Sleeping With A Pisces Man Too Soon? Quick Answer

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What turns Pisces on in bed?

A Pisces guy wants to know you on a deep level before getting intimate. If you want to fast-track physical intimacy, open up to your man about your sexual thoughts, feelings, and dreams. The romantic Pisces will be drawn to your willingness to share your inner world and sexual fantasies with him.

How do you know if a Pisces man is serious about you?

21 Signs A Pisces Man Is In Love With You
  • He finds it hard to hide his feelings. …
  • He showcases his artistic side. …
  • He listens to you. …
  • He acts shy in the beginning. …
  • He makes eye contact with you. …
  • He values your opinions. …
  • He seeks to form a spiritual bond with you. …
  • He might easily get offended or hurt.

Can Pisces man do friends with benefits?

“Tender Pisces may blur the lines between FWB and red hot romance at times, but they will know how to keep their FWB fling in check — this means doing the extra work to keep it amicable at all times,” Stardust says. Keeping their love free and fluid, Pisces may be into a FWB situation.

How do Pisces act when they are in love?

When Pisces is in love, they are very giving and compassionate towards their partner. They may go out of their way to help out the person they are with, and they like to feel of service. They may enjoy sharing advice or just being there to support their partner when they are going through a difficult time.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

Pisces are the hopeless romantics of the zodiac. They love the idea of ​​being in love and may spend a lot of time dreaming about their perfect partner. They may be put off by the everyday reality of being in a relationship, but they need to understand that being with someone isn’t always perfect and can take a lot of work. Pisces is also a sign who loves to do things for other people, but they may want to make sure there is an equal give and take in the relationship instead of always trying to save or fix the other person. You need to be with someone who is just as kind and caring as you are.

Who does Pisces go best with?

Virgo is the opposite sign to Pisces, so they naturally embody qualities that Pisces are drawn to. Virgo tends to be very practical and routine-oriented, and she is able to handle all of the day-to-day details and planning that Pisces find overwhelming. Having a Virgo partner can help keep Pisces grounded and focused in the present moment when they might be feeling lost in their daydreams or emotions.

Scorpio also goes well with Pisces. Both signs are emotionally intense, so they understand each other’s need to connect and develop a deeper sense of intimacy right off the bat. It might be easy to bring up difficult issues together, or both might intuitively sense when the other isn’t feeling well.

Sagittarius and Pisces have more in common than you might think. These two signs are both ruled by the planet Jupiter, allowing them to connect over their life beliefs and interest in larger pictorial subjects. Additionally, they would be perfect travel companions as they help each other grow and expand their knowledge of the world.

Why can it be so hard to date a Pisces?

Pisces get attached to the idea of ​​a relationship with someone fairly quickly before they fully get to know the other person. They can build a fantasy about how they want the relationship to be rather than being in the present moment with the person they are dating. After a date, they may already be imagining a future wedding in their mind. Additionally, they may develop strong emotions early on and want to move quickly for the first few days they see someone.

What drives a Pisces man crazy?

Be emotionally vulnerable.

Pisces is a water sign which attunes them to their own emotions as well as gives them strong empathy for others’ emotions. Getting emotionally naked is the sexiest thing you can do for a Pisces man next to getting physically naked. Being vulnerable will bring the two of you closer together.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

The Pisces zodiac sign born between February 19th and March 20th is a very nice person.

Creative, emotional Pisces aren’t hard to relate to, considering they have such a strong urge to connect.

However, not everyone knows how to get to that ooey-gooey side of themselves.

At times, the emotional intensity of a Pisces man can be overwhelming for many people.

But fret not, I’ve listed some tips on how you can use your own sensitivity – even if it’s buried deep inside – to connect with the sensitive Pisces man.

It is possible for you to give him warm and fluffy feelings instead of averse ones.

Wooing a Pisces will make them completely obsessed with you.

Read on to learn how to get a Pisces man to obsess over you via astrology:

1. Take the Pisces man for a walk in nature.

Whether it’s a hike or a walk through a garden, the Pisces man likes to get out into nature.

Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter, giving them a strong sense of spirituality.

Many find spirituality in nature, especially in the water sign Pisces. In astrology, water is the element that connects all aspects of nature.

It floats in the sky, lives in the ground, and nourishes all life.

Bringing a Pisces man into nature is certainly a spiritual experience and will bond you both strongly.

Not to mention that Pisces are a beauty fanatic; Being with a beautiful person in beautiful nature will undoubtedly convey all feelings to them.

2. Go with the flow.

Pisces is a mutable sign, which means they are very adaptable because they are born at the end of their season, which is winter.

Pisces accept that things change, they end and they begin again.

Pressuring a Pisces man in any way will make him feel trapped or manipulated for who he really is.

If you show that you can adapt with him to changing circumstances, the Pisces man will feel comfortable with you.

Rolling with the punches also shows you have a deeper understanding that things don’t always go to plan.

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You show that forcing never works.

The Pisces man will appreciate your flexibility and know that the two of you can get through anything as a team.

3. Be emotionally vulnerable.

Pisces are a water sign, attuning them to their own emotions and giving them a strong empathy for the emotions of others.

Getting emotionally naked is the most sexual thing you can do for a Pisces man, aside from getting physically naked.

Being vulnerable brings the two of you closer together.

He will have a deeper understanding of who you are and he will feel comfortable sharing his deeper feelings with you.

Closed-off, emotionally distant people annoy Pisces; They will feel rejected if not let in, and they will not feel safe sharing their feelings for fear of being met with a cold response.

If you’re trying to connect emotionally with a Pisces man, it should be obvious that emotional sharing is part of the deal.

4. Make a romantic gesture.

Pisces is symbolized by two koi fish, which are mythologically the disguised love gods Aphrodite and Cupid.

Represented by love gods eternally circling each other, Pisces is obviously prone to being a romantic.

Pisces men don’t expect big romantic gestures for them, even if they plan to do a few in their head.

Spoiling him with romance would be a most welcome surprise.

The thought and creativity you put into your gesture is sure to make the Pisces swoon.

As men who get in touch with their emotions, Pisces don’t typically get bogged down in traditional gender roles.

So if you are a woman trying to win the heart of the Pisces man, he will not feel emasculated if you take the lead and woo him.

Colleen Fogarty is an author specializing in self-care, astrology and relationship issues.

What are Pisces turn ons?

Kissing or rubbing your partner’s feet are quick ways to turn them on. Pisces is all for foot play. “Start at the bottom with a foot massage and work your way up,” Fox says. “This will drive your dream-lover wild and get things off in the right direction.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

For Pisces, the romantic dreamer of the zodiac, sex isn’t just something you do with a partner because it’s fun or feels good. It is a way for them to connect with others on a deeper physical, emotional and spiritual level. They love to make their partner feel truly desired and nothing makes them happier than being able to fulfill their partner’s fantasies. If you’re looking for ways to take your Pisces’ pleasure to the next level, it’s important to understand Pisces’ erogenous zones.

Each zodiac sign rules at least one area of ​​the body, starting with Aries at the crown of the head. Since Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, they rule over the feet.

“Pisces is arguably the most spiritually mature sign because it carries the lessons of every other sign, and it also rules your most earth-bound part of your body — your feet,” astrologer Tara Schulenberg tells Bustle. “Our feet have 72,000 nerve endings and every organ in the body has a nerve ending in the foot. That’s why a reflexology massage is an experience for all the senses.”

This water sign loves to be touched and loves reaching out and touching others even more. According to astrologer Arriana Fox, Pisces tend to hold back their deeper emotions until they really want to. But once they’re completely comfortable, they’ll “enjoy and excite you with their overflowing passion and give it their all in long, passionate marathons,” says Fox. “You are a very sexual sign.”

Although a Pisces’ feet and toes are the most sensitive parts of its body, these aren’t its only erogenous zones. So if you want to keep your fish comfortable, you should pay a lot of attention to these areas of their body.

Feet As rulers of the feet, it is only natural that Pisces are highly sensitive in this area. Kissing or rubbing your partner’s feet are quick ways to turn him on. Fish is all for foot play. “Start at the bottom with a foot massage and work your way up,” says Fox. “This will drive your dream lover crazy and steer things in the right direction. They tend to be dominated and giving up control is erotic to them.” Don’t be afraid to get creative with this and use your feet in new ways.

Hands Pisces are pretty easy and love these cute little gestures. For example, holding hands is something Pisces really appreciate. According to Schulenberg, the hands are one of Pisces’ most secretive erogenous zones. “They like to get hand massages where they get a full sensory experience,” says Schulenberg. “Any sexual position where you feel a sense of closeness, tenderness and fusion is appreciated. They have a beautiful duality within them where they love to ‘make love’ and love to be a little naughty with lots of affection and deep feelings. If you can give them both, they will be all yours.”

Head Pisces is a sign that is easily activated by her partner’s touches. A particularly sensitive area, however, is the head. According to astrologer Kyla Derkach, this is another of her hidden erogenous zones. “Pisces are connected to the crown chakra and the higher mind, so the stimulation here takes them to the heights of the non-physical world!” Stroking her hair, massaging her scalp, and kissing her on the head can get her in the mood. As long as your touches are soft and gentle, they will be happy. As Derkach says, “They are sensitive souls and need to feel safe and loved.”


