Should I Text Her After A Week Of Silence? The 13 New Answer

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Table of Contents

What should I text a girl after a week of no contact?

15 Examples of What to Text First After No Contact Rule
  1. “I am listening to 93.80 FM right now. …
  2. “Hey what’s up? … …
  3. “Hope you are doing good during these days. …
  4. “Hey, today is a really warm day and it made me think of you.

What should I text her after a long silence?

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time
  1. Explain your silence. …
  2. Acknowledge that it’s been a long time. …
  3. Let them know you’re thinking of them. …
  4. Reference social media posts. …
  5. Reconnect on special occasions. …
  6. Show interest in their life by asking questions. …
  7. Use nostalgia to reconnect over shared history.

Should I text a girl after not talking for awhile?

“I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to see how you’re doing.” A simple, straightforward text is always good choice. Because hey, “if you are missing someone and want to reconnect, you can just be honest and say it,” psychologist Dr. Rebecca Leslie tells Bustle.

How long should I wait for her to text me before giving up?

A week gives the person enough time to thoughtfully respond.

Even though it’s a little old-fashioned, some people will wait 3 days after a date to text you back to make you miss them more. Waiting any longer than a week could be a sign they’re not interested, and it might be best to let the conversation die out.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Have you been waiting on your phone for someone special to text you back? And how much time should you give them before abandoning the convo? If you’re not sure how the person is feeling and they’re not responding, we’re here to help. Read on to learn everything you need to know about how long to wait for an answer and how to keep your cool until it’s time to move on.

How long after no contact should I give up?

The effect of the healing process starts at the end of 30 days and continues thereafter. Being in two weeks of No Contact and giving up prevents you from healing completely and gives your ex the power to block you, give you the most unwanted answers, and leave you feeling hopeless.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

It’s perfectly normal to feel tempted during the first few weeks of social distancing. You’re still thinking about your ex, your pain is increasing, you can’t eat or sleep, their absence has left a mark of misery on you. Yet you still try.

It’s entirely understandable that after those mixed feelings you might feel that reaching out to your ex after two weeks is your best bet.

STILL, a week, two, or three is a short period of time to think about the breakup and decide what’s best for you. That said, contacting your ex right now isn’t the best idea!

The effect of the healing process begins after the 30 days have elapsed and lasts thereafter.

Being out of touch and giving up in two weeks prevents you from fully healing and gives your ex the power to block you, give you the most unwanted answers and leave you hopeless.

Instead of breaking the 2 weeks of no contact with your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, focus more on yourself.

What you should do is be prepared to defend yourself until you are out of the aftermath of the breakup. you have that!

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Up 2 Weeks After Using No Contact:

1. You are not fully healed from the breakup

Acknowledging the pain caused by the breakup and nurturing yourself takes more time than just two weeks.

Even if you ended up happily, you need to be detached for more than two weeks to reflect on your relationship and repair past things or move on.

The second week of no contact is different for the dumper and different for the dumpee.

The dumper is still happy to be alone, although he may be curious about what the dumpee is doing. While the dumpee picks up the shards and copes with the sense of loss.

2. Your thoughts are distracted by your ex’s absence

This separation has changed your life pattern. The absence of your ex can be very destructive.

In the early stages of No Contact, you are guided by your feelings and instinct rather than your thoughts and logic.

If you contact your ex after two weeks, you will only get instant pleasure from contacting them, but the results won’t be what you want them to be.

You must be ready to face any outcome. Your ex may not respond, block you, yell at you, even write an angry comment/text, or even ignore your text entirely.

It’s all because you and your ex haven’t had enough time to first gain a new perspective on yourself and then your relationship.

3. Your ex isn’t ready to talk to you yet

If you get your ex to talk or interact with you after the second week of no contact, he or she will be driven away from you.

In the second week you will learn what it’s like to live alone and enjoy your free time in the absence of your ex.

If you’re the fool, it’s way too early for your ex to miss you or think about you.

For you, it is the first stage of learning how to stop communicating with your ex and not think about him.

While for the dumper, it’s the part where they feel relief, only to feel a heavier burden as No Contact continues.

4. Might give you mixed signals and confuse you

Some of the exes choose the method of breadcrumbing rather than rejecting your attempt to reconnect with them.

With all the mixed feelings, confusion, happiness, and sadness during the first and second weeks without contact, your ex chooses to repress his feelings by replacing them with ambiguous ones.

Your ex might turn to you and only give you mixed feelings and thoughts:

“Yes I miss you too”

“I’ve Been Thinking About You Lately”

“I was wondering if you could stop by my house this weekend.”

“miss your eyes”

“You and me, meeting at Ben’s dinner tomorrow night?”

None of these examples contain an apology, nor do they convey a message that they have improved and are real this time.

Typically, during the second or third week of no contact, an ex sends these types of messages for their own needs: to satisfy loneliness, to satisfy their need for some intimacy, out of boredom, or just to play mind games.

5. The lack of scarcity won’t attract your ex again

Contacting your ex in the first week or two of no contact leaves no room for scarcity to make an impact.

Your ex won’t have the time to adjust to your absence and will miss you. Scarcity creates confusion, arouses curiosity and attraction.

It’s a bit difficult and unsafe to accept this fact in the beginning of No Contact since all you might want is to reconnect with your ex.

If you’ve been away from your ex for more than two weeks, your ex can start and acknowledge your absence.

Whether your relationship was good or bad, your ex will miss you after weeks of being out of touch.

6. You will make no progress in overcoming the breakup

Connecting with your ex during the first week or two of being banned will hinder your healing process.

Progress will be slower and more chaotic if you don’t invest time in focusing on yourself instead of focusing on getting back in touch with your ex right away.

It’s a bit difficult to tell at first if your ex has ever liked you or if he’s completely lost interest in you.

Instead of trying to figure things out on your own by focusing on your ex, try learning what it feels like to be alone. This will give you answers to several questions when it comes to your ex.

7. You’ll change your mind and might end up getting hurt again

For the first week or two, if you feel the urge to put things in order and you reach out again, you could end up falling into deeper confusion and feeling pain again.

Your ex might be acting hot and cold during this time as even he hasn’t had enough time to experience relief, regret his decision, or miss you.

Since you’re hurt and want to heal by being around your ex, you might settle for less. Your ex might go and have other secret dates or offer to be friends just to keep you around.

1. Take part in new activities

If you’ve been in this relationship for a year or more, it’s very hard to take your mind off your ex after the breakup.

A first thing to do when starting No Contact after the breakup is to set a 30-day plan to reset yourself.

~ Start small. Find an activity to keep you busy.

~ Write your feelings in a journal and come back to it after a week so you can reflect on your feelings and choices.

~ Start accepting the breakup by finding the strength to live alone.

~ Surround yourself with friends and family.

~ Do yoga, go dancing, climb that mountain. Do whatever helps you regain emotional stability.

A 30 day plan or 30 day no contact will be a turning point to let go of all your feelings and accept the breakup.

This will only be the beginning of your healing. While it is the beginning for your ex to reconsider their decisions or choose to slowly move on.

2. Take a break from social media

It’s normal to want to know what your ex is thinking or doing for 2 weeks without contact.

Instead of immediately blocking your ex or deleting your posts with them, choose to deactivate your account for a while.

This is how you can manage the urge to stalk your ex. This will keep you from pain.

Note: Some ex-boyfriends may use shady posts on their account or post pictures showing how “happy” they feel after the breakup.

3. Try not to ask other people how your ex is

To break the chain of post-breakup obsession, try not to be around things that remind you of your ex.

If you’re hanging out with mutual friends who might take your ex along to any chat, be a little distanced from them as well.

Meet new people, gain a new perspective on your life. You need some time to step away from your previous meetings so that you can reflect better and not be influenced to make wrong decisions.

4. You need someone to talk to and get things out of your chest

Friends, family, and a decent relationship professional can go a long way in helping you through those first few weeks.

Don’t hold back by not talking to anyone about this topic and by repressing your feelings. Be aware that you are taking the advice you really need and using it according to your situation.

Friends and family can help you regain your health and emotional stability.

Whereas a relationship expert can help you gain a new perspective on yourself and your relationship, and help you chart a healthy path for the relationship to come.

5. Take a short trip with your friends or family

If you go on a short trip with your friends or family, stay humble and focused for the first few weeks without contact.

Waves of fear or loneliness may be present until you reach a point where you accept the fact that the breakup has happened.

You will get to this point by absorbing the love your friends and family give you, by going places you’ve never been, and by experiencing life beyond what your relationship was and was presented to you.

6. Change your mindset from “why me” to “what do I need to do to get ahead?”

In order to get through this critical time you are going through and find the answer to whether you should give up 2 weeks social distancing, you need to change your mindset.

You can do this by appreciating the past, learning how to come back to yourself and seeking the future.

It’s all okay in the second week of no contact feeling lonely, having low self esteem at the moment, blaming yourself and wondering if your ex ever wanted you.

Whether the breakup was bad or you decided to break up on good terms, you will be part of this emotional rollercoaster ride.

The temptation to break No Contact after two weeks is part of the healing process and knowing your limits.

Repeating being banned the second time all depends on the type of relationship you had, how your ex reacted after being banned, and how you feel after reconnecting with them.

~ Try launching No Contact for the second time. Even if your ex replied with a short text message or bothered you with breadcrumbs, keep your distance again. Give you and your ex some extra time to deal with your feelings.

~ Ask yourself how you felt after reconnecting. If you’ve had bittersweet feelings, this time try to focus on living alone. Make the difference between feeling alone and being back with your ex.

~ Clear your social media and keep email as your ex’s only contact. That way you won’t feel the urge to go back and break the no contact again. This time you will focus more on healing yourself.

~If you don’t want to completely cut off your communication with your ex, don’t block him or her. Blocking your ex immediately after breaking 2 weeks of no contact will give him the wrong idea.

They may think that you are playing games while trying to cope with your feelings and the breakup.

~ Be patient with the healing process of you and your ex. It takes time for both of you to get out of the breakup bubble.

~ Don’t be angry or feel unhappy if you don’t break contact. Try to understand why you did it in the first place. If loneliness was the reason, then try to overcome that feeling and find ways to enjoy your time without another person around.

~ If your ex replies, don’t rush him for no reason. Since you’re the one who broke the no contact, keep it casual and simple. Don’t share too much.

~ When the breakup happens, things won’t feel the same anymore. Even if your ex was emotionally attracted to you, a long-term relationship, or a long distance after you broke the no-contact relationship, it will also take them longer to rebuild.

Yes, you can only text or break contact with your ex if you have a good reason to do so and know how to approach without hurting yourself or your ex.

1. If you lived together and need to get your things back.

If you have been living together but have come to the conclusion that you need to move your things from their place, you can just contact them briefly.

Use simple text to just let them know about the time you’re going to get your stuff.

2. If you have a child together.

Having a child together might prevent you from practicing strictly no contact.

Since you share responsibility for your child and need their help, you can ask short and precise questions.

3. If you work together or live in the same house.

Sometimes it’s impossible not to communicate with your ex when your boss gives you a common task or you still live in the same house.

Try to keep the conversation centered around the task you need to get done, or have a quick talk about homework. Let your ex know your limits.

4. If you’ve amicably broken up but decided to stay away from contact just to give you and your ex space to think, then just send a simple message.

The text shouldn’t have a needy tone or just focus on what you want or how you’re feeling.

Let them know you care and want to know how they are doing.

Note: Don’t try to text your ex just because you miss them or use it as an excuse to reconnect with them because you’re feeling lonely.

If you reach out to your ex for just a chat and to tell him you miss him, your ex will give the sign that you are desperate and holding on to him.

Your ex may come back during and after the no-contact relationship for a variety of reasons. It all depends on your ex’s personality and what type of relationship you were in.

If in the first 3 weeks of no contact you were wondering what he thinks or does she think of me during lockdown, then find part of the answer as to why your ex contacted you.

Depending on why you broke up and how bad the breakup was, three weeks is enough to start thinking differently about you and your relationship.

If you have been in a relationship with a narcissist and are now using NC on them, he or she may come back after that time because of curiosity. Your ex wants to take control of your life again.

If your ex wasn’t emotionally attached to you enough, he may contact you after three weeks just to get his sexual needs met.

If your breakup was bad or even not that bad but your ex never stopped loving/caring about you, then he will come back with a proper apology and ask you to make up.

If your ex was into you but was afraid to commit, then he might be back to find out if you’ve moved on or to see if he has a second chance.

If you’ve been strict with No Contact, maybe your ex could be fishing and looking for ways to show they’re sorry but unwilling to change their behavior.

Let’s not think of No Contact as a process that will make your ex forget you or move on. Your ex will miss you during No Contact and won’t move on in the blink of an eye.

You might focus more on yourself and think that you chose this method to feed off the breakup.

Think of it as a kind of vacation to step away from your relationship for a while.

Be patient with yourself, let fear get the better of you from time to time, but be able to control your mind and deal with the pain.

Watch after,


How long should no contact last?

The no-contact rule refers to cutting off all contact with an ex following a breakup, and it’s the best method for moving on from an ex. No contact should last for a minimum of 60 days, and it includes no texting, no calling, and no interacting on social media.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Some people try to use the no contact rule as a form of manipulation (i.e., to get your ex to miss you so much that they want you back). But despite what some people on the internet will tell you, no contact isn’t particularly effective in getting an ex back. Just because some people have ex-boyfriends who have reached out to them after a period of no contact doesn’t mean that this will be the case for everyone. Additionally, trying to reduce your ex-partner to a formula or controlling their behavior to meet your own needs is not very empathetic. Trying to use the no contact rule in this way can be a sign that you have your own inner work to do that is an impediment to your relationship working. This strategy can also be unhealthy for you because it ties you psychologically to a past relationship and slows down your healing process.

Instead, the no contact rule should be about you and helping you walk away from your ex. It is an integral tool of self-empowerment. You want to get to the point where you can say, “With or without you, my life is going to be great.”

How do you start a conversation after a long silence?

Conversation starters for reconnecting with an old friend
  1. Start with something simple. Let’s make it simple and direct. …
  2. Expand the topic. Ask about their current situation. …
  3. Bring back good old memories. …
  4. Dig Deeper. …
  5. End conversation with a plan.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Hey, how are you?

I haven’t seen you in ages!

I haven’t seen/speak to you for so long!

How long has it been since I last saw/talked to you?

We should catch up soon. When is your next free time?

We should come together. What do you think?

