Spilled Bong Water On Carpet? 97 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “spilled bong water on carpet“? We answer all your questions at the website Chewathai27.com/ppa in category: Aodaithanhmai.com.vn/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

How do you get bong water out of carpet?

Disaster Recovery: Here’s How to Clean Up Spilled Bong Water
  1. Step 1: Gently scrape up any bits of resin that may have spilled out. …
  2. Step 2: Blot the bong water with a towel. …
  3. Step 3: Get out the white vinegar! …
  4. Step 4: Rinse the area with warm water, then blot dry with a towel again.

How do I stop my bong from smelling?

Resolution Caps are made of heat-resistant food-grade silicone, a perfect material for protecting your bong and locking in odors. Our bong end caps create a tight seal around the openings of your bong to protect your piece while preventing smells and water from leaking out.

How do you get the water out of a bong?

Bong water is sticky and resinous, so it’s not ideal to pour it down the drain if you can avoid it. You can pour it into the trash if you have a properly sealed trash bag or you can pour it into a sealed container to throw away.

Do 1 hitters smell?

One hitters produce far less of a smell than other methods of smoking do. This is because the majority of the smoke goes straight into your lungs, rather than the air around you. The one hitter’s lack of odor helps boost its discreteness.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

A one-hitter is a small, narrow-bowl whistle designed and used for a single inhalation or puff. It usually contains around 25 milligrams of cannabis (a single hit). Although you may be most familiar with the one-hitter that looks like a cigarette, there are actually a few different traditional styles of one-hitter whistles.

Traditional styles of one hitter whistles


Source: dhgate.com

The Kiseru is a Japanese pipe typically made of metal and bamboo – metal for the mouthpiece and bowl with bamboo in between. Kiseru became popular in the 17th century and can even be mentioned in some Buddhist textbooks.


Source: turbosquid.com

The midwakh is a Middle Eastern pipe traditionally used for smoking tobacco mixed with herbs. Primarily made in the United Arab Emirates, these one hitter whistles can be made from a variety of materials including wood, bone, metal or glass.


A Sebsi is a Moroccan pipe with a narrow clay bowl. The stem is made of wood and was traditionally used to smoke cannabis pollen or kief. They can grow up to 18 centimeters long.


Source: karmagroupindia.com

Chillums are straight, tapered, one-hitter pipes that feature a channel connected end-to-end. They are typically made of clay and have been used since the 18th century. Chillums were originally smoked by Hindu monks in India, but their popularity has now spread around the world.

A bit about the bud in your one hitter

We don’t care so much about the ganja strain you smoke in your one hitter as what happens to the bud itself.

We’re going to get a little more scientific in this section, but don’t let that put you off. It’s good to know what happens to your marijuana after you start a flame.

All cannabis contains cannabinoids

Our journey begins with the raw marijuana flowers picked fresh from the field. These flowers contain a variety of cannabinoids.

The concentration of each cannabinoid depends on the strain you choose. You will most likely use a CBD-heavy strain as your medication because that particular strain doesn’t have the THC necessary to get you high.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a standout psychedelic experience, you’ll most likely use a THC-heavy strain to maximize the high. But we overtake each other…

In the raw flower, the cannabinoids are slightly different from the THC and CBD you see printed all over the place. That’s because they first appear in their acidic forms (THCA and CBDA).

The key takeaway from this section is that THCA and CBDA don’t interact with your brain and body like THC and CBD do – THCA won’t get you high and CBDA won’t provide any medicinal benefits.

You can get nutritional benefits from consuming raw marijuana (e.g., juicing it or blending it into a smoothie), just like you can with other leafy greens. But you won’t get the strong results you’re looking for.

For that, you need to activate (or transform) THCA and CBDA. How you do that? Step 1: Dry and cure.

Dried and cured buds are better

Drying and curing is Mother Nature’s way of giving you the medicine or mind-altering trip you need. Thank you mum!

Drying weed strips moisture from the surface layers of your bud, but still leaves moisture in the bud. It’s similar to drying your skin after a bath: the towel draws the skin’s surface moisture away while leaving the skin’s natural moisture in.

But you can’t rub a marijuana flower with a towel. That would be just silly. Instead, you need heat (from the sun or a stove).

Applying heat in this way dries the plant and converts a small amount of THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD. That’s a good start, but we need to go further to maximize cannabinoid conversion by also curing the dried buds.

Curing weed manipulates the moisture in the potted flower to accelerate, maintain, and control cannabinoid activation without causing the plant to decay.

You are probably familiar – at least conceptually – with the aging of wine. Curing grass is like that. You can read more about drying and curing in our article Drying and Curing Weed | The Complete Guide to Better Buds.

Leaving your buds in a humidity-controlled space removes the moisture deep within, brings out the unique flavors and aromas, and converts a good chunk of the THCA and CBDA into plain old THC and CBD.

The only catch with drying and curing your pot is that it takes time and, in some cases, expensive equipment. You can certainly try drying and curing your cannabis (we recommend everyone do DIY at least once), but depending on where you live you may need environmental control equipment such as:

air conditioning


moisture control

fans for air circulation

This can make drying and curing your own weed expensive. But don’t worry my ganja brothers and sisters!

There’s nothing wrong with paying a few bucks more for professionally dried and cured Mary Jane. That’s the beauty of the pharmacy: They do all the hard work for you (or at least pay someone to do the hard work).

All you have to do is put a Jackson or two on the counter and you can head to the races.

But there’s one more step to making your one-hitter experience as complete and satisfying as possible: decarboxylation.

Decarboxylated bud is best

The drying and curing process activates most of the THCA and CBDA, but we don’t settle for that (nor should you). We want to squeeze every last bit of canna goodness out of these little buds.

For that we need a decarboxylation.

Decarboxylation is a chemical process where you apply more heat to remove a carboxyl molecule (COOH) from the larger THC molecule.

Before decarboxylation, the bud is still pretty raw (even though you dried and cured it). You could possibly sprinkle the dried and cured pot on top of your salad or just eat it plain, but again, you wouldn’t get the full effect. You need more warmth.

If you want to mix your ganja into an edible, put it in the oven first to convert any remaining THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD.

When you want to smoke your weed, there’s a lot less hassle. Just find a flame and blaze away.

Which brings us back to the one hitter. The chronic you pack in the tip of your one-hitter is already dried and hardened. Here’s what happens when you light that pup (not a literal pup, of course):

Immediate decarboxylation occurs. All THCA is converted into THC. All of the CBDA is converted into CBD. The solid marijuana vaporizes (burns). The heat and combustion produces carbon dioxide (CO2). Your bloodstream carries the cannabinoids to your brain. Your pain disappears or the walls speak deep truths of the universe

This is the science of what happens when you light up your favorite strain. It really doesn’t matter if it’s a one hitter, a joint, a blunt, a spliff, a bong, or a dab rig. They instantly decarb your weed, freeing all of the THC and CBD trapped in the plant matter. Brilliant!

Now that you know a little about the science behind smoking (or eating) weed, let’s delve a little deeper into the specific use of a one-hitter.

How do you use a one hitter?

One hitter whistles are easy to use. You fill the narrow chamber or bowl with your weed, pack it in tightly, light it up and take a hit. Breathe in slowly but steadily for the best draw and avoid sucking in ash. However, there are some techniques you can use to make using a one-hitter more enjoyable.

Use the right consistency

To avoid inhaling ash, you should use the right cannabis consistency. Don’t grind your weed too finely or it will turn to ash as soon as you light your one hitter. Make sure your weed is chopped up so it’s small enough to fit in the bowl but big enough to stay in the pipe rather than turning to ash and mixing with the smoke.

It’s best if you can use a small piece. Nobody wants a mouthful of ash if they’re just trying to generate a little buzz.

Pack your one hitter vertically

Source: brfoundersblog.com

Turn your one hitter over so the bowl is facing down. Dip it in your marijuana and twist the pipe. Repeat this two or three times until the one hitter is well grabbed. This will ensure you have a longer lasting hit. Don’t pack it too tightly, though, or you’ll restrict airflow.

