Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House? The 128 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “small things that get forgotten when building a house“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House
  • Lights, Switches, and Power Outlets.
  • Shower Head Height. …
  • Television Placement. …
  • Water Heater Placement. …
  • Attic Storage. …
  • Shelf Depth. …
  • Door Swing Direction. …
  • Extra Materials.
7 Things to Consider Before You Build
  • Choosing the right Architect to help with the Design. …
  • Make sure your project has the right amount of details. …
  • Have your finances in place. …
  • Have a realistic budget. …
  • Know thy neighbours. …
  • Always do your own research. …
  • Selecting the right Builder. …
  • Enjoy the experience.
The 10 most important things I learned building a house
  • Know what you are getting into. …
  • Hire the right people. …
  • Consider hiring a designer. …
  • Think about cabinet and furniture placement early on in the design phase. …
  • Plan, plan and plan some more. …
  • Things look worse before they look better.

What are a few of the things you have to consider when constructing a building?

7 Things to Consider Before You Build
  • Choosing the right Architect to help with the Design. …
  • Make sure your project has the right amount of details. …
  • Have your finances in place. …
  • Have a realistic budget. …
  • Know thy neighbours. …
  • Always do your own research. …
  • Selecting the right Builder. …
  • Enjoy the experience.

What things are important when making a home?

The 10 most important things I learned building a house
  • Know what you are getting into. …
  • Hire the right people. …
  • Consider hiring a designer. …
  • Think about cabinet and furniture placement early on in the design phase. …
  • Plan, plan and plan some more. …
  • Things look worse before they look better.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Alright friends. Let’s talk building! Most of you know that after a few years of looking at homes in our area, my husband and I finally took the plunge and decided to build a home. I’ve always loved home design and decor and had a good idea of ​​what I wanted for our future home, but other than that we had no building experience. We spent six months designing our home with an architect, waiting months in town with our plans (that process is long in San Diego!), and then a little over a year building. The whole process took two years in total and wow – we learned a lot! After sharing our before and after pictures of our new home, I’m finally going to share the top ten things I learned building a house. While most of these tips will focus on building a custom home as that is the route we have taken, they can also be applied when building a semi-custom home or remodeling your existing home. So find a comfortable place to sit and grab a snack! That’s a long way, friends. 🙂

1) Know what you’re getting into. I don’t want to scare you if you’ve decided to build. In fact, I really enjoyed our build process for the most part. That being said, there are a lot of things that you need to consider before you start building a house. The first is the massive amount of time it takes to set up. If you’re building a custom home like we did, it’s easily at least a part-time job (a few weeks full-time!). We knew it would be time consuming but had no idea how time consuming it is. The early stages of designing the house weren’t quite as labor intensive, but once the house was framed and construction got underway, things quickly got crazy. If you’re in a situation where you’re already overwhelmed with work, kids, and life commitments, this may not be the best time to build. You’ll want to spend a lot of time indoors to make sure things get done right, so take that into account when making your decision. That was the hardest part for us! Which leads me to my next warning. Building is tough for a marriage. When building, the money flies away, so that financial stress arises. If you’re like most people, you’ve worked incredibly hard and saved up money for years to be able to build a house (15 years for us!). Financial burdens always weigh on a marriage and the costs always end up being more than you think when you are building. It can also be stressful when you disagree on design decisions. That wasn’t a problem for us because my husband didn’t care what the house looked like so I was free to do all things design, but when you both care and have strong opinions it becomes a challenge. The hardest part for us was that we were both so overwhelmed and exhausted from all the work that we sometimes took it out on each other. Months after we moved in and things settled down, I remember my husband and I joking about how we decided we liked each other again. 😉 Like I said, I’m not telling you these things to scare you. I just think it’s a good thing to know what you’re getting yourself into and possibly talk to your significant other about how you’re going to deal with these issues when they arise!

2) Hire the right people. I really can’t stress this enough. Especially if, like us, you have no construction experience. This is the most important decision you will make as you will be working so closely with your builder/architect throughout the process and your entire building experience will be largely defined by your relationship with them. Do your homework before making your decision. Interview and meet with many builders and ask for recommendations. It’s also smart to ask for the names and numbers of the last three people they’ve worked for, to get a true sense of how people felt about their construction experience with that construction company. Look for clues that tell you how they will work. One contractor we interviewed took a long time to get back to me whenever I asked him questions. He didn’t get the job. One of the main reasons we hired the contractor was that every time I texted or emailed him he was so quick to respond with helpful information. I could tell he was organized and up to date. Also look for someone to connect with. As I said earlier, you will work closely with these people and trust them to help you through one of the biggest financial commitments of your life. One architect we spoke to seemed great on paper, but I could tell from his personality that I would have a hard time connecting with him. We simply clicked with the architect we commissioned. I could tell he understood my vision for the house and would work hard to make it happen. We’re still good friends to this day and I bring him banana bread muffins every fall. 🙂 Take your time deciding who to hire and do your homework!

3) Consider hiring a designer. Whether you’re remodeling your existing home or building a custom home like we do, don’t rule out hiring a designer. If I had to do it again, this is the only thing I would do differently. My husband suggested hiring a designer early in our building process, but I didn’t want to because I knew what I wanted for the house. Why spend money on a designer when I could do it myself? Spring. While I knew the look, style, and feel I was going for, I had no idea how many decisions I had to make on a daily basis that I didn’t know about. Designers speak the language of construction. (There’s a building language that will be so foreign to you!) Your builder can help with many decisions, but he doesn’t look at things from a design perspective. He thinks about the logistics, not how a decision will impact the style of your home. Many designers charge hourly. So if you are worried about the cost, you can just use it when needed. And if you hire the right designer, he/she can actually save you money in the end because he/she knows how to cut costs to help you get the look you want, keep your project going, and you prevent costly construction errors. Halfway through the process I was so overwhelmed that we hired a designer. He was a friend from my hometown and while he was a great help with some things, he wasn’t local so he couldn’t be there with me. I ended up making most of the decisions myself and winging most of the time! It worked because I spent so many nights researching until 2am, but would have saved me a lot of time and stress overall if I had just hired a local designer to start with. This is a great post I read just after we were done with why you should hire a designer and I nodded my head at every point! My advice is if you’re going to spend the money to build or remodel, do it right and hire a designer.

4) Think about cabinet and furniture placement early in the design phase. Whether you buy existing plans or create your own, it’s important to think about how the furniture layout will work. Where will your couch and chairs go? Beds? Is there really enough space for the desired furniture?

Think about how you will live in the space. We measured our kitchen nook several times and ended up making it slightly larger at the last minute, considering how much space we would need to be able to slide out chairs and still be able to walk around comfortably.

When our architect designed our kitchen, we had an idea of ​​where the fridge and stove would be, but otherwise it was just a drawing of an empty box. Months later we sat down with our chef to design the kitchen and when I saw how the cabinets were arranged I wished I could have pushed one wall further so the cabinets were symmetrical on the sides of my cookers. We had already started framing by this point, so it was too late to move walls. Obviously not a big deal and it all worked out, but if I had thought about the cabinet design/layout earlier in the design phase I could have made adjustments that I wasn’t able to because I waited too long. Here too, it’s so smart to hire a designer! A designer will walk you through these things from the start so you can customize your floor plan accordingly. Plan your closet and furniture arrangement early BEFORE you start construction. You will not regret it!

5) Plan, plan and plan some more. I can’t stress enough how much easier things get when you have a good idea of ​​what you want in your home before you start building. Once things get moving, it’s a whirlwind of decisions thrown at you on a daily basis. Time is money when it comes to building a house and it’s extremely stressful having to slow things down because you just can’t decide which tiles you want in your child’s room. Select as many as you can before you start! As we worked on our plans, we also researched appliances, flooring, countertops, backsplashes, light fixtures, etc. I had a good idea early on of how I wanted each room put together, so when would my contractor email me and say “in two weeks we need the tile for your master bathroom” I could say ok and order them and be done. (Of course, I had also spent months keeping newspaper clippings and online pictures of things I loved.) I quickly learned how to be decisive (a difficult thing for me!) because you just don’t have time, don’t to be when you build a house. Try to have as much detail as possible before you start building.

6) Things look worse before they look better. It’s important to remember that things always look worse before they get better. You can see plenty of evidence of this in my previous before and after posts. That’s an obvious statement, but many times I’d be so concerned about how something looked and if I’d just waited a few weeks it would have saved me a lot of stress because everything looks better when it’s finished.

I remember when the drywall was pulled up in this hallway, I panicked that it was going to be too dark. It was so much darker with drywall than it was framed. All I knew was that I screwed up and ruined everything! 😉

When the house was nearing completion, I could tell that all the windows around gave a lot of light into the hallway. I shouldn’t have lost my sleep over this!

When the square was cut and our oval window was placed in our family room, I was sure it was too small. I’ve been stressing about this for weeks! It felt way too little in this big room. My builder kept telling me to wait and that it would be fine.

I was too inexperienced with building to consider the space our fixtures would take up and how the window would look in proportion once all the finished details were in place (mouldings, paint, ceiling treatment). You see a lot of “before” during a build. Try not to panic and assume the worst during the process and wait until you see the “after”. Lots of things just work fine. If you see the after and still hate it, you may panic. 😉

7) You will make mistakes. While some things work, you must know that many mistakes are made. There is only! There is no way to build a perfect house if everything goes smoothly during the building process. Building a house involves many people and many changing and moving parts. Know that you will not get everything exactly the way you want it. Some things will fail and you just have to move on. That being said, other things will unexpectedly go much better than planned! Some of my favorite details in my house are things that weren’t even planned in the beginning.

My girls bathroom ceiling is just an example. It was just supposed to be a flat ceiling and when my builder saw the slope from our roofline he immediately assured me he would fix it. I decided to go off the slant and add some boards and it gave the room so much personality!

A lucky mistake. There are plenty of these as you build! And all those mistakes that didn’t turn out happy that I was so stressed and sad about while building? We’ve been living in our new house for two years now and I barely remember her! Building is so exhausting that while you’re involved in the process you feel like that off-center kitchen sink syringe is the most important and terrifying thing there is, and it’s going to haunt you every day for the rest of your life! Remember to keep an eye on everything. Once you’re removed from the construction process, live in the house, and get on with life, it’s all just a drop in the bucket. 🙂

8) Communicate everything and assume nothing. While there is no way to avoid mistakes, you can minimize them by being specific and making your expectations very clear. SO many mistakes happen simply because of misunderstandings. I quickly learned that the more precisely I could describe what something should look like (show or even draw a picture if needed), the smoother things would go. Many mistakes were made because I “assumed” that someone understood what I wanted. guess not. Explain it and show a picture and go over it again and then make sure you’re in the new house often to catch bugs early so they can be fixed without wasting too much time or money. When building or renovating, good communication is the be-all and end-all!

9) Be kind to everyone involved in your building process. Framers, concrete workers, drywallers, electricians, painters, carpenters etc. – we got to know them. We made them feel welcome and valued. You all know I’ve made my banana bread muffins a lot to share with the crew. 🙂

It’s so obvious, but the reason I bring it up is because I was surprised by the response from so many of our builders. I kept hearing how much they appreciated kindness. I remember the guy who installed our siding saying, “Most of the time when we’re working on a job, we don’t even speak to the homeowners. They only tell the contractor when we’ve made a mistake. With you, we feel like part of the family.” That felt so good! I’ll never forget it. You will work closely with these people and the better your relationship with them, the smoother everything will go. When mistakes happened our crew was often so quick to fix things, work overtime and accommodate any needs we had. I think a big part of that was just because they liked us and appreciated our kindness. Of course we weren’t friendly for this reason, but it made our building process much smoother. As I said earlier, building can be stressful and it’s important to keep your cool and remember that the people working on your home are doing their best too. Show them the kindness and appreciation they deserve.

Something I wrote from one of my earlier posts during the build: OK. I know I keep saying how much I love hanging out with everyone who works around the house and how amazing everyone has been, but I have to say it again. My sidings are THE BEST. So friendly. And hilarious! I knew the second I met her that we would get along great. You are so happy and funny. They sing. And tell stories. And we ponder and discuss the mysteries of life. And then I ohh and ahh at her work. And offer to bring them food. But they never let me. Because they are so nice and hardworking. And funny. Did I mention they are so funny!? You are real.