We should be getting coffee soon. what is your schedule

Do you remember the days when you spent hours talking and laughing with your best friends in an empty classroom? There were almost endless things to talk about and time flew by as they chatted. But when was the last time you had a long chat with your old friend? If it’s been a while, read on! Everyone is busy. Due to hectic schedules, life changes, big moves, and more, people often lose touch with their friends. We know that talking to an old friend after a long time can feel overwhelming and many people want to reconnect but it doesn’t happen. The reality is that people get a bit embarrassed to get back in touch with their boyfriend if they haven’t spoken in a while. Although you are tempted to talk to your friend, you may be concerned about how to start a conversation. To help you with that, here are some conversation starters to help you reconnect. Let’s make it simple and direct. After all, you were good friends once – and can be again. You can follow any of the following phrases to start the conversation. Ask about their current situation. Try What have you been up to? This question is a natural way to continue the conversation and lead you into a longer discussion. Bring up old memories as you talk – it gives you both something to talk about, where you can share common ground and interests. Dig deeper and express genuine interest by asking follow-up questions about their answers. Use words like “how”, “when” and “why” in your question. When you finish the conversation, make sure you have made a plan for the next meeting. You can consider the following phrases to end the call or chat. We hope these tips were helpful! Now it’s your turn to start a conversation with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. If you’re looking for a way to keep in touch with old friends online, try the Longwalks app. It has daily prompts to help you discuss important issues and stay current.

How do I break her silent treatment?

Tell the person how the silent treatment hurts and leaves you feeling frustrated and alone. That’s not what you want or need in a relationship. Explain that you can’t resolve issues this way, then be specific about those issues. If this sort of behavior is a relationship deal-breaker for you, state it plainly.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Share on Pinterest If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t get anyone to talk to you or even acknowledge you, you’ve experienced the silent treatment. Maybe you even gave it to yourself at some point. The silent treatment can take place in romantic relationships or any type of relationship, including between parents and children, friends and co-workers. It can be a fleeting reaction to a situation where a person is feeling angry, frustrated, or too overwhelmed to deal with a problem. In these cases, the silence passes as soon as the heat of the moment is over. The silence can also be part of a broader pattern of control or emotional abuse. When used regularly as a power play, it can make you feel rejected or left out. This can have a major impact on your self-esteem.

How do you know it’s being abused? Before delving into how to respond to the silence, it’s important to know how to recognize when it’s becoming abusive. Sometimes silence is best to avoid things you would regret later. People can also use it in moments when they don’t know how to express themselves or feel overwhelmed. But some people use silence as a means of exerting power over someone or creating emotional distance. If you’re on the receiving end of this kind of treatment, you may feel utterly ostracized. People who use silence as a means of control want to put you in your place. They’ll give you the cold shoulder for days or weeks to help you achieve those goals. This is emotional abuse. It’s difficult to live like this, so you might be tempted to do whatever it takes to get back into their favor, continuing the cycle. Research shows that feeling frequently excluded can reduce your self-esteem and sense of belonging. It can make you feel out of control. This effect can be more intense when performed by someone close to you as a form of punishment. Know the Signs Here are some signs that suggest the silence is crossing the line into emotional abuse territory: It’s common and it lasts longer.

It comes from a place of punishment, not a need to cool down or regroup.

It only ends when you apologize, plead, or give in to demands.

You changed your behavior to avoid the silent treatment.

1. Be gentle: Reach out to them If the other person doesn’t do this to you on a regular basis, a gentle approach could be a good way to get the conversation going. You may be hurt and looking for a way out. Calmly tell the person that you’ve noticed they’re not responding and you want to understand why. Emphasize that you want to solve things. While it’s not your fault that someone else dumbs you down, you do have a responsibility to apologize when you’ve done something wrong. If they don’t seem receptive, tell them you understand they may need some alone time. However, say that you would like to make an appointment to meet and resolve the issue.

2. Or do it about yourself. Tell the person how much the silence hurts and makes them feel frustrated and alone. That’s not what you want or need in a relationship. Explain that you cannot solve problems that way, and then be specific about those problems. If this type of behavior is a relationship deal-breaker for you, make it clear.

3. Ignore it until it’s over. The silent treatment should not always inflict wounds. Sometimes it’s an isolated incident that gets out of control. They can slide it until they pass and move on. Or it can be a passive-aggressive approach to keep you in control. In these cases, they want you to feel bad enough to make the first move. They bid their time and wait for you to cringe and give in to demands. Instead, go about your business like you don’t mind. Easier said than done, but try to distract yourself by going outside or reading a good book. Deprive them of the response they seek. Show that the silent treatment is not a way to get what they want from you.

4. Offer solutions Suggest a face-to-face meeting to work out some rules for better communication in the future. Make a plan for how you’ll talk to each other when things get hot and how you’ll avoid the silence in the future. Take turns listening and repeating what the other person is saying so you are clear about what you expect from each other. If you’re in a romantic relationship, offer to go to couples counseling to learn some new tools.

5. Stand up for yourself When things escalate into emotional abuse, you are not in a healthy relationship. It’s time to put yourself first. If you believe the relationship is worth saving: Set clear boundaries about what is acceptable behavior and how you would like to be treated.

Suggest individual or couples counseling to work on relationship and communication issues.

Be specific about what will happen when limits are crossed and stick to them when your limits are crossed. If there is no hope that the other person will change, consider leaving the relationship.

What Not to Do When it comes to responding to a silent treatment, there are also a few things you should avoid. These include: reacting angrily, which can only escalate things

Begging or pleading, which only encourages the behavior

apologizing just to put an end to it when you didn’t do anything wrong

Keep trying to reason with the other person after you’ve already tried

Take it personally as you are not responsible for how others treat you

Threaten to end the relationship unless you are ready

Recognizing Other Types of Emotional Abuse Silence is not always related to emotional abuse. Some people lack effective communication skills or have to turn to themselves to work things out. For emotional abusers, however, silence is a weapon of control. At first it can be difficult to know for sure if you are dealing with a larger problem. So, here are some other warning signs of mental abuse: frequent crying

insults and insults

Tantrums, banging fists and throwing things

Attempts to humiliate or embarrass you, especially in front of others

jealousy and reproaches

make decisions for you without your permission

spies on you

tries to isolate you from family and friends

exercise financial control

Blaming them for everything that goes wrong and never apologizing

threatens self-harm if you don’t do what they want

Threats against you, people you care about, pets, or possessions Have any of these things become too familiar? Even if it never became physical, research shows that emotional abuse can have short- and long-term effects, including feelings of: Loneliness

low self esteem

Despair. It can even be a contributing factor in certain illnesses, including depression

chronic fatigue


How to Get Help If you think you are being emotionally abused, you don’t have to put up with it. Consider whether or not you want to maintain a relationship with this person. If it’s your spouse or partner, both of you can benefit from couples counseling or individual therapy to learn better ways of dealing with conflict. If the silence is part of the larger issue of emotional abuse, don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. You are not responsible for their behavior no matter what they tell you. If this person really wants to change, they will seek counseling themselves. You must attend to your own emotional needs, which may include breaking off the relationship. It is important not to isolate yourself during this time. Maintain your social contacts. Reach out to family and friends for support. Here are some helpful resources: Break the Cycle supports people ages 12-24 to have healthy, abusive relationships.

Love Is Respect (National Dating Abuse Hotline) allows teens and young adults to call, text, or chat with attorneys online.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers an online chat system that is available 24/7. You can also call her at 1-800-799-7233. You may also benefit from individual or group counseling. Ask your GP to refer you to a qualified therapist.

How do you reconnect with a girl you stopped talking to?

How to reconnect with someone you stopped talking to
  1. Know your “why.” …
  2. Draft up what you will say. …
  3. Keep it short, sweet, and honest. …
  4. Be realistic. …
  5. Apologize if need be (and don’t expect an apology) …
  6. Make plans. …
  7. See the good in goodbye. …
  8. Just do it.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Friends make life worth living. They are there to lift our spirits when we are down, teach us lessons and just make life more enjoyable.

Friendship is amazing, but it’s not always easy, and sometimes you miss an old friend. Maybe you grew apart, maybe something happened that separated you, or time just preempted the friendship.

Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s not too late and it’s not impossible to reconnect with someone you’ve stopped talking to, especially if it’s a good friend and you miss them.

Why you should reconnect with old friends

There are many reasons why you should reconnect with old friends, here are a few:

1. You have a history with this person

Old friends knew an older version of you. They remind you of where you’re from, who you used to be, and even how much you’ve grown as a person.

2. They “get” certain parts of you

Inside jokes with a touch of nostalgia? Old friends will give you this.

3. Catch up

Sometimes people change fundamentally over time. It’s nice to know how/if this friend has changed and what life path this person has taken.

4. Reconnect

It is possible to rekindle friendships. I say that from experience. You have a past, and by reconnecting with someone you spoke to before, you can reignite that friendship for the future.

How to reconnect with someone you’ve stopped speaking to

1. Know your “why”.

Before reaching out to someone looking to reconnect, ask yourself WHY do you want to reconnect with that person and why did you lose touch in the first place? Do you want to reconnect with them because you really care about them and miss them?

Do you want to reconnect because you ended up on bad terms and you want to apologize? Would you like to get in touch again because you have moved away? Do you want to reconnect because you are lonely and just want someone, anyone, around you?

Before reaching out, ask yourself honestly WHY you want to connect with someone. Make sure you get in touch because you miss them or want to return on good terms. Don’t reconnect with someone just because you’re lonely.

2. Draft what you’re going to say

It’s best to be prepared, whether you’re reaching out to them via Facebook message, text message, or phone call. what will you say What points do you want to convey? How will you contact them?

3. Keep it short, sweet, and honest

Be direct and don’t digress.

Here are some examples of what you can say to reconnect with old friends:

Hey, I saw something the other day that made me think of you…

It’s been ages since we’ve talked, how are you? Are you still [something like “live in XYZ city, work at XYZ, still in XYZ space.”]

I know we haven’t met in a while but I’d love to catch up if you’re interested in getting together…

I hope this message finds you in good health and good spirits; I was thinking of you the other day…

Hey, it’s been ages! Ready to grab a drink and catch up?

You’ve been on my mind lately and I wanted to catch up and see how you were doing?

Hey [name], remember that time we went to the beach and the birds chased us away because apparently the sunscreen we grabbed was actually fruit spray?! OMG good times. How are you?

I know we haven’t talked in a while and I know it’s my fault. First of all I wanted to apologize for…

How to text a friend after a long time examples:

While you definitely want to greet the person with a “Hey” or “Hello” first, please don’t send a generic “Hello” text first. It’s brief, yes, but it’s invariably, and the person might not respond if your text just says “hello” or “hello.” Start with a greeting, but then get to the point.

“Hey Keisha, I hope you’re okay. I know we haven’t talked in a while but you came to my mind today and I wanted to know how you are? How are Tom and the kids doing?”

This is a much better way to just say “Hello!” to someone you haven’t spoken to yet. that leaves it up to the other person to lead the conversation.

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4. Be realistic

When reconnecting with someone you previously spoke to, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Don’t assume that once you reconnect, you’ll be besties like old times again.

Time has passed. People change. Your reunion may not go as perfectly as you planned.

don’t expect Reconnecting with an old friend doesn’t mean going back to best friends or even old-time friends again.

5. Apologize when necessary (and don’t expect an apology)

Sometimes friendships ended because of misconduct. Address these serious issues and sincerely apologize if you screwed up.

While you can’t control whether someone forgives you, you can apologize and hope for the best. Apologies can restore friendships.

Also, if a friend has hurt you in the past, don’t expect or try to force an apology from them.

How to connect with someone you’ve ghosted

If you’ve ghosted this person then you absolutely need to apologize, but before contacting this person I recommend doing some internal work.

First ask yourself why did you ghost them? There’s rarely a good reason for ghosting because you can let that person down with no reason or guidelines as to why you’re cutting off communication.

Have you dealt with anxiety or gone through something personal? Were you no longer interested in this person being in your life? Did you replace her with someone else? Instead of dealing with confrontations and working through programs, do you just ghost?

Whatever the reason, first ask yourself why you ghosted them. I also recommend reading this article on why ghosting your friends hurts.

SMS to someone you’ve ghosted:

Hello Nina! I wanted to first apologize for ghosting you last year. That was mean, and you absolutely didn’t deserve that, so I’m sorry.

Hi Nick, I apologize for not checking in with you over the past few weeks. I was busy with personal matters and should have let you know. I am sorry.

Dangggg, I’m taking a social break for two weeks, and suddenly the world has changed! What have I missed?

Sarah, I’m sorry I ghosted you. That wasn’t nice and you didn’t deserve it. Honestly, I was dating someone new and wasn’t mature enough to tell you that. I am sorry.

One thing I want to mention is that every example contains an apology. Apologies if you’re wrong, and yes, ghosting someone is wrong.

Apologize if you’re wrong

6. Make plans

Make plans to reconnect and catch up. This can be as simple as asking them if they’d like to go out for a drink and providing a date/time to see if they’re free.

People who want to reconnect will make an effort. An old friend told me they were in town and would like to meet up for a drink. I agreed and we had a wonderful time.

7. See the good in goodbye

I’ve had many friends. Some stopped, some didn’t. I was able to reconnect with some friends, but not with others. Some wanted to reconnect, and I didn’t (I just didn’t miss their presence).

There are seasons and reasons for friendship. Sometimes you make friends simply because of proximity and shared similarities (e.g., college buddies or work buddies). Once that phase of your life is over, you lose touch because you no longer share that common resemblance.

Deal with it. Not everyone is destined to travel with you their whole life. Be thankful and appreciative of the time you spent together and move on.

If you reach out and they don’t respond or decline, respect their wishes.

Sometimes you have to see the good when you say goodbye. Know that farewell is a gift because it allows you to welcome new experiences and people.

8. Just do it.

Life is short. If you miss someone, tell them. If you want to reconnect with someone, tell them.

Ignore all the stories in your head about people who don’t care, are too busy, or don’t want to reconnect with you before you even try.

The majority of people will be glad you reached out to them and want to reconnect. wouldn’t you

If you’ve been thinking about reaching out to an old friend for a while but keep putting it off, it’s time to just do it.

A good friend and I broke up a few years ago. I wasn’t best friends when she needed me and I missed her very much. I kept putting it off, thinking she never wanted to hear from me again, but eventually I held out my hand.

I sincerely apologized, told her I missed her and asked if she could forgive me?

I’d like to tell you that we became besties straight away after that, but we didn’t. It has taken years to rebuild our friendship but I am so happy that we have reconnected.

I ended up being a bridesmaid at her wedding and am now planning her baby shower for her firstborn. It’s all because I just reached out to an old friend that I wanted to reconnect with and really missed.

It might not be too late to reconnect with someone you’ve stopped talking to… but first? you have to try

Advice from my friends:

I asked some of my friends for advice on how to reconnect with someone you’ve stopped speaking to…here’s what they had to say:

Be open and honest with them and really address what went wrong… like addressing the issues and moving on from there. Most friendships can be saved or rekindled with a simple conversation.

-Brandi O’neal

Say something along the lines of “You’ve been on my mind lately” or “You’ve come to my mind.” “How’s it going, what’s up?” And then turn that into a little more consistent hitting.

– My friend, William Thomas

Remember that life unfolds during your time, so don’t expect to interact in the same way you did before. Take it as organically as possible, starting with pleasantries and showing genuine interest in their current state of life.