Light it up properly

You also don’t want your one hitter to get too hot when you’re smoking. Light the entire pipe for a second or two to prevent it from getting too hot too quickly. Keep the flame as far away from the one hitter as possible and position the tube so it points towards the ground to avoid heating up too quickly.

Honest Marijuana Tip: Use the shiny silver part of your Bic lighter as a mirror to see if the cannabis is blazing at the end of your one hitter.

Keep your one hitter clean

Finally, you should always clean your One Hitter after each use. This helps prevent ash buildup and gives you a smoother hit every time. After the draw, tap out the ashes and use a poker to rid them of any resin. If you’re still having trouble getting it sparkling clean, use a pipe cleaner.

Thoroughly clean your one-hitter every week or two to avoid a build-up of tarry goo that makes your one-hitter smell and taste bad. Here’s how to do it.

Rinse your one hitter with hot water. Place your one hitter in a plastic bag or small plastic container. Pour in enough rubbing alcohol to cover the one hitter. Add a tablespoon of salt. Shake the bag or plastic container. (We didn’t write it as one of our instructions, but we recommend closing the bag or putting a lid on the container before shaking it.) Discard the salted alcohol and rinse your one hitter again with hot water . Allow the one-hitter to air dry. If you must use the one hitter immediately, use a hair dryer to remove all excess water.

This process doesn’t take very long and you will be very satisfied with the results.

What are the advantages of a one hitter?

Some smokers only smoke one hitters. They’re convenient and simple – perfect for the busy stoner on the go.

You are discreet

Because of their slim profile, One Hitters are perfect for a discreet hit. The most common one-hitter whistle design even mimics the appearance of a cigarette.

You can walk the sidewalk or stretch out in the park, put on your one-hitter, and nobody gets the wiser. You’ll just look like someone puffing on a cigarette. This is an incredible benefit of a one-hitter for smokers living in places where weed isn’t legal.

Less odor intensive

One hitters produce far less odor than other smoking methods. This is because most of the smoke goes straight into your lungs, rather than into the air around you. The one hitter’s lack of scent contributes to its discretion. You don’t stand out by smell.

That doesn’t mean that one hitters don’t have a scent. There will still be a telltale aroma when you exhale the smoke. If you’re concerned about the smell, try a sploof. “A what?!” you ask. A joke. it’s a word look it up!

A sploof is like a silencer for your marijuana. When you exhale your one hitter’s smoke into a sploof, the stuff inside filters out the skunky aroma. And while that sounds like a super-expensive, high-tech thing, you can make a sploof out of a toilet paper roll and some dryer sheets. Here’s how to do it.

Remove all toilet paper from a cardboard toilet paper roll (we recommend waiting until you have finished the roll). Pack the toilet paper roll with four dryer sheets (don’t pack them too tightly). Cover the end of the toilet paper roll with another dryer sheet, fold it over, and secure with a rubber band (you can even use duct tape in a pinch). Blow your smoke into the sploof (no parenthetical information needed here).

If you want to get really fancy, you can pack your sploof with activated charcoal. This costs more than dryer sheets, but does a better job of filtering out the overall odor.

And if you can’t get your hands on an empty toilet paper roll, you can use any type of tube-like container – a plastic bottle, a lipstick tube, a PVC or ABS tube. Whatever you have on hand.

Protects your stock

Because one-hitters are designed for single hits, they inherently use less weed. The smaller bowls force you to economize on the amount of weed you consume.

They also help you avoid wasting weed that can so often happen when smoking joints and blunts. You don’t run the risk of burning grass you don’t hit. If you’re on a tight budget or want to keep your stash longer, try a one-hitter pipe next time you smoke.

Easy to use on the go

Source: pinterest.com

One hitter whistles are so small that they are easy to carry and take with you wherever you go. You can throw it in your purse or put it in your jeans pocket. Pull it out and take your train whenever you want. As simple as that.

The only speed boost to this perk is you have to grab the one hitter every time. Try a vape pen for really easy use anytime and without charging. That way you can take a hit, go for a while, come back and take another hit like you never left.

Which one hitter is right for you?

Do a quick internet search for one-hitters and you may be blown away by the results. How do you know which one is right for you? We combed through the results to find your best options.

the claw

The Claw is your classic one-hitter. It’s slim, stylish and looks like a cigarette. It’s unobtrusive but easy to use. With its clawed tip, your weed stays in place and doesn’t fall out. The Claw makes it easy to pack a bowl and smoke on the go.

Formax420 One Hitter Whistle

This one-hitter is a metallic three-inch whistle that comes in a variety of bright colors. They’re cute, easy to use, and affordable. The Formax420 is a great option for a one hitter.

The happy hippie bat

Source: mountainjamglass.com

This fun glass bong is made in the USA from high quality borosilicate glass by the Mountain Jam Glass Company. It is smoked glass that is 4 inches long. Not only is this one hitter great for a hit, it makes a wonderful addition to your glass collection.

It is designed to look like a little happy doll face. The glass has color changing effects as the artists held precious metals in the flame when making the pipes. Each One Hitter whistle is handcrafted by a glass artist in a collective in Oregon, so your whistle is guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind.

The taster pipe made of glass, silver-coated with colored work

This smoked glass one hitter whistle is also made in the USA from high quality borosilicate glass. It’s 3.5 inches long, but its head actually holds enough for more than one hit. You can take a few puffs from this pipe.

Like the Happy Hippie Hitter, this one hitter whistle is made by individual arts at the Mountain Jam Glass Company in Oregon. Each whistle will be unique and beautiful.

The small plain stone chillum

This classic stone chillum is more durable than a glass one-hitter, but just as easy to use. The stone body actually cools the smoke before it reaches your lungs, so many find this more comfortable to use than other types of one-hitters.

You can put a metal strainer in the bowl if you want to prevent Scooby snacks from getting in your mouth.

The glass chillum

This glass chillum is super easy to use and made from smooth glass. It provides the smoker with a smooth hit, and you can add a metal screen for an even smoother hit. This one hitter whistle also comes with a handcrafted pouch for easy portability. It’s 7.8 inches long, so the smoke when inhaled is cooler than shorter one-hitters.

The One Hitter Mini Hurricane Whistle

If you’re a fan of hand whistles but are looking for the ease and convenience of a one-hitter, look no further than this piece. This one-hitter has a tiny bowl on the stem rather than the end of the whistle. It’s made of Pyrex glass, so it’s super durable and will last a lifetime. It even comes with a strap so you can attach it to your keychain or even wear it around your neck.

What are you waiting for?

One hitter pipes make smoking weed easy wherever you are. Just grab your one hitter and go. They’re more discreet than other smoking methods, making them perfect for smokers who want to keep a low profile.

You don’t have to stick to just a single one-hitter, either. There are so many options to choose from that you can’t go wrong. So get started with a one-hitter today.

Visit HonestMarijuana.com today for more information on cannabis and to try our 100% natural marijuana products.

What happens to bong water?

Dirty water is a haven for bacterial growth and bong water is no different. Left unchecked, it can become a breeding ground for microbes. Such pathogens as E. Coli and Hepatitis A can be found in stagnant water, and you definitely don’t want to inhale that stuff.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

We’re constantly learning more about the potential health benefits of cannabis. And as more information emerges, so too do we debunk more ideas about the dangers of cannabis, much of which is simply misinformation being propagated by the voices behind the war on drugs. However, unsafe practices when consuming cannabis can lead to dangers. We saw this last year during the so-called “vape crisis” when off-market vape products were shown to contribute to health problems. The key takeaway from this fiasco was that it’s always wiser to get your cannabis legal and from a reputable source. And there are other best practices when it comes to cannabis use that can help ensure you have a safe and healthy experience. Today we tackle the infamous problem of dirty bong water.

What is a bong?

You’re probably already familiar with bong water, but since not everyone consumes their cannabis the same way, we’re providing a quick overview.

A bong is a water pipe used to smoke cannabis. Many consumers prefer to run their smoke over water as this cools the smoke and makes it less harsh to inhale. Plant material is packed into a bowl when using a bong. The consumer holds a flame overhead while inhaling slowly as smoke fills the pipe’s chamber. Once the chamber is full or the preferred amount of smoke is reached, the user takes a sharp inhale from the mouth of the bong at the top. The smoke is drawn into a water-filled base and from there up to the user’s mouth.