Arriana Fox, Astrologer and Mysticalcraft Arriana at

Kyla Derkach, Certified Astrologer and Founder of HATHA ASTRO

Tara Schulenberg, astrologer and co-founder of spiritual wellness community Elevate The Globe

How does a Pisces man treat his woman?

He seeks someone who values empathy and compassion and his own creative ways. His Sun’s planetary ruler is Neptune, the orb of fantasy, high romance, and escapism. In love, he gravitates to the otherworldly; he wants love to save him from the crass, materialistic world.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

The Pisces type is like an endangered species that needs special protection. First of all, being so sensitive and masculine is hard. Some Pisces cope with the harsh realities of life through escapism and addiction. This sign has a reputation for being loose with the truth, although they might argue that “reality is fluid.”

Luckily, he is often wise and sees beyond the usual social patterns and judgments. A Pisces man who is comfortable in his own (thin) skin is wonderful to have around.

Other signs he is looking for

As for compatibility with others, he gets along best with the rest of the watermarks, but also makes surprising matches since his is the last mark and the one that contains them all.

He is looking for someone who values ​​empathy and compassion and his own creative ways. The planetary ruler of its sun is Neptune, the sphere of fantasy, high romance and escapism. In love he is drawn to the afterlife; he wants love to save him from the stark, materialistic world. Love is a monastery to hide in, an atmosphere to find trust in.

The Pisces type is attuned to waves, thoughts and physical movements. He will read you, body and soul. He is fascinated by someone with a special way of seeing the world: an artist and dreamer like himself. He is looking for a friend who will respect his ever-changing rhythm and need for solitude. A psychic cushion of space between you – the feeling of guarding your two private inner worlds – is a good foundation to build upon.

Real life matters

However, real life doesn’t always play out that way. When there is an attraction, we often merge and merge our minds, then we see what happens. The changeable Pisces man absorbs the moods and realities of others. If he gets bogged down in your drama too quickly, the fish will swim away. In the beginning, less is more.

Create wonderful memories of those first dates by visiting unusual places with a magical atmosphere. The one-off diner is better than a chain, a quiet cafe is preferred to a noisy “popular” eatery. Plan enchanting day trips or other activities and be sure to bring a camera.

limits he needs

A challenge for the water sign Pisces is boundaries, and a young man in Pisces can often feel overwhelmed. He may be wary of getting too close to him, knowing that he “takes on” the psychic soul material of others. It can be annoying to carefully build a relationship only to see him flee when it’s too much. He needs a lover who understands that he is up for anything. If he seems to be taking his time, it’s because he moves in many different worlds.

It is often said that with a Pisces you must make the first move. Remember, it can be as subtle as a look or a well-timed innuendo. Perhaps he would respond to some sort of spiritual gift that enriches his sanctuary, such as a candle, music, or a book of mystical poetry.

How do you show a Pisces man you care?

7 Ways How To Keep A Pisces Man Wanting You
  1. Understand him.
  2. Be Romantic.
  3. Show your interest in him.
  4. Be supportive and helpful in practical ways.
  5. Be attentive to his feelings.
  6. Be creative.
  7. Be gentle and kind.
  8. Final Thoughts on Pisces men.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

Pisces are born between February 19th and March 20th.

Pisces men are compassionate, gentle, caring and romantic souls looking for a loving world. Pisces born under the sign of water are full of surprises.

To win the heart of a Pisces man, you need to understand how a Pisces man thinks. You need to understand how they react to certain things and what appeals to them the most. To find out your compatibility with Pisces, don’t hesitate to grab a zodiac compatibility calculator, or if you want a deeper understanding of Pisces as a whole, take a look at Pisces personality traits and traits. You can also learn more about Pisces by listening to podcasts and channels dedicated to astrology on YouTube if you’re not a fan of reading.

Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty easy. In this article you will learn how to win over the fishman.

understand him

Pisces men are emotional beings and aren’t afraid to occasionally trigger mood swings. As you know, sometimes life hits you hard whether you like it or not. In the same situation, Pisces men need someone who understands them and is their rock.

In addition, Pisces men are sensitive to the outside world, the Pisces man wears his heart on his sleeve. As his partner, you need to reassure him that you’re there for him and that you understand him.

be romantic

Although Pisces can be sensitive and even moody at times, they do have a romantic side. He is looking for a partner who is romantic and caring for him as he has a romantic heart.

Thanks to his romantic and loving heart, he will do special things for his partner that other guys wouldn’t do. In return, he needs someone to do the same things for him to make him feel special.

If you really want a Pisces man to pursue you, then you better start doing things that are fairly romantic. You can write love letters, send him love poems, send him love gifts or even flowers, and invite him to a candlelight dinner or a romantic movie. He will definitely notice your efforts, love and romantic nature; Eventually getting him to want you.

Show your interest in him

The most important thing when it comes to winning the heart of a Pisces guy is to show him that you’re into him and nobody else. There are a few ways you can show him your interest, such as :

listen to him

Engage in intellectual conversations

Be his rock and support him

Compliment him

flirt with him

Smile at him often when he looks at you

Show your feelings and interest in him by making direct eye contact during the conversation. Ask him interesting questions or about his hobbies.

If you think your Pisces man is losing interest in you, then try these different ways to make him miss you.

Be supportive and helpful in practical ways

Make sure your Pisces man knows you are there for him and can offer him the support he needs.

Here are some ways you can do this:

Remind him of important dates or events

Arrange dinner with his family and friends

Listen to him and give him advice

keep his secrets

Cook him healthy meals

Make sure he gets enough sleep

By taking these practical steps, you can easily get him to appreciate your actions and see how much you love and care for him.

Pay attention to his feelings

Since Pisces falls under the water sign, they are extremely emotional beings. Unfortunately, they are not very good at expressing their feelings, they only share their feelings with the person they really love.

He finds it more attractive if you pay attention to his feelings. Pay attention to his body language, ask him how he is doing, ask him about his problems and talk to him about yourself.

You need to be consistent, supportive, and considerate of his feelings. He will definitely appreciate the little things you do for him.

Be creative

If you want a Pisces man to chase you, you should be just as fun and creative as he is. The nature of a Pisces man leans more towards the creative and artistic side. He enjoys trying new things to entertain himself in his free time. So he needs his partner to be just like him.

Perhaps give him ideas about taking an art class together, walking through historic buildings, or watching historic films at the cinema.

All you need is to make your personality more entertaining and entertaining as it is a shortcut to reach the heart of the Pisces man.

Be gentle and kind

Pisces men are sensitive and emotional people. If you want to win her kind and romantic heart, you have to be gentle and kind to him.

No matter what the situation, I would suggest that you treat him with kindness. He will be attracted to your kindness and caring personality traits.

Final Thoughts on Fishmen

While winning the heart of a Pisces man isn’t easy, it’s not impossible. If you follow the tips in this article, you’re already halfway to making him obsess over you. Remember that you must make a consistent effort to win his heart and love for you. Just remember that a Pisces guy needs a woman who loves him, understands him and can be there for him.

Be honest, support him, be loyal, and be compassionate towards him. Always be optimistic about your endeavors and hope for the best!

How long does it take Pisces man to fall in love?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Very Fast

If there’s one sign that’s most likely to fall in love at first sight, it’s Pisces. As Hale says, “This sign falls in love quickly and is prone to getting hurt more often than others as a result,” Hale says.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

When you find yourself starting to fall for someone, it’s only natural to wonder if they feel the same way. Unless you’re lucky enough to date Aries or Cancer signs who are open about their affections, it could be months before you finally have an idea of ​​where your partner actually stands. To be honest, how long it takes for someone to fall in love is influenced by many different factors. If you’re curious about how your partner is feeling, their zodiac sign can reveal a lot.

“Traditionally, all of the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) have most likely been among the slowest signs to move when it comes to love,” Terry O’Connor, astrologer at The Astro Coach, told Bustle. Earth signs value stability and are known to be very practical in their approach to love. So you’re not the biggest believers in love at first sight.

Among the earth signs, Capricorn is probably the slowest of all, according to O’Connor. “Formal, dated, serious and reserved, these Capricorns want love as much as the next sign,” he says. “However, the timing issue with Caps is the slow and methodical process they (and others they like) have to go through. They want love to be worth it.”

On the other end of the spectrum, Aries are known to fall in love the quickest. According to O’Connor, “Aries flies out of the trap like a horse on race day.” They are passionate and driven by their desires. When they feel like they are in love with someone, they will pursue them.

