Tooth Gems With Braces? 97 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “tooth gems with braces“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Can you get tooth gems with braces?

People undergoing orthodontic treatment and children below 12 years should not apply dental jewellery. If you have to, wait till the braces are removed. Those who have crowns or implants cannot get tooth gems affixed. They are only applied to natural teeth.

Can you get tooth gems if you wear a retainer?

Tooth gems are not recommended if you are currently using a clear plastic retainer (Invisalign, Smile Direct) as it will not fit properly over the charm. If you are using a wire type retainer, we encourage you to bring it to your appointment so that we can ensure the gem is placed where it won’t interfere with it.

Can gems mess up your teeth?

Aside from their appearance, there are a number of reasons why tooth gems are a bad idea. For starters, they are really bad for your teeth. When you put a tooth gem on, you are putting an adhesive on your tooth. This can cause the enamel to wear away and increase the likelihood of tooth decay.

Can you put tooth gems on Invisalign?

Just bring it to your appointment and can make sure the placement of the gems doesn’t interfere with it. Unfortunately, if you have the clear plastic tray type (this also applies to Invisalign), it will put too much pressure on your tooth and the gem, so it’s not something I would recommend.

How long do teeth gems last?

How long do tooth gems last? Most tooth gems are semi-permanent and can last anywhere between six months to one year, says Brian Kantor, a cosmetic dentist in New York City. The right aftercare and dental materials used to bond the gemstone to the tooth will help you get the most out of your new dental jewelry.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

With the recent revival of dental gems, flashing your mother-of-pearl has taken on a whole new meaning. Popular in the late ’90s and early 2000s, the timing for this resurgence makes sense: we’re already sticking Y2K-inspired rhinestones to our faces, busting out frosted eyeshadow, and visiting “tanga jeans” that sit so low would that they would even make Paris Hilton blush. It was only a matter of time before sticking butterflies made of Swarovski crystals onto our enamel made a comeback.

Dental bling may be one of this year’s biggest beauty trends, but it’s nothing new. Anthropological records show that dentists adorned teeth with jade, gold, and turquoise as early as the Mayan Empire, according to Anjali Rajpal, a cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills, California, nicknamed “The Diamond Dentist” for the jeweled designs she created for their celebrity clientele.

Tooth jewelry also has significance in black culture – a well-known example being grills first worn by West Indian immigrants in the ’70s and ’90s by hip-hop artists. Grills are decorative covers of gold, silver, or jeweled that snap over one or more teeth and are removed at the end of each day. Tooth gems as we know them today are different from grills, but it’s important to recognize the cultures they came from.

Instead of a mouthful of precious metal, dental gems are usually a single or a few delicate multicolored gems or diamonds that are individually bonded to the teeth. Pinterest is clearly trending, with the site reporting an 85 percent increase in searches for “tooth gems” in the last year alone, while TikTok views for the hashtag #toothgems currently stand at 130.4 million. “Tooth gems add a little touch to a person’s style and are a less invasive way of making a statement than a tattoo,” says Dr. Rajpal curls.

Aesthetics aside, what about the impact of these tiny adornments on dental health? We asked experts to share with us how dental gems can be safely applied and cared for.

Meet the experts:

Anjali Rajpal, DMD, a cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills, California.

Michael Apa, DDS, an esthetic dentist in New York City.

Brian Kantor, DDS, a cosmetic dentist in New York City.

How Are Tooth Gems Applied?

Every bite is different, so there is no way around a consultation – sorry, dental prescription. “[A consultation] is also an opportunity to consider my clients’ style and personality when I work with them on their jewelry design,” says Dr. Rajpal.

How much does a tooth gem cost?

Tooth Gem Price Total
Small Gem (1.5-1.8mm) $15 $65
Large Gem (2mm+) $25 $75
Gold Gem (without stone) $60 $110
Gold Gem (with stone/diamond) $100 $150

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

The Virginia DPOR does not set a minimum age for dental calculus as this is a fairly new practice, therefore our studio requires clients to be at least 14 years of age. Parent/guardian consent and attendance at procedure is required for ALL minors.

