Trophy Wife Dating Site? Quick Answer

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How do I get a trophy wife?

Trophy Wife Meaning: 11 Ways To Be A Trophy Wife
  1. Take care of yourself.
  2. Work on your body.
  3. Improve your posture.
  4. Be in the right environment.
  5. Be socially engaging.
  6. Work hard at the relationship.
  7. Wear form-fitted clothes.
  8. Have the edge over others.

How do you know if you’re a trophy wife?

10 Signs That You’re A Trophy Wife
  1. You never have to worry about money. …
  2. You have stalkers. …
  3. You have restraining orders out against your stalkers. …
  4. You have your own single white female. …
  5. You never see your husband. …
  6. You receive extravagant gifts from said husband. …
  7. You have haters. …
  8. You’re always aspiring for more.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

You’ve heard of them and maybe even aspire to be one, but how do you know you’ve finally made it? Here are 10 signs that confirm you’re a Trophy Wife.

10. You never have to worry about money.

You don’t have a job, but you’re on first name terms with the saleswomen at Chanel, Hermes and Prada. Your credit cards are magically paid off every month, and when you shop, never look at the price tag.

9. You have stalkers.

Men are enchanted by you and appear randomly at events you attend. Anonymous cards and gifts will be left at your doorstep; You have random people calling your cell phone and professing their love for you.

8. You issued restraining orders against your stalkers

You’ve finally realized that at least some of the men who are staring at you and who somehow show up at certain social events might not be right in the head, so you’ve taken legal action just to get those creeps out of your life. Until now you thought all the attention was good. Now you understand that sometimes it’s just plain scary.

7. You have your own single white woman.

You have girlfriends who will impersonate you to the point of stalking you – they dress like you, make friends with your friends, stalk your Facebook account, and even follow you on Foursquare so they just “accidentally” show up where you are. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I just think it’s bullshit. See point 8.

6. You never see your husband.

You’re used to seeing your husband between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a good weekday. Usually you have no idea where in the world he is, and if anyone asks you, answer, “He works on a business somewhere.”

5. You receive extravagant gifts from said husband

To stave off your husband’s guilt for neglecting you, he’ll shower you with extravagant gifts like Hermes Birkin bags, Cartier Panther rings and ridiculously large diamonds when he returns. So it feels wrong to let him know that you actually enjoy having the penthouse to yourself.

4. You have haters

Mostly sluts who pretend to be your best friend but behind you bad mouth you to whoever will listen while trying to sleep with your husband. Haters will always try to undermine your position as a trophy wife, usually with comments like “you wouldn’t understand, you don’t work”. Your response should be, “Oh, I see. Is it that you don’t understand the concept of dieting?”

3. You always strive for more

Everyone has ambitions – who said it always has to be career driven? They never settle for second best. Flying first class is nice, but what about the private jet? There will always be someone who has more money than you, so always push your man to make more money.

2. Your ring does not comply with the 3 month rule.

It’s so silly to think that the three month salary rule was introduced by the diamond and jewelry industry to get men to spend more money on an engagement ring to get the money flowing into the industry. I personally think it’s a trick for men to spend less than their wives want.

If your fiancee tells you she doesn’t want a bigger, more expensive diamond, she’s lying. Diamonds are like penises – the bigger the better. There should never be a cap on the cost of an engagement ring – you never ask a lady to compromise on a diamond.

And the number 1 sign that you’re a trophy wife?

1. Your husband is the epitome of loaded

Her husband has so much money that simple tasks like checking ATM receipts, checking a bill before paying at a restaurant, or the aforementioned scanning of price tags when shopping seem completely non-existent in his life.

He buys what he wants, whenever he wants and the only thing he needs to think about before buying is whether he has time in his schedule to use this product. He makes sure that literally everything he owns, whether it’s a car, television or swimming pool, is always the latest and most efficient model, or he simply buys a new one.

@_Trophy_Wife | Elite.

Does a trophy wife work?

When researchers compared qualities such as level of attractiveness and socioeconomic status within couples, they found almost no evidence of the trophy wife stereotype, which suggests attractive, young women tend to marry rich and successful men.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

Facebook/Trophy Wife

Here’s some bad news for men with hugely successful careers and big wallets: You probably won’t end up with a “trophy wife,” a new study suggests.

When researchers compared traits such as attractiveness and socioeconomic status within couples, they found almost no evidence of the trophy wife stereotype, which suggests that attractive, young women tend to marry rich and successful men.

Instead, couples are much more likely to get together because they share similar traits. For example, attractive, wealthy, or highly educated people are more likely to choose a partner with the same characteristics. The same applies to less attractive, low-income or less educated people. Marriages to trophy wives are still happening, but not nearly as often as expected, the study found. [7 Beauty Trends That Are Bad For Your Health]

“I find that good-looking men work with pretty women and successful men work with successful women,” Elizabeth McClintock, a professor of sociology at Notre Dame who conducted the study, said in a statement. “So, on average, high-level men have better-looking wives, but that’s because they’re considered better-looking themselves — maybe because they’re less likely to be overweight and more likely to be able to afford braces, nice clothes, trips to the US to see a dermatologist, etc.”

McClintock analyzed the characteristics of about 1,500 couples in their early 20s who were either married, living together, or had been together for at least three months. She looked for evidence of beauty status exchanges: attractive people “trading” their good looks for a wealthy or high social status partner.

The exchange of beauty status allows an attractive woman to climb the social ladder by marrying a wealthy and often less attractive partner. While McClintock found a strong correlation between attractiveness levels and socioeconomic status, the two traits usually go hand-in-hand. Studies published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and the National Bureau of Economic Research have shown that more attractive people tend to be more economically successful, and this may explain why the stereotype persists.

“I’ve heard of doctor wives being referred to as trophy wives by observers who only notice their looks and status and don’t realize that he’s good looking too and that she’s also a successful professional — or was before she had kids and has her job.” abandoned,” McClintock said in the statement.

McClintock’s study, published June 9 in the journal American Sociological Review, also reveals a problem with the “wife” part of the trophy wife cliché. While a study published last August in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that men may be threatened by women’s success, the few couples who did show some sort of beauty status swap weren’t always the less attractive, but more successful partner a man. So trophy husbands are probably just as common (or uncommon) as trophy wives.

Additionally, McClintock found that the evidence for any kind of beauty status swap disappeared for more engaged couples. If the study included only the 543 married couples and discarded the dates of the other couples who live together or just date, McClintock says there would be absolutely no evidence that looks are exchanged for money.

Trophy wives aren’t the only marriage myth being busted by science. Researchers, who detailed their work in April 2013’s The Review of Economics and Statistics, have given “sugar daddies” the kibosh and found that men married to younger women make less money than their peers to women of the same age.

Follow Kelly Dickerson on Twitter. Follow us on @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Original article on Live Science.

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What age difference is trophy wife?

Most points lie below the oblique red line indicating partners of the same age, because husbands tend to be a few years (1-10) older than their wives. Women more than 20 years younger than their husbands are “trophy wives”, while men more than 20 years younger than their wives are “toy boys”.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

Source: Original caricature by Alexandra Martin

Source: BurgererSF public domain image of a painting in the National Museum in Warsaw.

