Sit Walk Stand Commentary? The 127 Detailed Answer

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Who wrote sit walk stand?

What does it mean when God says to stand?

To stand means you remain firm and immovable, even when (or especially when) you are the smallest or the youngest or the last one standing. You may be the means for holding up others.

Sit, Walk, Stand

What does it mean to stand as a witness of God? It means that we will not bend or give in or be persuaded to do anything against God’s will.

My very dear young sisters, you have just stood up and in your own voice made a commitment to your Heavenly Father. What did you have in mind as you discussed the topic of young women? What does what you just said mean to you?

Do you remember the story of three young men who made such a commitment? They lived in Babylon, where people did not follow the Lord. These young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, stood at the risk of their lives as God’s witnesses. Living under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar, they were bound by decree that on a certain day, when the music began, all the people of the kingdom should kneel and worship a 90-foot solid gold form of a man who represented the king. Those who refuse will be thrown into a fiery furnace. Thousands of people must have been in Babylon that day to celebrate the celebrations and witness the inauguration of this spectacular golden idol.

When the music started and the herald announced that everyone was to kneel, everyone obeyed—everyone except these brave Hebrews. They refused to offend their god. Can you imagine the courage of these young men? No threats from the king could dissuade them. Believing in their God, they stood together and prayed while they were bound and carried to the cremation ground. The oven was so hot that the men who threw it in died. King Nebuchadnezzar stood by to watch the deaths of these three unbelievers. Gazing into the inferno, he asked his advisors, “Didn’t we throw three people into the fire?” They assured him that they did. Not quite believing what he was seeing, the confused king said, “But I see four men walking free walking through the middle of the fire, and [most enigmatic of all] they are unharmed. The form of the fourth man is like that of the Son of God” (see Dan. 3:24–25).

Nebuchadnezzar then called the Hebrews out of the furnace and proclaimed them servants of the Most High God. He issued another decree to protect Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednegos (see Dan. 3:26–30).

What does it mean to stand as a witness of God? It means that we will not bend or give in or be persuaded to do anything against God’s will. It means we risk raising our voices when our knees are shaking. It means that we will listen to and follow the still, still voice of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s look at an updated version of another heroic Bible message:

A certain girl went from her locker to the dining room and fell among thieves who robbed her of her confidence and self-respect when she heard them making fun of her and her clothes and they walked away leaving her alone and friendless return . And by chance a certain girl came down that way, dressed in fine clothes, and when she saw her, she passed on the other side of the hall.

And also, while she was there, one girl from the “in” crowd of popular girls came and looked at her and passed on the other side without speaking.

But a certain young woman came down the hall from where she was, and when she saw her she had compassion and went to her and bandaged her wounds as she said, “Would you have lunch with me?” (Adaptation of the parable of the Good Samaritan by the author; see Luke 10:30–37).

If we look more closely at this well-known parable, why didn’t the other girls stop to help? Are we so preoccupied with our own problems that we don’t notice or think someone else has them? Do we judge the damsel in distress as social among us and worry what the popular kids would think if we stopped to help? Maybe the school “Dream Guy” is waiting to take you to class and you couldn’t possibly keep him waiting!

Everyone who passed the damsel in distress had one question on their mind: If I stop, what will happen to me? The girl who stopped to help also had a question: if I don’t stop, what will happen to her? When we trust in the infinite love of our Heavenly Father, we can reach out to others.

We can be witnesses of God when we know Him, when we trust Him, and when we feel secure in His loving care. There are no new or easy ways we build a relationship. It’s the old ways, the tried and true ways, that always work: scripture study, prayer, and living what you learn through study and prayer. As you read the scriptures, you will learn what your Heavenly Father wants for His children and how He continually strives to support, bless, and forgive us.

As you pray for personal guidance, your Heavenly Father knows what is in your heart, but He wants you to share your hopes, dreams, and needs with Him. Only when you say with certainty that you actually want to be a witness will you know what to do about it. Let God speak to you and let the sacrament take on a deeper meaning. Hear these familiar words: “And testify unto thee, O God, Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon themselves the name of thy Son, to remember him always, and to keep his commandments which he hath given them.” ( D&C 20:77).

We have received many letters from young women who are genuinely trying to come forward as a witness and say what he would say and do what he would do.

Cathy wrote a letter telling about a “Good Samaritan” named Michelle. Cathy was in the hospital much longer than she expected. Some friends disappeared, preoccupied with their own lives; but Michelle came often and brought fun and happiness. She decorated the dreary sickroom with Mormonad posters, balloons, and other paraphernalia. One day, when Cathy was feeling particularly bad, Michelle thought of bringing her scriptures with her. Cathy said: “When I brought her scriptures and read them to me, I wanted what she had. I wanted to love the scriptures like Michelle did. Without this act of kindness and caring from Michelle, my testimony would not be what it is today.”

Standing as a witness means you know with certainty that you are doing the right thing and want to face the consequences. Standing means remaining firm and immovable even when (or especially when) you are the smallest or the youngest or the last to stand. They can be the means to stop others. You must be strong!

How do you think you will be a witness? What is your plan? Abrey is the designated “prayer” for her basketball team. Jenelle had the courage to leave a party showing vulgar films. Marcie took off her lewd clothes.

Bearing testimony is showing what we believe through our behavior, and that can begin in our own families. How cheerfully do we contribute to our family? How hard do we work to be successful in college? How faithfully do we respond to calls to serve? How willing are we to forgive someone who has hurt us?

The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have boldly stated where they stand. Her testimony of the living Christ, affirmed by each of her signatures, is visible to all the world and known by her conviction.

You too can be confident and powerful as a witness of God. Live by the standards of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Don’t compromise. You must not compromise.

Pay attention to the people around you who give you courage and strength. My parents’ testimonies have been a strength throughout my life. The first line of their will describes what they left to their children after their death: “To you, our children, we leave our testimony that God lives, that Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten in the flesh, also lives.”

Her testimonies of faith in the Lord took up most of the first page of her will, and then followed a simple sentence: “Share the material things, and what you don’t want give to someone in need or take to the Dump. ” There wasn’t much to share, but the wealth of their testimonies really made us rich!

Mom and Dad have given us their most precious possession—their testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which ends with these words: “May your hearts ever be open, and your feelings ever open to these great truths, is our humble prayer.”

The way you live your life each day, the words you say and don’t say, the people you help, the clothes you wear, your choice of entertainment will show your strength and courage . It will give you confidence to reach out.

