Crown On The Rocks? All Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “crown on the rocks“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Is Crown Royal Good on the rocks?

Drinking Crown Royal Neat. Use a whiskey glass or rocks glass for the best flavor. It’s perfectly fine to drink out of whatever you have on hand, but some glasses are better than others at highlighting the flavor of the Crown Royal.

What is a crown on the rock?

Crown Royal on the Rocks

Enjoy a Crown Royal Whisky on the Rocks with Crown Royal Deluxe® Whisky, served in an ice-filled rocks glass.

Is Crown Royal a sipping whiskey?

If you enjoy a smooth, sipping whisky with just the right amount of bite, Crown Royal delivers. Crown is an elegant Canadian whisky and it’s readily apparent why Crown drinkers are such a devoted group.

How many shots of Crown get you drunk?

Generally, a four-shot glass of whiskey can get you seriously intoxicated, especially if one glass contains 30 ml to 45 ml. Doing the math, around 120 ml to 180 ml of a whiskey bottle can make you intoxicated faster.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Last updated on July 21, 2022 by Lydia Martin

If you’re planning on having a few shots with friends or enjoying a little whiskey over dinner, knowing your alcohol tolerance is important to avoid getting high. While it’s true that no one size fits all, our team will study how alcohol affects our bodies and help you avoid intoxication.

Ever wondered how many shots it takes to get drunk? Read on to find out.

How many shots could you get drunk?

An average person can be drunk after four to five shots of alcohol. Two or three shots can get you tipsy, while seven or more shots can get you extremely drunk. However, alcohol has a different alcohol content and people have different alcohol tolerances.

In addition, there are factors to consider when defining a person’s ideal alcohol consumption. It could be the type of alcohol, body mass, gender, genetics, and drugs you use while drinking.

types of alcohol


Gin is a colorless or light yellow spirit made from grain mash. The most important flavor component of a standard beverage is juniper berry [1].

This alcohol is mostly similar to vodka due to its neutral spirit, but has a completely different flavor when mixed with flavors and spices.

Gin has an ABV of 36%-50%, like whiskey and rum, and it’s not as strong as vodka.

There are basically two ways to drink gin: pure or as a mixed drink. Five to six shots can get you high if you plan to consume gin neat. However, three to four alcoholic beverages mixed with gin can make your evening enjoyable.


Like whiskey, rum has an average alcohol content of 36% to 50%. Depending on the brand and type, spiced rums can flavor the alcohol for a better taste.

You may not feel tipsy after the third shot, as it can take time for hard alcohol to affect your system. But how much rum can get you drunk?

Rum can be a strong spirit and if you plan on drinking decent shots of rum you can get high on the sixth shot, especially if you take 3-4 shots and then wait 20 minutes.


Brandy contains 50% ABV and is typically served on the rocks or with a blender as an after-dinner drink.

Because brandy is a fairly versatile drink, the alcoholic beverage is popular in bars and can be used as a base for cocktail drinks.

Since the liver absorbs 1 ounce of alcohol per hour[2], two shots of brandy can get you tipsy. However, a seasonal drinker may need five shots of alcohol to get high on brandy.


Drinking vodka has health benefits and can be consumed in the same way as wine and beer. Vodka has an ABV of 40%.

Depending on the brand, however, it can be up to 95% higher. Because vodka is distilled, the alcohol content can increase dramatically, especially with Smirnoff and Gray Goose.

When drinking popular brands of vodka, you can tell the difference between cheap and expensive, especially when drinking it neat due to its smoothness.

Two to four shots of vodka can get you a little tipsy, while ten or more can leave you feeling extremely high. But how many vodka shots will you get drunk?


Tequila is a Central and South American drink that is very popular in the United States and other parts of the world. Most tequilas contain around 50% ABV, and the most popular way to drink it is in a single shot.

The average person can be tipsy after two shots of tequila, moderately high after four shots, and very high after eight or more.

However, it can vary depending on alcohol tolerance, gender, age and body weight.


Whiskey can be one of the most confusing types of alcohol you can encounter due to its spelling; whiskey or whiskey and its subcategories; Irish whiskey, bourbon or scotch.

Depending on the whiskey category and brand, the average ABV of this pure alcohol ranges from 36% to 50%.

So how much whiskey gets you drunk? In general, a glass of whiskey with four shots can get you seriously high, especially if a glass is 30ml to 45ml.

Do the math, about 120ml to 180ml of a bottle of whiskey can get you high faster.

Beer & Malt

Like wine, beer and malt have a wide range of subcategories such as ales, pilsners and lagers. However, since the alcohol brewing process has a large impact on the ABV percentage, beer and malt only range from 4% to 8%.

An average man can consume up to 4 to 5 bottles of beer to get high and for the average woman it’s 3 to 4 beers.

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Signs that you are already drunk

Everyone can be affected differently by too much alcohol. Each sign can vary with age, previous drinking habits, weight, gender, diet, and medications.

Some of the signs of whether you are drunk or, worst of all, an alcohol abuser are slow or poor judgment, lack of coordination and vision problems.

You may also experience slow heart rate or breathing, drowsiness, and loss of balance if you consume too much alcohol, especially on an empty stomach.

Since the more alcohol you consume has a greater effect on the body, it can be dangerous, so drink moderately and within your limits. But what are drinks that don’t taste like alcohol?

Factors to consider

body mass

The first factor to consider when determining a person’s alcohol tolerance is body mass.

It’s no coincidence that taller people tolerate alcohol better and drink more than shorter ones, because body mass plays a big part in intoxication.

When you drink alcohol, the liquid spreads over your body, and when you’re taller, you have more space to spread the alcohol over your body.

Also Read: How Many Shots are in a Liter?

Interactions with other drugs

Do you take antidepressants or opioids? Did you know that drug interactions can increase alcohol intoxication? If you’re on medication and want to have more than one drink, you can create a bottleneck effect on your liver.

When you consume alcohol and have drug interactions, the alcohol absorbs more slowly and becomes more intoxicating.

Doctors strongly advise against consuming alcohol while taking medication because of health risks.


Blood alcohol levels rise rapidly when you are dehydrated because there is less water in your bloodstream. And since you don’t have enough water in your bloodstream, it would be harder to dilute the alcohol you drink.

Even if you consume alcohol and are dehydrated, the filtered water is not absorbed by your body from the kidneys, but is sent straight to your bladder.

empty stomach

Before consuming alcohol, it is important to eat something as you can easily become intoxicated on an empty stomach. If you eat a full meal before drinking alcohol, intoxication can be slower, lasting an hour or more.

Eating a healthy diet also slows down the absorption of alcohol in your body. It also helps prevent high blood pressure and makes you less intoxicated than usual.

Also Read: How Many ML in One Shot?


Genetics or genes affect intoxication and your ethnicity can be a factor to consider when considering higher alcohol tolerance.

Science has proven that Asians and Native Americans get drunk faster because they produce less alcohol dehydrogenase. With less dehydrogenase, alcohol stays in the blood longer and more concentrated, making you easily intoxicated.


Your gender plays a big role in how well you handle alcohol. Usually, due to low levels of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, women are more prone to intoxication than men. You have to metabolize the alcohol in the liver.

Since men have 40% more of these enzymes, it would be easier to metabolize and digest the alcohol they drink.

Read: Are Americans consuming more wine or beer?

frequently asked Questions

Will 4 shots get me drunk?

Yes, four shots can get you drunk. Most people get high after four shots of wine or other spirits. It happens faster if the person is petite, female, dehydrated, has drug interactions, or has had a drink on an empty stomach.

How many shots is a lot?

More than one shot is a lot, but depending on the context, twenty one-shots is a lot, and drinking the same amount in one sitting can be dangerous and life-threatening.

Consuming more than twenty-one drinks can lead to alcohol poisoning or liver disease, damaging your health and, in worst-case scenarios, killing you.

How many shots will you take tipsy?

Three to four shots can get you tipsy. Even more so, if the person is short and taking into account gender and other factors, two to four shots can leave you feeling tipsy.

How many shots can a woman take?

A woman can take five to six shots of vodka glasses. Other women can work well with taking shots on two to three.

The maximum limit a woman can handle can only be five or six shots or drinks.

Final Thoughts

The number of shots to get drunk depends on various factors such as body weight, genetics, gender, body type, drug interactions and the amount of alcohol you will be ingesting.

Whether you want to explore your own alcohol tolerance or are just curious about a person’s ability to drink, make sure you are within the legal limit and drinking age.

Also, don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach, stay hydrated, drink slowly, and know your limits. Drinking in moderation can be harmful, and binge drinking can be dangerous.

Finally, you should not drink and drive as you may get in legal trouble or be unsafe to drive.


What is the best way to enjoy Crown Royal?

