Spiritual Meaning Of Quarters? The 127 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “spiritual meaning of quarters“? We answer all your questions at the website Chewathai27.com/ppa in category: Aodaithanhmai.com.vn/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

Whenever you find the quarter, it is time to expect good luck to come into your life. With the quarter, you are going to experience a breakthrough in your life. The quarter attracts good luck into your life and brings a positive change to your life.To dream of a quarter symbolizes a sense of inadequacy. As the idea of 1/4th, you may be giving too much consideration to only one aspect of a well rounded life. Also explore whether the quarter might be representing your current living arrangement or ‘quarters.1 : one of four equal parts into which something is divisible : a fourth part in the top quarter of his class. 2 : any of various units of capacity or weight equal to or derived from one fourth of some larger unit. 3 : any of various units of length or area equal to one fourth of some larger unit.

What does it mean to dream of quarters?

To dream of a quarter symbolizes a sense of inadequacy. As the idea of 1/4th, you may be giving too much consideration to only one aspect of a well rounded life. Also explore whether the quarter might be representing your current living arrangement or ‘quarters.

What is the mean of quarter?

1 : one of four equal parts into which something is divisible : a fourth part in the top quarter of his class. 2 : any of various units of capacity or weight equal to or derived from one fourth of some larger unit. 3 : any of various units of length or area equal to one fourth of some larger unit.

What does it mean when you find coins on the floor?

In some contemporary cultures, finding a coin on the ground is seen as a symbol of good luck. But, that is often restricted to coins that are heads up. Coins that are tails up can bring bad luck.

What does it mean when you see a coin?

It represents new beginnings, the start of a new chapter and a fresh start. It all depends on what you believe, of course. So, the next time you see a penny from Heaven in the course of your next stroll, be sure to pick it up. It may or may not bring you luck but, hopefully, it will bring a smile to your face.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

Have you ever walked along minding your own business when you looked down and saw a penny on the sidewalk in front of you?

You know the old rhyme, “See a penny, pick it up, and you’ll be lucky all day.” Who knows if they’re actually lucky, but you bent down and picked up the dime anyway, right?

When we recently searched Facebook, we discovered another belief about finding pennies. There are those who feel that these random pennies were actually placed there by loved ones who died for us to find. They believe that our departed loved ones give us a sign to let us know they are okay.

We saw an anonymous quote that read, “When an angel misses you, they throw down a penny…sometimes to cheer you up, to put a smile out of your frown.” So don’t skip this dime if you’re feeling down; it may be a penny from heaven that an angel threw to you.”

The internet is full of stories and first-hand accounts from people who no doubt feel that finding a penny (or sometimes dime) is some kind of little “hello” from the great afterlife, either from a loved one, a guardian angel or even from God.

Some claim that only pennies found in certain, unusual places are signs from above. For example, a widow living alone said she found a coin on her husband’s pillow and firmly believed it was a sign from her late husband that he was thinking of her and taking care of her. It was a great comfort to her.

That’s actually a nice thought. Those who believe always have hope that God and our loved ones are watching over us. Believing in little “signs” like this gives us hope and sometimes a little needed comfort. They can, of course, mean nothing; just a coin someone dropped. But you never really know, do you?

Why cents? Why not Quarters, Dimes or Nickels? Read our article on what it means to find dimes. One website explains that pennies have the numerological value of 1, so they are a reminder that we are all ONE. We are one with the spirit. It represents new beginnings, the beginning of a new chapter and a fresh start. It all depends on what you believe, of course.

So next time you see a penny from the sky on your next walk, be sure to pick it up. It may or may not bring you luck, but hopefully it will put a smile on your face.

What does it mean when you dream about someone giving you coins?

Dreaming of People Handing You Coins

While coins are worth less than paper money, dreaming of someone giving you coins indicates that you will soon be coming into a significant amount of money. It can also symbolize good luck.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

Home » Dream about someone giving you money Dream about someone giving you money Apsara

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To dream of money typically refers to financial problems. However, receiving money in dreams can have many other meanings as well. For example, since money is exchanged for what you desire, the dream could have something to do with your expectations.

It is natural to feel excited when you dream about someone giving you money, but this type of dream does not always have a positive interpretation. Its meaning may depend on who gave you the money and what you did with it. It’s not an ordinary dream, so it might be useful to know what it means.

Dreaming about someone giving you money – a general meaning

Money generally means the same in a dream as in real life: power, wealth, freedom. The difference is that in dreams it can refer to both internal and external resources. What you believe about yourself, your worth, and your ability to wield power can translate into dream money. Large amounts of money in a dream can indicate achievements in your life or a sense of accomplishment when your desires will finally be fulfilled.

The person who gives you the money can be a symbol of what you want to achieve in life: wealth, power or freedom. It can also indicate that the person is generous and respected by others.

According to Carl Jung, dream money represents something powerful in your waking life. If someone gives you money in a dream, it could indicate that you will receive success or power directly. This may be uncomfortable at first, especially if you’re someone who wants to take sole responsibility for your success. However, if you take a closer look, you can see that the person giving you the money could symbolize an aspect of your own personality.

Receiving money could be a sign that you are now free to start a new relationship or career. You may not feel limited when your material needs are met. Instead, you can also focus on your spiritual, emotional, or professional desires.

On the other hand, if you receive money in a dream, it can mean that you feel that you are missing some aspect of your life. In this case, you may need to ask others for help to be successful. This dependency is a limitation and you may need to look carefully at your life to determine what exactly could be limiting your growth.

Unlocking the details of the dream

Dream about people giving you coins

While coins are worth less than paper money, dreaming of someone giving you coins indicates that you will soon make a significant amount of money. It can also symbolize good luck.

In Japan, if someone hands you a knife, you should give the person a coin. According to Japanese superstition, the knife should break the friendship between the recipient and the recipient. By handing over the coin to the other person, the knife is considered “bought” and no longer brings bad luck, thereby protecting the relationship.

So, if you see someone giving you coins in a dream, it could mean that the person is trying to protect their relationship with you. If you don’t know the person, it may mean that you will soon have problems with someone close to you, but you may not know who it is until it’s too late to mend the relationship.

Coins may also be viewed as sacred objects of a spiritual nature. If you see yourself as a beggar in a dream but do not have to use coins in waking life, it could indicate spiritual wealth.

