The Easy Way To Stop Smoking Free Pdf? Trust The Answer

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What is the easiest way to stop smoking?

Here are 10 ways to help you resist the urge to smoke or use tobacco when a craving strikes.
  1. Try nicotine replacement therapy. Ask your health care provider about nicotine replacement therapy. …
  2. Avoid triggers. …
  3. Delay. …
  4. Chew on it. …
  5. Don’t have ‘just one’ …
  6. Get physical. …
  7. Try relaxation techniques. …
  8. Call for reinforcements.

What is the Allen Carr method?

Allen Carr’s method is different.

Allen Carr’s method will question and challenge what you think you know or believe about it. We’ll explode the myths that keep you hooked and by changing the way you think about it, will remove your desire so that you’ll have no reason to do it… ever again.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

In reality there is nothing to give up, but most people believe there is a benefit or pleasure that feels like a mental battle going on in your head:

“It kills me… but it relaxes me”

“It’s expensive… but it gives me a break”

“It consumes me… but I enjoy it”

How do you feel when you think about quitting? Feeling happy and excited? Or does it make you anxious, nervous, or even anxious?

For most people, it’s the latter, and when you’re feeling this way, you naturally reach for the drug thinking it’ll help you when in fact it’s the cause of your anxiety. And so the cycle of addiction continues.

The truth is it’s a tug of war of fear:

How can I enjoy life or manage stress without smoking, vaping, alcohol etc.?

You know you shouldn’t do it, but you still want to, and that’s what we call the willpower approach; also known as not being allowed to do something you want to do.

It’s awkward, it’s miserable, it’s difficult, and it usually ends in failure.

Just the thought of giving up our crutch or pleasure makes us shut out the negative, feel anxious, and decide we’re not quite ready.

At some point in your life you have probably tried to reduce or control your intake but that only makes it seem more precious and the problem becomes consuming.

It’s not so much that we want it in our lives, but that we can’t imagine life without it. Sound familiar?

What is the first step in quitting smoking?

  1. Know Your Reasons for Quitting.
  2. Make a Decision to Quit.
  3. Take Steps to Quit.
  4. Build Your Quit Plan.
  5. Manage Your Quit Day.
  6. Recognize Signs of Depression.
  7. Reduce Your Stress.
  8. Avoid Secondhand Smoke.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

By making a plan and sticking to it, Beatrice R. conquered her cigarette addiction and quit smoking for good.

Learn more about Beatrice R.

Is there a natural way to quit smoking?

Experts in smoking cessation have begun implementing Eastern strategies, such as acupuncture and herbs. These natural approaches to smoking cessation offer promising results. They’ve been shown to help curb cravings and assist people in overcoming nicotine addiction.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 14 out of 100 adults in the United States smoke cigarettes. In 2015, 68 percent of CDC adult smokers said they wanted to quit. Quitting smoking is possible. Since 2002, there have been more ex-smokers than current smokers. Many smokers prefer to use Eastern approaches to smoking cessation rather than traditional Western techniques such as prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) cessation products. Smoking cessation experts have begun to implement Eastern strategies such as acupuncture and herbs. These natural approaches to quitting smoking offer promising results. They have been shown to help curb cravings and assist people in overcoming nicotine addiction. Cravings can persist even after the nicotine has left your system. The human body needs to detoxify all traces of nicotine in your system before your cravings subside.

Benefits of Herbal Treatments Eastern approaches to smoking cessation also include herbal remedies. They help reduce cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms like emotional restlessness and irritability. Green tea is also reported to help repair tissues that have been damaged by smoking. Green tea is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies to control cravings. It can be drunk throughout the day during the detox phase. It is also available in supplement form. According to a 2010 study using green tea in cigarette filters, green tea keeps the system flooded with micronutrients and amino acids thought to help reduce the urge to smoke. Green tea may have benefits beyond just helping you quit smoking. A 2018 study concluded that drinking at least twice a day helped reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Koreans aged 40 and older. Smoking is the primary risk factor for COPD. At the start of the study, the COPD incidence rate in people who had never drunk green tea was 14.1 percent. The incidence rate dropped to 5.9 percent after they increased their green tea intake to at least twice a day. Other herbal remedies such as lobelia and St. John’s wort have also been used for smoking cessation. However, research in favor of their use as cessation aids is weak and not credible. More intensive studies are needed. Since the improper use of herbal supplements can be harmful to health, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking any supplements. Shop for green tea and herbal green tea supplements online.

