Thanks For Playing With My Feelings Quotes? Best 51 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “thanks for playing with my feelings quotes“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What to say to someone who is playing with your feelings?

Tell him what you feel, and be specific about what he has done that makes you feel the way you do using “I Statements”.
  • Avoid saying things like, “You make me feel insecure.” because that is accusing. …
  • Be careful not to try to read his mind. …
  • Try to be matter of fact in your tone of voice and mature in what you say.

What is the meaning of playing with feelings?

If you play on/upon someone’s feelings, you encourage and make unfair use of these feelings in order to give yourself an advantage: I hate marketing strategies that play on people’s fears and prejudices.

What to say to a man who played you?

15“You have the rest of my life to make it up to me.” If the guy seems remorseful or you just want to forgive him for whatever reason, this is a reassuring response to finding out he was just using you to kill time. It means you don’t mind spending a little more time with him and you are open to forgive and forget.

play on/upon something

A guy who uses you is an idiot, and deciding what to say to him afterward will depend on how you feel. Once you’ve developed feelings, it might be difficult to figure out what to say to a guy who’s used you and still retains your dignity.

If you want to wash your hands from a guy who used you, you have to be clear and direct lest he try to force his way back into your life. Figuring out what to say can be a little tricky as everyone handles situations differently.

So we’ve come up with 15 common things to say to a guy who’s used you in the most common scenarios. From here you can customize them accordingly and convey your feelings.

Check out what to say to a guy who’s using you:

What should I tell him if he used you for sex?

Image from under Pexels license

It’s true that some men only want one thing: sex. So they’ll tell you what you want to hear, do all the nice things, and when the sex stops, they stop.

It can be heartbreaking to find out you have been used in this way, but it is up to you to decide your next step.

Here’s what to say to a guy who used you for sex if you want to continue the relationship and break up as well:

If you want to continue the relationship

01 “There’s more to me than what’s between my legs. You would know that if you gave us a chance!”

That’s a good thing to say when you feel like there might be chemistry between the two of you. If it’s clear he just wants sex, please don’t be embarrassed by appearing desperate.

A text like this will make him reconsider his choice and make him reflect on all the moments he shared outside of sex.

As soon as he realizes what he’s going to miss, he’ll beg and beg to be your man!

02 “When are you going to be honest with yourself? We both know you’re here for more than sex.”

Use this when he’s acting like he only wants sex with others, for example when you’ve seen a message between him and a friend but you’ve seen signs that he wants more.

Some signs suggest that he will leave clothing and other personal items at your home, sleep over at your place, stay for breakfast, or even stay around to watch a TV show.

A man who just wants sex will be in and out when he’s done, and some don’t even stay for a shower!

It’s good to use when you’re face to face and alone so he doesn’t try to play it off and he tends to be honest about the situation.

Photo by Jack Sparrow under Pexels license

03 “Hey, my girlfriend had her baby last night. I wonder what would have happened if we had ever become more than that.”

Since you’ve already had sex with this guy, you both know that pregnancy is a real possibility.

This way you can gauge how serious he is about you, whether he wants to continue having an affair, or whether he would ever make you his partner.

Your answer will help avoid future disappointments. Once you know his goals, you can determine how much of yourself you should invest in the relationship.

If you want to break up

04 “If you want a sex doll that badly, buy one!”

If the guy made you think he wanted more than sex, then that’s an uncomfortable thing for him to do. Humans are not inanimate objects without feelings.

This answer lets him know that you are not someone who can just sleep with someone and have no feelings for them.

Also, you are not interested in continuing the relationship.

Photo by acworks on photo-ac

05 “Imagine using someone for sex for so long and not controlling it! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Use this when you want to go jugular and really hurt a man’s ego. It says he’s bad in bed and after all this time he hasn’t learned anything about a woman’s body.

Next time he’ll think twice about using someone else for sex!

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06 “If sex is all you have to offer, I’m afraid I have to decline.”

If you find that the guy isn’t meeting your needs and just wants to have sex, tell him so directly.

This lets him know that if he doesn’t move things forward immediately, he must be on his way!

What to say to a guy who used you as a rebound

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto under Pexels license

Some people think the best way to get over a relationship or make your ex jealous is to start a new one.

Unfortunately, they often don’t really like their new partners and the relationship turns sour when the truth comes out.

If you are in this situation, the choice is yours to stay or go. Here’s what to say to a guy who used you as a rebound in both scenarios:

If you want to continue the relationship

07 “Are you over your ex yet?”

If you want to talk about it directly, do so. There’s no reason to beat around the bush if you’re not that type of person, especially if you both know the facts of the scenario.

This is good to use because it allows him to finally be honest and put everything on the table.

08 “I forgive you; I know what it’s like to get stuck on someone.”

There’s an old saying that goes, “Who knows, feels”. In other words, since you can relate to being stuck with an ex and having a rebound, you can understand what he’s going through and won’t hold it against him.