You don’t have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people through your words and smile and genuine interest in them. Think about it – you have the power within you to make the world a better place for someone every day! That stands as a witness of God.

I know with all my heart that there is no one in all time or eternity who can take your place in your Heavenly Father’s heart. You can trust him and rely on him. You have done nothing or can do nothing to separate you from His love (see Rom. 8:35,38-39). He will never abandon you or leave you alone. And in gratitude for His power and His peace and His joy, you resist the temptations and allurements of the world and humbly say, “With the help of my Heavenly Father, I will stand as a witness for Him at all times and in all things and places.” In Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

How Does one receive the holy Spirit?

The path to receiving the Holy Ghost is to exercise faith in Christ unto repentance. We can become clean through qualifying for the effects of the Savior’s Atonement. The covenants offered in baptism by authorized servants of God bring that cleansing.

Sit, Walk, Stand

“How to Receive the Holy Ghost,” New Era, June 2014, 48

For all our uniqueness, we all have some things in common. We are all in the acid test of mortality. And wherever we live, this test is getting harder and harder.

The key for each of us will be to accept and keep the gift promised to us by God. After your baptism, authorized servants of God promised you that you could receive the Holy Ghost. The Lord also promised that those who have accepted the gift of the Holy Ghost in their lives will not be deceived (see D&C 45:56–59).

Most of you have felt the impact of this promise in your life. You felt the silent affirmation in your heart and mind that something is true. And you knew it was an inspiration from God. You feel peace, hope, and joy when it speaks to your heart and mind that something is true.

Now, if you and I were visiting alone (I wish we could be) where you felt free to ask whatever you wanted to ask, I imagine you would say something like, “Oh, Brother Eyring, I have felt some of the things you have described. The Holy Spirit has touched my heart and mind from time to time. But I will need them consistently if I am not to be overwhelmed or deceived. Is that possible?”

It will not be easy. But it’s possible.

There are at least three requirements. First, believe in our Heavenly Father and in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Second, be clean. Third, you have a pure motive. If you want to receive the gifts of the Spirit, you must want them for the right reasons. Your intentions must be the Lord’s intentions.

The way to receive the Holy Spirit is to exercise faith in Christ until repentance. We can become clean by qualifying for the effects of the Savior’s Atonement. The covenants offered in baptism by authorized servants of God bring that cleansing. Each time we partake of the sacrament, we renew our promise to keep those covenants. And the peace we all seek is the knowledge that we have been forgiven for our sins of omission or commission.

The Savior is the one who has been given the right to grant that forgiveness and to give that assurance. When you have trouble feeling the Holy Ghost, you should wisely consider whether there is anything that needs repentance and forgiveness.

When you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost, you can use it as evidence that the Atonement is working in your life. For this and many other reasons, you would do well to place yourself in places and assignments that invite the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Feeling the influence of the Holy Ghost works both ways: the Holy Ghost dwells only in a clean temple, and receiving the Holy Ghost cleanses us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You can pray in faith to know what needs to be done to be cleansed to qualify for the company of the Holy Ghost and the Lord’s ministry. And with this accompaniment, you will be strengthened against temptation and enabled to recognize deception.

Following a September 10, 2006, Church Educational System fireside.

What are the benefits of standing?

7 Benefits of Standing at Work
  • Burns Calories. Standing burns more calories than sitting, even if you simply stand still. …
  • Gives You an Energy Burst. …
  • Improves Posture. …
  • Reduces Back Pain. …
  • Helps with Wrist Position. …
  • Keeps Circulation Going. …
  • Boosts Your Mood and Focus.

Sit, Walk, Stand

Standing Desk Ergonomics: 7 Benefits of Standing at Work

We’ve all been there, slumped over a computer, typing with a sore back and hunched shoulders as the hours tick by. If you’ve ever been in this (bad) position, you’ve probably wondered about the benefits of standing at work.

Standing desks and treadmill tables have grown in popularity in recent years. A recent survey of HR professionals found that the use of standing desks as an employer-provided office perk has increased by 7% over the past year. Offering a standing desk is one of those wellness options that are easy for employers to support and really improve office morale.

At Orthopedic Hospital of Wisconsin, helping you work comfortably and safely is one of our top priorities. Your back health is important to us. Avoid back pain and injuries from too much computer work by learning about standing desk ergonomics. Here are the benefits of standing at work.

Standing desk ergonomics: finding the right position

You may hear the word ergonomics associated with office furniture and computer equipment. Ergonomics refers to the way designers create devices that comfortably conform to the shape of the human body. Using biotechnology and construction engineering, office furniture manufacturers have some ingenious solutions to help you adopt a better posture while working.

In the early days, standing desks often consisted of a couple of boxes or a stack of books placed under your laptop. Now, a standing desk can be adjustable with various levers to elevate and adjust the keyboard, keep the monitor at eye level (to counteract “bends” and neck strain), and even provide a comfortable wrist rest for your mouse.

It is often not practical to stand for every task. For example, answering a phone call, video conferencing, or quick email can be simple standing activities. On the other hand, writing, design or intensive research can be done more easily while seated. Give yourself time to get used to a routine of sitting and standing. Aim for a few 15- to 30-minute standing intervals throughout the day until you reach a balance that feels right for you.

Another aspect of standing desk ergonomics are measures to avoid knee and leg strain. Standing for long periods of time with bent knees or wearing heels can put a strain on your legs and even your lower back. Keep your knees loose and slightly bent. Find a comfortable standing mat that’s appropriate for the desk, and wear comfortable, supportive shoes when standing.

Choose an adjustable standing desk. Many options sit right on top of your standard desk and use hydraulics to slightly raise and lower the platform holding your computer. These ergonomic standing desks make it easy to take full advantage of standing at work.

7 benefits of standing at work

Whether you work from your home office or in a busy communal area, a standing desk is a great option to improve your health throughout the workday. Here are 7 benefits of standing at work.

1. Burns calories

Standing burns more calories than sitting, even if you just stand still. Well, the calorie difference between standing and sitting isn’t huge. Standing burns around 100-200 calories per hour while sitting burns 60-130 calories. But over time, that can add up.

The other calorie-burning benefit of standing at work is changing the way you think. When you get up, you’re more likely to stay in “wellness mode.” You’ll be walking around a little more throughout the day. You could do some leg raises or take a short break with some squats or jumping jacks. These small activity shifts will help you burn more calories during your workday.

