Short Baptism Testimony Example? All Answers

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On the cross, Jesus died as a substitute for our sins. Without Jesus we would still be dead in our sins. There is no other way to God. Jesus rose from the dead, proving Himself and the sacrifice He made – it was acceptable to the Father.Say, “Ellis, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for the forgiveness of your sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.”May the good Lord bless your life with special blessings from heaven and may your Baptism day be filled with very special love. Congratulations on your Baptism! May this sacred day bring many blessings and much happiness to you and your family! Congratulations!

When sharing your story:
  1. Make it personal. Tell what Christ has done for you. …
  2. Keep it short. You don’t have to talk for very long. …
  3. Keep Christ at the center. One of the main elements of a personal story is being able to highlight what Christ has done for you. …
  4. Use the Word of God.
3 Parts to Sharing Your Testimony
  1. Their Story – Ask the person you are talking with to share about their spiritual journey.
  2. Your Story – Then share your Testimony shaped around their experience.
  3. God’s Story – Finally share God’s story in a way that connects with their world-view, values and priorities.

How do you write a short baptism testimony?

When sharing your story:
  1. Make it personal. Tell what Christ has done for you. …
  2. Keep it short. You don’t have to talk for very long. …
  3. Keep Christ at the center. One of the main elements of a personal story is being able to highlight what Christ has done for you. …
  4. Use the Word of God.

What do I say before I get baptized?

Say, “Ellis, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for the forgiveness of your sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

What do you say when you are baptized?

May the good Lord bless your life with special blessings from heaven and may your Baptism day be filled with very special love. Congratulations on your Baptism! May this sacred day bring many blessings and much happiness to you and your family! Congratulations!

How do I give my testimony in 3 minutes?

3 Parts to Sharing Your Testimony
  1. Their Story – Ask the person you are talking with to share about their spiritual journey.
  2. Your Story – Then share your Testimony shaped around their experience.
  3. God’s Story – Finally share God’s story in a way that connects with their world-view, values and priorities.

What’s a testimony example?

An example of testimony is the story a witness tells on the witness stand in court. An example of testimony is what a person says about a religious lesson he believes he learned from God.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

Testimony is defined as a testimony or statement made under oath in court, or the disclosure of information about a religious experience.

An example of testimony is the story told by a witness on the stand in court.

An example of a testimony is what someone says about a religious lesson they believe they learned from God.

What is a good Bible verse for baptism?

You are sealed by the holy spirit in baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.” “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

Attending a baptism, also called a baptism, is both a spiritual and a social event. It is a celebration of faith, life and hope for the future. An occasion as sacred as the baptism of a loved one deserves a joyful celebration. This special event can be celebrated in a variety of ways and is usually celebrated with friends and family. Additionally, these special baptism quotes go well with adding a personalized children’s gift to commemorate your children’s baptism.

Whether you are sending christening invitations for the ceremony or invitations for the christening party that follows, the reminders should be the perfect start to an unforgettable day from a planning perspective.

What better way to get your guests excited for the big day than to add a special touch to your invitations? We’re talking quotes for cards, baptismal verses and baptismal fonts for your beautiful invitations. If you want to commemorate your baby’s baptism with a bible quote or celebrate being born again with touching adult baptism quotes, what better way to do it than with someone else’s words. Here are some examples of quotes that fit different occasions.

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20 popular baptism quotes

Whether it is an infant baptism, a young child, or an adult, these sentiments will help celebrate this symbolic and meaningful day. Greeting a new believer can be enhanced with an elegant quote on a card when considering what to write on a baptismal card. Whether you want to inspire, honor, or revere the newly baptized, these quotes for cards are sure to do the trick.

“My past was cleaned up by my king.”

“Lord, cleanse me of everything that breaks your heart.”

“God sometimes leads us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to cleanse us.”

“Baptism is an outward testimony of an inward change. It is the first step of obedience for a disciple of Christ.”

“You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and forever marked as Christ’s own.”

“Therefore we are buried with him through baptism into death, that we also might walk in new life, even as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father.”

“I want my life to be as clean as the earth right after the rain.”

“You can’t see or touch the most beautiful things in the world, you feel them with your heart.”

“Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a new chance to rebuild what you want.”

“On this day of baptism, may God, who loves us all, smile lovingly upon this child so innocent and small… and may he guide this girl/boy through the years to come as blessings light the path on which these tiny feet.”

“Blessed are they that have not seen him, and yet believe.” -John 20:29

“Because you’re his child, not only do you need him, he needs you.”

“For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans to bring you prosperity and harm you not, plans to give you hope and a future.”

“For you are God’s masterpiece created in Christ to do good works which God prepared in advance for you.”

“This is the part where you find out who you are.”

“When we are truly in love with Christ and feel how much He loves us, our hearts will light up with joy that will spread to all around us.”

“There’s something incredibly hopeful about starting over.”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

“The Lord is my strength and my shield.” – Psalms 28:7

“There are times when we need to step into the darkness by faith, trusting that if we do, God will put our feet on solid ground.”

“Don’t shine so others can see you. Shine so others can see him through you.”

Baptism quotes from the Bible

For this religious occasion, there is no more appropriate way to mark the day than with a baptismal quote from the Bible. Scripture acts as the guiding hand and celebration of faith. These Baptism Bible Verses are just as perfect for your family’s Catholic Christmas cards as they are for your baptism.

“For I know what plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good, to give you a future and hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” Proverbs 31:25

“You must be born again.” John 3:7

“Therefore we are buried with him through baptism into death, that we also might walk in new life, even as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father.” Romans 6:4

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.” Esther 4:14

“And what are you waiting for now? Arise, be baptized, and wash away your sins by calling on his name.” Acts 22:16

“And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you too – not the removal of dirt from the body, but the vow of a pure conscience before God. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 3:21

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Galatians 3:27

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6

Baptism Quotes for Cards

As said, your christening invitations can be upgraded with the quick addition of a christening quote. No matter what type of card you choose, these words are the perfect complement.

“If you accept the belief that baptism incorporates us into the mystical body of Christ, into the divine DNA, then you could say that the Holy Spirit is present in each of us and therefore we have the capacity for full salvation transformation.” —Thomas Keating

“Your baptism is a step of obedience, a step of faith, and the beginning of an everlasting walk with the Lord.” -Unknown author

“Understanding our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost will transform our lives and establish our unconditional allegiance to the kingdom of God. When temptations come our way, if we heed, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we promised to remember our Savior and to obey the commandments of God.”—Robert D. Hales

“To obtain a religion that will save us in the presence of God, we must obtain the Holy Spirit, we must believe in the Lord Jesus, then repent of our sins, that is, forsake them, then go forward and be dipped in water the forgiveness of sins, then receive the laying on of hands.” –Lorenzo Schnee

When we were baptized, we took upon us not only the name of Christ, but also the law of obedience.” —Robert D. Hales

“Baptism is lived faith” – Watchman Nee

“There are two sides to this baptism: the first is that you possess the Spirit; The second is that the spirit owns you.” –Smith Wigglesworth

“A man who knows that he is saved by faith in Christ does not make his baptism a saving act when he is baptized. In fact, he is the very best protestant against this error, because he holds that he has no right to be baptized until he is saved.” —Charles Spurgeon

“It takes a lot of courage to be baptized in his name, die to the old self and change forever. May God bless your life as you stand up for him and share with others the faith you hold.” – WOMAN. Lowndes

“The baptism of the Holy Spirit belongs to those who believe and are not of this world.” -Sunday Adelaja

Baptism sayings for adults

Baptism is an image of dedication and devotion to Christ, and although baptismal ceremonies are common for younger children and babies, adults also participate in baptismal ceremonies. These words not only symbolize a rebirth, but also celebrate the day.

