Top 5 Pytorch Variable The 145 New Answer

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A PyTorch Variable is a wrapper around a PyTorch Tensor, and represents a node in a computational graph. If x is a Variable then x. data is a Tensor giving its value, and x. grad is another Variable holding the gradient of x with respect to some scalar value.The Variable API has been deprecated: Variables are no longer necessary to use autograd with tensors. Autograd automatically supports Tensors with requires_grad set to True .Autograd is a PyTorch package for the differentiation for all operations on Tensors. It performs the backpropagation starting from a variable. In deep learning, this variable often holds the value of the cost function. Backward executes the backward pass and computes all the backpropagation gradients automatically.

Is variable deprecated PyTorch?

The Variable API has been deprecated: Variables are no longer necessary to use autograd with tensors. Autograd automatically supports Tensors with requires_grad set to True .

What does Autograd variable do?

Autograd is a PyTorch package for the differentiation for all operations on Tensors. It performs the backpropagation starting from a variable. In deep learning, this variable often holds the value of the cost function. Backward executes the backward pass and computes all the backpropagation gradients automatically.

What is the difference between variable and tensor PyTorch?

Difference between Tensor and a Variable in Pytorch

A variable wraps around the tensor. A tensor can be multidimensional. and gradient.

What is Autograd in PyTorch?

Autograd is reverse automatic differentiation system. Conceptually, autograd records a graph recording all of the operations that created the data as you execute operations, giving you a directed acyclic graph whose leaves are the input tensors and roots are the output tensors.

What does variable () do in PyTorch?

A PyTorch Variable is a wrapper around a PyTorch Tensor, and represents a node in a computational graph. If x is a Variable then x. data is a Tensor giving its value, and x. grad is another Variable holding the gradient of x with respect to some scalar value.

What is leaf variable in PyTorch?

First, definition of what a leaf variable in PyTorch is, you can check official documentation for tensor. is_leaf (emphasis mine): All Tensors that have requires_grad which is False will be leaf Tensors by convention.

Is Requires_grad default true?

By default, requires_grad is False in creating a Variable. If one of the input to an operation requires gradient, its output and its subgraphs will also require gradient.

What is a leaf tensor?

When a tensor is first created, it becomes a leaf node. Basically, all inputs and weights of a neural network are leaf nodes of the computational graph. When any operation is performed on a tensor, it is not a leaf node anymore.

What does with torch No_grad () do?

The use of “with torch. no_grad()” is like a loop where every tensor inside the loop will have requires_grad set to False. It means any tensor with gradient currently attached with the current computational graph is now detached from the current graph.

What is the difference between tensor and variable?

So basically all tensors in the graph are variables. A variable in Tensorflow is also a wrapper around a tensor, but has a different meaning. A variable contains a tensor that is persistent and changeable across different Session.

What is the difference between torch tensor and torch tensor?

torch. Tensor(10) will return an uninitialized FloatTensor with 10 values, while torch. tensor(10) will return a LongTensor containing a single value ( 10 ). I would recommend to use the second approach (lowercase t) or any other factory method instead of creating uninitialized tensors via torch.

What is tensor in PyTorch?

PyTorch: Tensors

A PyTorch Tensor is basically the same as a numpy array: it does not know anything about deep learning or computational graphs or gradients, and is just a generic n-dimensional array to be used for arbitrary numeric computation.

What is Optimizer in PyTorch?

PyTorch: optim

Rather than manually updating the weights of the model as we have been doing, we use the optim package to define an Optimizer that will update the weights for us. The optim package defines many optimization algorithms that are commonly used for deep learning, including SGD+momentum, RMSProp, Adam, etc.

What is Grad_fn in PyTorch?

grad_fn attribute that references a function that has created a function (except for Tensors created by the user – these have None as . grad_fn ).

What is Optimizer Zero_grad ()?

Optimizer. zero_grad (set_to_none=False)[source] Sets the gradients of all optimized torch. Tensor s to zero. set_to_none (bool) – instead of setting to zero, set the grads to None.

What is Autograd in Python?

autograd. • Autograd is a Python package for automatic differentiation. • To install Autograd: pip install autograd. • Autograd can automatically differentiate Python and Numpy code.

How does TensorFlow do automatic differentiation?