Receiving coins could also mean counting your blessings. It is likely that you are so caught up in your busy lifestyle that you no longer see the value of what you have. It may be time to take it easy and start appreciating everything around you and the people in your waking life.

Dream about receiving banknotes

To dream of someone giving you banknotes could mean a loss of financial resources. If you have your own business, it can be a sign that your business is about to start thriving.

However, seeing how to receive a huge sum of money in a dream could have a negative meaning. It can mean that you are at risk of being injured in an accident and could warn you to take care of yourself and pay attention to safety. Also, this dream could mean that you are about to receive a huge sum of money that you can use to do whatever you want.

If you see yourself counting the banknotes, it may mean that something unexpected is about to happen. However, you may not know if it’s positive or negative until it happens.

Torn money

Torn dream money can represent unpredictable surprises and specific events in your waking life. You might want to pay attention to a project you are working on or your business as this dream could be a sign that something is threatening you. It could also mean that you will face some troubles and hard work in the near future.

The person who gave you the money

The meaning of your dream can change depending on the person who gave you the money. For example, if it’s your mother, it could mean that you avoid taking responsibility for something or someone. If your father gives you money in a dream, it could mean that you don’t follow other people’s advice and you tend to make careless promises. This dream can be a sign that it is time to pay more attention to what others tell you and be more careful about the promises you make to others.

A sibling giving you the money could symbolize your strong bond and happy relationship with them. Receiving money from people close to you, whether they be family members, friends or your significant other, can be a friendly reminder that they want you to be successful in life. They believe in you and will support you in any way they can, not just financially.

The money that you receive in your dream symbolizes appreciation and it could let you know that those around you care about your well-being and want you to achieve your deepest goals and desires.

happiness is on the way

If someone gives you money in a dream, it means that soon you will have power, self-worth, wisdom or material wealth. Also, this dream could mean that good luck is on the way and you need to be open to receiving it.

Getting money from shady strangers

If the person who gives you the money in your dream seems shady, it can indicate that you will soon come into a huge amount of money that you have made from illegal activities. You may be involved in these activities yourself, or you may not be aware of them at all. You may know the money is illegal, but you may also be too scared to turn it down.

As surprising as it may seem, this dream could have a completely different meaning that has nothing to do with money. It could mean you are in a relationship that is not real or based on trust, especially if the money turns out to be fake. Just like the people around you, it may look real, but if you examine it more closely, you can spot the fake.

In this case, the dream could tell you that someone in your life could play you. It might be time to start thinking about who your real friends are.

What happens if you refuse the money?

If you dream that someone is giving you money and you refuse to take it, it could be an indication that you feel that you do not deserve the money. This dream may be telling you that it is time to work on your self-esteem.

Another interpretation could be that you already feel rich, so you don’t really need the money. But the fact that the person offered you the money means there may be some aspects of your life that are poor. It doesn’t have to be financial, it can be emotional or spiritual.

Is it good to dream about money?

To dream about money is generally considered a good sign as money symbolizes wealth, luck, success, wisdom, financial security and freedom. Most people tend to get happy and excited when they see a large sum of money in a dream. However, this dream might have a negative connotation rather than a positive one, and the hard part is identifying which ones.

On the other hand, the dream could give you a warning sign that you need to fix something in your life to avoid getting into trouble. In order to interpret this dream as accurately as possible, it is important to think carefully about your current situation and whether you wish to make any changes in your waking life. By rethinking your business or financial decisions, you can avoid unpleasant experiences in the future.

There is also a chance that dreaming about someone giving you money may not have any significant meaning that is relevant to you at all. In fact, it could simply have been triggered by something you saw, heard, or felt in your waking life. For example, you may have read an article about someone who won the lottery or had their business fail, and your subconscious could use that information to trigger your dream.

Wrap up

While it can be pleasant to dream of someone giving you money, in dream analysis it can have both positive and negative interpretations. It is a fairly common dream that can alert you to what could be going wrong in your life and what to look out for. As a result, the right interpretation of the dream could help you to make certain decisions in your life that would change your life for the better.

What it means to dream about money?

Broadly speaking, dreaming about receiving money could indicate a strong sense of self-worth. It could reflect that you’re in a place where you’re feeling confident and ready to receive gifts or recognition—be they monetary or more symbolic (i.e. a new relationship or job opportunity).

Quarter Definition & Meaning

The average person can dream four to six times a night, although not every dream is easily recalled in vivid detail the next morning. Science hasn’t fully explained why all of these dreams occur, but some studies suggest it may have something to do with how we retain and organize our memories. That may be the case, but it doesn’t quite answer why so many people keep daydreaming about their finances. So what does it mean when you dream about money?

For starters, the dreams you remember most vividly tend to be the ones that evoke a strong emotional response. Because the topic of money can be very emotional, you may recall dreams about money more often and more clearly than your other dreams. To learn more about how to interpret these dreams (and even use them to your advantage), let’s delve into the fascinating world of the unconscious.

What do dreams about money really mean?

Because dreams are fleeting, intangible, and often downright bizarre, interpreting them is both an art and a science. When it comes to decoding dreams, you can focus on one of two approaches:

psychoanalysis. Based on concepts developed by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, this approach considers the possibility that dreams are reflections of our subconscious. As such, a dream can be full of references to forgotten childhood memories and point to deep-seated truths about the self. neuroscience. This scientific approach claims that dreams occur when our brains repeat events that happened throughout the day — but that they are random, unquantifiable, and contradictory. As a result, they follow no recognizable logic. That doesn’t mean that dreams can’t suggest certain concerns, drives, or preoccupations, but they don’t lend themselves to “decoding.”

Regardless of which theory you subscribe to, the important thing is that your dream interpretations give you a sense of clarity and understanding. After all, it’s your mind that creates these dreams, so it stands to reason that your mind is best equipped to decipher them.

And yet! It helps to have a starting point. Understanding some common interpretations of money-related dreams can be a great way to figure out what’s resonating with you. With that in mind, let’s examine some common dreams about money and what they might teach you about yourself.

4 common dreams about money – and what they can mean

Dreams about money can take many forms, and in the end it might not be about material wealth at all. Money means different things to different people – and it can take on entirely new meanings depending on whether it’s given, found, won or lost. For example, money is often understood as a symbol of power and influence. So if you have a dream about losing money, it could mean that you feel out of control and unable to influence the course of your life – not that you will wake up with a lighter wallet.