Crown Royal tastes best while it’s neat, so if you want to enjoy it in its purest form, it’s best served neat. The glass should be as tall as two fingers or about two ounces (59 mL). It does not matter what type of glass you use, as long as it is clear.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

The Crown Royal is usually served neat, meaning no mixers are added. It is usually served neat at room temperature or chilled, but can also be enjoyed at room temperature. Mixing it into cocktails is also a great idea.

Is Crown Royal a whiskey to sip? Medium-bodied, Crown Royal Whiskey has just the right mouthfeel to enjoy neat, yet light enough to be blended. Crown Royal is a smooth whiskey with just the right amount of bite for those who like a smooth whiskey with just the right amount of bite.

What goes well with crown? Lemonade. You can also drink 7up or Sprite. Cranberry, pineapple, and orange juices are among the best fruit juices. You can also make apple juice from apple cider. Coke. Advocaat. Fireball’s flavors – cinnamon whiskey and apple whiskey – go well together. A beer made from ginger.

How long does it take for Crown Royal to enter? According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol enters the bloodstream as soon as it is ingested. You will feel them about 10 minutes after applying the effects.

Why is Crown Royal in a bag? Queen Elizabeth and King George VI visited Canada in 1939 and prompted the creation of the Crown Royal. The king and queen kept the packages as the presentation in these bags looked more royal.

How do you drink Crown Royal Whisky? Crown Royal tastes best when it is pure. So if you want to enjoy it in its purest form, it is best served neat. The glass should be the size of two fingers or about two ounces (59 ml). It doesn’t matter what type of glass you use, as long as it’s clear.

What is Crown Royal Good mixed with? The whiskey has a cinnamon flavor. A cider made from apple juice or sparkling apple juice. Soda with Lemon and Lime. beer or ginger ale. wine with shine. You can get it in juice form. Wine made from port wine. Madeira wine with a sweet taste.

Can I use Crown Royal on an Old Fashioned? Our recipe for an Old Fashioned Drink with Crown Royal, Simple Syrup and Bitters is worth trying.

Is crown good for sipping? Crown Royal good al Good for sipping? You are absolutely right. If you prefer to drink Crown Royal neat, this is a good choice.

What is the smoothest whiskey? A double Holzbalvenie… A history of GlenDronach Allardice… … George Dickel was bottled in Bond. I saw that in a brochure. ……. I’m enjoying a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky. Irish Whiskey powered by Powers Gold Label… This is the Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey… Show yourself, but don’t be a braggart.

Is Crown Royal cheaper whisky? According to the World Whiskey Awards 2016, Canadian whiskey is the best whiskey in the world. For example, you can buy 750ml 90 proof Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye for less than $50. Despite being given such a high honor, this dram is very accessible.

What’s the best thing to mix with Crown Royal? Optimally, 3 to 4 ice cubes should be used, then Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey and Cherry Coca-Cola are added. Gentle stirring is indicated. In an old-fashioned glass half filled with ice cubes, pour two ounces of Canadian Mist whiskey and a dash of Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps. stir. You can adjust the amount of apple juice to your liking.

What is Crown Royal Apple good for? The Crown Apple Whiskey harmonises well with many blenders as it has a smooth taste. As a summer cocktail, Crown Royal Apple and Lemonade is hard to beat. Sweet and tart lemonade combined with Apple Whiskey results in a refreshing cocktail with a hint of fruit flavor.

What soda goes well with Crown? Vanilla, fruit and oak aromas can be found in Crown Royal. There is nothing better than a good cocktail with this blended whisky. This drink contains whiskey, bitters, lemon juice and lemonade in addition to the whiskey.

How long does it take for soju to work? Alcohol can shock you because it hits you so quickly. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol enters the bloodstream more than a minute after consumption. You will feel them about 10 minutes after applying the effects.

How long does it take for the wine to work? A glass of alcohol works after 30 minutes. It may take an hour before you feel the effects of drinking, but you won’t feel the effects of alcohol for at least 30 minutes. This can determine the pace of your training. You’re probably drinking too much and too fast if you’re having more than one drink every 30 minutes.

How long does it take to make Crown Royal? Canadian whiskeys are bound by a few consistent rules: they must be aged for at least three years before being marketed, although many spend much more time in casks.

How much Crown Royal does it take to get drunk? The average person is drunk after four shots. A shot glass holds about thirty to forty-five milliliters. The amount of whiskey in a 750ml bottle will get you about 120ml to 180ml drunk.

Does Crown Royal still come in a bag? Along with the purple felt pouch and a drawstring tie with golden tassels, Crown Royal is packaged in a purple box. In 2010, Crown Royal Black, a higher alcohol strength (90 proof) alcoholic whiskey, was introduced. It comes in a bag that resembles felt. There are tan velvet-like pouches with chunky gold drawstrings that house the Crown Royal Reserve.

Do you drink Crown Royal Apple straight?

If you drink Apple Crown Royal straight, it’s best served chilled or over ice. I like to make Crown Apple and lemonade, but you can make other mixed drinks with Crown Royal Apple.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Try a refreshing summer drink with this easy Crown Apple Lemonade Cocktail. This has a unique flavor and is perfect for sipping at home or at a party. Some restaurants can prepare Apple Crown Royal Drinks, so ask at your favorite restaurant.

In summer I like to enjoy a drink or two on the terrace. The kids can swim and I’m usually outside with my Kindle or a game of cards with my husband.

I don’t drink much, so I’m into light drinks. This Crown Royal Apple and Lemonade is definitely easy.

It’s very refreshing on a hot summer day. The Crown Royal apple and lemonade combine to create a crunchy drink with a unique flavor that’s perfect for summer or fall.

Like most of my recipes, this Apple Crown Royal mixed drink recipe is a suggestion. It’s delicious as is, but you can definitely customize it to suit your tastes and needs.

Need Sugar Free? You can do that! Would you like to use soda? Yes, that’s good too.

For more drink recipes, check out these posts:

What is Crown Royal Apple?

Crown Royal Regal Apple is a newer flavor of the popular whiskey brand. Unlike Crown Royal Peach, Crown Royal Apple is available year-round.

Although apple is usually a fall flavor, I really like Apple Crown Royal mixed drinks in the summer.

Crown Royal Regal Apple is a Canadian whiskey with a crisp apple flavor. It’s a mix of Crown Royal with apples and spices.

It’s a little tart, but it’s crunchy. It has hints of spices and caramel. The crunchiness is balanced with some sweetness from the apple.

Is Crown Royal Apple good straight?

Yes, it is good. I prefer it to the unflavoured Crown Royal. I think I like the peach better, but the apple is good.

Apple Crown Royal is best served chilled or over ice.

What type of alcohol is in Crown Royal Regal Apple?

Apple Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey enriched with Gala apples. It is perfect for making mixed drinks with Crown Royal Apple.

Is crown apple artificial?

According to my research, no, it’s not artificial. According to Crown Royal, the Canadian whiskey is enriched with natural apple flavors.

What proof is Crown Royal Apple?

Crown Royal Apple has an alcohol content of 70% (35 percent alcohol). So keep this in mind when preparing mixed drinks with Crown Royal Apple.

Is Crown Royal Apple seasonal?

No, you can make Apple Crown Royal drinks all year round. Not all retailers carry it, but it should be available year-round.

What is the best way to drink Crown Royal Apple?

When drinking Apple Crown Royal neat, it is best served chilled or over ice. I like making Crown Apple and Lemonade, but Crown Royal Apple can be used to make other mixed drinks.

Try using Apple Crown Royal in the following Apple Crown Royal mixed drinks:


Mint jelup



whiskey sour


What blended well with crown apple?

To prepare Apple Crown Royal drinks, try one of the following methods:

cinnamon whiskey


Lemon Lime Soft Drink


ginger ale

sparkling wine

port wine

cranberry juice


What is the best soda to mix with Crown Royal Regal Apple?

I personally prefer a Lemon Lime Soda to Apple Crown Royal Drinks. But ginger ale and cola also taste good.

You can also use sparkling water with lemon, cranberry, or ginger.

Is Crown Royal Apple Good With Lemonade?

Yes, Crown Royal Apple and Lemonade is very good! It’s refreshing and tastes really good. Apple Crown Royal mixed drinks add extra flavor and depth to the drink.

Best lemonade for crown apple and lemonade

You can use your favorite lemonade recipe for a Crown Royal Apple and a lemonade. However, remember that a tasty lemonade makes delicious Apple Crown Royal drinks.

If you want fewer calories, use a low-calorie drink mix. These are good, but fresh lemonade is best. You can make your own lemonade or buy lemonade from the store.

For a glass, use a single-serving flavored beverage packet. Again it’s not that good but it will work.

What Alcohol Goes With Lemonade?

I like this crown apple lemonade drink, but you can offer your guests any of the following:






Apple Crown Royal Lemonade Variations

This Crown Apple and Lemonade recipe is super easy, but feel free to modify it to make it your own. Here are some things you can add:

Use a sparkling lemonade for some fizz.