My little buddy at our carpenter’s. You can see that we became fast friends with most of the people who worked on our house.

I framed these two pictures and gave them to our carpenter on his last day. He’s now a close family friend and he’s actually coming over to my house tomorrow to put up something big for me in my office. Aside from making our building process run more smoothly, the friendliness towards everyone involved also made the whole process a lot more fun! And made us some lifelong friends in the process. Always a good thing. 🙂

10) Listen to professionals, but know when to trust your gut. During your building process there are so many things you don’t know and understand and then it’s time to listen to the people you trust. Your architect, contractor and (if you hired one) your designer. That being said, I think knowing when to trust your gut is SO important. That little voice inside you that knows what you really want, but maybe afraid to say it because you’re intimidated, insecure, or so overwhelmed by everything that’s going on around you. I remember one of the cabinet people we wanted to work with didn’t think I should put farmhouse sinks in my kitchen. He tried so hard to convince me that this wasn’t a smart idea. He said they don’t drain well and scratch easily.

Farmhouse sinks were one of the things I was most looking forward to putting in my new house! I had dreamed of owning one for years. I knew myself well enough to know that even though they might not drain as well and might get scratched, having this look in my kitchen was well worth it for me! I’m so glad I trusted my gut feeling. My farmer’s sinks make me happy every day. 🙂 It often happened that people had an opinion on something and it wasn’t what I thought was right. Remember that at the end of the day, it is YOU who will be waking up in this house each day. YOU who will actually live with all the choices made. All helpers will move to other houses. If your gut is telling you to go this route, trust it! In the end you will be happy with your decision. Even if everyone else thinks you’re crazy. 🙂

My final advice in this already too long post is to try and enjoy the process as much as possible! While there are many mistakes and stressful days, there are also days of joy and excitement as you build your home. It’s an amazing thing to see your vision come to life right before your eyes. Think how lucky you are to have the opportunity to create this future home for you and your family and enjoy the little things during the process that make you happy. There will be many of them.


**You can see pictures of our now completed house in my HOUSE TOUR or actual pictures of my house decorated for fall here. If you’re new here, you can also sign up to receive emails below so you don’t miss a post. Thanks for reading friends! xo

What matters most in a house?

Here’s what to look for when buying a home.
  1. The Location. They say the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. …
  2. The Site. …
  3. The Neighborhood. …
  4. The Home’s Curb Appeal. …
  5. The Size and the Floor Plan. …
  6. The Bedrooms and Bathrooms. …
  7. The Kitchen. …
  8. The Closets and Storage.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

If you are thinking about buying a home, this list can help guide your search on the right track. While the number of rooms, condition of the kitchen and size of the yard are important, there are other factors to think about before bidding and moving. Here’s what to look out for when buying a home.

1. The location

They say that the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. You can change almost everything else, but you can’t change the location of your home. So when you go looking for an apartment, you should consider the proximity to your work, the location of the house on the property, accessibility, noise from neighbors and traffic. Also think about access to parks, shopping, schools and public transport.

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

2. The Site

Beyond the location, look at the location of the home. If the home is on a hill, does it have a view, a walk-in basement, or lots of stairs to climb? Do the neighbors’ windows look directly into the house? Is the yard suitable for children, pets, gardening or other uses? Is access to the property secure in terms of the height of the driveway or stairs to the front door? If you plan to stay at home long-term, think about how your accessibility needs might change as you get older.

The Spruce / Christopher Lee photo

3. The neighborhood

Make sure the neighborhood and not just the house meets your expectations. To research a neighborhood, drive around weekdays and weekends, daytime and evenings. Are the houses in the neighborhood the same in size and furnishings? Do the neighbors keep the yards clean and tidy, or are there old cars and rubbish lying around? Is the neighborhood safe enough for people to walk, run, or ride a bike? Also, see if it’s a kid-friendly or pet-friendly neighborhood if that’s important to you.

Zac Gudakov / Unsplash

4. The home’s objection

Your home should reflect your design preferences and lifestyle. Do you live a relaxed life and don’t want a lot of outdoor maintenance? Then you might want to skip a formal Victorian or Tudor style home with lots of intricate features to keep up. Consider something simpler, such as B. a brick house. Also, ask yourself if the roof and any decks or patios are in good condition. And look at the landscaping to determine how much garden maintenance you need to do.

The Spruce / Christopher Lee photo

5. The size and layout

Don’t be swayed by an extra large home or a home with a unique feature like a sauna if you will never use the space. Before you start looking for an apartment, determine the right size of your house and your ideal floor plan and try to stick to it as closely as possible. Remember that while the extra square footage can give you that craft room, gym, or theater space you’ve always wanted, it also comes with higher utility bills and taxes. And it will take more furniture to fill the house and more effort to keep it clean. So be realistic about the space and furnishings you need for your lifestyle now and for the duration of your planned stay indoors.

Trinette Reed / Stocksy

6. The bedrooms and bathrooms

Decide how many bedrooms and bathrooms you need and only look at homes that meet your criteria. It would be a shame to fall in love with a cozy, charming cottage that isn’t big enough. Don’t just assume you can add more square footage later. Be sure to consult an architect who can advise on space planning, land use, and city regulations. Think about who will be living in your home now and who might be in the future. If there’s a chance you’ll have children, take in relatives, or find roommates, factor that into your bedroom and bathroom count.

The Spruce / Christopher Lee photo

7. The kitchen

If the kitchen is the heart of your home, don’t settle for one you don’t love. Kitchen remodels can be costly and time consuming. Sure, many people prefer to go down the rebuild route to get exactly what they want. But if the house is already at the higher end of your budget, it can mean waiting a long time for your dream kitchen and living with something you hate. However, if the kitchen just needs some minor upgrades, e.g. B. new equipment to meet your needs, this might be worth considering.

The Spruce / Christopher Lee photo

8. The cabinets and storage

Older homes tend to have small closets and not much storage space overall. So if you have lots of exercise equipment, craft supplies, seasonal clothing, and holiday decorations, when looking for a place to live, be mindful of where all of this could be stored. Since newer homes tend to have ample storage space, you might want to start by just looking at them. You can always add storage, but that may mean sacrificing some living space, e.g. B. by turning a bedroom into a closet.

The Spruce / Christopher Lee photo

9. The windows and lighting

Check out the views from the windows and how much natural light they let in. Pay special attention to the view and the lighting from the windows in living spaces where you will spend most of your daylight time. You don’t want to stare at your neighbor’s wall all day or have to turn on artificial lights because your room isn’t bright enough. Also, note where built-in lights and outlets are located in each room. You can always add artificial lights and outlets later, but it’s nice to have that when you move in.

The Spruce / Sophia Reay

10. The final touch

Sometimes the simplest home looks spectacular thanks to details like paneling and hardware. Custom window treatments that are left in the home can be a selling point, as can a stylish fireplace. Also, tech updates like a smart thermostat or home security system can be a big draw. If such items are important to you, look for them when you’re apartment hunting or be ready to add them after you move in.

If you keep these specific elements of a home in mind, your apartment hunting will be more successful and you might end up finding the home of your dreams.

What is the most important thing in construction?

Planning. Detailed and strategic planning is the most important aspect of successful construction project management. The more complex the project, the more planning will be required. A well-planned project maximizes efficiency and provides a step by step roadmap for completing the work on schedule and within budget.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

In construction, the successful completion of a job is achieved through effective project management. Delivering your client a quality project on time and within budget while making a profit for you and your subcontractors is no easy task. It requires careful planning, detailed monitoring of progress, and communication and collaboration between all key stakeholders and team members.


Detailed and strategic planning is the most important aspect of successful construction project management. The more complex the project, the more planning is required. A well-planned project maximizes efficiency and provides a step-by-step roadmap for completing work on time and on budget. During the planning process, you develop deliverables, define goals, and establish project milestones.

Planning a construction project involves determining what equipment is needed, how much labor is required, coordinating your subcontractors, and making sure all construction materials are lined up and planned. Other aspects that need to be determined during the planning phase include developing a security plan, a communications plan, and conducting a risk assessment and creating a response plan.

There are so many ways a project can go wrong. A carefully crafted plan, executed well, can go a long way in mitigating and resolving issues before they arise.

Monitor progress and make adjustments

Once construction begins, the goal is to ensure that everything progresses according to plan as much as possible. Typically, a project is derailed by a series of smaller problems rather than one big problem. Carefully analyzing daily progress reports, keeping an eye on budget and schedule, and managing risk requires a high level of attention to detail.

Identifying a problem or impending delay is the first step. The second step requires a little detective work. When a task or activity is behind schedule, it’s important to identify the root cause. When productivity drops, you may not have the appropriate staff allocation for that particular job. Other possible causes of low productivity include not having enough equipment on site or a delay in material delivery.

Once you discover the root cause of the problem, whether it’s a labor shortage or over budget due to rework, you need to revise your plan and schedule and find a solution to the problem that will put the project back on track.


Effective communication is vital to the successful completion of a construction project. Good communication can improve teamwork and lead to better project collaboration. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays and problems later. Communication methods for specific tasks and the exchange of information should be established early in the project and agreed upon by all those involved.

The contract documents including the drawings, specifications, change order forms and requests for information (RFIs) and progress reports form the basis for all construction communication. It is important that any direct communication not described in the contractual documents is properly authorized and any scope or schedule changes that need to be made are documented and reported through the proper channels.

Establishing a consistent flow of information involves identifying touchpoints with contact information for key team members to ensure information gets to the right people in a timely manner. Items such as RFIs, change orders, and daily reports are typically set out in the contract documents with their own specific forms and filing procedures that must be followed. You may need to submit daily reports, but the owner may only want updates every two weeks.

The flow of communication influences the course of a construction project. Problems and delays occur when people stop communicating or responding to requests. When everyone is working together and communicating effectively and efficiently, projects tend to run more smoothly and are completed on time and on budget.


Good project collaboration is more than just getting everything done on time. It’s about building a relationship with everyone involved, based on trust and respect, to work together to successfully complete a project. The ability to collaborate and coordinate efforts to improve productivity is critical. Part of this can be achieved through a good communication plan.

Involving key team members in the planning phase can also lead to better collaboration. Exchange of ideas and expertise problem solving and logistics. Part of the collaborative process can include assigning risks to the parties best equipped to deal with them. Collaboration goes hand in hand with good communication and keeping everyone on the same page. It’s about trusting all parties and valuing their contribution as integral members of the team.

Technology has had a significant impact in improving communication and facilitating closer collaboration in recent years. Everything from smartphones and tablets to building information modeling (BIM) and cloud-based project management software has made managing construction projects easier.

Need help finding the right construction project managers for your business? ConstructConnect Project Intelligence makes it easy to find the perfect project. Set preferences for trades, coverage area, building type, project value and more to match and rank construction managers to easily identify the right projects for your business.

What to know before building home?

Top 10 Tips for Having Your Home Built By a Builder
  • Hammer Out Your Plan. Planning will be the most important part of the process by far. …
  • Budget more than you expect. …
  • Pick the right builder. …
  • Understand your agreement. …
  • Know what you’re entitled to. …
  • Get your financing in order. …
  • Communicate constantly. …
  • Look for ways to save.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

What you should know before building a house with a contractor

You can avoid a lot of stress and frustration by starting the home building process with some helpful insights. Here are our top ten tips to get the most out of your home building process and avoid the big setbacks.

There’s nothing quite like building your home the way you want it from the ground up. This allows you to continue your growth and expansion as you please. But anyone who has actually done this will tell you that you feel the same way. It can be a very difficult and time consuming process.

It doesn’t have to be. By gaining some perspective and understanding of what you are doing, you can save yourself tension and heartache later. Below are our top ten points that any smart builder should consider.

Top 10 tips for getting your house built by a contractor

1. Hammer out your plan

Planning will be by far the most important part of the process. Have you ever heard of the Winchester Mystery House in San Francisco? This home was built by the eccentric widow who believed she was haunted by the spirits of those killed by the Winchester rifle, her late husband’s invention. To escape them, she built a house and never stopped building, there are stairs that lead to the ceiling, hallways that narrow to nothing, and doors that slope down the side of the building. While this is certainly a quirky design, it has very little welcoming value as a home.