It allows the relationship to start anew and gives it a real shot of success. It’s also good because it makes it easier for him to express himself to you.

09 “There’s a reason she’s your ex and I’m your next! Why return to her when everything you need is right here?”

Sometimes men are afraid of change, so they stick with what they know. That’s good saying for a man who is insecure and just needs a nudge in the right direction.

It helps him put things in perspective and see that he chose you for a reason.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you want to break up

10 “You gotta like it when your heart gets broken. However, that’s not my thing”

If you know of a situation he was in with an ex and he decides to run back to her or use you to make her jealous, this is the perfect answer.

It states that you will not be a pawn in a game designed to get your heart broken. It will make it clear that you don’t want anything to do with him.

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11 “Your Loss.”

Use this when you want to make a cheeky exit when you find out you’ve been used as a rebound. This lets him know that he is the real loser in the situation because he missed what an amazing girl you are.

12 “Thank God. I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of you! Send her my gratitude!”

Say that in a very upbeat way, like you’re glad you found out. He will start questioning himself and wondering what he did so wrong.

He’ll probably want you even more, but at this point you’ve damaged his ego too much. This will teach him not to play with a girl’s heart!

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What should I tell him if he used you to kill time

For some men, relationships are a way to kill time. As screwed up as it is, they hang women and waste weeks, months and even years of their lives.

Here’s what to tell a guy who’s used you as a hobby or pastime:

If you want to continue the relationship

13 “Didn’t you enjoy it?”

You can tell or write him any version of it at any time. It’s a way to make him nostalgic about the moments you shared together.

He’ll realize that while it was meant to kill time, it was time well spent, and at least it was memorable.

This will cause him to reconsider his whole stance on the relationship, and at that point you can introduce the possibility of making more of it than it is.

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14 “I have no regrets. Do you?”

It’s good to use this if you don’t care that he used you and would rather have had that time with him than none at all.

It lets him know that you’re still open to the possibility of building on what you had and potentially seeing where it can go.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio under Pexels license

15 “You have the rest of my life to make it up to me.”

If the guy seems remorseful or you just want to forgive him for some reason, this is a comforting response to finding out he was just using you to kill time.

It means you don’t mind spending a little more time with him and you are open to forgiving and forgetting.

If you want to break up

16 “If you really want to play games, try video games.”

If he’s that bored, he should avoid playing with people and their emotions.

This is a great way to have the last word at the end of your breakup speech, to let him know it’s over, or to text him after you discover his true intentions. It’s bold and to the point.

Photo by acworks on photo-ac

17 “Well, now you have all the time in the world to yourself!”

That means you’re done with the relationship, which frees up more space on his schedule and gives him more time to spend.

It’s good to use because it lets him know that your time isn’t something he can use on his ulterior motives.

18 “Burning In Hell Forever”

*Note that this is worded a little too strongly

It’s the ultimate punishment for someone who doesn’t value the lives of others.

It’s the ultimate damnation and he’ll know there’s no turning back. The relationship is clearly over.


The key to knowing what to say to a guy who’s been using you is how you’re feeling inside. Once you can understand how you are feeling, go ahead and align your thoughts with the answers we have provided.

Get your man or kick him to the curb!

What to do when he is playing you?

Play hard to get.
  1. Don’t tell him how much you love him all the time. Just be flirty and give him a few compliments while teasing him and keeping things light instead.
  2. Make him work for it. Show him that you still expect to have nice dates, go dancing, or do whatever you want to do together if he plans to roll with you.

play on/upon something

This article was co-authored by Kate Dreyfus. Kate Dreyfus is a dedicated Holistic Love Coach, Holistic Empowerment Coach, Heart-Centered Expert, Intuitive Healer, Workshop Facilitator and owner of Evolve & Empower. She has over ten years of experience helping her clients enter into successful exclusive, romantic relationships in the US, UK, Canada and Europe. Kate is dedicated to helping others through personal growth and transformation, success in dating and romance, and healing and rebuilding after a breakup. She is also a member of the Biofield Institute, the Healing Touch Professional Association, and the Energy Medicine Professional Association. Kate has a BA in Psychology from San Francisco State University. This article has been viewed 300,726 times.

Article overview


If you manage your expectations and don’t reveal too much about yourself, dealing with a player can remain fun and easy-going. Make sure you don’t expect sunset walks on the beach or love letters from a player, as they’re likely only interested in one thing. You might think he just needs time to open up, but if he’s a player at heart, know that he’s not about to change anytime soon. Try not to get too attached to him or make yourself vulnerable. For example, don’t go to him for emotional support or trust him with your secrets. Focus on your own hobbies and dreams while having fun. If you find yourself developing strong feelings for him, you should break the connection. Read on for more tips such as:

How do you tell if a girl is playing with your feelings?