As plant matter and smoke are sucked right into and through the water at the bottom of the bong, a sticky residue will eventually develop that will only get messier over time. The question is, is this dirty water harmful to health?

The Effects of Dirty Bong Water

The short answer is yes – dirty bong water can make you sick. However, the longer answer is that this is not really a cannabis problem, but rather a dirty water problem. They would not drink dirty water. You would not bathe in dirty water. Dirty water is a haven for bacterial growth and bong water is no different. Left unchecked, it can become a breeding ground for microbes. Such pathogens as E. Coli and Hepatitis A can be found in standing water, and you definitely don’t want to inhale the stuff. And if you’ve ever dared to drink dirty bong water, it would be in your best interest if you didn’t.

But in addition to normal pathogens, there are things that come from cannabis sifting through your bong water. For example, Aspergillus, a fungus that grows on the cannabis plant, breaks down into mycotoxins when burned. Inhaling mycotoxins can cause lung disease. While it may be tempting to put off cleaning and take that dirty bong to light, it’s important to clean it before use.

How often should you change your bong water?

You really can’t change your bong water too often, so if you’re not sure, just change the water. Some people like to have fresh water for each new smoking session, and that’s a good idea. You wouldn’t eat from dirty dishes, so why consume cannabis from a dirty piece? Another good rule of thumb is to just face the water. If it looks gross, it probably is and it’s time for a change. And bacteria will accumulate in standing water within 24-48 hours. So if it’s been a long time, you definitely need to change it.

From time to time you should not only change your bong water, but also clean your bong. You can do this by soaking the parts in isopropyl alcohol and then rinsing them thoroughly. Some people add kosher salt to the alcohol, pour it into the bong, and shake it vigorously to help scrub the resin from unreachable parts inside. If you don’t want to use alcohol, there are several different brands of 420 purifiers you can buy, or you can submerge your bong in boiled and sterilized water. Just make sure the water has boiled and isn’t still boiling or you risk breaking the glass.

Keeping things clean when using a bong or water pipe will keep you healthy – and it’s worth the little extra effort!

Can bongs grow mold?

If you don’t clean your bong on a regular basis, then it’ll start to smell and look bad. Mold and bacteria will form on the surface of your bong. Resin can also build up inside of your bong and cause it to be difficult for smoke to travel through the water and filter out toxins without getting dirty in the process.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Cleaning your bong is necessary for many reasons: It removes the foul-smelling sap, mold, and tar that builds up in a bong over time.

Resin can cause serious lung problems if inhaled often enough. Mold and tar can also be health hazards and a bong filter can only do so much!

If you use your bong regularly, your baby will need to be cleaned fairly frequently. We’ll show you how to clean a bong, whether it’s made of glass, silicone or acrylic!

How can I hide my bong from my parents?

Here are some of the best places to hide your bong.
  1. Using Old Boxes to Hide Your Bong.
  2. Hanging a Backpack in the Corner Closet.
  3. Suitcase and Luggage are Perfect Bong Hiding Spots.
  4. Have You Heard of the Coffee Mug Bong?
  5. A Water Bottle Acting as a Disguisable Bong.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

August 24, 2021 Written by Carl Rogers

If you’re a cannabis smoker with a penchant for bongs, you may need to figure out how to hide a bong so it doesn’t draw unwanted attention. Alternatively, you could hide your stave in plain sight with camouflaged bongs or discreet bongs.

They blend in seamlessly with their surroundings, and nobody will ever be the wiser (unless you tell them, of course). In this article, we’ll show you how to hide a bong so well you might even forget where you put it.

Where to hide a bong – DHC’s top picks

When looking for good places to hide a bong, think about your surroundings. Place your piece in some sort of container and then return that container to its natural habitat.

It might feel a bit counterintuitive (and you might think you’ll spot it the first few times you have a visitor here), but it’s one of the most effective ways to hide a bong.

Here are some of the best places to hide your bong.

Use old crates to hide your bong

Here’s one I’ve personally tried: using an old box to hide a bong. I’m a gamer and I love nothing more than kicking back with my favorite strain and games after a long day at work. As it happened, I already had my old Playstation box on the top shelf of my closet. It was empty and my bong fit perfectly. Long story short, it’s now one of my few good places to hide a bong when I have company.

If video games aren’t your thing, don’t worry. Knowing how to hide a bong means having many options. There are many other box options that can be used, including shoe boxes and board game boxes. Whatever you choose, remember this important tip: don’t leave it isolated on your desk or some other out of place place in your home.

In order to be inconspicuous, it should naturally blend into its surroundings. In some cases, that’s in your closet. In the case of a game box, that could be somewhere in the middle of several other board game boxes on a shelf in your living room. Just make sure you hide it under similar items.

Hang a backpack in the corner cupboard

I know I’m not the only one with a super condensed section in my closet. There are a lot of people out there who have a space that’s a little too crowded with clothes and stuff. If that sounds a bit like your closet situation, then you know what? You have one of the good places to hide a bong.

You will need a backpack or holdall for this hiding solution. Carefully put your bong in, then pack up any old teas and other junk you have lying around. That way, in case someone decides to search the bag, someone will find all the junk first. It will seem too messy to dig through, so they will most likely leave it alone.

Cases and luggage make perfect bong hideouts

Many people forget to unpack their bags after returning from a trip or put it off for a few weeks (if not longer). Packed luggage is a great place to hide a bong and provides an alibi that needs no explanation. Simply stow your bong in a piece of luggage and fill it with clothing and other items that you might take with you on vacation. To anyone who opens it, it looks like you forgot to unpack it after the trip.

With this particular hiding method, the general rule is that you want to bury it deep enough that no one will see it at a glance, but you should still be able to reach in, give a few turns, and close it with relatives find ease. Anyone else would have to search through your clothes to find your bong, which most people probably won’t do.

When you stow your suitcase, put it back where you would normally keep it. This can be your bedroom or hall closet. That way it will fit in naturally and no one will question its placement.

Use of stealth bongs or stealth bongs

Sometimes knowing how to hide a bong isn’t about stashing it away; you can easily hide them in plain sight with stealth bongs or stealth bongs. These hidden bongs look like other regular household items. In other words, they blend in seamlessly with their surroundings. Unless someone picks it up and examines it very carefully, they probably won’t realize what it really is.

Have you heard of the coffee cup bong?

If you love drinking coffee, a telescopic coffee mug might be the perfect solution. To the untrained eye, it looks like any other travel coffee mug. But when you’re ready for a hit, you can transform this stealth bong almost instantly. Simply loosen the bottom and pull down to reveal a perfectly usable camouflaged bong. The handle even unscrews to become a slide that you insert into the hole at the bottom. It is an excellent camouflaged bong for a desk in your room or even for your coffee table. Everyone who sees it will only think that you had coffee at your computer.

A water bottle that functions as a bong in disguise

We all know how important it is to stay hydrated. You most likely have a reusable water bottle or two lying around at home. Adding another one won’t look unusual, even if it’s not actually a water bottle.

Bongs like the Thicket don’t look like bongs at all and are a great way to hide a bong. These disguised bongs look like reusable water bottles. The base of the Thicket Bong unscrews to reveal a storage compartment for the glass bowl and neck. Pulling the cap up creates the glass top of the piece. On your desk or in your backpack, it looks like an unassuming water bottle. That is, until you start pulling it apart and putting it together to take a hit.


The great thing about a camouflaged bong that looks 100% like a water bottle is that it’s easy to fool casual viewers. You might even forget that it’s not actually a water bottle; Just be careful not to accidentally take a sip from the straw!

Hide your bong with foldable silicone bongs

Hiding large glass bongs can be a bit of a challenge. They’re harder to stuff in a box or backpack, making them harder to hide effectively. They also don’t mix well with other household items. Why not try a silicone bong as an alternative? You can bend it or fold it to store away before the company comes over. Some even break down. This makes them a great alternative for hiding a bong. As an added benefit, these nifty features also make silicone bongs more portable. Here are a few great options to try.