Whether you have eyes for a Leo or think you might be compatible with a Scorpio, astrologers say that’s how easy it is for zodiac signs to fall in love.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Very Fast Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images Aries is known for being passionate and fast. They always live in the moment and never question themselves. When it comes to falling in love, there’s no sign that does it better. “Aries are leaders, courageous, and like to get behind the wheel,” says O’Connor. “They explode into action, and once they’ve set their sights on someone, their determination and needle-like focus will pursue that love — until they decide it’s not what they want anymore.” Aries just love the excitement that comes with the comes with falling in love. As astrologer Kyla Derkach Bustle previously told Bustle, they have a “childlike innocence,” especially when it comes to relationships. “It might feel like you’re falling in love all over again in elementary school,” Derkach said. “They are competitive guys and love to play games with their love interests to spark a friendly rivalry.” Although they tend to fall in love quickly, getting them to fall in love is another story. They are a sign that will disappear just as quickly.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): The slow-moving Taurus, the most sensual of the zodiac signs, needs to feel that physical attraction to someone first and foremost. According to O’Connor, they are attracted to people who are strong and stable. It takes more than just a few dates to see if someone can give you the security you need in a relationship. In the early stages of dating, Taurus will pay attention to how much effort someone is putting in to win them over. “Taurus needs a partner they can trust,” Derkach previously told Bustle. “The motto for this sign is ‘slow and steady wins the race’ and they are notorious for taking their time. They want to be courted, and they want to be sure that the person is a perfect match for their mind, body, and spirit. They’re slow to commit, but once they do, they’re yours for life.” Of all the earth signs, Taurus is the most likely to desire love. As he is ruled by Venus, good food, thoughtful dating and romance will keep her hooked for a while. Taurus don’t really like going out just for the sake of a date. They date with the intention of finding someone to settle down with. Even if it takes a while for a Taurus to fall in love, they will stay in love for a really long time.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Slow Gemini is a sign that takes a while to fall in love with. They are very social creatures and love to get out and meet new people. For her, dating is all about exploring her options. According to O’Connor, twins are moved by their minds. In order to keep a Gemini interested enough to fall in love, they need to be mentally stimulated. “They’re drawn to intelligence, banter, sarcasm, and light-hearted playfulness,” says O’Connor. “Words and how they receive those words will be like pollen to a bee.” Geminis tend to get bored pretty quickly. As astrologer Arriana Fox previously told Bustle, “Unless you’re lucky enough to get close to a Gemini, you often don’t see what a real ‘gem’ they are, as they are good at hiding emotions.” Once they realize they’re still into the same person they’ve been talking to for months, they wonder if they’ve fallen in love.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Very Fast kupicoo/E+/Getty Images Cancer is known for being sensitive and emotionally in tune with other people. They are known to be compassionate, loving, and caring. They tend to be a bit shy at first but they have a lot of love to give and have no trouble falling in love quickly. As Fox previously told Bustle, “This sign sees love as a long-term commitment not to be trifled with. Their feelings better be the real deal or they’ll see through it.” They need a partner they can feel completely safe and secure with so that they can fully engage. Cancer is all about the comforts of home. They enjoy good food, cozy nights and forming emotional bonds. “They’re sensitive and want to know you’re getting them,” says O’Connor. When they find someone who truly sees them for who they are, they become emotionally connected and likely will remain so for a long time.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Very Fast The regal Leo of the zodiac is one of the greatest romantics. They are fixed signs, so it may take time for them to bond with someone. However, as a fire sign, their hearts and desires tend to reign over everything else. “Leo is a charismatic and often colorful person who can make quick decisions,” Leslie Hale, astrologer for, told Bustle. Leos tend to fall in love a little too quickly. If they do, they will be loyal until they have a reason not to be. “That can be good or bad depending on the person,” says Hale. For example, Leos often fall in love with the wrong guy and can keep getting hurt until they change who they are looking for. Leos are ruled by the sun, which makes them relish being the center of attention. According to Hale, lions like it when their egos are fed. “If you can do this in a subtle or not-so-subtle way, there’s a good chance you’ll win Leo’s heart,” she says.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Very slow Virgos are usually in no hurry to fall in love. According to Hale, it’s more about work and productivity and less about romance and dating. They’d rather spend most of their time building their network and going to industry events than dating a group of people who probably don’t meet their standards. “Virgos aren’t typically interested in someone they would consider a ‘risk,’ and that means everyone doesn’t have the same work ethic or have undesirable traits that could hurt or slow down their careers in some way,” says Hale. To win the heart of a Virgo, it’s important to go slow and allow things to unfold naturally. If they’re pushed to define a relationship before they’re ready, they could cut themselves and run away. According to Hale, Virgo is a serious sign that likes to get it right the first time. “If you can appreciate those qualities and impress your Virgo with your own hopes and plans for a solid future, you might find yourself on their shortlist by now if they have time to actually think about it,” she says.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Swift Libra is another Venus-ruled zodiac sign who loves love and is a true romantic at heart. In fact, India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer, previously told Bustle, “Libra was born in love with the idea of ​​love. Libra represents this air sign, so a romantic connection is less of an option and more of a requirement. The question is, will you be the one? Being an air sign, they enjoy being social and love making new friends. They are also very charming and they like to flirt. When they find someone who is beautiful inside and out and is willing to put in just as much effort in pursuing them, they can fall in love pretty quickly. For them, relationships are meant as partnerships. It is important for her to find someone who is willing to give as much as she gets.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Slowly Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images Scorpios are water signs known for being deep, sensual, and passionate. According to O’Connor, they love these qualities in themselves and they like them in others too. “They’re all about mystery with an intense and somehow magical and compelling aura,” says O’Connor. When it comes to dating, a Scorpio will give you just enough to make you feel like you know them, but they probably won’t tell you the whole story until they trust you completely. Since they tend to be suspicious of other people’s motives, it takes a while for them to gain a Scorpio’s trust and love. Scorpio doesn’t just let everyone in. In fact, astrologer Clarisse Monahan used to tell Bustle, “There has to be a deep, emotional, and magnetic connection for them to fall in love. But once they get there they are a solid Water sign, Scorpio tends to stay in love and partnership relationships for a long time. This is especially the case when they feel they are in a twin flame or soul mate scenario. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so they will fight to keep love alive and the relationship going. It’s not a sign of giving up on love.”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Slow Out of all the zodiac signs, Sagittarius is the one that doesn’t actually need a relationship to be happy. They are adventurers. “They want to travel, both spiritually and figuratively,” says O’Connor. “They want people to explore with. They want fun, freedom and exuberance.” For her, falling in love is about finding the right partner and being in the right place in your life to start a relationship. When they find someone who doesn’t suppress their sense of freedom and is willing to explore the world with them, they will fall in love. “In relationships, they’re absolutely honest with their loved ones,” astrologers Amy Zerner and Monte Farber previously told Bustle. “They don’t tend to be too demonstrative. They are also not well suited to showering their partner with gifts or flowers, which is a trait that can be misinterpreted as a lack of warmth or consideration. However, they will make their lover exciting in other ways.” When a Sagittarius is in love, they will reveal their feelings.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Very slow Capricorns take their time when it comes to love. According to O’Connor, they love people who work hard, are responsible, and take initiative. Many younger Capricorns are attracted to older people as they are more likely to succeed. “Capricorn, as a mountain goat, will take its time to scale that mountain and achieve its goals,” says O’Connor. “They use the same methods in business as they do in love. They want love to be worth it.” Caps take their time to determine whether or not someone is worth investing in. They move at a slow and steady pace. After all, if you want to commit to someone for life, why rush? This is also a sign of those who don’t feel the need to commit to a specific timeline. Until they actually find someone to connect with, they are more than happy to focus on their life goals.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): The very slow Aquarius is another zodiac sign that doesn’t need a romantic relationship to be happy. According to O’Connor, they are very social creatures. “You’re attracted to people who might stand out or who aren’t afraid to show their unique and individual selves,” he says. They like being in the community, making friends from different backgrounds and they have a natural desire to change the world around them. They tend to focus more on the community than themselves or a romantic partner. That doesn’t mean that Aquarius will never fall in love. It just takes a long time. As Monahan previously told Bustle, “Their idealistic nature outwardly turns to more social causes and humanitarian issues, but they all have a secret hidden nature that craves deep connection and love. When they fall in love, they tend to fall in love deeply and will do anything for the relationship.” Often, an Aquarius will first be friends with someone and then begin to develop feelings.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Very Fast If there’s one zodiac sign you’re most likely to fall in love with at first sight, it’s Pisces. As Hale says, “This zodiac sign falls in love easily and gets hurt more often than others,” says Hale. “They are often as infatuated with the idea of ​​love as they are with anything else.” Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, fantasies and delusions. Pisces people are very sensitive and don’t handle emotional neglect well. “They prefer partners who care about them emotionally,” says Hale. As long as they have that, they can stay in love forever.

Of course, there are many different things that can contribute to how quickly someone falls in love. Everyone does it at their own time. But in general? An Aries moves much faster than a Taurus.


Terry O’Connor, Astrologer at The Astro Coach

Leslie Hale, Astrologer for Keen

Kyla Derkach, Astrologer

Arriana Fox, Astrologer

India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer

Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, astrologers

Clarisse Monahan, Astrologer

How do you know if a Pisces man likes you more than a friend?