In the end there is no way to interpret your dreams about money. With that in mind, here are some common interpretations that can help you balance your attitude toward your finances — and your life in general.

What does it mean when you dream that someone gives you money?

If you dream about receiving money, you need to pay attention to two things:

What it means about your relationship with yourself. On the whole, dreaming of receiving money could indicate strong self-esteem. It might reflect that you are in a place where you feel confident and willing to receive gifts or appreciation – be it monetary or more symbolic (e.g. a new relationship or job opportunity). In short, you are set to succeed.

On the whole, dreaming of receiving money could indicate strong self-esteem. It might reflect that you are in a place where you feel confident and willing to receive gifts or appreciation – be it monetary or more symbolic (e.g. a new relationship or job opportunity). In short, you are set to succeed. What it means about your relationship with your benefactor. This may depend on the specific person giving you money, but one possible meaning is that you feel that person wants to support you in your endeavors. If you dream of a stranger giving you money, it could mean that you are ready for rewards in unlikely places – and that you are open to new opportunities.

What does it mean to dream about winning money?

To dream of winning money could indicate that you are optimistic and hopeful about the current direction your life is taking.

You may feel like the path you are on aligns with your values ​​and where you want to be in life. You may feel financially secure, and this allows you to focus more on being grateful for what you have versus what you may lack. In any case, a dream about winning money indicates a focus on the positive in the present rather than fear of the future.

What does it mean to find money in a dream?

Similar to a dream about winning money, a dream about finding money probably reflects a positive state of mind in the present.

It could indicate that you are open to new adventures and find opportunities in new places. It could also mean optimism about your future. Perhaps things are going well in your personal or work life and you are confident that you are making the right decisions.

What does it mean to lose money in a dream?

If you are dreaming about losing money, it could indicate a feeling that your life doesn’t feel like you are in control. You may have made a decision that you regret, or you may be afraid of making a bad decision in the future.

Losing money in a dream could also reflect a real loss in your life. Perhaps you are contemplating the end of a relationship or the death of a loved one. It may be an indicator that you are feeling anxious overall. This could be a wake up call to make some positive changes in your life – and maybe even your finances.

Can Financial Stress Affect Your Sleep?

Financial stress and anxiety can severely affect the quality of your sleep. If you worry about money all the time, those fears are likely to haunt you when you go to bed. And the lack of distractions at night can amplify the noise of those nagging voices in your head, leading to long nights of tossing and turning.

Additionally, feeling sleep deprived during the day can actively aggravate your anxiety — resulting in even poorer sleep quality the following night. This vicious circle makes it increasingly difficult to reach a quiet place where you can make better-informed decisions and actively contribute to your recovery.

Here’s the good news: If you’re struggling with financial stress and anxiety, there’s a way out. First things first – take some time to focus on yourself. This starts with simple steps like eating nutritious meals, getting enough exercise, taking care of yourself, and spending time with loved ones. Once you’ve got the basics covered, you’ll be in a better mood to assess if your money worries really are as bad as they seem and make plans to address your overall financial and emotional health.

How you ultimately overcome financial stress may depend on the individual financial goals you have set for yourself. Setting goals can be empowering and make you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat. You can start with:

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What is the synonym of quarters?

lodging house, lodgment. (or lodgement), room(s), rooming house.

Quarter Definition & Meaning


lived on the edge of the central business district

an area (e.g. a city) that is set apart for a specific purpose or has a special feature

What is the root word of quarter?

Many sporting events are divided this way, and you’ll often hear sports commentators saying things like, “Here is the score at the end of the first quarter.” The Latin word quartus, “fourth,” is at the root of quarter, and the earliest — and goriest — use specifically referred to a form of execution that involved …

Quarter Definition & Meaning


A quarter is a quarter of something. If you cut a pizza into four slices and share it with three friends, each of you will eat a quarter of the pizza.

A quarter is the same as twenty-five percent of something. Many sporting events are broken up this way, and you’ll often hear sports commentators say things like, “Here’s the score at the end of the first quarter.” The Latin word quartus, “fourth,” is at the root of quarter, and the earliest — and bloodiest – usage referred specifically to a form of execution in which a prisoner’s body was dismembered into four parts or quarters.

What are the 4 quarters of the year?

The standard calendar quarters that make up the year are as follows:
  • January, February, and March (Q1)
  • April, May, and June (Q2)
  • July, August, and September (Q3)
  • October, November, and December (Q4)

Quarter Definition & Meaning

What is a quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)?

A quarter is a three-month period in a company’s financial calendar, used as the basis for regular financial reports and the payment of dividends. A quarter refers to a quarter of a year and is usually expressed as Q1 for the first quarter, Q2 for the second quarter, and so on. For example, a quarter is often shown with the corresponding year, as in Q1 2021 or Q121, which represents the first quarter of 2021.

Key Messages A quarter is a three-month period in a company’s financial calendar that serves as the basis for regular financial reporting and the payment of dividends.

A quarter refers to a quarter of a year and is usually expressed as Q1 for the first quarter etc. and can be expressed with the year e.g. B. Q1 2021 (or Q121).

Quarterly reports (known as 10-Q filings with the SEC) and earnings are critical information for investors and analysts.

The IRS also imposes quarterly reporting requirements, including quarterly estimated tax payments for certain taxpayers.

While it’s beneficial for organizing financial information and comparing to previous quarters, opponents of quarters point to the additional reporting costs and burdens.

1:54 What is a quarter?

understand neighborhoods

Most financial reports and dividend payments are quarterly. Not all companies have fiscal quarters that correspond to calendar quarters, and it is common for a company to close its fourth quarter after the busiest time of the year. Dividends are also often paid quarterly, although many non-US companies may not pay dividends evenly.

Businesses have two main accounting periods – the fiscal quarter and the fiscal year (FY). The fiscal year for most companies runs from January 1st to December 31st (although it doesn’t have to be). The standard calendar quarters that make up the year are as follows:

January, February and March (Q1)

April, May and June (Q2)

July, August and September (Q3)

October, November and December (Q4)

Some companies have fiscal years that follow different dates. Costco Wholesale Corporation’s fiscal year begins in September and ends the following August. The fourth quarter of the financial year thus includes June, July and August.

A company’s fiscal quarters coincide with its fiscal year (FY), and the fourth fiscal quarter also ends on the same date as the fiscal year.