The Roll-Uh-Bowl and Ice Cream Bongs are great concealed bongs

One silicone bong to consider is the Roll-Uh-Bowl. It looks like a regular hookah, but you can bend and fold it for easy storage. These bongs come in two sizes (8″ and 12″) and multiple color options, including a glow-in-the-dark one. When you’re ready to use it, loosen the strap that keeps it folded and it pops right back up.

Another silicone option is the Ice Cream Bong. The “ice cream” top detaches from the “cone” bottom, making it not only easy to fill, but also easy to fold up and hide in any of the previously mentioned locations. Not only is it collapsible, it’s easy to clean and virtually indestructible. You may find that this cute addition to your collection will quickly become one of your favourites.

Using discrete bongs or mini bongs

The bigger your bong, the harder it is to hide. Luckily, bigger doesn’t always mean better. A smaller, more discreet bong can deliver great hits and is a much easier way to hide a bong.

If you’re looking for the perfect mini bong to fit in the different nooks and crannies of your room, check out Daily High Club’s mini bong collection. There are a number of options under 5 inches like the Poisonous Apple Bong and the GRAV Conical Pocket Bubbler. They are very handy and easy to disguise. You really can’t go wrong with discreet bongs like these. With so many cool options, you’re sure to find something that fits your style and that you can quickly stow away before someone walks by.

The best ways to keep your bongs hidden or camouflaged

Not everyone wants to leave their bongs in the middle of their coffee table or outside where everyone can see them. Some people prefer to hide them.

Knowing how to hide a bong and where depends on its size and appearance. In many cases, you can put it in a box or backpack and stash it in your closet. Alternatively, you can find many stealth bongs that look like regular household items. Collapsible or mini bongs are also amazing options and great solutions. Figuring out how to hide a bong is pretty easy. Just make sure you remember where you put it. If you hide it too well, even you might forget where it went.

How do you dry a bong out?

Step 10: Air dry or towel dry the bong for quick use.

If you aren’t planning on lighting up your bong right away, let it air dry to make sure all the water dries. If you want to hit the bong instantly after cleaning, make sure you properly towel dry all the pieces to ensure that no mold grows.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Would you drink a day-old milkshake that’s starting to curdle or eat a lukewarm bowl of tomato soup that’s been out for far too long? If you imagine how gross that would be, your answer is probably no. So you shouldn’t want to hit a dirty cannabis bong no matter how much you crave that almost instant high.

Taking a few minutes or more to thoroughly clean your bong is preferable for many reasons. Not only does the marijuana taste purer and tastier, if you clean your bong regularly you don’t have to worry about what bacteria is growing in all those hard-to-clean nooks and crannies of the bong.

Think about it – if you leave the standing water in your marijuana bong after a smoking session, you risk all kinds of bacteria and mold growing. No one wants to ingest mushrooms or harmful substances when hitting a bong.

Routine cleanings really depend on how often you use your hookah. Let’s be honest – has your bong ever been cleaned in its history of use? You may not want to admit the answer to this question out loud.

So what’s the perfect way to clean your bong, you might be wondering? We’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide to cleaning a bong in 11 easy steps.


As with anything cleaning related, you need to gather the necessary supplies to clean your bong. We have a few easy cleaning options using items you may already have lying around the house.

Choose Your Favorite Bong Cleaner:

Rubbing alcohol with at least 90% alcohol and coarse salt or Epsom salt

Vinegar with baking soda or rice

lemon juice with coarse salt or rice

Bong cleaners like Formula420 or Piece Water – If you’re a regular stoner, you might have a specialty bong cleaner just lying around.

You’ll also need some cannabis bong cleaning supplies:

Plastic bags that can be sealed or some type of plastic container with a lid

Barbed pipe cleaners, cotton swabs, or a bottle brush

Bong stoppers made of rubber or cotton balls

Clean water (some avid stoners swear by using filtered water)

Sink, tub, basin or large container

Latex or dish gloves


Once you’ve collected your marijuana bong cleaning supplies, assess the amount of resin buildup in your bong. Then follow these 11 steps to clean out your sticky bong and make it shine like new.

Step 1: Pour out the spoiled bong water from your last weed smoking session.

Put on latex or dishwashing gloves to avoid getting bacteria from the bong water on your skin. As an added bonus, the gloves protect your hands from getting too dry when washing. Don’t use that old dirty bong water to clean the bong. This used water may have a filmy layer on it depending on how long it’s been sitting there. It is most likely a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria. Marijuana users recommend dumping used bong water down the toilet instead of the sink to avoid spreading bacteria.

Step 2: Carefully disassemble the bong pieces.

Be careful when taking the cannabis bong apart so you don’t break it. Some bongs are made of glass, so take extra care if you have a glass bong.

Step 3: Place bong mouthpiece, bowl and pipe in separate containers or sealed plastic bags.

Make sure each piece has its own container so there is less chance of breaking something.

Step 4: Pour the cleaning solution of your choice into each of the separate containers or pouches.

Pour a few tablespoons of the abrasive — coarse salt, rice, or baking soda — into each plastic bag or container. Add the base cleaning solution – rubbing alcohol, vinegar or lemon juice – fill each container and bag so that the bong pieces are covered with the combined cleaning agents.

Step 5: Put the cleaning solution on the bottom of the bong.

Follow the same process as above but for the main body of the bong. You should pour in the abrasive and then add the solution of your choice. This won’t fit in a sealed bag or container, but you can soak it in a sink, basin, large container, or tub.

Step 6: Shake each bag or container and bong separately for at least five minutes.

So that the cleaning solution does not run out. Make sure any plastic bags or containers are tightly closed. When cleaning the bong stem, you should plug any holes with either your hands, rubber bong plugs, or cotton balls before vigorously shaking. Put on your favorite song, pretend you’re a fancy bartender making cocktails, and shake it off.

Step 7: Rinse with warm water and inspect the bong and all bong parts for any residue that may have settled on the pieces.

At this point, the cleaning process can be enough to remove water stains and resin build-up on the bong. If you are happy with the cleanliness of your cannabis bong, you are welcome to proceed to step 10. For a more thorough cleaning, continue with step 8.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4 to 6 as needed.

Otherwise, spot cleaning can be done with a pointed pipe cleaner, bottle brush, or cotton swab to get into every tiny crevice in the bong.

Step 9: Clean the bong with warm water.

Give your marijuana bong a good rinse one last time and you should have gotten rid of any stains and residue to prevent mold growth.

Step 10: Air or towel dry the bong for quick use.

If you don’t want to light your bong right away, let it air dry to ensure all of the water dries. If you want to hit the bong immediately after cleaning, make sure you towel dry all parts thoroughly to ensure mold doesn’t grow.


Step 11: Enjoy a marijuana bong session alone or with your fellow stoners.

Now that your bong is clean, enjoy a relaxing high and taste all those delicious terpenes that have been masked by your dirty bong.

We recommend that you clean your bong regularly to avoid a much more time-consuming deep clean or worse, having to buy a new cannabis bong from scratch. The more often you clean your bong, the less often you’ll need to clean it and you can rest assured that mold won’t grow.

You don’t need a disgusting bong that becomes an eyesore in your home. By following these 11 steps to clean your bong, you’ll have the peace of mind that it’ll be clean and ready for an enjoyable stoner sesh whenever the mood hits.

Can you smoke out of a moldy bong?

If you smoke through a dirty bong, the chances are pretty great that you’ll introduce the plant matter and caked-on resin to your system. The resin-coated bong is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. These can lead to illnesses like strep throat and pneumonia.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Can dirty bong water make you sick? The answer: Yes!

If you’re looking at your resin-encrusted bong full of dirty bong water and wondering if you can get away with smoking or if you should just clean it, get on with the cleaning. Smoking from dirty bong water poses several major health risks and ruins a good smoking session.

Read on to learn all about the hidden dangers of a dirty bong.

Why is dirty bong water bad for you?

Smoking through dirty bong water not only looks gross, it’s bad for you and your weed.

Dirty bong water affects the taste of the buds

Whether you have been smoking for ages or are new to smoking, you are most likely interested in the taste of the product. We all know that every strain of marijuana has its own unique aroma, taste, and effects. So it goes without saying that if you pack great weed like Cherry Cookies into a bong with encrusted resin, dirty bong water, and condensation, none of those flavors will come through. In the end you only taste resin and standing water. Well, that’s a quick way to ruin a great smoke session!

