Frequently Asked Questions for L1 VISA (Intracompany Transferee)
What is the purpose of L-1 Visa? The L-1 visa is one of the most useful nonimmigrant visas available to employees of foreign companies. The purpose of the L-1 visa is to facilitate the transfer of key employees to the United States from companies that are affiliated with or related to United States corporations. Nationals of all countries are eligible, provided the specific qualifications for the visa are satisfied.
Is the L-1 visa holder allowed to have dual intent? Yes. Like the H-1B, the L-1 visa does not preclude the person from seeking lawful permanent residence while pursuing or being present in the United Sates on an L-1 visa.
Who needs to file L visa? What should be filed to obtain an L visa? A U.S. employer seeking to transfer a qualifying employee of the same organization to the United States must first obtain USCIS permission to do so, by filing a petition to classify nonimmigrant as temporary worker, Form I-129 and a special L supplement to the form, with the USCIS.
Where should I-129 Forms be filed? I-129 forms should be filed with either the Vermont Service Center or the California Service Center, depending on the location of employment. When the foreign national will be employed in multiple locations, the state in which the employer is located will determine whether the I-129 form is filed with the VSC or CSC.
What are the differences between L-1A and L-1B visas? There are two types of employees who may be sponsored for L-1 visas: L-1A: Managers/Executives
The executive or manager should have supervisory responsibility for professional staff and/or for a key function, department or subdivision of the employer. Such personnel are issued an L-1A visa, initially for a three year period extendible in two year increments to a maximum of seven years. L-1B: Specialized Knowledge Staff:
This category covers those with knowledge of the company’s products/services, research, systems, proprietary techniques, management, or procedures. Staff in this category are issued an L-1B visa, initially for three years extendible to a maximum of five years.
How long can I stay in the United States if I have the L-1 Visa? The L-1A visa has duration up to seven years for managers and executives and L-1B up to five years for persons of specialized knowledge. The duration of stay is issued for an initial period of three years and may be extended for additional periods. The immigration rules permit an L-1 specialized knowledge employee to extend stay to the seven-year limit if the specialized knowledge employee had actually been performing executive or managerial duties for the preceding six months prior to the extension request, and the USCIS had been notified of the change of duties through the filing of an amended petition. In the case of a new office, the visa is issued for one year and extensions are possible. Extensions can be granted in two-year increments: executives and managers can obtain two such extensions, and specialized knowledge personnel one such extension.
What form should be filed for L-1 visa extensions? Extensions are sought on Form I-129 and L supplements; this form encompasses both the petition extension and the foreign national’s extension of stay. Form I-539 must be used for the extension of stay of family members and must be filed concurrently with the petition extension request. The petition extension must also be accompanied by a letter from the employer describing the continuing employment and by a copy of Form I-94 for the foreign worker and each family member. The extension should be filed with either the VSC or the CSC, depending on the location.
How long must the foreign worker have been employed by the overseas company? The employee who is to be transferred must have been continuously employed by the overseas company for a period of at least one year out of the last three years prior to entry to the United States. Short business or pleasure trips to the United States during the one year period will not disqualify the employee from the visa; however, extended trips or visits to the United States may be considered by the USCIS as an interruption of the one-year foreign employment requirement.
What kind of relationship is required between the overseas and the U.S. companies? The prior employer/foreign company must be related to the U.S. company, either as a subsidiary, affiliate or division. In most cases, the relationship must be documented to the USCIS. The documentation of the U.S.-foreign corporation relationship may not need to be documented in the case of large, well-known multinational corporations.
Does the qualifying company have to be a corporation? No. The immigration regulations permit entities other than a corporation to serve as a qualifying company. Partnerships and even sole proprietorships can serve as qualifying companies for L-1 visa purposes. In a noncorporate setting, it is important to establish that the employing company is separate entity from the employee being transferred. In the case of a larger, well-established company which operates in a legal form other than a corporation, the L-1 visa may be still available but there will be a heavier burden of proof to establish the separate business and economic identity of the company.
What if the overseas company ceases to exist? The petitioning company of an L-visa must continue to be qualifying organization. The foreign company must continue as a viable business entity throughout the employment period of the L-1 visa holder. If the foreign entity ceases to exist or ceases to function as a viable business entity, then the L-visa of the employee is jeopardized.