To differentiate automatically, TensorFlow needs to remember what operations happen in what order during the forward pass. Then, during the backward pass, TensorFlow traverses this list of operations in reverse order to compute gradients.

PyTorch Tutorial 03 – Gradient Calculation With Autograd
PyTorch Tutorial 03 – Gradient Calculation With Autograd

PyTorch: Variables and autograd — PyTorch Tutorials 0.2.0_4 documentation

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PyTorch: Variables and autograd — PyTorch Tutorials 0.2.0_4 documentation

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python – What is the goal of Variable using pytorch? – Stack Overflow

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Variables and autograd in Pytorch – GeeksforGeeks

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Variables and autograd in Pytorch – GeeksforGeeks

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Difference between Tensor and Variable in Pytorch – GeeksforGeeks

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Difference between Tensor and a Variable in Pytorch

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Difference between Tensor and Variable in Pytorch - GeeksforGeeks
Difference between Tensor and Variable in Pytorch – GeeksforGeeks

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Autograd mechanics — PyTorch 1.12 documentation

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How autograd encodes the history¶

Gradients for non-differentiable functions¶

Locally disabling gradient computation¶

In-place operations with autograd¶

Multithreaded Autograd¶

Autograd for Complex Numbers¶

Hooks for saved tensors¶




Autograd mechanics — PyTorch 1.12 documentation
Autograd mechanics — PyTorch 1.12 documentation

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Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd — PyTorch 1.12 documentation

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd — PyTorch 1.12 documentation Variable(tensor) and Variable(tensor, requires_grad) still work as expected, but they return Tensors instead of Variables. is the same thing as tensor. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd — PyTorch 1.12 documentation Variable(tensor) and Variable(tensor, requires_grad) still work as expected, but they return Tensors instead of Variables. is the same thing as tensor.
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Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation¶

Functional higher level API¶

Locally disabling gradient computation¶

Default gradient layouts¶

In-place operations on Tensors¶

Variable (deprecated)¶

Tensor autograd functions¶


Context method mixins¶

Numerical gradient checking¶


Anomaly detection¶

Saved tensors default hooks¶




Automatic differentiation package - torch.autograd — PyTorch 1.12 documentation
Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd — PyTorch 1.12 documentation

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“PyTorch – Variables, functionals and Autograd.”

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about “PyTorch – Variables, functionals and Autograd.” In PyTorch, the variables and functions build a dynamic graph of computation. For every variable operation, it creates at least a single … …
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“PyTorch - Variables, functionals and Autograd.”
“PyTorch – Variables, functionals and Autograd.”

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python – What is the goal of Variable using pytorch? – Stack Overflow

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about python – What is the goal of Variable using pytorch? – Stack Overflow Variable() was a way to to use autograd with tensors. This is now deprecated and should not be used anymore. Tensors now work fine with … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for python – What is the goal of Variable using pytorch? – Stack Overflow Variable() was a way to to use autograd with tensors. This is now deprecated and should not be used anymore. Tensors now work fine with …
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about python – What is the goal of Variable using pytorch? – Stack Overflow Tensor and Variable are a proved by Pytorch. According to the official PyTorch document, Both es are a multi-dimensional matrix … …
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Detailed explanation of variable variable in pytorch | Develop Paper

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  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Detailed explanation of variable variable in pytorch | Develop Paper Detailed explanation of variable variable in pytorch … As the name suggests, variable means variable. In essence, it is a variable that can be … Provide a platform for developers to answer questions, learn and exchange programming knowledge, and create an era that belongs to developers!developpaper,javascript,php,python,java,mysql,ios,android,vue.js,node.js,html,css,ruby,git,docker,Front end
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PyTorch: Variables and autograd — PyTorch Tutorials 0.2.0

PyTorch: Variables and autograd¶

A fully-connected ReLU network with one hidden layer and no biases, trained to predict y from x by minimizing squared Euclidean distance.

This implementation computes the forward pass using operations on PyTorch Variables, and uses PyTorch autograd to compute gradients.

A PyTorch Variable is a wrapper around a PyTorch Tensor, and represents a node in a computational graph. If x is a Variable then is a Tensor giving its value, and x.grad is another Variable holding the gradient of x with respect to some scalar value.