The Pisces man who likes you more than a friend will invite you over to paint, sculpt, or do any type of art. And he will only want to do that with you alone. If he likes you only as a friend, he will still invite you over to do some art with him, along with his other friends.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

The Pisces man you have your eye on is definitely the sensitive type and he tends to daydream. does he like you

He loves the arts and has a strong fascination with mysticism. He’s not that down to earth and can be quite irrationally emotional, but that doesn’t bother you. What really matters is that you’re attracted to him and now you’re wondering if he has the same feelings for you that you have for him.

Let’s give a quick overview of what the Pisces sign is all about and its characteristics. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and it is a water sign. Those who have this sun sign are known to be quite dreamy and ungrounded as they spend their days daydreaming and tend to prefer to be in the realm of fantasy because let’s face it – it’s a lot safer than that real world. However, those who have this sun sign have a strong affinity for art and are quite intuitive and psychic. They are also very empathetic and will immediately be there for those in need. They tend to put themselves last.

Well, if you want to know if the Pisces man you have a crush on thinks the same way about you or just likes you as a friend, let’s find out now. Below are the 7 signs a Pisces guy likes you more than one friend, or just one.

1. He would want to spend his days watching TV or movies with you

Pisces is all about wanting to be in some sort of fantasy land, and the Pisces guy who likes you more than a friend will want you to come with him.

The best way to escape it is to watch movies or TV, because whatever is on TV or any movie, even if it’s a documentary or a true story, it takes you away from reality. If a Pisces man only likes you as a friend, he’ll still want to see a show or movie with you, but not just you. He will invite you with his other friends.

2. He will want to know about your spiritual beliefs

Pisces is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac and with that said the Pisces man will want to know what your spiritual beliefs are.

Not religious, but spiritual. Even if they’re different from his, he won’t care—that is, if he still likes you more than a friend. If he only likes you as a friend, he will only ask you out of curiosity like he would ask his other friends. But if he likes you more than that, he will want to have a long conversation about it.

3. He will share his dreams with you

Pisces has a vivid imagination and he will share all his dreams with you.

If he likes you more than a friend, he will tell you what his dreams and desires are with you, like traveling around the world with you – or anything else. If he only likes you as a friend, he won’t. This alone is a telltale sign as to whether the Pisces man likes you or not. So when he starts sharing his dreams about the future and you are a part of it, you clearly know that he wants you in his life.

4. He will want to take care of you

Pisces nature is to care for those they love and care deeply about—whether they really need it or not.

But if the guy sees you relaxing on the sofa he will tell you to rest and he will bring you a drink and something to eat whether you are sick or not! That’s how the fish is. If the fishman just likes you as a friend he will go and get some and ask you if you want something from the kitchen as he is going there anyway. But he won’t care about her like he would someone he likes more than a friend.

5. He will want to make art with you

The Pisces man who likes you more than a friend will invite you to paint, sculpt or make any kind of art.

And he will only want to do that with you alone. If he only likes you as a friend, he will still invite you to make some art with him along with his other friends. That in itself is an indication of how he really feels about you.

6. He will apologize to see you

He has an important appointment to attend, but the next thing you know he’s calling to hang out with you alone instead.

He will tell you that the appointment has been rescheduled and that is the truth, but the reality is that he made up an excuse with the person he was appointment with just to see you! If he reschedule his appointments to see you, he’ll find excuses to keep seeing you. There was no way he would do that to someone he only saw as a friend.

7. He will be himself around you

He may be shy at first, but once he gets to know you and becomes more comfortable, he’ll be himself! He won’t be himself with any of his friends and that’s a telltale sign of how he feels about you.

Now you know the signs of how a Pisces man acts when he likes you.

These signs can help you determine if he likes you more than a friend or just as a friend. If the latter is the case, then you know where you stand with him and keep your heart open for the right one!

Signs he’s into you

Aries / Taurus / Sign Taurus doesn’t like you / Gemini / Cancer / Leo / Virgo / Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius / Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces

Pisces ♓ Article

All articles about Pisces / Best Friends / Birth Flowers / Birthstones / Career Guides / Cats / Colors / Dogs / Gift Guides / Lucky Numbers / Signs Pisces Like You / Spirit Animals / Worst Matches

What is a Pisces man love language?

Pisces Love Language

Specifically, Pisces’s love language is words of affirmation, since they prefer to be shown love through words, and the more romantic, the better.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

Reading your weekly horoscope to get an overview of your love life can be fun, especially if you are a true believer in astrology. Knowing how different planets affect your cosmic personality can really help you understand what makes your heart burn. Do you want to go one step higher? When you combine the stars’ insights with a popular relationship concept – the five love languages ​​- you might get an even deeper insight into what makes you happy and is seen in a romantic connection.

As described in the book The Five Love Languages ​​by consultant Gary Chapman, PhD, the love languages ​​describe how you prefer to receive love—how you interpret actions or words as a sign of affection. The five love languages ​​are: acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation. Most people appreciate all of these things to some degree, but associate more with one or two of the love languages ​​than the others. (And, FYI, no love language is “better” or “worse” than the others.)

Knowing your love language (and your partner’s!) can be very helpful in a relationship as you can better communicate about how you recognize and receive love and better understand what they want in return. So what do the stars say about your favorite gesture of love? Read on to learn what love language your zodiac sign speaks.

What happens when a Pisces man falls in love?

They Protect You

As astrologer Kristina Semos previously explained to Bustle, “A Pisces in love is a dreamy romantic. They would sacrifice anything for their soulmate. They’ll listen with a huge, empathetic heart to all your troubles and do everything in their power to make you feel better.”

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

While I’m not one to ever advocate living life by your horoscope, I’ve always noticed a connection between the signs and certain traits of the ruling personality. I have known many Pisces in my life who were spot on in terms of what was written about them. And while no one shows affection in the same way, a Pisces woman or Pisces man in love tends to show some very revealing signs. They can’t help it – this water sign loves love, and when they fall, they fall hard.

If there’s one zodiac sign that’s really too pure for this world, it’s Pisces. Those born between February 19th and March 20th are dreamers and schemers who tend to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, but in my opinion, seeing the good in everyone isn’t the worst thing . Gentle, intuitive, and most importantly, emotional, the Pisces of the zodiac are always in their emotions, and few signs make for a better lover. As astrologer Suzie Kerr Wright previously told Bustle, “Pisces need a lot of validation, romance and attention and will give back the same.”

While you can’t always count on Pisces partners to show up on time, you can count on them to tell you when they’re in love, whether they want it or not. Here are some signs that the Pisces in your life are head over heels for you.

They ask for your opinion

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Also, when Pisces falls in love with you, they will tend to always ask what you think of things, and yes, they really do care about your answer. Being fairly indecisive people, Pisces who want and respect their partner’s opinion will be sure to ask for advice at every turn.

According to Wright, a Pisces often asks for the opinions of those they love because they are so afraid of causing offense. “They worry about saying the wrong thing or that you’ll be bothered,” she told Bustle. “Their insecurities lie in feeling less than what anyone could need or want.”

They keep staring at you

Pisces are a hopeless romantic, and if there’s one thing they love to do on a regular basis, it’s daydreaming. When they fall in love with you, they’ll make it a point to look deep into your eyes as often as possible, and chances are they’ll stare at you even when you’re not looking.

They protect you

Pisces are born protectors and when they love someone they will drop everything to support that person. Whenever you’re feeling a little vulnerable or out of place, you can count on your Pisces lover to rush in and save you from the world.

As astrologer Kristina Semos previously explained to Bustle, “A Pisces in love is a dreamy romantic. He would feel better sacrificing everything for his soulmate.”

You are always present

As a dreamer, Pisces can find it difficult to focus on one thing for too long, but a Pisces in love knows how to focus. Even when you’re not together, your Pisces will call, text, Snapchat, or FaceTime every chance they get, just to let you know they’re thinking of you.

They show you commitment

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They may be slippery Pisces — not to mention they’re incredibly picky about who they give their time and energy to — but once a Pisces finds someone to love, they don’t mind settling down. When Pisces know something is right, they know it and will make it their mission to spend as much time with you as possible.

As astrologer Lupe Terrones previously told Bustle, “If the relationship gives them ample opportunity to daydream without practical concerns, they will be loyally grateful, which can occasionally be hard to come by in a variable sign like Pisces.”

They include you in their future plans

Even a Pisces in love can’t plan the next 10 years of their life – their brain just doesn’t work that way. They’ll often hint at your future together, though, so they’ll let you know that you’ll (hopefully!) be a part of it, even if they can’t picture it perfectly.

They shower you with affection

Pisces is a lover at heart, and they will do everything in their power to make you feel adored. Your “little gestures” tend to go above and beyond, and when you find your Pisces complimenting you and caring about you, they’re definitely hard on you.

“Pisces are the ultimate romantic when it comes to love — think candy hearts coupled with deep, soulful conversation,” astrologer Katee Glass previously told Bustle. “In their elevated expression or positive way their feelings can manifest themselves, Pisces are absolutely devoted. They embody a feeling of unconditional love and can make the relationship feel otherworldly.”