Traditional Smoking Cessation Methods If you choose traditional treatments instead, your first choice should be the prescription drug varenicline (Chantix), according to the American Thoracic Society’s 2020 guidelines. It is recommended to all people who are addicted to tobacco and want to quit smoking. It is preferred to other options such as the prescription drug bupropion (Wellbutrin) and nicotine patches. Anyone who chooses varenicline should take the drug for at least 12 weeks. Shorter durations were not as effective in helping people quit smoking.

How do I quit smoking when I enjoy it?

13 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever
  1. Find Your Reason. 1/13. …
  2. Prepare Before You Go ‘Cold Turkey’ 2/13. …
  3. Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy. 3/13. …
  4. Learn About Prescription Pills. 4/13. …
  5. Lean On Your Loved Ones. 5/13. …
  6. Give Yourself a Break. 6/13. …
  7. Avoid Alcohol and Other Triggers. 7/13. …
  8. Clean House. 8/13.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

Many people try several times before finally quitting smoking. If you light up, don’t get discouraged. Instead, think about what led to your relapse, e.g. B. Your emotions or the situation you were in. Take the opportunity to reinforce your commitment to quitting. Once you’ve made the decision to try again, set an “End Date” within the next month.

How can I change my smoking mindset?

Here are some tricks to get you started:
  1. Never allow yourself to think “I need to smoke.” That’s way too emotional. …
  2. Never allow yourself to think “I could have just one.” Change it to “I could become a smoker again.” They amount to the same thing.
  3. Never allow yourself to visualize yourself enjoying a cigarette.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

Smokers often regard lighting up as a pleasant pastime. Cigarettes offer convenience, entertainment, and companionship—or so you think. At the same time, you might associate quitting smoking with feelings of pain, misery, and sacrifice. These conflicting feelings are amplified at a subconscious level beneath the surface of your thoughts. The result is that you may accept unhealthy and inaccurate beliefs as facts of life when in reality they are just your distorted perception of the truth.

Use these tips to learn how to identify thoughts that aren’t serving you as you move through recovery from nicotine addiction, and reprogram your mind with thoughts that are.

3 quotes to help you quit

If you want to change your life, change your mind. Either we make ourselves happy or unhappy, the workload is the same. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

The first quote is from Terry Martin. It’s a memorable little phrase and very appropriate for quitting smoking. Or it’s another meaningless expression that do-gooders love to sing. The choice is yours.

Quitting smoking can be a horrific, difficult, excruciating time of repentance that can end with going back to smoking because you really want to smoke but feel like you can’t.

Or your exit may be a slightly uncomfortable but exciting path that leads to new opportunities and a higher sense of self. You know you won’t smoke because you already feel the freedom of living without chemical dependency. That too is up to you.

Smokers are experts at mind games

You have to be to keep doing something as self-destructive as smoking and still sleep at night. If you allow these old mind games to continue, you will face a “terrible, difficult, agonizing time of repentance,” so take the easy route. Make a mental shift and try some new, fresh mind games.

Don’t quit smoking because you have to. Instead, embark on a challenging and rewarding adventure in teaching yourself how to quit smoking. The second option is more convenient and therefore easier. That’s not to say it won’t be effortless on your part, but embracing the process rather than headbutting it is the best way to go.

14 mind tricks to get you started

Here are some tricks to get you started:

Never allow yourself to think, “I need to smoke.” That’s way too emotional. Change it to something verbose to take the passion out of the feeling, like “I’m feeling a tension that in the past I would have interpreted as craving a cigarette.” The same goes for “I want to smoke”. Aside from being emotionless, analyzing the feeling lets you see that you are not actually in pain from the craving to smoke. Never allow yourself to think, “I could only have one.” Change it to “I might go back to smoking.” They amount to the same thing. Never allow yourself to imagine yourself enjoying a cigarette. Instead, change the mental picture to one of the most disgusting, unpleasant, and unwanted cigarettes you’ve ever smoked. Point out the good stuff often. Everyone sees the healing changes at different speeds. You can still find something good on your first smoke-free day, even if it’s just your cash jar. If you notice them, write them down. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you take the benefits for granted. Tell yourself often how good you feel. It’s just as easy to say “I feel great” as it is to say “Oh, do I ever suffer”. Actually simpler – there are fewer syllables. And your subconscious really believes what you tell yourself. Try writing “I’m so glad to be free” on a post-it and sticking it on your bathroom mirror for sure to remind you every morning. Never give up something good because you quit smoking. Suppose you associate sitting on your porch with smoking. In the first few days of quitting smoking, you may associate everything with smoking. Deal with the triggers early on and don’t leave yourself disadvantaged. An exception is alcohol. Take it slow and easy with a trigger that will also lower your inhibitions and ability to think rationally. laugh often. Laughter is a much better, more effective, and healthier relaxant than inhaling toxins. Try YouTube therapy. Never doubt that one cigarette will make you smoke again. There have been too many stories of people who hadn’t smoked for years and just bounced back and kicked every hit in their path for anyone to seriously question the law of addiction. Which, by the way, is a law like “gravity,” not a law like “speed limit.” You may be able to speed without getting caught, but don’t get off a plane just because there’s no one around to see you. Never let your mind fall into the old rut of junkie thinking. Don’t think of stopping as the end. It’s the beginning of a healthy new lifestyle that opens up new possibilities. Don’t let your “junkie” tell you the damage has already been done. Yes, you may have done some damage, but you don’t have to do a bit more. Don’t keep telling yourself it’s hard. It takes a lot of effort, but it’s also all worth it. They learn new things and develop new skills every day. you do this. Don’t ever let your mind start romanticizing about how great everything was when you were “allowed” to smoke. And don’t envy the smokers who stand outside and secretly get their dose. Instead, remember what it was really like to have to smoke. If smoking were so great, you would never have thought of quitting. Now take a minute and remember all that lousy stuff about the need to smoke. Never let yourself think that you “might smoke” even if it is related to “fear” that you will smoke. That’s just permission to do it, even if permission comes with the price of beating yourself up later. Always know the truth – you control your hands and your mouth. Nothing can make you smoke unless you choose to. Make this decision with your eyes wide open. Any dubious relief a cigarette would offer will dissipate the moment you put the thing out, leaving you with nothing but a chemical addiction rekindled. The only valid reason to smoke is the decision to go back to smoking and continue to do so until the day you die. And I really don’t think there’s any good reason to decide that. Never say never.” The thought of never being able to smoke again is scary and might make you snap because this could be your “last chance.” That’s wrong. Cigarettes will be tomorrow and next week and next year still sold. You can always smoke freely. All you have to do is decide to become a smoker again and bring all the negative consequences that come with it back into your life. Always send a message to Your social support system before you smoke. And once you’ve done that, wait for at least three responses to your call for help. By the time those three come in, the “urgency” to smoke will have passed. What if you’re out and not posting until you get home Think about how long you’ve been without smoking What difference does a few extra hours make Give your friends a chance to help before you relapse l suffer. Better yet, give your own smart, rational mind a chance to get involved.


Have some “mindless mantras” to fall back on if you’re just too tired to think further today. They’re things too obviously true to argue with and catchy enough to remember. You can often find them in people’s signature lines. They include:

If I smoke one, I’m right back where I started. Where I started was the desperate desire to be where I am today.

What if you cut the journey short today and peace came tomorrow?

It’s not about if you go to war against smoking, it’s when you go to war. Will you leave while healthy and in control, or when you die?

We have our receipts

During times of stress, ask yourself, “WWND?” (What would a non-smoker do?) In the situation you are in, try imagining someone you know who has never smoked and try imagining them reaching for a cigarette to get by. The absurd idea that a cigarette would help you will help you realize that the idea that a cigarette would help you is also absurd. Happy birthday to everyone who doesn’t smoke today.

How effective is Allen Carr?

The largest and most authoritative research trial of its kind testing the Allen Carr’s Easyway (ACE) method of quitting smoking has detected no difference in success rates between ACE and a specialist stop smoking service in the UK.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

Photo Credit: CC0 Public Domain

The largest and most authoritative research study of its kind testing Allen Carr’s Easyway (ACE) method of smoking cessation found no difference in success rates between ACE and a specialist smoking cessation service in the UK.

The study, conducted by the Center for Addictive Behaviors Research (CABR) at London South Bank University (LSBU) and St George’s, University of London, is published today in the journal Addiction.

ACE found a abstinence rate six months after the target exit date of 19 percent, compared to 15 percent for the specialty service. This independently conducted randomized controlled trial had 620 participants, 310 in the ACE and 310 in the residency. Abstinence from smoking was assessed by measuring carbon monoxide in the participants’ exhaled breath.

