

The angel of serenity carries the dove, which symbolizes the serenity of life. The calm demeanor is a reminder of the calm and peace that is this angel’s gift to us. Serenity is a blessing that allows us to feel safe and comfortable. With the gift of serenity, we have the opportunity to be fruitful in our lives.

The Serenity Angel belongs to REALM: Heaven of Creation and belongs to the group known as the Forces.

ANGEL FUNCTION: To make our souls serene

GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help us live our lives serenely; find solutions to conflicts; Finding ultimate happiness within ourselves

The Angel of Serenity dances with us as we engage in daily struggles and conflicts. Wishing us the lightness of serenity, this angel will often inspire our dreams to create a vision of what life could be like if we only dared to live from that place within ourselves. This angel will always encourage us to detach from struggle and conflict. We do this by changing our attitude and refraining from our view of a situation or person. The gift of serenity comes when we have given up our struggles and let go of our negativity. It’s a gift that can be shattered from time to time, but once we’ve experienced it, we’ll always want it in our lives. We can engage in spiritual and esoteric practice to try to attain this state. In truth, serenity, like peace, is always there for us when we slow our lives to a pace where we can feel our emotions and attune to the Oneness of Source. We can pray to this angel to give us a taste of serenity so that we can make the adjustments and changes necessary to live from our inner being. Serenity means giving up the struggle and letting go of the ego to truly live congruently with our Higher Self. We can pray to reach that spiritual state, which is knowing that the universe is a benign and safe place and that this is where we really belong. When we accept our oneness with Source, we can face crises, changes and losses with serenity. This quality comes with a spiritual attitude that recognizes that all is as it should be and that we are in the right place and doing the right thing. That means giving up attitudes that stand in the way of happiness. It also means letting go of emotional pain that can lead us to believe life must be tortuous or strained. Praying to the Angel of Serenity opens the channel for this essence of God’s love to permeate our lives. It allows us to live from a deep and rich center, unshakable through difficult circumstances. We pray for help to remove the obstacles to serenity that are cluttering our lives. We can also ask the angel to help us feel that we deserve to live in a serene manner so that our purpose can be fulfilled with ease and grace.

Here are some excerpts from some of my favorite books

Complete Book of Tarot

book details

Complete Book of Tarot: For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by divination. It must have something to do with going to a Catholic school run by well-meaning but rather superstitious nuns. The good sisters told us fascinating stories about a variety of divine miracles, the prophecies of Fatima kept secret by the Pope, spirits that returned from the dead to warn mortals of the dangers of sin, guardian angels that never left you Eyes, even when sitting on the toilet, and saints with special powers allowed them to foretell the future and “bi-locate” to be in two places at once. I thought it would be really nice to be able to bi-localize.

angel books

Complete Book of Tarot: Myths/Archetypes: The Last Judgment. The Angel of the Resurrection. The Avenging Angel. The phoenix rises from its ashes. Persephone is rescued from the underworld. The tooth fairy.

Angel Insights: You are the top priority of your guardian angels. They are always with you. They never have anything more important or urgent to take care of. Like a mother always chasing after her curious, active toddler to make sure the child stays out of trouble, your guardian angels are always hovering nearby. Your guardian angels are so closely connected with you that they often know your needs and desires before you do, just like a mother knows the signs that show a child is hungry or tired. This is how angels can save people from accidents in a split second, or bring you an unexpected reward or change in your schedule that makes you think, wow, I didn’t realize until now, but that was just what I needed today.

Contact us if you need more information about The Angel of Serenity and we don’t have it. We would be happy to obtain the information for you. We hope you will visit us again for another angel reading!

Elements of the Psychic World: Xenoglossia is a phenomenon associated with altered states of consciousness such as trance, sleep, and mediumship. Often the spoken language cannot be identified by the speaker and this has led some people to believe that the person may be speaking in an angelic or otherworldly language.

Healing with the Angels


Healing with the Angels – SERENITY

Our next card is:


This map has lots of greenery and feels very peaceful. Green is a healing color and also a very loving color. The angels place their hands over the flowers and I feel calmness overtake them.

This card signifies a time of inner peace and tranquility. This can be the time to relax, enjoy the joy and happiness. Trust that whatever lies ahead, you will be able to handle it in a calm, unflinching way.

This card feels very loving, safe and supportive. Our next map is: This map has lots of greenery and feels very peaceful. Green is a healing color and also a very loving color. The angels place their hands over the flowers and I feel calmness washed over them. This card signifies a time of inner peace and tranquility. This can be the time to relax, enjoy the joy and happiness. Trust that you can deal calmly and imperturbably with whatever lies ahead. This card feels very loving, safe and supportive.

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