“May God shower his blessings on you today as you walk in his fullness and walk in his love.”

“Today I close the door to my past, open the door to my future, take a deep breath and step into a new life.”

“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of everything you believed in and thought you were.”

“To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment and be reborn in each new one.”

“You must be born again.” –John 3:7

“As the drops of water are placed upon you, you are enveloped in God’s precious love. May He bless, guide and protect you and keep you safe, healthy and happy from above. God bless you.”

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16

“So be good today, wonderful joy is ahead.”

“Heaven cheers for you today, tomorrow and forever.”

Between sorting through the seemingly endless christening party ideas, deciding on outfits, and choosing decorations for a christening, the last thing to worry about is the pressure of creating the perfect invitation. And with our baptismal sayings, you don’t have to worry. Use them as is, mix and match or add your own personal touch. Celebrate this ceremony with the highest words.

What is a testimony in the Baptist Church?

A testimony is the re-telling of how you came to realize that you were a sinner and that Jesus Christ was the only one who could save you from the penalty and power of your sins. Your testimony is the story of how God saved you when you came to trust His one and only son, Jesus Christ, personally as Lord and Savior.

Why should we be baptized?

Baptism marks the personal identification with Christ

We begin a journey of faith, united to Christ. We renounce service to sin and give our loyalty and service to Christ. Baptism provides an opportunity to identify with Christ’s death and resurrection.

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Faculty, College of Theology

I’m a new Christian. Do I have to be baptized? What is the meaning of baptism?



Dear Theophilus,

The New Testament emphasizes the importance of baptism for the individual believer and the church. Baptism was practiced by early Christians as directed by Christ, it marked personal identification with Christ, it marked entry into the Christian family, and it provided an opportunity for public profession of faith.

Baptism was ordained by Christ

Before ascending to the Father, Jesus gave his disciples the final instructions (now known as the Great Commission):

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to keep all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples emphasize the importance of baptism for believers and the church. The disciples obeyed Jesus and made disciples of him. And they baptized the new believers as Jesus had commanded them. Baptism has always been an integral part of the Christian Church.

Baptism marks personal identification with Christ

When we believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, our life becomes one with the life of Christ. We begin a journey of faith, united with Christ. We renounce the service of sin and dedicate our loyalty and service to Christ. Baptism offers an opportunity to identify with the death and resurrection of Christ.

As Paul put it:

Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? So we were buried with him through baptism into death, that we too might walk in new life, as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father (Romans 6:3-4).

The act of baptism will be a lifelong reminder of the fact that we died (and continue to die daily) to slavery and the service of sin and were born again in Christ.

Baptism marks entry into the Christian family

A new Christian believer needs a spiritual family, a family of faith in Jesus. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and we need each other to grow in that faith. Baptism marks the beginning of a journey of faith together with the family of Christian believers. Baptism seals the Christian covenant of charity in the service of God. Paul called baptism one of the things that unites a community of Christian believers:

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all (Ephesians 4:4).

Baptism is a public declaration of faith

The essence of baptism is that of a public act. When a new believer is baptized, he or she gives a public testimony of their faith in Jesus, while others testify to this public identification with Christ and the Christian church. Jesus taught his disciples the importance of living out the faith both publicly and privately. Jesus challenged his disciples to confess their faith before others and to walk as his disciples before others (Matthew 10:32-3; 16:13-17, 24). Baptism offers the new believer an opportunity to confess before others that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

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What did Jesus say about baptism?

He said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

teaching counts. Have you witnessed a baptism in the midst of your assembled congregation in the last few days, only to ask yourself why the pastor places so much emphasis on the baptism being performed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Does it really matter? Is it proper to baptize in Jesus name only?

testimony of salvation through God

The biblical formula of baptism is the Trinitarian formula of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Something is clearly communicated to all witnesses when the new believer is immersed under water in the name of the Trinity. The salvation of every sinner is completed by all three persons of the Trinity. Therefore, it is most fitting that the sinner should praise the triune God in the water as a profession of faith in the one true and living God. When Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it is important to note that the noun (ὄνομα) beginning with “name ’ is translated, Matthew in the singular says 28:19. Therefore, the three distinct, equal, and equally eternal Persons of the Trinity are not three distinct deities, but three distinct Persons constituting the one true God who saves sinners.

B. B. Warfield once said: “This is the distinguishing mark of Christians; and that is tantamount to saying that the doctrine of the Trinity is, according to our Lord, the distinguishing mark of the religion He instituted.” [1] It is extremely important to teach new believers that when they walk into the water, be baptized in the name of the Father who chose them before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:2), the Son who died for them on the cross (John 10:11, 15) and the Spirit of God, who convicted them of sin and brought them to a place of repentance and submission to God through the Word of God (1 Peter 1:2). New Christians should not be confused by the Trinitarian formula while standing in the water during their baptism.

Jesus commanded the Trinitarian formula

When it comes to faith and practice, building your teaching positions and articulating your positions on how to live your faith based on the clear teachings of Jesus is crucial. When Jesus commands something, there is no need to pray or think about it. Jesus’ commandments should never be reduced to the level of deliberation. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

Shortly before Jesus’ ascension after his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus made a declaration that we have memorized and used as our marching orders as the Church of Christ. He said:

All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to keep all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the world (Matthew 28:18-20).

While we have biblical evidence that new believers were baptized in the name of Jesus in the New Testament, it seems clear that the reason for this particular statement lay in the fact that Jesus was largely rejected as the Messiah of God and the early disciples of Jesus elevated to a prominent position. In short, they accepted Jesus as the Christ.

However, when we see the words of Jesus at the end of his public ministry, we notice that he commands the Trinitarian formula as opposed to the “Jesus only” formula. Furthermore, the phrase “Jesus only” has been used throughout history by heretical groups such as the Oneness Pentecostals, who hold deviant and flawed doctrinal positions that are clearly beyond the bounds of orthodoxy. The church of Jesus must follow Jesus’ commandments regarding baptism.

The Trinitarian formula was the pattern of the early church

The early church believed and embraced the doctrine of the Trinity and pointed to this reality when baptizing new converts. Just as Jesus commanded, the early church put the Trinitarian formula into practice. After the Didache we find the following words about baptism:

“But as for baptism, baptize: having first recited all these commandments, baptize in running water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Didache 7:1).

The Didache was an early ecclesiastical treatise explaining the teachings of Jesus through the apostles. The first line describes the document as “The teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or nations) through the twelve apostles.” It should also be noted that, as Jesus commanded and the early church practiced the Trinitarian baptismal formula, they apparently taught some doctrine , before they baptized people as followers of Christ. Don’t you think it would be weird to focus everything on Jesus and then get baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit? teaching counts.

James White wrote:

So we see why baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit is so important: because it is baptism in the name of our God, the triune God whom we worship and serve and worship, the triune God who saved us . The Father – Source of all, ever gracious. The Son – Redeemer who left the glory of heaven to save his sheep. Spirit – Indwelling Comforter that brings the truths of the Christian faith alive in our hearts. What other name would we like to bear than the triune name of Father, Son and Spirit? [2]

B. B. Warfield, “The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity”, The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981) II: 143. James White, The Forgotten Trinity, (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers) , 184.


Author Josh Buice Pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church Josh Buice is the Founder and President of G3 Ministries and serves as pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in west Atlanta. He enjoys theology, preaching, church history and is deeply committed to the local church. He also enjoys many sports and the outdoors, including long distance running and upland hunting. He has been writing Delivered by Grace since he was in seminary and it has grown by a large readership over the years.

What does baptism symbolize?

Baptism is a symbol of a greater reality in the Christian life. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in Jesus Christ, our crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ.