The ACE Method emphasizes a drug-free approach to smoking cessation. ACE involves a single group session (four and a half to six hours long), followed by supportive text messaging and recharge sessions if needed. It aims to convince smokers that there are no benefits to smoking. By comparison, the UK’s National Health Service standard of care focuses on Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or “Champix” plus several weekly sessions of psychological support.

The results of the study reflect these different approaches: 91 percent of the treatment participants who quit successfully used NRT, Champix or an e-cigarette. In contrast, in the ACE group, only 13 percent of those who quit successfully used these products.

Professor Daniel Frings of the research team said: “In a gold standard randomized controlled trial, we observed smoking cessation rates that were indistinguishable from specialist intervention combining 1-1 psychological support with NRT. These results provide compelling support for the effectiveness of the ACE method in smoking cessation.”

Evaluating the effectiveness of the ACE method is important because it offers a drug-free method of smoking cessation that can be performed in group therapy sessions. As such, it can provide a viable, low-cost additional treatment option in public/funded healthcare settings.

For more information: Daniel Frings et al, Comparing Allen Carr’s Easyway program to a specialized behavioral and pharmacological smoking cessation service: a randomized controlled trial, Addiction (2020). Journal information: Sucht Daniel Frings et al., Comparing Allen Carr’s Easyway program to a specialized behavioral and pharmacologic smoking cessation service: a randomized controlled trial, (2020). DOI: 10.1111/Supplement 14897

Provided by the Society for the Study of Addiction

Is it better to quit cold turkey or slowly?

Quitting cold turkey gets you over the hump faster compared to cutting back on nicotine gradually. Your body will begin to benefit from being nicotine-free sooner rather than later.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

Quitting smoking can be difficult no matter how you do it, but the idea of ​​quitting cold turkey can seem particularly daunting. It might not be the right choice for everyone, but given the damage smoking does to the body, there’s an appeal to getting over it. Smoking significantly increases the risk of diseases, including several types of cancer. Each year, smoking causes 1 in 5 deaths in the United States, the American Cancer Society estimates. There are many nicotine products that will help you wean yourself off nicotine, but the cold turkey method means you have to cut off all nicotine completely. Let’s take a look at the smoking cessation process and tips to help you along the way, as well as the pros and cons.

What happens when you stop smoking cold turkey? Your body will begin reaping the health benefits of quitting smoking within 20 minutes of your last cigarette. However, withdrawal symptoms can make it feel different. Many people feel like they have the flu when they quit smoking. Nicotine is highly addictive. Research suggests it can be just as addictive as cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. The good news is that the withdrawal symptoms are temporary. The worst symptoms usually improve in a few days to a few weeks. Here are some common nicotine withdrawal symptoms: Intense cravings for cigarettes


feel down


difficult sleeping

difficulty concentrating

increased appetite

cough or sore throat

Changes in bowel habits

Nausea withdrawal symptoms and their severity can vary from person to person and change from day to day. As unpleasant as they may be, nicotine withdrawal is not usually dangerous to your health. Remember that the symptoms are temporary. The longer you go without nicotine, the easier it becomes.

Cold turkey is hard Quitting cold turkey means quitting without the help of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT includes products such as gum, sprays and patches designed to reduce the urge to smoke. Without NRT, experts argue that the results of trying to “whiten it” are generally not great. Some older studies have found that only up to 5 percent of those who quit smoking cold turkey quit for at least 6 to 12 months.

Other Ways to Quit Smoking There is no one way to quit smoking that is right for everyone. Some people prefer to manage acute withdrawal symptoms for a shorter period of time by stopping cold turkey. Others may prefer to quit gradually. Those who choose NRT have yet to decide whether to combine it with an abrupt termination date or take a phased approach. This may mean dealing with milder symptoms for a longer period of time. The American Thoracic Society (ATS) strongly recommends that all people who quit smoking and are dependent on tobacco start with the drug varenicline (Chantix). Treatment should last at least 12 weeks. The ATS recommends varenicline over nicotine patches and the prescription drug bupropion (Wellbutrin). While it’s still not easy, quitting abruptly using NRT increases your chances of quitting long-term, as opposed to quitting gradually, a 2016 study of 697 smokers suggests. In a 2019 meta-analysis, stopping abruptly with the help of NRT also proved to be more successful than the step-by-step approach. You can also look for other ways to quit, such as: counseling or therapy

Quit Smoking Apps Remember that nicotine replacement products can prolong nicotine addiction for some people. Be sure to follow the product’s directions carefully for the best result.

