Thank You Lord For Giving Us Food? The 128 Correct Answer

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How do you thank God for food?

Meal Prayer

Our dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this food. and help us to do our part in kind words and loving deeds. We ask in Jesus’ name.

What is the prayer Thank you for the food we eat?

Blessing Hands Who Prepared the Food ~ Unknown

“Dear Lord, thank you for this food. Bless the hands that prepared it. Bless it to our use and us to your service, And make us ever mindful of the needs of others.

How do you thank God for giving?

I hope that you give me the ability to give to them the same kindness they have provided to me. I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness.

How do you say grace over food?

To say grace at a family meal, you can simply say thanks for the meal and to those who prepared it. Alternatively, if you’re saying grace for a holiday meal, try to match your prayer to the occasion, like “I’m blessed to spend the holidays here with you all.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More


How can I help my 12-year-old daughter pray it with respect and confidence?

Community Response

Children learn from the example of their parents. Put God first in your life and behave the way you want your daughter to behave. Show that God is not just for Sundays and holidays, but for every second of every day. Talk to Your Daughter about God and the Scriptures—Children can often feel embarrassed to talk about religion and their feelings. If you talk about your feelings and ask your child for their opinion, your child will find it easier to talk about God. Include your child in church services and try to attend regularly, but don’t force them to go to church if they don’t want to, as this could only lead to resentment towards religion and God. Ask your child to pray with you; say you need their help.

Why do we bless our food?

Most of all, prayer at meals puts us in God’s presence on a regular basis. By praying at meals we daily remind ourselves our proper place in the plan of creation: we are stewards of God and disciples of Christ.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

What is your favorite food? Fried chicken? A juicy steak? Scrambled eggs?

It’s not uncommon for Americans to gather around a sumptuous table of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and desserts. And many of them do this with prayers and expressions of thanks for gifts received.

While we take such a moment of prayer for granted, do you ever think that eating is a time of worship? Maybe you should.

Most of us learned long ago to pray before we eat. Parents teach their young children to pray before meals and sometimes even after meals. Such a pre-meal prayer is sometimes called “grace,” as in “Let’s Say Grace,” which comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning “thank you.”

Old lore

Why do we pray while eating? Because we, as a body of believers, learned it a long time ago.

The custom of praying while eating is ancient in our faith tradition. Even before Jesus – who prayed over the gifts of the Last Supper and over the gifts in the multiplication of the loaves and fishes – the ancient Jews prayed during their meals.

They did this out of gratitude for both the food and the land the Lord had given them.

In Deuteronomy 8:10 we see the ancient injunction on prayer at meals attributed to Moses: “But when you have eaten and are full, you shall praise the Lord your God for the good land which he has given you. Modern Jews call this Birkat HaMazon (“blessing on food”).

Following this tradition, as well as the custom of Jesus’ own meal prayers, the early Christians offered prayers over their own meals. Several early church fathers mentioned the need to pray before meals, both in thanksgiving and as part of the natural desire to worship God. For example, Tertullian, who lived and wrote in the early third century, remarked in his treatise On Prayer that “it behooves believers not to take any food…before interposing a prayer; for the refreshments and foods of the spirit are preferable to those of the flesh, and things heavenly to things earthly” (chapter 25).

Thanks from a Pope

Our well-known meal prayer today – “Bless us, O Lord” – goes back to the Sacramentary of Gelasia, named after Pope Gelasius, who led the church at the end of the fifth century but did not write this liturgical book.

Nonetheless, the book dates back to at least the 8th century, and from there we have the roots of this prayer.

Brief as it is, our prayer of blessing contains three of the four main types of prayer: gratitude, supplication, praise, and repentance. We can break down the food prayer into these specific prayer parts:

Prayer: “Bless Us, O Lord”

Gratitude: “and these, your gifts, which we shall receive from your generosity”

Praise: “Through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

That’s a lot of prayer covered in just a few words. The Dictionary of the Liturgy describes a good mealtime prayer as something that “usually involves a request for His blessing upon the meal and the group present, along with gratitude to the Lord for His bounty, and an expression of our utter dependence on Him, even what.” concerning eating and drinking…. In this way the meal becomes … an act of worship.”

This includes supplications, gratitude and praise (as in worship). But wait? Where is the “dependency” part of our “Bless us, O Lord”?

That comes in the act of prayer itself. By taking the time to ask God for His blessing before we eat, we show that we know how much we need His care—not just to bring us the food, but so that it nourishes us and brings us health and well-being.

Meals Parallel Mass

Our simple mealtime prayer, said in a home setting, follows the pattern of our church service at Mass: prayers of praise, supplication and thanksgiving; expression of faithful dependence on God; the desire to do better as we are strengthened by the holy supper. Then, nurtured and nurtured, we are sent out of the church building to bring the worship of God into everyday life.

The Meal Prayer is one way to do this: it keeps us connected to the never-ending daily prayer of the Church and reminds us of the holy supper that Jesus left for us to be shared in communion until he comes again.

Above all, prayer at mealtimes brings us regularly into God’s presence. As we pray at mealtimes, we remind ourselves daily of our rightful place in the plan of creation: we are stewards of God and disciples of Christ.

The US bishops said in their 1992 pastoral on stewardship (“Stewardship A Disciple’s Response”): “Jesus’ disciples and Christian stewards recognize God as the origin of life, the giver of liberty, and the source of all things. We are grateful for the gifts we have received and look forward to using them to show our love for God and for one another.”

Praying at each mealtime shows gratitude and an eager response to God’s love being poured out upon us and all with whom we share “our gift through Christ our Lord” – including scrambled eggs and turkey.

Patricia Kasten is Associate Editor of The Compass, the newspaper of the Green Bay Diocese.

Prayers Before Meal in Early Church

You, almighty Master, created everything for Your name’s sake; You have given people food and drink for their pleasure, that they might thank you; but you freely gave us spiritual food and drink and eternal life through your servant.

— Didache, 1st century

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.

— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Before we nourish ourselves, it is fitting to praise the Creator of all things, and it is fitting to sing His praises when we eat the things He created for food.