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Why baptism is important to the Christian life

June 27th is a day I will never forget. While it’s a day I always try to remember (after all, it’s my mom’s birthday, so it seems unwise to forget), 2021 gave that day extra meaning: It’s the day I christened my son Hudson have.

The first time Hudson asked about baptism was in 2019 when he was 7 years old. Well, he didn’t really ask, just stated that he wanted to be baptized. I asked him if he could tell me why. His answer was simple: “Because I believe in Jesus.”

Good reason.

So I spoke to our pastor about it and we worked out a game plan. He wanted to talk to Hudson about his desire to see if he understood the meaning of what he said he wanted – if he was asking, as far as any of us can, out of genuine faith in Jesus. As the conversation began, Hudson was asked the same two questions our pastor asks anyone of any age who has expressed an interest in baptism:

Can you tell me what baptism means? Why do you want to be baptized?

These are actually two important questions that we can all answer, especially as we seek to make disciples in an increasingly post-Christian culture – a culture in which we cannot assume any familiarity or knowledge of Christianity.

What is baptism?

So let’s deal with the first question – what does baptism mean? But to answer that question, we must first answer the question of what baptism is. And the answer comes in three forms:

Baptism is an essential practice of the Christian faith. First, baptism is one of two prescribed rituals considered essential to the Christian faith and life of a follower of Jesus. There are many different nuances to how and when baptism is practiced in different Christian denominations and traditions, but Christian baptism is presented in Scripture as a believer’s immersion in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, our union with Jesus and our ministry at our entrance into the covenant community that is God’s people, the Church. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:4-5; 2:37-41; Colossians 2:11-12).

Baptism is a symbol of a greater reality in the Christian life. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in Jesus Christ, our crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to enter into a new life in Christ walk And that’s important for us to understand, because we need to understand that while baptism is essential to the Christian life, it does not create that new life. It has no power to make alive those who are “dead” in sin (Ephesians 2:1). It has no power to forgive sins—salvation is by grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone. But while it is not a means of salvation, it does give us a picture of our salvation. It is an act that demonstrates the drama at the heart of the gospel and inspires us to rejoice.

“Remembering our baptism is a call to remember our identity, to remember that we are God’s people.” Share on Twitter

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Baptism is a signpost to ongoing faithfulness. Baptism is not simply an essential practice, nor is it just a sign. There is present purpose in seeking to live faithfully in this world—especially in moments of temptation. In the New Testament we often see calls to return to our baptism, to remember it when we are being tempted, when we have already fallen into sin, or when we are discouraged (Romans 6:1-4; 1 Peter 3:21-22 ). Our baptism essentially marks a spiritual reality for us – that there was a time when we were not in Christ, but now we are. The commemoration of our baptism is a call to remember our identity, to remember that we are God’s people. That we are beloved children of God, saved and redeemed through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that our hope lies in the final resurrection of the dead when Christ returns to make all things new.

This is baptism: it is essential to the Christian life, a symbol of a believer’s faith in the gospel, and a guide to look back to as we seek faithfulness to Jesus each day until he comes again.

Why be baptized?

This leads us to the second question: Why should we be baptized? And the answer to this is much simpler than the first. Baptism is commanded in Scripture. It is primarily an act of obedience for all believers everywhere. If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and you believe that He rose from the dead in victory over sin and death, then the appropriate response is to surrender yourself in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to be baptized.

My son, my brother in Christ

We did not christen Hudson in 2019. But it wasn’t because he didn’t understand or believe it all. When my pastor and I spoke to him, he was able to explain all of this in a way that was appropriate for a 7 year old. His desire seemed, and still seems, to be based on genuine faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. But as we considered when to baptize Hudson to celebrate this milestone as a church family, a pandemic struck.

So we waited.

For more than a year.

Then the time had finally come, June 27th. I knelt in the grass by the metal trough we use for baptisms. And I asked Hudson about his hope in life and in death: that Jesus died and rose with Him for the forgiveness of His sins and the promise of eternal life. And according to his creed, I baptized my son, my brother in Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How do I share my personal testimony?

Tip #1 for Sharing Your Testimony with Others: Pray Over Your Testimony. Before all else, through the power of prayer, just pray to God about your testimony. Ask Him to guide your tongue and your heart as you go about preparing or sharing your testimony.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

The first time I typed my testimony, I cried. I honestly had to close my laptop and do something else with tears streaming down my face. It was so hard. Memories of things from my past not only came up, but also shook me to my core, reminding me of the life I was leading before he came into the picture. And if my reaction was so tremendous when I just typed it on a blank computer screen, you can only imagine my reaction when I first had to start sharing my testimony in front of a group of people.

Sharing your testimony with a group of people—even people you love and know—is no easy task. It’s hard because all those walls you’ve built so carefully are being forced to be torn down. You no longer hide behind a facade, but the hardest parts of your past are brought to light. Knowing how to share your testimony with others (whether in church or elsewhere) is definitely something that takes intentionality and patient practice.

But how great would it be if you could share your God-given story with that feeling of fiery passion and confidence? One where the Spirit of the Lord was so plain to see as you bore your testimony? And one where others can see and witness the sheer joy it has given you to welcome Him into your life?

The problem with sharing your testimony

We should always be ready to bear our testimony: “But in your hearts worship Christ as Lord. Always be ready to answer anyone who asks why you have hope. But do this with gentleness and respect, and keep a clear conscience, lest those who speak maliciously against your good conduct in Christ be ashamed of their slander” (1 Peter 3:15-16).

However, there are times when sharing our testimonies can go very, very wrong.

It kind of pains me to write this because it is so close to so many, including myself. But there is a problem with printing your testimony. This is simply because when we bear our testimonies, it is so much less about us and so much more about Him. But often our testimony can go two ways…

We withhold many details out of fear and pain about our past, and as a result our testimony loses the essential factor of exactly how God worked through our lives. Completely me. We talk too much about ourselves and become the central figure in our testimony story when in fact He is. We make our testimony a long, dramatized life story with a slight twist from God.

Too often, our testimony makes us the protagonists of the story

In many Christian circles, much of the testimony is self-centered (whether by withholding details or speaking too much about yourself). It tells of how their faith came about despite the obstacles and difficulties they faced. This is the worldly testimony. BUT the witness to which we are called is centered on the Lord. It tells the story of the person, the obstacles in their way of chasing the world, the bright light that takes them off their high horse, calls them to come to Him with a humble and sorrowful heart, and then commissions them to to carry out His great work – he warns them that they will definitely suffer for his sake.

Click on the image below for a beautifully designed FREE workbook with prompts and instructions for sharing your testimony. Because sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful tools you can use to share the gospel!

So how should you share your testimony with others?

Learning to share your testimony in a way that’s that healthy mix of openness and vulnerability about your life story isn’t easy, but it’s humble enough to fix the story on him and not yourself. In fact, it can be a real challenge. But while you may a) lack the confidence to share your past so you can bring glory to the Lord, or b) find it difficult to shed your past pride and hurt to focus on the Lord, Is It Possible? Learn how to share your testimony with others in a way that will glorify it!

Though you may never become an enigmatic preacher with those ripped skinny jeans, loose white t-shirts, faded denim jackets, Converse sneakers, and chunky silver cross necklaces that easily capture the attention of a room as you share your testimony, you can learn how to share your testimony with others in a way that truly highlights your trust in Him and the change He has made in your life since you truly said “yes” to Him.

But why should you share your testimony with others?

Sharing your testimony with others is so much encouraged…

Her story is an eyewitness account of how God changed her life: “We tell you what we have seen and what we have heard…” (1 John 1:3 NIV).

People relate to stories. People relate to experiences. And when they hear a story, they immediately try to see how their own life perspective experiences fit with yours. People want to feel understood, connected, seen, and accepted.