You want your home to follow a natural and cozy flow, and that means planning your home carefully. In which direction will the sunlight fall? Where will the master bedroom sit? How is the flow of the house directed? Will lighting include skylights and large windows? Where should the lamps and sockets be placed? You’ll always need a few more outlets than you think.

There is a wide range of useful tools available online that can help you plan a good design for your home. Options like Floorplanner and RoomSketcher are particularly intuitive. Then when in doubt, graph paper is never a bad option.

During this phase of the process, it helps to fill your mind and creative connections with good ideas that you would like to incorporate. Consider creating a Pinterest board for the rooms of the house and gather some ideas on how you plan them. This is also an effective way to communicate your plans and goals to the builder who will help with the process.

2. Plan more than you expect

You probably already have a good idea of ​​what this whole process is going to cost you, well you’ll soon realize that it’s going to cost a lot more. There are just so many things that are likely to occur that you won’t find in your contractor’s estimate. This can include things like the cost of gas and electricity meters, window coverings, and many other needs. Mailboxes, fences, external concrete and other points are also not included in the so-called expansion costs. These finishing costs can sometimes make up 15-20% of the total budget. In addition, there are land use fees and location costs, i.e. the costs of preparing your property for the construction project.

Then you should plan for unforeseen costs. As your building takes shape, you may see some items on the plan that you want to change before the building is complete.

3. Choose the right builder

This might be one of the most important points to mention. No matter which builder you choose, you will work with them for many months and years until the project is completed. For this reason, it’s a good idea to choose a contractor you have a good relationship with.

Here are some of the key points that can indicate that you’ve found a good match.


You want a builder who is licensed and insured. It’s also a good sign if you’re a card-carrying member of the National Association of Home Builders.


Never sign up with a contractor unless you have fully researched their work history and reputation with previous clients. This must be done before you sign anything. You should also conduct a thorough investigation to ensure that no complaints have been filed against that person.

past work

Take a close look at some of the buildings this pro has completed in the past. Be sure to check if the build level is high. It also helps to know if the resale dates of the homes they’ve built are particularly high.


When looking at her previous work, take the time to note the styles and design traits and ask if this type of look suits your own needs. The builder can be very adept at a particular style, but if you’re looking for something different, it may not be able to deliver the results you want.


As mentioned, this builder will be someone you will be working with for the foreseeable future. Because of this, you want to be sure that you are completely comfortable with their company and with their communication. If there isn’t a clear understanding and spark between you, you may find it more efficient to find a contractor with whom you have a particularly good connection.


It won’t all be for nothing if the builder is out of your price range.

4. Understand your agreement

Make sure you take the time to carefully read the agreement you make with your contractor. This ensures that you will not experience any unpleasant surprises as the project progresses.

You should ensure that your agreement includes a cooling off period and also sets a time frame that will ensure construction will be completed by a specific date. Also, pay very close attention to the timeframes for the payments you provide.

It’s a good idea to have your document reviewed by an experienced attorney who can tell you if there are any loopholes in the agreement and ensure that any changes made are legitimate and mutually agreed.

5. Know what you are entitled to

If this is the first home you are building or if you are building an eco-friendly building, you may be eligible for some specific grants depending on your location. This can be a great benefit in balancing the overall cost of the home you are planning to build. For more information about this, speak to your mortgage lender or contact your local attorney. You can also ask for credit discounts.

6. Get your finances in order

If you’re building your own home, there’s a good chance you’ll need to apply for some decent financing. A home loan is not the same as a regular home loan because the lender does not release the funds in one payment. A certain amount is provided for your building project and the bank then pays the client as it sees fit. These intermittent payments are called. draws These draws are made each time a phase of the building process is completed.

Another way these loans can differ is in the amount of credit the lenders require. Because a home loan is always riskier than a regular loan, your lender may ask for a down payment of up to 20%.

You need to be prepared before you start looking for financing. Your home loan is based on the assumed value of the property after completion. For this reason, you must submit a complete plan of the property that has been carefully calculated.

7. Communicate constantly

Throughout the process, you should make sure that you communicate well with your builder and tradesman. This includes being regularly informed about the process and the progress of the construction process. Be sure to drop by as often as you can. Bring a camera so you can take pictures of anything you want more information about later.

And remember, it’s your house, so you have every right to be persistent about anything. Once you’ve researched your point, your contractor shouldn’t tell you something can’t be done unless you’re really terribly wrong. Of course, costs can change, so be sure to keep this point in mind. After all, you are the one who needs to live in the house and there is no reason it shouldn’t be exactly how you want it to be.

8. Look for ways to save

As you can imagine, building a home is a particularly expensive proposition and you will likely end up spending a lot more than you originally planned. But there are always ways to save some cash if you shop around, and you should start looking from the start. Browse all the jigs, tubes, screws and rivets and you’re sure to find something cheaper than what you were offered. Get as many quotes as possible and look for the best provider.

Then you can also save money by choosing a plot that does not require much preparation before construction can begin. By reducing the amount of soil that needs to be leveled and trees that need to be eliminated, you further reduce the overall cost of the project.

9. Get an independent inspector

You will need a different inspector for each phase of construction and this gives you peace of mind that your home will be built to last and conform to the appropriate building codes and regulations in your area. You should conduct an inspection at each of the following stages.

foundations and foundations

This will ensure that your foundations and footings are solid and that your drains are all functional.


This inspection ensures that the frame of the house is balanced and level. It also ensures that the dimensions specified in the original plans have been properly applied to the design. The inspector measures the room heights and the direction of the roof lines.

To lock

This is the stage where your home can now be completed. This means that the windows and doors are installed. The inspection also includes doors and window frames, window coverings and the sockets. The masonry and mortar work are also examined.


This final check ensures that the paintwork, tiles, window fittings and doors are functional and that the entire construction project has been cleaned.

10. Know your rights if something goes wrong

When you have done everything in your power to ensure that this project runs smoothly, there are a number of ways you can file a complaint against a failing contractor whose work was not satisfactory.

If your builder is a member of the National Association of House Builders, you can file this complaint with the local branches. Different locations all have different ways of handling these complaints and you will need to contact them to get the process started.

What to watch out for when building a house?

This list of 10 small things that get forgotten when building a house will help you check even the smallest boxes off your list:
  • Light Switches and Power Outlets. …
  • Kitchen Cabinet Lighting. …
  • Television Location. …
  • Shower Head Height. …
  • Recessed Bathroom Storage. …
  • Internet & Electronics. …
  • Kitchen Cabinet Features. …
  • Outdoor Conveniences.

How can I make my house more attractive to buyers?

Here are a few easy ways to make your home more appealing to buyers:
  1. Fix the Little Things. …
  2. Clean and Keep It That Way. …
  3. De-Clutter. …
  4. Go For Neutral Paint. …
  5. Look to Your Lighting and Fixtures. …
  6. Avoid Personalizing Too Much. …
  7. Handling Pet Issues.
  8. Up Your Curb Appeal.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Make your home stand out from the crowd

One of the questions I often get from home sellers is “how can I make my house more attractive to buyers?”. When you decide to sell your home, you are entering a competitive market where there are likely to be numerous other homes that offer similar features. If you want to stand out from the crowd, it is imperative that you invest time and effort in making your home appealing.

A good real estate agent can do a lot for you in this regard, but ultimately it’s up to you to make the home as welcoming and welcoming as possible for all the people who walk through the door looking to buy.

Since you’re probably not the only person selling a home in your area, you probably need to make a few adjustments to your home and the way you use it to stand out from the crowd. Just a few weeks ago I had a conversation with one of my clients in Millbury, Massachusetts about some of the little things they could do to make their home pop! Real estate agents love it when their customers follow well-founded advice. Do you know what’s happening? The house sells faster and for more money!

Here are a few simple ways to make your home more attractive to buyers:

Fix the little things

The longer you live in one place, the easier it is to overlook all those little things that need work. Fixing those little bugaboos is one of the smartest things you can do to make your home more attractive to buyers without breaking the bank.

The broken doorknob in the bathroom, the cracked tiles in the kitchen, the blind spots in the lawn. You may have wanted to reach everyone, but you just didn’t. Well, now is the time. The more shine you can add to your home through small repairs, the more appealing it will be. One of the best things you can do is go through every room in your house and look at any imperfections. Try to be a homebuyer for a moment and think through his eyes. The more things you can cross off the list, the better.

One of the things real estate agents talk about all the time is preparing for the home inspection. Once your home is under contract, the biggest hurdle is passing the buyer’s home inspection. This is where many sales fail or are renegotiated. By taking the time to take care of the little things, you may be able to avoid a sale going awry or more money coming out of your pocket!

Clean and keep it that way

Some people value a clean home more. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, if you’re trying to sell, you need to take some serious care of cleaning and tidiness. Dirty houses don’t appeal to buyers, and at least some of the other houses you compete with will certainly be clean. Depending on how bad things are, hiring some professionals to do a thorough cleaning can be worth the money. When the worst is done, make sure you clean up before showing anyone your house. The article referenced above has an exceptional infographic on what needs to be done to get your home market-ready! If you’re on a tight budget, a deep cleaning is one of the best things you can do to make a home more attractive to buyers.


Houses tend to fill up over time, especially if you’re a gatherer. But clutter isn’t a good selling point for a home. Excessive clutter makes a home look dirty and small, neither of which are selling points. If you have a significant amount of stuff that you have nowhere to put, consider getting a storage unit for your belongings until the sale is closed and you’re moved into your new home. And garage, basement and attic are not suitable places to store clutter. Buyers want space in all areas of the home.

Making your home more spacious can do wonders by putting more money in your pocket. Clearing the clutter out of your home can do just that! Here is an excellent guide to choosing a storage unit. Putting unnecessary possessions in a storage facility can really make your home feel so different to a buyer looking for an open and spacious floor plan.

Opt for neutral color

Painting the walls of a home can really personalize a space, but being too personalized is not what you want when trying to sell. You want to appeal to as many buyers as possible, so you need to offer something fairly neutral. If you have light-colored walls, consider painting them a more buyer-friendly color. You can always let off steam in the next house you buy. Being neutral doesn’t mean you have to make your home look like a hospital. In fact, that’s not something you should do! There are some very nice beige and light earth tones that can make a home look really appealing. Need help? Take a look at home and garden colors to help sell a home.

Pay attention to your lighting and fixtures

Lighting and fixtures can really change the feel of a home, especially one dated with 70’s fixtures and dim interior lighting. Buyers today want lots of light, natural and different. They also want the house to look like something they would want to own rather than something that came from their grandmother’s house. Consider purchasing updated light fixtures that will make spaces livelier and more contemporary. And do your best to bring in as much natural light as possible. Sunshine is always attractive to homebuyers and it also makes your house look bigger. has an excellent resource on how to use lighting to sell your home. Use some of her tips for a well-lit home.

Avoid personalizing too much

Your home is your lock, but when you’re trying to sell it you want it to appear as if it could be someone else’s lock too. Over-personalizing your home can put potential buyers off, making it harder for them to imagine life in their own home. Walls covered in family photos, murals painted on the walls, and your china doll collection are great if you only live in one house. But if you’re selling, you want to minimize these things to give the buyer a chance to imagine living there. Here’s some good advice from Wiki How on how to depersonalize your home before you put it on the market.

Dealing with pet problems

Increase your attractiveness

Pets make great companions, but they don’t make very good salespeople. Buyers may love dogs and cats or want nothing to do with them. As long as they offer a good deal, you want both types of buyers. So you need to deal with pet issues before trying to sell. Pet stains and odors must be removed, the backyard must be picked up and reseeded when the grass has been killed, and you should be prepared to remove pets during showings. You’re trying to appeal to as many buyers as possible, and pets can really get in the way of that goal if you’re not careful.

Buyers see the outside of your home first. You want the first impression to be good, which is why you must do your best to increase your attractiveness. Removing clutter from the outside of the home, touching up the paint, adding plants, and improving the landscape—all of these things should be a priority. These are all great improvements to add value to a home. You want the exterior to look good. Remember that you don’t have to overdo it with the landscaping. Pulling weeds, adding some pretty flowers and greenery, and laying down a layer of mulch shouldn’t be too expensive as long as you do the work yourself. The outside of your home should be just as appealing to a buyer as the inside!