2. Gives you an energy boost

In an analysis of 53 studies published in the journal Applied Ergonomics, a standing desk encouraged workers to spend more time on their feet. Researchers in the UK found that 66% of workers felt more productive and 87% more energetic if they spent just one hour of their workday standing. The results were so useful that they launched the Smart Work and Life program to encourage office workers to become more active.

Small movements and active moments throughout the day help you stay awake and alert. You’ll feel more engaged when you literally “get on your feet.” If you’re feeling sluggish during your workday, standing up for a bit can regain some of that energy and enthusiasm.

3. Improves posture

Using a standing desk with the right ergonomics can help you maintain good posture at the computer. Your monitor should be at eye level, about 20 inches from your face, at a 20 degree tilt, while you should bend your arms at a 100 degree angle at your sides. Your wrists should hover comfortably over the keyboard and shift your weight between your legs.

When you stand regularly, proper posture becomes second nature and doesn’t put the compression on your spine that sitting can. Prolonged sitting can put pressure on your back and spinal discs, leading to back, shoulder and neck problems.

4. Reduces back pain

Like poor posture, you might think that back pain is caused by sitting, but it’s not something you have to live with or accept as part of the job. Having a comfortable chair that comes with back and lumbar support, alternating with phases of standing, will likely ease your mild back pain.

According to the NIH: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. If your pain doesn’t improve with some minor posture adjustments, it may be time to contact one of our orthopedic experts to see if you need additional surgery.

5. Helps with wrist position

If you’ve sat on your lap while typing with a laptop, you’ve probably noticed that your wrists start to fall and “rest” on your keyboard. This can lead to strain and pain in the wrist. Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, a pinched nerve in the wrist, may experience more discomfort when the wrists are held in the wrong position (although contrary to popular belief, keyboard use is unrelated to CTS).

It’s good to be aware of your wrist position and stress your body while you work. When using a standing desk, you can comfortably keep your arms bent at a 90-100 degree angle. This is often a more ergonomic position and can even improve your typing speed!

6. Keeps the circulation going

If we look back at human evolution, our bodies were designed to move. When we stand, we improve our leg muscles, balance, and core strength. We also prevent the formation of blood clots in the legs. When people sit for long periods (such as on a plane), blood can slow down and pool in the legs. In the worst case, this can lead to a blood clot.

When we stand up, we move our legs and let the blood flow through our body. In some studies, people who sat for long periods even had shorter lifespans due to poor cardiovascular health. Standing is often part of a healthier lifestyle.

7. Boosts your mood and focus

Finally, when your workday seems long and you’re feeling distracted, getting up can give you a focus and mood boost to increase your productivity. A Texas A&M University study found that people who got up at work in a call center were 50% more productive.

Standing helps us feel healthier, and when we feel good, we often feel happier. Participants in standing at work studies have reported improved mood as a peripheral benefit of standing at work. So if you’re having a slow day at work (or feeling down), get up!

At Orthopedic Hospital of Wisconsin, we want to help you work, play, and live pain-free. If you experience any discomfort during your working day, please contact us for an assessment. We can help you move and work with ease.

How do you encourage older people to walk?

If you’re a home caregiver, here are five ways you can make walking with seniors your (and their) favorite part of the day.

1. Play games as you walk.
  1. Play games as you walk. …
  2. Walk with a destination in mind. …
  3. Invite seniors to reminisce while walking. …
  4. Stop and chat with others. …
  5. Take a walk in nature.

Sit, Walk, Stand

Exercise is important for everyone, especially seniors, and walking is one of the best types of exercise seniors can do. The walking is so gentle that most people can do it, regardless of their current fitness level. It doesn’t wear out the joints, which is important for seniors with arthritis, but it strengthens key muscles in the legs, hips, and abs. Seniors who walk daily are less prone to health problems like heart disease and osteoporosis, are less likely to fall, and are more likely to maintain their independence and happiness over time.

If you’re a home caregiver, here are five ways you can make walking seniors your (and their) favorite part of the day.

1. Play while walking.

Playing a simple game like “I Spy” or planning a scavenger hunt to go can be an easy way for home caregivers to make walking more fun for clients. For example, see who can count more objects of a certain color, or take turns guessing what the other person is looking at. You can also play a game like 20 Questions to keep customers busy during your walks.

2. Walk with a goal in mind.

Walking can be more fun when you’re actually going to a specific place. Pick a destination your customer would like to visit (or ask them to name a few places they would like to walk to). A few ideas could be a coffee shop, a farmers market, or a nearby park. The walk will feel like nothing when a basket of fresh produce or a hot cup of tea awaits at the end!

3. Invite seniors to reminisce as they walk.

Seniors who hire home care services have often lived in their homes and neighborhoods for decades, and they likely have many memories of the streets they live on. If the area has suitable sidewalks, take a client for a walk around the neighborhood and ask them to tell you stories about the place. You will likely find that they have a lot to say about past and present neighbors and major events that have taken place nearby. Your client might even be motivated to go further than usual if they’re happy to give you a tour of the past!

4. Stop and chat with others.

Socializing, like sport, is an important part of life that many seniors do not practice enough. Do double duty with your walks by encouraging customers to stop along the way and chat with neighbors or friends who are also outside enjoying the weather. This is a particularly effective approach if your client enjoys walking around their own neighborhood, since they likely already know many of the people who live nearby. If your client is shy or reserved, help them break the ice with new people, or just take advantage of the walk to chat with your client yourself – a home caregiver is also a great source of social support for seniors.

5. Take a walk in nature.

Spending more time in nature is healthy for body and soul. It is calming and invigorating, and may even improve long-term health outcomes for seniors. Change up your walks with a client by taking them to a park or wildlife sanctuary. Just make sure you choose a path that works for your client. For example, some seniors can easily tackle long hikes, while others — especially those with limited mobility — need to take shorter, easier walks.

The benefits of walking for seniors

Walking is a simple and effective exercise that anyone can do for better health. This type of gentle, low-impact cardiovascular exercise is particularly beneficial for seniors, so it’s a good idea for home caregivers to encourage their clients to walk regularly. However, daily walks can become tiring, no matter how seriously a senior takes their exercise. Finding ways to mix it up and have fun is important when walking seniors. People who work in home care services can use the ideas in this article to make their everyday life with seniors fresh and exciting.

What is the meaning of Stand for Jesus?