Dirty bong water poses health risks

A dirty bong will not only completely destroy the flavor of your weed, it also poses serious health risks. Dirty bong water is a haven for all manner of bacteria, yeast, fungus, and other microbes—all of which create a slime called biofilm. Microbes secrete substances that allow them to easily attach themselves to surfaces like glass and resin in your bong. When these substances are excreted, the biofilm begins to grow. It serves as protection for the microbes, which is why infections from these microbes are so difficult to treat and pose serious health risks. Biofilm is totally resistant to antibiotics as they are not strong enough to penetrate the biofilm.

Dirty bong water introduces harmful pathogens into your system

If you’re smoking through a dirty bong, chances are you’re introducing plant matter and trapped resin into your system. The resin-coated bong is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. These can lead to diseases such as strep throat and pneumonia.

Here are some of the most common types of bacteria that thrive in dirty bong water:

Aspergillus is a fungus that grows on cannabis plants

When Aspergillus breaks down by burning, mycotoxins are produced. Breathing in mycotoxins can make you very ill. Symptoms include coughing and chest pain. Also, the spores of this fungus are strong enough to survive your lighter. In fact, there have been 2 cases of people suffering from severe lung dysfunction caused by this fungus after smoking weed.

E. coli thrives in dirty bong water

There are numerous E. coli strains, most of which are harmless, but there is a dangerous strain called E. coli O157:H7. If this bacterium starts to multiply in your dirty bong, you will likely become very ill. E. coli is more likely to occur if you have pets or if you don’t wash your hands after using the bathroom and then touch your already dirty bong.

Campylobacter jejuni can be found in dirty bong water

This bacterium is one of the most common causes of food poisoning and can be found in standing water. The infection causes campylobacteriosis. Symptoms include cramps, diarrhea, fever and pain and appear after 10 days.

Streptococcus is a widespread bacterium found almost everywhere

These are the bacteria behind strep throat, pneumonia, and scarlet fever. It can only be found in water if the surrounding area has already been contaminated – such as B. a dirty resin-coated bong.

Giardia lamblia is a parasite found in dirty water

This is the parasite behind infectious giardiasis, a disease that causes gut symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, cramps, and bloating. Giardia lamblia is often found in contaminated water, so it’s important to keep your bong clean and change the water frequently.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a species of bacteria that can live in dirty bongs

This is a type of bacteria that grows even in healthy bodies, and it’s only a problem when the bacteria are overgrowing or growing where they shouldn’t – like in your bong. A weakened immune system increases the risk of developing infections from this bacterium, such as B. pneumonia.

Hepatitis A is a virus that lives in standing water

Hepatitis A is a virus that causes a very serious infection that causes jaundice, dark urine, nausea, abdominal pain, chills, and fever. This disease can remain hidden for a while as symptoms appear 28 days after exposure to the virus. So, clean your bong!

Flavobacterium is a bacterium found in standing water

This bacterium loves dirty, stagnant water. If you are exposed to it, e.g. B. from smoking through a dirty bong, there is a risk of respiratory infections and fever.

Dirty bong water leads to mold growth

Biofilm develops in dirty water in less than 24 hours. This biofilm mixes with the plant debris in your bong. Leaving this on without cleaning will result in a buildup of slimy, green-black mold and resin. These deposits are very difficult to clean and make cleaning the bong difficult. When this happens, you might just need to get a new bong.

Now that you’ve read this and learned about the hidden dangers of dirty bong water, you probably want to clean your bong. Not sure how? Check out this article.

Will boiling water break a bong?

Note: Don’t pour boiling water straight into your bong due to the potential of the thermal shock causing it to break.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Having a bong has many advantages over other smoking methods like joints, blunts, and dry pipes, but it comes with a bit of a burden: you need to clean it. It’s not just an optional thing you can do, it’s a must for a variety of reasons.

Why should I clean my bong?

Once you understand why you should have your car serviced regularly, then it should be easy to understand why you should clean your bong. Just like a car has many moving parts that will eventually need cleaning or even replacement, the same goes for your favorite glass bongs.

Glass bongs are great smoking tools, but because their main feature is the ability to filter the smoke and cool it down or keep it warm and humid. But let’s face reality, bongs get dirty… fast. All that stuff that used to go into your lungs on a hit will now be caught in the water at the bottom of the bong and stick to the sides of the glass interior.

There are a few benefits to using a clean bong, and not all of them are obvious.

The water filters better

The water is also filtered better when it is clean than when it is not. There is only so much junk that a water fill can filter out, and after that the amount it can filter decreases significantly. Change your water often!

A dirty bong will make you sick

Another benefit of a clean bong is that you avoid the risk of respiratory infections by using a clean bong. Mold likes to grow in damp places, so you don’t want to store your bong full of water. It should always be stored empty. You should also be aware that not all mold is green; Some molds are black, white, gray, and even pink. If you’re using a dirty bong, you might be breathing in mold spores and that could land you in the hospital.

You should also clean your bong after a session you’ve shared with others. Sharing your bong with others puts you at risk of getting sick when they are sick. If you’re willing to risk that, fine, but clean your piece immediately after you’re done so you don’t expose yourself to what they had more than once.

After about 24 hours, a biofilm will begin to build up inside your bong. This is uncomfortable and damages the lungs. For this reason, you don’t store your bong with water in it.

Hits will be smoother

The most obvious benefit is that your hits taste better because they’re not tainted with the stench of old weed, old water, and old resin buildup.

The more complex the air path from the head to your mouth, the more resin and ash will collect in your bong and the harder it will be to clean. But no worry; Done properly and often, your bong can look and feel like a brand new piece every time you use it. As? Learn the basics below.

you get higher

Her smoke will be smoother, allowing you to take more hits than if it were nasty. You’d rather try that fresh sour diesel you just picked up than last week’s old stuff, right?

A dirty bong smells awful

If you want to be at least somewhat discreet about your cannabis use, having a dirty bong nearby won’t help. The scent is unmistakable to anyone who has ever smelled it.

Less risk of spills

The last thing you want to do, especially if you’re not in a legal state and certainly if you’re renting a place, is spill nasty bong water on your carpet. Or your couch. It’s difficult to clean because the stain is ugly and the smell tends to linger. Yuck!

Your glass looks fantastic

Why would you pay $200 for a bong to solidify evil water in it? Your piece takes care of you, so you should take care of your piece.

How often should I clean my bong?

How often you should clean your bong varies. If you only smoke every now and then, it’s probably okay to just clean it every now and then. But if you smoke heavily, either for recreational reasons or for medicinal reasons, you should purge it at least once a week and sometimes once a day, depending on how much cannabis you’re going through. Don’t underestimate how quickly your bong can get dirty. The more often you change the water and do a light cleaning, the less often you need to deep clean it.

When you reach the point where your bong needs a thorough cleaning due to too much resin build up, you will need to soak the bong in cleaning solution to fully restore it to a new condition.

When should I clean my bong?

Well, if need be, here is the obvious answer. But to know when to do it, you need to know the signs. Here is a list of dirty bong symptoms:

Formation of resin on the glass

The water in the bong is no longer clear and it stinks

debris in the chamber

Dark spots on the coffee maker, if any

In other words, if your bong doesn’t look the same as it did the day you bought it new, it needs to be cleaned.

What to use to clean a bong

Most sources on the internet and our personal experience say that cleaning your bong with isopropyl alcohol is the easiest method because it’s usually the absolute cheapest. But with the rise of Covid-19 in the US and the limited availability of isopropyl alcohol, other methods should be considered if you have easier access to them.

Here are some things you might want to clean your bong with:

cotton balls

cotton swab

towel (for drying)

Small bags or plastic storage for small pieces of glass

straw cleaning brush

bottle brush

pipe cleaners

One type of accessory to have when cleaning your bong is a set of correctly sized plugs for the holes in your bong. You should have one to cap the mouthpiece and one to cap the hole for the downstem. This way you can fill the bong with cleaner and leave it in for a few hours or even overnight. With these, your bong will be a lot easier to clean.