Listen to your broker

If you take the time to find a real estate agent with a good track record in your area, he or she should have specific advice on preparing your home for sale. General tips like these are useful, but the most important thing you can do is address the issues your broker thinks are most important.

Want even more ways to make the home sale smooth? Take a look at my top tips for selling a home. If you follow each of these pieces of advice along with what you’ve just read, the chances of a smooth and successful sale will increase dramatically!

More articles worth reading on home selling

Tips for making a home more attractive to buyers by selling Warner Robbins.

Add value to your home with energy improvements through Michael Roberts Custom Homes.

Some truths about selling a home through Imagine Your House.

Use these additional home selling resources as you prepare to put your home on the market. Good preparation for the sale of your home is a major factor in your success. Hope you have heeded some of the advice on how to make your home more attractive and put to good use!

About the Author: The above real estate information on the simple ways to make your home more attractive to buyers was provided by Bill Gassett, a nationally recognized leader in his field. Bill can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 508-625-0191. Bill has helped people move in and out of many Metrowest cities for the last 29+ years.

Are you thinking of selling your home? I am passionate about real estate and love to share my marketing know-how!

I oversee real estate sales in the following Metrowest, MA cities: Ashland, Bellingham, Douglas, Framingham, Franklin, Grafton, Holliston, Hopkinton, Hopedale, Medway, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, Millville, Northborough, Northbridge, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Sutton, Wayland, Westborough, Whitinsville, Worcester, Upton and Uxbridge MA.

What are the biggest selling points of a house?

Top 10 Home Selling Points
  • THE OUTSIDE. It’s trite but true: You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. …
  • LOCATION. Today’s homes have to be conveniently located for homebuyers, agents say. …
  • GARAGE. …
  • KITCHEN. …

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Buying a home is far more than just an economic decision.

It’s a combination of common sense and mind and heart, says Nathan Guttman, a real estate agent at Keller Williams Real Estate in Allentown. Intellect and reason is what drives someone to choose a price range and style. Once they know their price, the next part is the tricky part. At this point they go into a house and they look for a house that will become their home.


Everyone has their own special something they want in their home, but local real estate agents say there are some common denominators that appeal to homebuyers.

Here is a top 10 list of the most important criteria for potential home buyers:



It’s banal, but true: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

That appeal factor, especially in the first 30 days on the market, is a big factor, says Jack Gross of Cassidon Realty in Bethlehem. After that first impression you never get another chance. People don’t consider the attractiveness value when selling their home.

Crucial to attracting a home buyer is what a home looks like from the outside or how attractive a home is.

Curb appeal accounts for 70 percent of the purchase decision, says Guttman. It is of the utmost importance.

The centerpiece of a home’s exterior appearance is its front door, an innocuous feature that really matters, say local real estate agents.

Debbi Pereira, a real estate agent at Whitehall-based Power Realty, says potential homebuyers have plenty of time to examine the front door area while the real estate agent opens the door.

The appearance of the front door and the condition of the moldings, and everything, is extremely important, says Pereira.


In conjunction with the front door, the front yard looks – beautiful mulch, well-tended shrubs, all go hand-in-hand with attracting a buyer. If the outside of the home is not well maintained, customers will think that the homeowner has not maintained the home.

If they’re in a nice, tree-lined neighborhood and they walk up to the house and see that the yard is unkept, and they walk to the door and the doorknob falls off, they dislike them from that point in their mouth, Guttman says .


Today’s homes need to be conveniently located for home buyers, realtors say. Factors like the school district the home is in and proximity to freeways are important, Gross says.

Different homebuyers have different needs. Some want a home from which they can easily commute to work. If you work at home, you need other features.

“Many more people are asking us about high-speed Internet access,” says Gross.



People want a home for their second most important possession, their cars.

People want at least a two-car garage, says Gross.

Not only do they want space for their cars, but they also want extra storage space for everything from tools to lawn mowers and other garden maintenance equipment.


This is the place where families come together. They spend a lot of time in the kitchen area, says Pereira.


According to Pereira, people are looking for updated kitchens with newer appliances, cabinets, countertops, and flooring. Updating an outdated kitchen can be expensive.

But a kitchen is more than the sum of its appliances and functions.

Home buyers want an airy and bright kitchen with natural light – a warm and inviting place for everyday living as well as entertaining on special occasions.

If you go to someone’s house for a party, Guttman says they hang around the kitchen. Many people love to cook and that is their domain. They are proud of what they do.


Home buyers want a room large enough to fit their existing furniture and adequate storage space.


They’re definitely looking for the greatness, says Pereira.

But they also want the space that has the right vibe.

When they sleep, they need to be comfortable, says Guttman. It’s the last thing you see when you close your eyes at night and the first thing you see when you open your eyes in the morning. They must be glad they are there.


As with the bedroom, homebuyers want updated styling, preferably in neutral colors.

The number of bathrooms in a home is also important, local realtors say.


People want more than one, and that goes for everyone, says Pereira. One and a half is great; 2 and above is better.

If buyers want to spend a little more money, they’ll want a spacious master bathroom with a large tub or a shower and tub that’s separate from the dresser, says Pereira.

The location of the bathrooms in relation to the rest of the room in the house is also an important consideration.


Shoppers want enough space to store their belongings.

The storage space is large, says Gross. They look to the future and buy more than they need.


Pereira says her clients love extra storage—big attics, big sheds, lots of space

Basement, cellar.


Basements used to be where you had your washing machines and could store extra stuff.

Nowadays it’s a bonus room where kids can play, dad can watch the big game in peace, or even a place for a home theater system.

A finished basement is a plus, says Pereira. Families with children want a finished basement. If it’s done, it’s a plus.


When a basement is unfinished, homebuyers are interested in whether a basement can be finished and what it would cost.


As heating and cooling prices have skyrocketed in recent years, energy efficiency has become a major issue when deciding what home to buy, local real estate agents say.

“Homebuyers are very conscious of energy efficiency,” says Guttman. They want to know what it will cost them to heat and air-condition their home. You look at insulation, energy efficiency of the windows, type of heating, age of the heating system.


Overall, a home needs to feel like home no matter what price range a homebuyer is working with.


“They want to go into a house and stand there and say it feels good,” says Pereira. “Sometimes that’s how a home is decorated. It’s all psychological.”

Photography by Don Fisher

Jennifer Sheehan is a freelance writer.

Real Estate Editor Eloise DeHaan

[email protected]


What should a luxury homes have?

Beauty in Every Detail: What Makes a Modern Luxury Home
  • A Top-Notch Kitchen. …
  • Spa-Style Bathrooms. …
  • Plush, Hotel-Quality Bedrooms. …
  • A “Secret” Room. …
  • A Smart Home Monitoring System. …
  • A Walk-in Closet, or Room. …
  • A Cozy, Well-Connected Home Theater. …
  • A Game Room That Will Keep You Engaged.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

The 12 most important characteristics of a modern luxury home

What makes a modern luxury home? Is it the number of rooms and bathrooms? Is it the size of the house and how many floors does it have? Is it the number of smart devices that can be monitored and managed by an app or software? Is it the size of the gardens or just the sheer number of square meters? Because everyone wants a home that is both aesthetically pleasing and filled with features that provide a comfortable lifestyle, a modern luxury home sets itself apart by offering future homeowners features that define the luxurious living experience they aspire to. Because of this, property seekers are now looking beyond price and how huge homes are for sale online.

So what are the characteristics of a modern luxury home? Here are the top features you can only find in an upscale property.

Beauty in every detail: what defines a modern luxury home

1. A first class cuisine

In a modern luxury home, the kitchen needs to be integrated with function, luxury and style. Bold textures, rich hues and exotic materials are just a few of the qualities that make the kitchen more luxurious in a modern luxury home. You’ll often find marble, granite, and even diamonds incorporated into kitchen islands, cabinet handles, and even the low pantry.

Even cooking gourmet meals requires restaurant quality equipment. Homeowners will feel safe and happy cooking up a storm in a gourmet kitchen and will welcome the rest of the family to join, even as spectators. Kitchens in modern luxury homes are also integrated with advances in technology that make it even easier to do the things you need to do. From refrigerators with temperature controls and features that ensure all food is fresh and traceable, to automatic dishwashers, cooking in the kitchen is no longer a chore. Additionally, appliances and tools are also becoming more energy efficient these days, which is great if you have more than one chef who loves to whip up culinary creations.

2. Spa style bathroom

We spend a large part of our mornings (and sometimes evenings) in the bathroom. And as we spend more time at home, we now look at our living spaces more for what they function for. As such, bathrooms in some modern luxury homes are outfitted with the latest furniture on the market today to help homeowners unwind after a long day: rain showers, sunken bathtubs, whirlpool tubs, and even a horizontal power shower system. The water system is also temperature and pressure controlled, which is ideal for temperature and pressure sensitive individuals.

Luxury also means furnishings that add beauty, comfort and innovative functionality.

Some modern homes have smart toilets that are customized to be convenient for users. Massage bidets, optimal seat height, seat heating, automatic seat elevation, touch-free flushing and even health tracking are just a few of the many elements of the smart toilet that can be confusing at times, but are a great experience every time.

To make the bathrooms more spa-like, the cool white tiles and monochromatic colors are gone. Strong textures, rich hues and exotic materials are also brought to the bathroom. Glass, bamboo and rattan as well as mood lighting are incorporated as accent pieces to set the mood and further enhance the experience. Bathtub spouts and chrome faucets are replaced with brass or other aesthetic materials to complete the look.

3. Elegant hotel quality bedrooms

Another sign of a modern luxury home is the level of comfort offered by the bedrooms. Whether with floor-to-ceiling windows, balconies or outdoor space, the bedrooms feel like a vacation you’ll love waking up to (or staying in) each day.

Wake up to a massive California king bed topped with a fluffy headboard, bolster and accent pillows, duvet, and the softest comforter you’ll want to wrap around your body forever. Aside from the comfy bed, the bedroom is also furnished with one or two comfy accent armchairs where you can spend time reading a book (if you don’t feel like sleeping). The walls and floor are also padded to set the mood.

Some bedrooms even have handy fixtures like automatic lighting and blinds systems, so you can open and close them with either the push of a button or voice command. To add to the comfort of these modern luxury rooms, some choose to install a mini pantry stocked with snacks, drinks and other groceries should you desire a midnight snack.

4. A “secret” room

Modern luxury homes may have all the technology and high-end luxurious features to squeeze into, but nothing beats special living spaces like secret rooms. These secret rooms are rooms where the entrance or door is hidden from the rest of the house, but it can be anything you want it to be. A secret room can be behind a bookshelf or a dark wall and when opened is a secret retreat from the rest of the world, or at least from the rest of the household. In addition, a secret room can also serve as a security measure.

5. A smart home surveillance system

A modern luxury home has the latest in network-connected systems, devices and devices that can be monitored remotely and automatically to ensure safety and security. Today, homeowners are outfitting their luxury homes with motion sensor lighting, internet-connected security cameras, and software that connects to other utilities in the home so they can all be monitored through an app on your smartphone or tablet. These help homeowners not only gain insight into their household’s energy use, but also identify security gaps that you can fix immediately.

6. A walk-in closet or room

There are walk-in closets and then there are mega walk-in closets. In a modern luxury home, organization, luxury, and even security are all important things that a walk-in closet (or in this case) must have. And for people who have lots of high-quality clothing, accessories, shoes, bags, and other valuables, they need a walk-in closet with durable shelves and bins to organize their clothes, mirrors, and the right lighting for them to try on themselves from different angles to see, and shelves to display selected items.

7. A cozy, well-connected home theater

Most high-end homes these days include some sort of home theater or media room. This is because the living room has none and is reserved for receiving and entertaining guests. The home cinema in a modern luxury home is equipped with the latest cinema quality speakers, a huge LED flat screen Smart TV with the latest streaming apps and a very comfortable lounge and recliners for optimal viewing.

8. A playroom that keeps you busy

A game room can have an entertainment area where you can also watch games, but it is also a space where you can have fun playing games with the rest of the family. A game room may be outfitted with items dependent on its homeowners, but it’s usually a spacious room where you can place a pool or ping-pong table, or a shelf full of classic and modern board games. A video game enthusiast also ensures that there is more than one television screen or monitor so that he can play a streaming game while keeping an eye on his opponent or fellow player online on another screen. The game room is also equipped with the latest video game console system and popular video games.