— Clement of Alexandria, The Pedagogue, II.4

There is nothing abominable or immodest in our meals. We don’t sit back until we pray to God. Likewise, prayer closes the feast.

— Tertullian, Apol., xxxi

We thank you, our Father, for the resurrection that you have revealed to us through Jesus your Son; and as this bread that is here on this table was formerly scattered widely and compacted and made one, so may your church be reunited from the ends of the earth for your kingdom, for yours is the power and glory forever and ever. Amen.

— Attributed to St. Athanasius, based on a 4th-century formula

The merciful and compassionate Lord has given food to those who fear him. Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is above all things, we give you thanks and praise because you have deigned to give us a portion of your goods and sustenance for our bodies. We pray and beseech you, give us heavenly nourishment in the same way. Let us fear and honor your law and your terrible and glorious name, and grant that we never disobey your commandments. Write Your law and Your righteousness in our hearts. Sanctify our spirit, soul and body through your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. To whom with You is due glory, dominion, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

— Attributed to St. Athanasius, based on a 4th-century formula

What is a good blessing prayer?

Prayer for Blessings

I pray that You anoint my head with blessings and make Your face shine upon me, Lord Jesus. Pour out Your Spirit on me and let me dwell with You in Your house all the days of my life. Bless all of my days on this earth and bless all of my comings and goings. In Your precious name, I pray, Amen.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

Our God is a good God who blesses us every day of our lives. Here are 11 powerful prayers for blessings.

prayer for blessings

Jesus, righteous Lord, You are the God of all mercy and it is Your desire to bless Your children richly. I pray that You will anoint my head with blessings and make Your face shine upon me, Lord Jesus. Pour out your Spirit on me and make me dwell in your house with you all the days of my life. Bless all my days on this earth and all my comings and goings. In Your precious name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of protection

Almighty Father, You are my strong tower and You are almighty in power. You are my refuge and my strength. I pray that you will keep me, Lord, and support me with your righteous right hand. Put up a protective hedge around me. Bless me with the confidence that comes from the safety of hiding in the shadow of your wings. Be in everything I do and in all the conversations I have. Save me from the snares of Satan. Amen.

Prayer for protection of my son

God of the heavenly armies, please send your angels to encamp around my son. I know he will face many challenges as he grows up. Be with him wherever he goes. Bless him with Your presence and put on him the full armor of You, God. Be a very present help to him in difficult times, be it fights against his flesh and blood or against the forces of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil. I pray that whenever he feels attacked or under pressure, he will find redemption in you. Protect him and keep his eyes on you, Almighty God. Amen.

Prayer to protect my faith

God of everlasting faithfulness protect me in my faith from the devil who roams like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Strengthen my spirit and my spirit so I don’t give the devil a chance. Protect my mind from the lies of the enemy and from the deceit of sin. Help me to walk after the Spirit and in the Spirit, and keep me from being misled or tempted by my unbelief. I know you are with me and for me. I believe god. Help my unbelief. Give me the ultimate blessing of faith. Amen.

Prayer for mercy without measure

Merciful and gracious God, You say that where sin has increased, grace has increased all the more. Thank you for more than enough grace to cover my sinfulness. Please continue to pour Your abundant grace over my life. Make my cup overflow to the glory of God. I know that life is found in You, God, and I ask the blessing of being counted as one of Your children. Let me taste and see that you’re good. Fill me with the grace I need to live in this world and serve others in your image. Amen.

Prayer for blessings of grace for my associates

God of loving devotion, I pray that You would be with my workers and bless them with Your wonderful gift of grace as they strive to do their work. Always let their conversations be full of grace and spice with salt so that they communicate with each other and with customers in a way that reflects your kindness. If they are feeling short-tempered or tired, please be with them all the more. Help us all to work heartily for you in all we do, knowing that we will receive our legacy from you as our reward. Amen.

Prayer for the blessings of leadership

Wonderful Counselor, You say that You will instruct me and teach me which way to go. You say you will advise me with your loving look at me. Do this for me, Lord Jesus. At this time in my life, bless me with Your guidance and wisdom and make my paths straight. Show me how to enjoy your law and your word, dear Saviour. Give me the time I need to be with you and study your writings. I know the words of eternal life are with you, Lord Jesus, and so is your truth. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Keep my eyes on you all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer for guidance for my son/daughter

Sovereign Lord, I pray that you will bless my child as he tries to navigate the difficult times in his life. Life in today’s fast paced and pressured society has been hard on him/her, Lord, and he/she needs you to be with him/her. Bless my child richly, Lord. Give him/her the wisdom he/she needs. You say that one should raise a child the way it should be, so that it does not deviate from it even in old age. I have tried to do this, Lord, so that he/she walks by Your side. Please challenge my child to turn to you and to your word and to Christian leaders for guidance. Thank you for the many ways you have blessed my child so far. Please keep it up. Amen.

Prayer for the glory of God at work

Father, Creator of heaven and earth, I pray that you will bless the work of my hands and give it to you in abundance. Thank you for this job, for my boss and for all my colleagues. I pray that I glorify you every day in my work. You tell me to trust you with my work and that your plan will be carried out. Dear father, I entrust my work to you. Please bless me with opportunities to advance and grow in my role and career. Thank you father for all the ways you have blessed me in my life. In Your Son, Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of my house

Precious Holy Spirit, please bless our home with Your peace. May the walls of this house know nothing of sadness, bitterness, or despair. May it be a house full of the presence of the Almighty where friends gather and laughter is often heard. May it be a home where children romp and play and neighbors are welcomed and loved. Pour out your Holy Spirit and bless this house. In this house, mighty God, we will serve the Lord all the days of our life. Amen.

Prayer of blessings for my spouse

Lord of unfailing love, I pray that You will bless my spouse in every way. Pour out the goodness and kindness from Your storehouse of grace upon his/her life. Anoint his/her head with the oil of redemption and let his/her heart dance with joy from your presence. Let him/her feel your Holy Spirit dwelling in him/her and help him/her to truly and deeply understand that his/her body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He/She works so hard Lord, so I also pray that You will bless him/her with rest and give him/her the desires of his/her heart. Amen.

How do you pray for food in a gathering?