PyTorch Variables have the same API as PyTorch tensors: (almost) any operation you can do on a Tensor you can also do on a Variable; the difference is that autograd allows you to automatically compute gradients.

import torch from torch.autograd import Variable dtype = torch . FloatTensor # dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor # Uncomment this to run on GPU # N is batch size; D_in is input dimension; # H is hidden dimension; D_out is output dimension. N , D_in , H , D_out = 64 , 1000 , 100 , 10 # Create random Tensors to hold input and outputs, and wrap them in Variables. # Setting requires_grad=False indicates that we do not need to compute gradients # with respect to these Variables during the backward pass. x = Variable ( torch . randn ( N , D_in ) . type ( dtype ), requires_grad = False ) y = Variable ( torch . randn ( N , D_out ) . type ( dtype ), requires_grad = False ) # Create random Tensors for weights, and wrap them in Variables. # Setting requires_grad=True indicates that we want to compute gradients with # respect to these Variables during the backward pass. w1 = Variable ( torch . randn ( D_in , H ) . type ( dtype ), requires_grad = True ) w2 = Variable ( torch . randn ( H , D_out ) . type ( dtype ), requires_grad = True ) learning_rate = 1e-6 for t in range ( 500 ): # Forward pass: compute predicted y using operations on Variables; these # are exactly the same operations we used to compute the forward pass using # Tensors, but we do not need to keep references to intermediate values since # we are not implementing the backward pass by hand. y_pred = x . mm ( w1 ) . clamp ( min = 0 ) . mm ( w2 ) # Compute and print loss using operations on Variables. # Now loss is a Variable of shape (1,) and is a Tensor of shape # (1,);[0] is a scalar value holding the loss. loss = ( y_pred – y ) . pow ( 2 ) . sum () print ( t , loss . data [ 0 ]) # Use autograd to compute the backward pass. This call will compute the # gradient of loss with respect to all Variables with requires_grad=True. # After this call w1.grad and w2.grad will be Variables holding the gradient # of the loss with respect to w1 and w2 respectively. loss . backward () # Update weights using gradient descent; and are Tensors, # w1.grad and w2.grad are Variables and and are # Tensors. w1 . data -= learning_rate * w1 . grad . data w2 . data -= learning_rate * w2 . grad . data # Manually zero the gradients after updating weights w1 . grad . data . zero_ () w2 . grad . data . zero_ ()

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Variables and autograd in Pytorch

PyTorch is a python library developed by Facebook to run and train the machine and deep learning algorithms. In a neural network, we have to perform backpropagation which involves optimizing the parameter to minimize the error in its prediction.

For this PyTorch offers torch.autograd that does automatic differentiation by collecting all gradients. Autograd does this by keeping a record of data(tensors) & all executed operations in a directed acyclic graph consisting of function objects. In this DAG, leaves are the input tensors, roots are the output tensors. By tracing this graph from roots to leaves we can automatically compute the gradients using the chain rule.

A variable is an automatic differentiation tool given a forward formulation. It wraps a variable. Variable supports nearly all the APIs defined by a Tensor. While defining a variable we pass the parameter requires_grad which indicates if the variable is trainable or not. By default, it is set to false. An example is depicted below to understand it more clearly.

Example 1:


import torch from torch.autograd import Variable a = Variable(torch.tensor([ 5. , 4. ]), requires_grad = True ) b = Variable(torch.tensor([ 6. , 8. ])) y = ((a * * 2 ) + ( 5 * b)) z = y.mean() print ( ‘Z value is:’ , z)


Z value is: tensor(55.5000, grad_fn=)

Thus, in the above forward pass, we compute a resulting tensor maintaining the gradient function in DAG. After that when backward is called, it follows backward with the links created in the graph to backpropagate the gradient and accumulates them in the respective variable’s grad attribute.

Example 2:


import torch from torch.autograd import Variable a = Variable(torch.tensor([ 5. , 4. ]), requires_grad = True ) b = Variable(torch.tensor([ 6. , 8. ])) y = ((a * * 2 ) + ( 5 * b)) z = y.mean() z.backward() print ( ‘Gradient of a’ , a.grad) print ( ‘Gradient of b’ , b.grad)


Gradient of a tensor([5., 4.]) Gradient of b None

Above you can notice that b’s gradient is not updated as in this variable requires_grad is not set to true. This is where Autograd comes into the picture.

Autograd is a PyTorch package for the differentiation for all operations on Tensors. It performs the backpropagation starting from a variable. In deep learning, this variable often holds the value of the cost function. Backward executes the backward pass and computes all the backpropagation gradients automatically.