How to clean a bong with isopropyl alcohol and kosher salt

This is a tried and tested way to clean almost anything you use when smoking cannabis. You want to use 91% isopropyl alcohol, not rubbing alcohol for that if you have it. Rubbing alcohol is not quite as strong as isopropyl.

For the salt, you can use kosher salt or even Epsom salt. The salt will help remove loose dirt and pitch from the side of the glass interior.

And we know this article is about how to clean glass bongs, but just in case you have an acrylic bong, know that you shouldn’t try to clean it with alcohol. The alcohol will dissolve any glue holding the bong together, rendering it useless.

How to clean a bong with baking soda and vinegar

This is not a fantastic method as it requires a significant amount of cleaner and can get messy. But if you don’t have alcohol and you have baking soda and vinegar, it will get the job done.

Because of the potential mess, consider doing this in your kitchen sink or even in a deep saucepan.

Place your bong in the kitchen sink and pour ½ cup of baking soda into the chamber. If your bong has a percolator, you may need to stick some of it directly through the hole in the bottom stem to get it into the bottom of the bong. Once that is there, fill up the bong with white vinegar. Apple cider vinegar works fine, but white vinegar is cheaper.

How to clean a bong with lemon juice

Lemon juice can be used not only for cleaning, but also preventively. Adding 5-10 drops of lemon juice to your bong water will help prevent resin from sticking to the glass.

Like vinegar, lemon juice is an acid. You can use vinegar in your bong water to get the same effect, but trust us, the vinegar doesn’t taste as good as the lemon juice.

How to clean a bong with boiling water

This is a riskier method as the glass can be cooked incorrectly and it can shatter. There is a specific way to do this with the least amount of risk and the instructions should be followed closely.

Step 1

Place your bong in a soup pot big enough to fit. If possible, place the bong on a canning rack in the pot so it doesn’t touch the bottom.

step 2

Cover the bong with cool/cold water. Don’t start with hot water.

step 3

Turn on the burner and set it to medium heat. You want to heat the water slowly so the temperature shock doesn’t break the glass. Bring the water to a simmer, not a boil.

step 4

Once it’s simmering, let it sit for 25-35 minutes.

step 5

When this time has passed, very carefully remove the bong from the water and set it in a safe place to cool. Whatever you do at this point, DO NOT rinse your bong with water from your sink at this point. Others say don’t rinse with cold water, but we say don’t rinse until it’s completely cool.

step 6

If you can comfortably touch the glass, you can rinse it with hot tap water and wipe it clean.

How to clean a bong with denture tablets

Believe it or not, your grandmother’s denture tablets work well on small pieces of glass like your bowl, stands, as well as your ash catchers and similar accessories. The method is pretty simple.

Place your piece of glass in a plastic container large enough to cover with hot water. Cover it with hot water and then put the denture tablet inside. Wait at least 20 to 45 minutes and then rinse the glass with hot water.

How to clean a bong with acetone

Acetone will definitely clean your bong, but beware: most acetone sold on the market contains a bitter compound that is said to discourage people from using acetone to get high, aka “huffing”. If you use acetone in the form of nail polish remover, be sure to rinse your bong thoroughly. If you don’t, your next bong hit will taste bad.

If you want to buy acetone for bong cleaning purposes, you should buy it from a hardware store where it’s sold as paint thinner. This is your best choice when it comes to acetone cleaning. Getting paint thinner at a hardware store will also be cheaper than buying bottle after bottle of nail polish remover.

How to clean a bong with dishwasher pods

This is a weird method that most people don’t know about, but it makes sense and it works.

Note: Do not pour boiling water directly into your bong as thermal shock may break it. If your glass is cold, first gradually warm it to temperature with warm to hot water.

Plus your downstem hole and pop a dishwasher pod through the mouthpiece at the top of your bong. Pour hot water into it and let the capsule dissolve completely, then close the mouthpiece hole. Shake vigorously and let the solution work. Rinse it out very well after leaving it on for a while.

How to clean a bong with an oven

Did you know you can use your self-cleaning oven to clean your bong? Be careful though; You should only use this method on pieces that are 100% glass. Anything that is not pure glass will be damaged beyond repair.

Your oven’s self-cleaning cycle will raise your oven to a temperature between 500°F and 600°F, and once the self-cleaning cycle has started, most ovens will lock and you will not be able to open them.

Remove all accessories from your bong such as B. base, bowl, ash catcher, etc. Place it and the bong on a glass or metal pan in the center of the stove while it is still at room temperature.

Close the oven and turn on the self-cleaning cycle. Any resin that is on the inside or outside of the jar will be baked to ash for easy rinsing off later.

When the cleaning cycle is over, the important thing is: Leave your bong alone.

right, leave it. Let everything in the oven come back down to room temperature first, for the same reason we said about the cooking method earlier. If you flush your bong with water while it’s still red-hot, you run a high risk of shattering your glass. Just do not.

Once cool, rinse with hot water. Anything that was on your bong should be flushed out immediately.

What is a Sploof?

‌A sploof is a device that you can make using a tube with a filter at one end. It is used to mask the smell of cannabis when you blow the smoke out. It is especially helpful if you’re living around people who aren’t fans of cannabis or secondhand smoke.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

September 29, 2021 Written by Carl Rogers

If you want to smoke cannabis discreetly without your neighbors knowing about it, you need to know how to sploof. A sploof is an essential tool to keep your smoking sessions low-key. Sploofs effectively filter cannabis smoke as you exhale, keeping your environment free of secondhand smoke and odors.

DIY sploofs are cheap and easy to make. All you need are things you can find at home. Read on to learn how to make a sploof using dryer sheets and a toilet paper roll, or how to make your own water bottle sploof. Find out about the efficiency of DIY sploofs and where to find the best sploofs to enjoy odor-free and worry-free smoking sessions.

What is a sploof?

‌A sploof is a device that can be made from a tube with a filter on one end. It is used to mask the smell of cannabis when you blow out the smoke. It’s especially helpful if you live with people who aren’t fans of cannabis or second-hand smoke.

Learning how to make a sploof can be an easy and inexpensive way to prevent cannabis smoke and smell from lingering in and around your room. You can make a homemade sploof out of things lying around your house, like a toilet paper roll.

Take a hit during your smoke session and simply exhale into the open end of your homemade sploof. It filters the smoke through perforated material, such as B. dryer sheets, reducing the chance of being caught smoking.

While a DIY sploof can mask the smoke to some degree, it’s not a completely foolproof method. Daily High Club’s Ayrlume Personal Bamboo Air Filter is one of the best filters that can mask cannabis smoke almost 100%. After using it, I found it to be the most effective at preventing secondhand smoke and if you’re too lazy to learn how to sploof, it’s always easier to buy. Plus, it’s a discreet, pocket-sized device that you can carry and use anywhere.

But if you’re looking for a quick, cheap, and practical fix, why not try learning how to sploof?

Making a Homemade Sploof (Beginner-Friendly Steps)

‌DIY sploofs may look easy, but they’re fun and require little effort when learning how to make a sploof. You’ll need these readily available materials to get started on your homemade sploof:‌

A cylindrical cardboard tube (like a toilet paper roll)

4 or 5 dryer sheets

A tie, tape, piece of string, or elastic to ensure the sheet is held in place

‌Now that you have the materials, follow these four easy steps to make a dryer sheet sploof.

Step 1 – Take toilet paper roll and dryer sheets

‌Take a cardboard toilet paper roll and 3 to 4 dryer sheets. Because the toilet paper roll is the perfect size for a sploof, you don’t need to alter it in any way.

Step 2 – Load 3 to 4 sheets into Sploof

‌Fill the dryer sheets into the roll. These layers don’t need to be too dense as 3 or 4 layers are effective to mask the smell of cannabis smoke. You can use scented dryer sheets to further mask the cannabis smell.

Save the last dryer sheet. This sheet is used to cover one of the open sides of the tube rather than wrapping it inside.


Step 3 – Tie/Tape Closed

‌Once your homemade sploof is loaded with dryer sheets, wrap the last dryer sheet over one end of the tube. You can use whatever you have at home to attach the sheet to the sploof – anything from a tie, tape or string to a rubber band. This sheet holds the loaded dryer sheets in place and prevents them from blowing or flying away on the exhale.