If you are under the age of 18, you must present either a learner’s permit, driver’s license, passport OR the combination of a birth certificate and photo school ID card. The last name or address of the parent/legal guardian and the minor must match to prove guardianship.

Age and identity requirements are complete as long as they meet all 3 requirements (legal name, photo and date of birth) in any combination that is verifiable and preferably at least one form of government issued ID.

If you have questions about required identification, call 540-710-0580.

Why are my tooth gems falling off?

As it is attached to the tooth surface, the tooth gem has a possibility of falling off due to the pressure of excessive bite force, however, in such a case, it does no harm to your teeth. It can be re-attached if it falls off.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

What is tooth jewellery?

It is a kind of gem that is attached to the tooth surface to add glamor to your smile. Tooth diamonds can also be used if desired. They are accessories that attach to teeth.

How is tooth jewelry attached?

It is attached to the surface of the tooth by the dentist using special adhesives without cracking.

Does the tooth jewelry fall off over time?

Since it is attached to the tooth surface, there is a possibility that the tooth jewelry will fall off due to the pressure of excessive bite force, but in such a case it will not harm your teeth. It can be reattached if dropped.

How is the dental diamond attached?

Tooth diamond is a natural stone and the attached surface is tapered. To match this pointed surface to the tooth, a small abrasion is made on the tooth surface, as small as the diameter of the sharp part of the diamond. The special adhesive is applied between the tooth and the diamond.

Can the tooth gem or tooth diamond be removed if I want?

The tooth gem or tooth diamond can be removed at any time and your tooth will be polished to regain its original appearance.

Will dental gem damage my tooth?

Since it is only attached to the surface of the tooth, it does not damage the tooth.

Can I attach the tooth jewelry myself? Why should I see a dentist?

There are tooth gems on the market that you can install yourself; However, the adhesive material does not have the same content as that used by your dentist. In such a case, the gem can fall off, causing permanent discoloration and damaging your tooth. If you install the gemstone yourself, the overflowing adhesives will create an unpolished surface that will facilitate plaque formation and cause discoloration. Therefore, we advise you to consult a dentist for this procedure.

Will the tooth gem cause irritation on my lips?

Its surface is smooth so it won’t irritate your lips.

Does its color change over time and does it require special care?

Its color does not change over time and it does not require any special care other than daily oral hygiene.

The author of the article: Dt. Imren Hocaoğlu.

Can you put diamonds on braces?

Diamond braces also referred to as mini-diamond braces are braces that are made from stainless steel. They are considerably smaller than the metal braces that are traditionally used. When combined with ligatures that blend with your teeth, they are less noticeable as well.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

When you need orthodontic correction, you have a variety of options to get the best results. Gone are the days when normal or traditional braces were the only alternative to straightening your teeth. The choice is yours and you can customize your treatment plan to suit your needs, whether you choose clear aligners or braces behind your teeth.

The most important thing you can do is educate yourself about your options. Diamond braces are another alternative that you may not be aware of that can give you optimal results.

What are diamond clasps?

Diamond braces, also known as mini diamond braces, are braces made of stainless steel. They are significantly smaller than the metal clasps that are conventionally used.

They are also less noticeable when combined with ligatures that fuse with your teeth. The treatment time is comparable to conventional braces.

Diamond Braces vs. Regular Braces

Diamond braces differ from regular or traditional braces in their size and the comfort they offer to the patient. Because brackets are not as pronounced, they cause less irritation in the mouth and gums.

Many patients choose this alternative for orthodontic treatment because they do not stand out so clearly from the metal brackets previously used for orthodontic correction.

Choosing the best treatment method for you

The best treatment plan depends on you. Your orthodontist will assess your need for orthodontic correction, whether you have an overbite, underbite, space, or crowding.

The next step is choosing a plan to align your teeth, whether you choose diamond braces, traditional braces, or clear aligners.

Once you’ve decided on a treatment plan, you can start moving toward a healthier, happier smile. Aligning your teeth doesn’t just improve your appearance. It will make good oral hygiene easier for you.