Whenever a prominent wealthy man marries a much younger bride — disparagingly dubbed a “trophy wife” — a media storm usually ensues. An extreme case is the 1994 marriage of 89-year-old oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall to 26-year-old Anna Nicole Smith, a former Playboy Playmate. But in the western world, such unions seem to have been rare for ages. The title of Lucas Cranach the Elder’s painting The Odd Couple of 1550 aptly conveys the public condemnation of old men marrying much younger women. The young woman’s hand, which discreetly reaches into her husband’s handbag, indicates the hard-nosed financial interest that is commonly attributed to such a “gold digger”. In fact, in the vast majority of marriages in Western society, there is little age disparity, with grooms mostly 2-5 years older than their brides. Trophy wives who are 20 years younger or older are striking outliers. And even rarer is the contrast of a woman who marries a significantly younger “toy boy”. Such marriages face the loss of female fertility caused by menopause around the age of 50. While there is no such abrupt line in aging husbands, evidence is mounting that mismatched couples face reproductive problems that gradually increase with male age.

Source: Author’s chart based on publicly available scatterplot from Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study ( Project leader: David M. Lane, Rice University.

testicles and testosterone

Writers often insinuate that human male fertility is virtually unlimited and that men aged 80 and over can still father children with ease. However, in stark contrast to the intense attention given to the end of fertility at menopause in women, relatively little research has been conducted on age-related changes in male reproductive performance. To counteract this omission, Larry Johnson and colleagues examined the relationships between men’s age, testicular weight, and daily sperm production in several papers published in the 1980s. A 1984 study compared the results for two groups of men, aged 21 to 50 and 51 to 80, respectively. Daily sperm production decreased with age and was significantly lower by about 25% in the older group. Interestingly, whole testicle weights showed no appreciable change with age. However, closer examination revealed that the testicle’s tunic (its protective outer layer) thickened with age, accounting for almost a third more of the testicle’s weight in older men. So the testicles of men aged 21 to 50 have significantly more sperm-producing tissue – better bang for the buck. In a 1989 review, Johnson reported that circulating levels of certain hormones (LH, FSH, estradiol) are higher in older men, while testosterone levels and the ability of the testicles to secrete testosterone when stimulated are reduced. Other age-related changes in the human testicles include decreased sexual activity and impaired sperm production, sometimes resulting in a complete absence of sperm.

Source: Scatterplots redrawn from Eskenazi et al. (2003).

A 2003 report by Brenda Eskenazi and colleagues further explored the link between semen quality and male age. These researchers conducted a cross-sectional study of 97 healthy men aged 22-80 years. Ejaculates were analyzed for semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count and various indicators of sperm motility. All measures resulted in continuous declines without a threshold effect. After accounting for interactions between variables, ejaculate volume roughly halved between ages 20 and 80, while the number of progressively motile sperm decreased by almost 5% per year. Importantly, the proportion of men with abnormal semen volume, sperm concentration, and sperm motility increased significantly over the age range. Impaired male fertility is known to occur when sperm concentration falls below about 20 million per milliliter of semen, and increasing numbers of men fall below this level, particularly after the age of 60.

In his 1989 review, Larry Johnson noted an association between age-related reductions in sperm production and decreasing testosterone production, accompanied by decreased testicular responsiveness to stimulation. Peter Ellison and colleagues provided an interesting cross-cultural perspective on this change after measuring testosterone levels in saliva samples from men in different populations: Boston, Congo, Nepal and Paraguay. In all cases there was a progressive decline with increasing age. However, by age 20, mean testosterone levels showed marked differences between populations, highest in Boston and lowest in Paraguay. However, the rate of decline was steeper at high baseline levels, with males reaching similarly low levels by age 80 in all population groups.

Mutations and chromosomal abnormalities

Source: Adapted from an illustration in Crow (1997).

It has long been known that spontaneous mutations in the basic genetic material, DNA, are far more common in sperm than in eggs and increase in number as a man ages. This mainly happens because sperm production involves far more cell divisions than egg production. Since more cell divisions have occurred in sperm produced by older men, mutations are expected to accumulate with age. In contrast, no such age effect is to be expected for women. It is therefore reasonable to ask, as geneticist James Crow did in a 1997 review, whether the spread of mutations in sperm poses a health risk. Advances in molecular genetics have allowed the direct determination of the parental source of specific mutations, leading to the discovery that certain developmental disorders are predominantly due to mutations in the father’s sperm. These include Apert syndrome (characterized by deformities of the head, hands, and feet) and achondroplasia (a common cause of dwarfism). Crow showed that such mutations become more common with male age, as predicted, and faster than the number of cell divisions: curves fitted to the frequencies of Apert syndrome and achondroplasia plotted against paternal age accelerate upwards. Crow concluded, “This suggests that the greatest health threat from mutations in the human population currently is fertile old males.”

In addition to DNA mutations, abnormalities in chromosomes can also occur. Perhaps the best-known human example is Down syndrome, with an extra copy of chromosome 21 in affected individuals’ cell nuclei. This is a relatively common congenital abnormality, affecting approximately one in every thousand newborns. A striking increase in the incidence of Down syndrome with maternal age is a prime example in genetics textbooks. However, little attention has been paid to the effects of aging on chromosomal aberrations in human sperm. In a novel approach, Elza Maria Prestes Sartorelli and colleagues published a study in 2001 in which hamster eggs were individually fertilized in vitro with semen samples from five males, ages 23 to 39, and seven, ages 59 to 74. Subsequent examination of the chromosomes revealed that numerical and structural aberrations were significantly more common in semen from older donors.

miscarriage and birth defects

Age-related increases in mutations and chromosomal aberrations in human sperm have implications for miscarriage, as demonstrated in a 2002 paper by Elise de La Rochebrochard and Patrick Thonneau. Deviating from the usual approach, they considered both maternal and paternal influences. Over 3,000 planned pregnancies that ended in childbirth or miscarriage were evaluated in a retrospective study of women aged 25 to 44 in four European countries. After accounting for factors such as reproductive history, these researchers confirmed previous reports that miscarriage risk was higher in women over 35. However, in such older women, the increase in risk was much greater when the male partner was 40 years of age or older. In a later study, published in 2005, the same authors reviewed 19 epidemiological reports examining the effects of paternal age. All studies that analyzed the association between paternal age and miscarriage identified a higher risk in men aged 35 and older. Other studies have reported evidence of an influence of paternal age on late fetal death.

A 2003 report by Harry Fisch and colleagues specifically examined the relationship between paternal age and Down syndrome. Previous studies on possible paternal age effects gave conflicting results, so Fisch and colleagues examined a much larger sample. They collected data for over 3,400 cases of Down syndrome from 1983 to 1997 from the New York State Department of Health’s registry of congenital malformations. No influence of parental age on Down syndrome was observed below the age of 35 years. Age effects were most pronounced when maternal age exceeded 40 years, with a six-fold greater risk of Down syndrome than partners younger than 35 years. Based on the apparent change in Down syndrome rates with maternal age, Fisch and colleagues estimated that for mothers aged 40 and older, the paternal contribution accounted for about half. Fisch and colleagues concluded: “We believe that increased paternal and maternal age may be responsible for a variety of health problems in children. This effect has been underestimated and requires further research.”

Source: Based on a figure in Fisch et al. (2003).