– Jessica Gardner

Say what you feel and let it go. Don’t force it. Let things happen organically.

– Heath

Know that both people just need to feel like saving is worth it. Never ask people to be in your life. Find out if they’re open to it, and if not, respect it. Maybe you hurt her beyond repair, or maybe she doesn’t value friendship the way you do (or on the contrary, they valued friendship more than you did back then).

-Brandi O’neal

Friendship can be difficult at times, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. If someone was a good person and an important part of your life, it’s okay to reach out to them and reconnect.

Here’s how to make the most of your time together when you reunite with an old friend

Reconnecting with an old friend can be a great way to reconnect and catch up on old times. However, figuring out how to make the most of the time together can also be a little daunting. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your reunion:

Plan some time in advance:

This way you can make sure you set aside some time specifically for your reunion. That way you don’t have to feel rushed or try to balance it with other commitments.

Make sure you catch up on the important stuff

When you meet up with an old friend, it’s important to catch up on things that have happened since you last saw each other. Make sure you ask about her family, friends, and any major life events that have occurred.

Do something fun together

One of the best parts of reuniting with an old friend is the opportunity to do something fun together. Whether you’re out for a drink or exploring a new city, take the time to enjoy each other’s company.

At the end of your reunion, make sure to exchange contact information so you can keep in touch. A simple phone call or text message every now and then can help keep your friendship strong.

3 apps to help you find old friends and keep in touch

There are a number of ways to find old friends and keep in touch, but sometimes the best way is through technology. Here are three apps that can help you find old friends and nurture relationships:


One of the first places people often look for old friends is Facebook. You can use the search feature to find people by name, or you can search your friends list to find someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.


LinkedIn is a great resource for finding old friends and connecting with professionals. You can search for people by name or company and also see if they have mutual connections.


Twitter can be a great way to find old friends and keep up with current events and news. You can search for people by name or username and also follow hashtags to find people talking about topics you are interested in.

These are just a few of the many apps and websites that can help you find old friends and keep in touch. What other apps do you use to find old friends or stay connected? Let us know in the comments!

Some of my strongest friendships have come from being both open to reconnecting and open to reaching out.

Do you have any advice on how to reconnect with someone you’ve stopped talking to? Did you reach someone you stopped talking to? How was this experience? I would like to know below!

In my next post I will tell you how to make new friends as a grown woman.

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Should I wait for her to text me?

There is no universal rule on whether to wait for her to text or you be the one to text first. It is not rude to text a girl first, especially in that early phase after you just got her number.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I text her or wait?

If she texted you, you don’t have to wait to text her back. You can reply to her whenever you have time and can. However, if she hasn’t texted you back, it’s best to wait to contact you again so she has a chance to reply to your initial text message. Wait until the next day to text back and start the conversation with a cute and funny GIF, a clever meme you think she’ll enjoy, or by saying, “Hey! How are you?” Texting girls doesn’t have to be complicated or something that involves a lot of pressure, and texting doesn’t have to take a lot of time to be charming or flashy. A good text to send when you’ve just started texting a girl who’s interested or wants to talk but isn’t sure what to say is something casual and fun; a cute animal meme will do the trick and it will probably brighten their day too!

There is no universal rule as to whether you should wait for her to text or write first. It’s not rude to text a girl first, especially in the early stages after you’ve just gotten her number. Speed ​​can be taken as a sign of seriousness. So if you hesitate to reach out to her, she might think that you don’t really like her or that you’ve changed your mind about her and that’s why you haven’t written.

Should I text a girl every day?

It’s normal for people to write to each other in many relationships on a daily basis, whether that connection is romantic or just a close friendship. When texting girls, don’t feel obligated to start texting daily. If it happens and you two start talking, great! That said, a busy day here and there where you don’t talk as much is perfectly fine. The best texting advice to use when texting an interested girl is to follow her lead and keep the ball in her court. This way you will never look desperate, but you will not look disinterested either.

This is also great texting advice because it shows that you respect her schedule and commitments. You don’t push her and she doesn’t push you, but you both respond whenever you can. This could very well be the beginning of a healthy communication pattern and even a romantic relationship. Also, remember that everyone loves and looks forward to great, interesting, and insightful conversations. So if you want to text a girl, make sure your focus is on meaningful and fun conversations.

How often should you text a girl to pique her interest?

There is no set number of messages per day that you should send an interested girl to keep her interested. Every connection is unique, and so are you both. Some people text a lot, especially someone who has an abundance mentality, while others prefer FaceTime or phone calls. When texting women, it’s best to keep both of your schedules in mind and text each other when it feels right. When you feel like it’s time, it’s time!

However, considering the timing, the text ratio should be balanced, which is why texting girls is easiest and most effective if you follow their lead after establishing an initial conversation. You want to show her that you’re interested without being pushy. It can easily come across as presumptuous when you text a girl who is way more interested than she is in you. However, if you’re waiting for a girl who’s interested in texting you but doesn’t text her back at all, you can quickly ask.

How do you keep a girl interested in texting?

Text with a goal. Don’t say “hey” multiple times if she doesn’t answer, and refrain from just saying “hey” without further comment or a general question. Saying “hey” alone isn’t stimulating and doesn’t give her much to respond to. This is one of the biggest mistakes guys make when texting girls. She is not interested in idle chatter; She wants to get to know you better and she wants you to ask her questions to show that you care about getting to know her. “Thinking of you” is a great text message to send, and it certainly has a time and a place, but if you’re texting an interested girl and want to keep her interested in the conversation, ask a question, even if it is just “What did you do today?”

How do you make a girl miss you a lot?

While it’s not always possible to make someone miss you or feel anything, there are some things you can do to give her the potential to miss you and make her heart fall in love. First, make sure the conversation is engaging when you speak. Stay away from idle chitchat or just say “Hello” with nothing else in the message. Even though there seems to be a million rules for texting girls, many guys are surprised that texting girls in an appealing way is easier than it sounds.

Most of the time, all you have to do is ask questions, listen to her answers, show an interest in what she’s telling you, and throw in something you think she’ll enjoy here and there. For example, you might hear a song, watch a video, or see a meme that makes you think of her or that you think she will enjoy. When she sees that part of your personality, she will miss you when you’re not around. Second, while you don’t have to play hard to get, you also don’t have to rush to reply if you’re busy. Respond when it feels right, but don’t text her too many times if she hasn’t replied to you at all.

Deliberately making a girl miss you a lot might not be a very good idea, and if not done carefully, it can end a good relationship before it even begins. It’s understandable if you can’t text her every day, especially considering your schedule. Initiating texts and getting it to the point where the girl looks forward to your text and then holding it back or withdrawing it is not a way to make her miss you.

What does it mean when a girl never texts you first but replies?

She turned to you. This is a good sign when texting an interested girl. If a girl texts you but doesn’t reply to your reply, chances are she’s busy. Many people lack free time and sometimes their social life suffers as a result. So if an interested girl seems to respond to you when you text her, don’t wait for the interested girl to text you first!

You can send her an entertaining, cute, or funny text, photo, or media piece to resume dialogue. This is a great idea when texting girls because it’s something pretty much everyone will appreciate, and it shows that you have an easy-going, understanding, confident, and fun nature. Keeping this laid-back approach is one of the top rules for texting girls. You can also wait a few days and text an interested girl how she is if she texts you and doesn’t reply to your message.

Don’t take it personally if she doesn’t text you every day. The fact that she hasn’t texted you during the day could be because her schedule is tight and she’s busy. Also, don’t always expect prompt answers, especially since your schedules may never be the same. Respect their silence so you don’t come across as a nuisance.

When should you stop texting a girl?

If she asks you to stop texting her, be sure to stop. Don’t text her again if she specifically asks you to stop. If you text her multiple times and she never responds, it’s safe to say that you shouldn’t text her further, especially if it’s a girl you’ve just met. If she stops texting you altogether and ignores multiple attempts to reach her, this time she’s ready to hang up the phone and start chatting with other people.

Never say, “Well, I guess I won’t text you,” or “Since you won’t text me, I’ll ignore you, too,” and don’t text when you’re processing anger at someone’s lack of a reply. This is the biggest mistake men make when texting women. If at some point she did want to reach out to you, she won’t now, and if she hasn’t, that’s a far more embarrassing act than a lack of response. Texting girls with a statement like this is a huge turn off and can even seem threatening or scary.

Also, make sure that you don’t text her multiple times why she didn’t get back to you if she doesn’t reply or takes a little time to respond. Texting a girl after she asks you to stop will send the message that you don’t respect her opinion and you don’t respect her privacy. And that is an important red flag in a future relationship. Respect their wishes and retire honorably. You don’t want to seem rude or be at odds with the girl over text messages.

There is no one size fits all rule for texting girls, so it’s understandable to wonder why she isn’t texting back. Many men and women face this problem and most people have been on both the giving and receiving side. Still others don’t text often, or prefer to interact face-to-face. Other people get caught up in life or put their phones away when they are with other people. It could even be a case of social anxiety or depression.

If you’re texting girls, know that if a particular interested girl isn’t interested, you have to respect that, and it probably won’t be as personal as you think if she doesn’t text back. Don’t try to change her mind. Trying to change her mind will likely backfire, so take it with dignity. Put things in perspective; if she doesn’t answer, it’s unlikely she is anyway.

How much texting is too much for a girl?

When texting an interested girl, the number of text messages you send each other should be relatively equal. Try to hold back a little when texting a girl who is way more interested than she is in you. For example, if you send her thirteen messages in a day and she texts you two, she will try to scale back until you are a little more like the amount she is texting you.

Again, there are no hard and fast rules for texting girls; Some people are more talkative than others. She may not be a great copywriter. Maybe she prefers real interactions and her texting style is quick, easy, and sweet. Especially if she’s actively showing that she’s personally interested in you, but when you start texting an interested girl, she doesn’t reply quickly or often; that’s probably what’s going on.

How do you keep a girl interested in you?

The best way to keep someone interested in a conversation is to ask questions, show interest in what the woman writing is saying, and let your personality shine through. When you strike up a conversation with an interested girl, you should know how to keep it going. At the same time, you shouldn’t base your entire love life on one text message conversation. Instead, ask her questions, whether they be random questions about her interests or follow-up questions about something she’s told you in the past.

If this is an interested girl you just met, make an effort to get to know her. Use an icebreaker like a game of two truths and one lie, or ask questions about her life and make an effort to preserve what she tells you. A goodnight text or a good morning text is always a good idea when texting an interested girl if you want to keep her interested. This is a great time to text someone because texting them good night or good morning is a great way to make them feel cared for. It’s a sweet gesture, and it’s easy too. However, remember that these text messages are only a connection to a personal relationship.

How often should I text her without seeming desperate?

Texting, like any form of communication, depends on the flow and intensity of the conversation. To avoid looking desperate, there are a few important texting rules you need to follow. Communication lives from the reaction. Providing unambiguous answers is very important when texting, since the tone of the conversations cannot be understood. Ambiguous answers can lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings.

The key to keeping a girl interested while you text her is to let the conversation flow naturally. When there’s a new girl who’s interested in you or you’re interested in, it’s easy to get carried away. Here are some dating tips: You might want to keep texting or chatting with her. If you are talking and texting with a girl, she will help start the conversation and keep it going if the interested girl likes you.

When it comes to getting a girl interested in online dating, things can get a bit more complicated. For example, you don’t know who else the interested girl is talking to on the online dating site, so you might feel a bit competitive. However, if you text the interested girl who is more interested than she wants, it can be very off-putting to her. Here are a few more dating tips: While there’s no texting guide to getting a girl interested, there are a few important rules. First of all, if she doesn’t answer, you should stop texting her all the time.

To avoid seeming desperate, base your conversation on her reaction time – if she answers in a few seconds, answer with the same frequency. This creates a flow that improves communication. Try not to put any pressure on her. Also, try not to leave her messages unread or unanswered for long periods of time, which could discourage her. Understandably, things can come up throughout the day that take your mind off your phone, but you can let her know you want a break or need some time to take care of something before you head out.

Another tip for not looking desperate is to make sure she signs off on the texts every day – i.e. H. she sends the last message so you can initiate the text if she doesn’t text the next day. You must be very wise at this point; Her answers will let you know whether or not she wants to continue the conversation.

Should you text her every day?

The rule of thumb, especially if you text her a lot, is to text her when it feels natural and reciprocated. If a girl who is interested in you doesn’t reply to your texts, don’t force conversations. In general, girls don’t like it when guys text every day if the interested girl never answers: it’s annoying and makes the guy seem desperate. If you want to keep a girl interested, you don’t need fancy dating tips. Just focus on what the girl likes and how she’s feeling.

Texting her every day depends on several factors. For a girl you’ve just started talking to, texting throughout the day might not convey the right message. Most girls want to assess their potential man at the beginning of a relationship, and texting all day can put them off. However, it may not bother someone who has an abundance mentality.

When trying to figure out how to keep a girl interested, make sure to keep things natural. Don’t try too hard; When you speak, relate to the things you have in common. Here are some dating tips: If you see something interesting or funny that you think she will appreciate, use it to talk to an interested girl. However, please do not force it. Instead of seeing the conversation as a way to “win” a girl who’s interested in you, think of it as a way to talk to a girl who’s interested in getting to know her better.

Hopefully, as you get to know her and she gets to know you, she will remain interested and not lose interest. If you text her every day and she replies every day, then you’re already well on your way to texting and possibly starting a date!

When you date, having time for her or spending time with her is considered a sweet gesture. Writing to her every day shows the level of your love and that you are thinking of her. In such a case, seeing their messages every day should be the norm. Texting her every day sends an emotional message to someone you’re with and makes her feel special. This isn’t a universal rule, however, as some people prefer calling over texting. The bottom line is knowing what the other person likes.

Online dating, “dating,” and other relationships based on text conversations can be stressful for many women, especially when a man can’t understand a cue. Sometimes when a guy is talking to a girl interested in texting, he can be pushy or aggressive. This can cause the women online to refuse to answer or even block this guy. So if you want to know how to keep a girl interested when going out online or communicating primarily via text, moderation and natural flow are key!

This means that daily texting isn’t necessarily best dating practice. Even if you date online and your entire relationship is online only, it’s possible that the girl you’re talking to doesn’t like texting. Some girls don’t love texting; In that case, you should pick up the phone and call them. Or, keep your texting to a minimum and start texting her only to set up a date where you can meet up and have some quality time together.

Remember, when it comes to keeping a girl interested, quality is more important than quantity! Just because you don’t text her every day or she doesn’t reply every day doesn’t mean she isn’t interested in you. Just because you love texting doesn’t mean she does. And just because the conversation doesn’t happen every day doesn’t mean it’s not a great conversation!

How often should I text my crush?