Testimonies really can be a powerful way to share the gospel and connect with someone who is desperate for that all-knowing and all-consuming love!

5 steps to sharing your testimony with others

Tip #1 for sharing your testimony: Pray about your testimony

Above all else, simply pray to God for your testimony through the power of prayer. Ask Him to guide your tongue and heart as you prepare or share your testimony. When we pray to God first for our testimonies, it helps us not only to ask Him for the guidance and strength needed to share your testimony with others, but to seek Him above all else.

Nothing is more comforting to the soul than a good old prayer – even a bowl of chicken soup has nothing to do with a well-intentioned prayer. So before the next time you start sharing your testimony with others, close your eyes and say a quick prayer—you may be surprised at how quickly God works through prayer.

“This is the confidence we have as we draw near to God, that when we ask of his will he hears us.” – 1 John 5:14

Click the image above to get a beautifully designed FREE workbook with prompts and instructions for sharing your testimony. Because sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful tools you can use to share the gospel!

Tip #2 for sharing your testimony: Examine your heart

It’s easy to run away with your feelings and start talking about the deep pain and tragic circumstances you’ve been through. And it’s also so easy to hide behind a facade, refusing to be authentic and really showing others what God has done through the pain in your life. So when you bear your testimony, check your heart condition. Not only do you check the state of your heart before you start witnessing, but check it during and after you testify!

Ask yourself questions like…

“Am I the central character of this story or is Jesus?”

“Can I imagine skipping necessary details out of fear?”

“Am I downplaying God’s glory and mercy?”

It is actually truly surprising how often and easily our hearts can be separated from God when we begin to give the emotions of our past a much higher priority in our history compared to the promises and deliverances He has given you in the midst of it all whose has given.

“When our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.” – 1 John 3:20

Tip #3 for sharing your testimony: Frame your testimony

In general, testimony often follows a layout like that described below…

Describe your life before you met Jesus

Discuss when and how you became a follower of Jesus

Describe how your life has changed now

For example, it could go a bit like this…

PART ONE: Life before Jesus

“I grew up in a Christian family. I had two loving parents, but I struggled a lot with perfectionism and living up to the expectations set by me and the world. I was the definition of a lukewarm Christian going through all the moves of a “good” Christian, but internally I was separate from Him. The things I cared about so much more was how I appeared to those around me and much less about how I appeared to God. I hated trying to reach him because it just reminded me how imperfect I was – and that was hard for a young girl who thought her self-worth was based on her perfection.”

Click on the image below for a beautifully designed FREE workbook with prompts and instructions for sharing your testimony. Because sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful tools you can use to share the gospel!

PART TWO: When I met Jesus

“I had two really great friends who talked me into the truth and life. However, my heart was not yet ready to accept Jesus fully and completely. But little by little, He showed me the pride that was in my heart and the selfish desires I had to conform to the world. In the beginning I was so against it because I had lived my life believing that I was a good person. After all, I’ve been striving so hard to be perfect! But it took a broken and toxic friendship before I realized how far I’d fallen from him.”

PART THREE: How my life has changed

“Now I know (although I still struggle with it) that the foundation I built my identity on was unstable and unreliable. I would reach highs when I lived up to my own expectations, but fall so low when I made even the smallest mistake. As God truly began to show me how utterly imperfect I was and how perfection could only be attained through Him, my heart began to anchor. It is an ongoing journey, and while it is not easy, He has called me to share my testimony so others can also begin to experience the unshakeable presence of Jesus Christ.

Well, that’s just a really oversimplified notion of a report card, but you get the gist! A testimony often follows the above layout – and especially if you’re not too experienced in sharing your testimony with others, having a layout to follow can be really helpful to keep it on track and to be easy for the audience to understand!

Tip #4 for sharing your testimony: Practice writing it first

Before you even start sharing your oral testimony with others, try writing it down first. You will be amazed by the results! When we write, we have more time to think carefully about what we want to say. Writing down your testimony can help with the intentionality behind it. Plus, it’s a great way to visualize everything before you’re asked to speak out loud!

Tip #5 for sharing your testimony: Try verbalizing your testimony

I don’t want to lie, it’s sometimes so difficult for me to articulate my thoughts in understandable sentences. That’s because my mind just jumps like MASSIVE ones before my mouth can even catch up with it. Honestly, I sound like a chattering duck with lots of uhs and uhs when I get pissed off.

Once you have a rough idea of ​​what your report card will look like, put on some background music. Begin verbalizing your testimony out loud now. A testimony is powerful, and sharing your testimony effectively may just take a little practice!

Click on the image below for a beautifully designed FREE workbook with prompts and instructions for sharing your testimony. Because sharing your testimony is one of the most powerful tools you can use to share the gospel!

Tip #6 for sharing your testimony: Share your testimony A LOT, but be wise

It goes without saying that the more you do something, the easier it becomes. The more you put yourself in a difficult situation, the better you can handle it. And the more you share your testimony with others, the better you become at sharing it! BUT with that said, I think one thing is super important – especially for girls, it’s to protect your heart!

It is absolutely amazing to openly give your testimony and share it with people so that the glory of God can be shared with them. BUT He also calls us to be wise and guard our hearts – not out of fear, but out of wisdom.

“First of all, guard your heart, for everything you do springs from it.” – Proverbs 4:23

Sometimes we are called to give our full and complete testimony to someone we have just met. However, sometimes the two-minute “elevator” statement is enough. You’re not meant to be vulnerable with absolutely everyone. You are called to use the wisdom he has sown in your heart and to heed his call about when to be vulnerable and to share, and when to be cautious.

Hey! Here are more resources…

—> CLICK THE LINK TO READ… Signs of a Lukewarm Christian | Jesus didn’t die for you to be ashamed of

—> CLICK THE LINK TO READ… How to Share the Gospel in a Secular World

—> CLICK THE LINK TO READ… 6 Signs of a Divine Friendship

—> CLICK THE LINK TO READ… How your PG rated life strengthens your relationship with God

or browse the blog HERE!

Before you go!

I hope you enjoyed this little blog post about sharing your personal testimony with other people! It’s not always easy – and it’s definitely something that takes a lot of patience and practice. BUT whatever your story is, it is special because it is a precious story of how God brought you back to himself! And that’s definitely something to celebrate! 💛

Even if I say this a lot… you are so beautiful and loved and heard and seen. Your story, your life, your relationship with God is something to rejoice in! So please write a comment in the comment section below. I’d like to hear from you—have you given your testimony before and how did it go?

Follow the Girls After Truth Instagram

Don’t forget to follow the Girls After Truth Instagram for faith-based handwriting + art, daily devotionals, and a behind-the-scenes peek at ministry life <3 And use the hashtag #girlsaftertruth to get in touch! —> CLICK HERE to follow the girl after the truth on Instagram!

I hope to see you there!


What is a true testimony?

1a : a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official. b : firsthand authentication of a fact : evidence.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

The jury heard testimonies for 10 days. Her statement contained contradictions. the personal testimonies of war survivors It is a testament to her courage and perseverance in working so long in the face of such adversity. The popularity of diet fads is proof that people want a quick fix to their health and weight problems.