9. A well furnished home office

Before the pandemic, home offices were seen as an excessive addition to a modern luxury home. Now that more and more people are working from home, a home office that is fully connected online and has the latest devices and gadgets helps people to be productive, especially during these challenging times. Home offices today come equipped with a phone system for conference calls, an all-in-one printer and scanner for important paperwork, and your usual desktop computer setup. One or two ergonomic chairs are swapped out in place of a typical office chair to alleviate back pain from sitting too much at a desk. In addition, home offices in modern luxury homes are well equipped as they provide a great background for business video calls.

10. Incredible formal spaces

A high priority for luxury real estate is to offer owners this magnificent opulence without going overboard. As such, formal spaces typically have high ceilings and are well punctuated with mood and overhead lighting. Furniture may be sparse but is large enough to accommodate a small party (e.g. a living room section, a 10 seater dining set). There is always an accent wall that pulls the focus from the room to the main centerpiece. It could be a work of art or a sculpture. The space is always brought together by keeping the colors within the same palette and/or a large and cozy rug.

11. Architectural Details

Luxury homeowners invest as much in their outdoor spaces as they do indoors. They don’t mind paying as long as the amount of detail and customization on the luxury home is amazing. Luxury buyers appreciate the craftsmanship and ensure that every detail of the home has beauty.

Brittany Corporation is the first in the Philippines to develop and build contemporary luxury real estate and luxury homes and lots with rich character and subtle themed appeal. Brittany’s award-winning contemporary luxury residences are backed by these luxurious shared apartments inspired by the world’s most beautiful destinations:

1. The Swiss themed communities with cross winds

With over 35,000 native pines, this Swiss-inspired luxury resort in Tagaytay offers only lots, homes and lots, townhomes and condos in a private sanctuary surrounded by the tranquil views, sounds and scents of nature.

2. Portofino’s Italian-inspired themed communities

Offering exquisite luxury real estate inspired by the elegant flair and grace of cosmopolitan Italy. The classic architectural feats of these modern luxury homes and gorgeous amenities have become Brittany’s hallmark for its luxury developments in Vista Alabang.

3. Brittany Santa Rosa and her Old English themed communities

Own a luxury home in Brittany Sta. Rosa will remind you of the charming country houses in South American and old English country style.

4. The San Franciscan inspired communities of La Posada

La Posada in Lakefront Sucat offers luxurious homes that are a fusion of Victorian opulence and modern sophistication surrounded by the tranquility and serenity of a charming San Franciscan community.

12. The location

Sure, it doesn’t sound like a feature, but location is a key element of a modern luxury home. Because land is a finite resource, modern luxury homes are built on lots that offer more area than a typical home and lot for sale. Additionally, a modern luxury home is built on a lot, giving homeowners ample room for future expansion.

The placement of the modern luxury home is also important. A modern luxury home needs to offer sanctuary and privacy, which is nearly impossible to achieve in a much denser location like the city center or near a busy road or intersection.

The modern luxury home also offers viewpoints that you wouldn’t normally get. For example, a modern luxury home for sale at Alpine Villas overlooks breathtaking pine clad views of the massive Crosswinds estate in Tagaytay.

Discover more luxury real estate and home and land properties at Brittany Corporation.

UP NEXT: Guide to Solar Powered Homes in the Philippines

What 3 things have to be done to prepare a site for building?

Creating a safe and viable construction site begins with site preparation.

Here are three ways that this process allows your crew to get off on the right foot.
  • Avoid muddy sites. …
  • Stock your site with equipment. …
  • Locate any obstacles underground.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Creating a safe and functional construction site begins with site preparation.

Just because you own a piece of land doesn’t mean it’s buildable.

Site preparation consists of several essential phases including site assessment, demolition, site determination and site clearance.

In this blog post, we discuss how to lay a solid foundation for your future construction.

Let’s start!

1. What is site preparation in construction?

Before you can start any construction work, you need to prepare your site.

In short, it’s all of these activities that take place on your property before you can start constructing your building.

Whilst this is pre-construction work it may also include civil work such as B. the demolition of existing structures; grading, leveling and clearing of land; moving earth; and drainage projects.

Done right, site preparation allows you to anticipate and address on-site complications before you tackle your major construction project.

2. What are the steps in site preparation?

Site preparation (if done correctly) makes all other construction activities easy and uncomplicated.

For example, if you intend to build a home on the property, you must prepare the site by choosing a build-friendly site, knowing where to dig (and where not), and implementing project management to reduce the potential for error and delays.

To keep it clear and simple, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps in each site preparation project.

site rating

Before you start, you should first analyze the website to make sure it is suitable for your project.

Is it the right size and shape?

How steep is the slope?

Which uses are permitted according to the local building regulations?

You should ensure that the property is suitable for your project before investing in site preparation.

soil test

A geotechnical site survey is an essential part of site preparation.

This is done to determine the composition, properties and characteristics of the rock, soil and groundwater beneath the site.

It allows you to assess site conditions and collect data to construct and design the foundations of various structures.

This investigation includes surface and underground exploration, soil and groundwater samples as well as laboratory analyses.

Finally, the subterranean medium is tested to determine how well it absorbs water, as well as its strength and soil bearing capacity.

If the site soil is not suitable for the project, you will need to find another site.

In the following section we will go into more detail about the different soil types.

Design of the site plan

After your site assessment and geotechnical review, you should plan the layout of your site.

This includes the placement of septic tanks, drainage systems, structures, etc.

A site plan also shows any necessary access roads for interim storage and construction vehicles.

This plan may then need to be reviewed by the county or city building authority for compliance with zoning and building codes.

If the plan is approved, all necessary permits, such as B. a demolition or earthwork permit issued.

site survey

In this phase, you will sketch where all structures, fixtures, and utilities will be placed on the site.

Site marking is essential as you may find you are not building in the correct area if the survey pegs do not demarcate the site.

Additionally, if the property is in a heavily built-up area, an underground service plan can be drawn up at this point to ensure that no vital pipes or cables are damaged during construction.

Ground clearing and sorting

At this point, work on the land can begin.

The next phase of site preparation involves grading and clearing the property so you can proceed with the construction of your building.

This phase may also include building demolition, tree felling, removal of underground infrastructure, earthworks and backfill to level the site.

location densification

The final step is to compact the soil so it can support the weight of the building foundation.

The key is to fully prepare the site for excavation and foundation work to begin.

3. What types of soil are there?

Soil testing is essential to determine if it can support the weight of the building and absorb water.

Testing will help determine the type of floor and whether it’s right for your project.

Class Designation Description Class A Acceptable Mostly sand and rock with little or no soil movement from humidity changes Class S Fair Slightly reactive clay sites with little soil movement from humidity changes Class M Moderate Moderately reactive clay or silt sites that may experience moderate soil movement from humidity changes Class H1 & H2 Highly reactive Highly reactive clay sites that may be subject to severe soil movement from moisture changes Class E Extreme Extremely reactive sites that may be subject to extreme soil movements from moisture changes Class P problem sites with soft soils, such as soft clay, silt, or loose sand; Landslide; mental depression; collapsing floor; soil at risk of erosion; reactive sites exposed to abnormal moisture conditions or sites that cannot be otherwise classified

Note: If a demolition is planned, you will need two soil samples. One before demolition, the other after demolition.

4. How long does site preparation take?

For most housing projects, site preparation takes between 1 and 2 months.

Site preparation for multi-commercial projects may take a little longer depending on project size.

5. What are the construction phases?

Ground clearing Ground survey Soil investigation Preparation of site plan Ground investigation

site preparation

Obtaining essential reports and building permits

Setting up the planning software for project management

Installation of the job trailer(s).

Temporary power connection

Temporary portable water and accessible generator

Portable toilets and water connection to city pipes

Water tower for construction water (if necessary)

Temporary construction water basin (if necessary)

Foundation Roofing Framing Electric Sorting Landscaping

exterior construction

Drywall and Insulation Trim Cabinet Floors Painting

interior design

Permanent supply connections

List of defects and final inspection

6. What are some tips you need to ensure proper site preparation?

Determine the location and height of the building

When placing your structure on the property, you should consider both the flow of people and the equipment (especially if you have multiple buildings) prior to construction and occupancy.

You want the location of your building to be aesthetically pleasing and at the right elevation for drainage purposes.

You must also meet any required setbacks and zoning requirements, which often limit the area you can build on.

Your architect or engineer can help you determine where your building should be placed based on property characteristics, zoning requirements, and structural requirements.

Investigate access to the site

When determining the location of the building, you must consider access to the site.

Can you enter your building?

Will your builder be able to deliver materials?

Will your location be free of dirt so gear doesn’t get stuck?

Will there be enough space for heavy equipment?

Considering site access is an important part of site preparation because it is so easy and efficient to do.

Here are some factors to consider for site access:

Street, driveway and culvert width Location of mailbox Location of power lines Location of public sewers Location of existing buildings, waste bins, etc. Location of trees Turning radius of articulated lorries

Explore Perimeter Access

Access to the terrain allows people to get onto your land easily.

Perimeter Access helps people and equipment move around the site once they are already on the property.

Your construction crew needs to move.

To do this, you should maintain a clear and dry perimeter that allows material, equipment, and crews to move quickly.

For example, dumping fill material or gravel near the build platform may restrict equipment flow or retain water.

A line of trees along one side can prevent a Gradall from passing through.

If additional dirt or sand gets in the way, the crew will be prevented from using the gear they need.

In any case, you have to make sure that you remove all obstacles from the perimeter to ensure a smooth and fast building process.

Protect your investment

Site preparation is about reducing your risk and protecting your investment.

Much of this has to do with choosing the right builder.

Here are some key points to consider when choosing your contractor.

Safety: Your construction company should have a safety program and a full-time safety manager. Project Manager: A designated project manager oversees the construction of your building and gives you peace of mind. Builder risk: Your builder should have risk insurance to protect you from theft, storm damage or vandalism during the construction phase. Warranty: Make sure your builder provides a comprehensive warranty plan.

Prepare your construction documents

Your construction documents must be prepared correctly during site preparation.

Here are some key features:

1st time

Determine the best time to build your pad.

Depending on the climate, some seasons are better than others!

2. Structure:

Before building your underlay, highlight the best areas of your site to ensure your underlay is on solid ground.

3. Fill type:

Evaluate the different types of infill and decide which one offers the most benefit.

4. Drainage:

To minimize water intrusion into your building, it is important to install proper drainage.

If done incorrectly, it is likely to have long-term effects on your building.

Prepare your crew for success

Simply put, proper site preparation allows your team to build more efficiently.

Here are three ways this process enables your crew to get off on the right foot.

1. Avoid muddy locations

Muddy locations present a lot of challenges for you and your crew.

Your boots collect mud and it gets harder and harder to walk.

Your trucks can get stuck or you will leave mud on all your materials or concrete floors.

You may also find that your gloves are covered in mud and it becomes difficult to hold materials and work tools.

Of course, avoid muddy spots at all costs!

This affects your building quality and significantly slows down your efficiency.

If you have to work in a muddy site, do what you can to weatherproof it and bring in gravel.

2. Stock your site with equipment

Not having access to the right equipment around your building can result in reduced efficiency or require more staff to complete a single task.

Stay on course by having the right gear at your location.

3. Locate underground obstacles

One of the quickest ways to derail a project is to come across an object underground while digging.

This is an obstacle that will cost you both time and money.

It can also be a safety issue if you encounter a gas or power line.

Make sure you use proper safety precautions and conduct an underground supply hunt to ensure you and your crew have an accurate map of what’s beneath your location.

7. What is the value of investing in site preparation?

With proper construction, buildings can last for decades.

This is why it is so important to invest in proper site preparation.

You don’t want to set yourself up for years of pain by not giving your foundation a solid platform to rest on.

Here are just some of the factors that can weaken your foundation:

Fluctuating moisture content or poor drainage Improper site compaction Soil type (embankment or expanded soils) Unstable soil and soil displacement

Investing in site preparation allows you to prioritize what matters most – a solid foundation!

Without that, you cannot hope for your construction project to be successful.

8. How much does site preparation cost?

Site preparation varies by building type.