If these signs sound familiar to you, then chances are your Pisces-Boo is getting serious. Enjoy the ride!


Suzie Kerr Wright, Astrologer

Katee Glass, Astrologer

Kristina Semos, Astrologer

Lupe Terrones, astrologer

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

Who will Pisces fall in love with?

Pisces can find their soulmate in these three zodiacs, including Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer. Pisces and Taurus value love. They are both believers of a long-lasting relationship and work hard to keep it. Both of their values are the same, so their shared values can be their strong point.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

While the Pisces soulmate is 19 years old, they are ready to meet the person they want to be with at any age. They will search for the person with whom they will have a deeper understanding. It’s not just a fleeting relationship, but something that can be a lifetime commitment. You will find not only romance, love and commitment but also friendship because that means a soul mate. You will also find that one person to hang out with where there is no presumption because you will not be afraid to show your true self. No hiding from the other, just full disclosure and love.

How do you win a Pisces man’s heart?

Pisces men are romantic, flirty and charming while also being compassionate and gentle people. In order to win the heart of a pisces man you will need to see what they value. They tend to be an emotional and sometimes introverted sign so get ready for a wet (water sign – get your head out of the gutter) and wild ride.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

Wondering how Pisces men are in relationships?

If you’re dating a guy of this zodiac sign that you really like (or are just getting to know), you might want to know how to impress him and be his perfect girl.

If you’re wondering what to do/not do or say based on your zodiac sign, we’ve got 5 top tips for you to win the heart of a Pisces guy.

Pisces Men in Relationships – How to Win the Heart of a Pisces Man

Pisces is the water sign for men born between February 19th and March 20th. Fish have been described as absolute dream boats, so it’s no wonder you’re interested in winning his heart 😉

Pisces men are romantic, flirtatious, and charming while at the same time being compassionate and gentle people. To win the heart of a Pisces man, you have to see what they value. You tend to be an emotional and sometimes introverted sign, so get ready for a wet (water sign – head out of the gutter) and wild ride.

Bring on the romance

Unlike some other zodiac signs, a Pisces man really values ​​a romantic girl. Pisces appreciate romantic gestures from their partner. So if you can think of something really nice to do for him, it will last you a long time. Why not plan a really fun date idea? Here are some fun dates you might want to plan for your Pisces man:

It doesn’t require a bucketful of money, but Pisces likes to be made to feel special and thought of.

Planning something fun for him will do the trick here. If you think you might have a particularly sensitive Pisces guy on your hand, embellish the date with a romantic declaration of love about how much you care about him!

Ask him lots of questions

A Pisces, who is a sensitive zodiac sign, wants to know that everything is not just about you and that you also care about their thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires and ambitions.

So if this is your first time dating someone of this zodiac sign, be sure to ask them lots of questions to show them that you are genuinely interested in them.

If you’re a bit shy yourself, why not prepare some fun questions to ask before your date or even schedule a quiz game to get to know each other on a deeper level. Don’t forget to look him in the eye when you ask questions, because this zodiac sign values ​​good eye contact.

We love questions as they can really show if you’re compatible with a person or not. Here are some to prepare before your date:

Show him your creativity

Pisces is considered a very creative zodiac sign. Even if you’re not a naturally creative person, putting a little effort into being creative will go a long way in a Pisces man.

Pisces like to keep their lives fresh and interesting at all times, and they want that in a partner – someone willing to keep life fun and creative!

You could show him that you’re a fun and creative person up until the date you’re planning for him – a little extra pep will go a long way in a Pisces. Don’t settle for a standard meal and a movie date – take your research one step further and plan an event that will delight him – your efforts will seriously impress him.

Something like a quirky art gallery or a yoga class with goats would impress a Pisces man.

Be sensitive to his feelings

Perhaps one downside of a Pisces man is that he tends to be sensitive and moody. Since he can be sensitive, be careful not to joke too much at his expense – he won’t like it.

He will really appreciate it if you pay attention to his mood and feelings and don’t take things too far. Pisces find it difficult to hide their emotions, so you’ll know when he’s fed up or fed up – you’ll see it written all over his face. If he doesn’t feel an issue, activity, or question, don’t push it too far.

This sensitivity to his mood will make him very happy with you and his perfect match in the long run!

Be loyal

Pisces is a very loyal zodiac sign and they appreciate that loyalty in return. Even if you’re not an official boyfriend/girlfriend, letting him know that you only have eyes for him will go a long way. Pisces doesn’t like sharing their girls with anyone else, so he’ll want to know that you only see him if he’s really committed to a relationship with you.

For the same reason, it is not advisable to flirt with other men during a date to make him jealous. It won’t work and will just result in a very moody fish, which is never a fun thing to do.

In summary – How to make a Pisces man want you

Follow our tips and you will definitely have better luck in a long-term relationship with a Pisces man. That’s not to say that dating this sign isn’t a lot of hard work. Consider very carefully whether you are willing to do this based on its characteristics.

You need to have a lot of energy to keep a Pisces man happy over the long term, constantly planning creative activities and being sensitive to his feelings. But in return you get a loving, romantic and loyal guy who will totally adore you!


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Best Tinder pickup lines

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Do Pisces like giving oral?

Most generous and romantic sign in the list, Pisces believes in giving without even being asked. They will be the ones taking care of you and your needs better than anyone, making you just sit back and relax and enjoy all the dirty lovin’. Not to forget, the precision with which they are known to please.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

You have just started dating someone and with each day and date there is a lot to learn about that person. Things have been going well and going straight to the bedroom and you’re nervous about how it’s going to pan out (pun intended).

And this is exactly where it can be helpful to know your date’s zodiac sign.


While the real, sure-fire way to find out who’s good at giving a head is through experimentation, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at the stats every now and then. Especially when it comes to knowing in advance what the chances are that your partner will be good at his (blow) job.

Here are 6 zodiac signs who are making great strides in oral sex –

1) Cancer

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People under this zodiac sign are all about affection, cuddling and simply adoring their partners. But when things get hot, they tend to turn that fondness into a desire to please. They will make a canvas out of your body and paint their love with their tongues while all you can do is hold on to the sheets and wait for that release.

2) Libra

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Libras are all about pleasing people and when it comes to their partner in bed they never leave them unsatisfied. They will go above and beyond to make sure you have the time of your life, but remember they like their gestures to be reciprocated.

3) Capricorn

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Capricorns, who are quick learners and have an eye for detail, will always want to put all the information they have gathered to good use. For them, satisfying you in bed is a conquest and boy do they rarely lose.

4) twins

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Gemini, the official “take” of the 12 zodiac signs, wants to evoke joy in you by keeping you on the brink of ecstasy for the longest time. They are good at making you squirm, to the point where you will beg them to keep going. Guess her wickedness pays off pretty well in bed.

5) Sagittarius

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Bold and beautiful, a Sagittarius takes it all in stride and isn’t shy when it comes to making love or, as in this case, giving love. Of course, they have a reputation for being selfish lovers in bed, but the times they step into the ring are sure to give you a time you’ll never forget.

6) Pisces

© iStock

The most generous and romantic sign on the list, Pisces believes in giving without being asked. They will be the ones who take care of you and your needs better than anyone, so you can just sit back and relax and enjoy all the dirty love. Not to forget the precision with which they are known to please.

Do Pisces like kissing?

Pisces. A Piscean is the ultimate kisser wit oodles of romance. They love expressing their feelings through their kisses. If you are a Piscean, we are sure your kisses tell a story.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

How a person kisses often reveals a lot about him or her. Mostly kisses are inspired by movies, rom-coms and of course some are inspired by porn. However, did you know that your celebrities might have a lot to do with your kissing style? Chances are your zodiac signs have been instrumental in helping you shape or improve the way you kiss. Don’t you believe us? In the last article we wrote about how zodiac signs determine your sex life (READ HERE What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Sex Life?). This time we’ll tell you how to kiss based on your zodiac sign. You should definitely read these. You will be surprised and you can even choose the best for yourself! Also read – Horoscope today, August 3, Wednesday: luck will be favorable for Taurus, Virgo will have to apply for a job


Also read – Horoscope today, August 1, Monday: Taurus could meet a close friend, family quarrels will end for Gemini

Aries don’t really like putting too much effort into something as simple as kissing. So, chances are your Aries partner will catch you off guard and plant some really passionate kisses. Romantic kisses are right up your alley and you might even share an aggressively gorgeous kiss during the rain. The best thing about Aries and their kissing style is that they will totally surprise you. ALSO READ These 8 Surprising Things Men Absolutely Hate About Sex! Also Read – Weekly Horoscope Forecast, July 31 – August 6: Are the Stars in Your Favor This Week?


Since Taurus is an earth sign, they look for an emotional connection in everything they do, even kissing. Taurus don’t believe in phone kisses or chat kisses. They want to feel the kisses as passionately and deeply as possible. Once you’ve managed to earn a Taurus’ trust, they’ll stop at nothing to deliver the perfect kiss. A Taurus woman only kisses when she feels connected to the man and trusts him. Soft and sensual kisses are what they prefer, kisses that leave the other person wanting more. (ALSO READ 7 Lies Men Often Tell You About Sex!).