Current examples on the web

According to witnesses, Mitchell did not shoot the victims. — Eric Fleischauer The Decatur Daily, al, July 28, 2022

According to witnesses, the suspects arrested in both cases were the subject of lengthy Baltimore police investigations led by Hankard. —Jessica Anderson, Baltimore Sun, July 28, 2022

According to previous testimonies, Ward ran a stop sign and then Scrimshire discovered his daughter was in the car without a seat, as required by law. – Arkansas Online, July 28, 2022

Meanwhile, the committee is still fighting at least two dozen cases in federal courts over access to witness testimony or phone recordings. — Sarah D Wire, Los Angeles Times, July 27, 2022

Trump responded affirmatively to the chants, effectively saying that Pence deserved it, according to testimonies collected by the House Committee. – Maggie Haberman,, July 25, 2022

As the attack unfolded, aide after aide — and family member after family member — urged Trump to intervene, either by telling the rioters to go home or using his own presidential power to send help, according to testimony dated Thursday. — Amy Gardner and Josh Dawsey, Anchorage Daily News, July 22, 2022

According to witnesses, members of Vice President Mike Pence’s security detail were deeply concerned for his safety and theirs as violence in the Capitol escalated. — Alexandra Hutzler, ABC News, July 22, 2022

As the attack unfolded, aide after aide — and family member after family member — urged Trump to intervene, either by telling the rioters to go home or using his own presidential power to send help, according to testimony dated Thursday. — Josh Dawsey, Washington Post, July 22, 2022

See more

What is a good Bible verse for baptism?

You are sealed by the holy spirit in baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.” “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

Attending a baptism, also called a baptism, is both a spiritual and a social event. It is a celebration of faith, life and hope for the future. An occasion as sacred as the baptism of a loved one deserves a joyful celebration. This special event can be celebrated in a variety of ways and is usually celebrated with friends and family. Additionally, these special baptism quotes go well with adding a personalized children’s gift to commemorate your children’s baptism.

Whether you are sending christening invitations for the ceremony or invitations for the christening party that follows, the reminders should be the perfect start to an unforgettable day from a planning perspective.

What better way to get your guests excited for the big day than to add a special touch to your invitations? We’re talking quotes for cards, baptismal verses and baptismal fonts for your beautiful invitations. If you want to commemorate your baby’s baptism with a bible quote or celebrate being born again with touching adult baptism quotes, what better way to do it than with someone else’s words. Here are some examples of quotes that fit different occasions.

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20 popular baptism quotes

Whether it is an infant baptism, a young child, or an adult, these sentiments will help celebrate this symbolic and meaningful day. Greeting a new believer can be enhanced with an elegant quote on a card when considering what to write on a baptismal card. Whether you want to inspire, honor, or revere the newly baptized, these quotes for cards are sure to do the trick.

“My past was cleaned up by my king.”

“Lord, cleanse me of everything that breaks your heart.”

“God sometimes leads us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to cleanse us.”

“Baptism is an outward testimony of an inward change. It is the first step of obedience for a disciple of Christ.”

“You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and forever marked as Christ’s own.”

“Therefore we are buried with him through baptism into death, that we also might walk in new life, even as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father.”

“I want my life to be as clean as the earth right after the rain.”

“You can’t see or touch the most beautiful things in the world, you feel them with your heart.”

“Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a new chance to rebuild what you want.”

“On this day of baptism, may God, who loves us all, smile lovingly upon this child so innocent and small… and may he guide this girl/boy through the years to come as blessings light the path on which these tiny feet.”

“Blessed are they that have not seen him, and yet believe.” -John 20:29

“Because you’re his child, not only do you need him, he needs you.”

“For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans to bring you prosperity and harm you not, plans to give you hope and a future.”

“For you are God’s masterpiece created in Christ to do good works which God prepared in advance for you.”

“This is the part where you find out who you are.”

“When we are truly in love with Christ and feel how much He loves us, our hearts will light up with joy that will spread to all around us.”

“There’s something incredibly hopeful about starting over.”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

“The Lord is my strength and my shield.” – Psalms 28:7

“There are times when we need to step into the darkness by faith, trusting that if we do, God will put our feet on solid ground.”

“Don’t shine so others can see you. Shine so others can see him through you.”

Baptism quotes from the Bible

For this religious occasion, there is no more appropriate way to mark the day than with a baptismal quote from the Bible. Scripture acts as the guiding hand and celebration of faith. These Baptism Bible Verses are just as perfect for your family’s Catholic Christmas cards as they are for your baptism.

“For I know what plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good, to give you a future and hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” Proverbs 31:25

“You must be born again.” John 3:7

“Therefore we are buried with him through baptism into death, that we also might walk in new life, even as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father.” Romans 6:4

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.” Esther 4:14

“And what are you waiting for now? Arise, be baptized, and wash away your sins by calling on his name.” Acts 22:16

“And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you too – not the removal of dirt from the body, but the vow of a pure conscience before God. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 3:21

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Galatians 3:27

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6

Baptism Quotes for Cards

As said, your christening invitations can be upgraded with the quick addition of a christening quote. No matter what type of card you choose, these words are the perfect complement.

“If you accept the belief that baptism incorporates us into the mystical body of Christ, into the divine DNA, then you could say that the Holy Spirit is present in each of us and therefore we have the capacity for full salvation transformation.” —Thomas Keating

“Your baptism is a step of obedience, a step of faith, and the beginning of an everlasting walk with the Lord.” -Unknown author

“Understanding our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost will transform our lives and establish our unconditional allegiance to the kingdom of God. When temptations come our way, if we heed, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we promised to remember our Savior and to obey the commandments of God.”—Robert D. Hales

“To obtain a religion that will save us in the presence of God, we must obtain the Holy Spirit, we must believe in the Lord Jesus, then repent of our sins, that is, forsake them, then go forward and be dipped in water the forgiveness of sins, then receive the laying on of hands.” –Lorenzo Schnee

When we were baptized, we took upon us not only the name of Christ, but also the law of obedience.” —Robert D. Hales

“Baptism is lived faith” – Watchman Nee

“There are two sides to this baptism: the first is that you possess the Spirit; The second is that the spirit owns you.” –Smith Wigglesworth

“A man who knows that he is saved by faith in Christ does not make his baptism a saving act when he is baptized. In fact, he is the very best protestant against this error, because he holds that he has no right to be baptized until he is saved.” —Charles Spurgeon

“It takes a lot of courage to be baptized in his name, die to the old self and change forever. May God bless your life as you stand up for him and share with others the faith you hold.” – WOMAN. Lowndes

“The baptism of the Holy Spirit belongs to those who believe and are not of this world.” -Sunday Adelaja

Baptism sayings for adults

Baptism is an image of dedication and devotion to Christ, and although baptismal ceremonies are common for younger children and babies, adults also participate in baptismal ceremonies. These words not only symbolize a rebirth, but also celebrate the day.

“May God shower his blessings on you today as you walk in his fullness and walk in his love.”

“Today I close the door to my past, open the door to my future, take a deep breath and step into a new life.”

“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of everything you believed in and thought you were.”

“To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment and be reborn in each new one.”

“You must be born again.” –John 3:7

“As the drops of water are placed upon you, you are enveloped in God’s precious love. May He bless, guide and protect you and keep you safe, healthy and happy from above. God bless you.”

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16

“So be good today, wonderful joy is ahead.”

“Heaven cheers for you today, tomorrow and forever.”

Between sorting through the seemingly endless christening party ideas, deciding on outfits, and choosing decorations for a christening, the last thing to worry about is the pressure of creating the perfect invitation. And with our baptismal sayings, you don’t have to worry. Use them as is, mix and match or add your own personal touch. Celebrate this ceremony with the highest words.

How do you answer why do you want to be baptized?

Baptism is used to glorify God and bring Him honor.
  1. Christians Get Baptized Because The Bible Tells Them To. …
  2. Christians Get Baptized Because It Symbolizes Their New Life In Christ. …
  3. Christians Get Baptized To Celebrate Their Life In Jesus. …
  4. Christians Get Baptized To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

At baptism, Christians are immersed in water and resurrected from it after being saved by Jesus. It symbolizes the washing away of sins, the death of the old sinful life and the beginning of new life in God’s Holy Spirit.