4 OBVIOUS Signs she is simply playing you
  1. She only texts you when she wants something. She is the sweetest little thing on earth only when she wants something from you. …
  2. She always cancels plans. …
  3. She doesn’t invest in the relationship. …
  4. She manipulates you.

play on/upon something

It can be quite unhappy and sad when a girl plays you while you dream about your future together with them. It’s not one sided love, it’s just that it keeps you in a state of limbo and constantly giving you mixed signals. She takes you and your love for granted and uses you to give herself a boost.

When a girl plays with you, she is not serious about the relationship, but she would not tell you so openly and will use you to her advantage. She will lie to you, maybe even cheat on you and play with your feelings. Consider a few more such telltale signs to know if a girl is playing you and isn’t serious about you at all.

She texts you only when she wants something

She’s only the cutest little thing on earth when she wants something from you. Whether she’s helping her buy her favorite dress or being her chauffeur for a late night party, she only contacts you when she needs a favor from you and suddenly becomes incredibly sweet and kind to you!

She always cancels plans

Whenever you plan a date at the cinema, a candlelight dinner or a relaxing evening at home with her, she always picks you up at the last minute. She is always too busy to make time for you and always lets you down.

She doesn’t invest in the relationship

It’s always you who makes plans, sends messages, and reviews them. She’s never the one to initiate plans or conversations and never seems really interested in talking to you or investing in the relationship. It makes you feel ignored, marginalized, and taken for granted.

she manipulates you

When a girl plays with you, she will manipulate you and not let you know how she really feels about you. She will use you to her advantage and make you believe that she is in love with you. One minute she’ll be all over you and the next minute she’ll be glued to her phone pretending you don’t exist!

Also Read: 4 Telltale Texting Signs He’s No Longer Interested In You

How do you know when someone is playing with your feelings?

How to Know if a Guy is Playing with Your Feelings?
  • Mood swings. He has two sides to him. …
  • He only shows up when you’re needed. …
  • You do things according to his time. …
  • No deep conversations. …
  • Not interested in your life. …
  • He’s hiding you. …
  • He doesn’t want you to ask questions about him. …
  • He doesn’t want you to meet his friends.

play on/upon something

So you’ve met a guy who you think is super cool, but you don’t know if he really is. Also, you may not even know what kind of relationship the two of you are in. Is that why you chose this blog? Or is it because you’ve never had a boyfriend and want to make sure you’re with the right person?

Don’t worry I’m here to guide you well and make sure you end up finding the right one. Here is the list of some signs to look out for:

15 Signs He’s Just Playing Games With You And Playing Your Emotion Video

Please help our YouTube channel if you like our video. Let’s grow together!

How do you know if a guy is playing with his feelings?

1. Mood swings

He has two sides to himself. Overly moody and overly ecstatic. He never seems to have a normal day with you. There will be days when he just ignores you and gets angry easily over little things and days when he just wants to be with you all day and desperately needs you.

2. He only shows up when you’re needed

Is this guy only there when he needs you, and when he doesn’t, you don’t hear from him for a long time? Then this person is just playing with your emotions.

A real man won’t do that to his one true love. Instead, he will be there all the time and treat you like royalty because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or let you go so easily.

3. You do things according to his time

He gives you so little of his time? He often cancels your plans together? He always forgets you two have something to do because he’s always busy with something else? Not only does it say that you are not his priority, but it is also a sign that he has better things to do than hang out with you.

4. No deep conversations

He always avoids talking about the things you want to do with him in the future and instead just wants to have fun with you. He prefers small talk and flirting to having any of those get-to-know-you conversations. He might even say it casually, “Let’s just have fun today, okay?” and thereby cancel whatever plans you were trying to make with him.

5. No interest in your life

He might have asked you the basic questions like “where do you live” or “how many siblings do you have” on your first date, but he immediately erased them from his mind because you’re not just that important and you take up space in his life .

He is reluctant to hang out with your family or friends. He doesn’t even know what flavor of ice cream you like or what type of movies you like. If the person is genuinely interested in you, they’ll know absolutely nothing about you (even the kind of pajamas you wear on the weekends) and spend time with other people around you.

He doesn’t care about you because he’s just playing a game with you, no commitment at all.

6. He hides you

You’ve been together for quite some time now, but he still hasn’t even introduced you to his friends. He always says later, but he never really does. Even if the two of you are out together and a friend he knows approaches you, he doesn’t introduce you as his girlfriend, just a friend (worse, if the boyfriend is a girl, he might be dating her too) .

7. He doesn’t want you to ask questions about him

A good guy will always welcome an opportunity to open up to a woman he cares about. However, if this guy is reluctant to answer your questions, then something is wrong with the situation.