Use a sugar-free soda mix to save on calories.

Use Ginger Ale, Lemon Lime Soda or Coke to make mixed drinks with Crown Royal Apple.

The fresh fruit makes this crown apple and lemonade look pretty, but they’re optional.

Crown royal apple and lemonade ingredients

To prepare Apple Crown Royal drinks with lemonade you will need:

Royal Apple Crown


ice cubes

apple pieces

lemon slices

Crown Apple and Lemonade Directions

Step 1

Fill an 8 ounce glass with ice cubes.

step 2

Add a dash (one ounce) of Apple Crown Royal.

step 3

Top up with lemonade. Garnish with apple slices and lemon wedges, if you like.

That’s it! Have you tried Apple Crown Royal drinks? Which is your favorite?

Print With Photo Without Photo Crown Royal Regal Apple Lemonade Yield 1 glass Author Cari @ Koti Beth Prep time 5 mins Cook time 5 mins Total time 10 mins How do I make an easy Apple Crown Royal Lemonade mixed drink recipe? Ingredients 1 Shot Crown Royal Apple

7 ounces lemonade

ice cubes

Green apple slices (garnish)

Lemon (Garnish) Instructions Fill an 8-ounce glass with ice cubes. Add a dash (one ounce) of Apple Crown Royal Top with lemonade. Garnish with apple slices and lemon wedges, if you like. Nutrition facts Calories 374.85 374.85 Fat (grams) 0.73 0.73 Sat. Fat (grams) 0.11 0.11 Carbohydrates (grams) 73.45 73.45 Fiber (grams) 8.94 8.94 Net Carbs 64.51 64.51 Sugars (grams) 59.59 59.59 Protein (grams) 1.17 1.17 Sodium (milligrams) 13.15 13.15 Cholesterol (grams) 0.0 Kiwifruit0 Similar Recipes 0.0 Kiwifruit0 Vodka Drink -Recipe with V8 Sparkling Energy How to Make Strawberry Starburst Jello Shots Copyright © Koti Beth 2021. All Rights Reserved. Lemonade, Whiskey, Whiskey, Crown Royal Drink American Created with The Recipes Generator

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What soda can you mix with Crown Royal?

Crown and Coke

The sweet caramel of cola is a fitting match for Crown Royal with its vanilla, brown sugar and oaky notes.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

received crown? Here are the best Crown Royal cocktail and mixed drink recipes that bring out the best in this Canadian whiskey.

Do you have a bottle of Crown? Of course, you can also sip it neat: This Canadian whiskey tastes best in mixed drinks! Crown Royal’s vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes work perfectly in cocktails of all kinds, from classic cocktails to modern mixed drinks. Start with the Royal Flush, developed in-house by Crown, or opt for the venerable Old Fashioned, which has been mixed for over 200 years. Whatever your taste, we have a Crown Royal drink for you.

And now… the best Crown Royal cocktails & mixed drinks!

Royal Flush Drink A favorite Crown Royal cocktail? Try the Royal Flush! This fun cocktail combines sweet, tart cranberry with vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes from Crown Royal. Add fruity peach schnapps and it’s an intriguing way to sip your whiskey! It’s interesting and sophisticated, not overly sweet. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Cranberry Juice, Peach Schnapps Get Recipe Crown Royal Sour Looking to spice up your standard whiskey sour? Try the Crown Royal Sour! Crown gives this sweet and tart drink notes of vanilla and caramel. This classic cocktail is the perfect way to use this whisky. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon Juice, Simple Syrup Get Recipe Crown Royal Highball Here’s a refreshing way to sip your Crown Royal: the classic whiskey highball! This two-ingredient cocktail originated at the turn of the 20th century and is still popular today. Why? It’s so easy to make: no cocktail shakers or fancy ingredients required! It’s a fascinating way to enjoy the flavors in a sip of whiskey. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, soda water Get the recipe Crown and Coke Do you have a bottle of Crown Royal Whisky? Here’s the easiest way to turn it into a cocktail: Make Crown and Coke! This twist on the popular rum and cola may sound simple, but it tastes even better than the sum of its parts. Cola’s sweet caramel pairs perfectly with Crown Royal with its vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Cola Get recipe Crown Mule Here’s a refreshing Crown Royal Cocktail: Meet the Crown Mule! This version of the classic Moscow Mule is bubbly and light, with a spicy whiskey finish. It couldn’t be easier: you only need to put 3 ingredients in a jar. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Ginger Beer, Lime Get Recipe Crown Smash The whiskey smash dates back to at least the 1880’s! It was listed in a bartender’s guide published in 1887. So you can imagine how people downed this drink in the Victorian era! It’s a fantastic Crown Royal cocktail made with lemon, mint, whiskey and sweetener and served with crushed ice. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon, Mint, Simple Syrup Get Recipe Crown Old Fashioned The Old Fashioned is hardly a cocktail: just slightly sweetened schnapps flavored with bitters. This classic dates back to the early 19th century, before the words classic and cocktail were even said side by side. The recipe is pretty standard, but it’s a new twist made with Crown Royal! Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Sugar, Bitters Get the Crown & Ginger Ale Recipe Here’s a classic combination that makes for one of the easiest cocktails ever. Crown Royal and Ginger All! Whiskey and ginger ale are the perfect pair: the liqueur’s spicy notes meld with the ale’s subtle sweet and bubbly notes. Add a squeeze of lime and a large cube of ice and you’re in business! Get the Crown Manhattan recipe Another great Crown Royal mixed drink? The Manhattan! This classic cocktail dates back to the 1870s. It’s a three-ingredient cocktail, but so much happens in one sip! Vanilla, oak and caramel notes from the Crown, sweet and spicy from the wormwood and bitter and herbaceous from the bitter. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Sweet Red Vermouth, Orange Bitters Get Recipe Crown Gold Rush Last in our Crown Royal cocktails: the Gold Rush! This modern take on the whiskey sour uses honey syrup instead of plain syrup and was invented in New York City in the mid-2000s. The honey gives this cocktail a depth and richness that a simple syrup lacks. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon Juice, Honey Syrup Recipe obtained

About Crown Royal Whisky

Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey created in 1939 in homage to King George VI’s royal voyage to Canada. and Queen Elizabeth was introduced. It was only available in Canada until 1964, and then was introduced in the US in the 1960s. Some people consider Canadian whiskey to be one of the lower tiers of the whiskey world, but it’s very popular and can make for a mean drink.

There are many varieties of Crown Royal whiskey including:

Signature Series: Deluxe, Rye, Black, Blender’s Mash

Deluxe, Rye, Black, Blender’s Mash Master Series: XR, XO, Reserve, Wine Barrel Finish

XR, XO, Reserve, Wine Barrel Finish Flavor Series: Apple, Vanilla, Peach, Salted Caramel

Apple, Vanilla, Peach, Salted Caramel Retired: XR (Red), Honey, Cornerstone, Maple, Texas Mesquite

Clock Clock Icon Cutlery Cutlery Icon Flag Flag Icon Folder Folder Icon Instagram Instagram Icon Pinterest Pinterest Icon Facebook Facebook Icon Print Print Icon Squares Squares Icon Heart Heart Icon Heart Solid Heart Solid Icon Crown Royal Cocktails: Royal Flush & More ★★★★★ 5 from 1 reviews Author: Sonja Overhiser

Sonja Overhiser Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 0 minutes

Total time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1 drink 1 x Print recipe pin Recipe description Got Crown? Here are the best Crown Royal cocktail and mixed drink recipes that bring out the best in this Canadian whiskey. Ingredients Scale 1x 2x 3x 1 oz* peach schnapps

* Peach Schnapps 2 oz Crown Royal Whisky

Crown Royal Whiskey 1 ½ ounces 100% unsweetened cranberry juice

100% unsweetened cranberry juice 1 teaspoon simple syrup (omit if using sweetened cranberry juice)

Simple syrup (omit if using sweetened cranberry juice) Lemonade, if desired

Ice to serve (try clear ice!) Instructions Fill a lowball glass with ice. Add the peach schnapps, Crown Royal, cranberry juice and simple syrup and stir gently. Add a splash of soda water if you like. Serve immediately. Category: Drinking

Method: Stirred

Cuisine: Cocktails

Diet: Vegan Keywords: Crown Royal Cocktails, Crown Royal Drinks, Crown Royal Mixed Drinks

More cocktail recipes

There are so many cocktails to try outside of these orange bitters! Here are 300+ cocktail recipes for every occasion:

What is the top rated whiskey?