Special considerations

Companies, investors and analysts use data from different quarters to make comparisons and evaluate trends. For example, it is common for a company’s quarterly report to be compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Many companies are seasonal, which would make a comparison across consecutive quarters misleading.

A retailer could generate half of its annual profit in the fourth quarter, while a construction company gets most of its business in the first three quarters. In this situation, comparing first quarter results for a department store to fourth quarter performance would indicate an alarming decline in sales.

Valuing a seasonal company during its weak quarters can be insightful. It is expected that as sales and profits increase in the sub-quarters compared to the same quarter last year, the company’s internal strength will also improve.

For example, auto dealers typically have a slow first quarter and rarely run incentive sales programs in February and March. So if an auto dealer saw a significant increase in sales in the first quarter this year compared to a year ago, it may indicate the potential for surprisingly strong sales in the second and third quarters as well.

Use of financial districts

There are several ways companies interact with fiscal quarters. Public companies generally have more reporting requirements than private companies, and certain decisions that public companies make (such as issuing dividends) revolve around quarters.

Not only companies use quarters for financial reasons. The Internal Revenue Service requires certain taxpayers to make quarterly estimated tax payments using Form 941. This form is used to remit payroll taxes multiple times in a year.

Quarterly Reports

Quarterly reports are important for public companies and their investors. Any release has the potential to affect the value of a company’s stock. When a company has a good quarter, its stock value can increase. If the company has a bad quarter, the value of its stock could fall dramatically.

All publicly traded companies in the United States are required to file quarterly reports, known as Form 10-Qs, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at the end of their first three fiscal quarters. Each 10-Q contains unaudited financial statements and operating information for the previous three months (quarter).

A public company must also file an annual report known as a Form 10-K. The annual report often contains more detailed information than the quarterly reports, including an auditor’s report, presentations and additional disclosures.

The quarterly earnings report often includes forward-looking “guidance” for what management expects over the next few quarters or through to year-end. These estimates are used by analysts and investors to develop their expectations for performance over the next few quarters.

Analysts’ and management’s estimates and guidance can have a major impact on a stock every three months. If management issues guidance for the next quarter that’s worse than expected, the stock’s price will fall. Likewise, the stock can rise significantly if management issues guidance — or an analyst upgrades its independent estimates.

Quarterly Dividends

In the US, most companies that pay a dividend spread it more or less evenly over four quarters. In many economies outside the US, it’s common to split the annual dividend into quarterly payments, with one of the payments being much larger than the others. It’s also not uncommon to find non-US companies that only pay one dividend per year.

Paying quarterly dividends can result in some stock price volatility when the ex-date occurs. Some analysts have noted that investors may rebalance or sell their stocks on or shortly after the ex-date if the dividend growth rate appears to be slowing or other market changes are making the dividend less attractive.

Some companies may report using “halves” or H1 and H2 to divide their year into two parts instead of four. The first half of the year or H1 always includes the first and second quarter. The second half of the year or H2 always includes the third and fourth quarters.

non-standard quarters

For various reasons, some publicly traded companies use a non-standard or non-calendar quarterly reporting system. In addition, certain governments use different quarter systems. The first quarter of the US federal government fiscal year is October, November, and December. State governments may also have their own tax calendars.

Sometimes a company may have a non-standard fiscal year to help with business or tax planning. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows businesses to choose a “tax year” that is still 52-53 weeks long but does not end in December.

H&R Block (HRB) ends its fiscal year on April 30, which makes sense as that marks the end of the company’s busiest part of the year.

The release of an annual report, which may be accompanied by shareholder meetings and additional disclosures, after the busiest part of your year helps managers and shareholders make better decisions for the year ahead.

Companies that rely on US government contracts can use September as their fiscal year end and fourth quarter as they expect new projects to be completed and government budget planning to be available. Some companies now have very unusual quarterly systems.

criticism of neighborhoods

Some have questioned the importance of the quarterly reporting system. The big argument against the setup is that it puts too much pressure on companies and executives to deliver near-term results to please analysts and investors, rather than focusing on the company’s long-term interests.

The other problem is that companies report their consolidated financial statements once a year, so the information can become stale and out of date between annual reporting cycles. One approach to solving this problem is to use a four-quarter or 12-month (TTM) analysis.

By the middle of the fourth quarter of 2021, the annual data for 2021 can be estimated by summarizing the last four quarters. In that case, expect the company’s third-quarter 2021 results to be available. An analyst would manually combine quarterly data from the first three quarters of 2021 with the last quarter of 2020 to estimate the company’s earnings and revenue trends.

This analysis will overlap some of the data used in last year’s annual report, but still provide an insight into how 2021 is likely to look by the end of the year. If the first three quarters of 2021 were poor compared to the first three quarters of 2020, the four quarter analysis below will show it.

Given that there are so many variables to account for with each new quarter, using the best accounting software is a great way to help accounts save time and ensure all reports are accurate.

What are the 4 fiscal quarters? A fiscal quarter is a three-month period in which a company reports its financial results. As the name suggests, there are four quarterly periods in a year, meaning a public company would issue four quarterly reports per year. Businesses and investors alike use fiscal quarters to track their financial results and business developments over time. These quarters are often referred to as Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. A company can choose how to divide a calendar year into these four quarters. Companies often end a quarter in late March, June, September and December. A company can, at any time, decide on the end of its fiscal year and thereby influence the allocation of its quarters.

Are quarters always aligned with the calendar year? Quarters do not always correspond to the calendar year. For example, if a company decides to start its fiscal year in February instead of January, its first quarter would consist of February, March, and April. Businesses sometimes choose to do this when they want their fiscal year to end in their own peak season. Because closing the year often involves a lot of extra accounting work, some companies choose to end their fiscal year in a relatively quiet month.

What does Q4 2022 mean? Q4 2022 consists of two components. The first part (“Q4”) represents the quarter, while the second part (“2022”) represents the year. In this example, the expression Q4 2022 means the fourth quarter of 2022. Because this expression includes both quarter and year, this expression assumes that the fiscal year being analyzed is a calendar year.

What is the tax calendar? A fiscal calendar is any date range that defines a company’s yearly reporting cycle. Rather than simply using a standard calendar year that runs from January to December, a company may choose to use a different calendar reporting cycle that better aligns with its operations, cyclicality, or seasonality. For example, a company might choose a fiscal year that ends in June. Although the calendar year runs from January to December, the Company’s year-end income statement will run from July 1st to June 30th.