It’s just fun to be mysterious on first dates, but if you’ve both been dating a long time now but still don’t know the tiniest details about him, that’s a sign he doesn’t want you to be deep with him tied together. He may not want you in his life either and only sees you as someone to replace when someone else comes along.

8. He doesn’t want you to meet his friends

If he’s not willing to set you up with his friends, it means he doesn’t want them to know about your relationship. If he’s serious about you, he’ll show you off to his friends and treat you like royalty, or at least try to impress you so they can ask you out later. If this guy doesn’t want that, he’s just playing with your feelings and doesn’t care how he makes you feel.

9. He plays with your feelings and emotions

This guy can be so sweet to you when he wants to get in your pants, but once you just give it up way too soon, he starts treating you like nothing afterwards. He will tell you one thing today and another tomorrow.

So keep in mind that this type of player is dangerous for someone who is looking for a real relationship. If this guy is playing a game with you, don’t let him waste your time!

10. Empty promises

This guy will tell you everything to get the job done. He might even promise to take care of you and your family, but as soon as you’re in bed with him, he’ll tell you that he’s not ready for a relationship after all.

Sometimes this guy doesn’t even show up on time! Remember that actions speak louder than words. His actions tell you that he is only playing with your emotions! Believe me, if this guy cares about how you feel when he acts that way, then he won’t be able to hurt your feelings.

11. He pushes you into bed

This guy is really good at pressuring you into doing things you are not ready for. Then he’ll tell you that you’re no fun if you can’t and that he can “find another girl who will.” This is just another way to give you the idea that if you don’t do something you’re not ready for, other girls will do it.

This guy cares more about how many women he can get and less about making a good girl treat her well. If this guy doesn’t respect your decision, then he probably doesn’t care enough about your feelings at all.

He’s just playing a game with you.

12. He treats other girls badly

If this guy abuses other girls, then he probably does the same to you. You should never stand behind another woman. Of course, he’s probably just an ass in general, but he just hasn’t treated you like that before!

Please don’t play games with your feelings and don’t let this guy play them with yours too. Be careful of these signs because they will show you whether the guy you are messing around with is playing with your emotions or not.

Let him go and find someone who deserves your love.

13. He makes you feel insecure

This guy is just playing the game with your emotions so he can make you think badly about yourself. He will say things that make you wonder if you are good enough for him or not. This type of behavior is another way to use mind games against women to get them into bed.

A real man will respect his woman and never tell her she’s not good enough for him, especially when he knows full well that she really is. So if this guy does this to you then you don’t have to wait any longer for him because he will only hurt your feelings more later!

14. He doesn’t care about you at all

When this guy isn’t doing anything for you, he’s just playing with your emotions. Remember that it takes two people to make a relationship work and if he doesn’t go out of his way to help both of you then there is no reason to stay there.

He probably wants to take advantage of your beauty!

If he was genuinely interested in pursuing something real with you, he would take his time with everything, including the small details, and prove himself to be a good partner.

Don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t even care about you! You deserve better!

15. You feel it in your stomach

Trust your gut feeling. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t! If you’re walking around feeling like something’s just not right between the two of you, trust your instincts and get out of there fast!

Keep in mind that this type can be a player like the one described above. Don’t let him play with your emotions because nobody deserves to feel bad or have their feelings played around with.

Why do guys sometimes play girls?

Some guys play girls to win them over and get them into bed.

Some guys play girls because they are confused about their own feelings for you.

Some guys play girls because they are afraid of getting serious or intimate with a girl. You’re afraid of getting hurt again. They would rather keep their emotions in check by playing hard to get them than risk themselves again.

Some guys might feel that making a girl fall in love with them and dump them makes them feel good. It’s sort of an ego trip that boosts her confidence through a series of conquests, if you can call it that.

Some guys do things to get admiration and attention from girls just because they like the feeling of being an object of desire.

Just like girls who choose bad boys to be adored by someone with undying love, knowing full well that those bad boys are not going to get attached to a girl.

Some guys would rather play than settle down because playing around is more exciting than a stable relationship. They are just immature and play like a game.

Some don’t see a future with the girl, so they don’t want to settle down. They just want fun while it lasts.

Money is also an issue for some guys. They would play you because they want your money. These guys are just scum to be avoided!

How to know if a guy is toying with you or really liking you?

When a guy likes you, everything about you appeals to him. A girl who knows she has nothing to offer but still makes an effort to make herself pretty because deep down she knows the other person deserves the effort will always eventually get her man’s attention.

There will be no qualms about getting intimate with you if a guy likes you. You won’t have to puzzle over where your relationship stands or what it really means to him.

When a guy doesn’t want anything serious with you, but still wants something from you. He may want your money, your body, your affection, your time, or just the pleasure of your company.

When a guy plays with you, he won’t allow himself to become emotionally attached. Instead, he will hide his feelings behind cold and indifferent behavior that will confuse you.