The Best Whiskeys Brands to Try Right Now
  1. Henry Mckenna Single Barrel 10-Year. …
  2. Glenfiddich 21 Year Gran Reserva. …
  3. Uncle Nearest 1856. …
  4. SIA Scotch Whisky. …
  5. Redbreast 12-Year. …
  6. Knob Creek Cask Strength Rye. …
  7. The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old. …
  8. Suntory Toki Japanese Whisky.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our site, Rolling Stone may receive an affiliate commission.

There’s never been a better time to be a whiskey lover. The brown schnapps is more popular, more diverse and, above all, tastier than ever. Plus, with the recent explosion of mixology in the US, whiskey is also necessary in every bar for cocktails like a Don Draper-approved old-fashioned, whiskey sours, and Manhattans.

If you’ve been drinking this stuff for years, you’re in a good place. If you’ve just decided to plunge into the world of whiskey for the first time, we envy you. But with so many brands of whiskey available now, it can be difficult to find the best – whether you’re a connoisseur or a newbie. To help you find the best out there, we’ve rounded up some of the brands that whiskey drinkers are talking about right now.

What are the different types of whiskey?

Before trying a new bottle of whiskey, it’s important to remember the main types. Below are eight of the main types of whiskey you should be familiar with.

Bourbon: Bourbon is the go-to choice for many whiskey drinkers as it has a sweet, smoky flavor that can be easily blended neat or old-fashioned. Sometimes referred to as American whiskey, bourbon is based on corn (at least 51% corn to be precise), aged in new charred oak casks and is 80 proof or higher.

Tennessee: Tennessee whiskey is technically bourbon, but Tennessee whiskey distillers may disagree. This is because Tennessee whiskey must be made using a charcoal steeping process called the Lincoln County Process before being aged in the state. This softens the whiskey and creates a smoother taste.

Rye: Rye whiskey is pretty self-explanatory: it must be made primarily from rye. American whiskey uses the same aging process as bourbon in new charred oak casks. It also imparts a spicy flavor that makes it the whiskey of choice for certain cocktails like Manhattans.

Irish Whiskey: Ireland (Republic of Ireland) and Northern Ireland produce Irish Whiskey primarily from barley and malt. The aging process in Ireland takes at least three years (but often longer) in wooden casks and results in a very smooth liqueur.

Scotch Whisky: The Scots make their whiskey (spelled without the “e”) using malted barley or grain, oak casks (often ex-bourbon or ex-sherry casks) and aging for at least three years. The taste of Scotch is often compared to bourbon, but exhibits a distinctly smoky flavor.

Japanese Whisky: Japan only started exporting its whiskey (even without the “e”) to the US in the 21st century. We are very glad they did. Japanese whiskeys have risen thanks to their wonderfully dry, smoky taste. It is made from double-malted or peated barley and uses a distillation process inspired by Scottish whiskey makers.

Canadian Whisky: Typically corn-heavy, Canadian whiskey must be aged for a minimum of three years in casks no larger than 700 litres. This maturation, along with the initial mashing and distillation, must all be done in Canada. Canadians are also allowed to add artificial flavors and colors, but the final product must contain at least 40% ABV.

An important difference between American whiskey and all others is cask age. By law, American whiskey must be aged in new oak casks, while Scotch, Irish whiskey, Japanese whiskey, and Canadian whiskey primarily use aged casks—often casks recently used for American bourbon.

The best whiskey brands to try now

Below are some of the best whiskey brands every budding enthusiast should know about, ranging from classic American whiskeys to new Japanese brands to premium Scotch.

1. Henry McKenna Single Barrel 10 Years

Bourbon doesn’t get much better than this Henry Mckenna Single Barrel. It was named Best in Show Whisky at the 2019 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, which is one of the highest accolades for any brand. In addition, this bottle is only the second bourbon to receive this award.

Henry Mckenna is part of the Kentucky-based Heaven Hill Distillery, known for other award-winning whiskeys such as Elijah Craig Bourbon, Larceny Bourbon and Pikesville Rye Whiskey. This particular bottle of Mckenna comes from a single bourbon cask that has been aged for 10 years, but despite this prestigious figure the whiskey is not at all expensive.

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Buy: Henry Mckenna Single Barrel 10 Years for $65.99

2. Glenfiddich 21 years Gran Reserva

We believe that all whiskey newbies should try a first class bottle whenever possible to get a full picture of what whiskey can be. This Glenfiddich 21 Year Gran Reserva is a great way to do just that. Its maturity has softened the bite, allowing you to fully enjoy the whiskey’s elegant subtleties. The single malt is refined in Caribbean rum casks and gives unique notes of banana, spicy toffee and other fruits.

With the Gran Reserva you will also get to know one of the most important whiskey brands in the world. Glenfiddich has been around since 1887 and is currently the best selling single malt whiskey in the world. The storied brand is a bar staple for whiskey connoisseurs and definitely worth trying if you’re just getting into the spirit.

If you’re a long-time whiskey drinker then you probably know that a 21-year-old bottle of Glenfiddich is one hell of a whiskey, through and through. Save it as a (very) nice gift for fellow whiskey lovers or stash away for special occasions (if you have the self-control).


Buy: Glenfiddich 21 Year Old Gran Reserva for $179.02

3. Uncle Next 1856

Uncle Nearest 1856 has an intriguing story to match its top notch taste. The brand’s namesake, a man named Nathan “Nearest” Green, was the first black master distiller. Born into slavery, Green helped invent modern Tennessee whiskey and passed that knowledge on to a promising student: Jack Daniel.

Uncle Nearest 1856, a black-owned brand, was introduced in 2017 to recognize the importance of green to American spirits. The whiskey is fragrant, floral, fruity and incredibly smooth (thanks to aging for at least eight years) – despite the fact that it’s 100%. It has been well received by the whiskey community with top marks across the board and we have to agree.


Buy: Uncle Nearest 1856 for $59.99

4. SIA Scotch Whiskey

Carin Luna-Ostaseski created SIA Scotch Whiskey for all the Scotch curious out there. The idea was to change the misconception that Scotch is only enjoyed by the “grandfathers” of the world. She’s also one of the first Hispanic women to ever own a brand of Scotch whiskey — a brand that came to fruition through a crowdfunding Kickstarter campaign over two years ago.

The finished product is a beautiful amber/gold colored bottle of Scotch Whiskey with notes of honey, citrus and smoky vanilla. The drink’s subtle flavor is complemented by its smooth yet refreshing finish, making it a great option for new Scotch drinkers.

We recommend trying this option neat or on the rocks first, then experimenting with your favorite Scotch-based cocktails. The SIA Glasgow Mule is our favorite, but the brand’s website also has a whole range of other cocktails to experiment with.

Note: Use code SIPSPIRITS when shopping to receive free shipping on your first bottle of SIA Scotch Whisky.

SIA Scotch Whisky

Buy: SIA Scotch Whiskey for $41

5. Robin 12 years

Whether you’re looking to taste your first serious Irish whiskey or want to branch out, this Redbreast 12-Year is for you. The whiskey is made from a mash of malted and unmalted barley that is triple distilled and aged for 12 years in bourbon-seasoned American oak casks and Oloroso sherry-aged Spanish oak casks. These unique casks give the whiskey a fruity aroma and complex flavor with notes of sherry, fruit and cream.

We’re big fans of the Redbreast distillery because it’s utterly traditional. They are the best selling single pot Irish whiskey in the world and have been producing rich bottles since 1857. As with most quality Irish whiskeys, this stuff should be enjoyed neat or on the rocks. If you want a cocktail, we recommend using a different bottle.

Buy: Redbreast 12 Years for $69.99

6. Knob Creek Cask Strength Rye

This Cask Strength Rye Whiskey from Knob Creek is another winner of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition and was already named “Best Rye Whiskey” in 2018. It’s the first limited-edition rye Knob Creek has released (although we don’t know exactly how limited). Each bottle indicates that it was aged in barrels in 2009. Knob Creek was launched as an upscale brand under Jim Beam in 1994, making it a fairly young label by American whiskey standards. Nonetheless, it has quickly become a favorite of many whiskey lovers, winning bronze at the World Whiskeys Awards in 2019.

Cask Strength means a whiskey that is really, really strong; This bottle has an ABV of 59% ABV. The taste follows suit, bursting with flavors like tropical fruits, citrus oil and peach nectar. The finish is – you guessed it – strong, with rich spiciness and notes of charred oak and honey. Make sure to sip this slowly, or maybe even dilute it with a splash of water to get the full flavor.

Buy: Knob Creek Cask Strength Rye for $72.99

7. The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old

Macallan is a fixture in the high-end whiskey world. They’ve been around since 1824 and they’re still one of the best-selling Scotch brands in the world. In fact, they were one of the first to mass-produce single malt whisky.

We like Macallan’s Sherry Oak 12-Year for two reasons: First, it’s aged in unique Spanish Oloroso sherry-aged oak casks. These casks bring a bit of fruitiness and floral spice to the taste. Second, at 12 years old, it’s a mature, premium Scotch—yet much more available than Macallan’s older bottles (which age up to 72 years and can fetch you up to $10,000).