It means not being afraid of those different from me and being willing to show the love of Jesus to those in need. It means letting go of the critical spirit that so easily besets those of the Christian faith and reaching out to the world in need.

Sit, Walk, Stand

As homeschool moms, wives, and believers in Christ, we have many aspirations. We want to love the Lord with all our hearts and be a godly wife according to Proverbs 31. We want to teach our children in the ways of the Lord and protect them from the evils of this world. We want to instill in them a Christian worldview so they can be world changers and carry the gospel message to the next generation.

As I recently pondered these thoughts, I wondered if our attempt to do this really is an effective strategy. Do I teach my children to stand up for Jesus or to stand aside?

Stand up for Jesus

Standing up for Jesus means sharing my faith when it’s not popular. For me, that means inviting people of different faiths into my home and sharing the truth of God’s Word. It means not being afraid of those who are different from me and being willing to show the love of Jesus to those in need. It means letting go of the critical spirit that so easily afflicts those of the Christian faith and turning to the world in need.

I grew up completely surrounded by people of a faith like mine. It was not difficult to stand up for Jesus in this environment. I learned to be comfortable and I spoke with all the Christian jargon of my friends. I was a good girl following my fathers beliefs. However, the day came when I had to make my faith my own. I began to take responsibility for my faith and realized the joy of my salvation. I wanted to share that with others. I spent time completing short term missions. Through these trips I was exposed to those in need in a great way.

When I got home, I saw the world with different eyes. I was no longer content to stay in my small circle and only reach out to people like me. I saw the sadness in the eyes of those I met on the street. I was more aware of the “divine appointments” or opportunities that God brought into my life to share His love with others.

stand apart

My definition of being apart in this context is rejecting a spirit of pride and arrogance and not teaching my children that we have all the answers and that those who don’t live, act or act as we do are wrong. I teach my children that there are moral standards we should follow and I intend to lead them to the Scriptures when we have questions of right and wrong: however, I want them to know others who are different from them, see with eyes of love rather than judgement. Can we see the victims of abuse through the eyes of Jesus? Can we see the homeless through Jesus’ eyes? Can we see the addict through the eyes of Jesus? Can we see through the eyes of Jesus the friend who is embittered and out of church? Jesus sought out sinners to dine with them.

When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Mark 2:17 (NIV)

I found that the early years of parenting were tough and some days I lived on torch prayers. “Jesus, help me!” I cried as I ran around wiping runny noses, cleaning up pottery dirt, and patching scraped knees. I spent my time teaching the children Christian values ​​by sharing Bible truths with them.

Now that my eldest is entering middle school, I’m beginning to see how faith is transmitted and how important it is for me to live my faith by example. It is no longer enough for me to tell my children that we must love like Jesus because the Bible says so. You must see that I love as Jesus loved.

We have to serve together in the soup kitchen. We must serve missions as a family. You have to see that we give as a family. You must see mom and dad participate in missions. They must be on their knees beside us crying out for the salvation of our loved ones.

Am I teaching my children to stand apart in judgment or to engage in labor with those who are different with a heart of love? I want to join Fanny Crosby in making the lyrics of this old hymn, Rescue the Perishing, my heart’s cry:

Save the dying, care for the dying,

Pity her from sin and the grave;

Weep for the stray, lift up the fallen,

Tell them about Jesus mighty to save.

Pity her from sin and the grave; Weep on the erring, lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus mighty to save. Refrain:

Save the dying, care for the dying,

Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.

Save the lost, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. Though they despise Him, He still waits

Waiting for the penitent child;

Beg her earnestly, beg her gently;

He will forgive if they only believe.

Waiting for the penitent child; Beg her earnestly, beg her gently; He will forgive if they only believe. Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,

feelings lie buried that grace can restore;

Touched by a loving heart, awakened by kindness,

Broken chords vibrate once more.

feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Broken chords vibrate once more. Save the lost, duty demands it;

The Lord will give strength for your work;

Back on the narrow path, win her patiently;

Tell the poor wizard a savior died.

1869 – public domain

Let us teach our children by example to put away pride and haughtiness and attend to our Father’s business. Let us not be so busy keeping ourselves from sin that we neglect the sinner who needs a Savior. Let’s look for ways to teach our children to stand for faith and reach out to a world in need with a heart of love and compassion while holding on to our beliefs and beliefs.

So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)

Jennifer Allen is a homeschool graduate, wife of her soulmate David (who also contributes to the blog), homeschooling mom, registered nurse, AWANA teacher, pianist, reader, and lifelong learner.

This article was originally published on our Homeschool Launch blog.

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How do you stand strong in faith?

Ephesians 6:11-16 provides us with advice in how to stand firm in the Lord. Standing firm in the Lord is done by putting on the full armor of God. In these verses, this includes filling your life with truthfulness, righteousness, peace and faith. To put on the full armor of God you must include him in all you do.

Sit, Walk, Stand

By Karina Rohrer-Meck, a freshman nurse from Archbold, Ohio

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Stand firm in the Lord


The theme of the second week of fasting is “Stand firm in the Lord”. This can be more difficult than it sounds. There are everyday struggles and temptations that make it very difficult to stand firmly in the Lord. A word of encouragement is found in Deuteronomy 31:6 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid and do not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave or forsake you.”

The daily struggles can weigh you down to the point where it seems all hope is lost. It is important to remember that God is with you in your trials. He will always be there to give you strength for the battle that rages around you. He promises us in Deuteronomy that he will never leave us or will leave us. It is important to repeat these positive words over and over again until they are etched into your heart. This will help you stand firm in the Lord even when you are disappointed.

Also, to stay firmly in the Lord, it is important that you focus on what is right, Jesus, instead of your problems. One verse that encourages us through our temptations is 1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has come upon you save that which is common to mankind. God is faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your means, but with temptation He will also provide a way out for you to endure.”

This reminds us that God is faithful even though we struggle daily. Temptations range from engaging in illegal activities to simply lying to a friend. Satan tries to take our eyes off the prize by tempting us. These temptations in life cause us to take a step back in our walk with God. Instead, trust Jesus in every single situation. He’s the only one who will be with you through the storms.