Strategies and Tips to Quit Smoking You can also try to avoid some things that tend to make you want to smoke or have a plan when you encounter them. Here are some tips to help you quit.

Prepare for withdrawal You’re going to get cravings. You’ll probably feel lousy for a few days, too. This is perfectly normal. You can help make the withdrawal phase easier by preparing yourself. Here are some tips to make this phase go as smoothly as possible: Schedule exercise classes or other activities to distract yourself from your cravings.

Have healthy snacks ready. Consider foods that keep your mouth busy, like carrots, pretzels, and apples.

Buy a new book or binge-watch a new show—anything to keep you busy during downtime.

Have cough drops and over-the-counter medicine available for nausea, cough, and other flu-like symptoms you may be experiencing.

Make plans with friends and family. The more support the better.

Replace smoking with another habit or simple activity. Free Smoking Cessation Assistance For additional help or expert advice on quitting smoking: Visit

See freedom from smoking.

Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669).

Know Your Smoking Habits and Triggers Identifying your triggers is another important step that can prepare you for successful smoking cessation. Triggers are things that make you want to smoke. They generally fall into one of four categories: Patterns



Withdrawal Pattern Triggers A pattern trigger is an activity that you associate with smoking. Some common ones are: drinking alcohol or coffee


make a phone call

after sex

work breaks

finish a meal

Driving If you’re used to smoking a cigarette during any of these activities, you need to break the connection between the two. Instead of smoking, you can: Replace a cigarette with gum or candy.

Keep your hand busy by squeezing a stress ball or writing in a journal.

Change up your routine. Drink coffee at a different time or brush your teeth right after you eat. Emotional Triggers Intense emotions often trigger the desire to smoke. Maybe you are used to smoking when you are feeling stressed to escape negative feelings. For some people, smoking is a mood booster when they feel excited or happy. Emotions that can trigger a craving include: Stress







Anger The key to overcoming emotional triggers is finding healthier ways to manage your feelings. Instead of smoking, you can: Talk to someone about what’s bothering you, or share your excitement with a friend or loved one.

Talk to a professional, such as a therapist.

Get support and connect with experts and others quitting smoking on sites like or Quitter’s Circle.

Get some exercise to reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood.

Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, or listening to soothing music. Social triggers Social triggers are social events that other smokers typically attend, such as B.: Parties and social gatherings

bars and discotheques


Being around other smokers The best way to deal with social triggers is to avoid them for a while. Also, avoid being around other people who smoke. This can be very difficult if you have close friends and relatives who smoke. Let her know you have to stop. Ask them not to smoke around you while you’re trying to quit. Eventually it will become easier to be around smokers. Withdrawal Triggers The longer you’ve smoked, the more your body adjusts to taking nicotine on a regular basis. This affects the frequency and severity of your withdrawal symptoms. Common withdrawal triggers include: The smell of cigarette smoke

Craving for the taste or feel of cigarettes

Handling cigarettes, lighters and matches

feel like you have something to do with your hands

Other Withdrawal Symptoms The best way to deal with withdrawal triggers is to distract yourself from the cravings. Start by throwing away your cigarettes and anything related to smoking like ashtrays. As soon as you feel the urge to smoke, find something to do or someone to talk to. If your withdrawal is causing an overwhelming craving and you feel like you need extra help, talk to your doctor about your options.

Pros and Cons of Quitting Smoking The benefits of quitting smoking, no matter how you do it, are endless. Here are some pros and cons to consider when considering quitting cold turkey. Benefits Withdrawal symptoms typically peak within the first 7 days of stopping. Quitting cold turkey will get you over the hill faster than gradually reducing nicotine use.

the termination. Quitting cold turkey will get you over the hill faster than gradually reducing nicotine use. Your body will benefit from being nicotine-free sooner rather than later. Disadvantages Your withdrawal symptoms may be more intense than with a gradual cessation, although this is only temporary.

It is not easy and requires a lot of willpower, especially if you have smoked for a long time.

For some people, combining an abrupt quit date with NRT may increase their chances of quitting smoking.

How do I quit smoking when I enjoy it?