Here is the approximate cost.

Note that costs can vary widely depending on location, elevation, type of granular infill, size of build area, and amount of object removal.

Farming: $1,000 to $30,000 Residential: $500 to $5,000 Commercial: $1,000 to $50,000 Horses: $500 to $20,000

If the cost seems significant now, remember that site preparation will extend the life of your building and help reduce the overall construction cost of your project.

One way to save on costs is to do some of the work yourself if you are qualified to do it.

9. How can site preparation ensure you complete your project on time?

Of course you want to complete your building project on time.

Proper site preparation is one of the best ways you can prepare your team for success and ensure your project is completed by the project deadline.

Here are some planning factors to consider.

Find a contractor who is aligned with your project schedule and work with a digger who understands your deadlines.

The right team is crucial to meet your deadlines!

Locate underground obstacles or hazards.

Above we talked about creating an underground site plan.

During this process, you can also locate obstacles or hazards.

What needs to be moved or removed prior to site preparation to minimize labor?

Check if you need a permit for site preparation.

This ultimately depends on your location.

Sometimes you don’t need permission for site preparation, which ultimately saves you time.

However, if approval is required, make sure you go through the correct process.

Don’t try to cut corners, this will cause you big problems later!

Note that the schedule and duration of site preparation is influenced by a variety of factors, including size and type of equipment, competencies and specialties, staffing levels, backlog, etc.

Try to prepare a weatherproof site with gravel driveways, edge gravel approaches, gravel padding in areas, and a gravel construction pad.

By doing this before construction begins, you can minimize project delays due to a muddy job site.

Final Thoughts

Site preparation may feel overwhelming right now, but don’t worry!

This process is about preparing your country for success, and you are not alone in this.

By working with a contractor who can facilitate your ideal site layout and location, you can optimize your site for construction.

Additional Resources

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I hope you enjoy reading this post. Don’t forget to check out my new book: Land Investing Mistakes – Erika

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, auditors or financial advisors and the information in this article is for informational purposes only. This article is based on our own research and experience and we do our best to keep it accurate and up to date, but it may contain errors. Please be sure to consult a legal or financial professional before making any investment decisions.

What are the factors to be considered while selecting the building site?

Crucial Factors to Consider for Your Site Selection
  • Define your reason or purpose for situating your plan on the site. …
  • Location and accessibility. …
  • Access to utility and raw materials. …
  • Knowing your competitors. …
  • Study the building/land surrounding the site. …
  • Landscape, size, shape, and topography.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home


The planning and construction process of a commercial or residential building does not really begin.

There are many crucial factors and phases that allow you to have the perfect or ideal building that suits your lifestyle.

One of the most important stages to pay attention to is the site selection process. Most civil engineers, homeowners and architects pay little attention to this. However, it is the most important aspect of all the processes that make the design and construction of a building successful and satisfying.

Likewise, the process of site selection can be quite challenging for many people, especially those who are not experienced in site surveys or analytics.

It’s not just about visiting the site and conducting an inspection, but also taking note of all the ins and outs of the site so that you have a sufficient idea of ​​how to start planning and building your building.

You need to be aware of these features and make sure you work towards using them to your advantage as you begin the planning process.

Crucial factors to consider when choosing your location

Below are the main things to consider if you want to have a good site to plan and construct a building.

1. Define your reason or purpose for placing your plan on the website

This should be the first factor to consider when choosing a site for any type of plan or construction. You must be able to clearly define your intentions and goals for wanting the website.

Do you intend to build a residential or commercial property? Or do you want to build a well-equipped modern farm for crops and livestock?

Knowing the purpose for the site will help you plan the design effectively and give direction to the construction process.

2. Location and Accessibility

Make an effort to know the address and all the important information about the place where the site is located. Can the location be found via Google Maps? Is it easily accessible? Being able to find answers to questions like these gives you a head start.

Access the site’s proximity to roads, highways, transportation systems, airports, and other infrastructure that help make things easier for the proposed building occupants.

3. Access to useful and raw materials

For any construction or construction project to be successful, it must be conducted in a location where there is easy access to infrastructure and utilities. There should be electricity, water supply, health care, shopping mall, good waste disposal system and so on.

Another important factor to consider is its proximity to the raw materials used in its design or construction. This will help you save on the cost of transporting or importing raw materials to the site. You will also have enough resources to complete the work.

This is equally important if you are planning to build a manufacturing industry. The proximity to the raw materials required for the production process will be extremely profitable for you in the long term.

4. Know your competitors

If you are planning a commercial building on the site, you need to study the place and know those who are likely to be your competitors. This will help you time your planning properly so you have an edge over them.

With the right innovative mechanism, you can outperform your competitors and generate a high return on investment in the shortest possible time.

However, don’t forget to make sure that your website is in the right place where your target customers are. If this is in place, you are guaranteed to be successful with your business on the site.

5. Examine the building/property surrounding the location

The surrounding land and/or building may interfere with your design if due care is not taken. Therefore, you must make an effort to thoroughly investigate the buildings or land surrounding your location.

If the building is too tall, it can affect ventilation and block sunlight during your planning. If the site is surrounded by land, you must also determine how the land may affect your planning.

Some unused land around the site can breed pests and other insects if bushy; They can also harbor dangerous animals.

So you need to plan how to combat these factors to prevent them from negatively affecting your website.

6. Landscape, size, shape and topography

These four factors must be carefully considered. Knowing the size and shape is an effective way to create a plan that fits perfectly. The size of the site should allow room for future expansion, and the shape should be even with no sharp corners.

Appropriate attention should also be paid to the topography and landscape. Does the terrain have a slope? If so, you should determine the type of slope in order to design the building in a way that will not adversely affect the construction later.

7. Security and the nature of the neighborhood

Protecting life and property is vital in any residential area. Therefore, this factor must not be taken lightly. Find out about the security system in place on and around the site before beginning anything.

Knowing the crime rate in the area allows you to make informed decisions and take precautions to protect yourself, your family, employees, and property.

The type of neighborhood is also very important. Are your neighbors friendly? Is the environment full of toxic elements? Does the site itself have no contamination that is hazardous to health?

You need answers to these and other important questions before you choose a website.

8. Law & Finance

After gathering enough information about the site and its surroundings, make an effort to gain insight into the laws or rules governing the operations of the site.

There are places where the government legislates on the restrictions a website should have.

These restrictions could include the amount of free space that must be left in front of and around the sides of the property, the proportion of the property to be built on and the required height of the building to be erected. Learning the laws and following them effectively will keep you out of trouble with the government.

Also, you need to be able to determine the cost of everything, especially the website, utilities, and other payments that you are likely to incur in the future. Make sure any expenses or payments are within your budget so you don’t go bankrupt.

9. Know the soil type

Different soil types can occur at one site. Therefore, you must pay proper attention to the soil that is available on your site and determine if it is suitable for construction.

You don’t want to end up with a cracked or failed building due to the type of soil used for the foundation.

Therefore, learn about the safe bearing capacity of the ground in order to be able to design a foundation and a static system that works efficiently and effectively.

Whether the soil on your site is clay, sandy, rocky, or swampy, you can use it to your advantage by determining its constituents and capacities.

10. Weather Conditions

Each location has its own weather conditions. You must determine the weather conditions at your location before beginning a plan. If there are natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes or volcanic eruptions, you must make an effort to know them in order to know what is at stake before proceeding.

11. Natural Features

Nature’s gift adds value and aesthetics to a site when used properly. Wherever the site is located, there must be unhindered access to natural light and air.

Determine the wind direction and build a climatologically appealing building in which the residents feel comfortable.

The natural vegetation surrounding the site such as plants, trees and flowers can be used to enhance the value and beauty of the site if the site designer is aesthetically inclined to create a design that is in harmony with nature.

If this is successfully implemented, the website will be a masterpiece and will be cherished for decades to come.

Choose the right site

Designing the perfect plan for your building or structure becomes easier and more focused when you choose the right location for it. In order for you to do this successfully, the above factors should be considered.

What do architects consider when designing a building?

Buildings also must be functional, safe, and economical and must suit the needs of the people who use them. Architects consider all these factors when they design buildings and other structures.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Architects had around 126,700 jobs in 2020. The largest employers of architects were:

Architectural, engineering and related services – 71%

Self-employed – 17%

government – 3%

Construction – 3%

Architects spend much of their time in offices meeting with clients, developing reports and drawings, and collaborating with other architects and engineers. They also visit construction sites to ensure clients’ goals are being met and to check on projects’ progress. Some architects work from home.

work schedule

Most architects work full-time and many work extra hours, especially when faced with deadlines. Self-employed architects can have more flexible working hours.

In most states, architects are required to have a professional degree in architecture from one of the 117 architecture schools whose programs are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). However, state architectural registration agencies set their own standards, so completion of an unaccredited program may meet the educational requirements for licensing in some states.

Most architects graduate from a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture degree, designed for students with no previous architectural training. Others earn a master’s degree after a bachelor’s degree in another field or after completing a pre-professional degree in architecture. A master’s degree in architecture can last from 1 to 5 years, depending on the extent of the previous architecture training.

The choice of degree depends on preference and educational background. Aspiring architecture students should explore the options before committing to a program. For example, although the 5-year Bachelor of Architecture offers the most direct route to a professional degree, the courses are specialized and if the student does not complete the program, moving to a program in a different discipline can be difficult. A typical program includes courses in architectural history and theory, building design with a focus on CADD, structures, technology, construction methods, professional practice, mathematics, science and humanities. Central to most architecture programs is the design studio, where students apply the skills and concepts learned in the classroom and create drawings and three-dimensional models of their designs. Also, a growing number of schools, including one, are now offering architecture degrees online.

Many architecture schools also offer postgraduate degrees for those who already have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture or other fields. Although college education beyond the professional degree is not required for practicing architects, it can be useful for research, teaching and specific areas of expertise.

All state architecture registration agencies require architecture graduates to complete a training period – usually a minimum of 3 years – before they can sit the license exam. Each state follows educational standards set by the Intern Development Program, a program of the American Institute of Architects and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). These standards mandate broad education under the supervision of a licensed architect. Most first-year students complete their training with internships in architectural offices. Some states allow some training to take place in the offices of related professionals, such as engineers or general contractors. Architecture students who complete internships during school can count part of this time towards the 3-year training period.

Architectural firm interns may help design part of a project, assist in the creation of architectural documents or drawings, create models, or create engineering drawings on CADD. Interns may also research building codes and materials, or write specifications for building materials, installation criteria, the quality of finishes, and other related details.

All states and the District of Columbia require individuals to be licensed (registered) before they may call themselves architects and contract for the provision of architectural services. In the period between graduation and admission, architecture school graduates generally work under the supervision of a licensed architect, who takes legal responsibility for all work. Admission requirements include a professional degree in architecture, practical training or internship, and passing all sections of the architect registration exam. The exam is divided into nine sections consisting of either multiple choice or graphic questions. The eligibility period for completing all areas of testing varies by state.

Most states also require some form of continuing education to maintain a license, and many others are expected to introduce mandatory continuing education. Requirements vary by state, but typically involve the completion of a specified number of credits annually or biennially through workshops, formal university courses, conferences, self-study courses, or other sources.

Architects need to be able to visually communicate their ideas to their clients. Artistic and drawing skills are helpful for such communication, but not essential. More important are visual orientation and the ability to understand spatial relationships. Creativity and the ability to work independently and in a team are other important qualities for anyone interested in becoming an architect. Computer skills are also required for specification writing, 2D and 3D drawing using CADD programs, and financial management.

35 Simple Tips to Improve your Minecraft Builds!

35 Simple Tips to Improve your Minecraft Builds!
35 Simple Tips to Improve your Minecraft Builds!

See some more details on the topic small things that get forgotten when building a house here:

10 Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House

1. Light Switches and Power Outlets · 2. Kitchen Cabinet Lighting · 3. Television Location · 4. Shower Head Height · 5. Recessed Bathroom Storage · 6. Internet & …

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100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

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7 Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House

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Small things that get forgotten – Houzz

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Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building a House

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Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House

Create a custom home building checklist!

If you’re about to build the house of your dreams, be sure to create a custom home building checklist! There are many little things to think about when building your future home, and making a checklist allows you to go through these things with a fine-toothed comb. Having your own home construction checklist can help you solve these problems as they arise. When small things make you sweat too much, having a custom home building checklist is even more important for working on your home.