Why are Christians baptized? Christians get baptized because the Bible tells them to. Baptism symbolizes new life in Christ. It shows that they want to celebrate a new life in Christ and publicly profess Jesus. Baptism is also a way to be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience God’s power.

Baptism is also something Jesus commands Christians to do in the Bible, but it is not a requirement for becoming a Christian or being saved. Only faith in Jesus by God’s grace and true repentance of sins save anyone.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 ESV

4 reasons why Christians get baptized

Christians are baptized for four reasons:

Because the Bible tells Christians to be baptized because it symbolizes their new life in Christ, to celebrate the new life in Christ, to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Christians do not get baptized to be saved, but because they want to obey God and His Word for all of these reasons.

Baptism may be viewed as a religious ritual for some people, but when you get to the heart of it, it is a celebration of a new life in Christ. It’s not just a religious ritual.

Baptism is used to glorify and bring honor to God.

1. Christians are baptized because the Bible tells them to

Christians get baptized because the Bible tells them to. As simple as that.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be damned. Mark 16:16 ESV

We will not be judged if we do not get baptized because it is not required for salvation. faith is required.

Even Jesus tells us here in Mark that it is so important and Peter repeats this as baptism is an appeal to God to keep a good conscience.

The baptism that corresponds to this saves you now, not as emptying of the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet 3:21 ESV

When we are baptized, all our sin, guilt and shame are to be washed away. It reveals to us how we now stand before God and how we have a good conscience before Him.

2. Christians are baptized because it symbolizes their new life in Christ

Sometimes being a Christian can be difficult. We are called to die to ourselves and even lay down our lives for Christ, but that is nothing compared to the glory we experience in God’s presence.

That’s why Christians get baptized, knowing they can walk in the newness of life and use baptism to wash away their old, sinful selves.

Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? So we were buried with him by baptism into death, that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in new life. Romans 6:3-4 ESV

3. Christians are baptized to celebrate their life in Jesus

Christians are baptized to celebrate God’s grace, salvation, and new life in their lives. How could you not celebrate when someone has just saved you from an old life of sin and death and placed you in a kingdom of light?

This is how the Ethiopian eunuch felt in Acts chapter 8 after Philip shared the gospel with him and who Jesus was.

And as they were walking along the path, they came to a water, and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?’ And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went happily on his way. Acts 8:36-39 ESV

First of all, how cool is it that the Holy Spirit teleported Philip? But that’s another conversation for another day, for now we’re talking about how amazing the saving power of Jesus is that it would move us to celebrate him through baptism.

Baptism is a way for Christians to enjoy the testimony God has given them, and when made public it can even encourage other believers.

4. Christians are baptized to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Although baptism is amazing, it is important to know that you do not have to be baptized to experience the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes upon believers once they repent and believe in Jesus.

Can anyone hold back water to baptize these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? Acts 10:47 ESV

Baptism is an opportunity to consecrate oneself and one’s whole life to the Holy Spirit.

Once Christians have received the Holy Spirit, He is there to stay and dwell in their Spirit. Christians can grow in the Spirit throughout their lives and experience a new fulfillment from Him through baptism.

And Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized, all of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 ESV

Again, you do not have to be baptized to experience the Holy Spirit, but as you walk in obedience to Jesus’ command to be baptized, God is more than happy to fill you with the good gift of His Holy Spirit.

As an example, a friend of mine and I were baptized when we were quite young. Although we didn’t understand much about the Holy Spirit, we both remember a supernatural peace, joy, and love that swept over us when we were baptized.

We suddenly realized that our hearts were being cleansed before God. It’s a feeling you can’t conjure up on your own, it’s super important to ask God to keep filling you with His Spirit even after you’re baptized.

Jesus was baptized

Before you ask yourself why the Bible tells us to be baptized, consider how Jesus was also baptized while he was a man here on earth.

And when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately out of the water, and, behold, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and resting on him; Matthew 3:16 ESV

Now, while probably none of us will experience a baptism quite like that of Jesus—he was the Son of God, after all—we can experience his righteousness when we are saved, and more of a fulness of his Spirit when we are baptized.

Get baptized soon

And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins by calling on his name. Acts 22:16 ESV

If you are a Christian and not yet baptized, why wait?

I’ve heard of people who don’t want to be baptized because they don’t want to make a big deal of themselves, but even our own baptisms aren’t about ourselves. They’re about Jesus’ work on the cross, and Christians are called to to make this win a big deal.

Baptism is an amazing celebration of all that Jesus has done for you and symbolizes new life in Him.

Do I have to speak at my baptism?

You have to say, “Yes.” The person baptizing you will ask if you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And you respond with Yes. If you want to say more or share a meaningful verse or life story, you are more than welcome to do that – but you don’t have to.

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

What is baptism about?

Not surprisingly, most people outside of the church world could not answer that question. But our pews are full of people who don’t really know the subject either.

Baptism is a public declaration. It communicates something.

what does it say Actually a few things. If you are a list person, we hope you find this answer helpful.

Baptism explains…

My belief in the death and burial of Christ as something for me. (Rom 6:3) My acknowledgment of my own death in Christ. (Rom 6:4a) My expectation of the resurrection. (Rom 6:8) The realization of my resurrection. (Rom 6:4b) By immersion. (Acts 8:38-39) My unity with all believers. (Matthew 28:19) My obedience. (Acts 2:41)

But there are other questions that many have – beyond what baptism is.

Below are some more common baptism questions or ideas that may require a little more dedication. Here are some answers to provide more clarity about baptism in the international church.

Is baptism required for salvation (according to Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38)?

No it is not. In the Gospels and Acts no one was baptized to be saved. All were baptized because they had been saved. Some have misunderstood these passages that say “be saved and baptized” because they teach that baptism is necessary to seal the contract of salvation.

However, if you study the New Testament as a whole and even the context of these passages, the conclusion is quite clear that saving faith alone is the basis upon which a person is made righteous before God. Believing and being baptized are two separate activities. Faith is the root of salvation while baptism is the fruit of salvation.

When should one be baptized?

Once you have believed.

Acts 2:41 shows that baptism should follow salvation as soon as reasonably possible. It is not uncommon for people to wait months or even years to be baptized. But they gain nothing by waiting. There is no level of spiritual maturity that a person must attain before baptism.

God is not angry with these people for waiting, but we encourage them to obey Christ’s command and be baptized at the earliest opportunity.

However, there can also be good reasons to wait. For example, it may make sense not to be baptized until a young child who has trusted in Christ is older. We want everyone to understand what baptism is and why we celebrate it.

If, on the other hand, a child can understand and articulate the declarative character of baptism and the parents are on board – then we say: Go for it.

Who has authority to baptize?

Jesus gave His disciples His baptismal commission at Matthew 28:19-20; So the authority to baptize lies with the local church. All believers are called to make disciples and baptize people, not just apostles and pastors. We can therefore assume that every believer who belongs to a local church and has been baptized himself can baptize others.

Nowhere does Scripture say it has to be a pastor or church leader. In fact, Paul emphasizes the fact that he baptized very little at Corinth. They mostly baptized each other.

So if you would like your parents or small group leaders to baptize you in place of a pastor, we fully support that as long as they are members in good standing in a local church.

Is Baptism Required for Church Membership?

At International, the answer is yes, it is. Trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation and baptism as a believer are requirements for membership here.

How often should one be baptized?

Once only.

We take the elements of the sacrament repeatedly to remember the broken body of Christ and the shed blood; but we are only baptized once because we are saved only once.

When a Christian falls back into sin for a period of time; he can confess his sins and return to communion with God and the Church. A new baptism is not necessary. Water baptism is a public testimony, once and for all, of our identification with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. It is NOT a religious ceremony that keeps washing away our sins.