What are foreign workers’ qualifications for an L visa? The law requires that the L-1 visa holder to be a manager, executive or a person with specialized knowledge in the foreign entity and continue to act in these qualifying capacities in the U.S. company.
Who is a “manager“ for the purpose of L visa? The definitions of “manager“ and “executive“ are the same with those for the purpose of EB1-C Multinational Managers and Executives. Here are the definitions of “manager“ in law: Someone who primarily manages the organization, or a department, subdivision, function, or component of the organization. The addition of the concept function gives the definition more usefulness for smaller companies or companies in which a key function is primarily managed and run by the same person or Someone who primarily supervises and controls the work of other supervisory, professional, or managerial employees, or manages an essential function within the organization, or a department or subdivision of the organization; or Someone who has the authority to hire and fire and recommend those as well as other personnel actions if another employee or other employees are supervised; if no other employees are supervised, functions at a senior level within the organizational hierarchy or with respect to the function managed; or Exercises discretion over the day-to-day operations of the activity or function for which the employee has authority.
Who is an “executive“ for the purpose of the L-1 Visa? An executive is someone who Directs the management of the organization or a major component or function, Establishes the goals and policies of the organization, component, or function; Exercises wide latitude in discretionary decision-making; and Receives only general supervision or direction from higher level executives, the board of directors or stockholders of the organization.
Who is a “person of specialized knowledge“? A qualified person of specialized knowledge must have special or unique knowledge of the petitioning organization’s product, service, research, equipment, techniques, management, or other interests and its application in international markets, or an advanced level of knowledge or expertise in the organization’s processes and procedures. “Special knowledge“ is knowledge that is different from or exceeds the ordinary or usual knowledge of an employee in a particular field.
Does the position to be filled in the U.S. company have to be identical with the one held by the foreign worker abroad? There is no requirement that the position to be filled by the employee be identical to that previously held abroad, or that it have all of the same responsibilities, but the position in the United States must be at least of the equivalent classification as the original one.
Is there annual quota for L-1 visa? No. The L-1 visa has no annual quota.
What visa do the spouse and children of a L-1 visa holder have? The spouse and unmarried children under 21 of the L-1 visa-holder are admitted as L-2s and are able to study full-time in the U.S., but only the spouse of the L-1 visa-holder is permitted to obtain work authorization.
Can my family join me if I obtain L-1 visa? Spouses and unmarried children under 21 of L-1 workers may receive L-2 status. A recent change in the immigration law allows spouses to obtain work authorization in the United States, and dependents may study at U.S. schools and universities.
What are the primary advantages of obtaining an L-1 visa? The L-1 category offers several advantages over other types of work visas. No annual limit exists on the number of visas issued, and L-1 visa holders may pursue permanent residency. Some L-1 managers and executives may petition for a green card without the need for labor certification. In addition, dependents of L-1 visa may obtain work authorization.
Does the U.S. employer need to provide prevailing wage,like H-1B visas? No. U.S. employers are not required to show that the employee meets the prevailing wage of similarly employed U.S. workers. Income in the United States must only be sufficient to prevent the employee from requiring public assistance.
What does the legal fee cover? We will provide everything necessary to file your L-1 petition, including: Contacting and discussing with your employer to facilitate their sponsorship for your petition. Drafting employment verification letter detailing the description of your company, your position, and your qualifications etc. for your employer to review and sign. Providing a list of supporting documentation you should prepare with the petition; Organizing all the required documentation for your L-1 petition according to the USCIS regulations. Drafting the petition letter and revising it to your satisfaction. Submitting the completed petition materials to the proper USCIS Center, and Contacting the USCIS for the status inquiry of your pending case.
[더,오래] 국민이주의 해외이주 클리닉(32)
미국 진출을 추진하는 기업이 늘면서 관련 문의도 증가하고 있습니다. 요새 한국 문화가 다방면에서 K-스타일이란 이름으로 인기를 얻고 있습니다. 미국에서 사업을 하고 싶다면, 무엇보다 비자문제부터 확실하게 해결하고 진행해야 합니다. 미국의 경우 사업과 비자가 유기적으로 연결되다 보니 비자 문제가 선결되지 않으면 사업을 할 수 없다고 봐야 합니다.