Learn about diamond braces and more

Contact the office of Dr. Brodie Bowman to learn more about diamond braces and all your treatment options. You can discuss the cost and duration of your treatment plan to decide the best path to straight teeth.

Imagine being able to flash your bright whites more often after completing your orthodontic treatment. Your smile is your calling card, opening doors for you everywhere from work to social attitudes to relationships. Transform your teeth with a little help from us. Diamond braces may be the best choice for you.

How do you brush your teeth with a tooth gem?

Getting gems on your tooth won’t affect your brushing in any way. Just the way you brush your teeth twice, you can continue doing so. You should avoid using an electric brush for a while after you get the gem fixed on your tooth. Also, don’t put much pressure on your newly fixed gem, as it may get displaced.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

Cosmetic Dentistry Miami: FAQs on Dental Gems

Posted at 3:00 p.m. in Dental Health

How many of you have seen jewels set in the teeth of celebrities and pop stars? Many of us! People are still fascinated by these dental accessories, but did you know that there’s no harm in getting one?

If you’ve searched “where to get teeth gems made near me” then a few questions must be running through your mind. So here in this blog we are going to discuss the most frequently asked question about dental gems.

Cosmetic Dentistry Miami: 5 FAQs on Dental Gems

Is the process painful?

Many people believe that getting a cosmetic dentistry service in Miami is going to be a painful experience. But in reality, most services are painless, including dental gems. The process of setting a gemstone in your tooth is a non-surgical process, meaning you don’t have to deal with injections and anesthesia. Getting a gem in your tooth doesn’t even require drilling, making it a painless process.

Does the piece of jewelry affect cleaning?

Another popular question about dental gems is about brushing your teeth and the problems that come with it. Getting gems on your tooth doesn’t affect brushing in any way. Just as you brush your teeth twice, you can continue to do so. You should refrain from using an electric brush for a while after attaching the gemstone to your tooth. Also, don’t put a lot of pressure on your newly attached gem, as it may shift.

Does jewelry have side effects on oral health?

A piece of jewelry on your teeth has no consequences for your health. Before the piece of jewelry is attached, it is thoroughly cleaned by the dentist, so that infection or other problems can be ruled out. Even if the jewel is swallowed with food, it will come out without doing any harm.

How long does the jewelry last?

The jewelry is fixed in the tooth without drilling, which makes people doubt its longevity. You should know that the jewelry placed on your teeth can last anywhere from 6 months to a year. There is no set duration for how long it gets stuck, if your eating habits include hard biting, frequent eating, and chewing, it can come off prematurely.

Does it cause problems with chewing?

A jewel on the teeth is believed to cause the problem with chewing food. But this is not the case, you may feel for a few days that there is a new element in your mouth, but you will soon get used to its presence. And you will not have any problems in everyday life and when eating.


At Sher Dental, we offer the best cosmetic dentistry in Miami. Whether you need emergency dental treatment or orthodontic dentistry, you can get all dental services with us. All of our dentists have years of experience dealing with different types of dental problems and believe in providing quality services that meet the needs of the client. So if you want to have a beautiful smile, make an appointment now!

How do dentists remove tooth gems?

To remove the gems, Dr. Huang uses a drill that essentially polishes the gem and bonding off the tooth. “The whole process is similar to removing braces,” she says. Tooth gem removal takes more time than the application because it won’t simply pop off.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

Between radiant hair and glittering makeup, 2022 is shaping up to be the year of lustrous beauty trends. But if hair and makeup adornments aren’t quite your thing, you can also sparkle with tooth gems. That’s right, according to the Pinterest Predicts report, adding tiny accents to your teeth is predicted to be one of the biggest trends of the year.

“We’ve had a lot of people have dental gems applied,” says Dr. Sharon Huang, a cosmetic dentist and founder of Les Belles NYC Dentistry. “A lot of people are still video conferencing on Zoom, and you know, they can’t exactly wear their best outfit, so they wear it on their teeth.”