When considering how often to text your crush and how to keep a girl interested, it’s important to first consider the nature and depth of your existing relationship. Is she a close friend that you spend time with in “real life”? Is she someone you met on an online dating app and haven’t met in person yet? All of these elements play a role in how often you text your crush. So if you’re asking yourself, “How often should I text my crush?” you need to consider these factors carefully.

The key is to keep the pace, the topics, and the conversation as a whole nice and natural. Please don’t force it. Let the friendship grow naturally. And try not to overdo it, lest you be seen as a pest. If you have nothing to say, don’t send a message. Instead, focus on quality over quantity. Study the person you are dealing with carefully; their personality trait and other factors are important. While some people don’t mind the occasional check-in with a new friend, others may want to take their time before opening up to intimacy or close friendship.

If you’ve managed to make your crush feel comfortable with you and around you, i.e. H. you have built your friendship on a certain level of trust; then you can write to her every day. Conversations at this point come and flow naturally. Texting her every day will not be a chore, especially as there is an existing connection between you.

How long should I wait to text her?

There’s no hard and fast rule as to how long you should wait before texting her. After getting her number, you can text her within hours of your meeting/conversation while the attention is still fresh. If she gave you her number herself, she most likely has a mental note from you and may even look forward to texting or calling you, especially if she likes you or if you impress her during your meeting or conversation have.

So since she gave you her number, it means she’s open to communication, so you can probably text her within the next few hours. It doesn’t have to be a long text; You can tell her, “Thanks for giving you her number, or tell her it was a pleasure meeting her. Texting your crush right away shows that you’re aware of them and also helps keep your memory fresh in their minds. However, the fact that you now have her number doesn’t mean that you should text bombard her lest you come off as a nuisance.

By the time you start dating, texting with her can become more constant. But to start, you need to pay attention to her attitude towards you and your texts and how she responds. From the texts exchanged, you’ll learn how she’s chatting or replying to messages, and even know the right tone and pace to move forward.

For someone you date, texting them every day is very important and helps improve and strengthen your bond. Of course, this should go hand in hand with calling her and talking to her on the phone. However, it’s important to consider her schedule, especially if she’s busy and may not have the luxury of making many phone calls or frequent text messages. You don’t want to be distracted, so don’t keep texting or calling when you know she might be busy. If you send a message and she doesn’t text or call back right away, chances are she’s busy and will call you when she’s free.

What does it mean when you text a girl every day?

If you text a girl every day, it can be for many reasons. In this case, if you text her every day, the inclination to be interested in her is very high, especially if you are not used to texting girls normally.

When you find yourself wanting to reach out and text your crush, you’ll most likely become emotionally connected, and of course that’s not a bad thing. If she likes you enough to return the gesture, it can be a good indication that a beautiful friendship is budding, and if nurtured it can lead to something promising.

Should I text her again if she doesn’t reply?

So if it’s only been a few hours, over the course of a work day or a single night, don’t panic. It’s still well within a reasonable response time. However if she doesn’t return your text for a full day, a few days, or more, she may be letting you know that talking to you isn’t high on her priority list.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

“How many texts should I send if she doesn’t answer for a while?”

We totally sympathize. Texting etiquette in modern dating can feel murky and uncertain at the best of times.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re talking to a woman and things seem to be going really well and then she disappears and stops replying to your texts, your mind may turn:

“Did your phone die? “Has she lost interest?” “Is she just busy with work?”

And especially…

“Shall I keep texting her?”

Take a deep breath because that’s what we’re going to solve today.

First we ask a few questions:

How long has it been?

has it been? How many SMS went unanswered?

SMS went unanswered? What was the tone of the conversation before she stopped answering?

As you answer these questions, your gut will likely give you some clues as to what you should do. However, if you make it to the end of this post and are still unsure, don’t worry.

We will definitely answer the question of whether you should keep writing if she doesn’t reply for a while.

Before we get into that, however, you need some context to make this post useful to you.

Understand who this post was written for:

This is not a post geared towards conversations that take place in the first few back and forth texts on an online dating site like Match or a dating app like Bumble.

These conversations come and go all the time because at this point neither party owes the other anything and true feelings have not had a chance to develop.

(Still, read and apply the following guidelines! Be aware that just because you’re still “at the top of the funnel” and have only received a few messages, it may not respond as quickly.)

This is the post for situations where you’ve been talking to a woman for a while, maybe had a date or two, or at least had some in-depth conversations where it feels like this thing could really go somewhere.

You might have beginnings of feelings, and she might have hinted at the same thing.

Then sudden radio silence. What happened?

If this sounds familiar and you have that twisted feeling in your stomach to prove that you care about those feelings and you really just want her to please write back soon OMG then read on.

Let your mind wander to the worst-case scenario for just a second. If she spontaneously decided that she didn’t want to talk anymore, how would you handle it? Do you have the confidence, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can get back on that horse, get back to dating, and find someone who’s going to try as hard as you do? If you’re not sure, download this free e-book. The exercises in this book can help you figure out how to maximize your attractive qualities and expand your dating options so you never have to worry about one door closing before another opens. >> Get your confidence boost here! << Now we can dive in. If you're wondering what to do when a girl doesn't reply to your messages, start by asking yourself the following questions. How long has it been? There's a world of difference between a woman not responding for a few hours and a day or more. It's entirely reasonable that she might go several hours without access to her phone. Or she's running around and doesn't have time to think of a good answer. Often, and especially in the early stages of a budding relationship, one party would rather wait and send a well-thought-out response than rush it and risk saying something they later regret. So don't panic if it's only been a few hours over the course of a workday or a single night. It's still good within a reasonable response time. However, if she doesn't return your text for a whole day, a few days, or longer, she may be letting you know that talking to you isn't high on her priority list. People tend to act according to their unconscious priorities. “Actions speak louder than words” is a popular saying and with good reason; it is often true. If you hold an important place in their life, you will know it by their actions. How many SMS went unanswered? Here are some considerations: Is that a pattern in the whole time you've been speaking? Or has she always reacted quickly in the past before suddenly disappearing? Does she sporadically forget to answer or does she sometimes forget to take her cell phone with her? Have you sent several unanswered text messages in a row? While the answers to these questions won't necessarily solve your current problem, they can provide clues. For example, if she regularly leaves her phone on silent, you can probably feel safe knowing that she'll get back to you later. Or if she texts consistently most of the time and was always very communicative before, maybe her phone broke or she was called to an all-day work meeting. If she doesn't respond habitually, you might again take this as a signal that her efforts aren't aligned with yours. What was the tone of the conversation before she stopped answering? Do your best to objectively evaluate both yours and your side of the conversation. ask yourself: Was she excited to talk to you? Did you perhaps appear too strong? Does her tone match yours? Could you have played it too cool and signaled disinterest? Were their answers often a single word or entire paragraphs? Did she mention anything that might explain her disappearance (tiredness or discomfort, taking on a large work project, meeting up with old friends, etc.)? Did she text about as much as you did, or was it one-sided? Sometimes fear can get the best of you, and then when you reread an old conversation, you notice things you might not have noticed the first time. When she casually mentioned a few days ago that her best friend would be in town Tuesday night, you might not have noticed. So if it's Tuesday night and you can put the pieces of the puzzle together, I'm sure you'll breathe a sigh of relief. If you find a simple explanation for the silence, rest assured that it will eventually answer you. Otherwise, use the clues above to gauge their interest and see if it aligns with yours. Note: Most dating sites will ask you to match her tone and responses if she stops responding or responds infrequently. For example, if she seems to be withdrawing, conventional wisdom would recommend that you give her the same space. While you absolutely can do that, you risk a situation where you're both sitting there thinking the other person isn't into it. Budding relationships could die out before the fire is even ignited if neither of you is willing to take the initiative and add some fuel to the flames. So, for best results, continue to the next step. If she doesn't answer for a long time and you still don't know why... ... Then yes, write her again. Before you do, use these guidelines to craft a message that's likely to produce the best results: Keep it under control. Just send an SMS today. It is unlikely that two texts in a row will not be sent. So you can feel safe just texting to be sure. If she answers later today, great! She won't feel like she's been bombarded with messages while she's away from her phone. On the contrary, she will feel like you took care of her enough to check in. keep it short This is not the time to publish an autobiography of your feelings. Your goal is short, direct and to the point. If you find yourself typing a wall of text and adding paragraph breaks to improve readability... turn back, you've gone too far! Hit the Delete key and reduce everything down to the one or two items you really want to make. stay positive This is also not the time to assume that you know their feelings, to let your fear seep into the words you choose, to jump to conclusions, or to be passive aggressive. Don't venture anywhere near passive-aggression territory, "I guess you don't want to talk to me." That can take a happy but busy woman from excitedly anticipating your next conversation to thinking, "Oh, he's one of those guys..." in two seconds. Be honest and be who you are. Part of the appeal of sending just one more message is that you approach dating like a mature adult. Waiting and suffering in silence, playing cool with the "3-day rule," or using other mind games you hear about in shared dating advice contradicts your goals of finding a healthy relationship with strong communication. So if you still want to text and you're pretty sure you haven't been overly clingy, do it. If you want to tell her that you're into her to avoid misunderstandings, do it. If you want to ask (calmly, positively) what she's up to because you're genuinely interested in her life, do it. If a woman is a good match for your communication style, she will appreciate your honesty and directness and will probably respond well to it. If a woman doesn't go well with your communication style, waiting, being cool, or playing head games will not make this potential relationship healthier. Wouldn't you rather find out early? Conclusion on whether to write again if she doesn't reply: If the answers to the "Ask Yourself" sections don't give you any clues, and you're reasonably confident that you've acted maturely and gracefully, you should have absolute confidence in sending a follow-up text. If she doesn't reply to the follow-up message within a few hours or a day, take that as a reply and stop texting her. To recap today's post: Assess the situation by considering some contextual clues that might explain her silence, that might explain her silence, follow a few quick guidelines to make sure you're on your best behavior when texting back, and to make sure you do your best when texting again, and prioritize healthy, honest, and clear communication because that will help you find a woman who appreciates those things too. If you're still sitting there struggling, it might be an indication that your confidence or overall dating skills could use some attention. Download our free e-book Why PUA Doesn't Work for Introverts and What Works Instead to lay the groundwork for a healthier dating life. Or maybe you're still unsure because your situation doesn't quite match the advice you can find online. That's okay too! Real life brings caveats and extenuating circumstances that make general advice seem inapplicable. If so, you should consider joining ours Launch your Dating Life program for personalized, tailored advice based on your exact situation. Talk to us in a 1:1 phone call (apply here) and we'll see if the program is right for you!

Should I wait for her or move on?

If you’re tired of waiting for him to realize how much he loves you and commit to you; if you’re tired of having your life pass you by, then you should move on. Find someone who wants the same things you want. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, then don’t waste your time on him.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

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“I really like this guy and he seems like a great catch but he’s not ready to settle down yet. I feel in my heart that if he would just give me a chance, we could be perfect together.”

If that’s you, you’ve come to the right place.

When you feel suffocated by his indecisiveness, wondering whether to wait for him or move on.

Here are 10 signs he’s worth the wait

1) You are two peas in a pod

The first thing to look for is that you are on the same page in terms of what you want out of life.

If you both have similar goals and interests and understand each other’s values ​​and perspectives, you are already successful.

If things are great between you guys but he’s not ready to commit 100% to the relationship, it’s worth giving him a little more time.

2) He is happy when you are together

When you are together, he is emotionally available and fully present. You may notice that he doesn’t often check his phone or seem to be looking for an excuse to leave as soon as possible.

He’s part of the conversation, comfortably maintaining eye contact with you, looking into your eyes, smiling and laughing with you.

So what does that mean for you?

His happiness when he spends time with you is a sign that you have something special up his sleeve that is worth staying for.

The important thing is to give him the space he needs and not to pressure or suffocate him.

He clearly loves spending time with you, so let him realize how much he misses you when you’re apart.

3) No relationship has a one-size-fits-all solution

I know that from my own expirience.

Even if they mean well, my own experience is that most relationship advice from friends and family backfires.

But my struggle with a partner who didn’t want to commit last year prompted me to try something new.

I spoke to a spiritual advisor at Psychic Source about my relationship.

It was a great decision that I didn’t expect!

Because the medium I spoke to was intelligent, compassionate, and down to earth. They approached my challenge with great care and insight and really helped me to tackle it in an effective way.

I finally felt like I had a roadmap for my love life for the first time in years.

Click here to try Psychic Source for yourself.

They will be able to tell you if he is the right one and how to optimize your love life and break down the barriers that are holding you back.

4) He has been injured in the past

Well, this is important information to consider before deciding whether to wait for him or not.

The thing is, he might not be ready to commit because he’s afraid of getting hurt, not because he doesn’t care about you.

If he’s been hurt in the past, he may be afraid of history repeating itself, which is why he’s not ready to step in just yet – he needs more time.

But don’t assume his history of heartbreak is down to a lack of interest in a serious relationship.

Give him time to get over his former partner and start healing his heart. Meanwhile, be there for him and show him that you won’t let him down.

5) He’s not afraid to be vulnerable

He doesn’t hold back from showing a softer side around you, although he may feel uncomfortable or self-conscious at first.

Once he realizes that you will accept him for who he is, he won’t be afraid to open up fully, even with the mask off. If you can make him feel vulnerable around you, then that’s definitely a sign he has feelings for you.

While male vulnerability comes in a variety of forms, it is one of the strongest indicators of interest and affection.

6) He wants things to work

Whether he’s ready to commit or not, if he wants there to be a future between the two of you, then there is.

He wants what you want, he wants your happiness and he is willing to give everything.

In my experience, the reason he’s not ready to commit is because he’s scared—of getting hurt or losing you. If he’s going to all that trouble, then he’s clearly not averse to being with you.

Here’s another thing. If he wanted to let go of the relationship, then he would. But the fact that he’s trying so hard means he’s worth waiting for.

7) Consider his schedule

Even if he’s not ready to commit if he’s already invested in the relationship, there’s a reason.

Be careful not to move on too quickly and try to pressure him into a commitment before he’s ready.

Think about it:

It may be slow, but there’s a reason for that, so let it work through it at its own pace.

People have different schedules and don’t always move at the same pace. So if he’s a bit slow and you’re in a hurry, maybe it’s time to find a middle ground.

The bottom line is that if he’s worth waiting for, you should be a little more flexible about your plans for the future and learn to enjoy the present.

8) You think he might be the one

If you think he might be the one – your soulmate – then he’s definitely worth waiting for.

But how can you find out for sure that he is your soulmate?

Here’s the thing:

We can spend a lot of time and emotions chasing the wrong person – finding your true soulmate is not easy.

But what if there was a way to know for sure?

I just stumbled across a way to do this… a professional psychic who can draw a sketch of what your soulmate looks like.

I wouldn’t normally try something like this, but my friend convinced me to try it a few weeks ago.

The crazy thing was that I recognized him immediately. The sketch was frighteningly clear and precise.

If you’re ready to figure out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here.

9) He tells you how special you are

If your partner makes you feel special and that there is no one else in the world, then staying with them is worth it.