Macallan makes a Speyside whiskey, meaning it’s distilled in Strathspey, Scotland, which happens to be home to the other two best-selling Scotch whiskeys in the world: Glenfiddich and Glenlivet. Speysides are characterized by a sweeter and fuller flavor that is more accessible to whiskey beginners.

Buy: The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old for $85.99

8. Suntory Toki Japanese Whiskey

Japanese whiskeys have grown rapidly in size and scope over the past several decades, becoming large enough to rival the old types in Europe and US whiskey connoisseurs continued to buy from Japan because of the whiskey’s rich spiciness and spiciness , which is not found elsewhere. Leading the way from Japan is Suntory, a brand with three distilleries in the Chita Peninsula, Yamazaki and the Alps of Japan.

Suntory’s Toki whiskey is their best seller with a very reasonable price and taste that works on its own or in cocktails. The name Toki means ‘time’ and refers to the Toki blend of differently aged whiskeys from each of Suntory’s three distilleries. Tasters have noted Toki’s approachable lightness (making it excellent as an introductory whiskey/whiskies) and aromas of oak, honey and vanilla.

Buy: Suntory Toki Japanese Whiskey for $39.99

9. George Dickel Barrel Select

George Dickel is the second largest whiskey distillery in Tennessee but is far less well known than the largest, Jack Daniels. However, George Dickel is often seen as superior in quality and this Barrel Select is the brand’s best bottle. It is first dipped in charcoal to soften the bite and then aged for at least nine years. Finally, ten casks are hand selected by Nicole Austin, Master Distiller of George Dickel.

The award-winning flavor is characterized by caramel and corn with hints of vanilla, spice and charcoal. These slowly fade away, leaving a satisfying finish of caramel, cinnamon and vanilla. It’s a premium bourbon, so it’s best enjoyed neat with a drop of water, but is also suitable for making enhanced bourbon cocktails.

Buy: George Dickel Barrel Select for $43.99

10. Chicken Cock Kentucky Straight Bourbon

Chicken Cock was originally founded in Paris, Kentucky in 1856. It wasn’t until years later during Prohibition that Chicken Cock became popular as the house whiskey of the Cotton Club, one of the most legendary Prohibition speakeasies. Having survived American Prohibition, the brand still knows how to make whiskey like the good old days.

This bottle of Kentucky Straight Bourbon is overseen by Master Distiller and 40+ year veteran Gregg Snyder. The taste is complex, ending with a smooth finish and has a spicy pepper flavor. At 90 proof there is real heat, so we recommend enjoying this Chicken Cock neat and slow.

Buy: Chicken Cock Kentucky Straight Bourbon for $61.99

11. Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon

Most whiskey distillers experiment with different woods, blends, or aging. Jefferson’s takes this experiment even further with its Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon. After eight years of aging on land, the bourbon is aged for an additional five to 10 months on an OCEARCH shark tagging vessel. This time at sea develops the flavor profile by exposing the bourbon to temperature changes, salty air and the rocking motion of a ship.

The result of this wild aging process is a unique, complex whiskey that everyone should try. The saltiness of the sea air is definitely there, while the additional extraction of wood tannins creates aromas of vanilla, caramel and burnt match.

Buy: Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon for $84.84

12. Paul John Classic Select Cask

After India introduced Scotch in the 19th century, they quickly began making their own. These days India may not be known as a major whiskey producer but they produce spirits worthy of any connoisseur. One of India’s finest whiskeys is Paul John, a premium single malt launched in 2008 to compete in the high-end market.

Paul John’s Classic Select Cask is made using only Indian-grown ingredients in Indian-made equipment. The whiskey is distilled and aged in the tropical region of Goa, increasing the speed of maturation. The end result is a strong, rich liqueur that packs a punch.

Buy: Paul John Classic Select Cask for $91.99

13. Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whiskey

If you prefer a nice whiskey cocktail, you don’t need to bother with a premium bottle to sip and discuss. Instead, opt for a popular classic like Maker’s Mark Bourbon.

Maker’s Mark sets itself apart with a recipe that doesn’t include rye (allegedly because founder Bill Samuels didn’t like rye in his bread). Without rye, Maker’s Maker lets corn, malted barley and red winter wheat do the talking. The taste is less sharp, with more sweetness and citrus.

While Maker’s Mark can easily hold its own on the rocks, it really does look best in a great cocktail. We like the classics (Old Fashioned’s, Boulevardiers, Manhattans, etc.) but also suggest trying lesser-known recipes like Lynchburg Lemonade or Whirl-Y-Gig.

Buy: Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whiskey for $31.50

Is crown a whiskey?

Crown Royal, also known as Seagram’s Crown Royal, is a blended Canadian whisky brand created by Seagram and owned by Diageo since 2000.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Blended Canadian whiskey

For the 2001 album by Run DMC, see Crown Royal (album)

Crown Royal Type Canadian whiskey maker Diageo Country of origin Canada Introduced 1939 (Canada)

1964 (US and other countries) Proof (US) 80 variants Deluxe, Limited Edition, Special Reserve, XO, XR, Black, Maple, Regal Apple, Honey, Northern Harvest Rye, Salted Caramel, Vanilla, Peach Website crownroyal .com

Crown Royal, also known as Seagram’s Crown Royal, is a Canadian blended whiskey brand created by Seagram and owned by Diageo since 2000.[1] Crown Royal is produced in Gimli, Manitoba, while the whiskey is blended and bottled at a facility in Amherstburg, Ontario.

The whiskey was introduced to Canada in 1939 by Samuel Bronfman for the 1939 Royal Tour. The whiskey was only sold in Canada until the 1960s when it was first introduced to international markets. It is the top-selling Canadian whiskey brand in the United States.[2]

Origins [edit]

Crown Royal was founded in 1939 by Seagram President Samuel Bronfman in homage to King George VI’s royal voyage to Canada. and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, the first reigning monarch to Canada, in 1939.[3][4] It was only available in Canada until 1964,[5] and was introduced in the United States in the 1960s.[3]

production [edit]

Manitoba manufacturing facility in Gimli, Ontario Blending and bottling facility in Amherstburg

Crown Royal is made exclusively at the company’s distillery in Gimli on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Crown Royal’s production uses 10,000 bushels a day of rye, corn and barley sourced from Manitoba and surrounding provinces and requires 750,000 imperial gallons (3,400,000 l; 900,000 US gal) of water that is naturally drained through the limestone beneath the lake is filtered. 6]

The whiskey is stored in 1.5 million casks[7] located in 50 warehouses spread over 2 hectares. It is then blended and bottled in Amherstburg, Ontario.[8][9]

Crown Royal was also made in Waterloo, Ontario until the distillery there closed in 1992.[10]

Current products [ edit ]

Crown Royal Peach was introduced in 2019.

Launched in 1939, Crown Royal is the original version of the brand. It was only available in Canada until 1964. Crown Royal comes in a felt-like purple pouch with a drawstring cord with gold tassels.

was introduced in 1939 and is the original version of the brand. It was only available in Canada until 1964. Crown Royal comes in a felt-like purple pouch with a drawstring cord with gold tassels. Introduced in 2010, Crown Royal Black is a darker whiskey with a higher alcohol content (90 proof). Comes in a black felt-like pouch. [11]

was introduced in 2010 and is a darker whiskey with a higher alcohol content (90 proof). Comes in a black felt-like pouch. Crown Royal Reserve was established in 1992. The whiskeys mature longer than the original. [12] Crown Royal Reserve comes in a tan velvet-like pouch with chunky gold drawstrings.

was introduced in 1992. The whiskeys mature longer than the original. Crown Royal Reserve comes in a tan velvet like pouch with chunky gold drawstrings. Crown Royal XR (Extra Rare) was introduced in 2006. Sold in numbered bottles, this limited release was originally made from the last batches of whiskey distilled at the now closed Waterloo, Ontario distillery; It now includes whiskey from the Lasalle, Quebec distillery, also now closed. [13] It received 7¼ and 7¾ from the critics of Whiskey Magazine. [14] [15] The LaSalle-based Crown Royal XR features a blue color scheme to distinguish it from the red scheme of the original Waterloo-based version. [fifteen]

was introduced in 2006. Sold in numbered bottles, this limited release was originally made from the last batches of whiskey distilled at the now-closed Waterloo, Ontario distillery; It now includes whiskey from the Lasalle, Quebec distillery, also now closed. It received 7¼ and 7¾ from critics. The LaSalle-based version features a blue color scheme to distinguish it from the original Waterloo-based version’s red scheme. Crown Royal XO was launched in January 2014. It is a blend of 50 whiskeys that is then aged in cognac casks from France’s Limousin forest. It is packaged in a pouch with gray and gold embroidery accents. [16]

was introduced in January 2014. It is a blend of 50 whiskeys that is then aged in cognac casks from France’s Limousin forest. It is packaged in a pouch with gray and gold embroidery accents. Introduced in May 2015, Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye is packaged in an off-white, felt-like pouch.

was launched in May 2015 and is packaged in an off-white felt-like pouch. Introduced in May 2015, Crown Royal Hand Selected Barrel is a single barrel rye made from the brand’s Coffey Rye Still, the only one of its kind in North America. Select retailers can purchase an entire keg to give to their customers.