Is it good to find money on road?

According to elders, if you suddenly find money lying somewhere on the way, it means God is with you. Getting money in this way means that you are going to get success in work. Getting the money that has fallen suddenly also indicates that you will get some good news in future.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

At least once in your life you have to find a purse full of cash while traveling. But have you ever thought about what that means? Losing money or getting money, both have a meaning. Let us tell you what it means and how it can affect your happiness.

According to elders, if you suddenly find money somewhere along the way, it means that God is with you. Getting money this way means you will have success at work.

Getting the suddenly fallen money also indicates that you will receive good news in the future. It is believed that the coin found on the way is also a sign that soon you will start a new job that will bring you success and money. Apart from that, you can also get a promotion at work.

If a person finds money in the morning, it is considered a sign of good luck. It is believed that this will lead to the progress of the person. Therefore, this money should be kept safe.

It also shows that through this money your ancestors want to see how you handle the responsibility for this money.

If you receive a large amount of money, first try to return it to this person. If you couldn’t find him, then some of that money should be distributed among the poor, some of the money should be donated to a religious place, and some of the money should be kept safe with yourself.

If you find money that has fallen down somewhere, you should act with caution, because the money you have is someone else’s hard-earned money, so suddenly getting money is also a sign that God wants to test you. Those who are honest in every situation, God is always with such people.

What do nickels mean spiritually?

For many people, finding coins: pennies, dimes or nickels, for example, is a common sign of support from their guardian angels. Often appearing at opportune moments, the spiritual significance of a penny “falling…

Quarter Definition & Meaning

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What does the name penny mean spiritually?

Numerology. 2. Penny is Hebrew Girl name and meaning of this name is “Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye”.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

Is your name Penny? Check out the meaning, numerology and details of the Hebrew girl name Penny

Penny Name Penny Meaning Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye Gender Girl Numerology 2

Penny is a Hebrew girl name and the meaning of this name is “Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye”.

Qualities Diplomatic, Sensitive Lucky Color Green, Cream Ruler Planet Moon Lucky Number 2

Every Letter Analysis of the Name “Penny”

Letters Description P You are very intellectual and have a broad base of knowledge. People get a great first impression of you, but you can also seem distant. Although you have a great sense of walking around, you can be extremely impatient. E You are freedom-loving, sensual and enthusiastic. You firmly believe in falling in love…in fact, you might do it quite often. You can look at a situation from many different angles. N You are a “think outside the box” type, creative and original. They are also strong willed with the concurring opinions. N You are a “think outside the box” type, creative and original. They are also strong willed with the concurring opinions. Y You are freedom-loving and like to break rules and push the boundaries. Your ambition and courage make you independent by nature, even if you appear reserved. you are stylish

Numerological calculation method of the name “Penny”

Alphabet Subtotal of the alphabet position.

(Example: U = 21 = 2+1 = 3 ) P 7 E 5 N 5 N 5 Y 7 Total 29 Subtotal of 29 11 Calculated Numerology 2

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Based on the numerological value 2 is cooperative, sensitive, adaptable, passive, diplomatic, peaceful, warm-hearted, an excellent partner, friendly, even-tempered, kind, tactful and diplomatic. Below are some points about names based on numerological value – in each name, each letter has specific meanings that describe the nature of the name. Below in the table each letter of the name is described.

Why do you leave a quarter on a grave?

A nickel means that you and the deceased soldier trained at boot camp together. If you served with the soldier, you leave a dime. A quarter is very significant because it means that you were there when that soldier was killed.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

What do coins on military tombstones mean?

On this memorial day, many will visit cemeteries to pay their respects with coins to fallen soldiers. Here’s what they mean.

Have you ever been to a cemetery and seen coins lying on a tombstone?

Col. Dave Taylor, a Vietnam War veteran, explained the tradition and why.

A coin on a tombstone lets the deceased soldier’s family know that someone came to pay their last respects.

If you leave a dime, it means you have visited us. A nickel means that you and the deceased soldier trained together at boot camp. If you served with the soldier, you leave a dime. A quarter is very important because it means you were there when that soldier was killed.

Taylor says the tradition became popular in the United States during the Vietnam War. It is believed that this was a way to show respect without getting into an awkward political discussion about a very controversial war.

When an angel misses you they toss a penny?

He said when an Angel misses you, they toss a penny down, sometimes just to cheer you up, to make a smile out of your frown.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

Nancy K

We keep pennies found on the street and put them in a small bowl. We call them our Angel Pennies. At Thanksgiving, when the family gathers, we pass around the penny jar and penny diss. Each person takes a penny and says what they were grateful for and puts a penny in the jar. The children especially love it, the older people cry with gratitude. We also have visitors who come to the house and ask if they can add a penny saying “thank you for your hospitality, dinner….coffee….chat…etc. Nice house warming gift too.

What does 3 quarters mean?

Definition of three-quarters

: an amount equal to three of the four equal parts which make up something : seventy-five percent Three-quarters of the class will be going on the trip. three-quarters of an hour.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

: an amount equal to three of the four equal parts that make up something: seventy-five percent

Three quarters of the class will go on the trip.

What does 2 quarters mean?

FINANCE, ACCOUNTING. us. ( abbreviation Q2) relating to the second period of three months in a company’s financial year: We are hoping for an improvement in our sales when we receive our second-quarter results.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

second quarter

I didn’t have the numbers for the second quarter and couldn’t confirm the number he gave. Hansard archive Example from the Hansard archive. Contains parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament License v3.0

Her possession time in the first quarter was only 5:41 and possession time in the second quarter was 6:34. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

After a scoreless first quarter, both teams scored touchdowns within just a minute in the second quarter to level the halftime tally of 77. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

Auburn then responded, taking a 147 half-time lead with two touchdowns in the second quarter. Wikipedia This example is extracted from Wikipedia and is reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

After a scoreless first quarter with multiple defensive stops for each team, both scored touchdowns in the second quarter to level the game by 66 points at halftime. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

It was released in the second quarter of 2004. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

The strategy coincides with a 20 percent decline in sales in the second quarter, while digital sales are up 52 percent. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

His 21 points in the second quarter was the most ever scored in that quarter and set the record for most points in a quarter. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

Information on natural disasters is on the second page of the company’s second quarter 2008 earnings report. Wikipedia This example is extracted from Wikipedia and is reusable under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

After lukewarm market reception, however, there were reports that the company had allegedly revised its second-quarter estimates downward to 800,000-900,000 units from 2.4 million. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

After a scoreless first quarter, each team scored touchdowns in the second quarter. Wikipedia This example is taken from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

The teams then traded touchdowns in the second quarter for a 1414 halftime tie. Wikipedia This example is extracted from Wikipedia and is reusable under a CC BY-SA license. Out of

These examples come from corpora and from sources on the Internet. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinions of the publishers of the Cambridge Dictionary or Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

What’s a quarter to 5?