It’s true he may not be ready to commit yet, but if there’s something special between the two of you, he’ll open up to you, show what he’s thinking, and share his feelings with you.

If he makes you feel like the only girl in the world, then it’s worth giving him a chance.

And if he makes it clear how much he cares about you, acknowledge it and make him your priority for as long as possible.

10) He protects you and your relationship

It’s a sign of genuine connection when he begins to care about you, cares about your well-being, and is protective of the relationship.

The fact that he’s already invested in making sure you’re happy is a good sign that he wants there to be a future between the two of you.

If he shows this interest in a relationship with you, he’ll likely commit soon, so it’s worth waiting for him.

What to do?

So you’ve decided he’s a goalkeeper and you want to wait for him. But it seems to be taking a lot longer than you expected.

What should you do while you wait, and what can you do to speed up the process and get him to commit to you?

1) Talk to him about it

It may sound obvious, but the first thing you should do is open up and talk to him about your relationship and how you feel.

If he’s worth the wait, he’ll appreciate you being honest with him and will be happy to tell you how he’s feeling and what’s on his mind.

Here’s the deal:

The fact that he’s not ready to commit may not have anything to do with whether he likes you or not — it may just be that his past relationship deters him from getting hurt again.

If he likes you and cares about the relationship, then this conversation will help him see how much his commitment would mean to you. It will also encourage him to try to work on his attachment issues.

Try to remember not to beg him or push him into a decision; Instead, use the time to get even closer to him and let him know how much you love spending time with him.

You don’t have to be afraid to be vulnerable and talk about your feelings; In fact, it increases your chances of getting his heart.

2) Work on yourself

If there’s something you do—like acting needy and possessive—that keeps him from committing, it will only take a little effort on your part to change that.

ask yourself:

Have you been clingy?

Have you been texting him all the time and are you possessive in the relationship?

If so, it’s time to work on those issues.

The next time you’re out together, try to be more relaxed and remember that he doesn’t have to commit just yet. Practice letting him go from time to time and remember that he wants to be with you.

⌄ Scroll down to continue reading the article ⌄ Do you suffer from empty and draining relationships? Legendary shaman Rudá Iandê reveals the 3 most important factors for healthy and loving relationships (and experiencing them now). Watch the free video now ⌄ Scroll down to continue reading the article ⌄

3) Don’t chase him

It is very important to remember: do not chase him!

Let me explain why:

You pursued him and he still hasn’t made up his mind to commit to you.

If you keep chasing him, you’ll look desperate and needy, which no one finds attractive or wants to commit to.

So instead of trying even harder to get him to commit to you, take a step back and see if that helps him open up or not.

He may be afraid of your intensity and feel like you are stalking you. Take some time away from him so he can miss you.

4) Live your life

Some people forget to live their lives while waiting for their partner to commit.

If you are too busy holding on to him, you may miss other opportunities.

Just as you cannot force him to commit, neither can he be forced to take a step forward. You need to give him some space and put yourself first for once.

Make sure your life is done first before trying to get his promise.

If he’s worth waiting for, he’ll want to be with someone who has his life together.

If you’ve been waiting for him and doing everything you can to make him stay, then maybe it’s time to get out there and start living your life again. It’s simpler than you think.

5) Talk to someone about it

Figuring out what to do when the person you love doesn’t want to commit to you can be difficult. That’s why it’s a good idea to talk to a talented advisor.

I have already mentioned how helpful the Psychic Source counselors have been when I have faced difficulties in life.

While we can learn a lot about a situation from articles like this, nothing quite compares to getting a personal reading from a gifted person.

From clarifying the situation to helping you make life-changing decisions, these counselors empower you to make decisions with confidence.

Click here for your personal reading.

6) Try reverse psychology

Sometimes you have to try reverse psychology to get your partner’s attention. If he doesn’t give you a time frame and doesn’t seem interested in committing, then act like you don’t care.

In fact, you might start to feel a little hesitant about your relationship.

Don’t spend all of your time with him, text less often, and take some time off from the relationship.

You should make sure not to make yourself too available.

Hopefully this will make him realize that you won’t wait forever and that if he doesn’t take your relationship seriously, he could lose you.

7) Give him an ultimatum

It’s hard trying to time someone to commit. So if you’ve given him multiple chances and he’s still not ready, then it’s time to step up your game and give him an ultimatum.

Tell him that if he doesn’t commit in the next 6 months (or however long you feel like it’s working for you) you’ll be leaving. He may be surprised by your decision, but it should also encourage him to make a decision about the relationship.

The point is to show him that if he doesn’t work on his attachment issues now, he could lose you.

8) Take a break from the relationship

Being in a relationship is not an easy thing and it can be difficult to keep both people happy when so many other things are going on in your life.

So if the relationship isn’t going well, it might be time to put yourself above him and see if you can handle things on your own.

If you’re waiting for him and feel like he’s not making the effort, take a break from the relationship for a few weeks or so.

Take some time for yourself. Focus on your needs outside of the relationship.

Hang out with your friends

take a trip

Enjoy your hobbies

Visit your parents more often

This gives both of you a chance to re-evaluate your relationship and may just be the wake-up call he needs.

All in all, if he really cares about you, he will miss you and see how empty his life is without you.

Signs that you shouldn’t wait for him

We’ve looked at the reasons why you should stay and wait for him to commit. But sometimes it’s just not worth waiting for a guy. Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs:

1) He wants to keep his options open

If he doesn’t want to commit to you and has several other people on his radar, don’t expect things to change.

Now he may have told you that he wants to be in an open relationship — which basically means you’re not enough for him.

If he’s constantly pursuing other relationships, it’s a sign that he either doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship or doesn’t want to commit to you.

Unless you’re looking for a casual fling with this guy, don’t wait for him to commit. It’s time to move on.

2) He is a player

If he’s still playing the field, not ready to settle down and doesn’t want to commit, there’s little you can do to change his mind.

If he’s already in his 30s or even 40s and still hasn’t settled in, don’t wait for him. He may never be ready for a serious relationship and is probably just wasting your time.

Don’t waste your time with him – there is someone better for you out there.

The bottom line is, don’t wait for him at all costs.

3) His priorities are elsewhere

Constantly putting your career or interests ahead of your relationship is a sign that things will never work out between the two of you.

do i have your attention

If he’s got his head in the clouds and isn’t paying attention to you, then he’s not worth waiting for.

If he doesn’t feel like bothering about your relationship, it’s time to move on and find someone who is willing to show interest and work towards a happy and healthy relationship.

4) He doesn’t value your feelings or opinions

If he continues to ignore or brush off your feelings, then you will never be able to have a healthy relationship with him.

If he doesn’t care about your opinion, thinks you’re overreacting, or doesn’t respect your feelings, don’t wait for him.

He won’t change and you’ll feel like you’re constantly walking around him on eggshells. He’s not worth the trouble and he’s definitely not worth waiting for.

5) He breaks plans at the last minute

We are not finished yet:

If he usually cancels at the last minute and keeps finding reasons why he can’t make it, then maybe it’s a sign that he just doesn’t care enough about the relationship to care.

He tenses you up, obviously not that interested and too self-absorbed to care about your feelings.

The bottom line is that if he’s treating you like an afterthought by canceling last-minute plans or not committing to them, it’s probably time to move on.

Don’t wait for someone who clearly doesn’t respect you and isn’t interested in spending time with you.

6) He tells you he doesn’t want anything serious

You think that would be a clear sign that you should move on, but some women think the guy is just playing hard to get.

The thing is, if he says he doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship, then you should believe him.

If you’re waiting for him to change his mind, you’re probably wasting your time. If you’re looking for more — if you want to get married and have kids — it’s time to move on and find someone who’s looking for the same things.

7) You are tired of waiting

If you are tired of waiting for him to realize how much he loves you and is committed to you; If you’re tired of life passing you by, then you should move on.

Find someone who wants the same things as you. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, don’t waste your time with him.

It’s an exciting time in life and there are many people out there just waiting for you!

There’s a guy out there who respects and appreciates you, who takes his time with you and treats you like the queen you are. You deserve a happy, healthy relationship. You deserve a family.

8) You have already given him an ultimatum

After all, if you’ve already given him an ultimatum and he’s decided not to commit, then he’s not the one for you. It’s clear and simple, so stop fooling yourself into thinking he’s coming over.

Give yourself a chance to find someone who appreciates and appreciates you! Don’t wait for someone who doesn’t want to be with you.

Final Thoughts

It’s not easy to figure out whether you should stay in a relationship and wait for the man you love to give himself fully or whether it’s time to throw in the towel and move on.

But while this article contains many helpful tips for someone in your situation, there’s nothing quite like talking to a professional about it and getting advice specific to your situation.

I know relationships can be challenging and I want to encourage you to never give up.

I have already mentioned Psychic Source and my positive experience with it.

Your spiritual advisors have a tremendous understanding of attachment issues and how to address the issue.

Click here to get your own love read.

Should I text after being ignored?

If he is ignoring you and is not texting you back, then you have to wait at least 2 to 3 days before texting him lower back. This will be a polite follow-up textual content, after which you could see what happens from there.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

How long should I wait before texting him back after he ignores me?

In this article about how long I should wait before texting him back after he ignores me. Not being noticed is a horrible feeling – especially when it’s done with the help of someone you trust! If you find that the person you’ve developed feelings for and your hopes that something would come up starts ignoring you – do you need to provide text content again?

If this is a person you certainly have feelings for and want to take a chance on, then you definitely should be texting their lower back, but you don’t want to do it right now.

So how long should you wait before returning text content to him after he ignores you?

The fashion consensus is that you should wait about 2 to a few days before texting him.

This gives him the idea that you’re not always waiting for him and that you’re not the easiest person to take the time.

If you find yourself in this predicament, keep studying to find out why it’s happening and what you should do…

Are you wondering “how long do I have to wait to text again after he neglected me?”, you are not alone. Pretty much everyone has learned this sooner or later. It may certainly be worrying, but we can help take the guesswork out of where things stand.

Before you read: did you know that there is a way to text a man that is psychologically designed to make him obsess over you? Watch this video to learn how to do it.


Learn how to make any man yours through texting…

If you feel like he ignored you, chances are you were the ultimate texting character. How long should I wait before texting him back after he ignores me is a fashionable texting rule. It’s important to wait at least days before double texting someone. Should I send him back after he has ignored me for weeks, the easiest way is to do it once as a follow-up in your ultimate exchange.


The key to finding out is to understand why he ignored you in the first place.

did you have fight Or does he just have an example of ignoring your texts only to respond days later by converting the issue?

Some guys try to play hard to get, willfully ignoring messages from their companions. This causes the other person to feel insecure about the connection and often makes them try harder to solidify the connection while communication resumes. Of course, this all depends on the personality of the alternate companion. What can encourage one woman to try harder can absolutely deter another.

Look at your SMS history to see if there’s a sample. That will determine what you claim against him next.

For example, if he usually communicates really well with you and suddenly breaks off, then something may be wrong. If everything is fine, try texting him to invite him: that leaves the ball in his courtroom and offers him a chance to explain himself.

Alternatively, you can send him a funny picture or meme to let him know you’re considering him.

Don’t send inflammatory messages and try to pressure him into contacting you. This may mean that you think you are pregnant or that you have been injured. It’s a surefire way to interrupt the faith. If this wooing is maintained about how long he has to wait to text back after being ignored, he will have a hard time believing any other likely worrisome information from you.

HE has been ignoring my texts for days – what does that mean?

Well, in the first place, in all likelihood, he’s seriously busy. How long should I wait to text him back after he ignores me? Time can slip far away from people, especially when they are engaged in sports that require a lot of knowledge and energy.

You may feel like he’s ignoring you when in fact he’s really swamped with college assignments. Or he works 20 hours a day to complete a huge painters’ colony.

Have you asked him what is going on in his existence? What we sometimes interpret as not being noticed is simply the other person’s form of self-care. He can handle melancholy and/or tension but doesn’t want to talk to you about it. This can be done as an intense withdrawal from communication until the blackness fades enough to speak again.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that he doesn’t forget to verbally exchange with a companion in order to have the highest priority. If he texts back after ignoring me when nothing is stressing him and he’s just checking in with you on his personal time, that’s a big purple flag.

Ultimately, you won’t see his motivations until you look at the rest of his behavior.

If you haven’t spoken in a while (and therefore don’t have a chance to talk about matters), check how your date has gone so far.

I ask if I should text him back after he has ignored me for days

? Is the everyday behavior for him? Was this a one night stand where there was long lasting conversation for a while but has recently died down?

Pull back and test the massive picture and things need to sort out quite a bit.


That too depends on the context.

Did he text to apologize for his silence and let you know he pulled off some terrible shit? Then it’s up to you whether you need to expose him to danger or not to make a statement for yourself. Talking to him about it might lead to an additional perception of what kind of someone he is.

He will be a master manipulator who played video games to try to keep you on your feet. Or he could certainly have been going through a terrible time but would like to get back in touch.

Or did he write you a nonchalant “Grüß Gott” after months of radio silence? That’s not cool. He hasn’t bothered to keep in touch with you and afterwards tries to restart communication with an informal text suggesting that nothing has changed?

In a scenario like this, why have trouble responding? They are worth more effort and care than that.


Don’t pick up your cell phone while he’s calling: let him visit voicemail and see what kind of message he leaves when he does. An immediate response will achieve the effect you have been looking forward to him contacting.

Consider asking mutual pals and friends how he’s been doing since you closed. If you hear from them that he’s depressed how long should I wait before texting him back after he ignores me or that something lousy happened that he had to cross out. when to text him back after he ignores me

Next, determine if you need to speak to him after months of overlooking him. Do you want to pay attention to his side of the story? Did he apologize in his phone message with an honest decision to continue the interview? Or did he look like he was just calling you because he’s bored?

If you’d like me to speak to him, call him downstairs a few hours later. You can even wait a day or two. In truth, waiting for you to reply to him will turn things around and make him realize that you may not be available to him. He may have assumed that you would just sit on a shelf and face him, and this could be a wake-up call.

You can also play a piece of cell phone brand until finally you can talk. If that happens, have him explain why he didn’t say goodbye. This is also called “giving him enough rope to hold himself up.” What he says will determine your response: whether you’re interested in continuing to communicate or blocking his crowd.


As you may see, the solution to “How long do I have to wait for text content again after he’s dropped me?” is a complex one. Resolution will be determined based on both your past interactions and your priorities.

Examine your reasons for speaking to this man. Relationships are about equality and reciprocity, not silence and gambling.

Ask yourself why you’re still interested in talking to someone who’s proven they can – and will – tear you apart with ease.

Before you move: Learn the secret texting trick dating coaches use to obsess guys. Just click here to watch the video now.

content indicator

How long you should wait to send back

Avoid any temptation to text him back as soon as possible if he ignores you. You don’t want to double text him in a few minutes and come across as too determined or needy, which is likely contributing to what he needs!