However, the subtle glitter is not new. In fact, as reported by POPSUGAR, tooth ornaments can be traced back to the ancient Mayans. Larger teeth like grills were also popularized by hip-hop artists in the ’90s. Aside from the size, according to Dr. Huang one of the main differences between grills and toothed gems is reversibility. “You can take most grills out yourself, but tartar needs to be removed by a professional.”

The tiny embellishments come in a variety of shapes and sizes so you can customize your look. Although round gems are the most popular, you can find fun shapes like butterflies, crosses, and even scissors.

If you’re considering getting dental gems, read on for a full overview of what to expect – from the application process to care and removal.

How are tartars applied?

First and foremost, dental gems should only be applied by a professional – not only to prevent tooth damage, but also to ensure the gem does not fall off.

according to dr Huang, the application process is pretty simple. “It’s like having a filling in your tooth,” she says. “Like a filling, we use a bonding material to seal the gemstone onto the tooth. Once it’s done, there’s actually a clear protective layer over the gemstone.”

The entire process takes around 15-20 minutes per gem and is completely safe as the gems sit on the teeth and do not penetrate the enamel. The gems can also be placed on each tooth, but Dr. Huang says the canines are the most popular spot.

How long do calculus last?

Dental gems are a long-term commitment — when applied properly by a professional, they can last for years, says Dr. Huang

Are tooth gems permanent?

Tooth gems are exactly what they sound like: tiny jewels, usually just a few millimeters in size, applied to the tooth with an adhesive. The gems are temporary — there’s no drilling involved — but permanent issues can arise if they are not installed properly.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

When her friends started posting their photos of their gemstones online, Ms Garcia’s direct messages were flooded with requests. That’s when she and Frau Kleiner began to get serious. They researched more thoroughly and visited Mrs. Kleiner’s dentist to buy tools and find out about hygiene measures. Eventually, they upgraded from their starter kit gems to Swarovski crystals.

As their business grew, the two women began hosting pop-ups. They said they have been approached by brands including Nike and Red Bull Music to work on sponsored events around the city. More than “100 people walked around Chicago with something of ours on the tooth,” said Ms. Kleiner.

But the women continued to have doubts. “We were like, ‘Do we need a license?'” said Ms. Kleiner, noting that neither of them had a dental background. “For all we know, we could do something totally bad.” Eventually, concerns prompted Ms. Garcia to pull out of the game.

Susie Juray, the founder of a Los Angeles-based dental gem dealer called Tooth Kandy, has some D.I.Y. glitches. Try firsthand. She said a woman drove all the way from San Francisco to beg for her help after an inexpensive procedure severely discolored the woman’s tooth.

“Someone used a very cheap bondage – probably a bondage that shouldn’t even be put on the inside of a mouth – and it started tanning,” Ms Juray said. She rushed the woman to a dentist to have the material removed. “Part of it has come loose. Some of it didn’t, and so her tooth was damaged,” she said.

What are tooth gems stuck on with?

Tooth gems are when jewels are attached to the surface of your teeth with a powerful adhesive, which is designed to hold them in place for 6+ months. For some, one small stone is applied to the center of the tooth. For others, a jewel-encrusted cap is placed on an entire tooth or an entire row of teeth.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

From denim-on-denim outfits to crop tops and mom jeans, many ’90s trends have been back in the limelight lately. Unfortunately, a fashion statement has also resurfaced: tooth gems. With internet influencers and lifestyle celebrities like Kylie Jenner showing off their smiles as “upgrades,” more and more patients are keen to explore this fad. Unfortunately, not that much is said about the risk involved in connecting crystal tooth gems. Read on to learn why you should pass on tooth jewelry.

What are Tooth Gems?

Tooth gems are attached to the surface of your teeth with a strong adhesive that is said to keep them in place for more than 6 months. For some, a small stone is placed in the center of the tooth. For others, a jeweled cap is placed over an entire tooth or row of teeth. This trend has been popularized by a range of celebrities, from pop stars like Katy Perry to famous rappers like Lil’ Wayne.

The Dangers of Gems Sticking to Your Teeth

Whether you love the trend or don’t quite understand why it’s so popular, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers of applying dental gems to your teeth. Some of the risks are:

Food debris, plaque, and bacteria get trapped around and under jewelry, leading to significant tooth decay.