Fertility preservation by young men

Much has been written about the steadily increasing age at first birth for women in Western society. One proposed countermeasure is ‘fertility preservation’, in which eggs collected from a woman in her prime reproductive years are used for in vitro fertilization at a later date. (See my blog post Beating the Biological Clock with Eggs in the Freezer, published April 11, 2016.) But remarkably little has been said about parallel problems with age-related progressive decline in men’s reproductive health. But partners age in tandem. So we need to consider a radically different approach to fertility preservation, with the collection and storage of semen samples from men in their 20s for later use by women who delay childbirth. It is far easier and less invasive to collect semen samples rather than eggs, and the straightforward procedure of artificial insemination could be used (at least initially) to induce conception at the chosen time. On the other hand, of course, there is always a way to bypass the paramedics altogether by visiting a Toy Boy……


Crow, J.F. (1997) The high spontaneous mutation rate: is it a health risk? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 9:8380-8386.

de La Rochebrochard, E. & Thonneau, P. (2002) Age of father and mother are risk factors for miscarriage; Results of a multicenter European study. Human Reproduction 17:1649-1656.

de La Rochebrochard, E. & Thonneau, P. (2005) Age of the father: are the risks of infertility and miscarriage higher when the man is 40 years of age or older? Revue d’Epidemiologie et de Santé Publique 53 Spec. No. 2:2S47-42S55.

Ellison, P.T. (2008) Energetics, reproductive ecology, and human evolution. PaleoAnthropology 2008: 172-200.

Eskenazi, B., Wyrobek, A.J., Sloter, E., Kidd, S.A., Moore, L., Young, S. & Moore, D. (2003) The association of age and semen quality in healthy males. Human Reproduction 18:447-454.

Fisch H, Hyun G, Golden R, Hensle TW, Olsson CA & Liberson GL (2003) The influence of paternal age on Down syndrome. Journal of Urology 169:2275-2278.

Johnson, L. (1986) Human spermatogenesis and aging. Journal of Andrology 7: 331-354.

Johnson, L. (1989) Evaluation of the human testicle and its age-related dysfunction. Advances in Clinical and Biological Research 302: 35-60.

Johnson, L., Petty, C.S. & Neaves, WB. (1984) Effect of age on sperm production and testicular weight in men. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility 70:211-218.

Lian, Z.-H., Zack, M.M. & Erickson, J.D. (1986) Father’s age and the incidence of birth defects. American Journal of Human Genetics 39:648-660.

Sartorelli, E.M.P., Mazzucatto, L.F. & de Pina-Neto, J.M. (2001) Effect of paternal age on human sperm chromosomes. Fertility & Sterility 76:1119-1123.

Is being a wife worth it?

Research has shown that the “marriage benefits”—the increases in health, wealth, and happiness that are often associated with the status—go disproportionately to men. Married men are better off than single men. Married women, on the other hand, are not better off than unmarried women.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

Source: Frantisek Czanner/Shutterstock

A cursory look at how marriage is portrayed in popular culture might lead one to conclude that the ultimate female desire is to walk down the aisle. Wedding magazines are almost exclusively aimed at brides, not grooms. Reality TV shows highlight bridezillas, not groomzillas, and The Bachelor, which features multiple women vying for a ring, is a ratings juggernaut. The central attraction in the pageant of the average wedding is reserved for the bride’s dress, while little attention is paid to the groom’s attire. Pop culture queen Beyoncé herself famously admonished men that if they like it, they should put a ring on it.

Men, on the other hand, are often portrayed as attachment-phobics who, against their deeply promiscuous nature that abhors long-term monogamy, need to be cheated on or whipped into marriage or dragged down the aisle. Also a well-known cultural trope is the notion of a “mid-life crisis” in which men must ditch their old wives for a new, younger trophy model.

Marriage, we’ve been led to believe, is a natural habitat for women but a suffocating cage for men. So goes the popular fantasy. In the real world of data, however, things look very different.

First, what confounds the view of marriage as a woman’s heaven and haven is that marriage actually seems to benefit men more than it does women. Research has shown that the “marital benefits”—the gains in health, wealth, and happiness often associated with status—disproportionately fall on men. Married men are better off than single men. Married women, on the other hand, are no better off than unmarried women.

Second, contrary to the myth that marriage is a woman’s ultimate and sacred fulfillment, the reality is that approximately two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women. It’s not just true for the young and hip: A recent AARP poll of 1,147 men and women ages 40 to 79 who experienced divorce in their 40s, 50s, or 60s found that 66 percent of the women said they did to have initiated the separation.

New research suggests there’s something unique about marriage—aside from the difficulties of getting along with someone different every day—that may make it less than hospitable to women.

A recent paper by Stanford sociologist Michael J. Rosenfeld analyzed longitudinal data from the How Couples Meet and Stay Together survey — a survey of a nationally representative sample of 2,262 adults in heterosexual relationships conducted from 2009 to early 2015.

The results revealed an intriguing pattern: As expected, women initiated about two-thirds (69 percent) of the breakups in heterosexual marriages. However, the gender-specific trend in relationship dissolution applies only to marriages and not to other non-marital relationships. Additionally, women reported lower levels of satisfaction in marriages, but not in other relationships.

According to Rosenfeld, this data suggests that women’s tendency to initiate breakups is not an inherent characteristic of male-female relationships. Rather, it is a feature of marriage between a man and a woman. This finding seems to support the notion that women experience the institution of marriage as oppressive, in large part because it arose out of, and continues to be shaped by, a system of female subjugation.

Rosenfeld notes that marriage law was originally based on the common law assumption that the woman was the property of the man. The last remnants of this common law tradition of subordinating wives to their husbands, such as allowing marital rape, were not eliminated in the United States until the late 1970s. Most women in the United States still take their husbands’ surnames when marrying, a practice that was required by law in many states until the 1970s.

Just as we cannot preserve great ancient structures without struggling with the limitations of ancient building materials, it is difficult to uphold ancient traditions without retaining the ancient worldviews and habits that gave rise to them. The ghosts of female submission haunt the halls of contemporary marriage, to the detriment of married women.

This is an intriguing idea, but doubts remain.

First, causality is difficult to establish without true controlled experiments. In other words, since we cannot randomly assign people to married and unmarried groups to begin with, any difference between the groups may be the result of selection effects, not treatment effects. For example: if married women are more likely to be dissatisfied, it may be because marriage prompted them to be (treatment effect) or because women who are prone to dissatisfaction are more likely to choose marriage (selection effect).

People’s expectations – a variable not measured in Rosenfeld’s data – may also play a role in relationship satisfaction. If culture places women’s expectations of marriage high and men’s expectations low, then the reality of marriage, where men benefit more, can produce increased satisfaction in men – “This is much better than I expected” – and cause lower satisfaction in women.

Furthermore, while Rosenfeld’s work may shed light on the “push” side of the exit decision, the equation he outlined is likely incomplete, as it neglects the “pull” side. In general, life decisions are often determined. Internal states such as marital satisfaction are likely to be weighed in the decision-making process against external variables such as societal attitudes towards divorce or the ability to maintain contact with children and financial security after divorce. In fact, existing data demonstrates the importance of such external pull factors in shaping decisions for both men and women.

For example, the AARP survey indicated that men were more likely to choose to stay in a bad marriage for fear of losing touch with their children. These are not unjustified fears, as fathers often have less contact with their children after divorce.

Source: Banjo d/Flickr

Conversely, a dissatisfied woman’s decision to leave the company may depend in part on her employment status. For example, Ohio State University’s Liana C. Sayer and her colleagues have presented evidence that unhappy women are much more likely to leave when they are employed.

At the end of the day, the accumulating data paints a picture of marriage as a complex business in which women often play a paradoxical role: working harder for a smaller share of the benefits – which might explain why, although they are often more eager, marriage, they are also often more eager to get out.

What is the opposite of a trophy wife?

A trophy wife is typically relatively young and attractive, and may be a second, third or later wife of an older, wealthier man. A trophy husband is the male equivalent.