‌Step 4 – Start exhaling into your DIY sploof!

‌Your homemade sploof is now ready. Start your session and blow your smoke into the DIY sploof. You will see how it prevents the smell from spreading. Now you can smoke cannabis cloud free without getting caught!

Do sploofs work and are they efficient?

‌A sploof is a successful way to prevent the smell of cannabis from reaching your neighbors. While it masks most of the smell, it’s not 100% capable of capturing all of the smoke. Even the best sploofs available on the market only offer 99.97% effectiveness. No sploof is completely foolproof, especially the homemade versions.

Also, homemade toilet paper rolls don’t last long as they get dirty or soaked easily. When the dryer sheets turn dark, it’s time to toss your homemade sploof. You may need to create new sploofs on a regular basis, which is why learning how to create sploofs is important.

If you’re willing to put in the time, effort, and money, you can make your sploof much more effective by trying and testing different tubes and filter materials. But you can skip all the hassle of experimenting and creating a sploof simply by buying one from a store. There are various options on the market.

If you’re looking for something more foolproof than DIY sploofs, or are just too lazy to learn how to make a sploof, Daily High Club’s Lavender Ayrlume Bamboo Air Filter is as close to 100% smoke-free as you can get. This eco-friendly product lasts for over 100 uses and its natural elements can biodegrade after disposal. This classy air filter is a convenient and efficient alternative to a DIY sploof to mask secondhand smoke with the relaxing scent of lavender.

You can also try Philter Labs Air Filter which is a personal filter for smokeless vaping or smoking. It works according to a patented process that captures and dissolves smoke particles. This product almost completely removes cannabis smoke and odor and is much more efficient than homemade sploofs. It offers over 150 uses and is a great way to keep your weed sessions discreet. You no longer have to wonder if sploofs work after you buy them or once you know how to sploof.

Other homemade sploof ideas!

‌A sploof is basically a sealed tube with an opening filled with filter material. So if you don’t have toilet paper rolls, you can do a water bottle sploof.

Unlike a toilet paper roll, you must modify the water bottle before you can use it. For this you need sharp scissors or a blade. Cut off the top third and bottom half of the bottle. Alternatively, you can poke lots of holes in the bottom half of the bottle. Follow the same steps as making the toilet paper sploof.

Pack the bottle with 3 or 4 dryer sheets. Wrap the last sheet tightly around the opening at the bottom with tape, string, or a rubber band. Once your water bottle sploof is ready, take a hit, blow the opening and let it work its magic! Also, your water bottle sploof will last longer than a cardboard sploof.

If you don’t have dryer sheets for the filter, you can use paper towels or toilet paper instead. You can also try using paper or cloth coffee filters. Another way to make a sploof is to use activated charcoal or charcoal, which you can easily find at Walmart. Instead of dryer sheets, place the activated charcoal in the bottle or toilet paper roll. Just make sure nothing falls out.

For a charcoal sploof, you need to activate the charcoal by rinsing it with water. This requires a water bottle sploof without the dryer sheets. Instead of cutting off the bottom of the bottle, poke holes in the bottom to allow for even airflow. Cover the bottom of the bottle with a layer of paper towels to keep the charcoal from spilling. Finally, add the activated charcoal to the bottle and light up your joint or bong!

Although dryer sheets are the easiest and quickest sploof, they don’t last very long. On the other hand, small amounts of activated charcoal can trap cannabis molecules, resulting in a longer-lasting filtration effect. But loading activated charcoal is a lot more work than stuffing dryer sheets into a sploof.

Along with a homemade sploof, you can use essential oils, fragrance diffusers, incense sticks, air purifiers, or air fresheners to mask any odor that escapes. This is why learning how to make a sploof can be so much fun as you can test it out and use whatever you have to try to cover up the smell in many different ways.

bottom line

‌Now that you know how to sploof, you can enjoy peaceful, odor-free cannabis sessions. With some basic materials you can find at home, you can easily make a toilet paper roll sploof or a water bottle sploof using dryer sheets.

Experiment with different materials like activated charcoal to make your own DIY sploof. Just find a tube, stuff it with filter material, cover one end with the filter and enjoy a worry-free high.

Homemade sploofs may not be the best sploofs for a 100% smell-free or smoke-free session. But you can always mask the smell with scents and air fresheners.

If you are tired of making your own sploofs or want a more effective filter, you can always buy quality filters like the Ayrlume bamboo filter or the Philter Labs filter to attenuate the cannabis smell and smoking in the comfort of your home. Don’t worry anymore whether sploofs work and how to sploof after today.

Do silicone bongs smell?

The smell that can develop from using your Silicone Bong or Hand Pipe over time can be very un-pleasant and something that all of us at the shop have experienced with Silicone.

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Popularity and convenience!

Silicone has been booming in the cannabis industry lately, and for many reasons, which we’ll explore here. Whilst most are good things we are The Honest Headshop too so we will also go through the bad things about silicone that we have personally experienced and let you know so you can make your choice! The convenience of silicone is unmatched by simple glass beakers or straight tubes in terms of portability and durability, but other factors such as environmental impact and short lifespans may make you turn away from this silicon and oxygen mashup of a material if we cover some silicone knowledge, jump down if you just want the summary!

What is silicone and why can you smoke from it?

A process in which silicon and oxygen are combined together creates the material that is silicone. Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element on earth, so it’s kind of funny that some of us are now smoking from a device made right off our planet! Combine that with the durability of silicone and you have yourself a real borosilicate glass competitor! However, this is only true if you know that the bong, pipe or container you are using is made of pure silicone and is not contaminated with fillers which, in the long run, can be harmful to your health and the environment. Believe it or not, borosilicate glass and silicone both come from the element silica!

Silicone’s melting point is very high, around 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and your average lighter can get up to 3,000 degrees and cause your silicone to either melt or outgas harmful gases if you hold the flame against it for long periods of time, hence the risk when smoking from a silicone hand pipe especially with the smoldering center of your head which can reach up to 900 degrees rises! We really recommend that you buy your silicone with all of these factors in mind and try to stay away from pipes that are in close contact with your flame where you smoke.


The biggest advantage of silicone is its durability and the fact that you can drop it off the tallest building in the world and it’s ready to smoke a bowl out of it! Just make sure none of the glass fixtures are in it before testing its durability and don’t throw it off the build, it was just a sample! Aside from being dropped, silicone is also very malleable and can bend and fit into very tight places. The biggest downside to its durability is that you really can’t keep it clean nearly as long as you can keep glass clean, which brings us to our next topic.


Longevity is one of the few factors that goes against all silicones if we are to be honest, and it can only affect a few users. The odor that can develop over time from using your silicone bong or hand pipe can be very unpleasant and something we’ve all experienced in the silicone business. The process of regularly cleaning your silicone also eventually causes the silicone to break down as it is mostly made up of natural elements and after you throw away silicone there is no telling what will become of it, which brings us to our next topic.

Ecological damage

There is definitely an environmental impact that borosilicate glass has as well, but American glass companies have to follow many regulations and take all necessary precautions to have the absolute minimum amount of pollution, as tools used to monitor the production of toxins and glass also eventually break after disposal to dust/sand. On the other hand, silicone is made by numerous companies overseas that don’t have the regulations that we have here in the US. There is only a small handful of silicone bong manufacturers in America and the overwhelming majority are made in China. Now let’s talk about the after effect of silicone has Boro Beat. Because it can be recycled after use, it has less impact on our planet. However, borosilicate glass cannot be recycled

Short Summary

With all this information to digest, there are some really powerful factors that contribute to silicone’s success in the industry. Cost and durability are the biggest factors, but only offer short-term comfort. There are real risk factors in using flame and silicone that should always be kept in mind when using silicone. With Glass, as long as you keep up with the cleaning and have a nice strong American piece of glass, you’ll have it for life as long as you don’t break it, and you’re always some alcohol and salt away from getting it it sparkling clean again!