Oh Lord my God, we bless and honor You during this special family gathering for meeting our needs and for blessing this food which will do good to our bodies. We ask that You will energize us so that we can glorify You.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Oh God our Father, we thank You for what You are and we honor You for Your goodness in our lives. During this event we bless you for the abundance of food and we pray that this special meal will nourish and strengthen our bodies and our relationships with one another. For You Lord are the source of our sustenance and so we thank You in everything, Amen.

Genesis 1:29

Oh Lord my God we bless and honor you during this special family gathering for meeting our needs and blessing this food that is good for our bodies. We ask you to energize us so that we may glorify you. So, Lord, we bless You Father for every seed bearing plant You have given us and for every tree that bears fruit with seed in it. We bless you for giving them to us to eat, thank you Lord, amen.

Ecclesiastes 9:7, 1 Corinthians 10:31

O Holy Father, thank you for this special occasion and as we partake of this wonderful meal, we pray that “we will eat our food with joy and drink wine with a joyful heart”. Thank you for approving this tag. Lord, as we eat and drink, let us hold to Your word that whatever we do during this special gathering, we will do it to the glory of God. Amen.

John 6:35

Most Wonderful Lord, We celebrate many different milestones, such as birthdays, weddings and births. So as we rejoice, we think of you and the blessings of the food you give us. So we praise you right now as we celebrate this day. Father, you are the bread of life and whoever comes to you will never go hungry or thirsty. So as we gather together on this special occasion, we ask that when we come to you we shall never be hungry or thirsty, in Jesus name, amen.

1 Peter 5:7b, Psalm 57:5b

Dear Lord and Father of all good gifts, we have gathered especially for this special occasion. As we ponder this meal, we thank you because we are fed good things and you care for us. We pause at this table just to say thank you, Lord. Let your presence add extra flavor to this 3 or 4 course meal and we ask that Your Glory fill the atmosphere of this room, amen.

Hebrews 13:16

Oh Lord, as we celebrate together as family and friends, we bless this food You have given us to eat. We cherish this day as an opportunity to show our love for one another. Now, as we eat, I pray to You, Lord, let us not neglect to do good and share what You have, for such sacrifices please You, Amen.

Luke 3:11

Dear Father, Your Word says: Whoever has two tunics, give to the one who has none; and whoever has food, let him do the same. We offer this special meal prayer when we gather for the blessing of that special occasion (anniversary, special birth, baptism, etc.). We ask you, Lord, bless the food as we eat, but also help us to reflect and think of those who have nothing. As Your Word says; whoever has food, give to the one who has nothing. Lord, let food do our bodies good, but also teach us to give with a willing heart, we ask, Amen.

How do you pray with a thankful heart?

Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily experiences of life. I long to bring pleasure to Your heart daily. Break the power of the enemy in my life. Defeat him through my sacrifice of praise.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

A prayer for a grateful heart

By Debbie Przybylski

My cup overflows with your blessings – Psalm 23:5

It is not easy to give thanks in all situations. But when we choose to thank God in the midst of difficulties, it conquers the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm. When we thank God for every gift He has given us, even when things are difficult, the enemy loses the battle against us. It will be stopped when we come to God with grateful hearts.

Learn to be thankful for every blessing of God in your life. It is of great importance to Him if we can be thankful in the midst of great trials. There is a way of looking at life from the point of view of eternity. The reality of eternal life and eternal glory, far surpassing this life, is a priceless treasure. Our afflictions work for us a far more overwhelming and everlasting weight of glory.

A prayer for a grateful heart

Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily life experiences. I long to bring joy to Your heart daily. Break the power of the enemy in my life. Defeat him through my sacrifice of praise. Change my perspective and attitude to one of joyful contentment with my present circumstances. Thank you for… [Name a difficult circumstance in your current life and thank God for it.]

Jesus, I want to be like You who obeyed the Father without complaint. You have embraced the chains of humanity as you have walked this earth. Convince me when I complain or compare myself to others. I know your truth resides in a grateful heart.

“I give thanks to the Lord for his righteousness, and sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High. Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory over the heavens” (Psalm 7:17-18:1). In the name of Jesus, amen.”

Editor’s Note: The following article is an abridged version of A Prayer for Thankful Heart by Debbie Przybylski. To read the full article follow this link.

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How do you express your gratitude?

With an intonation that’s thoughtful and deliberate, you can say:
  1. I cannot thank you enough.
  2. Words cannot express how much you mean to me.
  3. I am more grateful to you than you’ll ever know.
  4. I’m eternally grateful.
  5. You have my deepest thanks.
  6. I’ll never forget your support and kindness.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

Expressing gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, and think more deeply about what they have rather than what they lack. When someone in your life is selflessly doing something for you and you want to express your gratitude, ordinary expressions of gratitude may not seem enough. When the person has improved your life in an impressive way, it’s important to find an approach to gratitude that genuinely expresses your highest appreciation.

Write with Gratitude Grammarly helps your writing shine Write with Grammarly

Whether it’s for your friend, co-worker, neighbor, or family member, here are some thoughtful ways to express gratitude to those who should hear.

1 Show a little enthusiasm

There’s nothing wrong with a little exaggeration. If you want to share how much your friend or relative has made a difference, you can emphasize the extent of your gratitude by expressing your gratitude with added enthusiasm. Sentences like “You saved my day!” or “You saved my life!” are more effective than just saying thank you.

2 Vary your vocabulary

When thanking someone for multiple things, be sure to vary the words you use to show your appreciation. Combine some of the most common “thank you” phrases, such as B. “Thank you so much. i appreciate you so much You’re the best.” packs a much stronger punch than just one. Plus, varying your expressions allows you to repeatedly express your thanks while still sounding natural.

3 Be specific

What makes you most grateful for your sister, professor, or best friend? It’s really easy to get specific when expressing gratitude — all you have to do is add “for” to the end of your opening sentence. For example:

Thanks for . . .

I appreciate you for that. . .

I am grateful to you for that. . .

Naming what you are truly grateful for is a powerful way to let your friend, family member or co-worker know what makes you special about them.