Chronic bad breath from retention of food and debris trapped by the gemstones.

Picking up impurities in non-approved semi-precious stones, copper, diamonds, etc.

Significant discoloration from poor oral care that needs to be corrected by restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

enamel erosion.

Safe, Effective Smile Enhancement Options to Consider Instead

When it comes to your smile, there’s no room for error, which is why it’s best to stick to safe, tested, and effective cosmetic treatments. Rather than settle for a dental fad that can cause significant damage and be considered out of style in no time, upgrade your smile with one of the following:


Metal-free restorations

teeth whitening


Cosmetic Binding

If your favorite celebrity wears tartar and inspires you to do the same, it’s important to remember the potential long-term damage it can cause. Simply put, this is a fashion trend not worth trying.

About the practice

At Heart of Texas Smiles, patients can benefit from the expertise of two accomplished dentists, a full range of services, and a patient-centric approach to care. dr Nick Cobb, Dr. Theresa Lassetter and our entire team are united behind our mission of maintaining your oral health and beautiful smile, which is why it’s so important to shed light on the dangers of risky trends like dental gems. If you would like to learn more about why you should avoid this fashion trend or to book an appointment with our team, visit our website or call us at 254-776-3310.

When can I eat after getting tooth gems?

Don’t eat for one hour after crystal is applied, you may drink immediately. Only eat soft foods for the first 12 hours.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

No! We bond the piece of jewelery to the enamel of your tooth, similar to an orthodontic bracket, without pain or drilling. Attaching or removing this piece of jewelry is similar to removing orthodontic brackets. Removal involves lifting off the jewelry and polishing the tooth to remove any connecting material.

Why does my tooth gem keep falling off?

As it is attached to the tooth surface, the tooth gem has a possibility of falling off due to the pressure of excessive bite force, however, in such a case, it does no harm to your teeth. It can be re-attached if it falls off.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

What is tooth jewellery?

It is a kind of gem that is attached to the tooth surface to add glamor to your smile. Tooth diamonds can also be used if desired. They are accessories that attach to teeth.

How is tooth jewelry attached?

It is attached to the surface of the tooth by the dentist using special adhesives without cracking.

Does the tooth jewelry fall off over time?

Since it is attached to the tooth surface, there is a possibility that the tooth jewelry will fall off due to the pressure of excessive bite force, but in such a case it will not harm your teeth. It can be reattached if dropped.

How is the dental diamond attached?

Tooth diamond is a natural stone and the attached surface is tapered. To match this pointed surface to the tooth, a small abrasion is made on the tooth surface, as small as the diameter of the sharp part of the diamond. The special adhesive is applied between the tooth and the diamond.

Can the tooth gem or tooth diamond be removed if I want?

The tooth gem or tooth diamond can be removed at any time and your tooth will be polished to regain its original appearance.

Will dental gem damage my tooth?

Since it is only attached to the surface of the tooth, it does not damage the tooth.

Can I attach the tooth jewelry myself? Why should I see a dentist?

There are tooth gems on the market that you can install yourself; However, the adhesive material does not have the same content as that used by your dentist. In such a case, the gem can fall off, causing permanent discoloration and damaging your tooth. If you install the gemstone yourself, the overflowing adhesives will create an unpolished surface that will facilitate plaque formation and cause discoloration. Therefore, we advise you to consult a dentist for this procedure.

Will the tooth gem cause irritation on my lips?

Its surface is smooth so it won’t irritate your lips.

Does its color change over time and does it require special care?

Its color does not change over time and it does not require any special care other than daily oral hygiene.

The author of the article: Dt. Imren Hocaoğlu.

What are tooth gems stuck on with?