See some more details on the topic spilled bong water on carpet here:

Disaster Recovery: Here’s How to Clean Up Spilled Bong Water

Step 1: Gently scrape up any bits of resin that may have spilled out. · Step 2: Blot the bong water with a towel. · Step 3: Get out the white …

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Source: agreenertoday.com

Date Published: 5/19/2022

View: 1928

How To Clean Bong Water From Carpet – Gentleman Toker

A lot of people swear by vinegar’s ability to get r of odors and it works fairly well. Saturate the area with a hefty amount of white vinegar (any other kind …

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Source: gentlemantoker.com

Date Published: 6/9/2021

View: 1593

How to Get Rid of Bong Smell After a Spill – Cannabolish

Follow this step by adding baking soda to the spot and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Any volatile molecules that remain in your carpet or …

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Source: www.cannabolish.com

Date Published: 8/1/2022

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Advice on cleaning bong water out of carpet? : r/trees – Reddit

Wet soapy water and a towel. Just scrub the area and the smell shouldn’t stick. Maybe crack a window.

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Source: www.reddit.com

Date Published: 9/29/2021

View: 599

What To Do If You Spilled Bong Water On Carpet at James …

How to clean a bong? Just scrub the area and the smell shouldn’t stick. Rinse the area with warm water, then blot dry with a towel again. How To Clean Bong …

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Source: d1492r3dk8kcfq.cloudfront.net

Date Published: 11/25/2022

View: 1679

A Quick Guide To Cleaning Bong Water Out of Carpet

What you do immediately after you spill the bong is important, simply covering it up with a generous spraying of Febreze or any other household …

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Source: potculturemagazine.blogspot.com

Date Published: 4/15/2021

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Don’t Cry over spilled Bong Water

water directly on the stain and baking soda and let sit for 3 hours and then vacuum. After cleaning your still getting a smell then you can now …

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Source: glasspipecleaning.wordpress.com

Date Published: 11/23/2022

View: 8625

how to get rid of the smell of bong water on the carpet

If i were you, I would just scrub it really well with soap and water, not a lot, but enough, and if you want to get r of it fast, …

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Source: forum.grasscity.com

Date Published: 10/24/2022

View: 7834

The Pot Smoker’s Guide to Eliminating stank odors fast

The smell of stale bong water drenching your carpets is worse than any stale smoke smell – or any smell in the known world, really. The good …

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Source: blog.bluntpower.com

Date Published: 6/30/2022

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I spilled Bong water on my carpet – wtf do I do about this smell?

Resolve? Baking Soda? Vinnager? I left the window open all night (which sucked because it got to 43 last night) and I wake up to bong juice …

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Source: www.ignboards.com

Date Published: 6/9/2021

View: 8099

Disaster Recovery: Here’s How to Clean Up Spilled Bong Water

How to clean up spilled bong water is one of the things every stoner should know. Because we’ve all been there. Super high or not, you accidentally knock over your bong and instantly feel like saying 20 Hail Mary Janes for pulling off such a beginner move. That or your dog will send him flying off the coffee table with a flick of his tail. Or maybe it was your cat. Cats can be such real idiots. But don’t sweat it! A Greener Today has you covered with a simple guide to cleaning up bong spills.

Just stop by to stock up on some of the Pacific Northwest’s best weed to pair with the beautiful, fresh bong water you’ll be topping up your bong with.

How to clean bong water and remove bong water smell from carpets and rugs

Step 1: Carefully scrape off any resin residue that may have escaped. You don’t want to grind them further into the carpet in the next step.

Step 2: Dab the bong water with a towel. Use as much pressure as possible to pull the moisture from the carpet into the towel.

Step 3: Out with the white vinegar! If you have a spray bottle, pour about 1/2 cup of vinegar into it—then spray the wet area of ​​the carpet. This will help neutralize the smell. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can soak a paper towel and press it into the carpet.

Step 4: Rinse the area with warm water and then pat dry again with a towel. Use as much pressure as you can.

Step 5: Sprinkle baking soda over the wet area and leave for a few hours. Then suck up the baking soda and sniff the carpet. If you can still smell the bong water, get an all-natural enzyme cleaner and follow the directions on the bottle.

And if all else fails, hire a steam cleaner or call the pros!

A Greener Today has the best selection of recreational cannabis in South Seattle. We believe that every cannabis user is different and should purchase the products that suit their unique needs and lifestyle. Conveniently located near SeaTac Airport – just hop off the light rail at Columbia City Station and you’ll find us.

If you arrive by car, use this card – we also have parking spaces behind the building and on the gravel square next door. And there is an entrance both front and back for your convenience. I hope to see you soon!

Disaster Recovery: Here’s How to Clean Up Spilled Bong Water

How to clean up spilled bong water is one of the things every stoner should know. Because we’ve all been there. Super high or not, you accidentally knock over your bong and instantly feel like saying 20 Hail Mary Janes for pulling off such a beginner move. That or your dog will send him flying off the coffee table with a flick of his tail. Or maybe it was your cat. Cats can be such real idiots. But don’t sweat it! A Greener Today has you covered with a simple guide to cleaning up bong spills.

Just stop by to stock up on some of the Pacific Northwest’s best weed to pair with the beautiful, fresh bong water you’ll be topping up your bong with.

How to clean bong water and remove bong water smell from carpets and rugs

Step 1: Carefully scrape off any resin residue that may have escaped. You don’t want to grind them further into the carpet in the next step.

Step 2: Dab the bong water with a towel. Use as much pressure as possible to pull the moisture from the carpet into the towel.

Step 3: Out with the white vinegar! If you have a spray bottle, pour about 1/2 cup of vinegar into it—then spray the wet area of ​​the carpet. This will help neutralize the smell. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can soak a paper towel and press it into the carpet.

Step 4: Rinse the area with warm water and then pat dry again with a towel. Use as much pressure as you can.

Step 5: Sprinkle baking soda over the wet area and leave for a few hours. Then suck up the baking soda and sniff the carpet. If you can still smell the bong water, get an all-natural enzyme cleaner and follow the directions on the bottle.

And if all else fails, hire a steam cleaner or call the pros!

A Greener Today has the best selection of recreational cannabis in South Seattle. We believe that every cannabis user is different and should purchase the products that suit their unique needs and lifestyle. Conveniently located near SeaTac Airport – just hop off the light rail at Columbia City Station and you’ll find us.

If you arrive by car, use this card – we also have parking spaces behind the building and on the gravel square next door. And there is an entrance both front and back for your convenience. I hope to see you soon!

How To Make Your Bong Smell Proof For Travel

Most stoners shy away from taking their bong with them on the go, and with good reason. Bongs are delicate, difficult to pack, and have a pungent odor. Also, nobody wants their entire bag to smell like dirty bong water. That’s why we created Resolution Caps! Our Resolution Bong Caps are designed to cover every opening on your glass piece so you can clean without a lot of mess and travel odor free. In this blog we will show you how to use Ooze Resolution Caps and how to odor proof your bong!

What is a bong cap?

Bong caps are durable protective covers that fit over the open ends of your bong. If you’ve been cleaning and wearing your bong without a cap up until now, it’s time to change your habits for the better! Resolution Caps are made of heat resistant food grade silicone, a perfect material for protecting your bong and locking in odors. Our bong end caps form a tight seal around the openings of your bong to protect your hit while preventing odor and water from escaping. Plus, each box of Res Caps comes in three different sizes that stretch to fit almost every piece out there!

How to use res caps for bongs

Using bong end caps is a simple and effective way to keep your bong safe during the cleaning process. When your bong is starting to look like something out of a horror movie, a vigorous deep clean is just what the doctor ordered. Without dissolving bong caps, this could make a huge mess, but with them it will be a hassle-free cleanup job. Simply fill your piece with Ooze Resolution Cleaning Gel, seal the openings with your Resolution Caps and shake!

How to make your bong smell proof on the go

Bongs are notorious for smelling a bit skunky after getting tons of love and use. If you’ve never taken your bong with you just to avoid dirty bong water becoming your signature scent, we have just the solution. All you have to do is pack and seal before you embark on your adventure! Although we recommend cleaning your glass piece with Ooze Resolution before putting it in your bag, with Res Caps you’ll still be trapping odors!

Now you can easily clean your bong and pack it safely to take with you on your next adventure. We recommend bong hits with a view!

Watch this video to see the Resolutioncolo Bong and Pipe Cleaner in action!

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