Standing firmly in the Lord is very important and also very difficult. Ephesians 6:11-16 gives us counsel on how to stand firm in the Lord. Standing firm in the Lord comes through putting on the full armor of God. In these verses, this means filling your life with truthfulness, righteousness, peace and faith. To put on the full armor of God, you must include him in everything you do. Prayer is very important to stand firmly in the Lord because to include Him in everything you do you must have a strong relationship with God. Another way to have a strong relationship with God is to make a conscious effort to worship. It’s important to include God in your daily life by surrounding yourself with friends—or even a friend you work with—to hold one another accountable. A final way to help you stay firm in the Lord is to find a mentor. This could be parents, someone at church, or someone at work, but they can help you because they’ve been through similar situations.

Standing firmly in the Lord is hard, but with the full armor of God you can overcome your struggles and temptations.

What is the meaning of Ezekiel 22 30?

In verse 30 above, God is said to have sought someone to intercede on behalf of the people – to “stand in the gap” and be an advocate for them – but He could not find someone, so He finishes his proclamation by delivering a verdict of guilt and a promise of wrath.

Sit, Walk, Stand

It can be a daunting book to read through Ezekiel. It contains many prophecies, oracles, and images that have puzzled theologians for centuries. The subject is difficult, and the period in which his ministry took place was a dangerous chapter in the nation’s history. The people had just been invaded by Babylon and exiled along with their rulers.

The prophet Ezekiel understood that man’s sins were the cause of God’s judgment and punishment and that intercession was not possible. He says in Ezekiel 22:30, “And I sought among them a man to fix the hedge and stand before me in a breach for the land, lest I spoil it; but I found none.”

What does this sentence mean?

Standing in the gap creates a clear visual image of someone stepping in to protect someone. An obvious application is the protective wall that surrounds a city: if there was a breach in the wall, enemies could enter and attack the people, but troops standing in the breach could protect the opening and repel the invaders. This provides a failsafe against damage if the primary defense is breached.

In the preceding verses, God condemns the Israelites for their sins. Verses 23-29 list the crimes they committed: defiling the Articles of the Temple and violating the Sabbath, their rulers getting rich at the expense of the poor, extorting and robbing foreigners and oppressing the needy and their false ones Prophets had soothed them with misleading messages of hope and forgiveness.

In verse 30 above, God is said to have been looking for someone to intercede for the people – to “stand in the gap” and be an advocate for them – but he could not find anyone, so he ends his preaching with a judgment of guilt and a promise of wrath.

Examples of previous lawyers

The idea of ​​a human being intervening on behalf of the people is not uncommon. There are several notable examples from before this point in Israel’s history of a righteous person “standing in abyss” before God.

When God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin, He let Abraham in on His plans. Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy the whole city if a handful of righteous people could be found and interceded for them. He first asked God to spare the cities if 50 good people could be found, and continued to negotiate with God until the final condition was to find only 10 righteous. God lovingly listened to Abraham’s plea and promised him that if these righteous people could be found, He would spare the city; Although the cities were ultimately destroyed, God listened as Abraham came before him on behalf of the people of the city.

When the Hebrews made their golden calf idols on Mount Sinai, Moses descended the mountain and condemned them for their unfaithfulness. Returning to the top of the mountain in God’s presence, God told Moses that He was ready to wipe out the entire Hebrew people and start their nation anew with Moses as their father. Moses interceded for the Israelites and begged God not to wipe them out. God listened to Moses and did not carry out his plans.

When David sinned by taking a haughty census, God sent an angel of death across the land to punish the people, but when the angel was near Jerusalem, he stopped. David bought the threshing floor there, built an altar, and offered sacrifices to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness so that the people would be spared. God accepted David’s sacrifice and the angel left her. David’s intercession stood in the gap for the people, and David commemorates that moment by dedicating this site to building the temple of God that his son Solomon would eventually build.

The Gap of Reconciliation

The greatest example of standing in the gap before God comes in the life of Jesus Christ. His very purpose in being born a human was to give his life as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. This was the ultimate act of standing in the gap before God’s judgment. Our sin made us vulnerable to divine punishment, but Jesus willingly offered his life as the only acceptable payment for that sin. He filled the gap by hanging on a cross and dying for us.

This is the wonderful gospel story: while we were trapped in our sinful human nature—when our defenses were blunted and divine justice would surely sweep us away—the blood of Jesus stands in the gap to protect us and bring us back to God . His sacrifice continues to offer the only path to restoration before God, and Jesus Himself stands before the Father’s throne, interceding for us and vouching for all believers.

How can we stand in the gap for others?

To stand in the gap before God for others, we must first accept Jesus’ sacrifice as an atonement for our own lives. This is the first and most important step: recognizing that we are powerless to stem the tide of judgment and acknowledging our need of a greater Savior than we could ever be for ourselves.

The next step is to follow Christ’s example and step in the gap for others. We can begin by teaching them the gospel, then lovingly but directly deal with the sins in their lives and turn them back to God.

However, the best way we can stand in the gap is through prayer. Intercessory prayer is nothing more than speaking to God on someone’s behalf and this is the best and most effective way to follow Jesus by standing up for others and interceding for them before God.

Expert overview of Ezekiel 1-33




What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon you?

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power that comes from the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God.

Sit, Walk, Stand

Brandon Wenzel

fuel for the soul

For the past two weeks, Quest Church writers have been speaking on the subject of Infinitely More and how God wants to do infinitely more in your life than you can ask or imagine! This week I want to talk about two things that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you.

The first thing he wants to do is bring POWER into your life. Power to do and be more than you can imagine! Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. And you will be my witnesses and tell people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power, which comes from the Holy Spirit, enables you to be strong for the things of God to admit We find in the Bible that immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter, who had denied Jesus three times two months earlier, stands before a crowd and over 3,000 people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The second thing the Holy Spirit wants to do in us is to give us SPIRITUAL GIFTS. The gifts of the Spirit are set forth at 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 and relate to such things as miraculous healing, wisdom, prophecy, speaking in tongues, and discernment. These gifts were manifested 2,000 years ago, but they can be alive and well in our own lives today! Through personal experience and the testimonies of others, I have seen these gifts in action. Each time they have shown themselves, they have blessed the individual recipient of the gift, glorifying God in the process.

Now is the time for our culture to take a stand with the power of the Holy Spirit for the things that grieve God. We are called to be the audible voice of God to the world around us. And by doing so, we can have a voice to speak out against the injustices of this world. As things calm down with civil unrest and COVID-19, we must never hide our God who lives within us.