What about infant baptism?

This is a big deal. While we respect and understand the tradition of infant baptism, we do not practice it here at the International Church.

Baptizing infants originated in the third century, when infant mortality was alarmingly high. This led to widespread fear among Christians who believed that baptism was necessary for salvation. During the Middle Ages, when Roman Catholic theology reigned supreme, it was commonly taught that children needed to be baptized in order to wash away their original sin and become part of God’s family—the Church. It was seen as a necessary precursor of belief.

There is absolutely no mention in the New Testament of infant baptism, either as a command or as a condemnation. Nowhere is it taught that it cleanses us from original sin and prepares us for faith. And while some see baptism as the covenant sign of the church, as circumcision was for the Jews, the book of Galatians and Colossians 2 say just the opposite. We are a people free from the law, and the covenant mark is our circumcised hearts – not our baptized children.

That’s why at International we encourage those who were baptized as infants to be baptized as believers.

We recognize that this can be a difficult decision for some, so we want to be patient and gracious as they grapple with the Bible’s teaching about baptism. Perhaps it helps to understand that some early Christians faced a similar dilemma.

Before Jesus began his ministry, John baptized thousands of people outside of Jerusalem. It was a baptism of repentance to prepare the way for Christ’s new covenant. John himself said that another baptism was coming (Matthew 3:1-12; John 1:19-4). It was a baptism of preparation. A few years later, when the Church begins in Jerusalem, thousands of people will be baptized. It is very likely that some, if not many of them, were baptized like John’s disciples. But this was a baptism that followed a profession of faith in Jesus—unlike the preparatory baptism that John had previously performed.

Perhaps it would be helpful to see infant baptism in a similar light. The parents did what they felt was best for the child’s relationship with God. And as children become true believers themselves and place their faith in Christ, it is appropriate to be rebaptized in response to that faith. Confessional baptism is to a certain extent a fulfillment of the hope of infant baptism. It’s actually fulfilling your parents’ hopes, not crushing them. In this sense, some church denominations see infant baptism more as an infant dedication ceremony in which parents entrust themselves and their child to the Lord. We also celebrate that at International.

What if someone was baptized before being saved?

There are several reasons why someone was baptized before becoming a believer. We dealt with infant baptism in the above question. For those who were baptized through pressure or misunderstanding before believing in Christ, they should be baptized again—this time as believers.

But if you simply see that your faith has grown over time and you wish to be baptized again simply because you understand it better now than before…then we encourage you to let your first baptism stand. We all grow in our understanding and knowledge of spiritual matters over time. That is the gift of maturity.

Can I be baptized privately?

No not true. Baptism is a public declaration of an inner reality. It would be very difficult to make a public statement in private.

Does baptism have to take place in a church?

nope In fact, we usually perform our baptisms in the sea.

It is also possible for some people to plan special intimate baptismal ceremonies with family and friends. It can be done wherever there is enough water. For example, friends of ours rent out the local pool when one of their children wants to be baptized and invite everyone they know to the special occasion and swim afterwards.

do i need to say something

Yes. That’s it. You have to say yes.

The person baptizing you will ask you if you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And you answer yes. If you’d like to say more or share a meaningful verse or life story, you’re welcome to do so – but you don’t have to.

Is it scary to be baptized?

Standing in front of people can be a paralyzing fear. More people fear public speaking than heights, snakes, or even death. (“This means that most Americans attending a funeral would rather sit in the coffin than give the eulogy.” -Jerry Seinfeld) It’s normal to feel a little nervous about this. But life is about facing our fears and overcoming them. Also, it’s not really scary. You don’t really notice people… and they’re all there to support you anyway. It is a special and meaningful moment between you and God that you share with others.

If you would like to know more about our next baptismal service, please contact the International Church Office.

What is baptism according to the Bible?

In Christian theology, a baptism is a kind of rebirth; a washing away of original sin and a purification of the soul. According to the Bible, the first known baptism occurred with Jesus, sometime around 30 AD, when he was baptized in the River Jordan by his disciple John (later known as John the Baptist).

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

When most people think of baptism, they picture an infant in a flowing white dress being sprinkled with water. A priest stands over them and makes the sign of the cross as he reads passages from the Bible. It is literally the first religious rite of passage experienced by every Christian. But the truth is that baptism can take place at any age, for any person who is ready to fully accept the teachings of Jesus. And this is precisely why so many Bible verses about baptism evoke feelings of transformation and renewal.

In Christian theology, a baptism is a kind of rebirth; a washing away of original sin and a purification of the soul. According to the Bible, the first known baptism of Jesus occurred sometime around AD 30 when he was baptized in the Jordan River by his disciple John (later known as John the Baptist). But today it is practiced by many Christian religions around the world as a welcoming ceremony to the church. These time-honored passages can be read aloud during a baptism ceremony or written on a keepsake or card to commemorate the day.

This is Kristin: A Baptism Testimony

This is Kristin: A Baptism Testimony
This is Kristin: A Baptism Testimony

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Baptism Testimony – First Baptist Church Jacksonville

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Finish with your declaration of faith (for example, “I’m here today to let you know that. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.” or “I’m excited to be baptized …

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An open letter about my baptism, testimony and what God is …

The day I was baptized God showed me · That I am his daughter & nothing will steal me from his love · The kindness, love and what it looks like to …

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My 13-Year-Old Daughter’s Baptism Testimony – Biola University

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How to Baptize Someone: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

This article was co-authored by Zachary Rainey. Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice minister. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God. This article has been viewed 266,600 times.

Article overview


If you have been asked to baptize someone who is willing to ask God’s forgiveness and accept Jesus as their Savior, you must make some preparations in advance. Fill the baptistery early enough to give it time to fill with warm water. You should also make sure that you and the person you are baptizing wear dark, close-fitting clothing that cannot be seen when wet. When you are ready to begin, get in the water first and have the person being baptized follow you. Have them repeat after you as you say the confession. Then say a blessing over them to make their baptism official. Have them plug their nose and gently guide them backwards into the water until they are submerged. After 1 or 2 seconds, help lift the person back out of the water to complete the baptism. To learn how best to support a person while they are being baptized in water, read on!

Baptism Card Messages: What to Write in a Baptism Card

Witnessing a loved one being baptized is a very special moment in their religious journey. Since baptism represents a growing or new relationship with Jesus, consider sending a baptism card to your loved ones or the baby’s parents to congratulate them. Your card should include a message of congratulations on the recipient’s baptism, good wishes, and a little wisdom about this new step in their religious journey. You can mail this card if you are unable to attend the baptism, or bring the card to the party after receiving an invitation to the baptism. Whether you’re a godparent, a friend, or a member of the same church, we’ll give you simple and complete tips on what to write in a baptismal card.

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What is a baptism or baptism?

Baptisms signify that a person chooses to accept Jesus as their Savior and begin their relationship with Christ. Typically, adults and older children are baptized as soon as they are able to fully understand the idea of ​​sin and officially accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. However, infants are also baptized – this is typically referred to as “baptism” instead. Many people use the words “baptism” and “baptism” interchangeably.

Baptism card messages and baptism wishes

If you do not know what to write in a christening card, these messages will help you congratulate the recipient with love and good wishes. Your baptism card message should not only share your joy at the occasion, but also acknowledge the public statement of faith and your pride in being a witness to this moment. These baptism messages and wishes can be used for both adults and children and can be combined with any baptism gift.

Congratulations on this special day. May there be love, peace and joy as we celebrate this sacred occasion.

I wish you all the best in your renewed spiritual journey. May you find everything you are looking for.

I wish you and your family God’s grace and love at this special time.

May this sacred occasion bring much joy and happy memories. All the best.

On this special day and always may God look down on you, cherish you and keep you safe in His care.