3. Gemini

Let’s be honest; Twins make for sexy kissers. Since Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, your zodiac sign says you love to explore. So when you kiss, you usually open your mouth and use your tongue a lot. You kiss to turn on and arouse your partner, which could lead to sex. But at the same time, you can also kiss slowly and gently. A Gemini is basically a multi-talent. If you’re a Gemini, you’re more likely to look for someone who can keep up with your kissing, whether slow or fast. The problem with you is that you can be put off if your partner can’t keep up with your kissing. Another surprising and interesting aspect of being a Gemini is that a good conversation with your partner can also inspire you for a quick, loving kiss. (ALSO READ These 8 Surprising Things Men Absolutely Hate About Sex!).

4. Cancer

Cancers are people who are naturally emotional and sentimental. Her kiss also reflects this. They kiss in a way that says a lot about what’s really going on in their hearts. The catch, however, is that a Cancer person only comes across as emotional to people they are really close to, otherwise they are their toughest on the outside. So if you have a partner who is a Cancer, we’re sure your kisses are among the best. You will be completely satisfied with the way your Cancer partner kisses you. It almost always gets you in bed with her and you don’t really care.

5. lion

Dramatic, controlling and lots of fun is what best describes a Leo. Your kisses are picture perfect and feel like they came straight out of a movie. Since a Leo always loves to be the center of attention, they might even pull out their phone to take a quick kissing selfie. We just hope your partner loves these things as much as you do. A lion’s kisses are enticing and come with plenty of sexy teasing and seduction that will make the other person sweat. And yes, a lion’s kiss often leads to sex. (ALSO READ Blowjob Truths Every Woman Should Know: 10 Facts About Blowjobs You Shouldn’t Miss!).

6. Virgo

Virgos are one of the most compassionate of all, so when they kiss, it’s magical. If you’ve never been kissed by a Virgo, you’ve seriously missed out on one of the best things in life. A Virgo can read your body language and will make sure that kiss is all you ever wanted. This also means that Virgos are rare to find as they are selfless and more focused on their partner’s needs. They will kiss you slowly and gently, increasing the tempo later. It will turn into a full fledged, wild, hard and lip biting kiss in no time. You should start your hunt for a virgin! (ALSO READ Do Pornstars Really Enjoy Sex? The Answers Will Surprise You!).

7. Libra

Libras symbolize romance that you may have seen in movies. They are inveterate romantics and therefore their kisses are also slow and subtle. There will be a lot of build up before they actually kiss and blow you over. The beginning of a Libra kiss is romantic looks, staring into each other’s eyes. Holding hands and subtle touches in other parts of the body such as the ears, neck, and face. This then slowly leads to a long and passionate smooch. (ALSO READ Why Long Distance Relationships Work: 8 Reasons Why Distance Is Harmless in Love!).

8. Scorpio

Scorpios don’t have to work hard to get a good kiss. You are naturally intense and full of passion. Her kisses aren’t just limited to the lips, you can expect a lot to your ears and neck as well. Scorpios kiss like there’s no tomorrow, and they more often drive their partner crazy with love and pleasure. (ALSO READ Signs of a Jealous and Possessive Girlfriend: 10 Red Flags You Just Can’t Ignore!).

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarians love adventure and spontaneity. This is clearly reflected in the way they kiss. If you are a Sagittarius you are sure to be open to different styles and types of kisses. From deep French kisses to sweet and adorable butterfly kisses, you’re okay with anything and everything. This also makes you very charming and irresistible. But no matter how hot a Sagittarius kiss, the kiss only occurs where there is some level of emotional connection. (ALSO READ 10 Places You Should Have Sex Before 2016 Ends!).

10. Capricorn

A Capricorn’s only goal when it comes to a kiss is to please the other person. A Capricorn is usually quite confident and therefore their kisses are perfect and flawless. They also have the ability to make their partner feel safe with just a kiss. This makes them sexy yet stable kissers. Watch out for a few sparks when kissing a Capricorn. (ALSO READ What Your Bra Says About You and Who You’ll Wear!).

11. Aquarius

A person born under the sun sign Aquarius is usually the friendliest of all and has no qualms about interacting with different people and making friends quite easily. That’s exactly how they are with their partners. The kisses are chilled, pleasant and quite gentle. An Aquarius believes in going with the flow and it just happens naturally to them. You won’t feel pressured or scared kissing an Aquarius. (ALSO READ 11 Terrifying Sex Scenes From 2016 Fiction Books!)

12. Pisces

A Pisces is the ultimate kisser full of romance. They love to express their feelings through their kisses. If you’re a Pisces, we’re sure your kisses tell a story. Also, a Pisces doesn’t really have to approach someone because people keep coming up to you and that’s the charm that a Pisces has. Your eyes do most of the work and this is what makes your kisses some of the best and most memorable. Your kisses usually start out slow and then escalate into intense and wild kisses. (ALSO READ 7 Sex Positions Every Couple Must Try in 2017!).

We’ll leave it up to you which of these zodiac signs are the best kissers. We’ve done our job of bringing you descriptions of each of these sun signs, whoever works best for you is your choice!

Are Pisces Dirty Minded?

Highly imaginative mind of Pisces sometimes wants to escape from the harsh reality of the world. And this makes them able to spend many hours or even days with their lovers just in the bedroom. People of this sign don’t like to talk about their emotions, feelings and sexual desires.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

Sexual fantasy is when a person imagines being intimate with another person. It can be triggered internally or by external stimulation. Sexual arousal can also generate sexual fantasy. Every person has some kind of sexual fantasies in their head. And people differ in their dirty fantasies. So how dirty their mind is depends on their imagination.

These are all secret and private thoughts that cannot be shared with anyone. So people generally don’t talk about their wild sexual fantasies. But astrology can predict this based on the zodiacal traits as they are all different from each other. So, here we have provided top to bottom zodiac rankings from people with dirty minds. Read on to meet them below.

Most to Least Dirty Zodiac Signs:


You’re the king of all zodiac signs who get really dirty in the bedroom and it’s not your fault. You have a great passion for sex and you will never hesitate to tell your partner what you want. You don’t mind taking charge and being the leader in bed.


Leos can be really crazy in the bedroom. Leos are also very generous, which is enjoyed by their partners. But sometimes Leos get a bit self-absorbed and want all the attention.


Aries are born leaders, so they want to dominate even in bed. Whenever they sleep with someone, they want to prove themselves as the best. This attempt to always be the best often drives you insane.


Cancers are awesome when it comes to imagination and that works great in the bedroom. They are strongly connected to their emotions and relationships. However, this can often lead to insecurities towards their partners. These people tend to pin their partner on the bed as soon as they walk through the door.


You are always busy with your tough schedules and busy work life. But as soon as you close your eyes you start your dirty fantasies. Sometimes even you start thinking how erotic they are. But your sexual fantasies always involve multiple partners and different scenarios.


You tend to be an exhibitionist and can freak out anytime, anywhere. You like to bring out the fun in the bedroom and show everyone. Since you like travel and freedom, you want to have sex in different places.


You can be a little weird in the bedroom. They like to see two people physically interacting in the bedroom. You have more fun watching. But when you get into the bedroom it proves that you are a great team player because of your cooperative quality.


Pisces’ intuitive minds can make the bedroom a comfortable place for their partners. And sometimes they also want what their partners want from them. The imaginative spirit of Pisces sometimes wants to escape from the harsh reality of the world. And that makes them able to spend many hours or even days with their lovers just in the bedroom.


People with this sign do not like to talk about their emotions, feelings and sexual desires. So they tend not to express their fantasies and this makes things boring for them in the bedroom. If you want to experience something strange, you need to express that feeling to your partner without hesitation.


For Taurus people, it tends to be more romantic than dirty sex most of the time because you value every type of relationship in your life – romantic relationship, friends, family, etc. So this can result in spending some quality time with your partner just cuddling a lot. But you can also be really freaky during sex.


You love to connect with others, which drives you to have sex with different types of people. You’re just curious about having sex with another person, but there’s nothing dirty in your head.


This is the shyest sign of all the other zodiac signs. They are willing to try new things on the bed. But you hesitate to do it for fear of being judged by your partner.

What is a Pisces man attracted to?

The Pisces man likes to be with those who “get” him. That means women who understand he’s often pulled in many directions. He’s confused, lost, disoriented, dazed, in a fog. Water signs are self-protective, and his defense could be to hide for awhile since solitude restores his balance.

21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You

The Pisces guy has an artist soul, and he might end up being an escape artist too. Pisces has a hard time with boundaries, and he might get in too deep and then swim away.

Pisces in love are sentimental and psychic to the point of telepathy. He will read your whole being – body language, eyes and expressions – and see what you are


Some Pisces are promiscuous, but many secretly want to meet a kindred spirit. It’s a mutable sign, constantly changing and taking a long time to calm the waters.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that is the higher love octave of Venus. You can get clues as to his nature by also looking at his Venus sign and intuitively blending the two.