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A woman married to a man as a status symbol for her beauty

A trophy wife is a woman who is considered a status symbol for the husband. The term is often used pejoratively or derogatorily, meaning that the wife in question has little personal worth aside from her physical attractiveness, requires significant expense to maintain her appearance, is often unintelligent or unassuming, does very little of essential importance except to remain attractive , and is somewhat synonymous with the term gold digger. A trophy wife is usually relatively young and attractive, and may be a second, third, or later wife to an older, wealthier man. A trophy husband is the male equivalent.

history [edit]

The etymological origin of the term is disputed. One claim has it that “trophy wife” originally appeared in a 1950 edition of The Economist newspaper and referred to the historical practice of warriors capturing the most beautiful women during battle to bring home as wives. [1] William Safire claimed that the term “trophy wife” was coined by Julie Connelly, a senior editor of Fortune magazine, in a cover story in the August 28, 1989 issue and immediately became commonplace.[2] Author Tom Wolfe, who is often credited with coining the term, denied it in a 1996 Brown University lecture,[3] in which he also credited Fortune magazine with an article that “not long ago Time” was published.[4] Many sources claim the term was coined earlier (for example, the Online Etymology Dictionary cites 1984),[5] but easy online access to William Safire’s article on the term has led many (such as the Oxford English Dictionary) to believe that August 28, 1989 was its first assignment.[6] However, the idiom is found incidentally in a quote in a 1965 publication apparently referring to Bernie Madoff’s wife.[7] The 1994 marriage of former Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith to oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall was widely followed by the US mainstream media as an extreme example of this concept.[8] At the time of their marriage he was 89 years old and she was 26 years old.[9]

Elizabeth McClintock, a sociologist at the University of Notre Dame, believes the phenomenon is less common in modern society than other research suggests.[10]

See also[edit]


What are qualities of a trophy wife?

In reality, being a trophy spouse means being an impressive person, and you can achieve this by being attractive (in character, not just physical beauty), being educated and worldly, being successful, being fun and outgoing, and being a role model that any person would be proud to have as a friend, partner, or mentor.

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The term “trophy wife” is often used in a derogatory sense to describe any married woman who is young, attractive, has expensive tastes, and is married to a wealthy (and possibly older) man. However, most women who are dubbed “trophy wives” are just as independently successful, ambitious, and wealthy as their partners. The idea of ​​the trophy wife therefore exists because rich and handsome people tend to marry other rich and handsome people, but sexist assumptions, prejudice and misunderstanding lead people to believe that the woman has to be there just for the money. In reality, being an excellent spouse means being an impressive person, and you can achieve that by being attractive (beautiful in character, not just physically), educated and open minded, successful, fun and outgoing, and a role model of what every person would be proud to have them as a friend, partner or mentor.

What is a trophy girlfriend?

Meaning of trophy girlfriend in English

a young, attractive woman who is the girlfriend of a rich and successful older person and who acts as a symbol of the person’s social position: Not all men look for the younger trophy girlfriend. They drive around in their fancy cars with their trophy girlfriends. More examples.

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Why do guys like to show off their girlfriends?

There’s a signalling theory that claims the only reason humans ever do anything, is to assert their status and value to others. This is a classic example of that theory. By showing other men what a babe of a girlfriend they have, they’re hoping other men will be attracted to her and therefore see him as The Don.

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Of course, showing off is perfectly acceptable when you’re a kid because you don’t know any better. “My dad has a Mercedes” or “My mom is a fireman” are common boasts that can be overheard on the playground. However, as we get a little older, we realize that this shameless showboating is somehow unacceptable.

That said, there’s always one person at a party who needs to top your story with a more ridiculous one of their own. This is the kind of D-Bag that continues to be Billy Brag Balls despite being old enough to know better. This is the kind of D-bag that flaunts his attractive girlfriend like they’re a cakewalk.


Medical Daily reports that there is actually a scientific basis for this blatant boast, according to a recent Florida State University study. The study, published in Evolutionary Psychological Science, found that straight men may view women as a means of improving their social status, just like a fancy car or a Rolex do. Rough.

There is a signaling theory that claims that the only reason people ever do anything is to assert their status and worth to others. This is a classic example of this theory. By showing other men what kind of girlfriend’s baby they have, they hope that other men will be attracted to her and therefore see him as the Don.

One of the study’s authors, Bo Winegard, told Psy Post:

“Just as watches, cars, and fancy suits can signal a person’s status, so can an attractive romantic partner. Now, that doesn’t mean that people should treat their romantic partners as shiny exhibits (which, of course, many feminists have argued that some men do and shouldn’t do); it just means some people probably do.

“In this series of studies, we looked only at the flaunting (romantic partner display) behaviors of men, but in a previous study we found that women flaunted partners as well. Incidentally, this could explain why people are so fond of getting autographs and memorabilia from famous people: it suggests a closeness to celebrity, which could signal status.”

Who cares if we’re wired to show off or not? Women are not glittering luxuries that men can use to signal their success to others. So stop guys.

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What is better than a trophy wife?

“With his trophy wife at his side, he’s determined to garner the nomination, no matter how dirty he has to play.”

What is another word for trophy wife?
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younger wife

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What is another word for trophy wife? Need synonyms for trophy wife? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. noun Younger attractive woman of an older man attractive young woman hot young woman sugar baby beautiful woman younger woman Find more words! Find another word for the opposite of meaning of rhyming with word-form sentences Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exact Words containing letters Pronounce conjugations Find names From Afrikaans From Albanian From Amharic From Arabic From Armenian From Azerbaijani From Basque From Belarusian From Bengali From Bosnian From Bulgarian From Catalan From Cebuano From Chichewa From Chinese From Corsican From Croatian From Czech From Danish From Dutch From Esperanto From Esperanto From Estonian From Farsi From Filipino Finnish From French From Frisian From Galician From Georgian From German From Greek From Gujarati From Haitian Creole From Hausa From Hebrew From Hindi From Hmong From Hungarian From Icelandic From Igbo From Indonesian From Irish From Italian From Japanese From Javanese From Kannada From Kazakh From Khmer From Korean From Kurdish From Kyrgyz From Lao From Latin From Latvian From Lithuanian From Luxembourgish From Macedonian From Malagasy From Malay From Malayalam From Maltese From Maori From Marathi From Mongolian From Burmese From Nepali From Norwegian From Polish From Portuguese From Punjabi From Romanian From Russian From Samoan From Scottish Gaelic From Serbian From Sesotho From Shona From Sinhala From Slovak From Slovenian From Somali From Spanish From Sundanese From Swahili From Swedish From Tajik From Tamil From Telugu From Thai From Turkish From Ukrainian From Urdu From Uzbek From Vietnamese From Welsh From Xhosa From Yiddish From Yoruba From Zulu To Afrikaans To Albanian To Amharic To Arabic To Armenian To Azerbaijani To Basque To Belarusian To Bengali To Bosnian To Bulgarian To Catalan To Cebuano To Chichewa To Chinese To Corsican To Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Esperanto Farsi Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian to Irish to Italian to Japanese to Javanese to Kannada to Kazakh to Khmer to Korean to Kurdish to Kyrgyz to Laos to Latin to Latvian to Lithuanian to Luxembourgish to Macedonian to Malagasy to Malay to Malayalam Maltese To Maori In Marathi To Mongolian To Burmese To Nepali In Norwegian In Polish In Portuguese In Punjabi In Romanian In Russian In Samoan In Scottish Gaelic In Serbian In Sesotho In Shona In Sinhala In Slovak In Slovenian In Somali In Spanish In Sundanese In Swahili In Swedish In Tajik In Tamil In Te lugu In Thai In Turkish In Ukrainian In Urdu In Uzbek In Vietnamese In Welsh In Xhosa In Yiddish In Yoruba In Zulu English French Afrikaans Word Albanian Word Arabic Word Bengali Word Chinese Word Croatian Word Czech Word Danish Word Dutch Word English Word Finnish Word French Word German Word Greek Word Hindi Word Hungarian Word Icelandic Word Indonesian Word Italian Word Japanese Word Korean Word Latin Word Malay W ord Malayalam Word Marathi Word Nepali Word Norwegian Word Polish Word Portuguese Word Romanian Word Russian Word Serbian Word Slovak Word Spanish Word Swahili Word Swedish Word Tamil Word Telugu Word Thai Word Turkish Word Ukrainian Word Uzbek Word Vietnamese Word Welsh Word All words 2-letter words 3-letter words 4-letter words 5-letter words 6-letter words 7-letter words 8-letter words taben 9-letter words 10-letter words 11-letter words 12-letter words 13-letter words 14-letter words plural of singular of past tense of present tense of verb for adjective for adverb for noun for meaning of name origin of name meaning of names Names starting with Origin Names Trophy Woman Use * for empty tiles (max. 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search Use * for spaces Advanced Search Advanced Word Search See also nearby words Trophy Wives Tropical Tropical Tropical Mandel Tropical Mandels Tropical Cyclone Trophy Trop House trophonts trophont trophies trophic cell Synonym search trophy wife go