First, we create some random features, e.g., weight and bias vectors. Perform a linear regression by multiplying x, W matrices. Then calculate the squared error and call the backward function to backpropagate, updating the gradient value of each variable. At last, we optimize the weight matrix and print it out.



import torch from torch.autograd import Variable x = Variable(torch.randn( 1 , 10 ), requires_grad = False ) W = Variable(torch.randn( 10 , 1 ), requires_grad = True ) b = Variable(torch.randn( 1 ), requires_grad = True ) y = Variable(torch.tensor([[ 0.822 ]])) y_pred = torch.matmul(x, W) + b loss = (y_pred – y). pow ( 2 ) print (loss) loss.backward() print (W.grad) print (b.grad) lr = 0.001 with torch.no_grad(): W = W – (lr * print (W)


tensor([[1.3523]], grad_fn=) tensor([[-0.4488], [ 1.8151], [ 3.5312], [ 1.4467], [ 2.8628], [-0.9358], [-2.7980], [ 0.2670], [-0.0399], [ 0.1995]]) tensor([2.3258]) tensor([[ 1.1908], [ 0.0301], [-0.2003], [ 0.6922], [ 2.1972], [ 0.0633], [ 0.7101], [-0.5169], [ 0.7412], [ 0.7068]])

Difference between Tensor and Variable in Pytorch

In this article, we are going to see the difference between a Tensor and a variable in Pytorch.

Pytorch is an open-source Machine learning library used for computer vision, Natural language processing, and deep neural network processing. It is a torch-based library. It contains a fundamental set of features that allow numerical computation, deployment, and optimization. Pytorch is built using the tensor class. It was developed by Facebook AI researchers in 2016. The two main features of Pytorch are: it is similar to NumPy but supports GPU, Automatic differentiation is used for the creation and training of deep learning networks and the Models can be deployed in mobile applications, therefore, making it is fast and easy to use. We must be familiar with some modules of Pytorch like nn(used to build neural networks), autograd( automatic differentiation to all the operations performed on the tensors), optim( to optimize the neural network weights to minimize loss), and utils(provide classes for data processing).


The basic unit of a Pytorch is a tensor. A tensor is an n-dimensional array or a matrix. It contains elements of a single data type. It is used to take input and is also used to display output. Tensors are used for powerful computations in deep learning models. It is similar to NumPy array but it can run on GPUs. They can be created from an array, by initializing it to either zeroes or ones or random values or from NumPy arrays. The elements of tensors can be accessed just as we do in any other programming language and they can also be accessed within a specified range that is slicing can be used. Many mathematical operations can be performed on tensors. A small code to get a clear understanding of tensors


import torch x = torch.ones(( 3 , 2 )) print (x) arr = [[ 3 , 4 ]] tensor = torch.Tensor(arr) print (tensor)


tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]) tensor([[3., 4.]])

In the above code, we create tensors from an array and we also use ones to create a tensor.


Variables act as a wrapper around a tensor. It supports all the operations that are being performed on a tensor. To support automatic differentiation for tensor’s gradients autograd was combined with variable. A variable comprises two parts: data and grad. Data refers to the raw tensor which the variable wraps, and grad refers to the gradient of the tensor. The basic use of variables is to calculate the gradient of tensors. It records a reference to the creator function. With the help of variables, we can build a computational graph as it represents a node in the graph.



tensor(6.) None

In the above code, we used variables to wrap the tensor and performed a summation. Since the sum is 6 which is a constant, therefore the gradient which is nothing but derivative is therefore None.

Difference between Tensor and a Variable in Pytorch

Tensor Variable A tensor is the basic unit of Pytorch A variable wraps around the tensor. A tensor can be multidimensional. Variables act upon tensors and has two parts data and gradient. Tensors can perform operations like addition subtraction etc. Variables can perform all the operations that are done on tensors plus it calculates gradient. Tensors are usually constant. Variables represent changes in data. Tensors can support integer datatypes. If requires_grad is True variables can support only float and complex datatype.

So you have finished reading the pytorch variable topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: Pytorch variable vs tensor, Torch autograd, Torch autograd Variable, Variable PyTorch, Require grad pytorch, Requires_grad, One of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation, Torch tensor

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