4 Make it public

If you usually express your gratitude by texting or calling, why not change your usual format and take the message publicly? There are many formats for expressing gratitude that make your words more of a proclamation. Whether it’s yelling at a colleague on a company-wide channel, highlighting your project partner during a meeting, or showing your appreciation to a friend through a post on your Instagram story, there are many ways to go beyond a simple Direct Message message.

5 Share a list of your favorite things about her

What are the characteristics of your friends that support you the most? Are you generous? Honest? impartial? They may be good listeners or very encouraging. Whatever qualities they exhibit that make you value them the most, tell them! If you email or share a list of the qualities you most admire about him or her in a text message, you’re acknowledging his support in a way that feels personal.

6 Write them a handwritten letter

In today’s world of digital-first communication, a handwritten note is a real gift. Writing on paper feels more heartfelt than email or text — perhaps because it’s physical and can be viewed or stored forever. People know that taking the time to sit down and actually write a thank you note makes a lot of sense, and they’ll appreciate your gratitude even more for that reason.

7 Give them extra encouragement

While encouragement is usually associated with helping someone believe in themselves or increase their confidence, it can also take the form of validation. After your neighbor surprises you by trimming the bush separating your yards, tell him what a great job he’s done. Encouragement can also include phrases like “Keep it up!” or “Great job!” Another way to show encouragement? Tell them they encourage you!

8 Get deep

Sometimes words just don’t seem enough to express the extent of your gratitude. In this case, it is crucial to choose an expression that shows a deeper appreciation for the person and their actions. Make sure you only use these deep, emotional statements when they’re truly deserved, lest the person question your sincerity. With a thoughtful and considered intonation you can say:

I can’t thank you enough.

Words cannot express how much you mean to me.

I am more grateful to you than you will ever know.

I am infinitely grateful.

You have my deepest thanks.

I will never forget your support and kindness.

Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things we can do for one another. To make sure the gratitude you’re expressing in return is worthy of action, use one of these creative ways to show that you’re genuinely grateful and make sure your message is heartfelt.

Does the Bible say to bless your food?

Exodus 23:25 – And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

Bible verses about blessing food

Bible verses related to the blessing of food from the King James Version (KJV) of Relevance

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Exodus 23:25 – And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless your bread and your water; and I will remove sickness from your midst.

Matthew 26:26 – And while they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is my body

1 Timothy 4:4-5 – For every creature of God [is] good and nothing to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving: (Read more…)

Topics and verses are automatically generated from user searches. If a verse or theme does not belong, please contact us. Some scriptures/categories courtesy of Open Bible .info under CC BY 3.0

Related terms from the Bible Dictionary:


Search the King James Version (KJV) for more references on blessing food…

What is the grace prayer before a meal?

The traditional phrasing for a grace offered before a meal is: Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

Catholics, in fact all Christians, believe that all good things we have come from God, and we are regularly reminded to realize that. Too often we assume that the good things in our lives are the result of our own work, and we forget all the talents and good health that allow us to work hard, have food on our tables, and have a roof over our heads also brings are gifts from God.

The term grace is used by Christians to refer to very brief prayers of thanksgiving that are said before and sometimes after a meal. The term “saying mercy” refers to reciting such a prayer before or after a meal. For Catholics there are two prescribed prayers that are often used for mercy, although it is also common for these prayers to be individualized for specific circumstances of a particular family.

Traditional prayer of grace before meals

In the traditional Catholic prayer of grace before a meal, we acknowledge our dependence on God and ask Him to bless us and our food. This prayer is slightly different from the traditional prayer of mercy offered after a meal, which is usually a thanksgiving for the food we have just received. The traditional wording for a grace offered before a meal is:

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts which we shall receive of thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Traditional prayer of grace after the meal

Catholics rarely say a prayer of mercy after a meal these days, but this traditional prayer is worth reviving. While the prayer of mercy before the meal asks God for his blessing, the prayer of mercy after the meal is a prayer of thanksgiving for all the good that God has given us and a prayer of intercession for those who have helped us. And finally, after the meal, the prayer of grace is an opportunity to remember all those who have passed away and to pray for their souls. The traditional phrasing for a Catholic after-meal prayer of grace is:

We thank you, Almighty God, for all your blessings,

Who lives and reigns, world without end.


Grant, O Lord, to reward with everlasting life,

all who do us good for your name’s sake.


V. Let us praise the Lord.

R. Thank goodness.

May the souls of believers have departed,

By the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Prayers of grace in other denominations

Prayers of grace are also common in other religious denominations. Some examples:

Lutheran: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let us bless these gifts. Amen.”

Eastern Orthodox Catholics before eating: “O Christ God, bless the food and drink of your servants, for you are holy, always, now and ever and forever. Amen.”

Eastern Orthodox Catholics after the meal: “We thank you, O Christ our God, that you have satisfied us with your earthly gifts; do not deprive us of your heavenly kingdom, but as you came among your disciples, O Savior, and gave them peace, come to us and save us.”

Anglican Church: “O Father, your gifts for our benefit and for your service to us; for Christ’s sake. Amen.”

Church of England: “For what we are about to receive, may the Lord give us real gratitude. Amen.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons): “Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the food that was provided and the hands that prepared the food. We ask you to bless it to nourish and strengthen our bodies. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Methodist before meals: “Be present at our table, Lord. Be worshiped here and everywhere. These mercies bless and grant that we may celebrate in fellowship with you. Amen”

Methodist After Meals: “We thank you, Lord, for this food of ours, but more because of Jesus’ blood.

Should you say grace before every meal?

Indeed, doctors will tell you that there are physiological benefits to saying grace before meals. People who do it tend to eat more slowly, aiding digestion, while speed eaters don’t give their bodies time to register that they’re full. Sometimes I forget to say grace.