What is a trophy wife examples?

a young, attractive woman who is the wife of a rich and successful older person and acts as a symbol of the person’s social position: I’m not going to marry a rich man and be a trophy wife. Many men seek out younger trophy wives. She’s been labelled a trophy wife because she is much younger than her husband.

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Would you like to find out more?

Improve your vocabulary with Cambridge’s English Vocabulary in Use.

Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence.

Why did trophy wife get Cancelled?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, a number of factors determined its cancellation, including the large pay salaries of the well known cast. Meanwhile, Mixology, from the team behind The Hangover and Executive Producer Ryan Seacrest, has also been cancelled after one season.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

Malin Akerman’s Trophy Wife was canceled after just one season, while ABC renewed Kerry Washington’s Scandal and DWTS

Trophy Wife and Mixology both only lasted one season on ABC

Shonda Rhimes’ Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal renewed and new drama series How To Get Away With Murder ordered

Dancing With The Stars will return for a 19th season

Reality shows The Bachelor, America’s Funniest Home Videos, and Shark Tank will all be back for next season

Castle, Once Upon A Time, Revenge, The Goldbergs, Resurrection, and Modern Family have all been renewed

Cult-favorite alien sitcom The Neighbors axed

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. renewed for the second season, while Marvel’s Agent Carter gets a series assignment with Captain America’s Hayley Atwell

Five new dramas and two comedies picked up

Trophy Wife was canceled after just one season.

The critically loved show – starring Malin Akerman and Bradley Whitford – will not return to ABC for a second series, while newcomer Mixology has also been axed.

Co-star Marica Gay Harden announced the news on Twitter, writing, “Thanks for watching beloved fans. Saying goodbye is such a sweet heartache… @TrophyWifeABC canceled a few hours ago. @ABC_Publicity#season2watch#:(‘.

Cancelled: Malin Akerman’s Trophy Wife was canceled by ABC after just one season

Trophy Wife tells the story of Malin’s character, who marries a middle-aged lawyer (Whitford) and has to deal with his two ex-wives and three children.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, a number of factors determined its cancellation, including the high salaries paid to the well-known cast.

Time to say goodbye: Marcia Gay Harden revealed Trophy Wife won’t be coming back

Critical Darling: Bradley Whitford and Marcia Gay Harden’s critically-loved show will not return to television screens

Meanwhile, Mixology was also canceled after one season by the team behind The Hangover and executive producer Ryan Seacrest.

The controversial show, which takes place over the course of a night, has garnered a slew of reviews from the start, being criticized for a “rape joke” and misogynistic in its first episode.

Co-star Frankie Shaw tweeted: “Sad day. Greetings to all #Mixology fans. Look out! Great episodes left, especially the finale. xoxoxoxo.’

Meanwhile, Rebel Wilson’s half-hour comedy Super Fun Night was also hacked by ABC, with The Neighbors and Suburgatory suffering the same fate.

Disappointed: The cast will no doubt be disappointed by the cancellation after receiving critical praise for their show

However, it seems the Aussie actress was on the positive side on Friday when she tweeted a picture of herself with the cast of her upcoming film Pitch Perfect 2.

And there was good news for some of the shows at ABC, and for the impressive showrunner Shonda Rimes in particular.

Both Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal have been renewed while their new show has been picked up.

How to Get Away with Murder, starring Viola Davis as a “brilliant, charismatic, and seductive” law professor who faces four students in her class, was commissioned for the series.

Just one season: Even Ryan Seacrest’s mixology got the ax after just one season on ABC

Review: Mixology, which takes place in a bar over the course of a night, was canceled by ABC after just one season. On the plus side, Rebel Wilson didn’t seem to care that her show was canceled when she tweeted a picture of herself at a presentation with her Pitch Perfect 2 castmates

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been renewed for a second season, while Marvel’s Agent Carter has landed a series commission with Captain America’s Hayley Atwell.

Once Upon a Time, Resurrection, Revenge, Castle, Modern Family, and The Goldbergs will all return.

The Bachelor, America’s Funniest Home Videos and Shark Tank are all returning to the network, while cult-favorite alien sitcom The Neighbors has been scrapped.

There was good news for Nashville fans, too, as company co-president Ben Sherwood tweeted, “Congratulations and welcome back for Season 3 to @Nashville_ABC @conniebritton @CharlesEsten @CallieKhouri, the entire Nashville team and loyal fans. ”

New shows starring Karen Gillan (Selfie), Anthony Anderson (Black-ish) and Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton (American Crime) have also been recorded.

Return: Dancing With The Stars will return for a 19th season after being picked up by ABC

What is a trophy boyfriend?

According to the urban dictionary, a trophy boyfriend is one who a girl is proud to be seen with. She ‘shows him off’ every chance she gets. Get this guys, she is not into you, rather she is with you for the admiration she gets from society. The girl is with you to make herself feel and look good.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

By Anne Kiirya

RELATIONSHIPS arise for many reasons, from convenience, love, companionship to a desire to improve one’s status quo. Trophy Friends fall into the latter category. According to the urban dictionary, a trophy boyfriend is one that a girl is proud to be seen with.

She ‘shows him’ at every opportunity. Get this guys, she’s not into you, she’s with you because of the admiration she’s getting from society. The girl is with you to make her feel good and look good. Want to know if you’re a trophy friend? Here are the telltale signs.

Your partner likes to talk about you, even bragging about it, especially around you. “We’ll use Bob’s Mercedes,†she calls. While there’s nothing wrong with being rich, you should question your girlfriend’s statements about your wealth.

If you’ve told her you’re uncomfortable with the proclamations, and she still does, then it’s a dead decision that her reasons for being with you have a lot to do with her friends knowing that she is is with a rich man. Another clue is how your girlfriend responds to her friends’ reactions. If looks of admiration and envy are followed by a satisfied look from your girlfriend, you may be a trophy friend.

The point of a trophy is to show it off. Appearance can charm a girl, but if they aren’t accompanied by brains, brawn, or dollars, it can’t last long. It is very possible for a girl to date a guy because he is built like a Greek god. She will be the envy of all her friends and the center of attention when they are together. Jean admits she dated a guy for nine months because he was handsome. “We went out and had nothing to talk about!†she says. Even today, people refer to him as Jean’s hot ex, even though he’s dating someone else.