We are to have compassion in our lives. To have pity means to “suffer with.” That means when racism happens, we suffer with that community. When a disease breaks out, we suffer with those families. When our teachers have to rearrange their classrooms to accommodate and they are tired, lost and confused, we suffer with them. This is something we are commanded to do. Colossians 3:12 says, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

Can you imagine what our world would look like if all humans did this? What if we all suffered with those who suffer? Have we had patience when those who are hurt take action, or have we had humility and realized that what we know is not always true? These things are only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. So ask the Holy Spirit today to enter your life and give you that extra strength you may need to stand up in Jesus name!

Is it better to walk or stand all day?

This may sounds like a trick question but the correct answer is standing on your feet for an hour is actually worse than walking. It is more tiring to stand in one place for an hour as it causes a few muscle groups in your feet and legs to fire for an extended period of time.

Sit, Walk, Stand

This might sound like a trick question, but the real answer is, standing up for an hour is actually worse than walking. Standing in one place for an hour is more tiring because some muscle groups in your feet and legs are firing for a longer period of time. Walking engages all of the muscles in your feet and legs as they engage in the work. This will prevent a muscle from overly tiring.

Standing is a natural human posture and poses no particular health risk when standing for short periods of time. However, staying in one position regularly for long periods of time can result in sore feet, leg swelling, varicose veins, lower back pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders appear. This is because it takes muscular effort to keep the body in an upright position while reducing blood supply to those muscles. It is the lack of blood flow that causes the muscles to tire more easily and causes pain in the feet, legs, back and neck.

It is important to plan long downtimes correctly. A good way to increase circulation is to walk in place or make small movements. Another way to prevent standing stress is to wear the right shoes. A shoe that doesn’t change the shape of your foot, provides arch support, has proper cushioning, has a firm grip to support the heel, and has non-slip soles is the best shoe to wear. Another way to reduce stress while standing is to use a foot brace or foot brace to shift body weight between your feet. However, the best protection against stress while standing is exercise, even a little bit helps!

To schedule an appointment, please call us at 843-449-FOOT (3668).

How can I stand 8 hours in a day?

7 tips for prolonged standing
  1. Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with a low heel. …
  2. Wear support hose or socks. …
  3. Wear a lumbar support belt and strengthen your abs. …
  4. Maintain good posture. …
  5. Move around to aid in circulation. …
  6. Stay well hydrated. …
  7. Ergonomic aids.

Sit, Walk, Stand

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Many people, particularly in the manufacturing and service sectors, are required to stand for long periods of time as part of their work, and there are many studies examining the health effects of prolonged standing. Common complications include back pain, varicose veins (enlarged and painful veins just below the surface of the skin), night cramps in the calves, and chronic circulatory problems.

While you may not be able to change the way you work, there are steps you can take to reduce the negative effects of standing on your body for long periods of time.

1. Wear comfortable, well-fitting, low-heeled shoes

Shoes that are too tight, high heels or constricting toes can lead to circulatory disorders in the feet, which can lead to cramps, tingling and numbness. High heels can also prematurely tire the ankles and muscles in the legs.

2. Wear a support tube or socks

Special socks and tubes provide the right amount of compression to aid circulation and reduce muscle fatigue. Think back to the Summer Olympics: many of the athletes wore colorful compression stockings and sleeves. While these are certainly a fashion statement, they also served a purpose by aiding in performance.

3. Wear a lumbar support belt and strengthen your abs

Strong abdominal muscles help with posture and support your entire body. A lumbar support belt also helps when muscles begin to tire. If you don’t have a support belt, you can avoid back pain by making sure you stand, sit, squat, and lift in a way that protects your back.

4. Maintain good posture

When you tire, it’s very easy to arch your lower back, drop your shoulders, and sag your body on your pelvis. This puts even more stress on your muscles and joints.

Practice good standing posture:

Keep your feet about hip-width apart and distribute your weight evenly on them.

Avoid putting your weight on your heels.

Keep your abs tight and stand tall with your shoulders upright.

Tuck your chin in slightly to avoid tilting your head forward.

5. Move to aid circulation

If you are confined to a small space, such as For example, a checkout booth, try to shift your weight from one leg to the other at least every 20 minutes.

6. Stay well hydrated

Dehydration leads to fatigue, so try to keep a water bottle nearby.

7. Ergonomic aids

There are many ergonomic aids designed to help workers who have to stand for long periods of time. Specially padded mats and stools to put your feet up can help enormously.

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“Sit, Walk, Stand” by Watchman Nee

(Note: I wrote the following review 6 months ago but never got around to publishing it. Recently several people have asked me if I’ve read Sit, Walk, Stand – it seems this book is experiencing one Renaissance among the Grace people.)

A few weeks ago I posted some thoughts on Watchman Nee’s book The Normal Christian Life. If you enjoyed this book, you’ll love Sit, Walk, Stand. Both books were published in 1957 and both are largely based on Nee’s sermon notes.

Sit, Walk, Stand is a small book with a big message. It is sold as a study of the Ephesians, but it is much more than that. In 78 short pages, the author describes the three aspects of the believer – to God, to men and to the enemy. The best summary of the book is what the author provides on the last page…

“The Christian life consists in sitting with, walking with, and standing in Christ. We begin our spiritual life by resting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus. This stillness is the source of our strength, or of consistent and unshakable change in the world. And at the end of a grueling battle with the hosts of darkness we finally stand with him in triumphant possession of the field.” (p.78)

This is boot camp Christianity, the kind of book every new believer needs to read.

However, I just got off of my last read of Sit, Walk, Stand and was wondering how I missed so much good stuff the first time around. About seven years ago, I got our church in Hong Kong to study this book. To be honest, we weren’t ready for that. We wore the wrong glasses. It’s only since I’ve learned to read everything through the lens of Jesus and His finished work that this book really begins to make sense.

By the way, this is a very common experience for me – reading old books as if it were the first time.

Maybe you’re like me – you read Sit, Walk, Stand many years ago and thought it was good but not great. If so, may I encourage you to look again? To whet your appetite, here are 12 of my favorite soundbites from the book.