At minute 45, we say it’s “quarter to” the next hour. For example, at 5:45, we say it’s “quarter to six” (or 15 minutes before 6:00).

Quarter Definition & Meaning

Hello friends!

Telling the time in English can be confusing. I am glad to help! There are a few rules to follow, please:

#1. Times in English: With “Past” or “To”

As we know, there are 60 minutes in an hour. With minute 1 – 29 we say it is past (or past) the hour. For example, “It’s ten past three” or 3:10. Or another example: “It’s twenty past eight” or 8:20. At minute 31 – 59 we say until (the next hour). For example, if it’s 10:40, we say “It’s twenty to eleven” (eleven minus twenty minutes). Or if it’s 3:50, we say “It’s ten to four” (four minus ten minutes). Remember that saying “It’s 3:50” is always correct. But often you’ll hear people say, “It’s ten to four.” English learners should be aware of this. And they should be comfortable using “past,” “after,” and “until” to express time.

#2. When to use “a quarter” and “a half”.

As I said, an hour has 60 minutes. We divide our time into quarters and halves. This is confusing at first, but makes it easier to express time. At minute 15 we say it’s “a quarter past”. Or we say it’s quarter past. Both “quarter past” and “quarter after” are equally correct. So if it’s 7:15, let’s say it’s “quarter past seven.” Or if it’s 1:15, let’s say it’s a quarter past one. At minute 45 we say it’s “quarter to” in the next hour. For example, at 5:45 we say it is “quarter to six” (or 15 minutes to 6:00). At minute 30 we say it’s “half”. At 9:30 a.m., we would say it’s “half past eight” (or half an hour after 9:00 a.m.). Again, please remember that it is okay to say “It’s 7:15.” Or “It’s 5:45”. But you’ll definitely hear people say, “It’s a quarter past seven.” Or “It’s a quarter to six”. So I encourage you to make yourself comfortable and confident in expressing time in quarters and halves.

#3. A.M or P.M: What time is it?

As we all know, there are 24 hours in the day. Lessons 1 through 11 are fairly easy. In the 9th hour we just say “It’s 9:00”. But the hours 12 to 24 might be a bit different than what other cultures are used to. For hours 0 through 12 we call this “A.M.” So for hour 7 (AM) we say “It’s seven in the morning”. (7:00 AM.). For hours 12 to 24 we call this “P.M.”. For example, at 2:00 p.m. we say “It’s two o’clock in the afternoon”. Again, there are cultural differences that make the “A.M.” and “PM” a little confusing. For example, my Brazilian students told me that at 17 hour they say, “It’s five o’clock.” We just say “It’s 5:00 p.m.” (5.00.).

*** It is NOT important to know this. But “A.M.” stands for “Ante Meridiem” (Latin). And “PM” stands for “Post Meridiem” (also Latin).

#4. Midday. Midday. midnight

At 12 o’clock we say “noon”. Sometimes you also hear “noon”. At midnight we say “midnight”. “Noon” is 12:00 PM. And “midnight” is 12:00. (The beginning of a new day or 24-hour cycle.)

#5. When to use clock

At the beginning of each hour we use the term “clock”. Example: “It is one o’clock” (1:00). Or “It’s four o’clock” (4:00). A common mistake I’ve noticed among English learners is using the term “clock” at the wrong time. For example, we do NOT say “It’s six thirty” (6:30). And we are NOT saying, “It’s eleven fifteen” (11:15). We only say “o’clock” on the hour. Example: “It is four o’clock” (4:00). Or “It’s eight o’clock” (8:00).

Final “Tell the time in English” advice from Jeff

I hope it helps? Time is very important. And I hope you will be more confident and comfortable expressing time in English. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know!

Thanks, friends!

What is quarter example?

Quarter means one fourth of something. An example of a quarter is one piece of a brownie cut into four equal pieces.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

The area of ​​the ancient city is now called Kaleh and is inhabited by the Turks; east of this is the extensive Christian quarter, and beyond it again a low promontory juts north into the sea, partly covered with the houses of a well-built suburb, which is the chief center of commerce.

finding quarters – Spiritual Meaning

finding quarters – Spiritual Meaning
finding quarters – Spiritual Meaning

See some more details on the topic spiritual meaning of quarters here:

The Spiritual Meaning of Finding Quarters (Various Thoughts)

Finding quarters can be a sign that something good is going to happen. It could also mean that there is going to be a change in the future. In …

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Finding Quarters Spiritual Meaning – SYMBOLS

Finding a quarter is a sign of unmerited favor from Heaven. If you believe in the existence of the gods and angels, you know they love you just as you are. You …

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Quarters Spiritual Meaning And Interpretation | Auntyflo.com

It represents physical manifestation, power, action, transformation, creating and doing, protection, and strength. When a practitioner works with fire, they …

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Spiritual meaning of finding a quarter heads up

The quarter is a lucky charm. … When you discover a quarter with the heads-up, it is time to anticipate good fortune in your life. With the …

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Spiritual meaning of finding quarters: Is it a lucky charm?

The spiritual meaning of finding quarters has many interpretations in different ways. It could be a sign of financial wealth or signify your long-awaited …

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I keep finding quarters and pennies everywhere. They are just …

Finding pennies means: time to exert your natural forces, take action, and start a new venture, reevaluate founding beliefs, fresh perspectives, bright eas.

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11 Finding Quarters Spiritual Meanings: What Does it Mean?

Finding quarters cannot be a coincidence. You should keep that in mind.

When you find a neighborhood, it’s time to stop and reflect on the spiritual meaning behind this amazing discovery. Quarters don’t just fly around expecting you to find them. They can be strategically placed by the universe in a location where you can find them. Because of this, you should not take them for granted.