They were quite flashy and of course that made Jean happy, and still does. The woman may also be using the boy to make herself feel better. After all, if she can attract such a gorgeous man, that means she’s beautiful too. It might be hard to figure out, but if your girlfriend is happiest when other people are yelling about how good you two look together, then you have an idea.

There are women who like to be in charge in a relationship, put their pants on if you want to. Having a trophy friend might allow her to do just that.

According to Pauline Millard, a writer, “Society teaches women that we need to sit back and let men pursue us. [The trophy friend] is a way of being in charge.

It’s a way of saying, “I’m a strong woman; I’ll be in charge.’” Such women may seek out a partner they can dominate. For a healthy relationship, both parties should compromise, say experts. As a man, it may be easier for you to give in to avoid fights and keep your partner happy. A strong woman like this most likely needs a partner who can challenge her. If she’s with you anyway, don’t be surprised if people start calling you a trophy friend.

Bottom line, it’s important for women with trophy boyfriends that their men are viewed as perfect. Therefore, she will not allow him to do anything in public that he is not good at. She will choose his clothes. If he has to play billiards, he has to win. He can’t get drunk and never does anything stupid. If you’ve just smelled these qualities in your wife, be careful.

Who likes a trophy friend?

We’ve heard the term “trophy wife/girlfriend.” Typically, it refers to a woman who has a great body, striking features, and is often much younger than her companion. But what is the male equivalent? Is he all about looks, money and good manners? ANNE KIRYA took to the streets to find out what women and men had to say


It’s just a desperate woman who would resort to having a trophy boyfriend. In her opinion it says so many bad things about a woman. She is superficial and deeply insecure when dating a man just to impress the world.

“Why would I date someone I don’t love? â€


The theory that people date for love is outdated. I know many women who have been in such relationships. Sometimes they end up with real love and sometimes they end badly. Plus, a trophy friend treats you like a queen! What woman wouldn’t want that?


Roger K

If “trophy friend” meant what trophy wife means, i.e. H. an old, richer woman dating a younger man, I would have no problem being a trophy boyfriend. However, I don’t want to be with a woman who wants me for the wrong reasons. Everyone will laugh at me because everyone but you always knows about these things.



I would never agree to such a thing, and I don’t think any other man would allow it either. If he does, it will be under duress. I believe that women are good actors, they act like they’re beaten by you when they’re not!



There’s nothing wrong with that because people have different reasons for doing what they do. If I’m benefiting from the relationship, why not move on? It works both ways. He, too, can use the girl to network and socialize, gain access to events; if she’s the daughter of someone powerful, it might work more to his advantage. He believes that people shouldn’t judge women for things men do all the time. And if she’s hot, that’s a bonus.

How do I become a trophy husband?

Being a trophy husband goes beyond good looks, but being a supportive husband and knowing your partner’s career comes first. A trophy husband always encourages their partner to follow their dreams even at their own expense. Also, the main aim of a trophy husband is to make their partner’s life better.

Trophy Wife Dating Website

Most people are familiar with the term trophy wife. Attractive young women usually married to older, powerful and wealthy partners. Does the same description apply to trophy husbands?

Yes. There is also a concept of a trophy husband. Not as famous as the trophy wife, but she’s there. Most of us are uninformed about trophy husbands, some think it’s something like a trophy wife, and some guess what it might mean.

So what is a trophy husband? Is it something people just talk about or does it really exist?

What is a trophy husband?

How to define a trophy husband?

You can equate a stay-at-home dad to a trophy husband. After all, they have similar roles to play.

Trophy husbands are unfamiliar, mostly because the study shows that the US gender pay gap is still wide. It also shows that women earn 84% of their male counterparts.

So it is rare for a woman to be the sole breadwinner in a family, but not impossible.

However, the statistics are rising, especially in other countries. According to the Office of National Statistics, almost 2 million women working full-time in the UK earn more than their partners.

Steps to become a trophy husband

Interested in being a trophy husband? Well, this article will walk you through the process.

Make the right connections

There’s no point in investing big bucks in your looks if you have no idea how to meet a wealthy partner and become someone’s trophy husband.

You need to surround yourself with people running in their circles and you can do that by visiting the right places. Even joining dating apps that they use a lot will help tremendously.

There is a slim chance of meeting a wealthy person at that seedy club or barely functioning gym you attend. You need to create the right connections to blend in with the upper class or the in-crowd.

You may not have access to your potential partner, but you may know someone who does.

Don’t get distracted

No one will be interested in you if you keep flirting your way through different people. You will not be considered a trophy man.

Don’t rush to be a trophy husband, take your time to access all the potential partners in the room.

When you find someone you’re attracted to, give them your full attention. Focus only on the person you like and let them believe and trust that you are only interested in them. This way they can see you as a potential future husband.

They might walk away when they feel you are playing the field.

Places to meet wealthy partners

Knowing how to meet wealthy partners is the first step to becoming a dream husband. It is doubtful that you will meet one on the street.

So you need to up your game and visit places these influential people visit.

Online Dating Sites

Online dating sites are the perfect place to meet people, but remember that you can’t connect with wealthy people on every site.

If you are serious about being a trophy husband, you must know that some sites will not help you. Sign up for sites that influential people visit frequently. Even if they cost more, it will be worth it in the end.

Watch this informative video on how dating apps work:

clubs and lounges

You can have access to wealthy people if you visit the right bar. Most potent people usually have a circle of friends that they always surround themselves with or a private club that they like to attend.

You have to make a conscious effort to meet them.

Luxury retail stores

You will agree that the chances of meeting a wealthy person in a luxury shop are quite high.

Don’t start sneaking around luxury stores, however; You will probably be asked to leave.

You can plan your steps and budget enough money to buy something at the store.

6 signs you could be a trophy husband

Now that you can answer what a trophy husband is, you need to know that trophy husbands have a specific role to play. If you have the following qualities then there is a great chance you are a trophy husband.

Here are 6 signs of a trophy husband:

After reading these signs, you will have a clearer idea about the concept of a trophy husband.

1. Your partner earns more than you

Not all Trophy husbands are housewives. Even though you have a job, if your partner wears the money pants and controls every aspect of the relationship, you’re probably a trophy husband.

You don’t have to be an unemployed man with no source of income to qualify as a dream husband. Even if you have a job, your income contributes little to your lifestyle, and your partner funds all the bills and vacations, this is a sign that you are a dream husband.

2. Your partner is interested in you being physically fit

Are you tempted to let yourself go and eat as much as you want, but you can’t because your partner doesn’t want it and is investing in your physical appearance?

Or is your partner controlling your diet, including you, or persuading you to invest in a skincare routine?

Let us bring you the news; You are probably a trophy husband.

Related reading: 9 benefits of working out with your partner

3. Your partner decides how you dress

You have to dress to impress in everyday life. But it’s different when your partner dictates what you wear, how you look, or your partner goes one step further and buys all of your clothes.

So what is a trophy husband and how do you spot one? His partner often buys his clothes and dictates how he looks.

4. Your partner enjoys showing you off

If your partner enjoys flaunting you as an accessory, then chances are you are a trophy husband.

That doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t care about you, it just wants you to represent them well in public and have charming conversations. Always remember that your partner is the center of attention.

5. Your partner comes first

Being a trophy husband goes beyond good looks, but being a supportive husband and knowing your partner’s career comes first.

A trophy husband always encourages his partner to follow his dreams, even at his own expense. Also, a Trophy Husband’s main goal is to improve his partner’s life.