We are so proud of the young Christian man/woman you have become and your baptism marks a great step and a commitment that we are happy to see.

Best wishes for this new step in your faith journey. Congratulations on your baptism.

Let God be your guiding light. May you be a wise person in your life and follow the path of wisdom of the Lord Jesus. God bless you.

God really touched your life, saved you by His grace. Now that we have been baptized in his name and are walking in his ways, we pray that you will learn what God has planned for you.

This special day marks the beginning of your spiritual journey. May it bring lasting peace and joy into your life.

Baptism card messages to parents

Sending a card to parents instead of the child or baby, these baptism card messages are suitable to share your kind words. Parents will appreciate your recognition and shared joy in their child’s new spiritual path.

This is a great milestone for little (baby’s name). May today be a special and unforgettable one.

I am so grateful to have been invited to witness your child’s baptism. I know that with you as their parents they will grow in their faith.

May God grant all the blessings of His gentle love to your little one and (baby’s name) enjoy lifelong health and happiness. Congratulations.

May your child’s baptism be just the beginning of a lifetime of blessings. Best wishes.

May your child always walk in the company of angels.

I wish the whole family all the best on this special and meaningful day. With lots of love, may it bring joy and happiness.

Congratulations on this special day when your baby is christened and christened. Wish your family an unforgettable day. All the best!

Congratulations on the christening of (baby’s name). I wish you all a wonderful day and wish you all a life full of love, health and happiness.

Thank you for inviting us to the baptism and christening of your little ones. May your little one be showered with love from above. Blessing!

Baptism wishes for your beautiful daughter! When the holy water is sprinkled on her today, may she be filled with God’s perfect love. Congratulations!

I wish (baby’s name) a blessing from above. May today’s celebration be filled with peace, love and wonderful memories.

The love of God is all-encompassing. As you present (baby’s name) to him today, may (he/she) be blessed with joy and a loving family to find peace as you initiate (him/her) into the Christian way of life.

Baptism messages from godparents

If you are the lucky godfather, your baptismal message will be one of the most viewed greeting cards after the ceremony. As godparents, you are destined to accompany your godchild spiritually throughout the upbringing. Although the christening ceremony is most likely for a toddler or baby, you can still address the little one directly in your card since you are the godparent. This card can end up serving as a keepsake or special reminder for the growing baby who will eventually look back on photos and messages from their christening day.

Dear (baby’s name), I will help you grow in faith as your godmother/godfather, I promise you that. Best wishes on this day.

Dear (baby’s name), you are a blessing to our lives and the reason for our smiles. This is just to promise you that as your loving godparents, we will always be there for you!

Dear baby, may God’s favor, along with the blessings you receive at your baptism today, guide you throughout your life’s journey.

Our dearest godchild, we pray that your holy day will mark the beginning of all the good news in your life. Receive love from your godmother and me.

May today’s baptism bring a flow of success into every day of your life. Love you dear!

As your godfather, I am honored on your special day and blessed to be a part of your future. I do my best for you.

May the grace and blessings you receive from God guide you throughout your life! I am honored and blessed to be your godparent and look forward to a special relationship with you!

On this baptism day I send all my love, best wishes, all my blessings. and all my mercy to my beautiful young godchild.

Our dearest godchild, we pray that your holy day will mark the beginning of all the good news in your life. Receive love from your godmother and me.

I pray that you have a reason to celebrate every day of your life. May the Almighty guide your steps to all good news. Enjoy your christening, honey (baby’s name).

Just a little note to let you know that we will be there for you while you bloom and grow. Always in your life, never far away, there for you if you need us one day.

Bible verses about baptism

Complete your card with an encouraging Bible verse about baptism to offer the recipient words of inspiration on this new milestone in their lives. Baptismal verses can serve as powerful quotes about the purpose of baptism and its origins. Along with a card, these verses can also be used to create customized gifts that the recipient will cherish long after their christening ceremony. Use these religious verses below to end your card before signing out.

“Whoever receives a child in My name receives Me.” – Luke 9:46-48.

“Because we are God’s masterpiece. He made us new in Christ Jesus to do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” – 3 John 1:4

“May the Lord put his angel upon you, to guide you in all your ways.” –Psalm 91:11

“For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether we were Jews or Gentiles, whether we were slaves or free; and were all made to drink into one Spirit.”—1 Corinthians 12:13

“This water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you too—not the removal of dirt from the body, but the promise of a clean conscience to God. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 3:21

“John answered them all: “I baptize you with water. But one stronger than I will come, whose thong I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” – Luke 3:16

“For so many of you who were baptized into Christ put on Christ.” – Galatians 3:27

“Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said: John did indeed baptize with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 11:16

“And I didn’t know him; But the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, “On whomever you see the Spirit descending and abide, he it is that baptizes with the Holy Spirit” – John 1:33

“Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized and prayed, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him bodily like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘You are my beloved son; in you I am well pleased.” – Luke 3:21

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.”—Ephesians 4:4-6

“Go, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all that I have commanded you, and, behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.”—Matthew 28:19-20

“And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came down from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And immediately coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending on him like a dove: And there came a voice from heaven, saying, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” – Mark 1:9 -11

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” – Mark 16:16

Additional baptismal blessings and baptismal sayings

Looking for more baptismal blessings or baptismal sayings? We’ve got you covered. Below are some more ideas to include in your baptism card or use as inspiration for your own message.

May God’s grace and blessings that you receive at your baptism guide you throughout your life.

May your baptism day be touched with blessings and your future filled with many things to smile about.

Welcome to the Christian world! May the good Lord bless your life with special blessings from heaven and may your baptism day be filled with very special love.

Congratulations on your baptism! May this holy day bring you and your family lots of blessings and happiness!

Congratulations! May the Lord bless you and shine His light on you.

May the Lord offer you all His blessings so you can feel His everlasting love. Amen.

May the Lord surround you, child, with His love and protect you from evil.

Father, protect and protect this child now, surround him with your promises and fill his hearts with joy. May this day be one to cherish and remember forever.

Resources related to what to write in a baptismal card

If you are not religious, remember you can still send a baptism card and focus your message on how happy and proud you are of your loved one or friend. If you’re looking for more inspiration on what to write in a baptism card, use our guide to baptism quotes and verses to enhance and complete your baptism card. After all, your message on this momentous occasion will be remembered for a long time. And if you’re looking for additional resources related to what to write in a baptism card, check out the following resources:

Prepare Your 3-Minute Testimony

3 basic types of testimonials

There are endless ways to shape your story, but here are a few ways we think work well:

A Simple Statement – You can make a simple statement about why you chose to follow Jesus. This works well for a brand new believer.

– You can make a simple statement about why you chose to follow Jesus. This works well for a brand new believer. Before and After – You can tell your “before” and “after” story – how your life was before you knew Jesus and how your life is now. Simple and powerful.

– You can share your “before” and “after” story – how your life was before you knew Jesus and how your life is now. Simple and powerful. With and without – you can tell your “with” and “without” story – how your life is “with Jesus” and what it would be like “without him”. This version of your story works well if you became a believer at a young age.

3 parts to share your testimony

When sharing your story, it helps to think of it as part of a three-part process:

Your Story – Ask the person you are speaking with to share about their spiritual journey.

– Ask the person you are speaking to to tell about their spiritual journey. Her Story – Then share your testimony based on her experience.

– Then share your testimony based on their experience. God’s Story – Finally share God’s story in a way that resonates with their worldview, values, and priorities.

Your testimonial doesn’t have to be lengthy or overly detailed to make an impact. Limiting your story to around 3 minutes leaves time for questions and deeper conversations.

If you’re worried about how to start – keep it simple. God can use your story to change lives, but remember – you are the one who gets to tell it.

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