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

In my kitchen, we start our meals by holding hands and bowing our heads. We usually say the short and sweet grace found in the episcopal book of common prayer: “Bless this food for our use and us for your service.” Sometimes, when my husband is out of town, I experiment a bit. I recently got this haiku from Basho, the 17th century Japanese poet Pretty Table Linens. Whether you’re reciting a Zen poem or a Christian prayer, expressing grace does a good job at the table. At the most basic level, giving grace means thanksgiving – comes from Latin and means “action of thanksgiving”. Praying for mercy before eating means, among other things, remembering that it was God, not my credit card, that gave me my food. But whether you’re a believer or not, a thanksgiving before the meal acknowledges the dozens of people who worked hard to bring the food to your table—the farmer, the grocery store clerk, the friend or relative, or the restaurant chef , who turned a pile of raw vegetables into a bowl of delicious soup. Praying at home is one thing, but bowing my head at Wendy’s or Jean George’s is quite another. (I never know what to do when a waitress shows up while I’m praying. Interrupt me? Ignore her?) And yet I’m increasingly trying to overcome my discomfort and boldly say mercy in restaurants, precisely because it’s so easy for me falls when I go out to eat, take for granted the low-paid people who set the table, do the dishes, and generally make my night on the town possible. Praying before eating, even if it’s uncomfortable, is to remind myself how privileged I am, how much I owe. Expressing grace suggests not only thanksgiving, but also the calm, graceful elegance of living a full and good life. You find no grace when people rush around, gobble food, eat over the sink or in the car, and eat a meal in ten minutes. Grace is found at tables where people sit still, where they try to pay attention. In fact, doctors will tell you that saying grace before meals has physiological benefits. People who do tend to eat more slowly to aid digestion, while fast eaters don’t give their bodies time to register that they’re full. Sometimes I forget to say grace. I don’t say it when I’m famished and also when I’m distracted, when eating has nothing to do with intention and has everything to do with fueling my body. These hasty meals are probably the times when I need to say grace the most – when I need to pause in my busy day, feel happy, and purposefully create a space of stillness and awareness. We cannot always eat on fine china or by candlelight, but grace is wearable. At a time when we so often eat without thinking, expressing grace can transform a simple meal into an act of celebration, focus, and gratitude.

Thank you Lord for giving us food

Thank you Lord for giving us food
Thank you Lord for giving us food

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Thank You Lord For Giving Us Food Quotes – BomaBay

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Thank You Lord For Giving Us Food Quotes

Eating comes naturally to most of us. It’s easy to forget that someone had to grow the vegetables and fruits we eat every day. Here is a collection of some of the most popular and best thank you food quotes for us.

Thank you Lord for giving us food quotes

Thank you Lord for giving us food. We thank you for all our food, and Jesus, you are always with us. Thank you for blessing Jesus. Jesus loves us very much. Jesus is the way to heaven. Amen. Thank you Lord for feeding us. We thank you because it gives us strength and energy to go about our daily activities. We also thank you because by your grace we are able to make money by trading these commodities in the market. We pray that you will always help us smooth our path to good health and long life, dear Lord…Amen. Thank you Lord for feeding us. Thank you Lord for sun, rain and everything around us here in this world. Thank you Lord for my food here in this bowl. We are grateful in our stomachs. Thank you Lord for giving us food. It means a lot to me because I’ve never known hunger and there are so many people who don’t get food every day. I’m also thankful for my family and friends who help me stay positive about what I want to do. Thank you for the food we eat and the bodies we live in. I thank you for everything you give us, but I ask you to give us strength and love to help those who do not have enough. I ask you, Lord, to look down on those who don’t have enough and bless them with a better life and happiness. Thanks. Oh Lord, thank you for the food we’re about to eat. Thank you for all the new friends I’ve met. Thank you for helping me get the things on my bucket list done this year. Dear God, thank you very much for the food gift. Thank you for the ability to get up early in the morning or stay up late at night. To wake up our kids so they can get ready for school. For giving us our daily bread today. And for the delicious meal you prepared for us today. I pray this in Your holy name, Amen. Thank you for giving us food and water and clothing and shelter and so much more. We cannot take any of these things for granted. Thanks for the food I got to eat today. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for not taking me away from my family and friends. Lord, you are our provider. They provide us with food. Thank you for the pizza which we will enjoy in a moment. Thank you for giving us our daily bread. I pray that the Lord will open the doors for us to take care of ourselves and our families. I pray that we have enough to help those in need in the world. Thank you for the food I ate today. Thanks to all the people who prepared, harvested and transported it. Thank you for all the hard work that went into making food available to me. Thank you for the food. I would starve without it. I wouldn’t have gotten enough without you, so thanks for making sure I’m not hungry. Heavenly Father, thank you for providing us with food. Sometimes we forget to be thankful for everything you give us. When I skip the food line, I always say a prayer of thanks as a reminder that you care for me and everyone else. I love you. In the name of Jesus, amen. Thank you Lord for giving us food. Thank you for the food we now have on our plates and thank you for all the blessings we have received today. Thank you Lord for giving us food to eat, clothes to wear, a place to live, people to love and jobs. Thank you Lord for the things you have given us. We are really thankful. I pray to the Lord to give us nourishment for this day. Thank you Lord for your glory and goodness. Thank you Lord for listening to me. Thank you Lord for giving us food and for creating the earth and the mountains and the rivers and everything. Thank you for giving me my mother and father and my grandma and grandpa and my sisters and my brother. Thank you for giving us food and a home to live in. Thank you for our lives and everything we have. Thank you for feeding us all this food and making it so delicious. I pray that you will bless the people who grew and harvested the food and the people who picked it. Thank you for blessing our family with enough to eat. Thank you for the food. I’ve never been a fan of fruit, but now it’s a big part of my diet. Without the fruit from the farm I would be hungry all the time. Thank you for giving us fruits and vegetables to eat. Your gifts are so plentiful, you have blessed us with so much. Thank you for the rain so we have water to drink and grow food, thank you for animals being a source of meat and a way to build clothing, thank you for giving me a home and a bed to sleep in, thank you for my family and Friends to share everything with. It’s been in the back of my mind since I was a kid, and our pastor told us to always give thanks before we eat. That comes to mind when we eat at restaurants and we always think how blessed we are and how many people in the world just can’t feast like that. It is important to give thanks and to remember that we do not take our blessings for granted. Thank you for giving us Gracie. She is such a blessing and we love her so much. We appreciate you blessing us with such an amazing dog! Thank you God for taking care of us and feeding us. And thank you for helping me be a great mom. I love you! Thank you for feeding us today. You always provide for us, even when we are not grateful. Please help me take care of this and not waste food. Thank you Lord for the food we will share. Be our guest and get involved. Let’s all take a moment of silence so we can highlight the meaning behind the meal we are about to eat… Thank you for being with us… let’s eat! Thank you for the delicious food. Thanks for the weekend. Thank you for loving us all very much.” Wow, what a meal. Tonight we had lobster and steak that melted in our mouths. Writing thank you notes was a very good idea. Tomorrow we must have Lord again for lunch or brunch.” Thank You Lord for giving us food! Thank you for this delicious breakfast. They care for us in so many ways, and I appreciate all the blessings in my life. Thank you for the food we eat. Without them we would all be hungry and there would be trouble. Thank you for all the people who work so hard to bring us the food we eat. Thank You Lord for giving us food… Thank You Lord for this beautiful day. I am thankful to be able to see and hear and smell and taste and feel. Thank you sir, thank you sir. Thank you for giving us what we need to survive. Sometimes I feel guilty because I’m so hungry, but sometimes I forget because I’m distracted with other things. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to focus on other things so I don’t have to worry as much about food. Thank you very much for the meal. I was really hungry after working on my project all day. Thank you for giving me more time to develop it before submitting it to my professor. Thank you Lord for giving us food! I want to thank you for bringing me another day. I am thankful for my family Lord for their love and support on this crazy journey called life. Thank you Lord for giving us food. Thank you Lord for giving us food. Without you we would not have the good fortune to fill our stomachs and feed ourselves, thank you for all you do. Thank you Lord for all the things you do. Thank you for providing us with groceries and giving us the means to buy them. Thank you for allowing us to work and earn money so we can buy your blessings. We always love and appreciate you. Thank you Lord for giving us all these blessings. Please help us not to waste food and eat in moderation so we can throw away less food and reduce the amount of waste. Thank you for giving us the food we eat that ultimately gives us life. Thank you for helping plants grow and providing us with water and sun for plants to grow. It’s a blessing and a miracle. We enjoy our dinner and look forward to many more delicious meals. Thank you for making everything in my life work. I know things didn’t always go the way I planned, but it all worked out in the end. It is up to us to choose how to deal with the different situations in our lives. Thank you for giving me everything I need including our meal which we say grace about before eating. Thank you for giving me this meal before I go to bed. Thank you for growing weed and bringing it to my table. Thank you for making food look good and making it taste good. Thank you for the healthy food and for keeping us all healthy. Thank you for all the things my family is grateful for. We are truly blessed and I am thankful for everything I have; my job, my friends, my family and even Taco Bell. Thank you Lord for giving us food! God thank you for making all this food. You are so nice to have provided us with so much good food! We are so thankful for the delicious green bean casserole today. I want to thank you for giving us this meal and asking us to share it with others in need. Sometimes I forget to say thank you Lord for giving us food before eating. But now I’m trying to remember because it helps me to remember that not everyone has as much as we do and that’s a lot to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for giving us food! Thank you Lord for giving us food. I’m thankful every day that I can get up and go to the grocery store and get lots of healthy food, some healthy food, some junk food, some unhealthy food, some very unhealthy stuff. We are grateful for good health, food, and the ability to move so we can get our jobs done. We are thankful for family and friends who always help us with whatever we need. Thank You Lord for giving us food to enjoy so much with good people. I want to thank you for everything you do for us every day. I’m thankful that we can go somewhere but eat something, and it’s not like we’re praying for food to fall from the sky like it used to be. I am grateful for your continued kindness to my family. I ask you Lord to continue to bless those who serve us food, those who make the clothes we wear and the people who work hard for us every day. Also please bless my business endeavors and give me a token of encouragement through our business with the help of my friend who was with us that day. Thank you, Lord, amen. Thank you for feeding us. Sometimes I don’t think about the fact that you have given me so many things, many of which I take for granted. So thank you for giving me good food and making my body work well! Thank you for feeding us so much. We often take it for granted, but we are very fortunate to have such a bounty. Everyone in our church is getting fed and we are thankful for this gentleman!.