If he ignores you and doesn’t text you back, then you must wait at least 2 to 3 days before texting his lower back. This will be polite follow-up text content after which you can see what’s happening from there.

There’s probably a perfectly legitimate motive for not texting you back, so you don’t need to burn bridges with a rude message before you find out what’s happening.

Also, if I’m ready for 2-3 days to text back, chances are he ignored you for a few days. Not for four hours because he changed at work.

Mandatory Note: Should I text him back after he has ignored me for weeks? Whenever I write articles like this I get some angry emails about “you are promoting video game playing”, “just text again and be direct”, “maybe he was just busy”, blah blah blah.

OK. one. I no longer sell video games. I just don’t agree that a man who disrespects and ignores you is worthy of your interest. How long should I wait before texting him back after he has ignored me and most importantly no longer your interest in the spot.

Some will read this and think that’s petty, I suppose it’s self-esteem.

So yeah, if you ignore me, you’ll care less about me than you did before. I don’t reward terrible behavior and I fucking managed to be on call.

And the advice I give will always reflect my very own perspective on the matter. I don’t need YOU as a doormat or toy.

Learn how to make any man yours through texting…

But like all things, if my advice doesn’t resonate with you, it’s on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Form your very own conclusions. Make up your own mind.

But be aware, if you give a lot of attention to a person who gives you breadcrumbs, they have to offer you a whole pie.

Why he might be ignoring you

Why he might be ignoring you

The worst thing you can do is jump to conclusions when he ignores you. Life is hectic and every now and then things get forgotten and fall by the wayside.

Before you get frustrated and send him a strongly worded message after he ignores you, remember why he is acting the way he is.

Here are some reasons he’s probably ignoring you (both good and bad)

He’s lost interest

Unfortunately, it’s possible he’s ignoring you because he’s lost his hobby and feels no pressure or preference to keep the connection.

While this might not be what you were hoping for, and while it’s probably quite hurtful, finding it out quicker than later is miles higher.

You’re probably able to get through a training session where, with the help of his messages (once they get through), he’s simply lost interest in you being quick and disinterested.

He plays the field

He can keep his alternatives open and not give you his full attention. There might be other ladies he texts how long he has to wait to text back after being ignored and he just replies to whoever he wants to reply to for now.

You certainly deserve better, and if you think you probably do, then you definitely need to move on!

He’s busy

It just has to be that he’s busy right now and didn’t get free time for lyrical content right away. He will be busy painting or reading and he definitely still likes you. How long should I wait to text him back after he ignores me but he has various things that can distract him.

Should I text him back after he has ignored me for days?

He’s afraid of moving too fast

You can transmit a little faster than he’s comfortable and he’s stopped responding in response.

He worries that if he retaliates, he might get more involved than he intended.

In an ideal world, someone could just be honest and direct and let you know, “I feel like things are going too fast for me.”

But it’s not a perfect international match and he just can’t react alternatively.

He draws boundaries

You might have done something he totally disagrees with, or you might be acting a tad too needy or possessive, and he might preempt an answer to draw a line in the sand.

It might be better to discuss this as an adult. So if you suspect this will be the case, it’s far better to just talk to him about it.

Why you should wait with text feedback

Why you should wait with text feedback

There are some amazing reasons why you have to wait to text back while he ignores you.

There’s nothing wrong with taking another step and being ready 2 to a few days earlier than sending him a follow up text content and here’s why!

You have time to think

You would potentially become quite disillusioned and understandably angry if you think he is ignoring you. If you respond to those feelings, you might text him something that you might later regret, especially when you realize there’s a valid reason he’s not responding.

Waiting a few days will give you time to breathe and relax and think about what you want to say to him. Yes, you can still be disillusioned, but at least you won’t just encounter emotions.

You will make him wait

He makes you wait for an answer and you must also be able to solve the same problem.

By not quickly texting him why he didn’t reply, you are showing that he is not always the most important component in your life and that you have other things to worry about.

This gives you good dating leverage and puts you on an even playing field so it doesn’t seem like you’re more desperate for a verbal exchange than what it is.

How to write after he ignores you

The text you send him after 2 to few days while he ignored you is important and you should word it carefully. If you come across as too aggressive or too robust and he didn’t ignore you out of spite, you can ruin the relationship.

You also don’t have to be too nice and too cute and let him off the hook when he’s actually ignoring you!

Send textual content with little emotion and with a light-hearted and clean tone. Don’t ask why he left you out, how long should I wait to text him back after he ignored me, just send a follow up message.

Its response, or lack thereof, should tell you a great deal about the previous connection transfer!

Learn how to make any man yours through texting…

Why do guys delay texting back?

Sometimes, the simplest reason he is not texting back could be hidden in his past. Maybe he had a rough past relationship and is still recovering. Often, men take time to open up and respond in such cases. They might be interested in you, but they are simply being cautious and taking time to respond and reciprocate.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Men are notoriously bad at texting. But what could be the real reasons men don’t text back? Consider the following scenario. You’ve been with this guy for quite some time. They exchange messages and phone calls and everything goes like clockwork! Then he just stops answering. Days pass in loneliness and your heart sinks as you think about what happened. Is that something you can relate to? This abrupt and unexpected silence can be painful. But wait a minute – it’s not the end of the story; there is no need to fall into pessimistic thinking. There could be any number of reasons why he isn’t texting back. So instead of letting your imagination run wild, scroll down to find out why he might not be responding and what you should do in this situation.

The real reasons guys don’t text back

1. He’s really busy

Let’s face it – he might not always be checking his phone as he might be really busy with work. Maybe he missed your messages and calls between the numerous client meetings and calls. In addition, it’s also possible that he’s not always tied to his phone and taking a break from it (digital detox). Maybe he’s spending time with his parents, catering to their needs, or he’s been on a road trip or hike and isn’t checking his phone regularly.

2. He’s not into you

This often happens when you’ve just started dating. Sometimes he will text you back days later and sometimes he will reply hours later. It’s often confusing to read between the lines, so how do you interpret its on and off behavior?

Well, it means that he might like you, but he’s certainly not interested in you or looking for a long-term relationship. Maybe there is a compatibility issue and he doesn’t want to give you wrong signals. If he’d been interested in continuing it, he wouldn’t have let you down.

3. He wants you to text him

He doesn’t want to seem desperate or too shy to approach you on a second date. He may not be a daredevil and wants you to make the first move. If you haven’t heard from him since your last date, these could be the possibilities.

Alternatively, he wants to play hard. He took the first step, invited you on a date, and now he’s just waiting to see if you’re interested or not. Sometimes guys do this on purpose to understand how involved you are.

4. He is annoyed by the text bombs

Dropped text bombs and cluttered his inbox? If he’s working on a project or driving and his phone is beeping all the time, it might scare him (you never know!). A series of short sentences and question marks to remind him of something can seem annoying at times. And if he gets all of this in the middle of something important, he might not answer you anyway and even put his phone on DND mode.

5. He is overwhelmed

It’s good to open up about your past and be honest with your date about your relationships. However, if you’ve dumped all your personal belongings on him in a short amount of time, he might feel a bit overwhelmed. Opening bit by bit is fine, but pushing the door open prematurely may not be wise.

You might not realize it at first, but some guys aren’t very receptive to emotional circumstances. This can be a reason they don’t text back for days because they may not be willing to put themselves through any more emotional distress.

6. Doesn’t want to sound needy

If a guy doesn’t text you back, it could be because he doesn’t want to sound too demanding and impose his presence on you. He might be interested in you, but he also doesn’t want you to think of him as a stalker. Also, he may not want you to think that he is pushing you into this relationship and wants to give you some space.

7. He moved on

If he ignores your messages and doesn’t fully answer your calls, chances are he’s moved on. In the world of dating sites and apps, getting a date and meeting new people is not difficult. If you just met and were on a date before he finds you ghostly, he might not find you interesting or compatible.

8. He’s gone

Maybe he was on a business trip or on vacation. Maybe he went to a place with no internet connection or poor connectivity. If you just started dating, chances are he went somewhere and didn’t let you know. If you’re just getting to know each other and you’re not far into your relationship where he’ll update you on his whereabouts, you’ll have to wait.

9. He’s already in a relationship

Does he only respond at a certain time of day? Is he absent for several days at a time (e.g. a week) and then calls in? Does he react at odd times? Does he often block your number and then come up with an obscure reason? Has he restricted his social media profile for you? If so, maybe he is already in a relationship and is hiding this from you. If you smell something fishy in such cases, stay away from the person. He’s not worth your time.

10. Past trauma

Sometimes the simplest reason why he doesn’t text back might be hidden in his past. Maybe he had a tough relationship in the past and is still recovering. In such cases, men often take the time to open up and react. They might be interested in you but they are just cautious and take their time to reply and reciprocate. You just have to be patient with them.

11. He’s not good at virtual communication

Things are often misinterpreted in lyrics, and everyone cannot express their feelings through written words. So they can be guarded while they reply, or avoid texting altogether. If they respond to your calls but not your messages, they may not be comfortable.

12. He didn’t understand what you meant

There is a big difference between virtual communication and a personal conversation. You understand when someone is joking and when they are serious. However, it is often impossible to decode the meaning via texts. If you didn’t get any answers from him, he might be trying to figure out what exactly you meant – were you joking or were you being sarcastic? When you’ve just met and don’t know each other well, it’s hard to pick up the tone of the lyrics.

There could be several reasons why he isn’t replying to your messages. Instead of waiting for his reply, here’s what you can do.

Things to do when he doesn’t text back for days

1. Avoid texting again

Resist the impulse to send a follow-up message asking why he hasn’t texted back. Continue normal conversation, if any, but don’t question him about why he didn’t text you back. If you don’t plan on breaking up with him, use a conversational tone without giving him any indication of your concerns about his lack of communication.

2. Stop worrying and enjoy

Focus on yourself. If he hasn’t texted you back, you don’t have to question your worth. Prevent your feelings from turning into obsessive thoughts. Have fun instead. Go out with your friends, travel, meet your girlfriends at the spa, check out the new pub near you and post crazy pics. If he follows your social accounts, don’t block him – let him see that you can always have fun.

Give yourself time and attention instead of thinking about why he’s ignoring you. Be the best version of yourself. If he’s worthy, he’ll soon see your worth and understand that what he did was wrong.

3. Next

If you’ve decided to move on, you deserve a fresh start. Meet new people, strike up conversations and see where it goes. Leave any emotional baggage behind. Avoid losing your cool and arguing with him about his lack of communication.

If you intend to continue your relationship with him, you should consider talking to him and telling him why it’s important to act on it. Also, try to understand his reasons. If he still doesn’t text back, it’s probably because he’s not interested. In this situation, the best thing to do is accept the fact and move on.

The response time he chooses to reply can also convey some meaning.

What the time span in which he responds could mean

A response within seconds or a few minutes means he is interested in you. Also, he doesn’t waste time glossing over his answers, which shows his honesty.

If he responds within 10 minutes to an hour, he may be busy at work or his phone wasn’t with him.

Sometimes when he replies within minutes but sometimes within hours, it can be quite frustrating. If he has no reason to describe his absence, there could be other possible reasons why he is taking the time. Maybe he’s not that into you.

Very rarely, he might forget to reply the same day. Sometimes it’s okay to let it go as he may be too busy and forgot to reply. That is normal.

If he responds days and weeks later, he isn’t as interested in you as you might have thought.

You must use your wisdom to judge how genuine he is in his reasons. Depending on your assessment of his behavior, you have the ability to take your relationship in multiple directions.

An unexpected pause in your conversation can be quite a mood killer, especially if you like the other person and are hoping to move things forward. But you shouldn’t take it personally as there can be many reasons why your guy won’t text you for a long time. For example, he might be busy for work or pleasure and hopes you’ll text him first, doesn’t want to sound needy, or just isn’t good at virtual communication. Whatever the reason, you should avoid texting him and worrying unnecessarily and get on with your life.

frequently asked Questions

How do I get him to text me back?

You can ask him for suggestions, give him compliments or ask him an interesting question. This is how he will react.

Are guys afraid to text first?

Not really. While some guys are happy to make the first move, others are shy and nervous about slipping into DMs.

KEY FINDINGS When a guy doesn’t text you back right away, there could be valid reasons like being busy with work, wanting some space, or just not being in love with you.

If he doesn’t text you back, don’t bombard him with texts. Focus on yourself and go out and enjoy with your friends.

Use your judgment to understand his reasons for not texting. This will help determine the direction your relationship will take.

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Should I text my ex after 1 week?

Wait 4-6 weeks after the breakup for your ex to text you first. If you’re nervous or unsure about whether your ex-girlfriend wants to hear from you, you could wait for her to text you. That way, you’ll know for sure she’s ready to talk.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

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Exercise or try another form of staying active, like hiking, swimming, or team sports.

Spend time with friends and family. Good support systems are key to healing from a breakup!

Take a trip when you can—even a weekend getaway or a low-budget road trip. A change of scenery can be very helpful.

It’s easy to miss your ex and want her to miss you too, but the best way to get her to take notice of you is to just live your life. Text her when you’re ready to set healthy boundaries and have enough self-esteem to know that you want her in your life but don’t need her to be happy. If you need to take your mind off your ex in the meantime, there’s a lot you can do!

Should I text him after not talking for a week?

If you’re the one always initiating texts, then I would honestly, not recommend texting him, especially if he’s left you on read on a question or simply a text that required an answer back. If he’s always the one initiating texts, and you’re the one that’s cold-ish, then perhaps you should consider texting him.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, something’s up. Serious. Especially if you communicate with each other on a daily basis.

Whether it’s normal not to hear from a man for a week, 2 weeks, or just a few days depends a lot on the way you communicate, but also the consistency of your communication.

There can be many reasons why a guy won’t text you for a few days or weeks.

Let’s say your friend hasn’t texted you for 2 days, then something big might have happened, and if he doesn’t text you on the 3rd day, then he either died, his phone is broken, he was abducted by aliens , or something prevents/stops him from writing to you. In any case, a general “busy” is not an acceptable answer to that.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of “if he doesn’t talk to you in a week” or more or less, there’s one more thing we need to do first:

Let’s reflect together!

Were you distant from him before he stopped texting you?

Distant as in, cold and not very responsive when it came to enthusiasm or just questions in general. That might just give him the impression that you’re not interested.

Is there just one of you who always initiates SMS?

If the initiation of SMS or conversations was the same, then something is wrong with him. However, if he’s always been the one who initiated messages and didn’t get messages from you, then he might be getting the “not interested” impression from you.

Was he distant with you before he did this, or was he giving you a lot of attention?

Think about his behavior or the way he wrote before he stopped texting you. Whether he was warm and friendly or whether he was getting more distant every day.

Where do you think the inconvenience comes from?

Take a moment to think about it. How much would you lose if you “lost” someone you don’t know much about? Depends on how long you’ve known each other and how deep the connection between you is, but in general the uncomfortable feelings usually come from a newly bruised ego.