6. Your partner controls the relationship and your life

Does your partner control every aspect of your life? Do they choose the place they visit for vacation, control what you wear and even eat? Then you’re probably a trophy husband.

However, don’t assume that trophy husbands don’t have freedom and can be compared to Rapunzel in the tower.

Most men who take on this role are content with their partner taking the lead in the relationship.

Different versions of trophy men

What does trophy husband mean? Most people have an image in mind when they hear the phrase “trophy husbands.” This is an attractive, low-intelligence man who is willing to spend the money he didn’t work for.

Not all trophy men possess all of these qualities; it mostly depends on who their partners are attracted to.

Some women prefer to have a successful husband to show off. At the same time, others prefer an attractive or intelligent man.

If you’re still wondering what a trophy husband is? You have to know that you can’t just put them in a box. Their characteristics depend on the preferences of the woman.

Is it good or bad to be a trophy husband?

Being a trophy husband is neither good nor bad and it is a choice you are allowed to make; If you are happy and satisfied with such a choice, then kudos to you.

However, being a trophy husband is exhausting when your partner controls every part of your life and doesn’t give you any freedom at all.

But some trophy husband relationships can be healthy if the man respects his partner’s success and is willing to support him when needed.


To learn more about what a trophy husband is and how to become one? You can get advice or even take a course, and additional knowledge on the subject will benefit you.

What is the term trophy wife mean?

Definition of trophy wife

informal + disapproving. : an attractive young woman who is married to an older successful man.

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“Pride”: The word that went from vice to strength

are you proud of pride

Are trophy wives real?

According to new research, this stereotypical arrangement of young, highly attractive women with older, less attractive but highly successful men is not as common as the entertainment industry leads us to believe. In real life, trophy wives actually seem to be exceedingly rare.

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Trophy wives spread movies and TV shows, but have you ever met one? According to new research, this stereotypical alignment of young, highly attractive women with older, less attractive but highly successful men isn’t as common as the entertainment industry would have us believe. In real life, trophy wives actually seem to be extremely rare.

To get to the bottom of the trophy wife myth, relationship inequality researcher Elizabeth McClintock analyzed couples’ attractiveness ratings, occupations, and socioeconomic backgrounds from a nationally representative survey. McClintock combed through the data for statistical correlations, looking for evidence that successful men mate with attractive women.

However, she found that attractive women don’t necessarily mate with rich men — they mate with attractive men. Like tends to attract like. The biggest statistical predictors of whether two people would get together was how similar they were in educational background, race, attractiveness, and religious beliefs.

“I find that handsome men work with beautiful women and successful men work with successful women,” McClintock said in a statement. “So, on average, high-level men have better-looking wives, but that’s because they’re considered better-looking themselves — maybe because they’re less likely to be overweight and more likely to be able to afford braces, nice clothes, trips to the office to see a dermatologist, etc.”

Often, says McClintock, what looks like a trophy wife is actually a very successful woman who also happens to be attractive and married to an equally attractive doctor.

What is a trophy girlfriend?

/ˌtrəʊ.fi ˈɡɜːl.frend/ a young, attractive woman who is the girlfriend of a rich and successful older person and who acts as a symbol of the person’s social position: Not all men look for the younger trophy girlfriend. They drive around in their fancy cars with their trophy girlfriends.

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What strain is trophy wife?

The Trophy Wife Strain’s Genetics

The trophy wife hemp strain is a hybrid strain and it is made with equal ratios of the Cherry Wine strain and the Wife strain. If you are wondering what’s the indica and sativa composition of the strain, 50% indica and 50% sativa are the answers you are looking for.

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Are you looking for that delicious marijuana strain that has super medicinal effects?

The word cultivar has been used for many centuries when referring to botanical names for plants. Recently, however, usage of the word has dwindled to almost nothing for such reasons.

How are cannabis strains differentiated?

When the word strain is used in connection with cannabis, it can usually be defined as “strain” or “strain”. All cannabis consumers around the world differentiate between all the different cannabis strains based on the taste, the aroma of each strain, the parentage of the cannabis strain in question, meaning whether the genetics of the strain come from cannabis plants of the indica variety or the sativa variety Cannabis plant, the appearance and shape of the cannabis strain, its chemical composition, the effects it produces when consumed, and some other similar strain-related information.

A misconception people have about cannabis strains

There is a common misconception that cannabis users often have about cannabis strains, and it is the fact that they think that a strain is given a name because of the effects it produces. This is wrong, however, as a strain whose name sounds like it induces a powerful high and puts you in a couch-locked state might only lighten your mood slightly and give you plenty of energy to complete any task that you need to do for the day.

The Trophy Wife variety

This cannabis strain is enjoyed by many users who do not want to get high but still want to enjoy the medicinal benefits of cannabis, as this strain is known for its relatively low THC levels. THC is the chemical compound normally known for producing the psychoactive effects that people often associate with cannabis. The trophy wife strain also comes with a sweet cherry aroma and has a terpene profile with notes of cheese and skunk.

Who is the Trophy Wife strain suitable for?

This strain is not aimed at cannabis users whose only goal is to get as high as possible, but rather caters to those looking to break free from cannabis use. If you’ve never tried a low-THC, high-CBD hybrid strain, buy Trophy Wife to change your perception of such strains.

The genetics of the Trophy Wife strain

The Trophy Wife cannabis strain is a hybrid strain and is made with equal parts of the Cherry Wine strain and the Wife strain. If you’re wondering what the strain’s indica and sativa composition is, 50% indica and 50% sativa are the answers you’re looking for. This strain is therefore balanced in terms of the hemp strains from which it derives and balanced in terms of its indica and sativa content.

The immediate effects of the Trophy Wife cannabis strain

The potency of this strain is not considered to be as high as some other strains as it is mostly CBD and not THC. Once you start smoking, you can expect to feel the soothing sensation of high CBD levels just minutes after exhaling.

The cherry wine variety

One of the derivatives of the Trophy Wife strain, this strain is far less potent than what cannabis users would normally desire. The high CBD content makes the strain less potent, but also helps make the strain medicinally useful as it can treat things like chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and depression. You will surely have mental clarity after consuming this strain of cannabis.

The Wife Tribe

The wife, the other strain of hemp responsible for making the Trophy Wife strain, has been found to have a CBD to THC ratio that is twenty to one, meaning that for every twenty parts CBD she also gets one part contains THC. This strain is also not the one that avid cannabis users who use hemp with the intention of getting high want to use. The high concentration of CBD in this strain is also known to have medicinal benefits such as treating inflammation, especially epilepsy inflammation, and relieving nausea.

Strains with higher THC levels

If you are looking for higher potency then there are many marijuana strains out there that have a higher THC concentration with the same tasty flavor as the trophy wife.

The yield quality of the Trophy Wife variety

The trophy wife strain can be grown both indoors and outdoors, each with their own techniques used to grow trophy wife. Although this marijuana strain doesn’t produce a pungent odor like many other strains out there, you should accept the fact that the aroma wouldn’t exactly be described as sweet either.

Strains of marijuana like White Widow produce a very pungent odor that is often very difficult to hide unless the strain is cultivated indoors along with a high-end ventilation system.

You can expect higher yield quality from trophy wife if you grow the strain in the right conditions and temperatures. Temperature is very important when growing trophy females as a higher or lower temperature can affect the yield of the strain. If you originally started cultivating the strain in a hotter climate, then that specific strain would require hotter temperatures throughout the cultivation process compared to a strain that started its cultivation in a more temperate climate.