Mealtime Prayers

Mealtime prayers

Bless us, O Lord

bless us oh lord

and these your gifts

which we will soon receive

from your gift

through Christ our Lord.

May all be fed

May all be fed.

May all be healed.

may all be loved.

-John Robbin

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An invocation

Loving God, bless all who have gathered here today

when we come together in friendship and fellowship.

Thank you for blessing our individual

and collective God-given gifts.

Put in our hearts the desire to make a difference

to our families, to our community, to our country,

and to the many cultures and peoples of the world.

Give us balance in times of distraction and uncertainty.

Help us to work resolutely towards our goals

and always with a lot of humor.

Thank you for food in a world where many only know hunger;

For our belief in a world where many know fear;

For friends in a world where many only know loneliness.

Please bless this meal we will share, those who prepared it, those who serve it,

and those who have worked to make today the special occasion it is.

We say thank you for all of this.

-Izola White

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say thank you

For food in a world where many are starving;

For faith in a world where many live in fear;

For friends in a world where many travel alone;

We thank you, O Lord.

– Unknown author

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meal prayer

Our dear Heavenly Father,

we thank you for this food.

Feed our souls with the bread of life

and help us to do our part with kind words and loving deeds.

We ask in the name of Jesus.

– Unknown author

>> Prayer card

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humble hearts

In a world where so many are starving

May we eat this food with a humble heart;

In a world where so many are lonely

May we share this friendship with joyful hearts.

– Unknown author

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Bless our food

Bless us, O God. Bless our food and our drink.

Since you redeemed us so dearly and freed us from evil,

just as you have given us a share in this food, so you give us a share in eternal life.

– Unknown author

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Restore us

May this food restore our strength, give new energy to tired limbs and new thoughts to tired minds. May this drink renew our souls, give new vision to dry spirits and new warmth to cold hearts.

And once refreshed, may we give new joy to you who give us all.

– Unknown author

>> Prayer card

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Bless this meal

Blessed are you, Lord our God,

Creator of heaven and earth

and father of all your people:

we give you glory for your goodness

and for your loving care for us.

Bless this food [this bread]

and grant it to all who eat it

can be physically strong

and grow in your love.

Blessed are you, Lord our God,

forever and ever.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 156.