Meet at a secret location

The Pisces man has a subtle and complex nature that is drowned out in noisy places. That’s why it’s better to offer him a relaxed, “undiscovered” place to get to know him.

Atmospheric places with maybe an aquarium or a water wall. Places with bizarre themes or with an oriental flair – like a Tibetan restaurant – are his thing.

The best place to meet the Pisces (Sun) man is in a place where you are fully aware of the other’s mystery. Avoid places that are too visually stimulating or crowded. A walk by the sea or a lake is ideal. Likewise, sailing or a trip to watch whales. An evening at the theater or at the cinema offers a lot to talk about. Or try walking off the beaten path in a forest.

What he likes

The Pisces man likes to be with those who “get” him. That means women who understand that he is often pulled in many directions. He’s confused, lost, disoriented, dazed, in a fog. Water signs protect themselves, and their defense might be to hide for a while as solitude restores their balance.

He wants to be with someone who doesn’t take advantage of his forlornness and emotional sensitivity. He struggles to believe he’s capable and shines when he has someone firmly in his corner.

Your Pisces companion is ruled by Neptune. This is the planet where things aren’t always what they seem. He is at home in the world of fantasy and his own imagination – many Pisces have a talent for art as they see poetry and metaphor in everyday life.

What is a pleasure becomes a nightmare when the imagination takes on a life of its own and the lines between reality and fiction blur. Pisces take on the reality of the person they are with, which can be disastrous if they get caught in the wrong crowd.

Some Pisces are easily manipulated, especially when they are young and figuring out who they are. They may even fall prey to victimization or martyrdom in relationships. He may also struggle with addictions more than other zodiac signs.

Sometimes it is difficult for him to live in reality. A healthy Pisces man is attracted to women who don’t play on his weaknesses. He thrives with a partner who helps him face life and who is not a enabler for his addiction.

friendly eyes

In college, I always told my friends that I was looking for a man with kind eyes. The Pisces man, with his emotional sensitivity, often has large, kind eyes. I once had the chance to date a Pisces during a difficult time in my life in New York City.

Although I didn’t know him well, he offered me his place outside of town as a refuge. A place to recharge and relax. The Pisces man understands that life is overwhelming when you are sensitive. He’ll probably try to be a calming presence, which is balm in itself in an indifferent world.

arty guy

The Pisces man has an active imagination. He wants someone to share his dreams and visions with. He is best with someone who encourages him to find expression for all that is within him.

He is compatible with zodiac signs that offer some stability, like Capricorn or the polarity anchor he finds in Virgo. But Pisces is the final sign and has all twelve zodiac signs within it, making it a friend to many.

When to Have Sex with Him (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

When to Have Sex with Him (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
When to Have Sex with Him (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

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Sleeping With A Pisces Man Too Soon: How To Read The Signs

It doesn’t have to be a zodiac sign, sometimes you just know it’s too early to sleep with someone. It’s either a lack of emotional connection or your gut feeling tells you it’s not the right time.

You don’t want to publish it, and before you know it, the thrill is over. We grew up hearing that guys don’t appreciate us if we give up too soon. Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon might give you some self-esteem issues, but it won’t if you learn to read the signs.

They might become alienated from you because you were too simple and now you’re not interesting anymore. Ouch, ladies, we know this hurts!

But hey, they may also be intrigued by what else you have to offer. You have a chance to prove yourself, don’t let him escape.

Sleeping With a Pisces Man Too Early: Should You Wait (or Not)?

You want to float and feel the waves, but you’re wondering if it’s too soon. You don’t want to appear easy, but you can’t resist. He might even do a male test on you.

Just to be sure, let’s think about it: your Pisces man is out of the water, right there on the beach, and you want him now, so before you end up regretting your decision, you might want to read this.

Before you take that first step and start thinking about sleeping with a Pisces man too early, do the following things:

1. Read the signs – there are many

Does he call you almost every day? You feel like he just can’t take being without you. If he’s laughing and enjoying your presence, that’s the first obvious sign he likes you.

Does it seem like he wants to get to know you better? He asks all these questions, listens carefully and is just so empathetic!

Pisces men are generally great listeners. You don’t have to hold back your thoughts and he will be all about you. Of course, you’ll always notice when someone is giving you that extra attention we all love and seek, and when that’s the case, oohs and aahs are on the way.

Even though we’re stuck in the social media era, your cute Pisces man casually puts his phone down and focuses on you.

Men in love, like women, will often stumble over their words. You made her nervous and confused and I don’t think I need to explain why do I?

2. Read his body language

If you do this correctly, you will pass your final exam to read his body language perfectly!

Have you ever walked down the street and it seemed like he was almost holding your hand? He walks next to you and you can feel his arm next to yours.

All you know is that you don’t hug someone like that who’s just a friend. He holds you tight and presses his body against yours so that you can feel his body temperature and his breath on the back of your neck. Um, yes, he wants you.

When you go out for drinks with your friends, does he sit in such a way that he can watch you the whole time? Hmm, he doesn’t care about the others in this room.

Men make up any excuse to touch your face if they like you. “You have an eyelash on your face… you have some sauce under your lip…” or they casually tuck your hair behind your ear in the middle of a conversation. This means that he is head over heels in love with you.

3. Consider the emotional connection and compatibility

You may never know for sure if sleeping with a Pisces man too early is a good idea. He will test you, they all do, but if you do it right, your love life can soon blossom.

One of the cutest things about people in love is that they can rarely hide it, and I’m sure he won’t be able to hide his feelings for you (or his jealous tendencies). When there is an emotional connection, you will feel it and you will see it because of his actions.

3 things to expect from a Pisces man in bed

It is a known fact that Pisces man is the best lover out of all the zodiac signs. Her confidence in bed is pretty high. In bed, the fishman gets what the fishman wants.

It could be the best sexual encounter you’ve ever had. If you are a Scorpio or Pisces woman, the connection may come naturally without even trying.

1. Romantic Thunder

You may be wondering if this is really your first time. “Is lovemaking always like this?” you might be wondering. He is so passionate and loving. He makes eye contact and makes you feel like the only girl in the world. They just want it to last longer and longer.

He might even create a romantic ambiance with some pretty candles and even run you in a bubble bath.

2. Your fish could become hypersensitive

He might get cocky in bed and think what he’s doing is the best way there is. Don’t be too hard on him.

If you don’t like something, show it in a nice way. You don’t want to ruin the atmosphere or offend him. If he notices you’re not in a good mood, he’ll try to fix it with a nice full body massage.

3. Is this a chemistry class? Because with us everything revolves around experimentation

Even if you face some mood swings, you will see his personality traits in bed. You know those kinky fetishes you have that you’re a little ashamed of and those secret fantasies that you say are weird?

You will not be judged here. The Pisces man will appeal to you all along the line. In no time at all you will achieve the ultimate pleasure and feel like you are on cloud nine.

Also See: What To Do When Your Pisces Man Retires: 9 Ways To Retire Him

Pros and cons of dating a Pisces man

I don’t need a tarot card to tell you that this man is your destiny. All men have their yes’s and no’s, but if you look closely you might discover more about your Pisces man. Once you’ve done that, you’ll learn to weigh the pros and cons to see the real man behind all the pros and cons.

Benefits of dating a Pisces man

Oh la la, you have found a true lover, your very own sweet Pisces man. The Pisces man is all you need in one package when it comes to your love life. They are great lovers who will convince you to believe in love again.

If you are looking for a loyal man who will shower you with attention and love, the Pisces man is the right choice, now and forever.

The Pisces man is free spirited and easygoing – they just go with the flow. He will let you lead and enjoy it that way.

We’ve all felt at some point in our relationships that we’re not getting as much support as we need. This will not be a problem with a Pisces man because they are extremely supportive.

Disadvantages of dating a Pisces man

Believe it or not, these great lovers can have their downsides too. You have self-esteem issues, and of course that could affect your relationship.

Sometimes it can be difficult to be the only positive person in your relationship. But don’t worry just yet.

You will occasionally feel that he lacks motivation. It can be difficult to motivate the two of you but remember that he is supportive so you are expected to be the same.

Just like other water signs, they have depth, so try to focus on the good things and support them when they need it most.

How do you know if a Pisces man is serious about you?

You’re right! Read the signs! Sometimes its signs can be anywhere, but other times it’s not very obvious and you just have to look closer.

he agrees with you He will do anything to make you happy. If he allows you to take the lead and entrusts important matters to you, your Pisces man means business.

He will be happy to help you. If you notice that he has no problem helping you and getting things done for you, you are on the right track. Men don’t waste their time helping women they don’t care about.

He is very generous. You may feel like you celebrate something with a Pisces man every now and then. He will be very generous and sweet, showering you with gifts.

He can sense when your mood changes. A Pisces man can sense these things like an expert. He will give you space and time or be there for you when you need it.

How to make a Pisces man fall madly in love with you

It’s not all about the S word. Your sex life is important, but later you want someone who suits you best. It may be cheesy, but you want someone for perfect lazy Sunday mornings, breakfast and coffee in bed…someone who really gets you. Yes exactly, you want your soulmate.