If a guy is just playing around, the relationship can never last more than three months because by then he would have moved on to playing another girl who interests him more than you already do. That means there are so many other girls out there like you that this one guy only has a limited amount of time to play before it’s time for him to look for something new again!

If a guy doesn’t feel anything for you but still wants your body, he’s only going to mess around with you because his main priority is simply to have fun and enjoy life.

If your man doesn’t want commitment, don’t wait a day because you will spend the rest of your life just realizing that he will never commit!

Read the tips written above. Then take responsibility and move on. You deserve better than a guy who plays with your feelings like that.

bottom line

If you’re wondering if the guy in your life is playing games with you, there are a few signs to look out for! If he doesn’t show up on time or is pressured into doing things that make you uncomfortable and don’t respect your decision.

It can be hard to tell if a guy really cares about you or not, but listen carefully and trust your gut because they never lie. If this sounds like something that’s happened to him more than once, then maybe it’s time to switch to someone who treats them both better.

If he’s one of those, just think about it. Maybe you should reconsider if he’s worth another chance or maybe you’re better off being single. Perhaps you can spend your precious time alone, focus more on improving yourself, and hang out with your friends to avoid the possibility of having your heart played.

ALSO READ: 17 Signs of a Potentially Toxic Relationship

photo of mom Myrelle Montallana

Why do guys play with women’s feelings?

Out of the many reasons why men choose to play with women’s emotions, most of them are targeted at acquiring a prize, a sense of self-worth, or the admiration of others. Validation is usually connected to women, but you’ll be surprised to find out that it is also an issue with men.

play on/upon something

Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to gamble with each other, either to win wars or to bring peace between nations. The way to this was won by tactics of “maneuver warfare”. Today, people have transcended this command structure for their own personal gain: they use it to make money, build empires, and for devious purposes like fueling their own motives in relationships.

For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on men and the mind games they play, because it always piques our curiosity when men who are genetically programmed to take care of women have the unlimited ability to cause them mental and emotional pain inflicting on those they are meant to take care of.

Let’s find out why men cross the line.

Of the many reasons men choose to play with women’s emotions, most are aimed at gaining prize, self-esteem, or the admiration of others.

Validation is usually associated with women, but you might be surprised that it’s an issue for men as well. Most men play mind games with women because it makes them feel powerful and accomplished. According to research, men feel the need to be intensely adored. There is outstanding dialogue in Sally Potter’s The Man Who Cried that says, “He needs attention. Men, you see, they are very, very fragile.”

One of the most interesting finds similar to ego stroking is for the purpose of testing himself so that a man can give credit to his ability to attract a woman and see her all wrapped around his pinky. This is the most common reason a man plays mind games. Even if a guy with the alpha gene sees a challenge, he won’t be able to buy the fact that a girl doesn’t like him; Therefore, he opts for mind games to assert his dominance and chauvinism and get what he wants.

Whether men’s mind games range from bouts of victim play to guilt, disappearing without a trace and then coming back, men know they’re going to have you running around in circles as they can always jump back into the woodwork whenever it pleases them.

It’s pretty easy to attract a “guys” on the men who love to play mind games with us. Women invented most of these games anyway. When men play mind games, they play dirty, but when girls play, they play to win.

How to change the game:

Trust your intuition

A woman’s instinct can fish out the troublemakers right from the start. After all, our primal instincts are born out of an intrinsic system of defense mechanisms. We know when we are in danger and we should always be alert to what is happening around us. This should be especially consistent with people like a guy who loves to play mind games.

know your worth

Women are most prone to mind games when they are vulnerable. The most common victims are women with low self-esteem or those who have faced abandonment issues in the past. Players can definitely spy on these guys. So you better start appreciating your worth before a man playing mind games takes a bite of what’s left of it.

Never be complacent

If you see a guy taking you for granted or taking advantage of you, don’t hesitate to point it out to him. Never compromise your own respect or beliefs just to please him. If he keeps accusing you with his tricks, he’s playing you off. If he keeps making you empty promises that he can’t keep, he’s playing you off again.

Let them prove you

It’s okay to make guys jump through hoops by challenging them to care for you, prioritize you, and acknowledge you. Take your time. A gamer who wants to play mind games won’t stay by your side for long if they don’t get what they want. So let them show their true colors along the way because a good guy isn’t going to take anything away from you. He will only appreciate what you have to offer and appreciate you for it.

Rise above everything

Finally, don’t try to get back at him with the same games he plays. It may feel good for a while, but the pain of his betrayal will still be there. In the end, none of this will matter because a player really won’t care about everything you do. A guy with ulterior motives will shrug it off just to find his next victim.

Use your energy to move on and heal yourself of all the toxicities your relationship has caused you.

How do you tell if someone is using you emotionally?