13 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever
  1. Find Your Reason. 1/13. …
  2. Prepare Before You Go ‘Cold Turkey’ 2/13. …
  3. Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy. 3/13. …
  4. Learn About Prescription Pills. 4/13. …
  5. Lean On Your Loved Ones. 5/13. …
  6. Give Yourself a Break. 6/13. …
  7. Avoid Alcohol and Other Triggers. 7/13. …
  8. Clean House. 8/13.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

Many people try several times before finally quitting smoking. If you light up, don’t get discouraged. Instead, think about what led to your relapse, e.g. B. Your emotions or the situation you were in. Take the opportunity to reinforce your commitment to quitting. Once you’ve made the decision to try again, set an “End Date” within the next month.

What is the most effective stop smoking aid?

Chantix (Varenicline): Chantix (Varenicline) is a prescription medication taken as a pill, twice a day. It’s the most effective single product to help you quit smoking.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

If you’re a smoker, don’t just think about craving a cigarette with your morning coffee. Smoking creates a real physical addiction that can be difficult to break.

Nicotine is the addictive ingredient in tobacco. Nicotine replacement therapy can help curb cravings and help you quit smoking. And that’s definitely something you want to do.

Tobacco use accounts for about a third of all cancers. And 90% of lung cancer cases. It also contributes to heart disease, stroke, and lung disease.

“Nicotine replacement therapy is a great place to start when you’re ready to quit tobacco use,” says Paul Cinciripini, Ph.D., director of MD Anderson’s Tobacco Treatment Program and professor of behavioral sciences. “It’s easy to use, has few side effects, and research shows it works for a lot of people.”

If you are a heavy smoker, medication is also available. “Pills prescribed by your doctor are very effective ways to quit,” says Maher Karam-Hage, M.D., associate medical director of MD Anderson’s Tobacco Treatment Program and associate professor of behavioral sciences.

So to quit smoking for good, find out which product is right for you.

Medicines to help you quit smoking

Your local drugstore carries several over-the-counter nicotine replacement products. These include patches, lozenges and chewing gum. Other products like pills, inhalers, and nasal sprays require a doctor’s prescription.

The patch: Once a day, stick a small latex patch on the skin of your upper body. It delivers a constant dose of nicotine. This makes it a good choice for heavy smokers.

Possible side effects:

skin rash


Trouble sleeping or unusual dreams

Rapid heartbeat

Lozenges: Candy-style lozenges are great for a quick dose of nicotine. You put the lozenge in your mouth. It may take five to ten minutes before you feel the effects. Lozenges should dissolve within 30 minutes. Lozenges can also satisfy the need to keep your mouth busy so you aren’t tempted to smoke. Possible side effects:



Chewing gum: Nicotine gum starts working within five to 10 minutes – if you use it correctly. It comes in different flavors and two dosages. Chewing gum only works if you follow the directions and use the right dose. Possible side effects:



Can stick to dentures

Inhalers: The inhaler is a plastic tube similar in size and shape to a pen. When you take a puff, it immediately releases nicotine. It simulates the act of smoking. But you’re not breathing. Possible side effects:


Sore throat

Nasal Spray: Nasal sprays are similar in size and shape to allergy or congestion nasal sprays. However, you should not inhale the spray into your sinuses. Instead, you let the spray sit in your nostril. Nasal sprays are easy to use. And they quickly send nicotine into your bloodstream. Nasal sprays are best for heavy smokers who get strong cravings. Possible side effects:

irritation of the nose

runny nose and watery eyes

May harm children and pets

Chantix (varenicline): Chantix (varenicline) is a prescription drug that’s taken as a pill twice a day. It is the single most effective product to help you quit smoking. And it contains no nicotine. It reduces cravings by acting on the brain like nicotine.

Chantix (varenicline) binds to the nicotine receptors in your brain. It blocks the receptors so smoking a cigarette isn’t as satisfying. It also triggers some of the same rewarding effects as nicotine. This helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and food cravings. Possible side effects:


Vivid Dreams

intestinal gas

Zyband (Bupropion): Zyband (Bupropion) is a prescription medication that is taken as a pill. Like Chantix (varenicline), it contains no nicotine. It works by blocking nicotine receptors in your brain. Possible side effects:


Dry mouth

Slight trembling of the hands

E-cigarettes are not effective cessation aids

There is no evidence that e-cigarettes are safe or can help you quit smoking. However, some people use them and manage to quit.