그러면 미국에서 사업을 하려는 회사 입장에서 제일 먼저 해야 하는 일은 무엇일까요? 정답은 회사 설립입니다. 회사 설립을 어떤 형태로 하고 소유 형태는 어떻게 되는지에 따라 비자가 가능할 수도, 불가능할 수도 있습니다. 이유는 이민국에서 과거보다 엄격하고 꼼꼼하게 회사의 규모, 업무경력에 관한 서류를 요구하기 때문입니다. 서류 준비를 제대로 하면 비자를 받을 수 있습니다. 회사 설립 단계에서부터 회계사 및 변호사 등 전문가와 의논하고 서류를 준비하기를 추천합니다.
상사 주재원 비자인 E-1은 비이민비자입니다. 비이민비자는 비자 유효기간 동안 미국에 체류할 수 있고, 일정 조건 아래 체류를 연장할 수 있는 비자입니다. 미국과 무역 조약이 체결된 조약국 국민을 위한 비자이고 대한민국은 여기에 포함됩니다. 신청자는 반드시 감독 관리직 또는 간부직이거나 사업체를 효율적으로 운영하는 데 필요한 고도의 전문적 기술을 갖추어야 합니다. 가장 중요한 점은 신청자는 E-1 비자 체류자격이 종료되었을 때 미국을 떠나야 한다는 점입니다. 때문에 영주권이 목적이라면 처음부터 미국투자이민을 진행하기를 추천합니다.
다음은 주재원 비자입니다. 주재원 비자는 일정기간 주재원으로 파견나가는 경우로 L1 비자가 있습니다. 보통은 주재원 비자 하면 L비자를 말하는데, 간단한 비자는 아닙니다. 왜냐면 미국의 L비자에 대한 심사가 엄격해지면서 퇴짜맞는 사례가 많이 발생하고 있습니다. 비자 발급이 거절되면 이후 미국에 무비자인 ESTA로 여행 목적의 입국도 안 되기 때문에, 처음부터 안전하게 비자를 발급받는 것이 최선입니다.
L1 비자는 한국에 본사를 두고 미국에 설립한 지사·자회사·계열회사에 파견하는 주재원에 발급되는 비자로, 경영권을 가진 임원진이나 특수한 기술을 보유한 전문인력이 대상입니다. 비자 신청 전 3년 이내에 1년간 지속해 미국 외 한국 회사에서 근무경력이 있어야 하고 미국 내 회사나 계열사가 이민국으로부터 신청인을 위한 청원서를 승인받은 후에야 L1비자를 신청할 수 있습니다.
마지막으로 실무적으로 많이 듣는 질문 몇 가지에 대해서 입니다. 첫 번째는 L비자와 E 비자의 신청요건의 차이입니다. 두 비자의 차이는 한국에 있는 모기업과 미국에 있는 자기업과의 소유 관계입니다. 실제 비즈니스와 이민법상의 지사 혹은 협력사 관계의 기준은 조금 다릅니다. L비자의 요건이 좀 더 까다롭기 때문에 E 직원비자를 선택해야 하는 경우도 있습니다.
두 번째는 직원의 조건입니다. L비자나 E비자 모두 간부급 직원이어야 합니다. 사업운영에 핵심적인 지식을 가진 직원도 가능한데, 다른 사람으로 대체할 수 없는 지식을 가진 직원을 말합니다. 특허 출원이나 핵심기술에 대한 증거를 보여줄 수 있어야 합니다.
세 번째는 주재원 비자의 경우 비자를 신청하는 시점에서 3년 기간 내에 최소 1년 이상을 빈 기간 없이 모기업에서 일을 한다는 조건이 있습니다. E 비자의 경우 간부급이어야 한다는 조건 외에 국적도 고려됩니다. 이외에도 여러 가지 조건을 고려하기 때문에 직원의 이력서를 확인해야 합니다.
네 번째는 미국체류기간입니다.주재원 비자의 경우 지사를 설립하고 시작하려는 상황이라면 1년, 그 외의 경우에는 3년의 기간을 받을 수 있습니다. 연장도 가능하지만 최장 7년까지만 가능하기 때문에 만약 미국에 계속 남아 지사를 운영하고자 한다면 그사이에 영주권 신청을 해야 합니다. E비자는 이론적으로는 무제한 연장이 가능하지만 회사의 수익을 보여주지 못하면 비자 갱신이 안 됩니다.