9 signs someone is using you in a relationship
  1. The conversation is always about them. …
  2. They always let you pick up the check. …
  3. You always have to come to their rescue. …
  4. They never say thank you. …
  5. They’re always asking for favors. …
  6. You start to resent them. …
  7. Your emotional needs are never considered, let alone met.

play on/upon something

Being used is never a good feeling, but unfortunately it can happen in sneaky ways.

If it’s all about them and never you, that’s a good way to tell that they might be using your relationship to their own advantage. Although talking honestly to them can sometimes help resolve the issues if you get the impression that your relationship is one-sided, ignoring this will only make things harder for you in the long run.

We’ve rounded up some signs that someone is actually using you.

How can you tell if someone is playing with your emotions?

How to Know if a Guy is Playing with Your Feelings?
  • Mood swings. He has two sides to him. …
  • He only shows up when you’re needed. …
  • You do things according to his time. …
  • No deep conversations. …
  • Not interested in your life. …
  • He’s hiding you. …
  • He doesn’t want you to ask questions about him. …
  • He doesn’t want you to meet his friends.

play on/upon something

So you’ve met a guy who you think is super cool, but you don’t know if he really is. Also, you may not even know what kind of relationship the two of you are in. Is that why you chose this blog? Or is it because you’ve never had a boyfriend and want to make sure you’re with the right person?

Don’t worry I’m here to guide you well and make sure you end up finding the right one. Here is the list of some signs to look out for:

15 Signs He’s Just Playing Games With You And Playing Your Emotion Video

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How do you know if a guy is playing with his feelings?

1. Mood swings

He has two sides to himself. Overly moody and overly ecstatic. He never seems to have a normal day with you. There will be days when he just ignores you and gets angry easily over little things and days when he just wants to be with you all day and desperately needs you.

2. He only shows up when you’re needed

Is this guy only there when he needs you, and when he doesn’t, you don’t hear from him for a long time? Then this person is just playing with your emotions.

A real man won’t do that to his one true love. Instead, he will be there all the time and treat you like royalty because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or let you go so easily.

3. You do things according to his time

He gives you so little of his time? He often cancels your plans together? He always forgets you two have something to do because he’s always busy with something else? Not only does it say that you are not his priority, but it is also a sign that he has better things to do than hang out with you.

4. No deep conversations

He always avoids talking about the things you want to do with him in the future and instead just wants to have fun with you. He prefers small talk and flirting to having any of those get-to-know-you conversations. He might even say it casually, “Let’s just have fun today, okay?” and thereby cancel whatever plans you were trying to make with him.

5. No interest in your life

He might have asked you the basic questions like “where do you live” or “how many siblings do you have” on your first date, but he immediately erased them from his mind because you’re not just that important and you take up space in his life .

He is reluctant to hang out with your family or friends. He doesn’t even know what flavor of ice cream you like or what type of movies you like. If the person is genuinely interested in you, they’ll know absolutely nothing about you (even the kind of pajamas you wear on the weekends) and spend time with other people around you.

He doesn’t care about you because he’s just playing a game with you, no commitment at all.

6. He hides you

You’ve been together for quite some time now, but he still hasn’t even introduced you to his friends. He always says later, but he never really does. Even if the two of you are out together and a friend he knows approaches you, he doesn’t introduce you as his girlfriend, just a friend (worse, if the boyfriend is a girl, he might be dating her too) .

7. He doesn’t want you to ask questions about him

A good guy will always welcome an opportunity to open up to a woman he cares about. However, if this guy is reluctant to answer your questions, then something is wrong with the situation.

It’s just fun to be mysterious on first dates, but if you’ve both been dating a long time now but still don’t know the tiniest details about him, that’s a sign he doesn’t want you to be deep with him tied together. He may not want you in his life either and only sees you as someone to replace when someone else comes along.

8. He doesn’t want you to meet his friends

If he’s not willing to set you up with his friends, it means he doesn’t want them to know about your relationship. If he’s serious about you, he’ll show you off to his friends and treat you like royalty, or at least try to impress you so they can ask you out later. If this guy doesn’t want that, he’s just playing with your feelings and doesn’t care how he makes you feel.

9. He plays with your feelings and emotions

This guy can be so sweet to you when he wants to get in your pants, but once you just give it up way too soon, he starts treating you like nothing afterwards. He will tell you one thing today and another tomorrow.

So keep in mind that this type of player is dangerous for someone who is looking for a real relationship. If this guy is playing a game with you, don’t let him waste your time!

10. Empty promises

This guy will tell you everything to get the job done. He might even promise to take care of you and your family, but as soon as you’re in bed with him, he’ll tell you that he’s not ready for a relationship after all.

Sometimes this guy doesn’t even show up on time! Remember that actions speak louder than words. His actions tell you that he is only playing with your emotions! Believe me, if this guy cares about how you feel when he acts that way, then he won’t be able to hurt your feelings.