Tooth gems are when jewels are attached to the surface of your teeth with a powerful adhesive, which is designed to hold them in place for 6+ months. For some, one small stone is applied to the center of the tooth. For others, a jewel-encrusted cap is placed on an entire tooth or an entire row of teeth.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

From denim-on-denim outfits to crop tops and mom jeans, many ’90s trends have been back in the limelight lately. Unfortunately, a fashion statement has also resurfaced: tooth gems. With internet influencers and lifestyle celebrities like Kylie Jenner showing off their smiles as “upgrades,” more and more patients are keen to explore this fad. Unfortunately, not that much is said about the risk involved in connecting crystal tooth gems. Read on to learn why you should pass on tooth jewelry.

What are Tooth Gems?

Tooth gems are attached to the surface of your teeth with a strong adhesive that is said to keep them in place for more than 6 months. For some, a small stone is placed in the center of the tooth. For others, a jeweled cap is placed over an entire tooth or row of teeth. This trend has been popularized by a range of celebrities, from pop stars like Katy Perry to famous rappers like Lil’ Wayne.

The Dangers of Gems Sticking to Your Teeth

Whether you love the trend or don’t quite understand why it’s so popular, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers of applying dental gems to your teeth. Some of the risks are:

Food debris, plaque, and bacteria get trapped around and under jewelry, leading to significant tooth decay.

Chronic bad breath from retention of food and debris trapped by the gemstones.

Picking up impurities in non-approved semi-precious stones, copper, diamonds, etc.

Significant discoloration from poor oral care that needs to be corrected by restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

enamel erosion.

Safe, Effective Smile Enhancement Options to Consider Instead

When it comes to your smile, there’s no room for error, which is why it’s best to stick to safe, tested, and effective cosmetic treatments. Rather than settle for a dental fad that can cause significant damage and be considered out of style in no time, upgrade your smile with one of the following:


Metal-free restorations

teeth whitening


Cosmetic Binding

If your favorite celebrity wears tartar and inspires you to do the same, it’s important to remember the potential long-term damage it can cause. Simply put, this is a fashion trend not worth trying.

About the practice

At Heart of Texas Smiles, patients can benefit from the expertise of two accomplished dentists, a full range of services, and a patient-centric approach to care. dr Nick Cobb, Dr. Theresa Lassetter and our entire team are united behind our mission of maintaining your oral health and beautiful smile, which is why it’s so important to shed light on the dangers of risky trends like dental gems. If you would like to learn more about why you should avoid this fashion trend or to book an appointment with our team, visit our website or call us at 254-776-3310.

Are tooth gems permanent?

Tooth gems are exactly what they sound like: tiny jewels, usually just a few millimeters in size, applied to the tooth with an adhesive. The gems are temporary — there’s no drilling involved — but permanent issues can arise if they are not installed properly.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

When her friends started posting their photos of their gemstones online, Ms Garcia’s direct messages were flooded with requests. That’s when she and Frau Kleiner began to get serious. They researched more thoroughly and visited Mrs. Kleiner’s dentist to buy tools and find out about hygiene measures. Eventually, they upgraded from their starter kit gems to Swarovski crystals.

As their business grew, the two women began hosting pop-ups. They said they have been approached by brands including Nike and Red Bull Music to work on sponsored events around the city. More than “100 people walked around Chicago with something of ours on the tooth,” said Ms. Kleiner.

But the women continued to have doubts. “We were like, ‘Do we need a license?'” said Ms. Kleiner, noting that neither of them had a dental background. “For all we know, we could do something totally bad.” Eventually, concerns prompted Ms. Garcia to pull out of the game.

Susie Juray, the founder of a Los Angeles-based dental gem dealer called Tooth Kandy, has some D.I.Y. glitches. Try firsthand. She said a woman drove all the way from San Francisco to beg for her help after an inexpensive procedure severely discolored the woman’s tooth.

“Someone used a very cheap bondage – probably a bondage that shouldn’t even be put on the inside of a mouth – and it started tanning,” Ms Juray said. She rushed the woman to a dentist to have the material removed. “Part of it has come loose. Some of it didn’t, and so her tooth was damaged,” she said.

Is This Tooth Trend Safe? | Tooth Gems

Is This Tooth Trend Safe? | Tooth Gems
Is This Tooth Trend Safe? | Tooth Gems

See some more details on the topic tooth gems with braces here:

Q & A – Love Crystals Namaste

Q: Can I Get Tooth Gems If I Have Braces? A: It’s Suggested To Wait Until You Get Your Braces Removed First. Once They Are Removed You Will Have More Tooth.