“We do not recommend using e-cigarettes as a strategy to help smokers quit,” says Karam-Hage. “Sooner or later, smoking can bring a smoker back to cigarettes.”

Know your smoking habits

Before you put on a patch or chew gum, take a good look at your smoking habits.

“I usually recommend people start with a patch and use gum or lozenges for intense cravings that the patch can’t handle,” says Cinciripini.

He also suggests:

Try a different product if you don’t succeed with the first one – or two.

Try product combinations when you have a strong craving.

Fight cravings on all fronts

Whichever path you take:

Talk to your doctor about your plans to quit. Especially if you are considering medication, use more than one nicotine replacement product, or have other health conditions.

Get extra help. According to the National Cancer Institute, combining nicotine replacement therapy with counseling doubles your chances of success.

Get free counseling by calling one of these quitlines: The National Quitline: 1-800-QUIT NOW or text QUIT to 47848 to receive smoke-free text messages. National Cancer Institute: 1-877-44U-QUIT

Remember that there are significant health benefits to quitting smoking, no matter how long you’ve been smoking. Within hours of breaking the habit, your circulation will improve. And within just a few weeks of quitting, your lung function improves. Keep up the good work and within a year your risk of heart disease will be 50% lower.

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking Book Summary

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking Book Summary
The Easy Way To Stop Smoking Book Summary

See some more details on the topic the easy way to stop smoking free pdf here:

Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking [EPUB] – VDOC.PUB

His unique method removes your psychological dependence on cigarettes and literally sets you free. E-Book Information. Series: Allen Carr’s Easyway. Year: 2,011.

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Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Be a Happy Non …

“Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking” is the one that really works. It is the world’s bestselling book on how to give up smoking.

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The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr – Google Play

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking – Ebook written by Allen Carr. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, andro, iOS devices.

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Allen Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking – Free Download PDF

Allen Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking. January 28, 2019 | Author: Cristian Diaconescu | Category: N/A. DOWNLOAD PDF – 83MB. Share Embed Donate.

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Allen Carr Easy Way To Stop Smoking – PDFCOFFEE.COM

Allen Carr Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Allen Carr Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Author / Uploaded; Cristian Diaconescu. Views 437 Downloads 169 File size 83MB.

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Date Published: 7/9/2021

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Allen Carr’s The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently eBook

Allen Carr knows how to help you stop smoking. If you really want to quit buy this book or The Easyway To Stop Smoking. This book was written for those who quit …

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Date Published: 1/20/2021

View: 5470

Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking [EPUB] [2tikui6kbil0]

E-Book Overview


Reading this book is all you need to do to quit smoking. You can even smoke while you read. There’s no fear mongering, you won’t gain weight and quitting won’t feel like withdrawal. If you want to break the habit, then do it.

Allen Carr has helped millions of people become happy non-smokers. Its unique method eliminates your psychological addiction to cigarettes and literally sets you free.

E-Book Information

[PDF] Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Be a Happy Non-smoker for the Rest of Your Life

“Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking” is the one that really works. It is the world’s best-selling book on how to quit smoking. And this is the original and still the best edition of his classic book on how to quit smoking the easy way. Over nine million copies sold worldwide. “It didn’t take willpower. I didn’t miss it at all and I was free.” (ruby wax). Read this book and you will never smoke a cigarette again. The unique method: no scaremongering; no weight gain; the… expand

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr

‘If you follow my instructions, you will be a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life.’

That’s a strong claim by Allen Carr, but as the world’s leading smoking cessation expert, Allen was right to boast!

This classic guide to the world’s most successful smoking cessation method is all you need to start quitting smoking. You can even smoke while you read. There’s no fear mongering, you won’t gain weight and quitting won’t feel like withdrawal. If you want to break the habit, then do it.

Allen Carr has helped millions of people become happy non-smokers. Its unique method eliminates your psychological addiction to cigarettes and literally sets you free.

Praise for Allen Carr’s Easyway:

“I would be happy to give anyone medical confirmation of the method.” – dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“Allen Carr debunks the myth that quitting smoking is difficult” – The Times

“A different approach. A smashing success” – The Sun

“Allen Carr’s method is absolutely unique.” – GQ Magazine

“His method is absolutely unique, it eliminates cigarette addiction while actually smoking.” – Richard Branson

“I found it not only easy, but incredibly comfortable to stand still.” -Sir Anthony Hopkins

Health, Mind & Body

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