Designer Homes FM has compiled a list of some things to add to your custom home build checklist – here at Designer Homes we ask for your opinion on these things before we start building your dream home.

1. Lights, switches and sockets

When Designer Homes FM works on your home, we check the position of lights, switches and outlets to ensure there is no awkward placement. Mistakes happen, but they will be corrected before they cause problems in building your own home. Take special notes on the placement of outlets outside the home.

Taking notes on the placement of lights, switches, and outlets can help you resolve any issues regarding their functionality as they arise. When building your custom home, remember how much exterior decoration you want to consider!

2. Shower head height

Here’s something to think about when building your custom home – if someone in your family is 6ft or taller, you need to make sure the showerhead is 6ft 8in to ensure the showerhead is a comfortable 6 Foot 5 is “to accommodate everyone in your home.

3. TV placement

It’s important to think about TV placement when building your custom home. Designer Homes FM will help you identify every spot in your home where you might want to put a TV and make sure there are outlets in those spaces.

If you are looking to install a heavier TV monitor in a specific location, Designer Homes FM can provide additional reinforcement for your TV stand in the form of two 2 x 10 or 2 x 12 pieces of wood that run between the stands of your monitor. These wooden bars are intended to both support the existing physical reinforcement of the TV stand and the ease with which screws can be drilled into the mounting bracket for further physical reinforcement.

4. Placement of the water heater

Designer Homes FM has decades of experience building homes and we know that installing water heaters in the attic can help you free up space in your garage. But also think about the storage space your water heaters will take up in the attic! You must also try to find the best water pipe fittings you can find to protect your home from any type of water heater breakage in your attic.

If you don’t have a lot of space that needs to be occupied, you can try using instantaneous water heaters (which are more expensive but smaller and save on energy costs).

5. Loft storage

Designer Homes FM automatically installs decking in your accessible attic. However, some builders do not automatically install decking in your attic and may even deny access to the attic in the final custom home plan.

However, if accessible attic space is a priority for you and you are not using Designer Homes FM to build the custom home of your dreams, you should speak with your custom home builder about specific custom home plans that allow for the automatic installation of decking, a light with an accessible Switches and doors/pulldowns to access the usable attic.

6. Shelf depth

Shelf depth is something else to think about when building your custom home. By default, your existing shelves are 11-12 inches deep. Designer Homes FM will get your opinion on preferred shelf depth before you begin building your shelves. For a little added value, consider talking to your home builder about increasing the depth of your shelves to 14-15 inches. This is how you get the most out of your available storage space.

7. Door swing direction

Designer Homes FM reviews the way and direction each door opens to ensure directional consistency is maintained throughout the home and the logical use of door hinges is prioritized. If there are two doors on vertical walls that interfere with each other when both are opened at the same time, Designer Homes FM addresses these issues as they arise.

8. Additional Materials

Designer Homes FM offers you a remnant set of every type of tile, carpet, wallpaper, brick, trim, paint and grout you may need for future repairs to your custom home. After you receive these items, you should make it a priority to catalog the manufacturer and product description of each item in case you need more than the remaining number of additional materials. Talk to your builder about doing the same.

Designer houses – built according to your specifications.

Designer Homes FM has decades of experience building stunning, custom luxury homes that will satisfy even the pickiest luxury home lover. We don’t sweat too much about the little things that go into building your dream home because we systematically go through our own custom home building checklist!

By gathering your details on preferred electrical placement, shower head height, required television placement options, water heater placement options, loft storage options, shelving depth, and desired additional materials to leave behind, Designer Homes FM is truly able to build your future home to your exact Requirements. Contact us today!

10 Small Things That Get Forgotten When Building A House

When planning to build a custom home, you have a lot to think about. Do the details keep you up at night? Are you afraid of forgetting something important? The Meadowlark team is here for you. We believe home building should be fun and exciting, which is why we always recommend working with a builder to take care of those little details for you. That said, it’s still handy to have a list of the most important things to remember so you can sit back and relax. This list of 10 little things to forget when building a house will help you check even the smallest boxes off your list:

1. Light switches and sockets

One of the easiest things to overlook when building a home is the placement of light switches and outlets. It’s a small detail that can have a big impact on your daily life. When planning your custom home project, take some time to think about where logically light switches should go. Can you turn on the light before entering a room? For small spaces like the pantry, do you have the light you need?

Sockets follow the same logic. If you charge your phone on a nightstand by the bed, make sure your bedroom is set up for it. Some other places where power outlets are necessary but often forgotten are:

Kitchen worktops for appliances such as coffee makers, toasters, and blenders

Bathrooms for hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, curling irons and straighteners.

Outdoor for holiday and landscape lighting

Living room for TV, lamps and chargers

Garages for powering outdoor tools

Basement if you want to have a workshop downstairs

Home offices for Internet connections, routers, charging stations and various electronics

2. Kitchen cabinet lighting

Your kitchen workspace is much more functional when you can see what you are doing! Adding lights under cabinets can help you get the lighting you need for kitchen prep and cleaning. Lights above kitchen cabinets can add a little dimension and help bring your kitchen to life even on the gloomiest of days.

3. TV location

When designing the ideal living room, it’s surprising how easy it is to forget to plan a spot for the TV. While most families choose to have a TV in the living room or study, you might not want it to be the central feature of the room. Instead of just sticking it on the mantel or in a corner somewhere, take some time to think about where to place your TV. Then make sure you have the right sockets and power connections to make this possible.

4. Shower head height

If someone who lives in the house is taller than 6 feet, you might want to consider installing the shower head faucet a little higher than usual. Keep in mind that the showerhead you choose will hang about 3 inches below the faucet, so consider this math when designing and building the shower. And remember… sometimes two shower heads are better than one!

5. Built-in wardrobes in the bathroom

When you build your own home, you have a unique opportunity to make the home perfect for you, rather than adapting an existing design to suit your lifestyle. Get an advantage! It’s easy to incorporate a recessed toilet compartment in the shower or a recessed medicine cabinet behind the bathroom mirror when you’re building. These little compartments fit snugly in the space between the studs in your walls, so it’s a simple little addition that can make a world of difference in how much storage you have in the bathroom.

6. Internet & Electronics

One thing many people forget when building is the placement and internal installation of important electronic systems such as internet, sound systems and more. If you’re a music fan or a heavy internet user, you’ll want to install a hardline system, and that’s the easiest way to install it during construction. You have complete control over router placement, signal boost location, where to place in-wall speakers, and more. While you can certainly get by with wireless internet and sound systems, many people prefer the quality that a hardline system can deliver. Make sure you’ve accounted for both while you’re still building.

7. Features of the kitchen cabinet

When you’re dealing with a million house choices, it’s easy to forget all the little details that can make a big difference in your day-to-day life. Ever struggled to carefully stack pots and pans only to have them all crash out of a cupboard?

Now is your chance to perfect your kitchen organization by choosing cabinet features that support easy and convenient storage. Make sure you consider items like deep cabinet drawers for cooking pots, soft-closing drawers to prevent wear and tear, and even custom cabinet options like a pull-out spice rack or a dedicated lift-up shelf for your heavy-duty stand mixer. Take a little more time now to think about these features, and you’ll go a long way in preparing your kitchen for success when you move in.

8. Outdoor Amenities

Building a house requires a lot of attention. It’s easy to get carried away with all the details inside and forget what’s going on outside. Simple outdoor amenities like a ceiling fan on the porch, an outlet for a speaker on the patio, or outlets for landscape lighting are all small things that are often forgotten when building a home. Imagine how you want to use your porch or patio, then make sure you’re equipped to succeed with all the power and features you need.

9. Washroom Utility

While the laundry room may not be the most exciting part of your new home, it should work for you. Many people forget how often you use this space in your home, which can lead to some set-up issues. For example, in the laundry room, it helps to have a shelf that’s deeper than usual for folding clothes and storing things like extra towels. Some people prefer an extra sink in the laundry room, deep shelving, or even a clothes rack for those clothes that you’d rather air dry.

10. Additional Materials

Finally, make sure you ask your builder for a little extra of the most important materials in your home. Storing the remnants of tile, carpet, grout, wallpaper, paint, and trim can help you greatly with future repairs. Even if you don’t have enough supplies for a repair, at least have a tag with the manufacturer’s name on it or a small sample to take to a hardware store. After the project is complete, most reputable builders should provide you with a list of all the choices, finishes, appliances, and paint colors used in the home.

New to the house building process? It can be a lot to remember. From small considerations like these to larger design decisions, there is so much planning that goes into your new home. Working with an experienced design + build company can make the process a little easier. Here at Meadowlark, we’ve been building custom homes in Ann Arbor for years, which means we have the experience to guide you through even those small, forgettable items. If you are planning to build a custom home, contact our team.

100 + Things Not To Forget When Building A New Home

Building a house is a significant investment. It can be an exciting, emotional journey, especially if it’s your first time.

There is a mountain of information to process and many decisions to be made in a sea of ​​limitless choice. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the big picture, as the small details are often forgotten.

These little design flaws don’t seem to matter all that much during the build process. However, their addition makes the home more comfortable to live in and is often a major pain when it needs to be corrected once the home is built.

We understand that building a home can be time consuming, but it shouldn’t be a grueling process. To save you some time and possibly a future headache or two, we’ve put together a helpful list of things to remember when building a house!

The Lotmix team encourages you to consider the following when looking at the little things:

This advice derives from our experience of sitting on either side of the fence.

Make sure your communications and requests to the builder are easy for them to reference and track.

Excellent communication throughout the project is the key to success in home construction. The better the interaction between buyer and builder, the smoother your journey will be. It will reduce unnecessary stress. So do your best to communicate in detail and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

We’ve put this at the top of the list because not only is it the largest, it’s also the most enduring. We strongly encourage you to consider site placement and ensure you are happy with your floor plan with the orientation of your chosen property. One of the first steps a contractor will guide you through is the siting of your chosen floor plan

Powerpoint planning is part of the building process. But it’s best to think about it before you make the appointment with your builder. It’s easy to overlook outlets, so it’s important to think about it. Hallways are often forgotten, living without a power outlet in the hallway can be a real challenge, especially if you have a corded vacuum cleaner.

Don’t forget to consider some outdoor outlets as well. You’ll thank us in the summer when you’re throwing a great barbecue and need extra mood lighting or music.

Protect your home with an alarm and doorbell.

Extractors are indispensable in the home, especially if you are building a two-storey house. Fast and easy to use. They are built to last and instantly add value to your home.

Installing a fridge faucet will expand your fridge choices when the time comes. Remember that the location of the water point can affect the depth of the refrigerator.

Which leads us to our next tip: pay attention to the space around your fridge. Limited space can affect the life and performance of your refrigerator. Pay attention to the position of the hinge on the refrigerator and leave enough space to open the refrigerator doors. Kitchens are the heart of the home, so they should work well!

are you taking a bath Come in! Try the shape of the bathtub and make sure that it suits your desires. Ask your builder where you can see different bathroom options; they will probably have exhibited them.

Holistically map your light switch locations throughout your home and ensure you have consistent placement. It is helpful to have a list of places to install light switches.

Another often overlooked point is the gap between the bottom of the door and the final flooring. You want to avoid installing your flooring only to find that you have significant gaps between the flooring and the door molding.

Think of a faucet at the property line, not just on the wall. It will make outdoor activities like gardening and car washing much easier.

Check the location where you intend to place your water heater, relocating in the future can be costly! Water tanks come in different ranges and sizes, so make sure you choose a size that suits your needs.

Let your builder know if you want a security PoE camera, as the data cables should be routed during the framing phases.

One important design tip: when choosing your patio wood siding, try to match it with the wood siding outside. Remember that light wood naturally darkens, but dark wood cannot be lightened without painting.

Windows are a striking feature in any home, and who doesn’t love natural light! However, they leave limited space on the outside walls for practical items we can’t live without, e.g. B. clothes lines, air conditioners, water tanks. It’s a good idea to allocate space for these necessities, as finding space for them can be problematic in the future.

If you plan to install solar on the track, have it pre-wired. This ensures that the installation is clean, tidy and aesthetically pleasing.