When sitting

“Every true spiritual experience begins with stillness.” (p.27)

“While God worked six days and then enjoyed his Sabbath rest, Adam began life on the Sabbath; for God works before he rests, while man must first enter into God’s rest, and only then can he work.” (p.16)

“God is waiting for your store of strength to be completely exhausted before He can set you free. As soon as you stop fighting, He will do everything.” (p.23)

“Just stop ‘giving’ and you’ll prove what a giver God is! Stop ‘working’ and you will discover what a worker He is!” (p.25)

Our walk

“The all-important rule is not to ‘try’ but to ‘trust’, to rely not on our own strength but on his… Too many of us are caught posing as Christians. The life of many Christians today is largely a smokescreen. They live a ‘spiritual’ life, speak ‘spiritual’ language, adopt ‘spiritual’ attitudes, but they do it all themselves.” (pp. 38-9)

“Too often we think it’s actually doing that that counts. We must learn the lesson of doing nothing – keeping silent for Him. We must learn that unless God moves we dare not move… The abiding principle of all true Christian work is, “In the beginning is God…”… You ask me what I mean by natural power. Very simply put, it is what we can do without the help of God.” (p. 67)

“Have we discovered how good the Lord is? Then he is so good in us! Is His power great? Then it’s no less great with us! Praise God, His life is as mighty as ever, and in the lives of those who dare to believe the word of God, the divine life will be manifested in a force no less mighty than has been manifested in the past.” ( pp. 39-40)

“The question is one of practical sonship. True, God has “preordained us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ” (1:5), but we make the mistake of thinking that we are already “of legal age” – that we are already mature sons… All of them mature somehow reach . But the lamb seeks firstfruits. The ‘wise’ in the parable (of the wise and foolish virgins) are not those who did better, but those who did well in an earlier hour.” (p.33,44)

take a stand

“Armies invade other countries to occupy and subdue them. God did not command us to do this. We shouldn’t march, we should stand. The word “stand” implies that the ground contested by the enemy is in fact God’s and therefore also ours. We don’t have to fight to gain a foothold there.” (p.54)

“Today we are not fighting for victory; we fight for victory … If you fight for victory, then you have lost the fight from the start.” (p.55)

“Because the victory is his, therefore also ours.” (p.56)

“If we believe the Lord, we will not pray so much but will praise him more. The simpler and clearer our belief in him is, the less we will pray in such situations and the more we will praise him. Let me say again, in Christ we are already overcomers. Isn’t it obvious, then, that since this is so, to pray for us merely for victory—unless that prayer is steeped in praise—must mean defeat by abandoning our fundamental position?” (p.57 )


All E2R book reviews can be found here

Gospel Summary of Ephesians (Sit, Walk & Stand)

Ephesians – a leitmotiv for the Christian life

Ephesians is a very profound work in the Bible. Apostle Paul wrote it while he was in prison. Some Bible scholars call it “The Alps of the New Testament,” “The Grand Canyon of Scripture,” and “The Royal Keystone” because of its great subject matter and revelation about Jesus. The entire book is divided into three sections, each section having a keyword.

The believer’s position in Christ (chapters 1-3) – SITTING Our life in this world (chapters 4-6.9) – WALKING Our attitude towards confrontation with our enemy (chapters 6.10-24) – STANDING

Of all the books of Paul, Ephesians contains the supreme spiritual truth about the Christian life. The book is rich in spiritual riches and at the same time full of practical tips for the Christian life. It is very important to understand the key truths explained by the key words (SIT, WALK, STAND) and in their order to live a successful Christian life.

According to Paul in Ephesians,

The Christian life begins – as we sit with Jesus in the heavenly places, we are then challenged to live a Christian life in this world. Finally, we must maintain our place of victory by facing off against the enemy

Sitting (with Christ in the heavenly places)

Ephesians 1:17-21

God of our Lord Jesus Christ… raised Christ from the dead and seated him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all dominion and authority and power and dominion, and not only above every name that is named in this world, but also in the one to come.

The Christian life does not begin with walking or standing; It starts with sitting. This is the basic idea for a successful Christian life. Ephesians 2:6 – And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly kingdoms in Christ Jesus. So we begin our journey with rest in Christ.

Christianity doesn’t start with a big DO, but with a big DONE. Jesus is the treasure and until we draw from him, we cannot give anything to ourselves or to others. The most ignorant mistake Christians make is to start walking before sitting. Walking takes effort and God says we are not saved by works but by His grace.

What does sitting mean?

When we stand or walk, we carry all our weight on our legs and use up a lot of energy. We get tired too. But when we sit, we are relaxed and our muscles are not strained. In the spiritual realm too, to sit down is simply to rest all our cares and worries on our dear Lord Jesus. We should learn to let him carry all our burdens. (1 Peter 5:7)

When we read the story of creation we find that God worked and He rested. But it was God’s divine plan that Adam should begin his journey from rest (the seventh day was Adam’s first day). Christianity simply means that God in Christ has done everything for us and we need only enter into that joy by faith.

How can I receive the power of the Holy Spirit?

Even the greatest gift of God – the Helper (Holy Spirit) – is given to us only when we rest in the presence of God. It is not biblical to think that we must work hard and pray harder to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus died for us on the cross and we receive forgiveness of sins; because he was exalted to the throne, we receive the power of the Spirit (Acts 2:33). We should never forget that we receive the Holy Spirit not because of our efforts, but because of the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Walking (as a testimony before people on earth)

Eight times we see the word “go” in the book of Ephesians. We need to make it clear that our Christian experience does not begin with walking, but with sitting. Every time we reverse this divine order, the result is disaster. Although we start with sitting, the next stage is walking. When we have rested well in Christ and gained the strength we need, then we move on to the next stage—walking.

Walking is the practical consequence of our sitting with Christ in heavenly places here on this earth. We are to bear the stamp of our relationship with Jesus. Ephesians explains the following about walking.

We are asked to walk worthy of our calling with all humility and meekness (Ephesians 4:1,2). Christ loved us (Ephesians 6:10) Walk like the children of light – pleasing to the Lord (Ephesians 5:8,10)

In summary, we are to do everything that our dear Lord has commanded us to do. But you can say I can’t. They are impossible and more difficult than the law of Moses. Jesus also wants our righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees and scribes (Mt 5:20). Then how do we do it?

How can we fulfill Jesus’ requirement?

The secret is “to rest in Jesus.” If we sit with Christ forever, only then can we walk uninterruptedly before men. When we leave our resting place in Him, we are immediately caught and begin to lose our testimonies. As we abide in Christ, we have the power to walk the earth worthy of Him. Only because Paul could see himself sitting beside Christ could he walk before men as the greatest testimony of Christ.