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tooth gem kit –

Luretrap-DIY Tooth Gem Kit with Curing Light and Glue,20 Pieces … for Sensitive Teeth, Gum, Braces Care 32X LED Light Tooth Whitener, …

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Tooth Gem FAQ | Live By The Sword Tattoo

The process is very similar to the technique for attaching traditional braces to teeth. How do I remove the tooth gem when I no longer want it?

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Date Published: 7/2/2022

View: 3878

Tooth Jewellery- Yay or Nay?

June 11, 2021

Tooth jewelry is a new fashion trend, a new way to enhance your smile. If you are a trendy person looking for an exotic way to accentuate your smile, cosmetic dentistry is for you.

While there are several other cosmetic procedures that can correct, alter, and improve the appearance of your teeth, dental gems are more about style.

They make your smile more individual, unique and fashionable. At Kirkland Dentistry we are receiving an increasing number of requests for this.

The style-crazy citizens are all about it. How you choose them is a very personal choice!

To help you decide, go through this overview.

What is tooth jewellery?

Tooth jewelry is an accessory that is attached to the front of the tooth. These are small gems or precious metal charms that can be glued onto any of your teeth.

There are many designs to choose from and you can choose an accessory depending on your mood or what you want to express with your smile.

You can choose your birthstone, color of choice, or a pendant that reflects your personality, hobby, or profession.

They don’t damage your teeth. The process is 100% reversible.

Does the tooth jewelry stay forever?

The gems or charms will be glued according to your choice. A semi-permanent inlay stays on natural teeth until you decide to have them removed. To do this, you need to see a professional dentist.

In our practice at Kirkland Premier Dentistry, we’ve seen them last from a minimum of six months to many years.

We manufacture teeth jewelry at competitive prices and we are constantly evolving with new trends.

You can even have a real gem glued to the surface to create your own style. The temporary assignment lasts two to six weeks or according to your choice.

Also read: What to do in a dental emergency?

What is the procedure?

Tooth jewelry is attached to the front of the teeth with an attachment material. This adhesive is similar to that used when attaching braids or composites.

The piece of jewelery is then cured with UV light for curing.

Whenever you want to have the gem removed, you can visit your local Kirkland dentist. He will remove it and polish the underlying surface while removing the bonding material.

At Kirkland Premier Dentistry, Dr. Gaurav Sharma completed more than 400 hours of continuing education from the renowned AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry). It applies the latest research and advances in dentistry to provide patients with the best dental care.

Both procedures do not require drilling or local anesthesia. It’s a painless process.

Does it feel uncomfortable?

Well, the tooth jewelry is just 0.4mm to 0.9mm thick & 1.8mm to 3mm in diameter.

It may take you a while to get used to it. It would feel a bit different in the beginning but then it becomes normal after a few days of use.

Do the gems prevent brushing?

As far as dental hygiene is concerned, there is no problem. You don’t have to change your brushing and flossing routine in any way.

However, on the first day after applying the jewel, it is recommended not to use the electronic brush.

Can the gems accidentally come loose?

It is very unlikely and we have not seen such a case in our practice. Always get tooth jewelry from professional dentists and not from non-dentists.

The tiny gems are made of non-toxic materials, have soft edges, and are attached with safe and strong adhesives.

Even if they detach and are swallowed (very unlikely), they would pass out naturally.

Can I do the scaling despite the gems?

Absolutely yes. You can have your teeth professionally cleaned and it is recommended for everyone every 6 months. Your tooth jewelry will not interfere with the procedure.

Is tooth jewelry suitable for everyone?

People undergoing orthodontic treatment and children under the age of 12 should not wear tooth jewellery. If you must, wait for the braces to be removed.

Those who have crowns or implants cannot have dental gems placed. They are only applied to natural teeth.

If there is tooth decay or other problems, treat them first before choosing tooth jewelry.