Launched in May 2015, is a single barrel rye made from the brand’s Coffey Rye Still, the only one of its kind in North America. Select retailers can purchase an entire keg to give to their customers. Crown Royal Monarch 75th Anniversary Blend was created in 2014 to commemorate the royal visit in 1939 that inspired the brand and was prepared as a gift for the royal family. [17]

was created in 2014 to commemorate the royal visit in 1939 that inspired the brand and was prepared as a gift for the royal family. Crown Royal Regal Apple was launched in November 2014. It’s a mix of Apple-flavored Crown Royal. Sold in a green felt-like pouch.

was introduced in November 2014. It’s a mix of Apple-flavored Crown Royal. Sold in a green felt-like pouch. Crown Royal Vanilla Comes in a tan, felt-like pouch.

Comes in a brown felt-like pouch. Crown Royal Salted Caramel Comes in an orange felt-like pouch.

Comes in an orange felt-like pouch. Introduced in early 2019, Crown Royal Peach comes in a peach colored felt-like pouch. (Limited edition)

Discontinued variations[ edit ]

A bottle of Crown Royal XR (Red) is a discontinued variant of the whiskey

Crown Royal XR (Red) Containing the last batch of aged whiskeys from the legendary Waterloo distillery, the first release Crown Royal XR is a very rare find – it is no longer in production. [18]

Containing the last batch of aged whiskeys from the legendary Waterloo Distillery, the first edition Crown Royal XR is a very rare find – it is no longer in production. Crown Royal Cask No. 16 was introduced in late 2007. It is made from over fifty whiskeys blended and individually aged in 12 year old cognac casks. These barrels were made from oak wood from the Limousin forest in France. The whiskeys have been designed to have a cognac-like finish with notes of rye, grain and fruit. Cask No. 16 comes in a black felt-like pouch embroidered with the logo and the name “CASK No 16”. [19] This mix was discontinued at the end of 2012.

was introduced at the end of 2007. It is made from over fifty whiskeys blended and individually aged in 12 year old cognac casks. These barrels were made from oak wood from the Limousin forest in France. The whiskeys have been designed to have a cognac-like finish with notes of rye, grain and fruit. Cask No. 16 comes in a black felt-like pouch embroidered with the logo and the name “CASK No 16”. This mix was discontinued at the end of 2012. Introduced in 2018, Crown Royal Texas Mesquite comes in a blue, felt-like pouch.

was launched in 2018 and came in a blue felt-like pouch. Crown Royal Honey [20]

Crown Royal Maple finished[21]


Crown Royal’s offerings have generally performed well in international spirits rating competitions. For example, the foundational Canadian whiskey was awarded a string of five gold medals at the San Francisco World Spirits Competitions between 2005 and 2012.[22] The Special Reserve received an Editors Choice Gold Award from Whiskey Magazine and received ratings of 7¾ to 8¾ from three critics.

Jim Murray’s Whiskey Bible named Crown Royal’s Northern Harvest Rye 2016 World Whiskey of the Year.[25]

advertising [edit]

Crown Royal advertises in motor sports, horse shows and horse racing. It sponsored Matt Kenseth’s #17 Ford Fusion from 2010–11, Jamie McMurray’s #26 Ford Fusion from 2006–09, and has sponsored NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races since 2006. From 2004 to 2006 Crown Royal was the title sponsor of the International Race of Champions.

Crown Royal is a sponsor of the Rolex Sports Car Series of the Grand American Road Racing Association. In 2010 it also began sponsoring the #60 Daytona Prototype of Michael Shank Racing in the Rolex Sports Car Series.

The brand was the main sponsor of the Washington International Horse Show for several years in the 1990s and sponsored the Crown Royal American Turf Stakes, a thoroughbred horse race held at Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day, from 1995 to 2008.

Should you add water to whiskey?

If it is a well-produced whisky, it should have little burn. For a whisky bottled at 46-54%, you may like to add a little water. Try the whisky first, and if any burn feels too harsh, add a few drops of water. For a whisky bottled at 55% or higher, you may well want to add some water.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Should you add water to whiskey?

There is no right or wrong answer to that. Adding water to whiskey is a personal choice and depends on your personal taste. But in general: It depends on the alcohol content of your whiskey.

For a whiskey bottled at 40-46% it is unlikely that you will need water. If it’s a well-produced whisky, it should burn little.

For a whiskey bottled at 46-54% feel free to add some water. Taste the whiskey first, and if a burn feels too strong, add a few drops of water.

For a whiskey bottled at 55% or more, you may want to add some water. Taste the whiskey first, and if he doesn’t need it, that’s fine. But at those higher, often cask, strengths, you can enjoy a drop of water.

Is it wrong to add water to whiskeys?

No, there’s nothing wrong with adding water to the whiskey. In fact, most whiskeys on the market already have some water added to them. Controlling the strength of the whiskey helps maximize flavor and enjoyment.

Why do distilleries or bottles sometimes dilute their whiskeys?

Distilleries and bottlers add water for a variety of reasons. They may lower the strength as they believe it will make the whiskey more enjoyable. They may want to price the whiskey at a certain level and by reducing the strength the alcohol tax will also be reduced. Or they may want to produce more bottles of whiskey per cask or batch of casks. Think of it like squash: adding water dilutes the squash but results in more drink.

The technical term for adding water to whiskey is ‘cutting’. You “cut” a whiskey down to your desired strength by adding water.

How much should you use?

An easy way is to taste your whiskey neat without water. Then add a drop or two of water and try again. Repeat this gradual process until your sip is the perfect strength.

What is the best water for whiskey?

You can use the same water you drink every day. Tap water, filtered water, mineral water. If you use the same water you drink every day, you’ll be familiar with its flavors. This will help you ignore those flavors and focus on the whiskey instead.

If you want to use the very best water, then the best spring water is from the area surrounding the distillery. Spring water from the same region as the distillery will have the same mineral profile. It will be a chemical match. So when you add the spring water to the whisky, you preserve as much of the character as possible.

Uisge Source, the drop that makes the sip

Uisge Source has a range of Scottish spring waters developed for whiskies. They source pure, clear spring water from private springs in Scotland’s major whiskey regions. We believe it is the best water to add to whisky. They have water for Highland Whisky, Speyside Whisky and Islay Whisky. Each bottle comes with a dropper so you can add the water drop by drop. And Uisge Source has a presentation set of all three waters; Perfect for you or ideal as a gift.

What is the smoothest sipping whiskey?

Top 15 Smoothest Whiskey You Can Drink Straight
  • George Dickel Bottled In Bond. …
  • Jameson Irish Whiskey. …
  • Knappogue Castle 1995. …
  • Laphroaig 10 Year Old. …
  • Redbreast 12 Year Old. …
  • The GlenDronach Allardice. …
  • Tomintoul 14 Year Old. …
  • Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Last updated on July 14, 2022 by Lydia Martin

Are you a fan of the intense and bold flavors of whiskey, or one of those whiskey drinkers who like to drink it neat? If you answered yes to both, then a smooth whiskey is perfect for you!

But what is the smoothest whiskey? We’re here to help.

The 15 best whiskeys to drink neat

1. Auchentoshan, 21 years old

This single malt whiskey has been triple distilled and aged in American and Spanish sherry casks for over two decades. It is filled with flavors of gooseberry, honey and creamy vanilla.

Auchentoshan’s signature smooth, delicate delight is embodied in this spirit. On the first sip you can taste the taste of light chocolate and green fruits with hints of old oak and candy. Its finish is long lasting with real depth of character.

2. Balvenie 14 year old Caribbean cask

The Balvenie Caribbean Cask is a 14 year old single malt whiskey that has been matured in traditional oak casks. It was then finished in casks previously used for Caribbean rum. The spirit’s flavor, acquired through the aging process, is characterized by rich, creamy and sweet toffee with hints of fresh fruit on the nose.

Also, this spirit features vanilla and sweet oak with fruity notes as you sip forward. You will surely love its smooth and lingering finish – ideal for drinking whiskey neat.

3. Bushmills 21 years old

Bushmills 21-Year-Old is an Irish whiskey aged for a minimum of 19 years in ex-Oloroso sherry casks and ex-bourbon casks. It is then transferred to new Madeira casks for the last two years.