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May we eat well?

Blessed are You, Lord God, King of the Universe:

You raised your beloved son from the dead,

and made him lord of all.

We turn to you in prayer

and ask you to bless us

and you gave us this food.

Help us to be generous to others,

and to work with them so that they eat well too.

Loving father,

may we all celebrate together

around your table in heaven.

We praise you and give you honor

through Christ our Lord.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 178.

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praise you

Loving father,

Thank you for bringing us together for this meal:

May we continue to live in your friendship

and in harmony with each other.

bless this food

a sign of your loving care for us,

and bless us in our daily lives.

Bless your church throughout the world,

and all who want to do your will today.

father of mercy,

all praise be to you

through Jesus Christ our Savior,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God forever and ever.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 181.

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We’re thankful

Lord God and giver of all good gifts,

We are grateful if we pause before this meal,

for all the blessings of life you give us.

Daily we are fed with good things,

Nurtured by friendship and caring,

celebrated with forgiveness and understanding.

And so, mindful of your constant concern,

We pause to be thankful

for the blessings of this table. may your presence

Be the added flavor of this meal

that we eat in the name of your son Jesus.

-Edward Hays

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food as a symbol

creator of the earth and lord of all creation,

We are aware that this meal is ahead of us

has already been blessed by sun, earth and rain.

We pause to be thankful

for the hidden gifts of life in this food.

Bless our eyes and our taste

so that we can eat this food

in a sacred and mindful way.

We lift up this bread;

may it be nourishment and symbol

for all of us who will eat it.

-Edward Hays

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Picnic or BBQ

Lord Jesus, our brother,

be with us today.

Bless our joyful assembly,

and bless this meal we share.

protect us all

and help us to grow in your love.

lord jesus,

We praise your holy name forever.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 179.

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banquet prayer

lord jesus,

We are your brothers and sisters

and we gather here in your name.

in your love give us your blessings,

and bless this food for us.

help us to grow in your love,

and work with you to build up the kingdom of God.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 182.

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For the good of all

May we be strong in virtue

firmly in time of need,

and always willing to help others in need.

May we be blessed by God

how we share this food

and how we work and live together

for the good of all.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 183.

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For wonderful gifts

father of mercy,

We praise you and give you honor

for the wonderful gifts you gave us:

for life and health, for faith and love,

and for this meal we shared together.


We thank you through Christ our Lord.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 186.

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grace after the meal

Father, for our meal

we thank you and for our joys:

help us to love you more.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 186.

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Thanks for family and friends

Blessed are you, loving father,

for all your gifts to us.

Blessed are you for giving us family and friends

be with us in joy and sorrow,

to help us in times of need,

and rejoice with us in moments of celebration.


We praise you for your son Jesus,

who knew the happiness of family and friends,

and in the love of your Holy Spirit.

Blessed are you forever and ever.

– Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 271.

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We’ve come to the last meal of the day

to our dinner.

Let us remember, like our Lord,

At such a meal

washed his friends’ feet

in an act of sacred service.

Since this food will serve us as food,

may we also serve one another.

May the seal of God’s love rest upon this food

and on this day that is now ending.

Like us and our food offerings

be under the tabernacle of God’s peace.

-Edward Hays

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blessing of God

The day draws to a close

and like the disciples on the way to Emmaus,

We take a break to break bread together.

May our eyes be opened

and in this act of sharing together

May we see the risen Lord in each other.

May we see the Lord of life in our food,

our conversation and life together.

May the blessings of God

his peace and his love,

Rest on our table.

-Edward Hays

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god is great

God is great, God is good.

Let’s thank him for our meal.

By his hands we are nourished.

Let us thank him for our bread.

– Unknown author

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Beloved stranger

Dear and beloved stranger,

Please eat this meal with us

that we are all fed.

Please share this walk with us

that we all know the peace of nature.

Please rest in this warm house

that we get to know each other.

Please sleep under these soft blankets

that we all know safety.

Please pray this prayer

that all our names are from God

can lead us further.

– Christina Baldwin

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Make us worthy, Lord

Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellowmen

around the world who live and die in poverty and hunger.

Give them today through our hands their daily bread,

and bestow peace and joy through our understanding love.

– Mother Teresa

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Traditional blessing

For food that satisfies our hunger,

For calm that brings us lightness,

For homes where memories linger,

We thank you for that.

– Unknown author

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Sufi Meal Prayer

Oh you,

the preserver of

our bodies, hearts and souls,

Bless everyone

that we thankfully


– Inayat Kahn

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Easter prayer

creator god and lord of life,

You who call from the darkness of death

everyone who loves you

We look forward to this Easter Sunday

at the resurrection from the dead

our Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit our house and this table

with Your radiant blessings of peace and life.

We pause in the middle of this prayer

to commemorate all the holy dead of our family

who now live in you and who are waiting

the final and glorious resurrection of the dead.

Take a pause for quiet reflection to commemorate the departed.

May they and we

because of our faith in you, our God,

Taste in the victory of life over death.

May the risen Christ, our Lord and Saviour,

be our guest as we celebrate his resurrection

with this Easter Sunday dinner.

Bless those whose work prepares this meal

was really a work of prayer,

and bless us all who will share it

with Easter love and joy.

So may You bless this table and this meal,

and each of us

in Your holy name.


– Edward Hays, “Prayers for the House Church: A Handbook for Worship at Home”

15 Christian Prayers of Thanks for Food, Miracles, and More

Over the years I have heard many Christians say that they struggle with knowing what to say during their prayer time. I’ve definitely experienced that. It hit me one day, there’s nothing wrong with reading a canned prayer from a devotional or blog post. Now when I don’t know what to pray, I look to the scriptures or a prepared prayer to guide my prayer.

Table of Contents:

First, let’s look at the prayers we can say before eating. These can be used before a meal or a snack. Praying before eating puts our hearts in a place of gratitude for the food we have.

5 prayers of thanksgiving for food

Here are five prayers to pray before you eat. It is important to show God our gratitude for the food we are blessed with.