11. He pushes you into bed

This guy is really good at pressuring you into doing things you are not ready for. Then he’ll tell you that you’re no fun if you can’t and that he can “find another girl who will.” This is just another way to give you the idea that if you don’t do something you’re not ready for, other girls will do it.

This guy cares more about how many women he can get and less about making a good girl treat her well. If this guy doesn’t respect your decision, then he probably doesn’t care enough about your feelings at all.

He’s just playing a game with you.

12. He treats other girls badly

If this guy abuses other girls, then he probably does the same to you. You should never stand behind another woman. Of course, he’s probably just an ass in general, but he just hasn’t treated you like that before!

Please don’t play games with your feelings and don’t let this guy play them with yours too. Be careful of these signs because they will show you whether the guy you are messing around with is playing with your emotions or not.

Let him go and find someone who deserves your love.

13. He makes you feel insecure

This guy is just playing the game with your emotions so he can make you think badly about yourself. He will say things that make you wonder if you are good enough for him or not. This type of behavior is another way to use mind games against women to get them into bed.

A real man will respect his woman and never tell her she’s not good enough for him, especially when he knows full well that she really is. So if this guy does this to you then you don’t have to wait any longer for him because he will only hurt your feelings more later!

14. He doesn’t care about you at all

When this guy isn’t doing anything for you, he’s just playing with your emotions. Remember that it takes two people to make a relationship work and if he doesn’t go out of his way to help both of you then there is no reason to stay there.

He probably wants to take advantage of your beauty!

If he was genuinely interested in pursuing something real with you, he would take his time with everything, including the small details, and prove himself to be a good partner.

Don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t even care about you! You deserve better!

15. You feel it in your stomach

Trust your gut feeling. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t! If you’re walking around feeling like something’s just not right between the two of you, trust your instincts and get out of there fast!

Keep in mind that this type can be a player like the one described above. Don’t let him play with your emotions because nobody deserves to feel bad or have their feelings played around with.

Why do guys sometimes play girls?

Some guys play girls to win them over and get them into bed.

Some guys play girls because they are confused about their own feelings for you.

Some guys play girls because they are afraid of getting serious or intimate with a girl. You’re afraid of getting hurt again. They would rather keep their emotions in check by playing hard to get them than risk themselves again.

Some guys might feel that making a girl fall in love with them and dump them makes them feel good. It’s sort of an ego trip that boosts her confidence through a series of conquests, if you can call it that.

Some guys do things to get admiration and attention from girls just because they like the feeling of being an object of desire.

Just like girls who choose bad boys to be adored by someone with undying love, knowing full well that those bad boys are not going to get attached to a girl.

Some guys would rather play than settle down because playing around is more exciting than a stable relationship. They are just immature and play like a game.

Some don’t see a future with the girl, so they don’t want to settle down. They just want fun while it lasts.

Money is also an issue for some guys. They would play you because they want your money. These guys are just scum to be avoided!

How to know if a guy is toying with you or really liking you?

When a guy likes you, everything about you appeals to him. A girl who knows she has nothing to offer but still makes an effort to make herself pretty because deep down she knows the other person deserves the effort will always eventually get her man’s attention.

There will be no qualms about getting intimate with you if a guy likes you. You won’t have to puzzle over where your relationship stands or what it really means to him.

When a guy doesn’t want anything serious with you, but still wants something from you. He may want your money, your body, your affection, your time, or just the pleasure of your company.

When a guy plays with you, he won’t allow himself to become emotionally attached. Instead, he will hide his feelings behind cold and indifferent behavior that will confuse you.

If a guy is just playing around, the relationship can never last more than three months because by then he would have moved on to playing another girl who interests him more than you already do. That means there are so many other girls out there like you that this one guy only has a limited amount of time to play before it’s time for him to look for something new again!

If a guy doesn’t feel anything for you but still wants your body, he’s only going to mess around with you because his main priority is simply to have fun and enjoy life.

If your man doesn’t want commitment, don’t wait a day because you will spend the rest of your life just realizing that he will never commit!

Read the tips written above. Then take responsibility and move on. You deserve better than a guy who plays with your feelings like that.

bottom line

If you’re wondering if the guy in your life is playing games with you, there are a few signs to look out for! If he doesn’t show up on time or is pressured into doing things that make you uncomfortable and don’t respect your decision.

It can be hard to tell if a guy really cares about you or not, but listen carefully and trust your gut because they never lie. If this sounds like something that’s happened to him more than once, then maybe it’s time to switch to someone who treats them both better.

If he’s one of those, just think about it. Maybe you should reconsider if he’s worth another chance or maybe you’re better off being single. Perhaps you can spend your precious time alone, focus more on improving yourself, and hang out with your friends to avoid the possibility of having your heart played.

ALSO READ: 17 Signs of a Potentially Toxic Relationship

photo of mom Myrelle Montallana

Why do guys play with women’s feelings?

