To Create A Blank Line In Your Web Page? Trust The Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “to create a blank line in your web page“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

To add a line break to your HTML code, you use the <br> tag. The <br> tag does not have an end tag. You can also add additional lines between paragraphs by using the <br> tags. Each <br> tag you enter creates another blank line.Use <br> tag to insert a blank line in HTML.<br>: The Line Break element.

To create a blank line in your web page
  1. press Enter two times.
  2. press Shift + Enter.
  3. insert <BR> tag.
  4. insert <BLINE>
What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
Q. To create a blank line in your web page
D. insert <bline>
Answer» c. insert <br> tag

Table of Contents

Which of the following is correct for creating a blank line in web page?

To add a line break to your HTML code, you use the <br> tag. The <br> tag does not have an end tag. You can also add additional lines between paragraphs by using the <br> tags. Each <br> tag you enter creates another blank line.

Which tag is used to create a blank line in HTML Mcq?

What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
Q. To create a blank line in your web page
D. insert <bline>
Answer» c. insert <br> tag

How do you blank a row in HTML?

Use <br> tag to insert a blank line in HTML.

Which element is used to insert a blank line in an HTML document?

<br>: The Line Break element.

[Solved] To create a blank line in your web page

element has a single, well-defined purpose – to create a line break in a block of text. As such, it has no dimensions or visual output of its own, and there is very little you can do to style it.

You can set a margin for
elements yourself to increase the spacing between lines of text in the block, but that’s bad practice – you should use the line-height property, which is designed for this purpose.

Which of the following tags creates a blank line?

Some Commonly Used HTML Tags
Tags Use
<BR> Line Break This tag will show a blank line.
<HR> Horizontal Rule Creates a horizontal line on the page.
<!- . . . -> Comment The comments you write in the middle will not show up on the page when viewed.
[Solved] To create a blank line in your web page

use tags

(. . . )* The entire HTML document

( . . . )* The head or prologue of the HTML document

( . . . )* Any other content in the HTML document

. . . The title of the document

. . .

Large first level heading

. . .

Second level heading

. . .

Third level heading

. . .

Fourth level heading

. . .
Fifth level heading

. . .
Sixth level heading small text size

. . . (

)* Paragraph Pressing a return key in the HTML file does not create a new paragraph when the file is viewed. You must use this tag to create a new paragraph.

Line break This tag shows a blank line.

Horizontal line Creates a horizontal line on the page.

Comment The comments you write in the middle will not appear on the page when viewed.

. . . Link (A=Anchor) links the current HTML file to another file. Example: Go back to main menu This displays the file whose name is in quotes. The name of the link, i.e. the colored words that you actually see, is between the first > and the second <. Here the name of the link is Back to Main Menu. Another example is: ILTNet This link takes you to another page on the Internet. You can see the internet address in the quotation marks.

definition list Put
at the beginning,
at the end and
for each “definition term” in the list. Use
for each “definition” of each term Definition is indented.

Element One
Element One Definition

Inline Image Enclose the image name (.gif or .jpg) in quotation marks.

. . . Bold Makes text bold

. . . Italic Makes text italic

Font size This tag changes the font size. It’s better than using the header tag to make the font appear larger.

What is the use of HR /> tag in HTML *?

The <hr> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a shift of topic). The <hr> element is most often displayed as a horizontal rule that is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page.

[Solved] To create a blank line in your web page



Example Use the

tag to define thematic changes in the content:

The Main Languages ​​​​of the Web

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. HTML describes the structure of a website and consists of a number of elements. HTML elements tell the browser how to display content.

CSS is a language that describes how HTML elements should appear on screen, paper, or other media. CSS saves a lot of work because it can control the layout of multiple web pages at the same time.

JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the web. JavaScript can change HTML content and attribute values. JavaScript can change CSS. JavaScript can show and hide HTML elements and more.

Try it yourself »

More “Try it yourself” examples below.

Definition and Use


tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a topic shift).


element is most often displayed as a horizontal line, which is used to separate (or define a change) content on an HTML page.

browser support


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Global Attributes


tag also supports the global attributes in HTML.

event attributes


tag also supports the event attributes in HTML.

More examples

Example of aligning an

element (using CSS):

Try it yourself »

Example A noshaded

(with CSS):

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Example Set the height of an

element (using CSS):

Try it yourself »

Example Set the width of an

element (using CSS):

Try it yourself »

Related Pages

HTML DOM Reference: HR Object

Default CSS settings

Most browsers display the

element with the following default values:

Which are the HTML tags?

HTML Tags by Alphabets
Tag name Description
<head> It defines the head section of an HTML document.
<header> It defines the header of a section or webpage.
<hr> It is used to apply thematic break between paragraph-level elements.
<html> It represents root of an HTML document.
[Solved] To create a blank line in your web page

HTML tags are like keywords that define how the web browser formats and displays the content. With the help of tags, a web browser can differentiate between HTML content and plain content. HTML tags consist of three main parts: opening tag, content and closing tag. However, some HTML tags are not closed tags.

When a web browser reads an HTML document, the browser reads it from top to bottom and from left to right. HTML tags are used to create HTML documents and to reflect their properties. Each HTML tag has different properties.

An HTML file must contain a few essential tags so that the web browser can distinguish between plain text and HTML text. You can use as many tags as you want depending on your code requirement.


Some HTML tags are not closed, for example br and hr.

Tag: br stands for break line, it breaks the line of code.

Tag: hr stands for Horizontal Rule. This tag is used to draw a line across the web page.

DOCTYPE, Title, Link, Meta and Style







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