An extraordinary smile brightens your face and makes your personality attractive. If you are looking for a different approach to style your face, you can consider accessories like tartars.

Installed by dentists, they are safe, do not damage teeth in any way and are reversible.

You can speak to our dentist at Kirkland Premier Dentistry and discuss your options for getting them.

For dental emergencies of any kind, you are welcome to contact us online or call the practice. We are happy to help you with all your dental concerns.


Does the application process hurt?

Not at all! The process of applying tooth gemstones is safe and simple, no drilling required. The process takes about 10-15 minutes. Our trained professionals use a dental etchant and adhesive to bond the dental gems to the tooth. An LED light is used to cure the adhesive to ensure a long lasting bond. The process is very similar to the technique used to attach traditional braces.

How do I remove the tooth jewelry if I no longer want it?

They should fall off naturally. We do not offer tartar removal. They can be removed at any time by your dentist or dental hygienist.

Can I still have my teeth cleaned by a dentist?

Yes, they can just brush around the gem. Always practice good dental hygiene.

Will the gem harm my tooth?

No, it’s absolutely safe. You can be assured that our dental technicians are trained in their professional application and use the highest quality dental grade materials.

Can I get tooth jewelry on my crown or veneer?

Dental gems cannot be applied to artificial tooth surfaces such as crowns, copings, veneers or dentures.

What are Swarovski crystals?

Genuine Swarovski crystals are lead-free and non-toxic. They contain NO hazardous plastics or acrylics and are safe for oral use. They are stain resistant with a flat back and foiled platinum finish.

Can I get a tooth jewel if I’m under 18 with parental permission?

Yes. You must be at least 18 years of age to receive a tooth jewel, or under 18 with parental consent. Your parent/guardian and proper ID must be present.

Is the adhesive bonding agent safe for my teeth?

Yes, it is a dental adhesive used in the application of traditional braces.

Are tooth gems and grills bad for your teeth?

There have been countless questionable fashion trends over the years, but for the most part, none of them have affected your teeth. Well, now a trend is returning that is changing the look of your teeth. Hopefully you don’t feel compelled to try this trend as it’s not safe for your teeth.

Tooth gems are coming back. Coming back from the ’90s, this practice of putting tiny rhinestones on teeth is becoming popular again. A number of celebrities have been spotted wearing these gems, which look like tiny specks of gold or silver on their teeth. Everyone from Katy Perry to Kylie Jenner has little gems on their teeth. This is a problem as it tends to appeal to younger age groups who look up to them. Teenagers are too young to understand the lasting impact such trends can have on their dental health.

Aside from their looks, there are a number of reasons why tooth gems are a bad idea. First of all they are really bad for your teeth. When you apply a tooth gem, you apply an adhesive to your tooth. This can cause tooth enamel to wear down and increase the likelihood of tooth decay. It also leads to discoloration on the affected teeth.

Worse, these tooth gems are designed to last anywhere from six months to a year. That’s a long time to leave a foreign object covering part of your tooth. With this, you may not be able to brush your teeth properly. This makes you vulnerable to tooth decay and serious damage to your teeth. Also, you don’t know what your tooth will look like when you take it off. Will there be a permanent discoloration that will accompany you for years to come?

They also interfere with brushing your teeth properly. This leaves you vulnerable to cavities if stray food and bacteria get trapped underneath. Also, these gems are usually applied at home, which makes them even more risky. A dentist can assess the risks of a particular adhesive or tooth jewel, but you’ll likely follow the directions on the package without giving much thought to how it will affect your teeth in the long term.

Tooth grills are even worse than tooth jewellery. These were popularized by rappers and will likely make a comeback alongside tooth gems. These are made from metals that can irritate your gums and cause an allergic reaction. The associated risks far outweigh the benefits of following a trend or adapting.

If you want to change or improve the appearance of your teeth, you should consider professional teeth whitening. This is a more natural looking and safer way to improve the appearance of your smile without potentially causing cavities, cavities, and other serious problems.

If you are interested in learning more about how dental gemstones and other similar trends can affect your teeth in the long term, give our office a call today.

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