Take a walk through your design before signing your plans for your new home! Imagine your morning routine. Make sure your future self is comfortable and happy.

Door locks are an essential part of home security. Remember to check which doors are fitted with security locks and inform the builder.

Ask for locks with the same keys. It saves you the hassle of carrying multiple keys and remembering which key opens what.

You might not pay much attention to doorstops, but they are full of unexpected benefits. They eliminate noise and protect the door, so make sure they are included and installed.

Another important feature of home security is window locks and fly screens. Installing these features allows you to let fresh air in without compromising safety.

Check that the windows are from the same manufacturer and you don’t have wrong keys!

Recycling water from around the home can help save money and help protect the environment. Provide greywater collection from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry if you plan to install a greywater system along the route.

Consider double glazing for your windows or “high performance” glass. They help to save energy costs, improve safety and improve soundproofing. These advantages also increase the value of your property.

Don’t forget to put locks on all doors from the garage to the house.

Many people consider a cavity door a must for the bathroom. They keep your bedroom or walk-in robe free from steam.

A helpful tip for maximizing wasted laundry storage space is to add a clothes rail in a tall cabinet, both practical and functional!

Pay attention to the inside dimensions of the garage. Keep in mind that one day you might upgrade to a bigger car. Not being able to fit a vehicle in a poorly designed garage can be frustrating!

Skylights are a striking architectural feature; they provide daylight and contribute to energy efficiency and comfort.

High ceilings evoke space, consider taller doors when increasing ceiling height.

Check for cornices on bulkheads and consider having them there!

To avoid paying extra for custom windows, consider Standard Size Windows. They come with a wide range of ready-made blinds and curtains, saving you the cost of tailoring.

Translucent glass doors are a fantastic way to maximize sunlight and add a touch of elegance to any living space.

A light in the roof is a hot tip! Consider placing the switch near the maintenance hole to make it more convenient and create an outlet for Christmas decorations or fairy lights.

Extension cords can be an eyesore! Consider floor sockets for table and floor lamps. No need to run extension cords across the floor and behind furniture, minimizing hazards.

We’re going to keep it simple: install an outdoor light fixture near the clothesline, you’ll thank us when daylight saving time ends.

Allow easy access to the stair light, especially if the stair light is above the stairwell. Plan it now so you can avoid future dangers!

For the sake of the environment and your electricity bill, think about sensor lights and fans in the bathroom! We are all guilty of leaving the lights on at some point in our lives, let Senor Lights do the work for you.

Check your construction contract to see what costs are included, and budget for any upgrades you know you can’t do without, such as: B. USB charging sockets!

As a household grows, there is less space available in the house. Consider installing additional outlets in the garage for a second refrigerator or dryer.

To ensure hassle-free cleaning, consider having a power outlet in the utility closet, especially if you have a rechargeable vacuum

Garden lights are an excellent way to entice the family to spend more time outdoors. Light up your outdoor living space by installing an electric wire under the driveway or path to provide power for garden lighting. So light up the garden and enjoy the summer evenings!

Add a little personal touch to your home by choosing your ringtone or decorative theme. Get creative with your doorbell selection, just don’t forget!

Check that the light switches are conveniently placed. If you have double doors, make sure you still have access to the light switch when they’re open. A poorly placed light switch will leave you fumbling in the dark.

Variety is as good as vacation, and that also applies within your own four walls. You can refresh your home and rejuvenate your spirit simply by moving the furniture around and allowing additional TV and power outlets in the main living area to keep your options open. So consider the arrangement of the furniture when deciding on a floor plan.

Install the electrical panel in the garage or under the stairs for added security and easy access. Since these places are usually dark, keep a rechargeable flashlight nearby.

Most homes generally have single phase electricity. Three-phase power is typically used in larger homes that use multiple large appliances that require larger amperages, such as B. Pool heaters. To avoid future power fluctuations and needs, discuss this at your electrical appointment and whether you need a three-phase power supply.

Add a conduit for Foxtel phone and TV cables for a hassle-free installation. This tip will save you a future headache when you need to install these features on a non-cavity wall.

If you’re lucky enough to have enough space to think about a pool, think about buying a pool gear circuit now!

The bathroom should be stress-free! Consider installing additional outlets for electrical devices in the closet or under the vanity top. It will help keep the space tidy and functional, but remember to install them a safe distance from water sources.

When planning an exterior wall, consider the location of the downspouts. You don’t want the feature wall’s aesthetic to be ruined by downspouts.

Evaporative cooling is environmentally friendly and cost-effective if you’ve given the go-ahead, install a roof-top water point with a lid and outlets to make installation a breeze.

Drain holes in the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen make general cleaning easier and are an added benefit when your appliances leak or overflow.

The kitchen is usually where most people use small amounts of hot water the most. Therefore, consider installing the hot water system near the kitchen if possible.

Check the location of your hot water system. If it’s on the blind side of your home, make sure your clothesline is easily accessible from your laundry.

Speaking of hot water tanks: make sure that there is enough space to open the side rail.

Ensure the water heater is mounted on a concrete slab and not on the floor, this will help keep your system in a safe working condition.

If you plan to install a vacuum duct, measure the distance between the ducts on the plan to ensure the hoses are long enough to reach the entire house. Alternatively, invest in a larger hose so you can effortlessly reach all parts of your home.

If you are considering installing a split air conditioner, consider what it will look like from the outside. A large system can be an unsightly sight, and an overgrown garden can hamper its performance.

Plan the locations of ceiling vents for heating and cooling. In the bedroom, make sure that they are not directly above the bed.

To accommodate the different temperature preferences of everyone in the home, consider multi-zone heating.

Underfloor heating keeps your feet toasty warm all year round. Consider adding this luxe feature in the bathroom to keep your feet warm when stepping out of the bath or shower.

The standard width of a refrigerator niche is 900 mm. However, consider increasing your fridge niche to 1000mm to accommodate all fridge brands. This is especially helpful if you plan on expanding your family, because the more heads to feed, the bigger your fridge needs to be!

Did we mention how much we love lounging outside in the summer? Consider installing an outdoor TV connection. Now cricket can entertain your friends while you fire up the grill!

It is important to optimize the overall storage space in the kitchen! Measure the size of the drawers in the kitchen, leaving room for a large pot and pans.

Soft close doors are a popular kitchen accessory. Consider installing them on other cabinets around the house to extend their lifespan.

Think carefully about where to place the dishwasher in the kitchen. Consider the cabinet layout and make sure you have easy access to all cabinets without having to open and close the dishwasher when unpacking the dishwasher.

Occasionally builders use offcuts when installing a bulkhead. Specify in your contract that the bulkhead must be installed as “one piece” or “no joints” to ensure an aesthetically pleasing design.

Upper cabinets in the kitchen are a great way to create more storage space. Make sure the assembled cabinet is flush with the wall. A kitchen island offers a lot of additional storage space and enhances the design of your kitchen. For added functionality, consider installing outlets on your kitchen island.

Trash cans can be an eyesore in the kitchen. Built-in bins or pull-out bins for your rubbish and recycling will help keep the kitchen looking tidy!

If you are planning to install an undermount sink, consider whether a drain board is right for your kitchen.

Frosted windows in the bathroom and toilet provide more privacy while still allowing natural light into the room.

Check the opening direction of the shower doors and specify your preferred direction in the contract so that all doors in the bathroom face the same direction.

If you’ve upgraded to a higher ceiling, consider the height of the shower screen.

Privacy locks are an excellent option for the bathroom. They provide privacy for much-needed downtime and also allow you to unlock the door from the other side in an emergency.

If you are in the habit of placing a bath mat on the floor outside of the shower, consider the space between the bathroom door to leave enough room to open and close the door.

Sliding doors on built-in closets save an enormous amount of space in the bedroom and best of all, they don’t limit the placement of your furniture.

The standard width for built-in bathrobes is 500 mm. Consider increasing the width to avoid snagging clothes when the door closes.

Take some time to go through the contract and make sure that each variant in the plan is drawn correctly.

Are you happy with the location of the gas and electricity box? If possible, these should be outside of your side gate. Otherwise, the energy suppliers will charge you a meter reading fee each time, which can become expensive in the long run.

A water heater takes up a lot of space. Make sure you are happy with the installation location as it can often be difficult and costly to relocate a system in the future.

Orientation of the right window increases the efficiency of a house. But make sure you are happy with all aspects of your windows!

Make sure slabs have been laid for additional elements around the property such as the porch or rain tank. These are often overlooked and will save you time and money in the future.

Consider where you want to install telephone points. Common locations for phone lines are the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, study, and home office. Your possibilities are endless!

High ceilings can add value to your property; They add elegance and a greater sense of space. A classic in every home!

If you are looking to install frameless shower enclosures, consider a recessed channel in the wall before laying the tiles. This reduces the unsightly sight of the silicone running down the sides of the glass and wall.

Consider ventilation in the laundry. This tip will help maintain blood flow by removing excess moisture!

The laundry room should be well equipped and well organized. Consider a tall cabinet in the laundry room to house bulky items like a vacuum cleaner and ironing board.

Flooding in washing machines can be a real problem, a drain in the laundry floor ensures quick cleaning and helps prevent water damage and mold growth.

During the framing phase, take photos of walls in all rooms before plasterboard is applied. A great way to document stud location; You’ll be glad you did when it comes to decorating the inside!

Curtains and rugs are an excellent way to add character and comfort. They also reduce echo, which is especially helpful in large open spaces.

You might want to install a fan outside, make sure the ceiling height is high enough to accommodate one!

Open floor plans offer many additional benefits, consider adding doors for an added sense of privacy and flexibility, which is often desirable as the children grow older.

Access doors serve a variety of purposes. Consider installing a fly screen for security and airflow.

Never underestimate the benefits of dimmer lights, they are great at saving energy and providing calm mood lighting. They shouldn’t be limited to the bedroom, consider installing them throughout the home, including outdoors!

For some houses, a workshop next to the garage is a must. They are perfect for storing tools and bikes, provide extra security for your valuables and keep your garden tidy.

To optimize the signal of your internet connection, think of a central location for your WiFi router (this can always be solved with WiFi repeaters)

Cables are another eyesore in the home! Plan how to minimize the appearance of your TV or projector cables. Depending on the situation, you can find advice online on how to mix cables seamlessly.

Review and review all the pros and cons of your plan. It’s a good idea to double-check all the little details.

A shower alcove allows you to keep your shower essentials within reach while maintaining an organized bathroom. They can also be installed in the bathtub to store toiletries, a tidy bathroom fixture.

Consider installing an extra light switch next to your bed so you can control the lighting of your bed’s comfort.

When designing a house, carefully consider the width of the hallways. Once it’s built it will be too late to fix it.

Sliding cavity doors are great space savers. Swinging doors are practical. Both offer a variety of benefits, decide which one is right for you.

Ventilation is crucial and should not be neglected when planning window positions.

It may seem obvious to say, but a wall mounted toilet holder works best when installed within reach.

A laundry chute is like a helping hand around the home, eliminating the need for laundry baskets that overflow at peak times.

Planning where your furniture will go, this tip not only adds a bit of fun but ensures everything fits into your space. This should save you the hassle of moving furniture you may not need.

Try leaving the forklift doors in the panel to make sure you don’t step over the frame to go outside.

Take the time to consider shelf height in both your closets and pantry. This is especially important if you decide to change door heights and ceiling heights in the future. You may need to add an extra shelf if the ceiling or door height has been adjusted to ensure the shelves are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Organize your closet layout, be practical with the design and make good use of the space. Not only does this make the room feel more spacious, but it also makes mornings a little easier.

Did you know that depending on the size of your bank, it’s common to have a connection? This is due to the stone slab sizes commonly offered by leading brands. It’s a good idea to do a little research and discuss this with your contractor to make sure you’re happy and understand the result.

Check the number of downspouts. Regardless of whether the area you live in gets a lot of rain, downspouts are an essential part of any building’s drainage system.

Consider installing a garage access door!

Downlights in the eaves provide your garden with ambient light; They are perfect for entertaining.

Stair Railing – In many home designs, the standard upstairs stair railing is a plaster wall. Also, if you upgrade the plaster wall with a railing, don’t assume that it will go around the landing. Confirm with your builder exactly where the railing goes and what is around the landing/gap.

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