Has this happened before? (If so, how often? If this is a repetitive behavior that constantly puts you in an unhealthy mood, then I would suggest that you think about it a little longer and make a decision on whether or not you want to deal with it. It is definitely one of the signs of an unhealthy relationship either beginning or already established

Top reasons why you haven’t heard from him in 1 week, 2 weeks or more

If it’s been a few hours, he could be alive, breathing, you know, doing things that need nurturing in his life and giving you attention all the time.

On the other hand, if it was 1 week (or something like 5 or 6 days), 2 weeks or more, then he might have reasons other than just breathing, existing and living. Here they follow:

1. He plays games with you or keeps you as an option

Games usually come from a place of insecurity to satisfy one’s ego. In this case, he wants you to go after him or just fancy him so much that you are helpless.

Let me guess, he gave you a lot of attention and made you feel damn good (even if you acted crazy at times, with things not everyone around you would tolerate) before he made that very special move.

Consider this his way of getting your attention and/or driving you nuts.

Otherwise, he might keep you as an option because he just knows that you’re very into him and that you’re not going anywhere. So it took him days to reply before.

Well, hold on. I don’t want you to go crazy and say, “That’s it!”. He’ll give you a few pointers if this is the case, like doing this very often. He disappears and then comes back, or he just stops writing and then starts again, sometimes as if nothing had happened.

Such behavior could mean that he is either playing games with you to get you hooked or that you are one of his options. In any case, this is not a healthy place to start or build on a relationship.

2. He is not interested

It could be that he is no longer interested. These things happen, especially in the beginning when two people get to know each other. They’re not exclusive to each other, they didn’t have that “exclusivity” talk, and that’s fine.

This is a perfectly normal scene in today’s dating world. There’s not much we can do about it, but move on and adapt or find the best options that fit our way of dating.

When not interested, he is comfortable with not replying or returning even a simple message for days. It’s one of the signs that he’s not interested by text.

Important! The fact that he is not interested in you has nothing to do with your worth or traits as a personality and character. It has to do with his taste and perspective on things, situations and people. Don’t let this spoil your peace.

What you can do about it is keep going. Do what you normally would. It’s not the end of the world, nor is it the end of your dating life.

3. He takes his time and tests you whether you’re interested or not

This one could stand, especially if he was always the one who initiated texts, contacts, calls, or even dates.

Well, the social norms and standards speak for such a step (a man always initiates), but gradually those standards are shaken a little by the reality of true human bonding and connection.

This means that in addition to chemistry and butterflies, connecting and connecting require reciprocity.

So if he did all the work, he might be able to step back a little and see if you’d notice anything, or if you’d ever take a step to make things work, or if you’d just care how his day goes by. I.e. This time he is waiting for you to text him first.

He cared every day, he asked you every day (I assume). I know you’re worried What will your move be?

This is the part of the article where you find out what to do if he doesn’t post back. More specifically, here I’m answering questions similar to “What to do if he hasn’t texted you in a week?” or “What to do if he hasn’t spoken to me in 6 days?” , etc.

Whether you haven’t heard from him in days, a week, or two, there are different versions of your possible reaction to his silence:

1. When you didn’t seem interested in him

If this behavior of his is because you seem disinterested or arrogant towards him, then the strongest response is to approach him calmly and kindly and simply ask how he’s been doing lately.

2. If he plays games / keeps you as an option

On the other hand, if he was caring despite your behavior and you noticed that there was something wrong with his “kindness” (i.e., he was playing games), then your forceful response isn’t a response at all.

If he comes back after a while (which I’m sure he will in this case), let him know that this isn’t the type of communication that suits you and you want to end it here. You are honest, direct with him, and most importantly, respectful of yourself.

3. When you notice he’s not coming back

If he doesn’t come back, your power is to move on and let go of that connection. There’s no point in trying to win him over or looking for tips and tricks for writing a text he’s desperate to respond to. no

This way of “solving” things is not healthy and eventually wears off. You cannot rely on mind games to build real and healthy relationships.

4. Finally, to make it easier for you, answer 2 questions for yourself

Do you really want him to text you? Have you ever thought about why you want him to text you?

This is the part where you realize if you are communicating (or need to communicate) from a peaceful place or a troubled, ego-taken place. It’s understandable and human, whatever conclusion you come to. In fact, whatever “the problem” was/is, it’s a nice sign that you’ve started to improve (or improve more).

Let’s flip that around a bit — it’s not about him, it’s about you

Most of the advice out there is, “You’re going to seem desperate to him and you’re not going to be attractive to him anymore,” fuck it!

How about if we didn’t care if we looked attractive or desperate to him? How about we start caring about our peace of mind and move forward with a positive attitude? How about this?

Shift your focus to what helps you become a better self for yourself and others around you. Once you start such a journey, your choices will affect not only you, but also the people who surround you and approach you, your relationship with them.

Once you mind your own business and focus on helping yourself, you won’t notice when a guy you just met is absent because you are fulfilled in every way. You lack judgment of yourself and others, you accept the fact that people come and go and so do you.

Your happiness and self-esteem can’t depend on just one man’s text message. Can not you?

“He hasn’t texted me for 3 days. Should I write to him?”

It doesn’t matter if it’s been 2 days, 3 days or a week since you haven’t heard from him. It’s been a while, and he just doesn’t reach for his reasons. For such cases we have created a flowchart. But this time I’ll be more specific…

If you’re the one who always initiates texts then I honestly wouldn’t recommend texting him, especially if he left you on read on a question or just a text that requires a response.

If he’s always the one who initiates messages and you’re the one who’s cold, then maybe you should consider texting him.

Never starting a conversation, or simply not participating in conversations (which is highly recommended for women to appear more “attractive”) can convey a sense of disinterest, which can make him withdraw a bit.

If you were the reason he was gone, consider sending him a warm and friendly note. It can be as simple as “Hi, I hope everything is alright and your day is going well.”

Let the rest depend on his answer.


Why didn’t he open my message?

Because he could be busy, engage in activities, and just live. If it’s been a while (e.g. days) since he hasn’t opened your message, read the article above and find out what the deal is. Otherwise I would suggest that you stop thinking about it when it comes to hours.

What does it mean when a guy doesn’t text you for a month?

It can mean a whole lot of things. Anything but interested in you. This is especially true if you’ve been caring, kind, and welcoming to him. Move on and let go.

How often does a guy text you when he’s interested? If he texts you every day, it can be taken as a sign of his interest. However, don’t take it as solid truth as it depends on his personality and the level of connection and freedom between you.

What should I text my crush after no contact?

Hey *insert crush’s name* it was awesome to meet you the other day, you seem really cool. This is a way to open communication without asking for a date or a set hangout time in the first text. I’d love to get food or something next week, let me know when you’re around!

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

Oops, wanted to text someone else! Anyway how are you? Yes, we all remember high school. It seemed so easy back then to intentionally, utterly and unabashedly text our crush something weird just to get a reply. If it’s been a while and your crush hasn’t contacted you, it’s easy to panic. have they died Did you miss a signal they gave you that they are not interested? Have you talked too much about why Ariana Grande is an icon? (Not possible!)

From asking about their favorite coffee shop to subtly boasting about a new promotion, there are countless ways to reach a crush without contact. Texting at first can be daunting, but taking the reins and being in charge can feel really good, and honestly, it’s pretty hot. Whether you’re an uppercase A alpha and a first message to a crush is NBD, or you’re on the shy side and need a Scorpion Bowl and a pack of besties to proofread before you say “Hey” (no punctuation) Send – We’ve come up with eight foolproof ways to reach a crush who hasn’t contacted you that are better than: Sorry, I texted the wrong number!

01 Miss Maniers Theo Wargo/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images So nice to see you do but will if Crush comes* you’re more than welcome to join! That’s the kind of text you send during the day when you’re contemplating what kind of hangout you want with your crush next. This way, you can ask your crush if they’re going to something you already know they’re going and make it seem like going there was your idea.

02 Easy Breezy Emma McIntyre/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Hey, we’re on our way to *any bar or party you’re literally headed for*, come on! This is the kind of texting you send at night when you are already out with your friends and looking cute. It’s a last-minute way to hang out, and hopefully a chance for your crush to see you in your comfort zone — with your best friends at your favorite spot.

03 Just let it out. Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Hey *insert crush name*, it was great meeting you the other day, you seem really cool. This is a way to open up communication without asking for a date or set meeting time in the first text.

04 Statement Piece Gerardo Mora/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images I’d like to get some food or something next week, let me know if you’re around! This is a way of asking someone to hang up that skips the “So, do you want to hang out with us?” And also gives your crush a cool way to let you down, “I’m actually pretty busy! I don’t think I have time,” which relieves the pressure of “No, I don’t want to go on a date.”

05 Caring Questions Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Hey, what’s *insert what you talked about last*? Maybe your crush was headed to a grand finale or applying for a new job. If you ask how something went, show that you remember the conversation and care enough about them to reach out.

06 6. Callback Noel Vasquez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images *Gif or meme of an inside joke you’ve shared in the past, or reminder of an old joke* If you and your crush connect over humor, you probably have jokes or little shared bits. Sending a “recall” or reminder of a joke you made in the past shows that you’re smart and funny (duh) and that you remember the part.

07 Keep it simple. Bob Levey/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Hope you had a good day! Also, there’s nothing wrong with a “Hey! What’s up?” or something equally gentle that says, I wonder how you are today.

Should I contact him after a week of no contact?

Ultimately, the choice to reach out to an ex after a period of no contact is totally up to you. Just make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons and that it won’t actually make your heart hurt more now than it did before you hit send.

How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

The first step in deciding whether or not to text your ex after the contactless window is over is to remind yourself why you decided to end all communication in the first place. “Not everyone has the foresight to do this, but a no-contact period is a great idea because it prevents former partners from relapsing into a quasi-relationship, which only confuses things and further hurts both parties,” Erika Martinez, a clinical psychologist in Miami, tells Elite Daily. “It can be an important agreement, especially in cases where both partners aren’t 100 percent sure they want to end the relationship, but need some time away from the relationship to process it.”

If this sounds familiar, the key here is to make sure you’ve actually given yourself the time you need to heal and find that clarity about your feelings. If it hasn’t already, you’re more likely to confuse yourself by reaching out to an ex prematurely.

There’s another common reason you might have built up a communication block, and that was self-protection. “Enforce a social distancing if you feel your ex-partner is mistaking the breakup. They don’t need or deserve the drama of their constant prodding and questioning. [Or because] you feel like your ex is harassing or stalking you,” Chris Armstrong, founder of relationship coaching company Maze of Love, told Elite Daily. Then you should think very hard about reaching them again.

“I would never recommend setting time parameters for when to resume contact. Instead, reconnect when you feel safe from a possible relapse that may occur because you are not fully healed. Or if you feel safe from any harassment your ex may face because they haven’t fully healed,” he advises.

What To Do If You ALWAYS Text First 📲| COCO Chanou

What To Do If You ALWAYS Text First 📲| COCO Chanou
What To Do If You ALWAYS Text First 📲| COCO Chanou

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Should I text her after a week of silence? – Quora

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Should I text her after a week of silence?

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15 first texts to break the silence after no contact! 5 extra tips on what to say

Well, the no contact rule will burst your heart and mess with your mind. Let it be!

No matter what, you will always feel the urge to reconnect after a few weeks or months that go by without any contact with your ex.

When you’re stuck in this phase, you just want to break through it by sending the first message, despite what your ego or hurt self is telling you.

In this case, we want to avoid lyrics that sound too desperate or needy. There’s nothing wrong with showing vulnerability, but that needy and desperate text can have the opposite effect of what you might want.

You might tell them you’ve outgrown your past behavior; Or that you’ve just come to the conclusion that things aren’t going to work out that way. You want to make sure you’re giving them a clear message.

It boils down to this question: how to reach out to an ex after a no-contact period?

You can reach an ex after a no-contact period by being precise, honest, and avoiding mind games.

Before we jump to the examples of the first texts, let’s look at how you should write and when is the right time to do it!

Do you want to text your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend first after lockdown? Whatever the case may be for you, there are things to keep in mind when composing the message after your ban has ended:

Think about how you ended things before pausing/ending the relationship

Consider how things ended (are you the dumper or were you dumped)!

Before you send the post-lockdown message, it’s important to revisit how your relationship ended. Was it a huge fight or did it end quietly for both sides?

Avoid the overly apologetic and desperate tone of SMS

It’s normal to wonder what to say in that first text, and it’s normal to feel guilty and think that an overly apologetic text could do the job to compensate.

It’s not a good idea to start your message with an apologetic and desperate tone. You don’t know what emotional state they’re in, so don’t get too strong on that message.

If you want to know how they’re doing, you can text them something lighthearted like, “I saw you started working in the job you wanted. I am very happy for you! How are you?”

Don’t drunk text or text when you’re feeling melancholic

Being drunk or melancholy is not the ideal state to start a conversation with your ex after the no contact period.

It can make you regret it the day after, or it can make you say things you shouldn’t have said. It further complicates the situation and could upset both of your senses of peace.

Have a clear idea of ​​why you want to text your ex

Don’t do it when you’re feeling lonely or just to hurt your ex as you may end up hurting yourself. Contact him or her for good reasons.

If you feel like you are in this cloud of thoughts that is difficult to untangle, then take the time to clear your thoughts. Decide after you notice that your thinking quality is better (i.e., when you are not emotionally overwhelmed).

To know if you should text your ex first after following the no contact rule, you should know where he stands right now.

Know if your ex has moved on or not. Has he or she found a new partner?

If your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend has moved away, then it might be a better idea not to text them at all.

Note: It is very important to have this kind of information because you don’t want to end up hurting yourself or them. Also, not saying things appropriately can create an awkward situation.

Get Ready for Results – Keep your expectations low

No matter what terms you landed on in your communication, you will never know what your partner would have gone through during that time.

They may have missed you and gotten a clearer idea of ​​your relationship, or maybe all of that made her get over you. Could have been pain, confusion and heartbreak. Who knows!

Your text will affect them no matter what you text them, and their reaction will depend heavily on how they’ve dealt with it during that time.

You will only know if you try while being ready to face her reaction, no matter what it may be. Keep your expectations low and your intentions clear.

Now that you’ve gone through what you should or shouldn’t do while initiating the first text after no contact, and when you can do it. Let’s jump to 15 text examples.

It can be a bit tricky to articulate a clear message that indirectly reflects exactly how you’re feeling for your ex to understand.

You don’t want to be harsh or overly apologetic, you should find something in the middle. Something straightforward but gently polite.

Here are 15 examples of what to write first after the no contact rule to help you:

Once you’ve wrapped things up and had a heated argument, you should know exactly what to say to start the conversation with your ex.

1. “I’m listening to 93.80 FM right now. Check it out, they’re playing [your song].”

If you don’t want to sound too desperate and want to know what your ex is up to, just start with short/simple and honest texts. You can trigger him or her with a simple text that indirectly lets your ex know that you are thinking of him or her.