1. Blessings over Food ~ Unknown

“Father, praise You for the nourishment You give. Thank you for satisfying our physical needs of hunger and thirst. Forgive us for taking this simple joy for granted, and bless this food to fuel our bodies and fulfill Your will for our lives. We pray that we will be energized and able to work for the glory of your kingdom. In the name of Jesus, amen.”

2. Prayer with family before meal ~ Unknown

“Father, we have gathered to share a meal in your honor. Thank you for bringing us together as a family and thank you for this meal. Bless our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all the gifts you have given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our food conversations and direct our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In the name of Jesus, amen.”

3. Blessing hands that prepared the food ~ Unknown

“Dear God, thank you for this meal.

Bless the hands that prepared it.

Bless it for our use and us for your service,

And always make us aware of the needs of others.

Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.”

4. Thanksgiving ~ Unknown

“Lord, thank you for the food before us, the family and friends beside us, and the love between us. Amen.”

5. Prayer while eating ~ Unknown

“Father, bless this house and its staff as they prepare and serve our food. Thank you for the opportunity to have our food delivered to us and the chance to relax and enjoy this time together. We understand our privilege to be here and we pray to be a blessing to those we meet in this place. Bless our conversation and may we honor you in all we do. In the name of Jesus, amen.”

5 prayers for miracles

Below are prayers for your own personal healing and for a friend’s emotional and physical healing.

1. Prayer for Comfort ~ Book of Common Prayer Chapel Edition

“Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, give skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used in my healing. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace that, even when I am afraid, I can put all my trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.”

2. Prayer for Another Person’s Healing ~ Joyce Rupp

“May you yearn to be healed. May what is wounded in your life be healed. May you be receptive to the way healing must happen. May you take good care of yourself. May you extend your compassion to whatever hurts in your body, mind and spirit. May you be patient with the time it takes to heal. May you be aware of the wonders of your body, mind and soul and their ability to restore you to health.

May you be open to receiving from those who show you kindness, caring and compassion. May you rest peacefully under the protective wings of divine love and trust in this gracious presence. May you find little moments of beauty and joy to sustain you. May you keep hope in your heart. Amen.”

3. Prayer for the Sick ~ Unknown

“May you be enveloped in God’s love. Found deep within his eternal wings. Worn and held, safe and cherished. May the healing power of Christ breathe over your being now. Amen.”

4. Prayer for a Sick Friend ~ Unknown

“Think, O God, of our sick friend whom we now entrust to Your compassionate consideration. Comfort her on her sickbed and ease her suffering. We ask for deliverance and submit that no healing is too difficult for the Lord if it is His will. We therefore pray that You will bless our friend with Your loving care, renew her strength and heal her ailments in Your loving name. Thank you God. Amen.”

5. Prayer for Emotional Healing ~ Jim & Kaye Johns

“Father, I pray for [this person] and others in my family or circle of friends who need your healing touch for their aching hearts.

Some of them have suffered emotional wounds, some severe. Help them be willing to let you heal those injuries so they don’t become more and more destructive over time, for you are the Lord who heals.

I come to you with the same spirit of helplessness and dependency that Moses had as he led your people through the desert. They came to the water but it was bitter and the people had nothing to drink. Moses cried out to you and you showed him a piece of wood; When he threw it into the water, the water became sweet. I come now on behalf of those who bear emotional pain. In my heart I bring the wood of the cross and ask that Christ, who heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, bring healing for any bitterness he finds in their hearts.

No matter what pain they have suffered, help them not to succumb to anger, resentment, unforgiveness, or bitterness and become prisoners of sin. May their hearts not grow calloused or hard, but be refreshed in Christ. May they not lose heart, but be renewed inwardly day by day. In the name of Jesus, amen.”

5 Prayers for Strengthened Faith

These 5 prayers all focus on faith. You can pray these when you are in the middle of a hard time or when you are in good times. We can always grow in our relationship with Christ and ask Him to strengthen our faith.

1. Prayer inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:7 ~ Unknown

“Father God, open my eyes, not to see the world more clearly, but to see You. Open my eyes to see you working around me and inside me. Nothing happens by accident. You orchestrate every day of my life. Allow me to see your hand in the mundane and the fantastic. Help me to trust in what I cannot see and to believe in your invisible presence.”

2. A Prayer for Faith in Distress ~ Unknown

“Dear God, times are really tough right now and life has really worn me out. I do not know what to do. I ask you to give me your wisdom. I don’t want to rely on my own knowledge anymore because it has let me down so many times. i need to hear your voice

Give me the insight to hear your voice and only your voice. Speak to me the way you know I will understand you best. I also pray for Your will, Lord. I give you the credit and honor in my circumstances because I know I’m exactly where you want me to be. I know this is there to teach me something or to help me grow. No matter what happens, I trust you and ask you to show what is best in this situation. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”

3. Prayer Inspired by Luke 17:5 ~ Unknown

“Father, even the disciples who walked with Jesus needed to strengthen their faith. Jesus told them that if their faith was the size of a mustard seed, they could uproot trees and collapse mountains. Lord I need more faith like the disciples. Strengthen my faith and make me a mountain mover. Build my faith in You alone so that I may be strong in the Lord and ready to fight against the doubts planted by the enemy. Lord, strengthen my faith!”

4. Prayer for the Restoration of Faith ~ Unknown

“Oh Lord, I pray for the restoration of my faith in Your holy name. I want you to renew my faith and hope in your power. Never leave me, O Lord, and let Your presence appear deep in my deeds, lessons and miracles. Thank you for listening to me and in Jesus name, amen.”

5. Prayer Inspired by Matthew 6:24 ~ Unknown

“Father God, you shower beauty on the lilies of the field and nourish the birds of the air. Build my faith to rely on you for my every need and not on the things of this world or my strength and abilities. No day can be added to my life by worry. As my Heavenly Father, you know my needs and take care of all my worries. Help me trust that You care for me.”

I hope that you will use these prayers and that they will be a stepping stone to you during your prayer time. I pray that you will be encouraged and strengthened by God and draw closer to Him. God is our good father who delights in listening to his children. We have the honor of praying to God and asking Him to be in our lives. Let’s keep praying and pressing into the presence of God!

I am the Lord, the God of all people. Nothing is too difficult for me. Jeremiah 32:27

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