Tasting notes include dark chocolate, nuts, toffee and raisins. Expect sweet, minty, and syrupy pipe tobacco on the finish. However, it can be difficult to get hold of this excellent bottle as it is made in limited numbers.

4. Royal Crown

This classic Canadian whiskey is one of the highly recommended spirits if you are looking for a smooth and more traditional whiskey. It’s versatile and ideal for drinking neat, neat or on the rocks, perfect for cocktails.

On the nose it has caramel and light vanilla notes. It offers an elegant bouquet with undertones of lemon zest and sponge cake. You will love its long finish complemented with spice, toasted oak and chocolate.

5. Glen Moray Elgin Classic

This medium-light gold whiskey has a light, fresh, nutty and fruity nose. On the palate you can perceive the aromas of smooth oak with citrus, lemon sponge, walnut and grist. Then the tangy citrus fruits and the spicy fruitcake linger on the finish.

Our spirits experts recommend adding a drop of plain water to bring out the flavors even more. This drink is perfect for relaxing, like watching a movie or relaxing by the fire.

6. Glenlivet 12 years old

This 12-year-old, double-aged single malt Scotch whiskey from the Glenlivet distillery is aged in American oak casks. It imparts sweet notes and gives it its distinctive flavor. With a mash of malted barley, this single malt whiskey has a rich and creamy palate with a smooth finish.

Its delicate balance of dried apple and pineapple notes makes it a perfect gift for any special occasion or to treat yourself as a daily dram to drink neat.

7. Glenmorangie 18 year old Extremely rare

This 18 year old Scotch whiskey was made from American white oak and Oloroso sherry casks. It has a thick, fruity and creamy taste with the beautiful and elegant bottle making it look prestigious.

The palate is tropical and creamy with hints of caramel, peaches and yogurt that can spice up your whiskey experience. Then its finish shows tangy oak and grapefruit with lots of caramelized dark sugar on top.

8. George Dickel bottled in Bond

George Dickel Bottled in Bond is a Tennessee whiskey perfect for drinking neat. You can expect the many flavors to come from its 11-year aging process. The drink is filtered with maple charcoal and maple syrup, giving it a smooth and creamy taste.

After maturing, it develops a distinct scent that can be identified by the presence of candied pecans. This fruit drink has a distinctive flavor with a combination of cinnamon spice, blood orange and honey.

9. Jameson Irish whiskey

Jameson, a world leader in Irish whiskey, is a traditional pot still and grain spirit aged in American oak casks. You can expect a light floral scent with spicy wood, freshly cut hay and sweet notes when sipping neat.

The taste features a perfect balance of spiciness and nutty notes with hints of sherry, giving it a smooth and versatile taste. Also, you can expect an exceptionally smooth finish with bits of spice and fruit.

10. Knappogue Castle 1995

Distilled at Bushmills Distillery in 1995, this drink is a superb classic Irish single malt whiskey. This whiskey is very aromatic with interesting notes of baked apple, barley sugar, honey and candy. It also features hints of pepper, caramel and oak.

The palate captivates with creamy sweetness with tropical fruits, biscuits, berry compote and malted barley. The medium to short finish has notes of spices and dried fruits.

11. Laphroaig 10 years old

This smooth whiskey from Laphroaig Distillery has aromas of peat smoke and salt. The smoky aroma gives this drink a unique feel with hints of seaweed and sweetness. You will be surprised by its sweetness and its long and persistent finish.

Aged in ex-bourbon casks, it has a distinctive flavor that can be enjoyed neat or with ice. This is an essential choice if you are new to Scotch whisky. The rich flavor and character of this drink make it an ideal choice for both novice and seasoned fans.

12. Robin 12 years old

This best-selling single pot whiskey features the complex flavors of the traditional blend. This drink is aged in a combination of American and European casks, a feast for the eyes. This cask strength whiskey has a high alcohol content which gives intensity to its flavours.

Made from malted and unmalted barley, this drink features a spicy and fruity palate with toasted barley and woody notes. The balance of spice, sweetness and toasty notes results in a silky smooth whiskey with satisfying long, complex flavors that linger in the mouth.

13. The GlenDronach Allardice

If you’re a fan of fruity notes, the GlenDronach Allardice is for you. Aged for 18 years, this Scotch Whiskey has a variety of flavors including pineapple, rum and brown sugar.

Unlike other whiskeys, this drink is not matured in a bourbon cask. Instead, it was aged in Spanish Oloroso sherry casks. This whiskey ensures that the drink has a smooth and creamy consistency.

14. Tomintoul 14 years old

The natural setting and gentle ingredients used in Tomintoul 14 Year Old make it the ideal choice if you are looking for a smooth and gentle experience. This soft and smooth drink has an inviting aroma full of sweetness with hints of orchard fruit and crème brûlée.

On the palate you taste the chopped almonds mixed with Danish cinnamon, citrus oil and oatmeal biscuits. Plus, you’ll enjoy the warming, toasted layers of hazelnuts, mocha and fresh grassy accents on the finish.

15. Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

When it comes to the smoothest whiskeys, no one would forget Woodford Reserve American Whiskey. Woodford Reserve Distillery introduces this unique blend of whiskeys with over 200 different flavors including rich grain, wood, sweet aromas, fruit and floral notes.

The finish is silky smooth, with an initial creamy feel and a lasting warmth as it develops. This bottle’s unique flavor distribution reflects its multiple flavor notes, giving you a unique experience with every sip.

Read: Our Favorite Whiskey Ice Ball Makers

What makes whiskey smooth?

Whiskey can be smooth due to its smooth texture, sweet taste, grains used for distillation and blending process. Even high-proof whiskeys are known to achieve lightness. They have a higher alcohol content in the final distillation stage, resulting in a milder taste. However, expect a strong alcohol content.

Maturation [1] and filtration are also key factors that soften a whiskey. For example, when whiskey is aged in oak casks, it will soften with age.

how to drink it

Choose your whiskey glass

Choose a glass that is not so wide to contain the aroma so you can fully enjoy your whiskey drinking experience. We recommend using Glencairn Crystal whiskey glass as it is perfect for capturing the spirit’s scent.

Swirl the whiskey

After pouring some whiskey into the glass, gently swirl it to avoid spilling it. This will improve the taste of the drink and prevent it from getting too wet.

Don’t add ice

Do not dilute your drink with water or ice if you intend to drink it straight. Instead, use smooth whiskey or whatever type of spirit you’ve chosen.

let it rest

After stirring, allow the drink to sit for a few minutes to allow the flavors to blend and enhance the experience.

Take a sip

Sniff after about 10 minutes. If you can still smell alcohol, that’s normal. Then open your mouth and try to breathe in. You will taste different kinds of fruits and spices.

frequently asked Questions

Which type of whiskey is the smoothest?

Blended whiskey is the smoothest because, like blended scotch, it is made by blending malt whiskey and grain whiskey. The result is a more approachable and smooth spirit that most drinkers will recognize.

What is the smoothest whiskey for beginners?

The smoothest whiskey for beginners is the Auchentoshan 21 Year Old. Its savory taste of fruit, oak and chocolate is perfect for beginners unaccustomed to strong spices.

The central theses

The smoothness of a drink is a perception, not a specific property. That’s how much burning you experience when you consume it. Speaking of smoothness, we recommend Woodford Reserve Straight Bourbon Whiskey alongside Auchentoshan 21 Year Old. Both possess the quality, texture and character that a smooth whiskey should have.

If drinking neat is your forte, then smooth whiskey is the way to go.


What is Crown Royal Good mixed with?

Here’s a classic combination that makes one of the easiest cocktails… ever. Crown Royal and Ginger All! Whisky and ginger ale are the perfect pair: the spicy notes of the liquor meld into the subtle sweet and bubbly notes of the ale.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

received crown? Here are the best Crown Royal cocktail and mixed drink recipes that bring out the best in this Canadian whiskey.

Do you have a bottle of Crown? Of course, you can also sip it neat: This Canadian whiskey tastes best in mixed drinks! Crown Royal’s vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes work perfectly in cocktails of all kinds, from classic cocktails to modern mixed drinks. Start with the Royal Flush, developed in-house by Crown, or opt for the venerable Old Fashioned, which has been mixed for over 200 years. Whatever your taste, we have a Crown Royal drink for you.

And now… the best Crown Royal cocktails & mixed drinks!