2. “Hey, what’s up? … Today I saw that you have been promoted. I’m very happy for you and I’m sure you deserve it.”

If you’re looking for a way to break the ice and talk to him or her again, compliment or praise him/her for every accomplishment your ex has accomplished over the past few days.

3. “I hope you are doing well these days. I graduated from Stanford. I know how much it meant to you so I thought I’d let you know. I hope you are doing well.”

Instead of writing about past mistakes, text them to let them know that you’ve outgrown them and that you appreciate everything your partner has done for you.

It’s an easy way to let your ex know that you’ve now thought about you and your flaws and want them to know that you’re on good terms now.

4. “Hey, today is a really warm day and I had to think about you. Just wanted to ask how you are…”

Since you didn’t end your relationship in a good way, it would feel a little odd and inappropriate to text your ex flirtatious.

Send your ex a lighthearted and neutral text to test the waters and see how he or she will react. Nothing risky, just let her know you’re thinking of her.

5. “I was passing by Domino’s and remembered how we both wanted to choke on pizza while laughing at your jokes. We have good memories and I always wish you the best no matter what.”

You can use this type of text if you want to know whether or not you have a chance of making things work again.

Mentioning something positive from your past or highlighting the best memories you had together will help you and them soothe the harsh memory of the messy breakup.

6. “Hey, I hope you’re okay. I don’t want to bother you, but I have to bring my things to you. Please let me know when that would be possible.”

If you are stuck and need your stuff then after no contact rule you can use this text to text your ex first and get them.

It’s soft and polite. Don’t expect the same answer or a better tuned answer. Keep your expectations low. Hope you get your stuff back.

7. “Hey, I hope you’re okay. I’ve been thinking and pondering our situation for some time now. I think you’re a wonderful person, but I can’t be part of the relationship with you anymore.”

This one can be used if you decide to go your separate ways. If you want to tell your ex that there is no future for you after the breakup, you can use this text.

8. “Hello John, I hope you are well. So I took my time to think about our connection and I think we should break up. I respect you and I love you, but the relationship is poison for both of us.”

This is a text that you can send to your ex when you want to start the conversation, politely letting him or her know that you no longer want to be part of the relationship.

9. “Hey, I know it’s been a while. I needed some time to reconnect with myself and think about everything. I hope this isn’t a bad time; How are you?”

If you want to know if the Funkstille method worked to lift yourself up and see if your ex missed you during that time, you can use this kind of simple and honest text to find out.

10. “Today I met little Jane. I can’t believe how big she’s gotten, she’s even cuter now! I had to think of you, how are you?”

If you want to write something that will get his or her attention and get back on track, write something about his or her family.

It’s a simple text, whether you were dumped or you were the dumper, this type of text will evoke the memories.

It could be a family member you encountered in those days, or a phrase or detail that reminded you of your ex’s family members.

If your breakup wasn’t followed by major drama, you can text here!

1. “Hey stranger, we haven’t talked in a while. It was amazing being your girlfriend. Do you want to try again?”

If you want to break the silence and reconnect with your ex, then this is a pretty decent message to send, especially if you haven’t had a bad breakup.

2. “It’s 20 days now! Do you want to come and talk?”

This is a very simple text to get things back on track by letting your ex know that you made time and want to reconnect with him or her.

3. “Hey, how are you? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and I thought what a better day than today to write to you. How are you?”

Use a special occasion to text, like Valentine’s Day, his birthday, or maybe even your anniversary, to let her know you’re thinking of her and/or want to try again.

4. “It’s been two months today since we started the same diet. Did you follow it too?”

It’s easy to send this to your ex if you want to check if he’s ready to move on with you now or not. In this case, do that by reminding him or her that you had something as a special bond.

5. “Do you remember the location of the restaurant we went to for your birthday in February? I wish we could do that again.”

Using this type of text will get your ex interested in you again.

First, your ex will see that you remember things you did together and that you miss them. Second, it will be easier to get an idea of ​​whether or not they are ready to start again.

Why does my ex always reply to my messages but never initiate one?

If your ex responds to your text but never initiates one, then there are several reasons your ex might be hiring:

1. Your ex is still hurt by your decisions and fighting his feelings for you.

2. He or she is still not entirely sure whether or not to continue your relationship – you are still confused.

3. Your ex wants you to go after him or her! This person wants to play hard after this breakup to get it.

4. Now your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend only sees you as a friend.

5. Has decided to end the relationship but still doesn’t know how to say it.

Why doesn’t my ex text back? Here’s what to do!

It’s completely normal if your ex doesn’t answer you when things ended in a big fight. Maybe you did something that made your ex feel bad and now he doesn’t feel like responding to you out of self-esteem.

Even if you had ended well, going too long without contact would have contributed to the distancing.

Maybe your ex-spouse just doesn’t feel like responding at this point. He or she is still processing things.

Don’t send one text message after another. If he or she doesn’t reply the first time, it’s best to be patient and avoid texting one after another.

Don’t think about it all the time. Take your time and let your ex take the time to reconnect. If not, get ready to move on.

Apologize and be vulnerable, but don’t overdo it! If you are the one to blame, take the step of apologizing for the things you did/said. Be vulnerable and let your ex know that you’ve changed.

Respect their space if they don’t text back. Take time for yourself, too, and respect your decision. It’s been a while, and it’s understandable when a person doesn’t want to keep things going.

Take this as an opportunity, a sign for you to move on and heal.

1. How long should the ban on contact apply?

It depends on how you and your ex decide and how much it takes to reconcile.

Sometimes it takes a week, a few weeks or a few months. The longest is up to 60 days.

2. Will my ex get back after sending those text messages?

Whether or not your ex will get back to you after sending any of the above text messages depends on two things: how you ended the relationship and how you followed the no contact rule.

In order to balance the relationship and get a positive response, you should take small steps to do so.

3. If my ex initiates the conversation, how do I respond?

The answer depends on how you feel about your ex even after the no contact rule.

Think about their energy and be open about your intentions. If you don’t feel like getting back together, then it’s better to let her know rather than wasting your time and hers on back and forth texting.

If you are interested in getting back together, reciprocate and reflect positive energy.

4. Why Do Ex-Boyfriends Reach Out After Months of Silence?

There are a number of reasons why an ex won’t contact after no contact:

they miss you

you feel lonely

They want their stuff back.

You want to make sure you don’t move on.

They want you back as part of their life.

To better understand their intentions, look at what they are telling you and the energy they exude through their text.

5. What to do if I see my ex in public during the lockdown?

If you see your ex in public during this time, just keep calm and composed. You can have a short and polite conversation if you feel like it.

It all depends on what conditions you had before entering lockdown.

Whether you are the one who caused the breakup or not, you will find out if you are healed and ready to give or get a second chance!

6. Should I text him or her first?

It depends on you. What matters is whether you want to text him or her after that period of non-interaction is over.



How To Text Someone You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time

“I want to reach out to someone and start a conversation that I haven’t spoken to in a while, but I don’t want it to get awkward. Should I send a text message explaining why I haven’t reached out or should I send a “just wanted to say hi” text message?

It can be difficult to keep in touch with friends, and sometimes texting can be a great way to reconnect. But if it’s been a while since you’ve talked to a friend, an old co-worker, or even a boy or girl you have a crush on, you might feel scared, awkward, or insecure about texting. when you sign up.

Luckily, once you get over the initial hurdle and figure out how to start a text conversation, it usually becomes easier to know what to say. Text messaging allows people to reconnect with people in a way that feels less stressful than a phone call or a surprise visit. Text messaging can also open the door to more meaningful interactions with someone and help repair and rebuild relationships with people you’ve broken up with.

1. Explain your silence

If you haven’t been keeping in touch very well, or if you realize you never replied to the last text someone sent, it’s a good idea to explain to them what happened. Often people tend to take it personally when others don’t respond to it. Explaining why you haven’t spoken up can be important in relieving hurt feelings or repairing accidental damage caused by your silence.

Here are some examples of what you can write to someone you never replied to or stayed in touch with:

“Hey! I’m so sorry I didn’t get in touch. I’ve been super busy with my new job and I’ve hardly spoken to anyone lately.”

“OMG. I just realized I never hit send on my last message… I’m so sorry!”

“I know I’ve been MIA for a while. I’ve had some health issues, but I’m finally feeling better. How are you?”

2. Acknowledge that it’s been a long time

Another way to revive a dead text message conversation or reconnect with someone after a while is to preface your greeting with an explanation acknowledging that it’s been a while. If you don’t have a good excuse or explanation for why you didn’t get in touch sooner, it’s also okay to introduce a more general greeting.

Here are some examples of how to preface a greeting in text:

“Hey stranger! It’s been ages. How are you?”

“I know it’s been a while since we spoke, but I was thinking of you!”

“It’s been ages since we spoke. What’s new with you?”

3. Let her know you’re thinking of her

One of the best ways to reconnect with an old friend, co-worker, or romantic prospect via text is to let them know you’re thinking of them. Most people will appreciate that you thought of them, so this is a great way to brighten someone’s day while helping to reestablish closeness.[1]

Here are some examples of text to let people know you’re thinking of them:

“I miss seeing you! How are you?”

“You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. How are you?”

“I’ve wanted to apply for a long time. How are you?”

4. Link to social media posts

If you follow the person on social media, you can sometimes use a post as an excuse to text someone you’ve lost touch with. Instead of just liking or commenting on their post, try texting them about what they posted. Since positivity is more engaging than negativity, try to reconnect on a positive or happy note.[1]

Here are some ideas for writing to people about things they’ve seen on social media:

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“Hey! I saw on FB that you got engaged. Congratulations!”

“I loved your Linked-In article. Are you still working the same job?”

“These pictures on Instagram were adorable. He’s getting so big!”

“Facebook just pulled up a memory from 5 years ago today when we took that beach trip. It got me thinking about you!”

5. Reconnect on special occasions

Another way to reconnect with an old friend is to use a special occasion as a reason to reach out. Sometimes this can happen when you find out on social media that you are engaged, pregnant or have bought a house. In other cases, you can send an SMS on holidays, anniversaries, or other special occasions.

Here are some examples of how to text someone on a special occasion:

“Facebook told me today is your birthday. Happy Birthday! I hope this year is full of good things :)”

“Congratulations on the new house, it looks great! When did you move?”

“Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you do something special to celebrate yourself!”

“Happy Pride Month! It reminded me of the time we went to the parade together. So much fun!”

6. Show interest in her life by asking questions

Questions can be a great way to start a conversation with someone you’ve lost contact with. Questions are also a way to show interest, caring, and concern for another person and can help foster feelings of closeness.[1] Questions are also great because they take some of the pressure off of you to come up with the “perfect text” or come up with something interesting, funny, or witty.

Here are some great questions to text to reconnect with an old friend:

“Hey! The last time we spoke (ages ago) you were looking for a new job. What did you come up with?”

“It’s been a long time since we caught up. How are you? How is the family?”

“Hello there! What happened in your world?”

“I saw pictures of your son on FB. He’s growing up so fast! How are you doing?”

7. Use nostalgia to reconnect over shared history

Another great way to reconnect with an old friend is to send them something that reminds you of them or the times you spent together. Sharing history and fond memories can be a great way to strengthen the bond with an old friend you’ve broken up with, and sometimes opens the door to more meaningful interactions.

Here are some ideas for connecting with an old friend about your shared history via text:

“Remember that?” and attaching a photo or link of something associated with a shared experience or memory

“That made me think of you!” and attach a photo of something you think your friend would enjoy or enjoy

“Hey! I know it’s been ages but I’m in Fort Lauderdale and I just had dinner at the restaurant we used to go to. Made me think of you! How are you?”

8. Use text to set up a face-to-face meeting

Because you can’t rely on non-verbal cues like facial expressions, tone of voice, or intonation, it can be difficult to communicate your true thoughts and feelings over text messages.[3] Research has shown that while text messaging can be a great way to communicate, it doesn’t offer the same quality interaction as meeting in person.[2]

If in person is not an option, a phone call or Facetime is the next best option.[2] This type of communication offers more opportunities to connect with someone on a deeper level.

Here are some ways to use text to make plans or ask people to hang out with you:

Send them a text or email with a link to an event, class, or activity they’re interested in to gauge their interest (e.g., “Check out this event. Interested?” )

Send your friend an “open invitation” to an activity you’ve already planned (eg, “I take yoga classes on Saturdays and would love for you to come along sometime!

Send a text message that says “We should have lunch sometime! What’s your schedule like these days?” and then work to set a specific day, time, and place

9. Use pictures instead of words

The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” may be true in some cases, especially since words are difficult to interpret without being able to hear and see someone.

GIFS, memes, emojis, and photos can all help bridge the communication gap over text, and can also help convey emotion and meaning, and add humor to the exchange.[3][4]

Here are some great ways to use these features in text conversations:

Use the Reaction feature on your phone by holding down a text message someone has sent and using the thumbs up, question mark, exclamation mark, or other reaction options on their text

Text a funny meme or GIF to someone to share your feelings or thoughts about something

Use emojis to express emotions or react to things said in text messages

Attach a photo or image to text of something you think they would like or appreciate

10. Manage your expectations

Unfortunately, there can be times when you send someone the “perfect” text and still get no response or not the response you want. If this happens to you, don’t automatically assume they’re mad at you or don’t want to talk. It could be that they are very busy at the moment, that your text message has not arrived, or that their number has changed.

If you think this might be the case, try reaching them in other ways, such as sending them a message on social media or sending them an email. If that still doesn’t produce a response, it’s best to back off and resist the urge to text or message her.

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All friendships need nurturing and only work if both are willing to put in the time and effort.[1] Instead of chasing after limp friends who don’t respond to you, you might want to focus on other friendships that feel more mutual.

Final Thoughts

Text messaging is one of the most important ways of communicating these days and can be a simple and effective way to get back in touch with someone. Instead of stressing out about what to say in a text or feeling pressured to say fun things, choose one of the strategies above. Often the first text is the hardest, and texting back and forth becomes easier once lines of communication are open again and you’re past the small talk.

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Common questions about texting someone you haven’t spoken to in a while

What’s a good excuse to text someone?

Often you can just text someone to let them know you’ve been thinking of them, or start the conversation by asking how they’re doing. Sending a congratulations text or a text about something that reminded you of her can also be a good way to start a conversation.

How do you wish someone a happy birthday who you haven’t spoken to in a while?

You can send a simple “Happy Birthday!” or “Hope you have a great birthday!” or you could personalize your message with an image, meme, or GIF. It’s best to do this in a text message, private message, or email rather than on their public social media feed as it’s more personal.

Check out this list of different birthday wishes for a friend.

How can I revive a dead text conversation?

Some ways to revive a dead text thread are by changing the subject, asking a question, or simply replying to the last message they sent. Each of these responses can help open the lines of communication, either by revitalizing the existing conversation or by starting a new one.

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