1. Ring the romance bell

A sweet surprise every now and then for your sweetheart shouldn’t just be for a Pisces man.

All men like that. Sweet gifts, homemade romantic dinners or a surprise trip are not trends that only men do for women. We ladies can do that too.

2. Show him you are loyal

The Pisces man appreciates and admires a faithful woman. They are very loyal, so they expect the same from you.

Seeing your friendly and loyal relationship with your friends and family is very energizing for a Pisces man. On that note, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and emotional around him, that’s the icing on the cake.

3. Funny girls are always hotter

Being that easygoing, fun girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously is also very energizing for a Pisces man. But don’t fake it.

You don’t want to appear like you have mood swings. Do what you feel and trust your gut in certain situations. Before you know it, you’ll be the charismatic and fun girl her friends are talking about.

4. Flip the hair and do your thing

The Pisces man is many things, but self-confident? Not as much. In order to keep the perfect balance in your relationship, one of you has to pull this off.

That doesn’t mean you should fake your confidence. It means you could improve him by telling him he’s great in bed and complimenting him.

Don’t make him think about things. That’s never good for people with low self-esteem.

5. Be dominant

Don’t be afraid to test its limits. Since they are such givers, someone has to take, right? own it Being dominant doesn’t just apply to your love life.

Don’t be afraid to take risks, make big strides, do a “man’s job” every now and then.

If you let him see that you are capable of doing things in your own bossy way, he will be intrigued.

Your zodiac sign could dictate certain things

The Pisces man has high compatibility with Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo.

Objectivity, patience, empathy, down-to-earthness, and the ability to love without fear are just some of the things that make these zodiac signs compatible with each other.

However, they don’t get along very well with Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius.

Your sexual compatibility is just very bad. These zodiac signs just don’t have much in common with the Pisces man and are a bit too manipulative for him.

Last but not least about the fish man

Men are complicated in general. You won’t hear it admitted, but it’s true. Men, just like women, come with a package of emotions, fears, insecurities, beliefs, and more.

Your charming Pisces man is not easy to get along with, so sleeping with him too early could be a problem. However, once you figure out all the tricks, he will be all yours and you will be in your own perfect fairy tale.

Experiment, ask, seek, love, enjoy and, as in any other relationship, let your guard down. To be successful in your relationship, you must learn to respect boundaries, alone time, and the person who is your partner.

This could be a perfect recipe for love. Fischmann alert? You know what to do. You have it!

11 Easy Ways to Sexually Attract a Pisces Man

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21 Telltale Signs a Pisces Man is in Love With You


Pisces, a water sign, is the last on the zodiac calendar. If you are attracted to a man born in this zodiac sign, you should know how to spot a Pisces man in love. Pisces men are creative, sensitive, loyal, emotional, caring, and understanding. They are known for being selfless and putting the needs of others ahead of theirs, making them an ideal life partner. In order to track your interest in him, you need to understand his body language and demeanor in order to analyze his feelings for you. In this post, we have a list of telltale signs that a Pisces man might be in love with you. Remember to understand your partner’s characteristics and interests; You need a professional to study his natal chart.

21 signs a Pisces man is in love with you

A person’s behavior and body language can say a lot about them. To know if someone is attracted to you, understanding the subtle signs can help you navigate this difficult situation smoothly. A Pisces man who is attracted to you or in love with you would show many clear signals, some of which we have listed below.

1. He has a hard time hiding his feelings

Pisces men aren’t good at hiding their feelings, especially when it’s the intense emotion of love. He would try to spend more time with you and occasionally give hints to let you know that he likes you.

2. He shows his artistic side

Pisces are naturally creative and artistic, although they may not be overtly flaunting. They keep it to themselves and only show it to people they trust and are comfortable with. If he shows you his painting or maybe his piano skills, you can take that as a good sign that he welcomes you into his private world.

3. He listens to you

Pisces are good communicators and listeners. When you notice that he listens to even your worldly ramblings with the utmost attention and patience, it shows that he has a thing or two for you. You can expect to have long conversations with him on topics ranging from simple everyday things to deeper ones.

4. He acts shy at first

Pisces men are easily taken aback and speechless around someone they have feelings for. So if they act reserved and shy when they first meet, take the lead when starting conversations.

5. He makes eye contact with you

Although he is shy, he will still make good eye contact with whoever he is interested in. His gaze would be gentle rather than intense, and his caring and empathetic nature would be reflected in his eyes as well.

6. He values ​​your opinion

He would often seek your advice and opinion on important decisions he makes. Even though he is mostly sure of his decisions, getting approval from you gives him further validation and happiness.

7. He is trying to form a spiritual bond with you

Pisces men take relationships very seriously and long to connect with their partners on a deeper, spiritual level. He would be interested in learning about your beliefs and thoughts and would do his best to let you know about his belief system as well.

8. He could be easily offended or hurt

As an emotional water sign, Pisces are easily offended when someone close to them hurts their feelings. So be careful with any strokes or details that might hurt or touch a sore spot. Also make sure you give him enough attention as his mood can be greatly affected by your actions.

9. He shares his dreams with you

When a Pisces is into you, they see you as someone they care about, someone they can confide in. The creative Pisces often have many plans or goals that they don’t usually reveal to many. When he shares this with you, it’s a clear sign that he trusts you.

10. His idea of ​​dating would include a more intimate setting

A Pisces man generally seeks intimacy and closeness from his partner. So instead of a club or party night with others, he would rather spend a cozy evening, watch a movie with you or go to a nice restaurant for dinner.

11. He is pleasant and impressionable

Pisces men avoid conflict with their partners and usually agree on most issues unless there is a fundamental difference. They are also easily impressed and influenced by their partners when making important decisions. You know he’s in love with you when he allows you to take the lead.

12. He gives you a shoulder to cry on

When you need someone to listen to you or sympathize with your situation, a Pisces man is perfect. They are deeply empathetic and don’t just pretend to listen to you. In fact, they listen carefully and try to comfort you.

13. He will be happy to help you

Pisces men pride themselves on helping others. If they get the chance to help the one they have feelings for, they will jump at the opportunity without a second thought. They also love it when you involve them in even mundane activities with you.

14. He introduced you to his friends and family

The Pisces man wants you to be a part of his life. If he introduces you to people close to him, it’s a clear sign that he’s considering you for a long-term relationship.

15. He showers you with gifts and surprises

Pisces men rejoice in your good fortune. When your face lights up at a gift he gives you, it brings him more joy and satisfaction than what he shows on the outside.

16. He senses your moods

What makes a Pisces man an excellent partner is that he is good at sensing his partner’s mood and acting accordingly. He is happy to give you space when you feel the need for it or is at your side in challenging times.

17. He’s funny and original

Spending time with a Pisces man is a joyful experience as they are creative and original. Once he gets comfortable with you, he will blow your mind with his conversations and you don’t have to worry about getting bored on a date.

18. He treats you like his muse

True to their artistic nature, Pisces men see their love interest no less as a muse who inspires and motivates them. To him, you are more than just a potential partner, but a part of his artistic endeavor that translates into deeper spiritual meanings.

19. He finds ways to spend more time with you

To make things easy for you, the Pisces man himself would suggest ways you could spend more time together. You would find him very approachable in that regard as well.

20. He talks to you about his favorite books or music

Pisces men keep up to date with good music, books, art, etc. They would share these discoveries with you with childlike enthusiasm. If you show interest, your joy will know no bounds.

21. He is always there for you

As a partner or friend, he will always have your back and support you in your difficult times. He wouldn’t make a plan just to pull off a disappearance act later to meet others. He appreciates you and gives you the utmost respect.

Frequently Asked Questions 1. Why is a Pisces man so confusing? Pisces men are hypersensitive and absorb the emotions of others. They have multiple personalities and depict different versions of themselves in different settings, making them confusing and challenging to understand. 2. How to deal with a Pisces man? Pisces men are very imaginative and live in fantasy to avoid reality. In order to have a fulfilling relationship with them, you need to take the lead in the relationship. So take them to their favorite restaurant or cook up something delicious to get the most out of them. Also, be open-minded and willing to try new things to keep the spark alive in the relationship. 3. How are Pisces men in relationships? Pisces men are loving, caring and understanding in a relationship. They are romantic and compassionate and shower their partner with affection. They are not shy about showing love and admiration to their partners and will go out of their way to make her feel special.

A Pisces man is easy to decipher. His straightforwardness and emotional temperament make it easy to develop a long and honest connection with him. If you think a Pisces man is in love with you, you will notice certain telltale signs. He can show his creative side, keep eye contact with you, share his dreams and be easily persuaded by you. He may also shower you with gifts and surprises, or introduce you to his friends and family. Although you are aware of his feelings, while you enjoy his lovely gestures, let him make the first move.

Important Notes The Pisces man becomes considerate and passionate when in love.

Knowing a few telltale signs can help you determine if he’s interested in you or not.

If he has trouble hiding his feelings from you, acts shy around you, or treats you like his muse, he may be serious about you.

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