Out of the many reasons why men choose to play with women’s emotions, most of them are targeted at acquiring a prize, a sense of self-worth, or the admiration of others. Validation is usually connected to women, but you’ll be surprised to find out that it is also an issue with men.

play on/upon something

Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to gamble with each other, either to win wars or to bring peace between nations. The way to this was won by tactics of “maneuver warfare”. Today, people have transcended this command structure for their own personal gain: they use it to make money, build empires, and for devious purposes like fueling their own motives in relationships.

For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on men and the mind games they play, because it always piques our curiosity when men who are genetically programmed to take care of women have the unlimited ability to cause them mental and emotional pain inflicting on those they are meant to take care of.

Let’s find out why men cross the line.

Of the many reasons men choose to play with women’s emotions, most are aimed at gaining prize, self-esteem, or the admiration of others.

Validation is usually associated with women, but you might be surprised that it’s an issue for men as well. Most men play mind games with women because it makes them feel powerful and accomplished. According to research, men feel the need to be intensely adored. There is outstanding dialogue in Sally Potter’s The Man Who Cried that says, “He needs attention. Men, you see, they are very, very fragile.”

One of the most interesting finds similar to ego stroking is for the purpose of testing himself so that a man can give credit to his ability to attract a woman and see her all wrapped around his pinky. This is the most common reason a man plays mind games. Even if a guy with the alpha gene sees a challenge, he won’t be able to buy the fact that a girl doesn’t like him; Therefore, he opts for mind games to assert his dominance and chauvinism and get what he wants.

Whether men’s mind games range from bouts of victim play to guilt, disappearing without a trace and then coming back, men know they’re going to have you running around in circles as they can always jump back into the woodwork whenever it pleases them.

It’s pretty easy to attract a “guys” on the men who love to play mind games with us. Women invented most of these games anyway. When men play mind games, they play dirty, but when girls play, they play to win.

How to change the game:

Trust your intuition

A woman’s instinct can fish out the troublemakers right from the start. After all, our primal instincts are born out of an intrinsic system of defense mechanisms. We know when we are in danger and we should always be alert to what is happening around us. This should be especially consistent with people like a guy who loves to play mind games.

know your worth

Women are most prone to mind games when they are vulnerable. The most common victims are women with low self-esteem or those who have faced abandonment issues in the past. Players can definitely spy on these guys. So you better start appreciating your worth before a man playing mind games takes a bite of what’s left of it.

Never be complacent

If you see a guy taking you for granted or taking advantage of you, don’t hesitate to point it out to him. Never compromise your own respect or beliefs just to please him. If he keeps accusing you with his tricks, he’s playing you off. If he keeps making you empty promises that he can’t keep, he’s playing you off again.

Let them prove you

It’s okay to make guys jump through hoops by challenging them to care for you, prioritize you, and acknowledge you. Take your time. A gamer who wants to play mind games won’t stay by your side for long if they don’t get what they want. So let them show their true colors along the way because a good guy isn’t going to take anything away from you. He will only appreciate what you have to offer and appreciate you for it.

Rise above everything

Finally, don’t try to get back at him with the same games he plays. It may feel good for a while, but the pain of his betrayal will still be there. In the end, none of this will matter because a player really won’t care about everything you do. A guy with ulterior motives will shrug it off just to find his next victim.

Use your energy to move on and heal yourself of all the toxicities your relationship has caused you.

How do you make a guy feel guilty for hurting you?

If you want to make a guy feel sorry, try letting him know that he’s hurt you, since he might not have thought about things from your perspective. When you tell him how you feel, try to focus on your own emotions, so you don’t sound like you’re accusing him.

play on/upon something

Things. I really like him! I was out with a mutual friend of ours the other day and apparently they text a lot. I think I got a little jealous, but I just let it go. Yesterday she came to training with us, we had a lot of fun. Although when we were done and had to cycle home, he chose to take her home instead of me without even saying goodbye. This helps. ”


“I’ve been with this guy for about 6 months and we spend all our free time together doing sports and stuff

15 Signs He’s Playing With Your Feelings

15 Signs He’s Playing With Your Feelings
15 Signs He’s Playing With Your Feelings

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How to Tell if a Guy Is Playing With Your Feelings: 15 Steps

When a guy plays with your feelings, you’re emotionally connected to him, but he’s not emotionally connected to you. In this situation, he doesn’t want the same thing from the relationship that you do, but he’s not being honest about his intentions and is attracted to you instead. This type of guy is either an opportunist who noticed you like him or he’s someone who has multiple girls he hooks up. When you find yourself in a situation like this, there are many signs that he’s not that into you, but when you’re emotionally connected to someone, it’s difficult to keep your head straight and be consistent. Also, these guys can be very good at convincing you that they like you when they want you. So check out these signs to see if you are dating someone who is playing with your feelings and discover what you can do about it.

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