Whenever you see a quarter coin, always be ready to draw something spiritual from the experience. If you are new to this practice then you are reading the perfect article. In this article, I’m going to show you how to use the presence of the quarter coin to your advantage.

In addition, we will explore the 11 spiritual meanings of lodging.

What does find accommodation mean?

Does it mean good luck?

Is it a sign I’m getting rich?

Every question in your heart will be answered as you read on.

What does it mean when you find a neighborhood?

This question has been asked frequently by several people. Finding accommodation is not uncommon. It’s common among Americans.

So it’s not about appearance. Several people hit a roadblock when trying to understand the spiritual importance of finding a neighborhood.

A lot of people don’t understand what it means when they find a neighborhood; Because of this, they were deprived of the blessing of finding a quarter. However, after reading this article, all your doubts and questions will be answered.

There are 2 schools of thought regarding the search for quarters. There are 2 categories of beliefs about finding a neighborhood.

Let’s try to explore these schools of thought and beliefs. It will help you understand the spiritual importance of finding a neighborhood. Additionally, this will help you learn how to use the power of the Quarter to your advantage.

It’s good luck

Finding a quarter is believed to bring good luck. Is this belief right or wrong? This is a correct belief. Believing that the quarter is a sign of good luck is correct and accurate. In case you don’t know what a quarter looks like, check out the image below:

This is what a quarter looks like. A quarter is a silver coin equal to ¼ of a dollar. Finding this coin on the ground is a sign of good luck. In the spiritual world, finding a coin is considered a sign of luck and wealth.

It is believed that if you find a quarter on the ground, you should expect good things to happen in your life.

Hence this belief holds. If you have doubts about this belief, it is time to let go of those doubts and believe in the power of the Quarter to change your life for the better.

It’s a spiritual message

The quarter coin is also believed to be a spiritual message from the universe. This belief is also true.

Whenever you find a quarter coin, it is a sign that the universe needs your attention because it has something important to tell you.

Finding a quarter on the ground is a sign that the universe has something important to tell you. Because of this, you should never take the neighborhood for granted when it shows up in your home.

Finding this coin on the ground is no coincidence. It is a deliberate act of the universe to draw your attention to a powerful message to you.

Therefore, finding the quarter is a sign of a spiritual message. Finding the quarter is an indication that the universe wants to communicate with you. It is a spiritual message that needs to be understood.

There are 11 different spiritual messages that can be received by finding a neighborhood. Read on to discover these messages from the universe.

Finding Quarters Spiritual Significance: 11 Messages

The 11 spiritual messages of the accommodation search give you a precise insight into what awaits you. With these messages, you can have an expectation that will perfectly position your heart to take advantage of what the neighborhood has to offer.

1) Good luck

The quarter is a sign of good luck. Whenever you find the quarter, it’s time to expect good luck to come into your life. With the quarter you will experience a breakthrough in your life.

The neighborhood attracts good luck into your life and brings positive change into your life. Whenever you find the neighborhood, expect things to take a turn for the better in your life.

2) A big promotion comes into your life

If you find a quarter, it’s an indication that a big promotion is about to happen at your place of work. This is for career oriented people.

If you have been worried about your job, the quarter coin is an assurance that you will be promoted in your job.

This promotion will also take away your money problems. You can merge this spiritual message with the first spiritual message. However, this is more specific than the first message from the universe.

3) You will be lucky

The quarter coin is used for a lucky charm. So whenever you find it in your area, it is an indication that you will get lucky.

If you are interested in betting or the lottery, the quarter coin can bode well for you. It is an indication that you will get lucky in your bets or lotteries. This luck will bring so much money into your life that will make you happy. The quarter coin is a lucky sign.

4) Prepare for opportunities

Finding the quarter coin is a sign that a great opportunity is about to come into your life. Therefore, you should prepare for such an opportunity.

Whenever you find the quarter coin, the universe has sent it to prepare you for the opportunity that is about to come into your life. The quarter coin indicates that you are about to experience a life changing opportunity that will change your life for the better.

5) Your dead lost one is taking care of you

Whenever you find the quarter coin, it is a sign that the spirit of your lost loved one is looking out for you. In ancient traditions, it is believed that whenever a coin is found, it is a sign of the spirit of the dead.

Therefore, it is safe to assume that every time you see the quarters, it is an indication of the spirit of your lost loved one caring for you. This is to calm your heart and fill you with hope.

6) Your guardian angel protects you

Coins are a sign of the presence of angels. If you find the quarter coin, your guardian angel will protect you from negative energy.

Whenever you find the quarter coin, you must be spiritually sensitive to the presence of angels around you.

Whenever I find the quarter coin, I pray to the Universe, aware of the presence of my Guardian Angel around me. The quarter coin is an indication that you are protected.

7) There is healing for you

The silver color of the quarter coin can also convey a spiritual message. In the spirit world, the silver color is a sign of healing.

Whenever you find the quarter coin, it is a sign of mental and physical healing. If you are ill, the quarter coin can be an indication that you will be cured of your illness and fully restored to health.

Belief and hope are restored in the presence of the quarter coin that all will be restored.

8) Emotional stability

Finding a quarter coin on the ground is an indication that you need to become emotionally stable. Mother Earth is a symbol of stability.

Finding the quarter coin on the ground will teach you how to control your emotions. You must learn to become emotionally balanced. Losing control of your emotions will expose you to many mistakes that will ultimately have a negative impact on your life.

9) Answered prayers

The quarter coin is a sign of answered prayer. Finding the quarter coin is an indication that all your prayers will be answered by the universe.

Whenever you make a wish, the quarter coin appears as a sign from the universe that all your desires, desires and prayers have been answered.

Therefore, you should be full of hope, faith and optimism that you will get results from your prayers to the universe.

10) It’s time to start a new chapter of your life

The quarter coin is an indication that the current cycle of your life has ended. It is a sign that you are entering a new phase in your life.

Whenever you are about to enter a new phase of life, the universe can send the quarter coin as a sign.

The quarter coin may appear to you in a dream or on the floor of your room. If you find this, it is an indication that you are at the end of a cycle.

Most importantly, finding the quarter coin at night is undeniable proof that you are about to enter a new cycle or chapter of your life.

11) Wealth is coming

Finding the quarter coin around you brings a sign that you will never have money worries again. It is a prediction of prosperity coming into your life.