It is very important to understand that when Jesus made such a demand of us, he actually made it of himself and was confident in himself. When faced with a difficult situation, we must not go to the tree of knowledge, but to Christ. The Holy Spirit was given to bring out what is of Christ in us. Get fed all the time.

Stand up (against our enemies)

Ephesians 6:10 Put on all the armor of God that you may stand against the wiles of the devil

After we have learned to sit with Jesus in the heavenly places and walk worthy of him in this world, the next step is to stand up for him before the enemy. We need to understand that every Christian is in a struggle whether he likes it or not. There is no middle ground. We must choose either God or Satan. No Christian can hope to win this great battle without first learning to rest in Christ.

Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

Put on the full armor of God so that you may stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10). The keyword here is – STAND. We are advised to dress in battle attire when fighting on God’s side. The Greek word for stand is “to stand”. Asserting oneself is only possible if we have already made it our own. Yes, dear friends, what Adam lost, Jesus redeemed with his own blood. We are now in a winning position.

If we study in detail, we find that all the weapons of war described in Ephesians are purely defensive in nature. The sword can also be used for defense. In the defensive war, the ground is ours and we simply have to protect it. In offensive warfare, the ground belongs to the enemy and we fight to conquer it. Jesus took the offensive and our job is just to hold on to him.

We don’t fight to win because in Christ we have already won. The moment we start feeling that we have to win, we have lost, because only if we lose do we have to win. Satan’s main goal is not to tempt us to sin, but simply to make it easier for us by lifting us off the ground that the Lord has redeemed for us. He does this by attacking our rest in Christ and our walk in the Spirit.

power in Jesus name

No one can be saved without knowing the name of Jesus, and no one can be used effectively by God without knowing the power in that name. Today God has given all authority to His Son, so that there is power in the name itself. It is the sword we should learn to wield properly against the enemy. The right person who can train us on how to use the Word of God is the Holy Spirit. He is the only man who can take what is Jesus’ and give to us – including power in his name.

Although God commits himself to all works done in Jesus’ name, permission is required to use his name. It’s not something that can be worked through in times of crisis. It is the fruit of obedience to God and based on our standing with Him (based on our rest in Christ). We cannot use God’s word and name as a stamp for our motives and plans. In order to have God’s commitment to our works, we must first submit to Him.


Christian living consists of sitting with Christ, walking beside him and standing up for him. We begin our life by drawing from Jesus as we sit with Him in the heavenly places, using that power to walk before men as God wants us to be, and to defend the ground that Jesus occupied by His obedience conquered to God on the cross by laying down his precious blood. Our Christian life becomes very easy when we understand and live this truth.

This excerpt of the Gospel Synopsis is from “Sit Walk Stand” written by Watchman Nee. This is a true masterpiece and a must read for all Christians who want to understand the mysteries of a successful Christian life. It gives us a deeper insight into – our position in Christ, how to live a practical Christian life and how to fight our spiritual battles. I highly recommend finding this book at your local bookstore or ordering it online from Amazon using this link: Sit, Walk and Stand by Watchman Nee.

PS Don’t forget to subscribe and download your free copy of the Audio Healing book, which contains carefully selected healing verses from the Bible. You may want to share it with your friends and family who are asking God for a miracle.

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Sit, Walk, Stand

I want to tell you about a man named Watchman Nee.

In 1920, the seventeen-year-old high school student was saved dynamically after a considerable spiritual struggle.

At the moment of his salvation, his entire plan for his future changed. He testified, “From the night I was saved I began to have a new life, for the life of the eternal God had entered me.”

Watchman Nee attended no theological schools or Bible institutes, yet his knowledge of God’s purpose, Jesus Christ, the things of the Spirit, and the Church grew rapidly. He acquired his knowledge by studying the Bible and reading spiritual books.

In nearly thirty years of ministry, Watchman Nee has clearly manifested himself as the Lord’s unique gift to the body of Christ.

In 1952 he was imprisoned for his beliefs; He remained in prison until his death in 1972. His words remain a rich source of spiritual revelation and supply for Christians around the world.

Nee wrote hundreds of books to help believers be everything God wanted them to be. One of these books dealt with Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians and was entitled Sit, Walk, and Stand and Love Not the World.

In The Book We See, an inspirational look at the Ephesians, Nee held that book to be the highest spiritual truths about the Christian life.

He summarized the epistle into three parts, teaching what it means to “sit” with Christ, “walk” as a Christian in the world, and Satan to “stand up.”

To answer my title’s question, should we sit, walk, or stand? The answer is yes!

We should do all three.


Father, open my eyes so I can see your truth.

Open my ears so I can hear your voice.

Open my mind to understand Your word.

And open my heart to receive everything you want to give me. AMEN

The book of Ephesians is considered by most Bible scholars to be the best work of the apostle Paul. The substance of the book of Ephesians is the grace of God to the church, which is the body of Christ, both Jew and Gentile.

The purpose of the book of Ephesians is to ground readers firmly in their Christian faith. The original readers were the Christians in Ephesus. The current readers are you and me.

Not only did Paul want to make sure believers were solid in their faith, he also wanted to make sure they didn’t fall back to how they were before Jesus came into their lives.

Paul also wanted to warn readers of the dangers of not having unity within the body of Christ.

Paul divided the book into two sections. The first section, chapters 1 through 3, is doctrinal and deals with Christian truth and presents the grace of God. The second section consists of chapters 4 through 6 and is practical advice dealing with the Christian life .

Within these two sections we find out that we are to sit, walk and stand. I want to share these three things with you today.


What does sitting mean? Most of the time when you are sitting, your body is at rest. Paul shows us that as Christians we must begin our journey with Christ by sitting.

How can we do that when we have so much to do?

The fact is that God has already done everything for us to be able to sit. When God was busy creating everything, he made sure to create man last. So the first day of man was the Sabbath. It was a rest day.

God had done everything and then he rested and so did man.

How does this affect us?

God has already done everything we needed.

Look at Ephesians 1:3-14.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly kingdoms with all spiritual blessings in Christ. 4 For he chose us in himself before the creation of the world, that we might be holy and blameless to him. In love 5 he predestined us to be sons through Jesus Christ according to his good pleasure and will – 6 to the praise of his glorious grace which he has bestowed on us in those whom he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of God’s grace 8 which he has showered upon us. With all wisdom and understanding he has made known to us the mystery of his will for his good pleasure, which he intended in Christ, 10 to accomplish when the times come to their fulfillment, to bring about the unity of all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

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