The great medicinal qualities of the trophy wife

Before we mention all the great medical qualities that Trophy Woman offers to its users, we must disclose that we do not provide professional medical advice to any valid medical marijuana patient. If you happen to be a valid medical marijuana patient and are seeking professional medical advice, we strongly encourage you to contact your healthcare practitioner.

Cannabis has been used for several decades to treat various forms of pain and illness affecting both your mind and body. People often use cannabis solely for the purpose of pain relief.

Some of the conditions known to treat both your mind and body are chronic pain like arthritis or migraines, epileptic inflammation, seizures, nausea and anxiety.

With its long-lasting effects, it can help relieve your body’s pain for quite a while. Another benefit of the long-lasting effects is that it stimulates both your body and your mind, thus also helping in the treatment of autism and other disorders of this type. However, if you are using the strain medicinally to treat autism, we strongly recommend that you seek professional medical advice beforehand.

With all the benefits of the Trophy Wife strain, there is one small downside that you have to accept when using it, and that is that you get a dry mouth if you smoke it too often. However, the dry mouth side effect can be easily cured by simply drinking a few glasses of water, so it’s not too bad an idea to accept the downside.

Do you want to buy the best cannabis trophy wife there is on the market?

If you want to buy a trophy wife, there is no better place for you than There you will find everything related to cannabis with the largest selection of cannabis strains available on the market.

The process you have to go through to buy a trophy wife or any other item from her store is very simple and will give you many benefits if you choose to do so. All you have to do is write down your email address, login ID and password. That’s all that is required to set up an account. Next, enter your location and you can purchase any cannabis product your heart desires. They offer benefits such as price matching where if you find a better deal than what you see on their website they will make a better deal and give you a better deal which essentially means you cannot get a better deal on cannabis products than you can on cannabis products greens Theory.

If online shopping isn’t your thing, you’d be happy to know that Green-Theory even has several stores across the United States where you can pick up your cannabis in person. To get the address of the nearest store just enter your location on the online site and they will automatically direct you to the nearest store.

Aside from the Trophy Wife strain, we also currently have some of the other hottest strains on the market, all of which you can find on our cannabis list.

Once again, if you’re looking online or offline for the best deals available on the Trophy Wife strain or any cannabis product, head straight to Green-Theory.

How do you become a trophy husband?

All The Steps You Need To Take In Order To Become The Perfect Trophy Husband
  1. Begin a stringent yoga regimen. You’re not going to become a trophy by being a bump on a log who watches The Price Is Right every day. …
  2. Cooking classes. …
  3. Build up your substance tolerance. …
  4. Cleanliness is close to godliness. …
  5. Accept loneliness.

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There are steps in life that are expected of you. Even before you can walk, your parents are saving for college, which you’ll end up having to take out a loan for anyway. You go to middle school where you’re expected to go straight to ace just so you can get into the best high school classes. In high school, you’ll be expected to jump into AP courses to lighten your workload once you get to college. And once you get into college, you’re expected to say at 18 what you want to do with the rest of your life. An age when you’re not legally drinking, let alone have the financial acumen, to say, “This career path will make me the happiest person until forced retirement.”

But what if I told you that you could skip all of these steps? That you could get from point A to point D without getting good grades, finishing your homework, and applying for entry-level jobs that require five years of work experience? What if I told you that you could just become a piece of arm candy, also known as the “trophy husband”?

After all, we are modern people living in modern times. Marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman. You no longer see the “Dr.” prefix. precede a surname and automatically assume the doctor is male. We can’t even use just “male” and “female” to define gender or sex anymore. And yes, we no longer associate the cliche “trophy” only with wives.

Because of that, these are the necessary steps you must take to maximize your chances of being the best trophy husband in your dead end.

Step 1. Begin a rigorous yoga program.

You won’t become a trophy by being a bump on a log that sees The Price Is Right every day. This move comes after both of you are already too invested in your marriage and afraid to start over.

Yoga is the perfect trophy husband exercise in every way. While it gets you in the shape you need to be in to show off at black tie galas, it also gives you the assurance that you can get over the fact that you’re useless in this world. And when you’re running errands and wearing Outdoor Voices joggers paired with a technical, moisture-wicking Lululemon shirt that’ll show off your pecs perfectly, all other soccer moms will swoon.

Step 2. Cooking Classes.

When your nurturing wife (or husband/partner, no judgment here) returns from a long day at work, they expect to have a steaming plate of chicken marsala along with a fat glass of Taxi on the island kitchen. You don’t even know what chicken marsala is, do you? Exactly, which is why you need to sign up for some cooking classes at Sur La Table or Williams Sonoma. Repeating midweek meals or leftovers just aren’t an option when you have that much free time. We’re talking French Food Fridays and Mongolian Beef Mondays here, folks.

Plus, it gives you that in-class social interaction you crave while you’re cooped up indoors all day, waiting for 6:30 when they finally get through the front door.

Step 3. Build your substance tolerance.

It would be blasphemous to expect anyone to stay at home all day without experimenting with alcohol and pills. That’s part of the appeal and fun of being a trophy husband in the first place, right? But should you come home from the office and you’re face down on the couch with an overturned bottle of Chardonnay on your Crate & Barrel coffee table, that’s a one-way ticket to getting through the cleaning in divorce court to be led.

After you’ve done non-consecutive months of Whole 30 (get used to it, or at least try to convince your busy spouse about it), your alcohol tolerance drops. That’s why you need to sneak in cocktails in the mornings to keep you going and have a nightcap every night before bed to ensure you’re dealing with a hangover. You know, because you get them all. Single. Day.

Step 4. Cleanliness comes close to godliness.

Another habit to incorporate into your daily life is cleaning as you will be smoking too many cigarettes. Not only do they help cool your nerves, but they don’t interfere with your cardio because you’re doing yoga instead of training for marathons.

Unfortunately, with American liquor comes bad-smelling clothing and furniture. Finding ways to avoid smoking cigarettes and red wine is important to maintaining your role, especially if you spill red wine on the couch. It will only jeopardize your status as a trophy husband.

Step 5. Accept the loneliness.

Your spouse is gone. your friends work The kids are at school. You will eventually feel worthless, which means you will wonder why you chose this path for yourself instead of making money on your own.

Steps to get around this include (but are not limited to): building a large Instagram follower with meals from your cooking class, volunteering, finding a lover, or hooking up with someone using dating apps.

Sure, not the noblest of endeavors, but better than getting a real job. .

Why Men Seek A Trophy Wife Dating In Ukraine?

Why Men Seek A Trophy Wife Dating In Ukraine?
Why Men Seek A Trophy Wife Dating In Ukraine?

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Trophy Wife Dating Website – Luxy Friends – #1 Millionaire …

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Trophy Wife International Provides Secure Online Dating for …

Trophy Wife International is a new online dating website exclusively for single men with six-figure incomes who want to find that special …

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Trophy wife dating app – Free Chat – PsicoPico

Com match. Welcome to people on the freedom to a woman – men looking for newly married to find victims sa. Welcome to a high society on dating trophy wives …

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Trophy Wife Dating Website – AfroHits

Become a trophy wife dating site that for story, seasons, , like kim kardashian on asian wife ally fogg. Rated members online social media …

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How to get a trophy wife – Quora

Join any dating site or any marriage portal. You will get beautiful, shallow girls by the dozen. I sincerely hope, you’re trolling here, because there is no …

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Fine Living: How To Find A Trophy Wife – AskMen

Page 1 of 3. To some, the term “trophy wife” connotes an enviable achievement, while to others it’s an iomatic synonym for “iot.

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Uniform Online Dating — Steps For Finding A Trophy Wife

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Trophy Wife Dating Website

Dating site for trophy women

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