Quarters in random places find meaning

If you keep finding quarters in random locations, it’s time to keep an eye out for rare opportunities.

Most of the time, the biggest breakthroughs aren’t found in obvious places. Because of this, the universe keeps throwing the quarter coin in random places. The Universe is indicating that you should start looking for rare opportunities.

These opportunities only become apparent when you look in the right direction. To achieve this, you must seek the help of the Universe through prayer.

Finding quarters all the time means

When you constantly find quarters around you, the universe validates your choices. It is a sign that the decision you are about to make is the right one.

Most of the time when I have doubts about my ability to make the right decision, the universe gives me confidence by sending me the quarter coin. I will find the quarter coin around me for days or weeks until my confidence is restored and I make that decision without fear of failure.

Another spiritual meaning of constantly finding the quarter coin is a sign that you are about to make a breakthrough. It’s an indication that your breakthrough is closer than ever.

Most of the time, when you receive this message, the breakthrough will happen within hours or 2-5 days. Whenever you find the neighborhood constantly around you, it is best to prepare more intensely for the opportunity that is about to arise in your life.

The constant search for quarters requires attention. There’s a subtle way of assuming that finding quarters all the time is common; don’t fall into this trap. The universe is trying to draw your attention through the neighborhood.

I always find quarters: is that a warning sign?

If you find neighborhoods around you, this is not a warning sign. Finding quarters brings no misfortune. Whenever you find neighborhoods around you, it is a sign of good luck.

So if you keep finding quarters, the universe is trying to get your attention to give you the good news about your future.

last words

This article has shed light on every gray area of ​​the spiritual meaning of house hunting. Therefore, it is time to step into the best phase of your life.

Always pay attention to the neighborhood and listen to what the universe has to tell you; It will equip you with the right mindset and attitude to take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you.

So, do you know what the spiritual meaning of finding a place to stay is? Please don’t hesitate to leave your comments below!

Interesting posts:

Quarter In Dreams – Dream Interpretation and Meaning of Quarter in Dreams

To dream of a neighborhood symbolizes a feeling of inadequacy. As an idea of ​​1/4, you may be paying too much attention to just one aspect of a well-rounded life. Also examine whether the quarter represents your current form of living or your “quarter”. An idea that you might not want to face during the day can be captured in the symbol of a neighborhood.

Quarter Definition & Meaning

They live less than a quarter mile from us.

We were billeted in log cabins in the camp.

He was three quarters of an hour early.

Current examples on the web: nouns

Because of this, Apple announced in the June 2020 quarter that the new iPhone would be delayed. — Chris Smith, BGR, July 29, 2022

ExxonMobil’s net income was $2,245.62 per second for each day of the 92-day quarter. — Chris Isidore, CNN, July 29, 2022

The Network is the TV Foundation’s program for emerging professionals, of whom 39% are from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds and nearly a quarter identify as disabled. — Naman Ramachandran, Variety, July 28, 2022

Imax added that its domestic market share was 5.3 percent in the most recent fiscal quarter, and the company captured 7 percent of the North American box office in May alone. — Etan Vlessing, The Hollywood Reporter, July 28, 2022

KeyBank’s quarter was supported by strong loan growth. — Sean Mcdonnell, Cleveland, July 21, 2022

Reports show that Hayes overtook Logan for the second straight fiscal quarter by a 3-1 margin and ended June with nearly $1.7 million in cash compared to $204,825 for Logan. — Hartford Courant, July 16, 2022

Wells saw interest income rise 16% to $10.2 billion from $8.8 billion in the year-earlier second quarter. — Matt Ott, Chicago Tribune, July 15, 2022

According to the National Park Service, more than 85 percent of the total area of ​​giant sequoia groves in the Sierra Nevada burned in wildfires between 2015 and 2021, compared with just a quarter a century earlier. — Deborah Sullivan Brennan, San Diego Union-Tribune, July 13, 2022

Current examples on the web: Verb

Quarter the whole apples first, then place in a large saucepan and cover with 1 inch of cold water. – Los Angeles Times, October 14, 2021

Before the herbivores are unleashed, the Carrs survey a client’s land, making sure there is no immediate danger, and dividing it into four distinct sections. — Camille Sauers, Chronicle, September 30, 2021

Ochoa answered my question with a saying: The only way to eat an elephant is to quarter it into pieces. — Patrick Moorhead, Forbes, May 7, 2021

Using a sharp paring knife, cut the citrus in half lengthwise, then quarter each half to create four wedges. — Rebekah Peppler, Los Angeles Times, April 2, 2021

If using white mushrooms, halve the small ones and quarter the larger ones. – Dallas News, December 28, 2020

Loomer co-sponsored legislation to pull and quarter Jack Dorsey or replace John Roberts with QAnon on the Supreme Court. – Isaac Schorr, National Review, August 20, 2020

While the noodles are cooking, quarter the sausages lengthways, then slice into 1/2-inch thick slices. – The New York Times News Service Syndicate, The Denver Post, March 11, 2020

According to McDonald, all moose were quartered. — Joe Genzel, Outdoor Life, February 10, 2020

Current examples on the web: adjective

It gave the fourth-quarter cross-quarter bounce pass to Keldon Johnson for a 3-pointer. -Jeff Mcdonald, San Antonio Express-News, December 21, 2021

The first quarter earnings season is set to start next week with the release of earnings from several banks. — Jessica Menton, USA TODAY, April 8, 2020

Details could be announced when the company reports its first-quarter results on Tuesday. — Phoebe Wall Howard, Detroit Free Press, April 27, 2020

Also, with Q1 earnings season still a few weeks away, investors must be flying blind on the financial impact on companies. — Anneken Tappe, CNN, March 14, 2020

Davidson jumped out of his car, walked to the front quarter panel of the car and pulled out his taser. – Oregonlive, February 4, 2020

Daily rain totals of up to a tenth or quarter of an inch are possible. – Matt Rogers, Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2019

The Street didn’t get a big high from Aurora Cannabis’ fourth-quarter results late Wednesday, but the cannabis company is still reporting strong growth. – Anne Sraders, Fortune, September 12, 2019

The longtime justice spoke with Katherine Baicker, dean of the Harris School of Public Policy, in front of about 400 people and reflected on her career as a lawyer fighting for women’s rights and her quarter century at the nation’s highest court. —Jessica Villagomez, chicagotribune.com, September 9, 2019

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