Royal Flush Drink A favorite Crown Royal cocktail? Try the Royal Flush! This fun cocktail combines sweet, tart cranberry with vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes from Crown Royal. Add fruity peach schnapps and it’s an intriguing way to sip your whiskey! It’s interesting and sophisticated, not overly sweet. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Cranberry Juice, Peach Schnapps Get Recipe Crown Royal Sour Looking to spice up your standard whiskey sour? Try the Crown Royal Sour! Crown gives this sweet and tart drink notes of vanilla and caramel. This classic cocktail is the perfect way to use this whisky. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon Juice, Simple Syrup Get Recipe Crown Royal Highball Here’s a refreshing way to sip your Crown Royal: the classic whiskey highball! This two-ingredient cocktail originated at the turn of the 20th century and is still popular today. Why? It’s so easy to make: no cocktail shakers or fancy ingredients required! It’s a fascinating way to enjoy the flavors in a sip of whiskey. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, soda water Get the recipe Crown and Coke Do you have a bottle of Crown Royal Whisky? Here’s the easiest way to turn it into a cocktail: Make Crown and Coke! This twist on the popular rum and cola may sound simple, but it tastes even better than the sum of its parts. Cola’s sweet caramel pairs perfectly with Crown Royal with its vanilla, brown sugar and oak notes. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Cola Get recipe Crown Mule Here’s a refreshing Crown Royal Cocktail: Meet the Crown Mule! This version of the classic Moscow Mule is bubbly and light, with a spicy whiskey finish. It couldn’t be easier: you only need to put 3 ingredients in a jar. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Ginger Beer, Lime Get Recipe Crown Smash The whiskey smash dates back to at least the 1880’s! It was listed in a bartender’s guide published in 1887. So you can imagine how people downed this drink in the Victorian era! It’s a fantastic Crown Royal cocktail made with lemon, mint, whiskey and sweetener and served with crushed ice. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon, Mint, Simple Syrup Get Recipe Crown Old Fashioned The Old Fashioned is hardly a cocktail: just slightly sweetened schnapps flavored with bitters. This classic dates back to the early 19th century, before the words classic and cocktail were even said side by side. The recipe is pretty standard, but it’s a new twist made with Crown Royal! Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Sugar, Bitters Get the Crown & Ginger Ale Recipe Here’s a classic combination that makes for one of the easiest cocktails ever. Crown Royal and Ginger All! Whiskey and ginger ale are the perfect pair: the liqueur’s spicy notes meld with the ale’s subtle sweet and bubbly notes. Add a squeeze of lime and a large cube of ice and you’re in business! Get the Crown Manhattan recipe Another great Crown Royal mixed drink? The Manhattan! This classic cocktail dates back to the 1870s. It’s a three-ingredient cocktail, but so much happens in one sip! Vanilla, oak and caramel notes from the Crown, sweet and spicy from the wormwood and bitter and herbaceous from the bitter. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Sweet Red Vermouth, Orange Bitters Get Recipe Crown Gold Rush Last in our Crown Royal cocktails: the Gold Rush! This modern take on the whiskey sour uses honey syrup instead of plain syrup and was invented in New York City in the mid-2000s. The honey gives this cocktail a depth and richness that a simple syrup lacks. Ingredients: Crown Royal Whisky, Lemon Juice, Honey Syrup Recipe obtained

About Crown Royal Whisky

Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey created in 1939 in homage to King George VI’s royal voyage to Canada. and Queen Elizabeth was introduced. It was only available in Canada until 1964, and then was introduced in the US in the 1960s. Some people consider Canadian whiskey to be one of the lower tiers of the whiskey world, but it’s very popular and can make for a mean drink.

There are many varieties of Crown Royal whiskey including:

Signature Series: Deluxe, Rye, Black, Blender’s Mash

Deluxe, Rye, Black, Blender’s Mash Master Series: XR, XO, Reserve, Wine Barrel Finish

XR, XO, Reserve, Wine Barrel Finish Flavor Series: Apple, Vanilla, Peach, Salted Caramel

Apple, Vanilla, Peach, Salted Caramel Retired: XR (Red), Honey, Cornerstone, Maple, Texas Mesquite

Clock Clock Icon Cutlery Cutlery Icon Flag Flag Icon Folder Folder Icon Instagram Instagram Icon Pinterest Pinterest Icon Facebook Facebook Icon Print Print Icon Squares Squares Icon Heart Heart Icon Heart Solid Heart Solid Icon Crown Royal Cocktails: Royal Flush & More ★★★★★ 5 from 1 reviews Author: Sonja Overhiser

Sonja Overhiser Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 0 minutes

Total time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1 drink 1 x Print recipe pin Recipe description Got Crown? Here are the best Crown Royal cocktail and mixed drink recipes that bring out the best in this Canadian whiskey. Ingredients Scale 1x 2x 3x 1 oz* peach schnapps

* Peach Schnapps 2 oz Crown Royal Whisky

Crown Royal Whiskey 1 ½ ounces 100% unsweetened cranberry juice

100% unsweetened cranberry juice 1 teaspoon simple syrup (omit if using sweetened cranberry juice)

Simple syrup (omit if using sweetened cranberry juice) Lemonade, if desired

Ice to serve (try clear ice!) Instructions Fill a lowball glass with ice. Add the peach schnapps, Crown Royal, cranberry juice and simple syrup and stir gently. Add a splash of soda water if you like. Serve immediately. Category: Drinking

Method: Stirred

Cuisine: Cocktails

Diet: Vegan Keywords: Crown Royal Cocktails, Crown Royal Drinks, Crown Royal Mixed Drinks

More cocktail recipes

There are so many cocktails to try outside of these orange bitters! Here are 300+ cocktail recipes for every occasion:

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Date Published: 5/3/2022

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3 Ways to Drink Crown Royal


Is Crown Royal suitable for sipping?

Drew Hawkins1 Community Answer

Absolutely. Crown Royal is a great choice to drink neat. Pour about 59 ml (2 fl oz) or about the height of two fingers into a whiskey glass or short glass tumbler. Take small sips and roll the Crown Royal around in your mouth and try to see what aromas and subtle notes you can discern. As Crown Royal is made by blending different whiskies, there are a number of different flavors that you can try to distinguish. You can also try a few whiskey sniffs to open your taste buds and discover some of the more subtle flavors. They may be difficult to spot at first, but as you drink more Crown Royal you’ll see more of the nuances. Serving cold softens the initial effect and opens up different flavor nuances. So try throwing some ice cubes or whiskey stones into the drink to cool it down.

Crown Royal Whisky on the Rocks

©2020 Diageo / Please drink responsibly / Do not forward to anyone under the legal drinking age.

Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Review

Crown Royal is one of the best selling and most popular whiskey brands in the world. Crown Royal supporters are an extremely brand loyal group and as such make Crown an essential part of any complete bar, whether at home or in a restaurant or tavern.

Once you taste Crown Royal it’s clear why this easy-drinking and filling Canadian whiskey is one of the best-selling whiskey brands in the world.

The Crown Royal style

Crown Royal produces a range of blended whiskeys and each is crafted with the finely tuned skill that has become a hallmark of Canadian whiskey blenders. Creating the same flavor in a single whiskey from over 50 whiskeys that can go into any one of those whiskeys is an art and Crown Royal’s blenders are some of its masters.

Crown Royal Deluxe is Crown Royal’s most commonly available bottle. It is a blend of 50 different full bodied Canadian whiskeys which are then aged until deemed acceptable. Crown Royal has no age statement.

Crown Royal Black and Northern Harvest Rye are two other signature strains of the brand. They also offer a Masters Series that showcases the art of the Master Blender in an even more refined style. And in line with recent trends, Crown Royal also produces an apple and maple flavored whiskey.

It may have great flavor, but the only thing that makes Crown Royal stand out even more is this purple bag. Each bottle is wrapped in a royal purple cloth pouch with a gold rim that laces around the neck of the bottle. You can always spot a Crown Royal fan by the occasional appearance of the purple bag, which contains a valuable stash of random items (they come in very handy!).

flavor notes

Crown Royal shows light vanilla and caramel notes on the nose. There is no alcoholic burn like many whiskeys, instead Crown Royal offers a smooth and elegant bouquet with undertones of pound cake and lemon zest. With a splash of cool water, notes of chocolate and dark fruit begin to emerge.

Crown Royal Whiskey is a medium-bodied whiskey that has enough mouthfeel to be enjoyed neat but is light enough to mix.

A light sherry sweetness appears on the palate, vanilla, caramel, brown sugar and a nice oak note round off the flavor profile before a hint of rye spice moves across the palate. When you enjoy a smooth, sipping whiskey with just the right bite, Crown Royal delivers. Crown is an elegant Canadian whiskey and it’s easy to see why Crown drinkers are such a devoted group.


On the finish, Crown Royal offers a surprisingly long finish with subtle notes of spice, chocolate and toasted oak.

About Crown Royal Canadian Whisky

Overall, Crown Royal is a classic Canadian whiskey and comes highly recommended for anyone looking for a smooth, classic Canadian whisky. This is a whiskey that is perfect for cocktails and can be used in all those whiskey recipes that don’t dictate a specific whiskey style.

Blended Canadian Whiskey made from a blend of 50 individual whiskeys

Produced by Crown Royal

40% alcohol/volume (80 proof)

Visit their website

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